Xilin stood on the Royal Ark, looking directly at the protagonist of the atrium!

Now he was only a mile away from Gilga!

Two kings are looking at each other, one on land and one on sea.

"Now our coalition forces have also landed on this continent, your soldiers are exhausted and can no longer hold back the millions of coalition troops!" Fleur shouted sharply.

At this time, a group of elite soldiers had already gone into the sea and began to confront the Sumerian army. Although the heroism of the dynasty soldiers exceeded the expectations of the coalition generals, it still could not change the situation of the battle!

There are countless elite fighters fully armed, pouring out from the warships, as if to fill up this coastline!

"Hahaha!" There was another burst of characteristic manic laughter.

At this moment, not only the coalition troops were surprised, but Jiang Ping was also surprised, "This kid must have a brain hole, why is he laughing wildly at every turn, just like the crazy eight gods."

Xilin frowned, "Gilga, what are you laughing at?"

"This king laughs at your short-sightedness!"

Although Gilga at this time was not as brilliant as before, his aura of king made everyone dare not underestimate him.

Holding the Deviation Sword, he pointed at Xilin in the air, "With me here, the Sumerian Dynasty will never perish!"

Xilin frowned, the overall situation was settled, and Gilga dared to speak wild words!


At this time, tens of thousands of giant ships have already approached the coast by riding the wind and waves, and tens of thousands of powerful warriors have begun to cross the sea forcibly, and the Sumerian soldiers are powerless to stop them!

And he himself was seriously injured by the Hundred Saints!

Although it's a pity not to get rid of Gilga, but the current results have satisfied Xilin!

Gilga stood on the beach of Qin'ai Sea, behind were tired and seriously injured dynasty soldiers, in front of him was a steady stream of enemy troops, and there were even giant monsters approaching quickly.

Under the giant ship, heavily armed soldiers continued to come down, ready to storm the coast.

Whoa, whoa! !

A fishy and salty sea breeze rolled up the waves.


The waves beat against the territory of the Sumerian Dynasty. Under the gaze of millions of people, Gilga clenched the Deviation Sword in his right hand and roared to the sky:

"The stage suitable for you has appeared, completely liberate, Bizarre Sword!!!"

All of a sudden!All three blades of the Deviation Sword in Gilga's hand disappeared!The red magic pattern recorded in billions of levels covers the sky and the earth!Earth and Sea!

The whole vast sea of ​​Qin Ai turned into a world wrapped in countless mysterious red lines, and strands of laws revealed the world!The rules of the world have changed at this moment!

"Oops, stop him!" Xilin yelled with a changed face!

Although he didn't know what it would be like to completely liberate the Deviant Sword, he would rather not see this scene in his whole life!


The faces of a hundred legendary powerhouses changed drastically, and they quickly chanted the forbidden spell, and they all rushed to the golden king in front of them together!


Obi stood on the top of the deck of the Royal Ark, clattering!

The green jade meteor bow was completely released, and a phantom of a green tree of life appeared behind him!

A green magic arrow that seemed to be made of fresh green branches appeared between his index fingers almost instantly.

Will draw the eagle bow like a full moon!

In just a short moment, he will shoot the strongest arrow!With the divine power left by the elf goddess, Gilga has to retreat too!

However, at this moment, what resounded throughout the chaotic battlefield was a chant at the speed of light!

"Best wishes to Rahil, mother of all things!

What splits this world is my sword of deviation

The vortex that revolves around the stars interweaves everything

Be completely free! !

Heaven and earth leave Pi Zhi Xing obediently! ! "

Chapter 92 The world is reversed!

Crashed! !

Endless red law patterns enveloped the entire Qin Aihai!Hurricanes roll up thousands of waves!

A series of black space cracks with a height of hundreds of meters appeared in the chaotic battlefield!


The boundless Qin Aihai is violent, and the super battleship, which is bigger and harder than the real aircraft carrier, is trembling and shaking!

It seems that it is not the sea surface that is shaking, but the whole world is trembling!

A super typhoon roars like a Tyrannosaurus!The thousand-jun sea water was swept up by the tornado, forming pillars of water linking the sky and the earth!

coax! !

The huge waves rolled in the sky, and the tens of thousands of giant ships turned out to be like small rafts at this time, and they might be submerged by sea water at any time!

The huge waves rolled back, and in the horrified eyes of the coalition soldiers, the sky no longer existed!But the endless blue water!

collapse! ! !

The terrifying huge wave finally fell, as if the ancient gods had sent down the punishment from heaven, the 20-ton super ship was instantly hit by this huge force and sank directly into the abyss of the seabed!

The magic pattern that flashed across the surface of the invincible battleship from time to time actually disintegrated at the moment of contact!

Heaven and earth turned upside down!The sea turns upside down!

Thousands of giant ships fell silent, and a full 30 soldiers were turned into flesh in the instant of collision!The atrium world seemed to tremble!

"No, it's impossible!"

Xilin retreated tremblingly to the dilapidated Ark Royal.

After all, the Royal Ark is the flagship, and the materials used are all at the top of the atrium, and the inscribed complex magic circle was jointly drawn by legendary powerhouses, but even so, it suffered heavy losses!

The pole of the boat was broken, and the magic circle was wiped out eighty-nine times, and he was no longer as brave as before!

