War promotes development, whether it is the metal family or the flesh and blood camp, there are huge gains.

During the time of confrontation, all ethnic groups also tried their best to develop their own strength, or develop their physical potential, dig out ancient mysteries, or create foreign objects to strengthen themselves. Gradually, the prototype of civilization appeared, and a new era quietly came.

At this time, some weaker races began to overtake on corners, and they studied the talents of the soul system. They said that the body is only an external shell, and the real important thing is the soul consciousness. After losing the soul, the body is no different from a stone, and the soul continues to grow , comprehend the magnetic field of the continent, and integrate the power of heaven and earth is the right way.

Quietly, a weak dark soul-type race slowly emerged from the black water and began to grow stronger. The environmental laws of the mainland also underwent a subtle change, which tended to be more towards the cultivation of the soul-type.It's hard to say whether this group of dark soul-type creatures led the trend of the times, or the torrent of the soul-type era came and they stepped on it.

In short, the overlords of the mainland began to alternate again, and the one who defeated you was often your peers, but cross-border.

Generation after generation of gods, the metal tribe whose body is invincible and whose soul is trapped in a metal body has been abandoned by this era.

Seeing this, Jiang Ping picked up Genesis in his hand, and there was a new record on it:

Page [-]: Blackwater Plane: Second Era, Beginning, A group of beautiful races born on gemstone mines ruled the world in the earliest period, and were quickly defeated by metal races that could fuse different metals.

In the early days of the Second Era, the hegemony of the metal clan ruled the mainland, and accidentally discovered the method of blood refinement, and began to kill the flesh-and-blood races.The birth rate of offspring is decreasing, and the flesh and blood camp begins to rebel.Between the two camps fighting and stalemate.A group of dark soul races who climbed ashore from the black water gradually grew

Chapter 511 Creating Reincarnation (Seeking Monthly Pass)

The chaotic continent is in a time of great conflict. The invincible metal clan heroes occupy the most fertile land. Many races in the flesh and blood camp unite to fight against the enemy. The two sides have friction from time to time. Generally, when they meet each other's cubs, they will not hesitate to slaughter them. .

And what no one expected was that the one who won the throne of the new generation of overlords was not the metal clan of the original overlord, nor the hundreds of races with unlimited potential in the huge flesh and blood camp, but a group of races born from the black water with a Ghost body, a dark soul that is not harmed by physical attacks.

The environment of the world has changed quietly, the evolution of the body has come to an end, and now it is the world of the soul system.

The dark souls can invade the flesh of all races, and even the metal race can't resist it.Once it is invaded into the brain area, the body will be taken over by the soul race.

Even if he paid a huge price to kill the parasitic creature, he would still be easily escaped by the soul clan in the end, turned around, and re-occupied the body of a strong man, another prosperous soul clan warrior.

The invincible metal tribe retreated steadily in the face of the dark soul tribe who was born to restrain themselves, refused to take physical attacks, and could break through their bodies. Like the original gem tribe, they retreated to the depths of the earth, lingering in the remaining mother gold mines, Never enjoy the sun again.Dominating the mainland, submitting to all races, and the past glory of blood sacrificed creatures can only be recalled in dreams

The era of the soul system has come. In this era, other creatures are trembling. Compared with the fierce and domineering metal clan, the dark soul clan is born with a shadow. They do not have a physical body. The real body is the soul body. This innate talent can make They are impervious to physical attack, but also have little access to earthly substances.

If they want to personally take up arms and contact the world, they can only seize their homes and find a medium.Under such circumstances, other powerful races are naturally trembling, and if one is not good, their souls will be scattered, and they can't help themselves.

"Beginning in the second era, the gemstone and metal races are physically invincible, which symbolizes the top of the system. Does the current dark soul race mean the evolutionary pinnacle of the soul system?"

Sha Niu looked at the projected supercontinent section on the living room, where small animals and villains were struggling to escape in countless times, and the black water rivers on the continent were as big as earthworms, and there were insignificant traces. The dark souls are floating, this is the contemporary overlord Dark Souls.

"Silly girl, have you seen the essence of Ming's evolution?"

