Different domains are condensed by different laws, each with its own magic, but what no one knows is that the first legendary Gilga, his domain is destined to be shocking!

Chapter 85 Give up the glory of a lifetime and post it on the forum!

On the forum, one by one netizen participated in opening up the legendary road, and they all felt honored. It is a pity that although they have explored the follow-up road, they are far from reaching the roadside!

These days, the whole world has fallen into a frenzy of cultivation. Almost every adult will recite the Hill Entraining Qi Method, but the gains are very small.

It's not completely ineffective, at least the big guy found that practicing in the primeval forest, he really felt a stream of mysterious and mysterious air.

Of course, some scientists have explained that almost 99% of people have hallucinations after practicing meditation for a long time.

During this period of time, not only were the major official forces forming special teams to practice and experiment, but also mysterious departments appeared one after another. They collected various data in an attempt to find things that could replace various spirits in Hill's world.

"The environment of the Earth and the world of Hill is completely different. Everything in the world of Hill originates from the world tree La Hill, but the earth does not have any world tree."

A world-renowned doctor with high glasses and snow-white hair held a thick information bag and reported to the big guy in front.

The boss cupped his hands: "Of course I know that the world is different, and I also know that it is difficult to find out a cultivation method suitable for this world, but it is because of this.

So the $500 billion R&D budget was unanimously approved, and now almost everything you want is given the green light. "

He stared at the doctor: "The earth does not have a world tree, but there is a mother earth. At least the Hill-entraining method is really effective. Many experimenters practiced in the forest and felt the strands of energy coming from the surrounding trees. According to your Research, at least can prolong life for several years!"

The doctor sighed. Although the government has invested unprecedented attention, and even the budget is not capped, it is difficult for a clever woman to cook without rice. The energy laws of the world are different. How can he fix it?

The boss continued to speak: "This is a great change that has never been seen in ten thousand years. Whoever controls this power first will become the strongest country in the world!"

"Sir, I have to tell you that the achievements of the laboratory are the icing on the cake after all. This is the same no matter which country you are in. The most important thing is to see if there will be any changes in the game of Heavens and Worlds!"

The big guy nodded, of course he knew this too, but unfortunately there was no way to contact the game producer, not to mention if he did, who would know which big guy would have his attitude?

They, the strongest elites on the earth, can only send people to paddle on the forum all day, trying to get into the eyes of the producers, so as to make them familiar.

Do you know who are the hidden bosses among the people who post on game forums all day long?

Some of them graduated from Harvard University

Some graduated from Dianxi Military Academy

Some are the kings of the Navy SEALs

One soldier king even rescued 3000 hostages in the Afghan battlefield.

Those who still have water stickers have been nominated for the Nobel Gold List.

There is also the big guy who lost the election of the President of the United States by 1 vote.

There are dozens of people who have appeared in Time Magazine.

The most influential figures in the world are also lurking on the forums all day long, spying on all information, ready to enter the game at any time.

And these bigwigs have all given up their lifetime honors to join the forum to brag about b. Do you know how hard they work?24 hours a day, apart from eating, drinking and messing around, he spends all day bragging with people on forums and analyzing the inside story of the heavens and myriad worlds.

You never know the identity of the person who blows b to you across the screen.

But even so, among the players who have entered the heavens and worlds, there is still no one of great power, they are all hidden civilians!

Because of this, a lot of data that needs to be tested by players is simply not available!

Blue Star's major research laboratories are at a stalemate, and they can only hope that the surviving players will provide more useful information, and there are even more professional staff who continue to send private messages in an attempt to win players over.

In the atrium world, many city-states who dislike the tyranny of Sumer have joined the Xilin Alliance. Legendary powerhouses have appeared in the alliance. The top saints have been saving for too long!

As long as they have the right method, they can easily break through!

"Everyone, we are now very strong. There are close to a hundred legendary experts. Gilga can't fight alone. If we don't attack now, when will we wait!"

Xilin raised his battle sword high and declared to the legends.

Legendary powerhouses nod their heads one by one, the strength of the alliance has greatly increased, and now the Sumerian Dynasty is in a weak position!

A series of powerful warships were urgently cast into the sea, and the siege weapons were pulled out of the city. The soldiers sharpened their knives. They planned to cross the Qin Aihai and liberate the Sumerian Dynasty!

"My lord! It's not good. The spies have checked that the Xilin Alliance has made a big move recently. They seem to plan to cross the Qin Aihai and go straight to the city-state of Uruk, our army's stronghold!" A minister urgently reported to Gilga.

Gilga's neck is wrapped with a golden chain, and Chiguo's upper body is male and fit. He sits on the golden throne, holding his face with one hand, and stroking the pet lion affectionately with the other hand.

"It's just a bunch of mobs. Such an army, no matter how many there are, will be vulnerable!"

"Your Majesty, don't be careless. I heard that there are nearly a hundred legendary powerhouses in the alliance. Each of them is a famous top saint in the mainland in the past, and several of them hold powerful artifacts with unpredictable power!" The minister worried.

"Oh? In such a short period of time, there are so many saints breaking through the legend? It seems that there are many strong human beings in the courtyard."

