The divine arrow and the deviant sword collide again!A green light competed with the black and red airflow. After all, the green arrow had no stamina, and soon turned into flying ash and disappeared.

But Gilga was also forced to take another ten steps back!

The legendary powerhouses have gathered on the Ark. With the help of the magic circle and cannon of the super battleship, Gilga dare not take risks now!

"Leader, retreat! If you don't retreat, the whole army will be wiped out, and the alliance will have no power to resist!"

The retreating legends staggered and persuaded.

Xilin's face was pale, and his figure trembled slightly. At a glance, countless soldiers were struggling in the sea, and enemy troops of the dynasty were constantly killing these helpless coalition forces!

As soon as he gritted his teeth, he knew that if he didn't leave, he really couldn't leave!

"The whole army retreats!"

The trumpet of failure is blowing!Resounding in the messy Qin Aihai!

Allied soldiers climbed onto the dilapidated battleship in embarrassment, and more were killed by dynasty soldiers, and countless soldiers were buried in the deep sea!

"Long live Gilga, King of Gold!"

"Long live Sumer!"

The Sumerian soldiers held up their spears and cheered. Gilga raised his mouth and also held up his deviant sword. Although his injury at this time cannot be delayed, he must also be immersed in this great victory!

In the 10th year of the Sumerian calendar, King Gilga personally led the soldiers of the dynasty to meet the invading army of millions on the beach of the Aegean Sea.

Hundreds of well-known and legendary powerhouses on the mainland, carrying five artifacts, set up a siege of the Absolute Heaven Formation.

The legendary artifact, the Deviated Sword, was completely released, shaking the sky and shaking the earth, and the sea rolled back!Heaven and earth turned upside down!The coalition forces returned after a major defeat, and no longer have the power to fight against the dynasty!

Chapter 93 Success or failure is a line! (recommended)

"Xilin is like Cao Cao after the Chibi War." Jiang Ping shook his head with emotion.

How domineering was Cao Cao before the Battle of Chibi?Swallowing mountains and rivers with anger is only one step away from unifying China!However, in the end, he encountered the biggest fiasco in his life.

Xilin has also encountered Waterloo, success or failure is just a thin line!Life and death are but a thought!The situation is reversed in an instant!

At this time, on the TV screen, the dilapidated Ark Royal is leading the group of incomplete battleships, driving slowly under the setting sun. There are thousands of ships when they go, and there are not enough ships when they return!

A deep sadness poured into the hearts of all the surviving people. Xilin's face was as pale as white paper, and he could hardly stand up.

Obi on the deck heaved a long sigh. The big victory and the big defeat were only in an instant, and vivid faces still appeared in his mind.

Fortunately, they may only be captured by the Sumerian dynasty, but more of them are either buried in the bottom of the sea or killed by the soldiers of the warring dynasty!

Obi deeply knows that these are real people, not false data!That's why Xilin was hit so hard!

"Are you alright? No one thought that the Deviation Sword in Gilga's hand was so terrifying! This artifact was forged by him himself, but he never expected it to reach the pinnacle of the artifact!" Obi came to comfort him.

Xilin's pale lips moved slightly, "The situation was very good before, but I didn't expect such a disastrous defeat in the end!"

As he spoke, he couldn't help but began to tremble. With so many soldiers buried in the sea, how should he face the expectations of thousands of children?How to face hundreds of thousands of wives who have lost their husbands?

How does he face the folks and elders who are planning to welcome him?

Xilin paused, and continued tremblingly: "I still want to thank you for taking action at the most critical moment, otherwise the legendary powerhouse will fall into Gilga's hands, and the alliance may collapse in an instant!"

Obi said with shame: "I originally wanted to prevent the complete liberation of the Deviation Sword, but I didn't expect Gilga to activate the artifact so quickly. I'm afraid it's because the Deviation Sword was made by him himself, and his mind and heart are perfectly compatible!"

Obi looked at the sea from a distance, and continued: "After this battle, I will leave the courtyard and go to the strange world. I'm afraid this parting will not last for thousands of years, and we won't see each other again!"

Xilin seemed to want to keep him, but his lips moved slightly, but he didn't say anything. This is Obi's way, and he also has his own choice.

Obi turned his head and looked at Xilin solemnly. He looked around and there were no other strong people eavesdropping, only Yanni was behind Xilin.

Obi approached cautiously and said: "After this battle, your reputation will definitely drop, and even the position of leader will no longer exist!

Many city lords are afraid that it will be difficult for you. If it really comes to the point of doom, you should make a plan early and find a remote corner with her to spend the rest of your life in secret! "

These words are all from the heart of Obi, such a big defeat, there must be someone who bears the conviction!

Otherwise, under the anger of the people, who can calm down?

The most important thing is that after this war, the strength of the coalition forces has been greatly damaged. Who can stop Gilga's imperial dominance?Obi could almost see when Sumer's iron hooves broke through the alliance!

He didn't want Xilin to be destroyed by that time!

