People say that a nuclear explosion is a nuclear explosion, and it is useless to protest.This is the humiliation of a truly sovereign state!

"How's it going?"

The storm continued, and the huge mushroom cloud that was rising was reluctant to dissipate. At this time, I don’t know how many big people who often appear on TV are staring at the satellite screen.

90.00% of global satellites are here.


Suddenly, a blazing white light flew out from the mushroom cloud, and fled in the east-west direction at high speed.

"Slow down!"

The sudden abnormality caused everyone to slow down the video quickly, and after slowing down a hundred times, everyone finally saw Guang Guang's real body.

In the terrifying giant pit, what flew out was a small angel less than one meter tall, whose whole body was made of white jade. There was a broken angel ring hanging on his head. Compared with the previous heyday, , the angel ring is only one tenth.

At this moment, the dim angel ring slowly absorbs the surrounding energy, providing a ray of vitality to the weakest owner.

"Not dead yet?"

Everyone in front of the screen was horrified. They didn't expect that under the strongest human attack, this radiation angel hadn't died yet. This is still an incomplete god.

If it is a powerful spirit of vengeance, or even the Lord of Truth and Sacrifice, would human beings be helpless?

"The most important thing now is not to let him escape, order the local army to send an air force to chase and intercept him, and the satellites will monitor the situation 24 hours a day. Be sure to track him and not lose him!"

The commander-in-chief decisively ordered that tens of thousands of soldiers died in battle at such a high price, and it goes without saying that the locals of the island country were affected by the nuclear bomb.If these heavy data are not exchanged for a good harvest, then what awaits him is not only to step down, but also to go to a military court!

The commander-in-chief not only ordered the entire army to attack, but also specially dialed the special line of the neighboring country, asking them to join forces with the Mi army to encircle and suppress the radiation angels.

Everyone knows the truth of killing a snake and getting hurt. It is obvious that the current radiation angel is the weakest state. Although I don't know where he is going at this moment, it is definitely not good for human beings.

In fact, there is even more fear in the commander's heart. If the radiation angel evolves into a god, will he have self-awareness and ask him to settle accounts?

The commander's request was approved by the presidents near the island country. Under the ultimate explosion, the glass at their borders was also shattered. No one wanted such a powerful radiation angel to continue to survive, and they were even more afraid that he would avenge mankind when he grew up.


Groups of fighter jets are shuttling, and drones that are still in the experimental stage are also passing by quickly. Not only one country is acting, but this is the enemy of mankind as a whole!

"Report, the Radiation Angel is heading northwest!"

Expensive missiles are aiming at the sniper, and human satellites are watching closely, but after being ambushed by the radiation angel, it seems to have changed its form.

Although the body is small, the speed is much faster. On the contrary, it is more difficult to deal with when it is 70 meters high.

Often, as soon as a missile on a distant aircraft carrier is aimed at launching, he has already fled to the distance.

Occasionally, when a mushroom cloud rises, he has already escaped from the core area, and it is not a big deal.

The prime minister of the island country wants to cry but has no tears. He also thinks that he is a person on weekdays. However, when the critical moment comes, he realizes that he is just a naked girl who is ravaged by others.

Mushrooms were planted on this small country, and the citizens who were unfortunately implicated and died made him dare not look directly at them. When he thought of explaining to the people afterwards and treating the victims affected by nuclear radiation, he dared not look directly at them. His heart was trembling.Bowing and apologizing may not be useful now.

The prime minister resented the previous people in his heart, why didn't he handle the nuclear power plant accident well at that time?to have such consequences.

"Too cunning!"

The commanders of the Mi army are smashing the table, but the speed evil god is more difficult to deal with than before. The radiation angel has an instinctive intuition, and often teleports immediately after the missile is aimed at him. Even if it is covered by a saturated attack, it often Able to escape from the core explosion zone and avoid maximum damage.

What's more, the small body of less than one meter is far easier to hide than the previous 70 meters.

The pursuit was not successful, but luckily among the misfortunes, the seriously injured Radiation Angel did not flee into the crowd, but fled into the northwest sea area.

"Could it be that he thinks that the vast sea area is easier to hide? But in that case, isn't the Pacific Ocean to the east better to hide?"

The commanders were puzzled. During a series of pursuits, both the soldiers and their hearts became more and more anxious.

"Will the high school student who came back from the dead in Tokyo know the purpose of the radiation angel?" A person in charge of the Japanese side thought of something.

