At the same time, Jiang Ping and the God of Creation of Light worked together to pinch and seal the handprints with both hands. The handprints vaguely have something to do with the seal technique of Hill.

"seal up!"

Thousands of laws were mobilized, the inside and the outside were combined, and a huge seal appeared, causing the unstable substances and energies from outside the New Territory to gradually gather together. Can't see it.

It is pitch black, like the ocean and the sea of ​​darkness, like the dead sea, and it seems to have bred creatures. After all, the sea water itself contains organic substances such as plant seeds and biological embryos.

According to the principle that the clear rises and the turbid sinks, this group of black water, which is obviously heavier than the world itself, keeps flowing from above to below, and gradually gathers at the bottom of the world.

Unstable substances gathered together, and the new world was shaken, and finally got rid of the danger of explosion at any time. The membranes of the precarious world were reshaped, and the laws that had been broken several times were reshaped.

Visible to the naked eye, the new world began to sink a little bit, which is a drop in dimension

Seeing the stability of the New Territories, Jiang Ping smiled wryly, "After this accident, the New Territories with 4000 points invested is inherently deficient, and the avenue is weakened."

Yes, just like the developing fetus in the mother's womb is the most important thing, this interruption has caused unexpected changes in the law of the new world that is being conceived, even if you try your best to make up for it, it is still congenitally deficient, like a sick premature baby .

"Now it depends on your future development, whether you can digest the mysterious black water at the bottom of the world through acquired efforts. Otherwise, the black water will always hinder the promotion of the world itself, and then don't even think about competing with the other two worlds."

For a while, Jiang Ping actually made a pessimistic prediction about the future of the new world.Innately deficient, unless the black water that sinks to the bottom of the world and is sealed by oneself is developed and utilized well, let alone development and promotion, it is estimated that it will be dragged down continuously.How can this be compared to the well-developed Honghuang and Shelby?

"But then again, how can you explain the scene Mengluo saw not long ago? It shouldn't be this sick premature baby."

Jiang Ping muttered, many things have been initiated from the beginning, and he glanced at the silly girl flying over with her tongue sticking out, just as she said before: the ending of the story is often decided at the very beginning.

Congenital deficiency, how much acquired effort is needed to make up for it?Maybe it will never make up for it.

It is a bit reckless to introduce a large amount of matter from the earth, and now the new world is heavy, and this group of unnamed high-dimensional matter cannot be used, but can only be temporarily sealed and deposited at the bottom of the world.

Even being the Creator God, he couldn't solve it. To be honest, Jiang Ping didn't think that the civilized race that this sick child would give birth to in the future could solve the world's problems.

"Forget it, each has its own life, let's see what kind of creatures you can breed in the future."

Now that things have come to this, Jiang Ping can only comfort himself in this way, and he doesn't expect it to produce much energy for him, he is lucky to be alive.

Be careful not to be so reckless next time, let alone high-dimensional inclinations, even collusion between different worlds at low latitudes will cause repulsion.

"Father God, this new world seems a little weird."

Seeing that everything gradually settled down, the silly girl flew onto Jiang Ping's shoulder again, watching this seemingly irregular circular world curiously. Below the world, a full third of the space is pitch black, containing destruction and new life. mysterious substance.

"There was an accident. So now we have to maintain it here, at least not let it explode suddenly."

Jiang Ping took back the God of Creation of Light, sat in front of the new world, and began to watch it perfect and brew with his own eyes.

If it's another world, you usually choose how many points you want, and after making the rules, you can be the shopkeeper, go to sleep, and let it develop. Anyway, with the passage of time, there will always be civilizations born, but now this makes people uncomfortable. Rest assured that the world still has to be stared at, and if you are not careful, you may explode and destroy it.

Sure enough, in the following time, the new world mutated several times, the laws were broken several times, and the source collapsed. In desperation, Jiang Ping took several shots to maintain it and forcibly kneaded it together.

Even after several combinations, Jiang Ping felt that the new world had dropped a few ranks, and he couldn't help worrying about the creatures in the future. If this continues, the energy will be thin, and then naturally super creatures will not be born in the future, and he can recycle energy with points?