The arm behind him suddenly tightened, and Yanni became visibly nervous, staring blankly at his sweetheart with a pair of beautiful eyes, fearing that he would never recover from this fall and leave her alone.

Xilin smiled wryly and shook his head: "Obi, you also know that although we players don't belong to this world, our hearts have long been obsessed with this fantasy world.

For me, the Boulder City of the Atrium City-State is my home, and I have made up my mind! "

While speaking, Xilin held Yanni's hand tightly with his right hand, and did not separate for a moment.

Obi let out a long sigh, and instead of persuading him, he entered the cabin with the divine bow on his back, and finally took a look at Xilin.

Yanni was gently hugging Xilin, with his black hair leaning against his arms, "Although I don't know what players you are talking about, I will never leave you."

"Me too"

Looking at the endless blue sea, Xilin murmured.

What Obi didn't expect was that this glance was the last, and the two of them would never meet again in this lifetime!

"Did the first battle between the player and the native creatures of the world end in the player's complete defeat?"

Jiang Ping got up and moved his lower body. Gilga is indeed the protagonist of the atrium, just like a hero sung in an epic ballad, but do players really have no advantage and chance of winning?

Backed by the power and millennium of an entire earth, can it really not compete with the protagonists of the world?In Jiang Ping's eyes, things are not absolute.

The great road is fifty, the sky is four and nine, and people are one of them.

It should be noted that in the first original world, I had high hopes for the human race and personally helped it, but in the end I was completely destroyed by the devouring ants that protruded from different peaks!

What strange changes will happen in the small world, sometimes even Jiang Ping, the creator, can't see through it.

In Jiang Ping's eyes, Xilin's defeat this time was because he still didn't fully understand deep down in his heart. In this world where personal power is paramount, sometimes a strong person will have amazing power.

Let you have thousands of troops, thousands of giant ships and cannons, and I will break them with one sword!

This is a completely different law from the one on Earth. If Xilin is really afraid of Gilga's personal force, with the help of many netizens on the forum, he may find a way to attract external forces, such as dragons, elves, and even giants!

Jiang Ping could see through it, but on the forum, many netizens didn't understand. They didn't know that the arrangement was so good, the situation was good at the beginning, and they would lose so badly in the end?

"Voted, voted, he is the protagonist of the story, and the whole world is helping him, how did the player win this kind of npc?"

Some netizens were discouraged, and directly said that the vote was fine, and he blamed the failure on the illusory luck.

After a heated discussion, someone speculated: "I think that although we have paid enough attention to Gilga's personal force, it is obvious that we still don't know the laws of this fantasy world!"

Obi stood up and spoke: Yes, in the atrium world or all fantasy worlds, the most fundamental law of war is different from that of the earth!This is a world where personal force is paramount!

One person is enough to form an army!One person is enough to defeat the country!

Seeing this big guy come out to draw conclusions, the keyboard warriors are not talking freely, he has personally experienced the war, no one has more right to speak than him!

Salted fish: Boss Obi, the two arrows you shot are so handsome!Seriously injure Gilga with one blow, and push back with one blow!

Successfully rescued the legendary strongman, you don't know that the legends of you are spreading in the major city-states of the atrium, and you have been called the number one archer of mankind!

As soon as Xianyu said it, other netizens became even more noisy, and people kept flattering them. Even if there was an occasional lemon essence or two, they were drowned in the endless praise.

In this battle, apart from the most shocking artifact, the Deviation Sword, was Obi's astounding archery. His performance made Gilga look sideways!

Obi, this is the real thing!I don't know how to shoot thousands of arrows behind my back, so I have today's proficient archery skills!

Obie: Really?Now I'm already known as the Zhongting Terran?Laughing, but I've never heard a bard recite my story.

I'm still on my way, there are fewer and fewer human beings, but there are more and more wonderful races.

After seeing Obi's speech, everyone understood that this boss is going to the strange world!

Chapter 94 The Confused Gilga

Fantastic pictures were sent out by Obi. Netizens saw the colorful forest, and occasionally there were one or two cute little fairies who flapped their transparent wings and peeked behind the green trees.

There are also small insects that emit different fluorescent lights flying all over the sky. The grass is colorful, energetic and colorful.Dreamlike scenes appeared in front of everyone's eyes one by one.

Many netizens marveled at the beauty of this forest. This is a world like a fairy tale. Every screenshot can be used as a computer desktop.

But Obi reminded that the more beautiful things are, the more dangerous they are. In this forest, there are countless ancient trees with strange vines. If you accidentally step on an ancient vine, you may die!

"This is the fantasy forest in my imagination! It's completely the fairy tale world in my heart! Why didn't I play this game! Fan face expression"

"It's completely different from Tianjiao's screen capture style. His world is always pitch black, and it's dirty to death if you look at it in gray!"

Everyone was full of admiration, Obi's picture was too fanciful for everyone!The previous generation of Tianjiao also posted pictures outside the atrium world.