In the beginning, it was Kudo Yuya who mentioned that something big would happen in the direction of Fukushima, and only then did the following things happen.Now that Radiant Angel is born, maybe he knows something.

Soon, a cabinet minister took a Toyota plane to visit Kudo at the Seventh Hospital. On the way, the minister saw the chaotic Tokyo, where vandalism and looting can be seen everywhere on the streets. Live the swarming crowd.

Many people knelt down and cried bitterly in the street, and the road was jammed with cars.Horns blared throughout the city.There was no other way, the minister had no choice but to let a police officer with a motorcycle drive him to Tokyo First Affiliated Hospital.

The strong wind was whistling in the ears, and the minister's ears were cold, and his heart was even colder.What happened to the country? Well, why did such a major event happen in such a short period of time? Even if the incident subsides this time, the economy will suffer setbacks in the end, and the people will be held accountable afterwards.

When he got near the hospital, the minister realized that the situation was even more serious. The hospital was surrounded by ignorant people.Many people call the prophet "Kudo".

"How is this going?"

The minister had a bad feeling in his heart, and sure enough, the policeman's next answer made his heart sink.

"Kudo Yuya, who came back from the dead, is worshiped by the people. Many people think that he is a prophet and saint who redeemed mankind. God sent him down."

In times of crisis, people need a spiritual sustenance even more, and this is the meaning of religion.

With the help of the security guards, the minister pushed through the crowd and saw Yuya Kudo, who was wearing a hospital gown and sitting on the bed, watching the kneeling crowd below with cold eyes.

The minister didn't see any strange emotion in his eyes, he was very calm, not like a human being.

"Kudou-kun, something happened in the northeast direction you spoke. A god of radiation came to the world."

Time waits for no one, the injured radiation angel is still running away, avoiding the surveillance of the satellite, the minister finished what just happened as quickly as possible, and finally asked, "You know where the radiation god wants to go, his What is the intention?"

Kudo was silent for a while, "I don't understand them as much as you imagined, but I just looked a little further. The mistakes were made by us humans. Even without this newly born radiation god, the Fushima Nuclear Power Plant would eventually explode The scourge, he just detonated it in advance."

The minister had a headache. "The first thing to do now is to deal with the injured radiation angel. We can only talk about the aftermath. Is this his purpose? Where is he going?"

"Maybe, he wants to evolve and perfect himself. Become the same existence as other gods." Kudo guessed, and he bluntly said that he didn't know much.

"The injured radiation angel really needs to evolve urgently, at least to heal his wounds. What does his evolution need?" The minister guessed, "Is it nuclear radiation? No, it's not."

If only nuclear radiation is needed to evolve, then when the Mi army dropped the nuclear bomb at the beginning, he would not be injured, but would become stronger.

In the beginning, the U.S. military only dropped three nuclear bombs, which may not be without a sense of testing.

"Where was he born?"

Suddenly, Kudo Yuya asked back, he looked at the minister that he often saw on TV.

"Where it is born, it naturally needs energy from there. Isn't this a very simple question."

"The wrecked nuclear power plant in Kushima?" The minister said to himself, suddenly, as if he remembered something, his expression changed drastically, and he hurriedly bowed in thanks.Go out immediately and call the Prime Minister.

"What, the next target of Radiation Angel is Chernobyl?"

When the faces of the prime ministers and presidents of various countries changed after receiving the news, it can be said to be an upgraded version of the disaster island.In the largest nuclear power accident in human history, the economic loss alone has reached 2000 billion U.S. dollars. Because of this accident, even the entire city was abandoned.

"If the Radiation Angel can absorb the special energy of Chernobyl, then I am afraid that it will not only restore its original strength, but also truly evolve into a god!"

Regarding the birth of unknown gods, human beings currently have several main guesses, and think of the radiation angels that can absorb the energy of nuclear power plants, but cannot evolve through the energy of nuclear bombs.

Analysts speculate that the radiation from the nuclear leak may be mixed with the resentment of the dead, and this special energy is the foundation of the radiation angel.

It's been a long way from Calamity Island to Chernobyl, but at current Fallout Angel speeds.The senior officials have no doubt that He only needs one day to arrive.

"Sniper, we only have this choice!"

Soon, the road map analyzed by big data came out. After knowing the purpose, it is easy for human beings to ambush.

And this time it's not just the Mi Army, but also the other two major powers in the Wuchang.

