In the Taoist temple, Li Chunfeng pointed to a book floating on the gossip, and said expressionlessly: "Girl, this is the "Tui Bei Tu" you were looking for. Brother Yuan and I worked hard to deduce it according to the emperor's will. The hexagram of the change of human nature."

Speaking of which, he was inevitably proud. Mengluo looked carefully at the legendary "Tui Bei Tu" and asked curiously, "Which dynasty have you two deduced to now?"

"Just this morning!"

Li Chunfeng and Yuan Tiangang said in unison.

"After that is the key point of the problem, and it is also the fate of the country that Li Shimin wants to see. With me here, you have no worries. The deduction needs hexagrams, and I will directly use my power to move it!"

Meng Luo began to roll up her sleeves, impatient to see where the push-back map without human interference can be deduced.

The two Taoist priests looked at each other, they didn't expect this phoenix to be so interested in human destiny.

Yuan Tiangang explained: "Girl, we deduce the history of humanity, which originated from the ancient Book of Changes. It's a pity that the sky is jealous of the treasure book, and the three are missing two. Next, every time we deduce an era, there will be a huge backlash, which will consume me even more. The two of you put a lot of effort into it. I estimate that within a few eras, the two of us would have passed away."

"rest assured."

Meng Luo thumped her chest, "My old lady has survived since the ancient times. She has not many other things, but the most healing relics. Don't compare healing with Phoenix!"

The two had no choice but to bite the bullet and start deducing the future under Mengluo's solemn oath.

With the help of Mengluo's magic power, the efficiency is indeed much higher.Don't look at her who likes to mess around, she is still a real Daluo Jinxian now, although she was pushed up by time.A pig should be immortal even if it has lived from the beginning of the world to now.

But now that it is deployed, the universe is shaking, and Kanli Gendui.

Heaven and earth, water and fire, mountain wind, and swamp were all evolved by her. The efficiency of Li Chunfeng and Yuan Tiangang was indeed much higher.

The hexagrams on the Taoist temple seemed to come alive. Under the inspiration of mana, the three of them seemed to enter the mountains and rivers.

Greedy Wolf, Po Jun, Seven Kills, and Beidou are all concrete, interpreting the truth of heaven and earth.

Li Chunfeng and Li Chunfeng were intoxicated in the deduction, and the laws of everything in the world are the same.

The trajectories of the movement of the sun, the moon and the stars also indicate the ups and downs of humanity.


Turn back the picture, the first image: Jiazi, Qian hexagram:

The prophecy said:

There is no end to the boundless world.

The sun and the moon cycle, again and again.

Song said:

From Pangu to Xiyi,

The fight between tigers and dragons is strange.

Realize the true meaning of reincarnation,

Try to discuss Yuanji after the Tang Dynasty.

From the beginning of the world, to the roaring of innate gods and demons, and even the creation of human beings by Nuwa, a history of human civilization unfolds slowly.

Mengluo didn't blink, not only to satisfy her own curiosity, but also a great opportunity this time.Isn't it the greatest wealth to witness the rise and fall of a family's civilization history?

In the primitive barbaric period, the primitive people of Chiguo tried their best to survive, drinking blood like hair, and farming by slash and burn.After that, it simulates the nature of the world and powerful creatures.Gradually evolved from primitive society to slavery.

In the Taoist temple, the scenery changes again, the originality fades away, and man-made wonders appear one after another, full of barbaric and bloody atmosphere, human sacrifices to heaven, bones, and cannibalism!

At this moment, a list of gods descended from the sky, immortals and gods roamed freely, and eight hundred princes crusaded against Chaoge. The times changed again. After a hundred schools of thought contended, slavery became an imperial system, which started from the ancestor of the dragon and continues to this day!

"It turns out that for more than 1000 years, our human race has not made any progress!"

Li Chunfeng sighed, when he felt his heart was exhausted, another hot current poured into his body, and he was full of energy and flushed in an instant.

The Tang Dynasty was in its heyday, and its luck was extremely prosperous. Unexpectedly, the phenomenon of the rooster dawning suddenly appeared, and the national fortune of the Tang Dynasty fell since then!

"Could it be that there is a demon girl in the world?" Yuan Tiangang said to himself, the turning point of the dynasty is again on the woman's belly.

With the support of Mengluo, the two continued to deduce.Suddenly, the surrounding area was golden, like thousands of chrysanthemums blooming.The whole city is full of golden armor, Chang'an is burning, and the chaotic world is eating people.

The Tang Dynasty ended, and then a dark history of the human race reappeared. The two Taoists who saw it were full of anger.

"There must be a country behind the Tang Dynasty!", Li Chunfeng concluded.

Mengluo glanced at him in surprise, she didn't expect Li Chunfeng's prophecy ability to be so strong.

The general trend of the world goes round and round, and round and round.

The country is finally gone, and Manghuang invades.

Li Chunfeng and Yuan Tiangang looked at each other, "It seems that this is our oppression of the barbarians, causing future generations to retaliate, but it is causing future generations to suffer."

