It may be hundreds of millions of years later, anyway, the super continent has undergone changes, and by chance, the particles in the outer membrane of the continent collided slightly, and a thunderbolt from the beginning of the world exploded!


The blazing thunder and lightning illuminated the night, pierced the sky, and struck the Heishui River all over the world like an electric snake. It was like throwing flames into gasoline.

The forces of pros and cons are fiercely contending, thunder, plasma and electric explosions resound all over the continent, and the dead black water substance is also activated in order to resist the invaders.

The two forces are contending, and in the midst of the confrontation, incredible matter is produced. The birth of life is an accident, an accident that waits for hundreds of millions of years.

Inevitability in the infinite.

Chapter 509

Thunder contains the power of destruction, and the destruction brings vitality. The most feared thing is that the layer will not change.

After an unknown period of time, the black water on the supercontinent rolled out the original creatures.

It was very simple at first, just vine-shaped plants that looked like black snakes, born from the mud, sprouted on the silence, slowly climbed rocks in all directions, and gradually spread all over the continent.Where there is one, there are two, and other plants appear one by one, biological embryos gradually grow, and a group of super creatures that bear the destiny and enjoy the original laws of the continent finally begin to gather.

New words appeared on the seventh page of Genesis: At the beginning of the Blackwater Plane, after endless years of brewing, driven by a mighty force, the dust condensed into a supercontinent.I don't know how long it has passed. There was no concept of time when the supercontinent was born. Gradually, the sun and the moon revolving around the continent appeared in the sky.

A long time later, when molecules collided accidentally, the first thunder of the plane pierced the sky and slashed towards the black water. The two different energies collided fiercely, and brand-new substances appeared. The first plant, the black snake vine, appeared, and the supercontinent The above shows vitality.

When Jiang Ping finished his lunch, he accidentally saw a new record in Genesis. He greeted Sha Niu, and the two of them witnessed the birth and rise of a plane at home. Jiang Ping asked Sha Niu to 3D the scene of the black water plane in the living room. .

In the boundless universe, darkness will always follow.Only the central supercontinent gave birth to living creatures, from the original black snake vines to the current gestating creatures, this is destined to be a world that absorbs the light of the universe.

Compared with the surface world, the deep dark sea occupies a full third of the volume of the plane, enveloping the entire plane and slowly sinking.


In the 3D projection, the black water of the supercontinent gave birth to the ancestors of warcraft with different shapes, or wearing dark armor and thorns, with a height of one thousand meters, or the horns on the top of the head, which are more majestic than the hills. The giant god, or the ancestor of the black snake flowing in the black water, whose body is longer than the river.

These continents were originally powerful, accompanied by laws, and danced wildly on this continent.It seems that they were influenced by the black water, they were not very smart, they were muddleheaded, they only knew about destroying, fighting, and fighting for territory.

Just because of their huge bodies and unlimited power, the damage they caused to the mainland was also extraordinarily large.

The demon gods and giant gods know what power is, but they don't know why, and they don't think about how to build their homes. They are destined to be passers-by in the world.

Jiang Ping even took out Genesis, because he knew that this initial wild period would soon end.

"It's a pity that this group of creatures with the best talents and the greatest advantages are destined not to become the masters of the continent."

Sha Niu said regretfully that they are the darlings of the mainland, powerful existences accompanied by laws, with unlimited power, and they can drive energy innately.But precisely because the starting point is too high, it cannot become the protagonist of the mainland.

Recommended, !

Miracles often arise from dust, and it is precisely because they are not easy to come by that we know how to cherish them, and only then do we know how to pursue them with all our strength!


The never-ending battle, the mainland was pitted by the aftermath, many giant gods fell in the battle, their souls returned to heaven and earth, their bodies fell down, nourishing all things.Let the world gradually have more different things.

"Haha, the greatest credit for their birth may be after their death."

Jiang Ping smiled and said, I really feel it, this group of super beings who only know about fighting and destruction, and don't think about production, to the world, they will contribute more after death.

The primordial demon gods act recklessly, and are gradually bored by Dalu's ignorant will. They are the most beloved children of Dalu Will, but the children rebel all day long and jump around on him, and it is not happy anymore.

After a fierce battle, an ancient giant god and the ancestor of monsters were driven by the instinct to kill, and waged an unprecedented war, disturbing the black water, known in history as: the calamity of the ancient times.

After this catastrophe, the mainland was silent, and giant gods standing in the sky fell down one after another, and their heads came out of the stars transformed into spirits, and flew into the sky.

Their arms turned into mountains, plains, and fertile soil.Meridians form extraordinary mines buried deep in the earth, blood breeds different creatures, and teeth and claws turn into metal minerals.

A new era has come quietly, and the background of the supercontinent has become deeper.

