In fact, the Sumerian Dynasty did not have a navy, but the problem is that Gilga fully developed the army, and the two or three broken fishing boats in the navy were far from even tickling the behemoths of the coalition forces.

Even without wasting a lot of money to build magic shells, the "fishing boat" would have to run away quickly, lest it be hit and disintegrated.


A powerful griffin soared in the sky, sending out magical attacks from time to time. The most terrifying thing was a dive. With the help of height and mass, the steel battleship often shook violently.

I don't know how many soldiers were caught by the griffins, thrown down from high altitude, and turned into human flesh shells and hit their companions!

Aobi withdrew his gaze, raised his eyebrows, and took out the Green Jade Meteor Bow, intending to teach this evil beast a lesson!

Unexpectedly, Xilin stopped him with a wave of his hand, "Why do you do it yourself, you help me watch more of the legendary battlefield."

An uncle in his thirties and forties walked out of the cabin of the Royal Ark. He grinned, "Little Griffin, I have dealt with it too much!"

He bent down to hold a 3-meter javelin, his whole body was arched and ready to go, and his eagle eyes were fixed on the griffin soaring in the air.

"Control the magic cannon." Xilin turned around and waved his hands.

The legendary griffin in the sky soared for a while, and seeing another opportunity to take advantage of it, a pair of huge eagle wings suddenly spread, and the entire huge body turned into a yellow meteorite and fell onto the battleship deck below!

Just at this moment, when the Griffin was about to use its eagle claws to become a captain again, a silver streamer instantly killed the Griffin.


As expected of a legendary beast, the griffin braked suddenly, its huge body turned upside down, and countless feathers were startled flying by the javelin.

Before the griffin could react, collapse!A cannon blast followed!

The entire body of the griffin was sent flying more than ten meters by the huge shell, and fell into the sea with a plop, and then flew out slowly dripping sea water.

But after this time, the griffin no longer dared to attack on its own. It flew in the sky, looking at the warship below with fear.

"When the griffin decided to dive just now, you made a move!" Obi exclaimed.

The moment the Griffin decided to dive and stagnate, this master had already shot!

Otherwise, with his holy rank, it would be impossible to resist the griffin's quick attack. This comes from experience!

The flexibility of the Griffin in the air is far superior to other legendary powerhouses. Although the other Lion King has amazing power, he was led by a top saint with almost a condensed domain to fight and besiege.

The odds of victory in the battlefield gradually belonged to the coalition forces. On the forum, other netizens speculated whether the Baishengjuetian Formation could kill Gilga!

If successful, the Kingdom of Sumer will be taken today, and Xilin will become the first king of the atrium to rule all mankind!

"Now I can't see the most important legendary battlefield, so tangled! Why don't you take the risk to sneak into that alien space, and show us a live broadcast!"

Some netizens couldn't hold back their curiosity and began to come up with bad ideas, and even said they would give salted fish a reward.

Xianyu sneered, he is a well-known tycoon in the atrium, I don't know how many holy ranks, legends, and even stronger existences are fans of his books, how could he take risks to satisfy the curiosity of netizens? !

The son of a daughter can't sit still!Xianyu satirized this netizen.

Many netizens were outraged:

"Well, you dude, you only gained a great reputation in another world because of the accumulated accumulation of occupying the earth. How dare you be so arrogant now?"

In the live post, another online war started.

Jiang Ping lay on the sofa, watching the legendary battle on TV, feeling:

"The Hundred Saints Formation is really good. Xilin should have provided a lot of ideas, which greatly increased the strength of the legends. But until now, Gilga has not shown his true skills. How can the protagonist of the world only have such a little means?"

At this moment, in the alien space, there are colorful colors, hundreds of different law energies are circulating in the space, and legendary powerhouses emerge one after another.

There are also five strongest legends, armed with artifacts, putting tremendous pressure on Gilga.


With the help of the great array of divine power, a snow-white saber energy seems to cut through the world!He slashed at Gilga!

