Deviation Sword is completely liberated!

The robbery clouds in the sky dissipated in an instant, and the three blades of the Deviant Sword disappeared, and the sky was covered with endless law lines, which were the laws of analyzing the world!

Gilga laughed wildly. He broke through the limit, and his magic power continued to impact, and he stepped into a new world. He called it:


The sky in the atrium world was dark, as if God was angry.

Players are still depressed about what happened again. Since it went online, a system announcement that has never been reminded has appeared.

"A new era is coming. Gilga, the hero king of the atrium, casts the strongest artifact, the Deviant Sword, breaks through the limit, steps into the realm of legend, and officially begins to rule the entire atrium. He wants to raise the sword of rebellion to the gods!"

The players were dumbfounded, they didn't expect that a protagonist of heaven and earth would really appear, and after reading the introduction, they suddenly jumped, it was not something they could solve at all!

There was a lot of discussion on the forum, and everyone shouted that the new expansion pack appeared, let the players seek refuge with this king, and seek an official position!

However, players have their own ideas.

But one of them is Xilin who is doing the best at the moment, he is not reconciled!

"I have struggled for so long and captured several city-states, and now I have a strong army, let me give up? Impossible!"

Hill, the atrium world, 16-year-old Gilga held the holy sword that opened up the world and began to fight the world. Facing this peerless powerhouse, the surrounding city-states came to vote one after another.

The city of Corinth, a huge city that has been passed down for thousands of years, has countless gold-level masters, and even a council of saints. Unexpectedly, Gilga killed it into the city alone.

Dozens of saint-level masters were easily beheaded by him alone, and he didn't even completely liberate the divine weapon in his hand.

The multicolored divine light suddenly appeared, and a saint actually hid a divine weapon. This is a holy sword of light that gathers like lightning!

Its speed was as fast as lightning in the sky, Gilga smiled disdainfully, Kakaka!

The three blades of the Deviation Sword began to spin.


The space was torn apart by the Deviation Sword, and the Holy Sword of Light screamed, this is a surrender to the superior artifact!

The holy man's face changed drastically, and he exclaimed: "This artifact of yours has never been recorded in any ancient books, how can it be so strong!"

With a light wave, the space shattered, and a hurricane-like wind pressure knocked down the surrounding stone houses. The saint was instantly decomposed into the simplest elements in the world.

"I'm afraid it can compete with the authority of the strongest artifact god king!"

This was the only thought of this holy man before he died. Such a terrifying artifact is simply beyond imagination!

I am afraid that only the source of all strife, the source of all evil, and the source of all weapons, the Holy Sword of Original Sin can overwhelm it!

City-states were conquered by Gilga, and every strong man knelt down before Gilga, and gradually a huge dynasty named Sumer began to be established!

However, on the other side of the land, across Qin Aihai, a huge alliance gradually gathered, and it was the Xilin Alliance!

The leader of the alliance is Xilin. Xilin's wisdom amazed everyone. Coupled with the pressure from the Sumerian Kingdom, many city-states at this end of the Qin Aihai began to form alliances in an attempt to fight together.

"According to the analysis, Gilga's own cultivation has far surpassed the holy rank, and he calls himself a legend, but his successful experience of being promoted to a legend is not enough to replicate.

If we can sort out and create a way to become a legend, we will definitely be able to get the help of most powerhouses!A large number of neutral city-states can be harvested in one fell swoop! "A woman in cool clothes replied.

Xilin frowned. Although he was very interested in cultivation, after all, his energy was limited, and he was all focused on developing his power before. Now it is not easy to find a way to break through the legend?

Suddenly he frowned, he can't, it doesn't mean that the majority of netizens can't!

Thinking of this, he and his subordinates immediately said: "You go back to rest first, and I will ask the creatures outside the territory first."

The others obviously already knew about His Majesty's strange problem, and also knew that the extraterritorial creatures really existed, so they all went back first.

Immediately after Xilin went offline, he posted a post on the forum explaining his difficulties.

"Boss, you don't really want to wrestle with Gilga, the protagonist of the world, do you?

Judging from the information you disclosed, this Gilga suddenly fell into a mess, as if he was still a half-human and half-god, and you can't deal with it at all! "

Some netizens persuaded Xilin to give up, and some netizens began to deduce based on the information provided by Xilin. After all, they also practiced Hill Entraining Qi in reality.