Taking advantage of the slow gestation of the new era, Jiang Ping picked up Genesis, and it is recorded on the seventh page:

Most of the ancient giant gods and demon gods who were born according to the law fell and gave birth to all things. Only a few lucky ones were seriously injured and fell into eternal sleep.This is the calamity of the ancient times, the end of the first era of the Blackwater Plane.

At the beginning of the second era, different creatures appeared from the blood of the fallen giant gods.

Jiang Ping cast his gaze, adjusted the direction of the continent, and observed potential races one by one. Because different giant gods have different attributes, the races bred are also different.

Some are like miniature demon gods, with poisonous snakes in their hair, humanoid upper body and fishtail lower body.It is similar to the Medusa that Jiang Ping knew before.

Some were born from the energy mines and metal mines fallen by the ancient demon gods, and their whole bodies were as crystal clear as diamonds. This group of gem races was physically invincible, and they beat other races to complain again and again, until they encountered their lifelong enemies, metal monsters.

This batch of powerful enemies born in different metal mines, their physical strength is the only race that can catch up with them.Although they were suppressed and wiped out at the beginning, and even occupied the metal mother mine that gave birth to them, but soon, the extremes changed, and the strong among the metal monsters discovered that different metal mines can be combined with each other, which is called alloy.

And according to the strength of different metal molecules, the metal monsters created their own upgrade system, so they came from behind and beat the original continental overlord, the Gem Clan. was shattered.

Once the beautiful and clear gem body is broken, it can form a chain reaction like a bony Nomi card, but it is not as easy to replace as a metal monster, so they were driven out of the best place in the mainland, and they could only hide in In the mother gem mine.

The original overlord has come to an end, and the metal tribe dominates the world, frequently acting recklessly on the mainland. They are not very interested in vegetation, monsters, etc., so they kill monsters on a large scale from time to time, and cut down trees to smelt alloys.

They go deep into the caves of mountains and rivers, looking for mother gold mines with different attributes, which is the foundation of their foothold.

Smelting alloys in large quantities requires terrible fuel, so a large number of trees were cut down.This consequence is serious. Many monsters dare not speak out. In the barren environment, many potential races that were promising and should bloom their own light in the future also disappeared silently in the water moon.

"Natural selection, survival of the fittest."

Jiang Ping, who watched the 3D projection, commented that in just a moment, tens of thousands of potential races had been silently exterminated.Among them, there are quite a few races that Jiang Ping is quite optimistic about, such as the blood race born from pure true blood. Their bodies are indeterminate, either humanoid or animal, and they all have a layer of blood lingering around their bodies.

The talent of the blood clan is to be able to swallow the blood of other strong clans, and to be able to win the blood talent of different races.It's a pity that facing the two generations of overlords, the gem clan and the metal clan, they were naturally restrained.

The metal clan also has blood, but unlike the normal clan, it is dark, flammable oil-like blood.

Digging the mother mine, turning the continent upside down.In the process of cutting down trees to smelt alloys, a metal giant accidentally discovered that throwing in hundreds of monsters would actually increase the quality of the smelted alloy by one level, and more importantly, the smelted alloy blocks were entwined with bloody lines .

This piece of accidental product named "Blood Iron" was dedicated to his leader by the metal giant. The mother gold leader was ten meters tall, smooth and strong all over. Sincerely curious.

"I didn't expect that there would be such a windfall by joining other monsters when making iron."

The leader of the mother gold tried it out, and found that compared with ordinary alloys, the blood-smelting iron was more weird, and it seemed to be related to the monsters thrown into it, which brought different abilities to this piece of iron.

"In that case, then it's hunting monsters. Maybe you can refine the god iron that surpasses mother gold."

As the leader of Mujin contacted the leaders of metal tribes of other veins, a catastrophe of life and death came to other races of flesh and blood.

The metal family is powerful, invulnerable to swords and guns, water and fire, and not to be attacked by any soul system. They are indeed natural overlords, and the flesh and blood races they kill are miserable.

Escape, extinction, extinction, the great world where thousands of races compete for a while seems much lonely.

In the process of smelting steel with flesh and blood as firewood, the metal tribe found that the dead ones were the worst sacrifices. When they were alive, they were thrown into the iron furnace alive, accompanied by screams and black smoke. The effect at this time is the best.

Soon pieces of blood-smelting iron mixed with blood and tears came out. Naturally, the leaders of the various veins most wanted to enjoy this batch of special materials. Among the forces divided according to different mother gold mines, the mother gold mine owners were all Enjoy the highest treatment, the body is fused with the highest quality mother gold.

They thought their bodies were immortal and would last forever in the world, and even the diamond stars of the gem family could be destroyed. There is no harder substance in the world than them.

However, after the fusion of blood and iron refining, blood-colored lines appeared on the bodies of the huge mother-gold leaders. Between the intertwined lines, if there were no traces, they condensed into a first-era primordial demon god statue on the chest.