Even the flagship is like this, and other warships are even more miserable!

The slightly smaller warships are already full of soldiers and are silent on the bottom of the sea forever, and more steel warships are turning over at this time, and are slowly being swallowed by the sea!

The elite soldiers who were trying to force a landing before were wiped out in an instant, and the millions of coalition forces were wailing and screaming on the sea like dumplings!

The wreckage of the huge black ship, the blood-burning seriously injured soldiers, and countless dead bodies emerging from the bottom of the sea from time to time, dotted the blue Qin Ai Sea!Coastlines are polluted!

"Why, how could there be such a powerful artifact? I'm afraid it is comparable to the authority of a god king. This, this is the king of artifacts!"

A legend emerged from the bottom of the sea and said tremblingly.

The completely liberated eccentric sword is beyond everyone's imagination!The coalition forces are not without artifacts, but they are almost useless compared to it!

In the distance, Xianyu was also stunned. He didn't expect the situation to change so quickly!

On the forum, when netizens saw the picture posted by Xianyu, they were silent and stupid.

Knowing that Gilga is not easy to deal with, he summoned a hundred legends to form a great formation.

But after the life-and-death battle with the legendary powerhouses, Gilga still has such supernatural power, which really scared everyone!

"Hiss! This power is like opening up the world! I'm afraid the super gods or god-level forbidden spells of the gods are nothing more than that!"

"I just went through the promotional video of World Tree again, Gilga's blow is enough to step into the god-level realm!

He is just a legend now!At least two levels away from the gods!Even if it's the protagonist, it doesn't have to be so powerful! "

Netizens marveled at Gilga's power, and at the same time felt the horror of the Deviant Sword!

It is also an artifact, but the five pieces in the hands of the coalition forces are simply not comparable to it!

In addition, it was forged by him himself, which is very suitable for Gilga!Unleash [-]% of divine power!

"Not bad", Jiang Ping took a sip of the black happy water on the goblet, and nodded while looking at the King of Heroes on the TV screen.

On the coastline of Qinai, the soldiers of the dynasty shouted frantically.



King of humans!

King of the Atrium!

Tens of thousands of dynasty legions even began to kill and massacre the coalition forces that fell into the water!Beat the dog in the water!

Gilga's handsome face was a little pale. He glanced at the shocked legendary powerhouses around him and said with a smile:

"Use this blow as a farewell ceremony!"

boom! !

The black and red deviant sword in his hand started to spin rapidly again, and he was able to launch a blow!

He wants to kill these [-] legends with one blow, so the alliance has no strength left, no foundation to contend with him!

Strips of black and red air flowed towards the Deviation Sword, and the faces of a hundred legends changed drastically, and they worked together to bloom the field. However, in the previous confrontation with the Deviation Sword, the five artifacts were no longer sluggish, and no divine light bloomed anymore!


Gilga showed a ferocious face, shouted violently, and stabbed the hundred legends directly with the deviant sword!

The legendary powerhouses exploded in domains, colorful law stripes emerged, and magic talismans flew all over the sky, trying to resist the blow of the Deviant Sword!


The golden legendary shields cast by the legendary powerhouses were shattered into pieces and annihilated almost at the moment of collision!

The legends vomited blood one by one, and the strongest ones in front were pierced by black and red sword energy, instantly destroying all vitality!

In an instant, more than 20 legends fell!

The muscles in Gilga's arms swelled, and the veins on his handsome face were throbbing. Obviously, he was not as relaxed as he appeared on the surface!

"Fall down!"

Gilga drank again, trying to ruin all the legendary powerhouses!

This opportunity is once in a lifetime, if successful, the capture of the alliance is just around the corner!

However, at this time, Gilga's spiritual consciousness suddenly warned!He glanced out of the corner of his eyes, and a smear of green in the distance is coming at a very fast speed!

Gilga didn't have time to return to the defense, hey! !

A green arrow made of a green branch instantly pierced the golden armor!


Gilga turned his right hand over, and the deviant sword was deeply inserted into the ground, and his legs exerted divine power in an attempt to resist the force of the divine arrow.

But even so, Gilga was still forced to retreat more than ten meters!There are three plowed ditches on the coastline!


Gilga couldn't help spitting out a mouthful of half-gold and half-red blood. At this time, the green arrow was already stuck in his chest!

A strange divine power containing powerful vitality is constantly shuttling through his body, trying to destroy his vitality!

Gilga pulled out the green arrow with his left hand, and a streak of half-golden blood burst out from his chest in an instant. The moment the green arrow was pulled out, the green color had already dissipated, and the entire arrow instantly turned into fly ash and annihilated, but the divine power was still produced in Gilga's body. destroy!

Gilga's golden pupils looked at the Royal Ark, and saw a tall and straight young man on the Ark, drawing his bow and shooting again!

"There are still such sharp archers in the coalition army!" Gilga said solemnly.

Taking advantage of the blow just now, the legendary powerhouses had already fled to the sea, trying to board the Ark, and Gilga just wanted to pursue them.

Another green light pierced the sky, "Hmph!" Gilga frowned and cursed angrily.

He stopped chasing and stood still, the Deviation Sword spun extremely fast, Gilga bent down and hit hard, and slashed the Deviation Sword fiercely!


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