Jiang Ping turned his head and asked with a smile, Sha Niu nodded half-understanding, "The world is saving itself."

After all, the heights are different. Sha Niu's original body is also the supreme rule of the universe, and she can see the essence from the evolution of the superficial light.

"The original will of the mainland is instinctively looking for salvation, and it also wants to advance."

The will of the continent is very hazy, different from the will of creatures, illusory, everywhere, and nowhere.It is the pan-consciousness of all living beings, and also the peristalsis of the origin of the world.

Whether it is the metal clan or the dark soul clan, they were all pushed out by the will of the mainland to solve the black water problem, liberate the world, and bring the world to ascend.This is the essence of the problem!

"Zoom out."

Jiang Ping twisted his two fingers, as if shrinking a picture, and the 3D projection on the living room shrunk immediately. Like turning a globe, he opened his palm to turn the entire universe upside down, pointing to the world that occupies one third of the universe. Nether Black Water said to the silly girl:

"When I first created this world, the black water left behind has now become a drag on the ruins of the world, and the world itself is sinking and falling."

Jiang Ping stretched out his fingers to measure the position of the Blackwater plane. After two epochs in the plane, the plane itself has sunk for a short distance from the original position, and it is even farther away from Honghuang and Hill.

"Is there any good way to dredge the black water?"

Silly girl also has a headache looking at the black water. If it is not used, it is a burden. If it is used, it may be an asset that can make the world leap.The black water contains unknown dead matter, but death also contains new life.At least the countless organisms currently living on the supercontinent are organic substances born from the collision and intersection of the laws of the world and the black water.

"The world itself is saving itself, it depends on whether you guys are up to date."

Jiang Ping bent his middle finger and flicked the black water plane, the world turned around, and the flow of time accelerated.

After the Second Epoch, this is a dark and terrifying era. Ferocious beasts prostrate and dare not breathe loudly, lest they be discovered by the ubiquitous souls and occupy their bodies. Facing this group of strange races that are omnipresent and naturally do not eat physical attacks, other ethnic groups Terrible headache.

You can't fight, you can't escape.Generally, if you meet a soul race, you can only wait for death.The means of communication of the dark soul clan is not an ordinary voice, only the same clan can receive each other's ghost signals.But this is doomed to separate the new overlord from other ethnic groups.Dark Souls are synonymous with horror and incomprehension in the eyes of other races.

The only good thing is that the Dark Souls have very little need for territory, their attributes are Yin, and they don't like to show up in daylight.Although I have vaguely heard that the dark souls plan to melt thousands of souls to create souls to evolve, but it seems that they have absorbed the experience of the previous overlord, and they will be hated by the gods if they are enemies of the hearts of the people. In the end, this horrifying plan was stranded up.

Even hunting and grazing in the daytime, other ethnic groups are very cautious, and every beast lives in fear.

The ghosts travel between the black water and the dark corners of the mainland. If anyone can enter the location of the dark soul clan at this time, they will be shocked to find that their residence is exactly the same as the ghost domain.

The dark souls who are not with other races have their own special system, and their use of terrain and environment exceeds the imagination of other races.

The soul clan transformed their residence into a ghost domain of yin attributes, where the wind blows, ghosts cry and gods howl, the sun does not shine, and it is shrouded in darkness all year round.

Ordinary creatures can't survive here at all, and only the soul race can live comfortably.The ghost domain has a special life magnetic field, which repels positive living creatures, and nourishes the soul race in an extraordinary way.

In the criss-crossing currents of thinking, ghosts are exchanging information with each other. Due to their own attributes, their thinking is transparent, and they can only tell the truth. If they tell lies, they will be spotted by the tribe at a glance. Their family is quite peaceful, and there is no civil strife.

By the way, the reading app I'm using recently, \app\ has a lot of book sources, all books, and updates quickly!

There is no sound, and the fluctuations of their own thinking are entangled. The mutual communication of the dark souls can form a thinking storm, forming the simplest prototype of an information network. They are uniquely gifted for the development of the soul system.

"I heard that the seven elders are gathering together and intend to submit a plan to develop Blackwater to King Aruo."