Many races originated from the same existence, and the law of companionship, how strong should the troll god born according to the sky and the earth be?Anyway, it is much stronger than the tens of thousands of races and billions of creatures born from their bodies in the second era.

After enjoying the benefits, the metal clan started to hunt and kill other flesh-and-blood races. For a while, the whole continent was plunged into terror, and panic screamed everywhere.

The method of smelting steel by the metal tribe is too bloody. During the heyday of the furnace, they drove the living monsters into the furnace, let them sit in the iron slurry, and watched their bodies melt. It can only make a roar of panic and hatred, which is really against heaven.

For a while, the metal race became the public enemy of all flesh-and-blood races. I don't know how many races were captured by them because of their talents.

Many races chose to kill themselves after learning the news of the metal tribe's hunting and killing, so as not to suffer alive.

"Continuing like this is not an option. Those nasty iron bumps! They are smelly and hard. There is no such thing as emotion at all, only their own evolution!"

The flesh-and-blood races unite in secret. On weekdays, the carnivores hunt and kill the herbivores, and they are all natural enemies.But now facing the brutal metal clan massacre, they all let go of their prejudices one by one and began to unite to defeat the enemy.

"The metal family is powerful, and the gold veins buried in the ground are their best mothers. The body is solid and immortal, especially after the alloy is fused, it is not something that our flesh and blood can shake."

A powerful creature with a shoulder height of 3 meters that looked like a wolf said, "Even if other races have soul-type attacks, they must first break through their solid metal bodies before they can touch the soul."

The metal family is not without shortcomings. God has given them invincible bodies, but their souls are much weaker, provided that you can break through their solid shells.

"With our bodies, there is only a dead end to head-to-head with the metal race."

The other monster, which was the size of a hill and had a colorful body, said in a low voice.

For a moment, the atmosphere in the arena was extremely oppressive, and the immortal metal tribe was like a boulder weighing on the hearts of all races, which could not be moved.In particular, they are not afraid of injury, have strong survivability, and have a long lifespan. They are born for fighting.

It is the cruelest killing weapon. Many races resisted at the end of their lives, but they couldn't cause them too much harm.

Many metal clansmen who died accidentally will also be taken back by them and buried in the mother mine again. After an unknown period of time, a new metal clan will be born.

"Maybe we can make iron bumps kill each other."

In the midst of depression, some creatures suddenly came up with this idea, they can't deal with the metal race, so let them beat themselves!

"What do you think?" Canglang asked, "Iron Pimple, no matter how inflexible his head is, he won't kill himself."

The one who made the sound was a furry animal that was small compared to other races. He continued: "There are also many different branches in the metal family, which are divided according to the mother gold mines of different attributes on the earth. As far as I know, There are quite a few powerful mother gold mine owners who want to annex small mines. After all, every time the mother mine becomes stronger, no matter whether it is the strength of its own line or the strength of the mine owner itself, it can produce a considerable evolution."

The original creatures were very ignorant and didn't know what conspiracies and tricks were, but under the pressure of life and death, the potential of wisdom would be stimulated.

Soon the flesh-and-blood races were acting secretly. After all, they were very powerful, but the metal race was powerful, but there was only one race, in a corner that they couldn't monitor.

Small animals with manes that look like mice run frequently, wantonly provoking relations among various departments.They even secretly tampered with the mother gold mines on which the metal family depended for survival!

Chapter 510 One Generation Version One Generation God

The metal mother gold mines buried deep in the earth are miracles of good fortune, condensed by the essence of the ancient giants. This is the foundation of the metal clan.

According to the different attributes of the mother gold mines, they are divided into camps with different attributes such as sky, sky, sea, and blue.The master gold mine owner is the leader of a line. Every year, the mine owners of various veins in the mainland will gather in one place to divide resources. This is a decision-making meeting.

As the decision-making meeting quietly approached, the contradictions in various veins gradually increased. The metal clansmen themselves needed to fuse a huge amount of ore to evolve, and there were only so many ores excavated, and it was inevitable to compete.

Especially for most of the small mine owners attached to the giant mother mine, there are still most of the small veins on the mainland.Their strength is insignificant compared to the giant mother mine, but they are also a huge force when gathered together.

Under the secret instigation of the flesh-and-blood race, the contradictions among the metal clan became more and more intensified until the decision-making meeting began.

It is a towering and large active volcano, which is condensed by the continent itself. Compared with the fallen hills of the ancient giants, it has a vast and boundless momentum.

In the foothills, there are tall giants with metallic luster walking around. The most eye-catching ones are naturally the mine owners who are as tall as hills. They are surrounded by blood-colored lines and have a fierce aura.

