The game time flies by, Jiang Ping sometimes looks bored, so he deliberately speeds up.

This also makes players sigh with emotion from time to time. Sometimes they enter the game for a month or two, but the reality is only an hour. Sometimes the game is a week, and the reality is only half an hour. The flow of time is completely irregular!

This strange phenomenon was also posted on the forum by players. Netizens laughed and said: Brown time.

Gradually, the world of Hill was a little different. Haruka Rixia had just become a teacher from the master, and wanted to find the truth of swordsmanship in this world. Suddenly, her delicate body was shocked, and there was a small shop selling books on the side of the road. She bought books that she was familiar with!

Lord of the Rings

A Song of Ice and Fire

Journey to the West

"Humanization invaded another world?"

Rixia Yao was obviously shocked. This must be the masterpiece of the player. Since this remote city-state has it, one can imagine how far this player's "writing" has spread over the years!

Haruka Haruka held his forehead and sighed, what happened in the atrium world during the years of his cultivation?

She couldn't help taking screenshots, and asked on the forum who made the masterpiece and what her intentions were.

Yaoyao: Who copied these?Pictures, pictures, why are you copying books in another world when you have nothing to do? Could it be that you want to transform into another world?But this world speaks with fists!

Other netizens were also happy when they saw it.

"Brother, you have done what I wanted to do but didn't have the chance to do, let the simple people in the atrium feel the poison of our earth!"

"You even plagiarized the Bible! Do you still have humanity!"

Netizens lamented that this player had a good time, but some people also speculated about his intentions. It must be impossible to add entertainment items to the people in the atrium out of good intentions.

"Is this player trying to collect money quickly? To make his own original capital?" Someone speculated.

Another player made it clear!

Bibi: It seems that you want to collect Faith!I want to become a god in the game!

Xianyu: Hehe, in the prehistoric game, Floating Cloud became Wutian and got the fruit status of Da Luo Jinxian. Now the Atrium World has never been conferred by anyone, and even legends have not appeared!

If I can become a god, there will definitely be a huge reward!

Seeing my answer, many netizens realized that this plagiarist did not simply want to make money, but had a big plan!

But this salty fish is planning to do so, and other players are not so simple. Xilin has completely controlled a city-state, modified the system, and started to march to other city-states. He wants to establish a kingdom!Unify the Atrium Terrans!

The players made their first appearance in the world of Hill, and a disconcerted figure was still walking along the huge green tree branches towards the kingdom of giants below.

Along the way, Ning Tianjiao had suffered all his life, but the more he did, the more his fighting spirit was aroused!

Affected by the player, the World Tree seemed to sense the existence of extraterrestrial beings, and it began to react instinctively, and countless green light spots emerged, slowly drifting into the distance

"Is the protagonist of this era going to appear?" Jiang Ping sighed.

Chapter 82 The Birth of the King of Heroes!

On a night of thunderstorms, black clouds overwhelm the city and threaten to destroy it!

The oppressive and sultry weather made everyone restless. At this time, in the small city of Uruk, heart-piercing shouts were being heard from a dilapidated room.

"Alas, Rema gave birth to an unmarried child, and I don't know whose bastard it is!" A woman outside the room sighed.

Suddenly endless golden brilliance shines on the world!

A half-human, half-god baby was born, and mother Rima was pale but stroking the healthy baby happily.

"Son, you were born with a divine vision, and you are destined to become a great person when you grow up. From now on, you will be called Gilga!"

There was the kindest hope in Rema's eyes. She gently stroked her son's cheek, hoping that his future would be bright and bright.

Others in the city were also shocked by this vision. The citizens poked their heads out curiously, and the city lord of Uruk also looked at the golden direction worriedly.

The Supreme God Realm, which had been closed for a long time, unexpectedly shook today. Powerful gods opened their eyes, and they sensed something in the dark!

"Has the protagonist of the atrium appeared?"

God King Yuer held the power of God King and said with emotion, he is not worried that the appearance of the protagonist will challenge his status, because he is the strongest creature in the world!

Gather the strongest power of the Titans and the laws of the gods, Yule is not afraid of any challenge!