"Black water is the source of life and the source of all evil. It is us, the mother river of the whole race, but it is also the source of destruction that ruins everything."

Even though they were born in Blackwater, the Dark Souls are still in awe of this unknown terrifying energy, and no one knows its depth and horror better than them.

"The leaders spent a long time taking away the bodies of other ethnic groups to explore the mystery of the continent. Going deep into the abyss of black water, it seems that they have found some great secrets, and they understand the essence of the changing civilization and the changing times."

"Isn't the change of the Ming Dynasty just because the ethnic group can't keep up with the times? Our dark soul race is extremely powerful in this era. When we travel, the sun and the moon will dim, the ghost land will descend, and the beasts will tremble. But in the next era, maybe we will be the same as before." It is the same as the family of metals, gems, etc. They retreated to the corner of the world and disappeared into the long river of history.”

"Who says it's not? The Ming Dynasty is the truth, and the elders have discovered the essence of breaking through the truth?"

During the storm of thinking, the dark soul clan has the oldest qualifications, and the seven elders who were born on the original black water are gathering together. The souls of each of them exude an ancient and decayed atmosphere, and the ghost soul body is overflowing every moment. No matter how they swallow soul matter to make up for it, they are still like a bucket with a hole in it, unable to make ends meet.

The lifespan of the soul race is not longer than that of other races, generally only a hundred years. When the time comes, the fruit will fall, and the life span of the soul will naturally overflow after reaching the limit.And the Seven Great Elders lived a full 900 years!

Assisting the previous kings of the soul clan to lead the whole clan, they are the true background of the dark soul clan.

"Why is there something urgent to report to the Seventh Elder?"

The leader of this generation, King Aruo, is tall and tall, wearing an obsidian bone crown on his head, and his ghost body can't hide his arrogance.

"King Ah Luo, how do you judge the future of our family?"

"My family is currently developing rapidly, the black water is not extinguished, and batches of newborns have been born from it, which has laid the foundation of our family. What's more, with the passage of time, I have begun to study the souls of other dead creatures. A vast and boundless force, the souls of the dead have no fixed place, and will soon be assimilated by the mainland, which is a pity.

As the overlord of soul consciousness, our clan should make contributions in this regard. "

King Aluo is very ambitious, and the field he studies is also profound and far-reaching. The Seven Elders do not doubt King Aluo's ability and vision. He may be the most outstanding ghost body in the dark soul system.

The Seven Great Elders spoke in admiration, "King Ah Luo, you do have far-sighted eyes and see things we cannot see. But the long years have brought us experience. In the process of going deep into the abyss of black water, we found out that The essence of the changing era."

"From the beginning of the birth of the continent, the sun, the moon and the stars were attached to it. The first thunderbolt blasted into the black water, bringing life to the world. This is the oldest record in our history. The black water is terrible, but it belongs to all of us. biological mother.

In the ancient times, giant gods and demon gods disturbed the world, fought frequently, and fell one by one, creating today's prosperous tribes.The birth of our dark souls is also related to the unconsciousness that collapsed after the fall of the troll god. "

The seven elders began to explain the history of the supercontinent to King Aluo in detail. King Aluo was very patient and listened all the time. He knew that the ancient history contained their future.

What did the elders discover from this?

"The alternation of generations of ethnic groups takes turns to rule the roost on the mainland. There is a force driving this."

The Seven Great Elders finally came to a conclusion. King Arrow's ghostly body vibrated, and it could be seen that his thoughts were unstable, "Are you saying that there are the original ancient giants who have never fallen and are secretly manipulating the situation in the continent? Our dark souls may also be A chess piece of an ancient demon god?"

"No, this force is more powerful than any demon god, but it has no attack power at all. That is the self-help consciousness of this continent itself. Our world is sinking, engulfed by heavy black water, and constantly falling. Ah Luo Wang, haven't you noticed that the content of psionic energy in the mainland is getting thinner as time goes by?"

King Ah Luo fell into deep thought. He did not expect that the ancient Seven Great Elders would spend 900 years to find such a big problem.They, the ten thousand races, the troll gods were born on the black water, but they also died on the black water.