Although the effect is almost ineffective, the principle is still known!What's more, this kind of deduction can also be simulated by a calculator.

"I see, bronze, silver, gold, holy steps,

The principle is to guide energy to cleanse the body. At the stage of the holy rank, the soul can already be separated from the body. If you want to advance to the next step, do you have to split the soul?After all, distraction is strengthened!dog head. jpg"

"Don't talk nonsense before, this is soul consciousness, if there is a slight mistake, people will become idiots!

I think the next step is to find a way to strengthen the soul, and when the soul is strong enough to control the body, it should be able to touch the legendary road. "

"No, no, I read in the information, there are also many saint-level powerhouses, they have found a lot of exotic flowers and herbs, and after taking them, their souls and bodies have already been perfected.

But still can't live for a thousand years, which is still the limit lifespan of a saint, this is definitely not the right path. "

How to become a legend and find a stable path to legend has become a hot topic all over the Internet. Netizens are brainstorming ideas, but few are really feasible.

In the atrium world, there are many powerful people such as giant dragons, etc. Maybe they have legendary or later strengths, but they are all innate, and they don't know why they know it!

As long as you are born slowly and fully mature, you can reach this step with the help of your own talent, and what is even more frightening is that you are born a natural god!

On the earth, the brains of billions of people are huge, not to mention that they also have accumulated advantages.

The viewpoint of one of the laboratories attracted everyone's attention.

"Have you noticed that Gilga's promotion to legend seems to be because he forged a powerful artifact, so he broke through the shackles in one fell swoop!

Otherwise, even though he was much stronger than other saints, he was still in this field! "

This sentence ignited the hearts of many people, and everyone began to wonder what happened to Gilga when he forged the artifact, so that he broke the shackles in one fell swoop and became a legend in the courtyard!

Chapter 84 The Legendary Road (recommendation ticket requested)

"Could it be that when casting divine artifacts, they would get feedback from the law, so they broke through in one fell swoop? After all, other saints have never forged divine artifacts."

Netizens speculated that at this moment another big shot appeared.

Generation Tianjiao: As far as I know, the dwarves have created many artifacts!But they didn't break the limit and advance!

Seeing this long-lost player, netizens were overjoyed, and everyone ridiculed whether he was addicted to the gentle hometown of the female dwarves and forgot to go back to his hometown.

The other surviving players are also surprised. After playing the game for so many years, everyone has already regarded Heavens and Worlds: World Tree as their second life.

Except for the few players who died unexpectedly, the few others who survived have achieved great fame.

There is only this one Tianjiao, who will never come back when he was gone. When everyone thought he died on the road, he still made bubbles on the forum from time to time.

Generation Tianjiao: Sigh, it’s hard to describe in a single word. I never imagined that the distance between the worlds would be so far!

After walking for so many years, before I finally met the sparse dwarves, I almost thought I was going the wrong way!

Fortunately, the dwarves are more hospitable, and I also made a living with my craft, and now I am still far away from the core tribe of the dwarves!But it's better than before.

Many netizens laughed. Everyone felt that among the surviving players, he was the least well-known person. He had done nothing for so many years, and even just now he was working for others.

In fact, it was true. In the world of Hill, a big dark dwarf slapped heavily on the head of Ning Tianjiao who had just woken up.

"You strange human being, why are you slacking off to sleep again? Did you finish that piece of smelted iron just now?"

Ning Tianjiao rubbed his head. At this time, he was wearing shabby clothes and his whole body was pitch black. "Short uncle, don't worry, I hit you a hundred times, no more, no less!"

When Ning Tianjiao first arrived in this dwarf tribe, he thought that with his skills, he would be able to create a world in no time.

Unexpectedly, the rules of the world are different!It's like the technology tree is locked!

Most of his things are useless, only the ideas can be kept, and some principles need to be learned!

He is also a person with a firm mind. Since he has spent so much effort and risk to come here, he should learn from the beginning!

Farming has always crushed everything in the later stage. He is not afraid of falling behind temporarily, but he is afraid of not having a good base!

On the forum, a few masters began to write like dragons and snakes, constantly guessing and deducing the follow-up exercises, and besides Xilin, other players would also provide information from time to time.

Gradually, by gathering the wisdom of the two worlds, a path to the truth appeared

"According to the information provided by many players and the deduction of one netizen, it can basically be 100% sure,

Even if Gilga is really a demigod, he has not activated his own divine blood!Instead, it keeps suppressing the divine brilliance!