One by one of the gods looked at the atrium world below with strange eyes, and one of the gods had complicated eyes. After a long time, holy swords flew out from the gods' realm, opening up the turmoil in the atrium world. Prologue!

Gilga was born strong and could walk from birth. He already had silver-level strength when he was three years old.

Every soldier and scholar has nothing to teach.

Everyone sighed, he is a son of Hill!No matter what it is, it will be clear at the first glance, and it will be fine in a while, as if there is nothing in the world that can stump him.

But Gilga also has his own troubles. He always asks his mother, who is his father?Why have I never seen him appear?

A weak woman raised a child. Rema's figure was a bit hunched, and her face was wrinkled. She didn't look like a woman in her thirties at all, but an old woman.

Fortunately, over the years, as Gilga grew up, she was able to supplement the family gradually.

The tired Rima said to her son gently: "Don't blame your father, he also has his own difficulties."

Little Gilga bit his lip and said nothing, but a thorn was planted in his heart!

When Gilga was 8 years old, her mother Rima fell ill due to years of overwork.

"It's hopeless. Her illness didn't last for a day or two. When she gave birth to you, she didn't take good care of her and fell ill due to overwork." The best doctor in the city began to shake his head. In order to raise Gilga, Rima Did all the dirty work in Uruk.

The roots of the disease have already been planted.

Gilga, who was already 1.4 meters tall, was in a hurry. For the first time, he lowered his proud head and begged the doctor for other options.

The doctor thought for a long time, and finally said:

"If it is the Tianyuanhua in the depths of the dark forest, it should be able to save your mother."

Gilga hurriedly asked about the details of Tianyuanhua, and the doctor explained again:

"It is said that this elixir is of great help to both humans and beasts, and it is said that Tianyuanhua is guarded by the strongest Buck monster.

None of the warriors who wanted to pick this spirit flower returned!I still advise you to give up! "

The next day, after Gilga asked the neighbor aunt to take care of his mother, he started to walk into the dark forest with a long sword!

The warriors of Uruk stared blankly at this figure.

This dark forest has buried countless warriors.

Among them, the King Buck Behemoth is said to have the blood of a giant dragon. It was once challenged by a saint-level master, and it is gone forever!

Everyone felt that Gilga was probably going to die sooner than his mother, and the roar of three days and three nights came from the depths of the dark forest!

Countless beasts in the forest fled in fright, and adventurers looked at the center of the forest in shock, they dared not approach at all!

The 8-year-old Gilga already has the strength of the gold level, and everyone is amazed at his talent. There has not been such a young gold-level master in the courtyard, but the giant buck has killed a holy-level monster!

Three days later, the roaring and fighting sounds all disappeared!

Gilga is carrying the broken sword on his back, holding the head of the giant Buck in his right hand, and carefully holding the bright and beautiful Tianyuanhua in his left hand!

Along the way, the blood from the head of the giant beast kept dripping and gathered into a continuous bloodstain. Everyone looked at this legendary warrior in disbelief, but he was only 8 years old!

When they returned to Uruk, the city lord came to greet him in person, but Gilga didn't care, he wanted to see his mother right away!


The big bloody head of Buck's giant fell to the ground, and the incomparably precious Tianyuanhua also scattered on the ground. Gilga knelt in front of his mother's body that had just passed away.

he is late

Gilga's eyes were bleeding and he roared towards the sky: "I, Gilga, will surely go to the God Realm in this life and cut off my father's head with my own hands!"

Boom boom boom!

The world of the gods shook, and the gods were awakened one after another. The strange world, the atrium, and the kingdom of giants also began to roar, and the endless thunder of punishment descended.

Gilga crushed the precious Tianyuanhua with one kick, and roared into the sky!

A series of divine thunders overwhelmed him, but his aura became stronger and stronger, and in a blink of an eye, he had reached the peak of the holy rank, the strongest in the atrium human race!

"what happened?"

In the distant city-state, Xianyu, who was constantly speaking, was stunned. Like everyone else, he stared blankly at the vision in the sky.

The other players also looked at the distance in puzzlement, they all sensed that something was wrong!

On the forum, players post to seek the majority of netizens.