Gilga let go of his contemptuous attitude, but then he waved domineeringly again, "What about the hundred legends? Are they still my opponents?"

At this time, he bloomed with golden brilliance, like a statue of a golden god of war, standing on the earth, eternally invincible!

The minister gritted his teeth and said, "Your Majesty, according to my opinion, it is better to avoid the sharp edge first, retreat to the rear temporarily, and trade space for time.

We can also modify some laws and regulations to attract other saints to join us. "

The Sumerian dynasty was dominated by one person, and Gilga shrouded everyone like a god. Coupled with militarized management, many people felt resentful.

In contrast, the Xilin Alliance is more enlightened and democratic, otherwise it would not attract a large number of neutral city-states.

"Hmph!" Gilga smiled disdainfully, "Are you questioning my king's decision?"

"The subordinates dare not, but after all, it is difficult to defeat four punches with one hand, and the subordinates are worried that the king will be besieged by many legends!" The minister said.

"Give me an order, the whole army will attack, and build defensive measures on the Qin'ai coast. I will personally lead the army to attack, and the alliance army will surely return home in defeat!"

With a wave of Gilga's hand, the entire Sumerian dynasty suddenly started to work.

A number of powerful warriors carried bows and other weapons of war and rushed to the coastline, and the logistics force also produced military rations overnight, although the Sumerian dynasty controlled far less territory and numbers than the alliance.

However, the Sumerian dynasty was a dictatorial and militarized system, and the entire huge organization was completely in the service of war, and its execution power was far superior to that of the alliance!

Naturally, such a big move by the Sumerian Dynasty could not be hidden from the Xilin Alliance across the sea.

"It seems that Gilga intends to attack the coalition forces on the coastline. I don't know if he is arrogant or really has such strength!" After receiving the emergency report, Xilin said with emotion.

"Isn't this just in line with our plan? If Gilga leads the elite to retreat temporarily, our coalition forces cannot be wiped out in one fell swoop, and we can only fall into a long war of attrition. Because it is a different place, both supplies and battles will be greatly affected. " A legend laughed.

"That's right, Gilga is arrogant, this time we can take the opportunity to annihilate the elite of the Sumerian dynasty in one fell swoop, making it powerless to invade again!

Even many city-states in the dynasty were forcibly conquered by Gilga. If the strength is greatly damaged, the city-states in the dynasty will definitely rise up! "The beautiful woman who always followed Xilin also spoke, her eyes were always sneaking at the high-spirited Xilin.

Xilin frowned, as if he felt that Gilga was so bold that he must have something to rely on, not to mention that he is the protagonist of the courtyard, so it is not surprising that he has any means.

"Troublesome legends, after a long time with the Baishengjue Tianzhen, you must injure or even seriously injure Gilga, so that he can't interfere with the battleship brigade!"

Xilin warned worriedly, and then he went offline to ask for help, to see what the experts on the forum had to say.

"The leader is really worrying too much. He is also a legend. Even if Gilga is strong, relying on the powerful artifact in his hand, he can match up to a dozen legends at most!

The hundred legends waiting for me are all well-known powerhouses in the atrium world!Together with the field to set up a great formation, no matter how strong Gilga is, he will be buried in the formation! "

A newly promoted legend was dissatisfied. He felt that the lord looked too highly at Gilga. He was also a legend. Even if he had artifacts, there was no shortage of artifacts on the alliance side to contend with!

Chapter 86 The arrow is ready! (ask for a recommendation ticket)

On the forum, Xilin hurriedly explained the current situation in the atrium, and asked many netizens to analyze and see what Gilga was planning.

After all, three cobblers are better than one Zhuge Liang, not to mention that there are as many hidden gods on the forum as crucian carp crossing the river, and the legendary road is all thought out by the big guys together!

After hearing Xilin's words, the forum became lively, and everyone expressed their opinions and judged why Gilga dared to do so.

"No, it seems that Gilga is the protagonist of the world. In this case, Xilin, you seem to be the villain boss? Are you sure you want to go all the way until dark?" Some netizens persuaded again.

Those who can achieve great things must have an indomitable heart, and Xilin would not even look at such words to persuade himself to surrender.

There are also other netizens who seriously analyzed: "At present, it is known that the alliance has hundreds of top legendary powerhouses, and they are stepping up their efforts to adapt to the legendary field, planning to deploy a great formation to kill Gilga in one fell swoop!

Even if Gilga escaped with his life, it is very likely that he will be seriously injured.

In the Sumerian dynasty, there are three known legendary powerhouses, one is Gilga, and the other two are legendary creatures forcibly subdued by him.

In addition to the top strength, the Saint class also has the advantage of the alliance. This time, the bottom warrior alliance has a million elite soldiers. Although Sumer has only 60 soldiers, the quality of soldiers is obviously superior to Sumer!

After all, they have been fighting constantly since they were young. If the army competes, I think Sumer has a better chance of winning! "

Listening to the analysis of the military strength of the two sides by this big guy, and listing all kinds of data, it was immediately clear to everyone that the alliance has a high-level advantage on the surface, but who knows what trump card Gilga, the legendary king, will have at the bottom of the box?