Gilga let out a cold snort, and the Deviant Sword sent out bursts of hurricanes, causing ripples in the space!

With a horizontal cut, the huge space blade annihilates the sword energy, and even has the remaining power to attack other strong men.

However, a bright stream of light struck from behind in an instant, leaving a tiny blood hole in Gilga's body!


Dazzling lightning bolts slashed towards Gilga at the speed of light, and a 15-meter-thick flaming giant spit out snake letters, entwining the King of Gold impatiently.

The darkness behind Gilga's back is even deeper, and a ghost seems to crawl out of it and attack Gilga

Two fists are hard to beat four hands, not to mention that these one hundred legends are ten times stronger with the help of a large formation!

Gilga's battle has so far convinced these legendary powerhouses who think highly of themselves, he seems to be a born god of war!

The same power can exert its greatest power in his hands!

"The game should be over." Gilga calmly said after finally panting.

"Don't you have any killing moves yet?"

The other legendary powerhouses looked at Gilga with apprehension. Although Gilga had been suppressed just now, they didn't think that Gilga didn't have a killer move!


Gilga snorted coldly, and suddenly held up the Deviant Sword, "It's really amazing that the alliance has opened up a legendary road. You can create a unique domain, so what about this king!"


Fuya suddenly spoke loudly, and the other powerhouses changed their colors, so they must be stopped before Gilga completely releases the domain!

Although they don't know how amazing Gilga's domain is, everyone present doesn't want to see it!

The law of the hundred ways appeared, and the legends seemed to have cast their magic on the sky and the earth, and the tall figures surrounded the golden king in the center.

Circles of halos of different colors are constantly entwining Gilga, which is the condensed form of their domain!

There are a hundred halos around Gilga like the locks of the sky, locking space, energy, and laws!


Infinite golden light gushed out from Gilga's body, dyeing this alien space into brilliant gold in an instant!

This is a hundred legends united to form the Heavenly Formation together!Now it feels like Gilga has been deprived of space authority!

"Appear! God Killing King Domain!!"

Gilga suddenly raised the Deviation Sword, raised his head and roared angrily!


In an instant, the halo formed by the Baidao domain was instantly shattered, turning into pieces and disappearing into the space!

The eyes of a hundred legends were filled with brilliant golden color, and a wave of golden color enveloped the space, and the whole world turned into a golden kingdom in this instant!

Chapter 91 The Deviation of Heaven and Earth · Pioneering Star! !

"Hundred Saints Destroy the Heavens!"

Hundreds of legendary powerhouses roared at the same time, and the entire magic formation was running to the limit!Hundreds of legendary realms with different attributes and different laws are connected in series!

The entire alien space is divided into two colors!

One is the kingdom of gold, and the other is the colorful world!

There was a sizzling sound of collision at the junction of the two, and black space cracks appeared in the center of the world!

call out!

Countless golden rays of light converged into magical weapons, and hundreds of golden weapons appeared behind Gilga in an instant!

"This is?" a legend said in shock.

"That's right, he fused artifact-level substances into the domain! He was able to materialize the domain! He accomplished what we failed to do!" Fuya couldn't hide her shock.

"Now, who has the upper hand?" Gilga raised the corner of his mouth and waved the Deviation Sword with his right hand.



Hundreds of golden magic weapons turned into golden streamers and crashed into the colorful world, and the solid space synthesized by a hundred domains couldn't stop it at all!

Hundreds of circular fields appeared in the colorful world in an instant, fire dragons, rays of light, lightning, ice flowers, and various visions appeared to block them, and the legendary powerhouses were forced out of their real bodies by Gilga!


Not only that, while the golden warriors were constantly attacking each other, countless golden streamers spewed out from the golden world to amplify the Deviation Sword, and the three blades of the Deviation Sword rotated faster and faster!The black cracks are getting bigger and bigger!

Kaka! !

This alien space made a sound of being overwhelmed, and the space was about to collapse!

