"( ̄▽ ̄)~, cub, are you calling mommy again?"

When the stinky cute Luo appeared on the forum, many netizens asked her what she was deducing.After all, before going offline, the 1000-year deduction left by Mengluo is very intriguing.

"Anluo, what did you see on the map? Has this world's number one strange book landed in your hands?"

There is no time to ask why she dared to ride on everyone's head to become a mother. Everyone is more interested in this book.

"Do you know of a theory? Theoretically speaking, Mengluo kept deducing in the past time, and she can still see the earth in the prehistoric world, and even see herself on the earth!"

There are all kinds of conjectures. After the bombardment of the spiritual world, thousands of people have entered the digital world to eliminate demons. People on earth have long known that this is a surreal real game, and it is not surprising that there is nothing in it.

"It's not so suspenseful, it's just a log in the deduction game.

Ha ha ha ha ha. o(≧▽≦)ツ┏━┓”

While Meng Loli said it was no big deal, the unconcealable joy in her words made people dizzy. What did she see to be so happy?

"Could it be that seeing the end of Journey to the West, could it be that the Wutian boss and the Buddhist sect died together, and you succeeded in stealing the chicken, obtained the fruit of the calamity, and became a saint?" Someone boldly guessed.

As soon as this sentence came out, even Yu Xiang'er, who was peeping, felt guilty and began to summon Wutian.For this group of companions who love to deceive others, she has no trust, no integrity and no morals.

"Bah bah, this girl is not so bad, I can only reveal that I saw a lot of interesting things. It's not about Journey to the West, but about the trajectory of the whole world, the progress of humanity."

After Mengluo left a mysterious sentence, she never revealed it again.She is not a fool, the advantage of intelligence is the most expensive only if she knows it.

Mengluo's blissful attitude made everyone instinctively think that she must have gained a huge benefit. Don't you see, her tail is up to the sky?

Long Shao was very direct, and asked directly: "Did you pick up the innate treasure? So happy, there are good things, remember to share them together."

Faced with everyone's teasing, Mengluo pretended not to know, and she was happy in the bed by herself.

And Meng Luo's strange speech was discovered by the silly girl who has been monitoring the earth network, and she reported it to Jiang Ping.

"What? Anluo saw the future with the help of the push back map, and she didn't say anything, secretly hiding a little secret?"

Jiang Ping put down the teacup in his hand, and looked at Silly Girl in surprise.

The goblin-like silly girl nodded quickly, pointed to the screen and said, "I noticed something weird, so I reported it to Father God."

Jiang Ping turned on the computer and saw the speeches on the Internet. At this moment, unable to stand the netizens' questioning, Meng Luo finally replied: "After the end of Journey to the West, there will be danger in the near future. You should prepare in advance!"

After leaving this sentence, she didn't care anymore.

The prehistoric players were speculating about private chats, and some even thought that Mengluo was lying again.After other netizens discussed in a swarm for a while, they then focused on which player in the digital world destroyed how many monsters, how many gold coins were played, and what extraordinary materials were released.

Only Jiang Ping's eyes were deep, as if he had noticed something.

The pages of the book rustled, he opened Genesis, and turned to the page of the prehistoric, the function of the book itself is to record, and soon he saw the "future" that Mengluo saw.

That was the beginning of the war of the worlds, a scene of blood and chaos.

? ? ? ?

Jiang Ping was a little confused, he connected with each other so quickly and conquered each other.Now there are only three worlds, and the "heaven and myriad worlds" are actually a little bit less. Even the spiritual world is very special because it is placed on the people of the earth. Just Hong Huang and Hill, are they fighting each other?Don't you think it's a little low-key?

Suddenly, he seemed to think of something, and his body shook.

"Could it be because of a thought I had just now that Mengluo got a glimpse of the future by chance?"

This is really miraculous, the heavens and myriad worlds are closely related to me, and a single thought in my heart can have a huge impact on them.

In a trance, Jiang Ping had an epiphany, this is the power of time and space, this is the reincarnation of cause and effect, and this is the trajectory of fate.

A heaven, a hell.The fate of a person, the fate of a country, and the fate of a world are sometimes decided in a single thought.

The silly girl flapped her transparent thin wings and flew around the father god curiously.

After a long time, Jiang Ping opened his eyes again, the eyes were filled with chaos and emptiness, and the silly girl felt that the Father God was more illusory and supreme—even though he was originally the Supreme Being.

Jiang Ping closed Genesis with a snap, stood up and stretched his waist, and said with a smile: "Since she saw this scene, I will also take the opportunity to add another cornerstone to the thin Myriad Realms."

He looked at Sha Niu and asked, "Si Niu, do you want to watch the magnificent creation again?"

Sha Niu nodded without hesitation. Jiang Ping had just turned over the cover of Genesis with his fingers, but suddenly stopped,

"Did I plan to create another world because I saw Mengluo's scene, or did I let Mengluo see the future because I wanted more colors in the heavens. Where did this cause and effect come from? Is it me or her? Or in other words No one?"