"I'm afraid this is not the first loss-making business I have done, right?"

Muttering in his heart, Jiang Ping tried his best to maintain order in the New Territories and prevent it from being destroyed.

Chapter 508 The Newborn Blackwater World


This is already the ninth time the origin has collapsed, and the fetal membranes are cracked. Jiang Ping, who is sitting cross-legged in the void, has a face full of helplessness. He can only stretch out his hand again, and the palm of his hand flashes with brilliant brilliance. .

If it wasn't for the full 4000 points invested in the initial investment, Jiang Ping had no doubts that the New Territories would have collapsed long ago.However, if it is consumed so many times, it will also squeeze the original power of the world. In the future, super energy factors such as aura will be much scarcer.

"Make rules and do your best to maintain the balance of the world."

Jiang Ping began to formulate the original rules of the new world, and set up three thousand gods and demons in the wild. Although this new world invested more, it could only keep alive.

The chaotic and broken avenues are forcibly fused together under the amalgamation of supreme mighty power, no matter what potential or not, it is good luck not to collapse, barely maintain the boundary and not continue to fall.

On the way, Sha Niu is also initially involved in maintaining the world order, sewing for the world like a little assistant.She gained a lot of valuable experience in this creation.

In nothingness, there is no time.I don't know how long it has passed, it seems like a moment, and it seems like a hundred million years. No matter how dark it is, the slowly turning New Territory gradually calms down and stabilizes, maintaining a fragile balance.

A mixed world membrane is formed, slowly absorbing the power of nothingness, and transforming it into the energy of the world itself. The most eye-catching thing is naturally the unknown substance in the deep black water below the mottled world. They are like cumbersome impurities, and the world itself is unbearable. Heavy load, may fall again at any time.

There is a ray of ancient time in the newborn world, and the inner laws are surging, and something incredible is brewing in the dark.

"It's stabilized now, silly girl, let's go in and take a closer look."

If you don't go deep into it, but only observe from the outside, you can never understand the inner core.

Silly girl is obviously also very interested in this new world, so she hurriedly flew onto Jiang Ping's shoulder, sat down, and shook her calf happily.

Jiang Ping stepped into it. If other creatures want to enter a different world, they will be blocked by the fetal membrane instinctively, and the laws are in conflict.But Jiang Ping has the right to create the world, and as he steps in, the membranes of the world are rippling like water, welcoming his arrival.

This is a world of darkness, without the sun, moon, stars, or light.

There are a lot of harmful substances in the air, and precious extraordinary factors are relatively rare, especially considering that the world itself has spent a huge amount of 4000 points. Logically speaking, the starting conditions are quite good. When there are thousands of stars shining in the world, There are even innate gods to maintain order.

"Nothing at all."

In the darkness, a pair of bright eyes said so, she is a silly girl, she flies around, trying to find vitality and organic matter in this world, but finds that there is no active energy now, and she has not found a batch of animals born with the world. super creature.

"Isn't this equivalent to a premature baby? Too malnourished."

Jiang Ping sighed, the lonely world is empty, it seems that there is only a turning point in the world.

"Time speeds up by 1000 million times!"

As time began to speed up, the silly girl who flew out hurriedly flew back, fearing that she would be dragged down by the mighty power of time.


The surrounding picture is like an infinitely accelerated movie, but pure darkness is also darkness when accelerated.

This is a lonely waiting process. Fortunately, there is a silly girl for company, so it is not lonely.

It's just that after waiting for a long time, I still didn't see the light spot appear, and the silly girl also yawned, and she suggested weakly: "Why don't you, Father God, create the light?"

Jiang Ping was helpless, and began to try how to make organisms grow, not only to add organic molecules, but also to have a sufficient environment to maintain its growth.

"Now we can't demand more, and condense the simplest world form."

Jiang Ping pushed Weili secretly. Gradually, dust began to gather in the center of the world. The silly girl looked curiously and guessed whether a planet was formed. Later, she found that as time went by, hundreds of millions of dust gathered together, and an initial continent was born. .