He has been cutting himself off from his father!Gilga's step-by-step strength is entirely on her own!

And it was precisely because of forging the Deviant Sword that he was promoted in one fell swoop!

As for how to get promoted, he now knows what it is and doesn't know why, that is to say, his path cannot be copied!

But according to our deduction, the acquired soul must have its own domain to advance to the legendary level!

As we all know, the gods are born following the laws and naturally generate godheads, so they don't need any practice, they are born with such cultivation.

And the acquired soul, after being promoted to the limit of the holy rank, must comprehend the law of space!

Then according to your own attributes, forge your own domain!

The reason why Gilga was able to succeed is precisely because the Deviation Sword itself has the property of tearing space and cutting the world!

Whoever controls the Deviant Sword will be born to become a legend!

And because of this, even if other strong dwarves forged artifacts, they did not advance to a higher level! "

This conclusion is the result of the painstaking efforts of countless people, not only the wisdom of the netizens on Earth, but also the saint-level masters who have followed suit in the world of Hill!

"Okay, very good, the legendary road has been opened up by you."

Jiang Ping smiled in front of the notebook.After so long, the salted fish players have finally figured out a way for all living beings to advance.

"Sure enough, there is motivation when there is pressure." Jiang Ping sighed, if it weren't for Gilga's threat, how could Xilin focus on finding the legendary road?

Now that the legendary road has been explored, Jiang Ping also felt that he could give it a try. Anyway, he met all the conditions, but he raised his eyebrows again.

"The way has just been explored. Although it is indeed correct, it still needs to be verified by many people. I am practicing now, and I feel immature.

After a large number of legendary powerhouses appear, it is not too late for me to gather everyone's domain advantages and create an unprecedented super domain! "

Jiang Ping decided to hold back again. He glanced at Genesis. This is an incredible thing that far surpasses the Deviant Sword. What kind of field can it assist him in?

In the atrium world, Xilin opened his eyes again, unable to hold back the excitement in his eyes, he waved his hand:

"Hurry up and summon the city lords and supreme consuls of all city-states! I have found the legendary road!"

When the news came out from the Xilin City-State Alliance, almost all the city-states were shocked!

Even other fantasy groups also pay attention, but some people don't believe it. They think it's so easy, maybe they said it deliberately in order to fight against the powerful kingdom on the other side of the ocean.

Facts speak louder than words, Xilin Alliance, the most powerful three top holy ranks have successfully broken through the legend!Each has its own domain!

When they expand the field, they feel that they are the masters of this space, and they are invincible!

In the past, the saint-level powerhouses of the same level besieged, and even a hundred of them would never want to deal with them!

Now the whole atrium was shocked!Countless saint-level powerhouses led the city-states to seek refuge in the Xilin Alliance, just to obtain a way to break through the legend!

Gradually, the precarious alliance turned out to be much stronger, and many ancient cities even joined the alliance unconditionally.

The powerful Sumerian dynasty's offensive was blocked for a while!

Legendary powerhouses gradually appeared on the battlefield, each of them possessed astonishing supernatural powers, forming an army by one person, and the concept of the holy class was not at all!

For a time, the human race in the atrium was divided into two, and the Xilin Alliance relied on the legendary road to compete with the Sumerian Kingdom!

Gradually, the exclusive domain of legends is widely known, but its connotation and details are still top secret.

There are some things that other people can deduce in reverse as long as they know the result.

The hardest part is the result that never came.

"Legendary Road? You are really the extremely intelligent leader of Xilin!"

Gilga caressed the sword and admired it sincerely. After all, he knew that he broke through the legend. He was similar to other natural strong people and could not be copied and promoted at all.

"It's a pity that you don't know, as long as I know the legend requires a domain, I will create the strongest domain!"

Gilga smiled, with the Deviation Sword in hand, his domain is definitely the strongest ever!

The Deviation Sword itself can split space and disturb the laws of time and space. With its help, Gilga will create miracles!

Looking at the powerful trophies hanging on the wall, an idea in his heart gradually matured.

Most of these trophies are powerful artifacts, and they are all killing blades!

Light Realm, Slaughter Realm, Dark Realm, Fengshen Realm

Legendary powerhouses appeared in the atrium world, filling the incomplete ranks of the world, and even Rahil was delighted in the dark.

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