"The consciousness of the mainland is saving itself, whether it is the original ancient demon god, or the metal clan who is invincible in physical attacks, and even us who are invincible in the soul system." King Aruo figured it out, "If we can't make enough contributions to the world, we can save ourselves. The continental consciousness will be disappointed and gradually abandon us. Instead, focus on new potential groups.

Put hope on them, for example: the next generation of ethnic groups may be a powerful ethnic group that combines our talents with the metal race.Going on like this from generation to generation, the continental consciousness itself is also the condensation of Wan Ling's long-cherished wish. "

King Ah Luo's thoughts suddenly became heavy, and the whole hall became cold, "If the Ming race has failed for generations, then this world will sink to the bottom in the end. The first sign should be that the nether energy fades away, and the extraordinary power quietly disappears. , there is no ray of super power in the end. The world has fallen into absolute magic, and no race can evolve again.

If the vicious cycle continues, this supercontinent will be lifeless, genocide, and eventually collapse. "

King Ah Luo looked very far, and what he said was absolutely correct, sailing against the current, if you don't advance, you will retreat.Every moment the world itself is being dragged down by the black water, and the consciousness of the mainland is frantically saving itself. If generations fail, then what awaits the world itself is Eternal Night.

"And if someone can solve the black water, and even develop and utilize it, then it will become the best background for the promotion of the world. This merit of saving the world alone, I think, is enough to make the successful creature become a troll god beyond all known, and become a continent And the group it belongs to can also rely on this feat to become the eternal protagonist, and be merciful."

Whether it is for the future of their own ethnic group, or the future of the world in righteousness.King Ah Luo has only one choice!

After a group has a sense of crisis, the speed of development is quite rapid.

The previous dark soul clan fell into the same shackles as the metal clan. The clan was invincible, and other powerful clans were not qualified to challenge at all, and they were firmly entrenched on the mainland.But now I understand that if my ethnic group does not make enough achievements, it will soon be abandoned by the mainland and reduced to dust of history.

The dark soul clan exploded with unimaginable strength. They are the kings of the soul lineage and possess unique talents.They can discover the ghostly matter and spirit bodies that ordinary creatures cannot touch at a glance. The dark souls see the world farther and farther than other races.

And the many races trembling under the power of the dark soul clan were surprised to find that the soul clan had less control over other creatures, and they put their focus back on themselves.

"It seems that the leader of this group of ghosts has put their focus back on the black water that raised them."

Some other tribesmen heard the wind, "This group of ghosts are not traveling on the earth, but looking for new roads. Because they found that if the huge black water problem is not solved, the world will not be peaceful every day! There is only a temporary overlord, there is no permanent one. Overlord. Every generation of the overlord of the earth has only one goal, to promote the advancement of the world!"

The people of the soul clan wandered in the depths of the earth, looking for the original source along the underground black water river, and the black water, as black as ink, flowed endlessly and never stopped.

The continent is crossed by black water, they are everywhere, but even the soul race born in it does not know the origin of the black water.

After decades, after hundreds of millions of soul races relentlessly searched, they finally found the original river along the ancient dry river. Everything flowed from this place called Beiyuan.

The seven elders and King Aruo penetrated the space and wandered in the interlayer of space. They saw a tightly sealed door, and outside the door they heard the sound of black water pouring. With the help of their talents, they saw the universe. A corner of the truth.

It is a vast and infinite black sea, as if it is bigger than the entire universe, dark and heavy, they are silent, no wonder the continent will be dragged down and sink, too much black water is too scary!

"Is this the impurity left by the Creator God to create the world?"

They can only guess like this, the legend of the Creator God exists in every ethnic group, and the matter of black water is unknowable and unanalyzable, it comes and goes out of thin air.The sea of ​​black water hidden in the inner layer of the world is the real source!A huge volume comparable to the entire universe!

"Can we really succeed?" The elders wavered, and anyone who saw this horrible scene would despair.

"Yes, I can."

Looking at the black sea that was as dark as an abyss, King Ah Luo's face was solemn, "If we all fail, the whole world will not be saved. Look, the stars hidden in the black sea are all creatures after death. , the root consciousness point left after the dissolution of the soul. As I said before, if we can make good use of this place, then we will become the eternal protagonists, and we can also hold the power of the continent and advance together with the world."