"Is it a phenomenon of heaven and earth? It must be a new expansion pack!" An old player judged.

"Hey! This game should be a real different world, where did the expansion pack come from?" Someone complained.

"First, let's analyze the situation!"

A serious expert spoke, "Generally, the visions of heaven and earth are either the birth of a great god or the appearance of a treasure. Have you received any suspicious news recently?"

Yaoyao: I recently traveled to the mainland, but I heard that the city-states led by Xilin are constantly launching wars and crusades, which has aroused the vigilance of many city-states.

Also, there are a lot more adventurers recently, it seems that there are indeed a lot of artifacts recently, I want to find a magic sword!

"It seems that something big has happened in the world." Many netizens concluded.

If something goes wrong, there must be a demon.

"The gods and giants probably haven't recovered their strength yet, so it's only possible that other ethnic groups have changed, or something extraordinary has happened to humans!"

Everyone's enthusiasm for picking up materials is high. According to the existing information, you and I have almost deduced it.

Someone said with emotion: "If it is really the protagonist of heaven and earth, then Xilin will be in trouble. No matter what, you are now aggressive and trying to unify all city-states! There will definitely be conflicts with the native powerhouses in the atrium world!"

Xilin: Huh?Even if there is really a world, what about the protagonist?See how I defy the sky!My army is not vegetarian!

That's right, during this period of time, Xilin has successfully captured several city-states. He used a lot of successful experience in later generations to form an exclusive knight order. Now Xilin City-State is well-known in the atrium world!

Mountains and rains are about to come, and the wind is everywhere, whether it is people in Hill World or outside netizens, they all feel different.

In the vast atrium, powerful artifacts began to appear one after another, and even heaven-made artifacts appeared together. Heaven-made artifacts are treasures that make the gods act!

The strongest artifact made in heaven is the Holy Sword of Original Sin, the original sin of all origins!

The God Realm, which has been covered in dust for a long time, has been slightly different recently. The gods who are sleeping and recovering from their wounds will occasionally wake up, but it is still unknown why they borrowed the law of godhead perception.

They didn't expect that one of the oldest heroes in the atrium world would start his journey of killing gods!

Chapter 83 The Strongest Holy Sword——The Deviant Sword!

Gilga, at the age of ten, seized the supreme power of the Uruk city-state by force and became the youngest city lord in history!

Moreover, he has monopolized power as soon as he came to power, and there is no system of other city-state councils at all!Do not share power with others!

The city-state of Uruk has turned into a militarized city-state, and the entire city was built for fighting, and decisive battles happen every day!

Gilga promulgated a policy of combat, encouraging the populace to duel each other.Be proud of loving battle, be ashamed of avoiding it!

The frequent appearance of artifacts in the Atrium World touched everyone's hearts, and Gilga also felt that he should prepare the strongest equipment for himself!

He kept looking for the strongest giant beast, and fought against it, so as to hone himself. On the way, he found artifacts one by one, but unfortunately he didn't take a fancy to them in the end.

Gradually, his strength has surpassed ordinary people's imagination, his giant strength is enough to compete with the strongest dragon, and his archery is more terrifying than the elves!

The saint is not enough to evaluate his strength.

I finally searched hard for 5 years and traveled all over the world.

Gilga found three treasures in a desperate situation, one blue, one yellow and one black.

Blue symbolizes the sky, yellow symbolizes the earth, only black is unknown.

When he found these three treasures, Gilga laughed wildly regardless of his identity. He knew that he had found the strongest artifact!

Back in the city of Uruk, it took a full year for Gilga to wield a sledgehammer and forge the strongest holy sword, the Deviation Sword!

It is said to be a sword, but it is actually the closest form to a sword!

Gilga held up the Deviation Sword, and the three cylindrical blades on the sword rotated in different directions, and space cracks appeared one after another!

Self-expression is enough to cut the space!

When the Deviation Sword was born, the color of the atrium world changed in an instant, and black lightning struck down one after another, trying to destroy this artifact. Gilga raised the Deviation Sword and roared:

"The time of judgment has come, tear the world apart with my eccentric sword, the end of the gods is coming!!"

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