At the beginning, the appearance of the continent was followed by light, and a protective layer similar to the atmosphere appeared on the periphery of the continent, because the continent was so large that it stretched as far as the eye could see, so it was only possible to keep it from collapsing in another world.

Gradually, stars revolving around the continent are born. These stars are positioned differently from the earth, revolving around the continent, and they are appendages of the continent.

The universe has more colorful lights. Although the light is very thin compared to the entire universe, it is also a great progress.

"Then it's time to create the creature."

Jiang Ping pondered, this time he still wants to release the biological spores by himself?Does this fall into a rut?

His gaze was cast into the black water in the deepest part of the universe, and he had a plan in mind.

"Silly girl, open a small mouth on the mainland and slowly draw out the black water."

Jiang Ping ordered that he intends to cultivate the silly girl's hands-on ability.

"What about me?"

Sha Niu was very happy, she never thought that she would be able to participate in such a great cause, she hurriedly flew above the super continent, sliding her hands, numbers constantly appeared in her eyes, calculated the perfect position, adjusted the size of the hole, and could not let the The black water gushes out all at once, otherwise the new continent will collapse.


Soon, with the appearance of a black hole that was quite small compared to the mainland, a stream of black water from the bottom of the universe slanted down, and the sound of bang bang bang brought a different brilliance to the lonely world.


Soon, Jiang Ping had already closed the black hole, but he didn't make up for it completely, and he might add more in the middle.Compared with the whole, the black water flowing in the mainland is just a drop in the bucket.

If you look at the super continent at this moment from a higher angle, such as where Jiang Ping is now, you will be surprised to find that its appearance looks like a plate containing [-]% black soup.

The majestic black water carried unknown substances and rushed to all parts of the world, and the traces of the black water, the original rivers and oceans were formed.Due to the extrusion of black water, landforms such as hills, plains, and ravines also appeared one by one.

Jiang Ping and Sha Niu observed carefully, and found that although the black water has added different things to the world, it cannot produce creatures, and an opportunity is needed. Maybe this opportunity will wait for a long time, or even never come.

"Silly girl, what do you think is missing now?"

Jiang Ping asked Sha Niu, Sha Niu thought for a while, and replied: "Lack of the first impetus to move the world."

"No, since I condensed the mainland, I have already given impetus to the world. Now we just need to wait."

Jiang Ping looked at this super continent hanging in the darkness, brought back the reluctant silly girl, and returned to the present world, yes, he was going to have lunch.

The world is big, and the food is the biggest.

The earth, the sun is shining, the birds are singing and the flowers are fragrant, and the villagers shout and say hello from time to time outside the door.Occasionally, cocks crowed and dogs barked, and many dolls were scared to cry.

Jiang Ping's current physical fitness is very strong, he can do it, and he can smash the aircraft carrier alone.Underneath the epic body is a lot of energy that needs to be consumed every moment.

However, there are no demons in reality, eating rice and meat, it is estimated that swallowing the pigs and sheep on the earth can only maintain the blood for a few days, and it is consumed every moment.

Not long ago, Jiang Ping chose to borrow points to extract spiritual substances to maintain his body to solve his physical difficulties. Now he wants to ask Sha Niu if he can use the substances on the earth to synthesize daily spiritual food.

Sha Niu disappeared from the table space, turned into data and wandered in different dimensions, and even invaded the network to obtain a lot of information.

With the official birth of the realm of the mind, the major countries have also increased their investment in the extraordinary field. They have borrowed computers to conduct many experiments on the subsidiary substances and even extraordinary materials that appeared due to the birth of the gods and demons.

This batch of precious information was stolen by Sha Niu, and a lot of data in her brain became active. Using her own computing power, the data was combined with each other to explore the possibility of extraordinary food on the earth.

Ten minutes later, Sha Niu reappeared in front of Jiang Ping.

She said with regret on her face: "Great Father God, the combination of the known substances on the earth cannot synthesize the daily consumption you need, unless"

"Unless what?"