Under the expectant eyes of the silly girl, Jiang Ping opened a new chapter, shaking his head swayingly, "No one is the origin. It turns out that the karmic reincarnation has neither beginning nor end. It is a closed circle."

Reincarnation goes back and forth, endlessly.

Chapter 507 The Failed World of Creation

Time and space reciprocate, cause and effect reincarnate, and fate is impermanent, which involves the most profound laws.

For the time being, Jiang Ping suppressed this confusion in his heart, but first focused on Genesis.

Opening the white cover, new words appeared on the first page of Genesis.

[On November 2020, 11 in the Earth calendar, an angel formed by the radiation evil thoughts of the out-of-control nuclear power plant was born, parasitic on human's fear of nuclear energy.Disturbed by the Citi incident, it has not fully grown.The human army's sniper attacks, and even the launch of nuclear bombs, failed.

The radiation angel was seriously injured and fled to Chernobyl. Three days later, the king of terror descended from the sky, and the civilization of the earth was in jeopardy.The game producer appeared to block. 】

This is the first page of history, keep flipping, beyond the original and the small universe, these two chapters have been drawn with a perfect sentence, and will never be updated.

On the latest sixth page of "The Realm of the Soul", there is a brand new handwriting, [All demons are present in this world, punish evil and promote good.The Lord of Truth, exchanged at equal value, the souls of many sinners on earth were harvested and fed back to the spiritual world.The second version of "Digital Warfare" was launched. 】

[People on the Internet are maliciously condensed into monsters, and the disaster on the earth is turned into a boss, which will be eradicated slowly by humans themselves]

Original points: 4200.

The most eye-catching thing is naturally the energy points that can create everything. After discovering that the realm of the mind has unknowingly helped him gather so many points, Jiang Ping was taken aback. He didn't feel the feedback of energy.

Honghuang and Hill haven't had a catastrophe war yet, just some small killings, which are not worth mentioning in the world, so where do these original points come from?

High-quality souls of earthlings, souls of sinners harvested by evil spirits.

They did not go to heaven or hell when they died, but went to the spiritual world.

"The soul after death is also a precious treasure, but because of the special environment of the earth, it cannot be observed and utilized, and now it is cut off by the realm of the mind."

Jiang Ping was very happy, he did not expect that the birth of the evil gods and the arrival of the king of terror caused such a big disturbance and such a special windfall.In the past, the souls of living beings on the earth died, restricted by the world, and soon collapsed. At most, they left remnants due to the magnetic field, which is the legendary "ghost".But now because of the emergence of the spiritual world, it has been used again by myself.

Although after experiencing this catastrophe, human beings have become much more honest, but the steady flow of water has given me another channel to earn money.

As for why there are only original points and no energy rushing to oneself, it is naturally because the souls of the people on earth are not strong, but the quality is high.

"We still need to reclaim a few more bases."

Jiang Ping said to himself, the heavens and myriad realms, counting the already ended primordial and small universes, are only a handful of five fingers, but they are a little less. The world needs a little more colorfulness.

What's more, the feedback from the spiritual world was an accident, and my original intention was to transform the earth's environment.


On the earth, the figures of Jiang Ping and Sha Niu disappeared. In the nothingness, there was a vast expanse of darkness. In the low latitude time and space, Jiang Ping appeared with Sha Niu.

Ordinary low-latitude creatures cannot survive here for a long time, and will be assimilated by nothingness.

Just like throwing a person into space, only a recurring great world can form a complete fetal membrane, slowly absorbing the power of nothingness, and an individual must at least reach the strength comparable to the great world to survive independently.

Sha Niu suddenly dropped from high latitude to low latitude.The body suddenly swelled from a small size to a vast world, "Whew."

Silly girl was gasping for breath, feeling bloated and uncontrollable, she hurriedly said, "Father God, help me, I've become fat, and I can't even stretch my arms and legs."

"If you think about it carefully, you should be able to control it."

Jiang Ping said something inexplicably, and sure enough, soon as the silly girl took control of her body, she gradually felt a sense of familiarity. When she entered this dimension, it seemed like a fish entering the ocean, with a sense of familiarity returning.

As the silly girl became smaller again, she flew around curiously, staring blankly at a certain piece of ruins.

Jiang Ping looked in her direction, and found that it was where the small universe was, and now there was nothing left, only bits and pieces of indelible wreckage floating in the void.

For some reason, Sha Niu felt an inexplicable sadness welling up in her heart.

Jiang Ping took out Genesis, flipping the pages of the book, what kind of world should be created this time?

For some reason, Jiang Ping remembered the experience of creating the first world at that time. The creation of the original world gave him a lot of experience. At that time, he invested a lot of high-latitude materials in the present world. By chance, Lahier was also born.Even because of this, the experience was used to create the prehistoric, borrowing the original points of the almighty, forcibly rescuing the pond lotus, resulting in the birth of the chaotic green lotus.

So now I can do experiments again, enlarge the field of vision, introduce the water and fire seeds of the earth, etc., to see if the infusion of high-dimensional matter and energy will cause inexplicable mutations in the low-latitude small world-try it and you will not get pregnant.