Recently, these mine owners who have sacrificed tens of millions of flesh and blood races to strengthen themselves feel that their tempers are much more irritable, and they frequently attack their own people, especially squeezing the small veins attached to them, and they will do whatever they can to evolve.

This time, the decision-making meeting became the node where the metal family turned from prosperity to decline. At the meeting, there was an old overlord, the Tianxi Mother Mine, who boasted that he would lead the whole family. Under his command, flesh and blood creatures were raised in captivity and thrown into the furnace in batches. , Extracting elite talents from all walks of life, forming the strongest team, and looking for the way to strengthen the metal family.

As soon as the Tianmai mine owner said this, there was an uproar in the audience. The small mine owners looked embarrassed. Their own strength is weak, and they can survive if they are drawn?

The sea system that rose later, that is, the owner of the mother mine buried in the deep sea and in the river, blatantly opposed it and broke away.

The newly-rising metal tribe thought that there was no ethnic group in the whole continent that was their opponent, except their own people.In their eyes, other races are firewood and sacrifices, and an involution is inevitable. Under the deliberate instigation of those who are interested, people of all races often find that the crystals of their mother mines have been stolen, and the newly born cubs have been secretly killed. Take the precious core ore.


The people of the metal tribe are powerful, with every gesture, the river diverted, the earth was razed to the ground, and the sound of metal collisions echoed continuously.


The metal giants were fighting each other, and even the master of the mother mine started to fight. Although the bloody lines on their bodies gave them extraordinary strength, they also affected their thinking. At this moment, it seemed that the ancient war was reappearing, and the fierce sound echoed in the mainland superior.

Every knock destroys the metal tribe's own heritage. Pieces of divine iron collide with each other and are beaten into ordinary iron. The metal giant keeps shrinking due to injuries.They began to desperately dig the mother mine without thinking about the follow-up potential, so as to strengthen themselves.

Thirty years later, when the exhausted metal warriors returned to the mother mine, they were horrified to find that, at some time, fewer and fewer new metal tribesmen were born in the mother mine, and they dug out their own heritage!

At this time, facing the much weakened metal race, the belated revenge of the flesh and blood race is coming!

Vigorous flames of war tore apart, this is a racial war that transcends life and death. The metal clan committed heinous crimes, destroyed countless descendants of demon gods, threw countless creatures into the furnace, and watched them die in tears.

They made a big taboo!Regardless of whether it is a carnivorous race or a herbivorous race, they are all in the same hatred, attacking the major gold mines with bloody eyes, and then attack again!

There are also rat-shaped creatures that have been excavated for decades, dug from a depth of [-] meters underground to the mother gold mine, and they have made great contributions in this battle.

Directly draw the salary from the bottom of the pot and ignite the mother gold mine!The metal veins that looked like earth dragons were ignited by special fuel and assimilated into the earth, shining brilliantly in the sky. Countless metal clansmen who were fighting bloody battles were furious. This is their mother!

Metal people are uniquely endowed with strong and immortal bodies, and the core of consciousness is protected in the deep layer. Perhaps the world may have the means to restrain them in the later stages of development, but in the early Ming Dynasty, the metal people are the strongest and most perfect fighters!

Under the rage, at the moment when the mother gold mine was ignited, under the shining light of the fire, a master of veins was mineralized, and the blood color of the body mixed with thousands of creatures was as stable as gathering into an ancient giant statue.

The pulse master began to grow bigger and taller, like returning to the ancestors and returning to the ancient giant gods. Although they did not reach that point in the end, they were still as big as mountains. The metal giants of [-] meters began to kill wantonly. How strong the creature is, how strange the talent is, and it was slapped into blood mud alive.

The two camps on the supercontinent started a brutal and bloody massacre. In order to survive, the two sides had no way out.

"The metal race is hated by all races, not only because of their own killings, but also because of the dislike of the continent's own consciousness."

In this battle, Jiang Ping, who was on the outside, explained to Sha Niu that the essence of things should not just look at the surface.

In the previous first era, how did the darlings of the world, the accompanying law giants and demon gods fall and exit?It's not just because of confusion, only fighting.Also, because they do not create, do not develop the world, and do all they can to destroy it, they are hated by heaven over time.

This is luck in the world of Xianxia, ​​and Xierli is favored by the World Tree.Although mysterious and mysterious, illusory, but real.

On the supercontinent, the endless battles have left the ground potholed. The two camps take a step back from each other for the time being, and are attacked by foreign enemies. The metal clansmen who unite are really powerful. Often the flesh and blood camp has to pay a hundred times the price to kill a metal clansman of the same level. .

Too many clansmen died in the battle, and the two sides maintained a fragile peace. The metal clan still possessed unrivaled strength, but it was not as invincible as before.They also restrained their own blood refining method, no longer hunted and killed all ethnic groups, but carried out it secretly.

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