The Seven Great Elders saw that there were insignificant but real stars in the dark black sea, and they were as precious as hope.

"Everyone, I have a huge plan that I have wanted to do since I was born, are you willing to assist me?" King Aruo asked solemnly.

"Of course I will, my lord."

The seven elders knelt down on one knee, and King Aruo looked at the endless dark sea in front of him, and said slowly: "I want to create reincarnation."

Chapter 512 I Found the Wrong Five Fingers Mountain

Reincarnation, reincarnation, cycle of birth and death.There is no reincarnation in this world, King Ah Luo wants to perfect this concept for the world.

They are dark souls, and their natural research on this aspect far surpasses all other races. Under the leadership of King Arrow, all the dark souls took action, in order to digest the black water, to make good use of the dead souls, to live forever, and for the world promotion!

The ghosts on the mainland travel much faster, and they can be seen frequently even in broad daylight when the sun is shining brightly tomorrow. All races tremble under their lustful power again. Whenever a soul race is born, it changes the sky. Howl, the stars are dimmed, and realms unfit for living descend.

"What are they trying to do? Are the soul clansmen crazy? Do they want to change their attributes and make themselves Yang?"

"I don't think so. They should have a big plan. Maybe they want to combine the strengths of the two families to create a creature with a perfect body and soul."

Many strong people guessed the intentions behind the movements of the soul people, and they made such a big move that turned the whole world upside down, especially those who frequently approached and observed the creatures that were about to die. Yes, I feel that it is too slow for ordinary creatures to die naturally.

They began to keep a collection of different creatures in captivity, witnessing their birth and facilitating their death.

"After the creature is born, it interacts with the heaven and the earth, yin and yang unite, and a new soul is born."

Observing the birth of the cub souls of a huge number of creatures, King Arrow caught a ray of the supreme truth of the soul.The soul is not completely out of its own body, nor is it descended from heaven, but a combination of the two.

"Creatures that die of natural age, their souls mature, return to the origin of the mainland, and finally the soul disintegrates, and the deepest point of immortality returns to the black water of the mother sea, and accumulates from generation to generation."

The Seven Great Elders discovered that many creatures were free from disease and disaster, and had good food and drink, and they died quietly overnight without any warning. This is the natural aging, death and decay of the soul.The day before yesterday he was alive and kicking, and the next night he died quietly.


With the sound of screams, a group of newly born creatures of different races were massacred by the soul clan. For a while, there was a bloody storm here, and a gloomy force that could only be observed by the soul clan was screaming, and the fresh souls who were ignorant Floating from the corpses, their eyes were full of confusion, and their soul bodies still maintained the racial appearance of their lives.

"Revenge, death."

Although a very small number of souls lost their memories and lost themselves, they kept chanting their hatred for the soul race.Even if you die, you still can't let it go.

"It seems that the obsessions in front of you can also be imprinted in the soul. The more powerful the creature dies, the more memories the soul retains. As long as the degree of evolution is high enough, even if it dies, it can continue to live for another life. Nether body creatures like us."

Although the experiment was bloody and cruel, the harvest was undoubtedly huge.

"We don't kill on purpose, nor do we keep animals in captivity because of our own preferences, and watch them die. Everything is to save the world!"

In the face of doubts and public outrage from the outside world, King Arrow explained in time that although this era belongs to the soul clan, if he betrays the people's will, one day he will repeat the same mistakes as the metal clan.

Whether Wanzu believes it or not, the experiments of the Soul Clan are still going on, but they will not deliberately capture and kill outside creatures, but choose to keep creatures in captivity in their own ghost domain.Divide an area and witness the birth and death of the creatures you cultivated.

Under the experiment with no taboos, the progress of the soul clan is extremely fast, and they will do everything they can. "As long as the plan is successful, let alone other races, I and the dark soul clan can sacrifice themselves." language.He firmly believes that as long as he creates reincarnation, the soul race will become the number one race in the world, and even if he successfully digests the black water, he can use it to become the master of the world!

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