Except for the amazing branches of the world tree like a heavenly road, the other buildings are huge and rough, and after the dwarves, let alone beautiful beauties, they are all dwarf aunts who are as thick as buckets!

Sloppy and dirty are the themes of the pictures posted by Tianjiao.

Generation Tianjiao: Who is speaking ill of me again?

Talk about Cao Cao, and Cao Cao will be there. Even if Ning Tianjiao ran to the edge of the giant kingdom, he would still log in to the forum all the time to check the situation in the atrium.

When Tianjiao appeared, netizens laughed one after another, and the forum was filled with joy for a while.

"Boss Tianjiao, you see that Obi has already become famous all over the world and has become the number one archer of the human race, and everyone else has achieved their own achievements.

Not to mention anything else, at least their legends are spread on the mainland, and even an outstanding person like Xilin can leave a heavy mark in the history books. It seems that you are the only one who has not made a name for yourself now, right? "

Everyone laughed and said that among the players who are still alive, Tianjiao is the worst. Everyone thinks that he is not in the atrium world. It is stupid to waste such a long time in the early stage and spend so much energy to rush to the giant country.

Several other players were also bubbling, curious about what achievements this companion had made after traveling to the giant kingdom for so long.

However, after holding back for a long time, a generation of Tianjiao said that he didn't see any giants at all, and he has been digging coal and iron in the dwarf tribe!



Everyone laughed, and even some netizens blatantly said that it was a mistake to let him enter this world. If the producer had chosen him, he would have smashed the giants and entered the God Realm.

Jiang Ping was also peeking at the screen in front of the computer, watching such outrageous words, hehe.

Do you really think that Tianjiao didn't make a name for himself?

Jiang Ping took the time to look at it, Ning Tianjiao is not too prosperous in the dwarves now.

Jiang Ping reckoned that if he digitalized the world, Ning Tianjiao would have brought the dwarves' prestige close to worship.

As an alien, he is now the leader of a small tribe, controlling more than 1000 dwarves, and his name even appears in the dwarf patriarchal council from time to time.

A piece of strange machinery that combines the essence of the two worlds was created by him. Jiang Ping felt that he made the right choice. Ning Tianjiao was still farming in the early stage!

On the forum, everyone was discussing this great war, and everyone expressed their opinions, and finally reached a conclusion. It is still too underestimated the impact of personal force on the battle situation!

Secretly, many national-level forces are also spying on the screen, and they are also surprised that this world where personal force is paramount is too scary. Cannons and nuclear bombs are powerful, and they have to hit the target!For such a highly mobile individual powerhouse, some people expressed a little concern.

Not afraid of [-], just in case, if the people in the game ran to the earth to do wild things, what would happen?

Regardless of the situation on Earth, in the atrium world, the First World War between the Allied Forces and the Sumerian Dynasty had a far-reaching impact, Xilin was dismissed, there was chaos at the alliance meeting, and every city lord or highest consul was red-faced.

Some want to surrender, some want to shrink the sphere of influence, and after they have cultivated their strengths, they will resist the threat of the Sumerian dynasty.

"Everyone, the defeat of our army the day before yesterday was not the leader's fault! Who would have thought that the Deviant Sword in Gilga's hand is so terrifying!" A general couldn't help but defend Xilin.

He is Walker, who was Xilin's right-hand man before, and he was responsible for commanding the navy. He has a high prestige in the city-state alliance and is a true veteran of many battles.

However, the voice of arguing this point was quickly drowned out by louder discussions.

Looking at this scene, Xilin shook his head. Walker still wanted to keep him, but Xilin insisted on taking Yanni away from the power center.

Although Xilin bears the responsibility for this big defeat, he actually still has the capital and the opportunity to regain control of the supreme power.

When Yanni asked him inexplicably, Xilin replied: "People's hearts are scattered, and the team is not easy to lead!"

Xilin took Yanni back to the original starting point, and the people of Boulder City welcomed the return of the wise man happily

In the endless distance, a tall and straight young man is carrying a bow and arrow, like the most sensitive leopard, constantly shuttling through the dangerous forest.

On the other side of Qin Aihai, in the magnificent and huge palace, Gilga is staring at the Deviation Sword, and various healing products are constantly being shipped from all over the world.

Gilga was also seriously injured in the previous battle, and he is also healing these days, but although he is not in the city-state, there are legends about him in the city-state.

In the battle of Qin Aihai, Gilga, the king of gold, resounded throughout the atrium world. Not only the human race, but also other races were curious about this strong man. The most shocking thing was naturally the artifact in his hand, the Deviation Sword!

Artifacts are also divided into three, six, and nine grades. Obviously, the Deviation Sword belongs to the strongest row, and some people even think that it is comparable to the supreme scepter in the hands of the king of gods!

The God-King Certificate is the king of artifacts that God-King Yuer collects the most precious metals and substances in the world, and even incorporates part of the essence of the ancestor gods and ancestor giants, engraved with innumerable supreme god patterns.

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