Gilga's body was slightly bent, in a sprinting posture, and both hands were holding the faster and faster deviation sword, bang bang bang!Streams of black air flow emanated from the Deviant Sword, like destructive black dragons!

With the full power of the God Killing King Domain, the Deviant Sword is finally about to reveal its divine power!

Hundreds of legends know the outcome in one fell swoop, each face is extremely solemn, billions of brilliance flashed across the colorful world, and the radiant light rain continued to spread. The legendary powerhouses shot with all their strength, and continuously poured huge magic power into the five artifacts!

The laws of Taoism are entwined in the magic knife, magic sword, magic gun, magic wand, and star ring!


Gilga yelled violently, and disappeared from the Golden Kingdom!Hoo hoo!The deviant sword in his hand kept making the sound of cutting space!A huge black stream pierces towards hundreds of legends like destroying the ground!

A bright broadsword slashed straight down, a sharp spear turned into a silver dragon roaring and sprinting, the ruby ​​on the magic wand kept shining, and a huge meteor was about to destroy the earth


Like a meteorite crashing into a planet, this alien space was instantly turned into space fragments by this huge impact!The legendary figure can be seen again on Qin Aihai's battlefield!

The turbulent flow of the black space swirled towards the legendary powerhouses, and they were barely able to resist them with the help of divine weapons.



The legends were listless and couldn't help vomiting blood. They were all injured by the blow just now!

call out!

The five artifacts screamed and turned into streamers and returned to the owner. At this time, their brilliance was extremely dim, and it would take at least decades of cultivation to recover!

On the other side, Gilga, the king of gold, is now relaxed before the battle. It was originally a brilliant golden shirt. At this time, it is full of holes, and various powerful attacks such as fire and electric chop have left scars on it!

A trace of half-gold and half-red blood flowed from the corner of Gilga's mouth, and he was also shocked by the artifact!


A lion's roar came from beside him, and Gilga glanced at it. The Lion King flew over quickly, and the golden pupil looked at Gilga worriedly.

"It's okay!" Gilga comforted calmly.

The legendary griffin above is also constantly hovering, defending against those who are trying to attack Gilga.

Gilga glanced at it, and saw that the battlefield was in a mess at this time, and his powerful dynasty army was blown up by magic shells.

Large craters appeared on the coastline of the Qin Ai Sea, and the front fleet was clearly visible, and they were constantly approaching with the wind and waves.

Gilga frowned, the Sumerian army was beaten like this in a short period of time?

He underestimated the coalition forces!Look down on Xilin!

"Look! Gilga has appeared!" a netizen shouted on the forum.

All of a sudden, netizens who were paddling in other places gathered again, so crowded that the live post was about to explode.

"Tsk tsk, looking at the situation of the two parties, it seems that they both died together? Both sides will suffer?"

"Gilga doesn't seem to have suffered any serious injuries, but there are many wounds on his body. It is estimated that he was continuously abused by a hundred legends in the magic circle!"

"Upstairs, why are you slandering my male god? Do you look down on the local tyrant Jin? Didn't you see that a hundred legends are sluggish, like eggplants that have been shattered! Just look at it and have no strength to fight!"

There are more live broadcasts, and Gilga naturally has gained a lot of fans on the earth. After all, he looks handsome and handsome, and his body fully reflects male fitness.

In the real world, there would never be such a handsome man, and he was even more dazzling when he was dressed in gold. There were even many rotten women who drew Gilga x Xilin's book.

There are also unscrupulous merchants who occupy the game producers and will not trouble them, buying and selling fan works.

There are even different series, such as the prehistoric series and the World Tree series. It is foreseeable that in the distant future, this gray industry will become bigger and bigger. Jiang Ping even considered whether to take action to warn these unscrupulous merchants.

On the forum, netizens lamented Gilga's reappearance. In the atrium world, warriors looked at the King of Gold.

"Gilga, you lost this time!"

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