The barbarism will eventually fade away, and another big country that is not inferior to the Tang Dynasty has appeared, and the three of them are shocked at the same time.

"He's coming, he's coming."

When Mengluo was excited, she quickly increased her mana, and even secretly urged the power of the fairy medicine to the two Taoist priests.

The sun and the moon are in the sky, this dynasty is very good, but Tui Bei Tu is prophesying, but suddenly a sword light appears,



The Tuibei map almost exploded, and a mournful dragon cry sounded from it.Mengluo was taken aback for a moment, and then got angry, "What a big tone, I want to see if Liu Bowen can stop me!"

A sound of phoenix chirping sounded, and Mengluo ignored the obstruction of the two men, urging Da Luo's magic power, the phoenix spread its wings, and used the secret to deduce the future.


Under the thunder of the gods, the three of them are not in the present world at this moment, but have come to the future!

Chapter 506 Reversed Causal Reincarnation

In the face of Guanyin, I am obedient, and in the face of human beings, I strike hard!

Mengluo, who wants to spy on the secret, spreads her wings, as if flying in the long river of time, Tang, Song, Yuan and Ming, what is the last one?

The further down, the stronger the backlash, at least Li Chunfeng and Yuan Tiangang vomited blood from the shock, their faces were like yellow paper, and they persuaded helplessly: "Grandma, don't deduce it anymore, the backlash of heaven is too big, if this goes on, I will Wait for the body to be destroyed!"

Since ancient times, those who have tried to spy on the secrets of heaven have not had a good end, and they have all been destroyed by themselves.If you stop in time, you can get away, but it's a pity that when you see one, you want to see the second, eternal greed.

Mengluo didn't listen, how could she give up at the most critical moment?She also wants to see if there will be a modern republic after the last dynasty!

The history of human development goes from the barbaric to the feudal system, and the last one seems to be the Dacheng feudal dynasty that integrates the feudal era, looming.

Meng Luo widened her eyes and looked carefully, but unexpectedly, she was blocked by the great supernatural power of Jue Tian Di Tong, and she walked along the sky, isolating the immortals.

Mengluo was annoyed, and cast the Da Luo magic spell, and she could see a phoenix burning the chaotic real fire with a long cry, going down the river and burning the real world.

The unknown blocker of the later generations can't resist, he is only a minister of the Ming Dynasty, how can he be against the ancient phoenix?

Meng Luo is also following the sky at this time, pushing the back map to predict the future is a part of the game process!


It can be seen that the severed dragon veins are reconnected, and a majestic world is coming, the peak of the feudal era, cavalry, bows and arrows, nomads, and pigtails.At the end of the road, unprecedented changes are coming!

The era of the republic is coming, and this is the general trend of the world.

"What about after the Republic?"

Meng Luo is still waiting to see, according to the gossip, this is not the end, the end is the ideal Datong society where everyone lives and works in peace and contentment!


At this time, there was a sudden change, and after all, she couldn't go down the river all the time. Mengluo felt as if she was being watched by a chaotic beast with six legs and two pincers, and she felt her hairs explode all over her body.

"Untouchable, untouchable, is this taboo?"

Datong couldn't come, and the endorsements were overturned, like a violent wind and rain, about to explode.


At the last moment, Meng Luo caught a ray of heavenly secret, and the future is full of fog. It has been blocked since the passage of the world, and it has been divided into two world lines.

There are unimaginably powerful enemies outside the territory, similar to Gaia in "Small Universe", but different, it seems to be more evil, more chaotic, and darker, with dark tentacles entwined like octopuses to the entire wild land.

Dongshengshenzhou, Xiniuhezhou, Nanzhanbuzhou, Beijuluzhou, the four continents vibrate and emit light, and the three thousand small worlds in the periphery are like lanterns hanging slowly around the four continents, and there are four heavenly ways The phantom of the venerable appeared, abandoning his own views, and under the oppression of foreign enemies, he went to the outside world together.


Small worlds were invaded by foreign laws and exploded one after another, blocking them into an abyss with the power of world self-destruction. In the process, countless millions of creatures died.

"Is this an invasion by foreign enemies? Another great realm outside of chaos? Is it Hill? No, not so strong!"

Meng Luo's frightened little face turned pale, she never expected that today she would go down the river, and if she really intercepted a ray of secret and put it on the game, then she had peeped at the next big version of the game!At least beyond the usual amount of calamity, knowing the future in advance, using this to plan, I don't know how much benefit I can get.

Mengluo was so excited that she didn't care about consuming the Phoenix's heritage. The accumulation of so many years was not in vain!

Seeing that the Tuibei picture is about to explode, the future is chaotic, and the picture disappears.She spread her wings without hesitation, and a thousand treasures of light flashed by, and Mengluo transformed into a multi-treasure phoenix, instantly hitting the fairy treasure to stabilize the situation.

Suddenly, there were two screams from around, and Mengluo turned her head to see that Li Chunfeng and Yuan Tiangang were unable to bear the force of backlash, and they blew themselves up one after another.