Jiang Ping then asked, it seems that a clever woman can't cook without rice. If it is really possible to synthesize spiritual food, it is unreasonable that the research of various countries has failed for so long, and they can only rely on the materials attached to the spiritual realm to try to create superhumans.After all, with food, the body can be transformed from the root.

And the realm of the soul is also due to the power of the human heart, and it cannot be created out of nothing.

"Unless you go on a killing spree and transform the entire earth into a giant ranch that exists because of you."

Silly girl didn't know how scary what she said, she continued to suggest, "If it is to be raised, animals such as pigs and cows are too clumsy and provide too little blood, and the most spiritual humans are the best. Anyway, there are enough now. There are more than 70 billion. Human beings only need a small living space, and the whole body is filled with nutrient solution.

By the way, you can also create a completely virtual online game, let them be addicted to it, and they don't know how to resist. Every human being can extract extremely weak spiritual substances after they grow up, and there are quite a lot of them. "

The silly girl is talking boastfully, but Jiang Ping on the side is getting more and more wrong the more she listens, why does she feel something is wrong?

Isn't this what Sha Niu did before?He glanced strangely at the silly girl who was intoxicated in his fantasy.

It can't be seen that this little girl has a sick and delicate attribute hidden in her bones, and if she disagrees with her, she will raise up all human beings and slaughter them.

It sounds light and fluffy, but when you think about it carefully, it is extremely terrifying.If one is not good, human civilization will be ruined.

Maybe we humans are used to eating meat, but from another perspective, if a pig breaks into the slaughterhouse, then in its eyes, this is a place more terrifying than hell!

Thousands of compatriots were raised in small, dirty pigsty, unable to stretch their bodies, with only two or three meters of room for movement throughout their lives.

Eat and sleep all day.Sleep and eat.The excrement piled up and smelled so bad that after three months, some piglets who were one month old would be driven to death by electrocution one by one, and the unlucky ones would be stabbed to death with knives. Blood flowed all over the place.

Sen Leng's iron hooks are covered with the tragic corpses of compatriots, and blood drips from their feet. This is completely beyond hell, right? !

This is why the gentlemen in ancient China advocated not going to the kitchen or killing livestock.There are many things in the world that are scary from another perspective.

At this moment, the fate of human beings is in a moment of thought. As long as Jiang Ping is willing to plan carefully and drive the gods and demons in the spiritual world to act recklessly on the earth and destroy the resistance, then he can also become the biggest and most evil boss in history. As a native human, Jiang Ping has not been so cruel to satisfy his appetite.


Jiang Ping stopped Sha Niu's terrifying plan, and said with a headache: "Don't think about it, you are calculating based on the matter on the earth. If you zoom in and look at the entire universe, then there may be variables. "

"The universe? It's really big, but this is a super project, whether it's discovering and searching for mysterious substances, or doing experimental synthesis." Sha Niu looked up thoughtfully.

Exploring the universe is indeed a bit far away, and Jiang Ping puts his hope on another plan.

Aren't you the low-latitude creation god?If you can construct a world with a perfect cycle, you can completely transform a world into a world gourmet factory from the very beginning. The meaning of its existence is to provide food for yourself!Whether it's for appetite or to nourish the body.

In fact, Jiang Ping had this idea a long time ago, but at that time, he had no energy and wasted points, so he probably can do it now.

"It seems that the plan to create a gourmet world is about to be put into progress."

Jiang Ping picked up a small notebook and wrote down, as for this newborn black water world - let's name it like this for the time being, it probably won't work, a tragic premature baby, a failed product.Jiang Ping even planned to lose money in his heart.

However, looking at the few points in Genesis so far, he closed his eyes heavily, not knowing when he would be able to take action.

"A world dedicated to gourmet food?"

Silly girl was slightly startled by Jiang Ping's brain hole, she has such a big appetite, she created the world just to eat!

Fortunately, after creating the Blackwater World, there are still 200 points left. Jiang Ping will not be hungry, so he can barely make a tasteless lunch.After lunch, lie down on the bamboo chair for a short rest.

In Jiang Ping's world of resting his mind, unconsciously, the world of Blackwater has undergone earth-shaking changes.

For a lonely world without living things, or even cells, time has no meaning.

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