He turned to the seventh page, and gorgeous laws were emerging on the blank pages.

"Create World!"

"Received the instruction, please select the coordinates and enter the original points consumed by the created world."

The long-lost voice of Genesis came. At this moment, an incredible light bloomed in the darkness and nothingness, which directly set off Jiang Ping's majestic demeanor.

The God of Creation of Light at the center of his brow automatically awakened and began to absorb precious creation experience.

"4000 points."

Jiang Ping stretched out his left hand to face a piece of nothingness. This place is not far from Honghuang and Hill. If the future generations of the new world are strong enough, at least to the realm of Gaia in the small universe, then they can also initially involve the Myriad Realms.


The incredible light is blooming, the colorful world is condensing, the laws of ten thousand ways are converging, and a rudimentary world is being conceived.

The silly girl on the side watched all this in a daze, and for some reason, a tear unconsciously appeared on the corner of her eye.

"Hey. Why am I crying?"

Sha Niu wiped the corners of her eyes, not knowing why she was crying.

Out of the corner of Jiang Ping's eyes, he caught sight of Sha Niu. He guessed in his mind that it was because she used to be the Dao Dao of a big universe. She was originally responsible for maintaining world peace and development, but was destroyed by himself in the end. At this time, seeing the New Territory re-opening, her soul Weeping deeply and inexplicably.

"Please formulate the rules for the New Territories."

The voice of Genesis came again, Jiang Ping beckoned, and a hole appeared above the birthed New Territory, and many seawater and even plant seeds and biological embryos on the earth tilted down.

At this moment, somewhere deep in the Atlantic Ocean on Earth, a hole suddenly appeared, swallowing the surrounding seawater madly.

It was like a mudslide that immediately caused the still-gestating New Territory to vibrate continuously, the continuously forming membranes burst open again, and a breath of destruction was brewing again.

The silly girl who was fascinated and moved by the side suddenly became anxious, and didn't dare to fly on Jiang Ping's shoulder at this time, and buzzed around him anxiously like a little bee.

"Father God, what's wrong with you? Why is the material energy of the high-dimensional earth attracted, and the new world can't bear it."

Destruction is birth.But adding so many impurities in one breath really made the newborn world unbearable.

How many seeds did Jiang Ping cast on the earth because he forgot what state he was in when he started the world?It's just a matter of breaking willows by the lake, lotus flowers in the pond, or scattering leaves.

And now, what is he?A hole was directly opened in the deep Atlantic Ocean, attracting many organic seawater rich in cells and trace elements!

Just like a silly girl who has just fallen from a high dimension to a low dimension, her body is stretched and stretched, the already terrifying sea water and cells enter the new world in one go, almost breaking it!

"Cough cough."

The God of Creation of Light at the center of Jiang Ping's eyebrows was coughing to remind him, and for a while Jiang Ping's body flashed an undetectable abnormality.

"Ahem, I was careless, I didn't control it well."

Naturally, this sentence was not said to his little fan girl Sha Niu, but to himself.

At this moment, the unnamed New Territory is expanding, collapsing, and cracking. If it is not well controlled, the 4000 points that Jiang Ping gained from his windfall will be wiped out, leaving nothing but chicken feathers.

Is it possible that if you come by accident, you will go by accident?This is by far the most points consumed to create the world by myself!

The number of small universes that gave birth to two super evolutionaries is only 3000!

Even if Jiang Ping is a prodigal, he will not let it collapse.

Helplessly, the God of Creation of Light walked out from between his brows, and tried his best to assist him in maintaining the order of the new world.

Jiang Ping is also different now. After all, he is an epic creature, and he no longer knows what is happening and why.

The mana rolled on his body, and a circle of God appeared vaguely on his head. He pushed his own creation authority to the limit and mobilized the laws of the world itself to save himself.Borrowing the omnipotent original incredible power, make every effort to maintain the balance of the world.

"The newly born world should be perfect and last forever."

Jiang Ping uttered the constitutional words, mobilized the three thousand laws of the New Territory, and jointly accepted the energy and matter tilted from the upper realm. For a while, the whole world seemed to be fattened, gurgling, and indigestion.

Suddenly it becomes flat, and suddenly it becomes round, like a giant slime.


This is not enough, the New Territory is still trembling precariously, the law of new life cannot accommodate so many impurities, this time Jiang Ping dropped a bit too much upper realm substance, even if it costs 4000, it is still not enough, it may explode at any time, the silly girl watching is He ran away in a panic, fearing that he would be involved in a huge explosion.

Jiang Ping was helpless. If this continues, the 4000 original points will be in vain. He can only use the special solution for earthlings-blocking words.

"Since you can't bear it, and you can't digest it, then temporarily seal them up and turn them into a corner of the world."

"Genesis formulates rules for the new world, seals this group of upper-world substances, and lets them settle down!"

After finally attracting so much earth matter, it is slowly merging with the low-dimensional world. Jiang Ping was reluctant, and the Genesis was flipped, and many mysterious supreme laws surged, and began to help Jiang Ping maintain the New Territory and formulate the original rules for the origin of the world.

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