She waved the phoenix divine light to sweep towards the two, and the power of rebirth brought them back from the dead, and brought the two Taoists back to the present world.Mengluo once again pursues the future alone, and she wants to catch her destiny.

Attacked by an unknown existence, even more like a black tide, densely packed with an army of strange and powerful enemies, Meng Luo was shocked to find that the Great Desolation, which can be called the great world, was actually suppressed.

The four heavenly masters were all helpless, and the chaos was broken. At this critical juncture, a green light flashed past.

Mengluo clearly captured the application of the Four Heavenly Daoists, and the other saints and powerhouses also seemed to show despair.

An ultimate tree bearing the gods of heaven and earth appeared, and her figure was so familiar that Mengluo immediately took a look at her.

"World Tree Rachel!"

Right above the world tree, on the crown of the sky, a handle carrying the strongest law in this world, symbolizing the beginning and end of all things, the treetops of original sin vibrate, and the Supreme God, who is surrounded by the most powerful law, sits on the throne, and the twelve main gods watch one by one Come, they are under the command of the dense army of gods.

Mengluo even saw Ning Tianjiao's mechanical corps, with their guns pointing directly in the direction of Honghuang.

"Oops, already in a weak position, and then being besieged by Hill, wouldn't Honghuang become the biggest loser in this version?"

Mengluo is impatient, her ass decides her head, even if she has a little acquaintance with Hill players on the forum, but such a little acquaintance is useless when it comes to big right and wrong.

The prehistoric world has sunk, can these little fishes living in the pool of the world survive?I'm afraid even Venerable Tiandao can only be buried with him!

Bang bang bang!

The cannon fire exploded, and it was indeed Ning Tianjiao's mechanical army that attacked first, but what he attacked was not a prehistoric immortal, but a wave of demons invading the prehistoric.

The world tree is unfolding, showing goodwill, and there is a common enemy between the two!


At the end of the picture, Meng Luo was like a sparrow that was blown away, flying along with the fragments of time, and was beaten back to the Tang Dynasty with a bang, the phoenix fire exploded, the divine feather shattered, and even couldn't help spitting out a mouthful of real blood, but she This time, he was pleasantly surprised. This time, he gained a lot. He noticed the next version of the game and found out the next stage of Genesis.

But what Mengluo didn't know was that when she used the push back map to follow the celestial secrets, Jiang Ping, who was beyond the heavens, flipped through the Genesis, saw a windfall, surprised, and a thought flashed in her heart ——"Yes, windfall money, I can use this to open another world."

After all, he is an epic creature now, and he can be considered a remarkable figure in any world. His life cells are long and he can become a ancestor.

A thought in life is a calamity in life.Not long after Jiang Ping noticed something, he found that drinking and pecking had become a fixed number.


The fur-fried Mengluo was gasping for breath, and a phoenix phantom appeared on her petite body.

The original Taoist temple was blown into ruins by a thunderbolt from the blue sky, and there were still pedestrians pointing not far away, the hexagrams and talisman papers were burning around, and the miraculous push back picture was happening.

Their faces were pale, and Li Chunfeng and Yuan Tiangang, who had already experienced one death, tried their best to extinguish the flames on the push back picture regardless of their injuries. Even so, only one third of them were preserved.

The push back picture is just broken at the top of the image of the rooster sitting in the morning that turned from prosperity to decline in the Tang Dynasty.

"Could it be that all these are days?"

Yuan Tiangang, who was 50 years old in one day, looked at the broken Tuibei picture and said tremblingly, at this moment he absolutely felt that everything had a karmic fate.The two of them tried to spy on the secrets of the sky, and even got the blessing of the Great Luo Divine Beast, but they were seriously injured in the end. Strictly speaking, they died once, but they were reborn by the power of the phoenix, and even pushed back the picture and self-destructed.

"The secret cannot be leaked."

Li Chunfeng, with white hair and tired face, also lamented the impermanence of fate, and he had already decided to resign.

Looking at the two old men whose hair was suddenly snow-white, even if they were nourished by her own fairy medicine, Mengluo smiled embarrassedly, her canine teeth were shining, and she hurriedly slipped away, before leaving, she said:

"I advise you both to take this opportunity to resign and go back to seclusion. Taoism is powerful, and the king of Tang is in contact with Buddhism. He will definitely use the emperor's mind to attract Buddhism to restrain him."

Except for these three people, no one in Chang'an City, or even the whole prehistoric world, knew about this accident. Especially in the later stage, when the real big version came, only Mengluo was lucky enough to get a glimpse of the secret.

She is soaring in the air at the moment, and she is quite excited, "I didn't expect the joint server event to come so soon. I don't know which world the invading wilderness is, but it is so strong. Should I make some preparations in advance?"

tick tock.

The calling notifications from the outside world kept coming back, and Mengluo didn't need to log out to know that it was those bastards on the forum who were calling her mother.Her mentality is very young, knowing so many secrets at once, she can't help but have the desire to confide, and her heart is buoyant.

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