Everyone began to read the collected legends of Gilga, from birth visions to slaying giant beasts, creating deviant swords, standard legendary heroes.

And after he became a legend, he instantly killed other saints with his first shot, and even used divine weapons to sneak attacks, but he didn't take it seriously.

There is too little information about Gilga becoming a legend!

In fact, before the legendary road was created, other powerhouses could not compete with him at all!

The only few combat data are instant kills, which have no reference value at all!

"Looking at Gilga's life, he is arrogant and arrogant. It is not surprising that he dares to take the initiative to attack. The only factor that cannot be determined now is his strength!"

"Aren't the general protagonists able to leapfrog challenges? With the help of the artifact, Gilga estimated that a string of ten would be easy, but I don't know if he can stand up to a hundred masters of the same level. Dog head jpg."

"In addition, I am worried that we have perfected the legendary road, promoted a large number of top saints, and made up for the gap in combat power with Gilga, but there is no impenetrable wall in the world.

Gilga must also probably know about the Legendary Domain, I don't know what kind of domain he will create! "

Many people were stunned, and Xilin frowned. People like Gilga are extremely smart, and they can be deduced in reverse by just looking at it.

It may be difficult for others to break through along their own path, but it is still easy to perfect and strengthen yourself!

"So, Gilga has upgraded again?"

"The arrow is on the string, I have to shoot it! Don't be afraid just because he puts on a little bit of posture, it's better to surrender and kneel and lick earlier!

For the current plan, the only way is to set up a large formation as soon as possible, and use the artifact to seriously injure Gilga, making him unable to intervene in the battlefield!

In this case, it would be difficult for him to accomplish great things alone! "

Xilin made a decision in his heart, quickly went online again, and arranged for the war!

A piece of powerful weapon was summoned from all over the world, millions of coalition forces practiced and sharpened every day, and giants were being built rapidly on the coast.

These battleships are a full 300 meters long, and the bows of the ships are engraved with ferocious beast heads. This is not just beautiful, but also carries the legendary power of giant beasts. The bottom of the ships is even engraved with complicated magic circles.

Although powerful cannons cannot be manufactured due to limited technology, the magic cannons made of various precious emeralds and other materials as energy sources are also shockingly powerful!And every battleship has a magical cannon of this amazing cost!

This kind of magic cannon is not so much a cannon, but a small movable and fixed magic circle!

Hundreds of legends are all well-known powerhouses on the mainland, and they gathered together at this time, constantly honing in on their respective fields, and laying down the Hundred Saints Formation.

"Xilin, there is a sharp archer who is said to be your old friend and wants to meet you." The beautiful beauty came over and reminded Xilin who was patrolling.

"Old friend? Could it be him?" Xilin frowned first and then remembered who it was. He walked forward quickly.

"It's really you!"

Xilin hugged Obi heavily, "You are now a well-known archer in the courtyard. If it weren't for your limited cultivation, it is said that you can be called the number one archery master in mankind!"

Xilin couldn't help but sigh with emotion. Over the years, most of the surviving players are familiar with each other, and they have added friends on the forum, but the atrium is too big, and it is impossible for the players to travel thousands of miles to meet friends if they have nothing to do. They all have their own careers to be busy.

"Haha" Obi laughed, "Then you are doing well, you are now the No.1 player, who in the entire atrium doesn't know the leader of the Xilin Alliance!"

Indeed, among the surviving players, Xilin is now the most powerful and famous!

Xilin shook his head, "You know, even though I look strong now, I'm still a castle in the sky. As long as Gilga survives, I will never have peace!"

Speaking of Gilga, Obi also became serious: "To be honest, for this strongest half-god and half-human king, even if you can break through Qin Aihai's defense line this time and seriously injure Gilga, I really think you may not be able to." Win till the end!

As long as a person like him survives a single blow, he will definitely make a comeback! "

At this time, Xilin had already let the others retreat, and only the two players had a secret conversation. Hearing Obi's persuasion, Xilin's face was serious, and he shook his head with emotion:

"Don't I know that Gilga is terrible? But I am unwilling to give up my whole life!"

He looked at Obi seriously with his eyes: "What do you think the World Tree game is to us players?

Is Atrium World really just a game?We have spent far more time in this world than on the real earth! "

After saying that, Obi remained silent, "Indeed, compared to Earth, we have spent more time in the big world of Hill now, and many people say that the game of Heavens and Worlds is Second Life.

But only those who have really entered this world know that it is our life!

I have woken up countless times in my sleep, often mistakenly thinking that I am a native of Atrium, but I just stopped on the earth for a moment. I love this world and this land!

I also love the humans and other ethnic groups in this world, they are all real people with flesh and blood, all of which make me deeply addicted! "

Xilin smiled: "It seems that you and I have the same idea, or all the players who are still alive are deeply intoxicated in this real game. It is also because of this that I can't give up, and I can't let down those who follow me !"

Obi still persuaded: "In case it is really irreversible in the future, you can prepare for retreat first, the Atrium World is very big, and the Hill World is even bigger!

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