The ancient country in the East is alright, just passing by for a while.The big northern country is complaining a lot. If they want to reach Chernobyl, they have to traverse the entire permafrost. At this moment, he is more concerned about Citi than Citigroup!


The first surprise attack went smoothly, the radiation angel was a little dizzy from the bombardment, and the already dim angel ring trembled unsteadily, as if it was about to fall.

At a critical juncture, Radiation Angel showed new abilities. He disappeared in the satellite detection, making it impossible for the missile to snipe, and the fighter jets were confused.

"It's an imitation, he is united with the surroundings!"

Soon there were reports from frontline soldiers that radar sound waves could still detect him, but the naked eye could no longer distinguish him.

This is not a high-end skill, but it is very difficult for humans at this moment.

At least remote surveillance and attacks are half useless.They can only urgently modify the radar, expand the range of sound waves, and continue to explore by drones and fighter jets.

After being invisible, the radiation angel looked indifferently at the humans who besieged him, and there was a trace of coldness in his heart. He was born with aversion to humans, and he had an urge to destroy humans and purify the world.This may be related to the special resentment absorbed by its own birth.

Radiation Angel was very fast, and began to rush towards the place that attracted him in the dark. Along the way, he had to prevent human sneak attacks and snipers, and he also had to be careful of the missiles that bombed from time to time, so the route was crooked.


After crossing the East China Sea, set foot on another strange land.Radiant Angel instinctively had a bad feeling.

On the vast land in front of him, there is a giant river crab with six legs and two pincers sitting on the ground, silently opening his eyes, watching him.

Radiation Angel felt a palpitation, and instinctively felt that there was a mighty power to destroy everything. If he set foot on this land and acted recklessly, there would be only one ending: destruction.

Radiation Angel was very decisive, and immediately turned his head to the north, preferring to take a longer walk than to mess with the strongest god in history.

"Why didn't you go this way?"

The commanders of the ancient country who had prepared everything were surprised to find that there were no traces of radiation angels in their own land, at least there were no radiation fields where plants withered and animals mutated.

Obviously he took a detour. Although he doesn't know the reason, no one wants war to happen on their own soil.All the insiders in Ancient China breathed a sigh of relief.


The world's largest country entrenched in the permafrost has always been known for its rough behavior. Facing the sudden radiation field of plants withering and mutating on the land, they decisively dropped cloud bombs and tactical nuclear bombs.

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Looking down from space for a while, there are so many mushroom clouds rising on the earth. Radiation Angel was really blocked by desperate tactics, suffered serious injuries, and acted more carefully.Even so, humans did not kill him with one blow.As long as he is not killed on the spot, he can slowly repair himself, and the survivability of the god is far beyond everyone's imagination.

He is approaching Chernobyl, the holy land in his heart.

In just two days of the joint sniping of the Radiation Angel by various countries, the whole world was shaken, and everyone who knew a little bit about the incident was shocked.

When Heavens and Worlds: The Realm of Mind was first launched, people with sensitive minds already had a premonition that there would be great changes in human beings, but no one expected that the accident would happen so fast and so swiftly.

The Angel of Radiation became a sword of Damocles hanging over everyone's heads. Within two days, deceitful religions sprang up one after another. The more dangerous people were, the more people needed spiritual sustenance.Even the Radiation Cult, whose emblem is a mushroom cloud and whose holy object is an atomic bomb model, has emerged.

In this disaster that swept the audience, the people of Huaxia were surprised to find that they did not lose a single person. The biggest loss was the tsunami in the coastal area and the shattering of the glass in the family.The unexpected result baffled analysts across the country.

Chapter 496 The Clown Is Myself

"Not good."

In China, which may be the most peaceful and safe area in the world, players from other worlds such as Wutian and Cangqiong went offline and looked in the direction of Chernobyl. They instinctively sensed that a strange creature was approaching quickly, and their hearts were trembling. The insects and ants hid behind the leaves and shivered, instinctively feeling that something big was going to happen.

"Under the overturned nest, how can there be any eggs?" Long Shao said to himself in the villa. Outside the single-family villa is densely packed with bright and dark bodyguards.Honghuang, who has always loved, is no longer online, and just wants to quietly wait for the fate of the earth.

Hostile to humans, and even after being ambushed by radiation angels, will they take revenge on humans after absorbing Chernobyl's nuclear grievances?This topic rushed to the top of the global hot list, stirring the hearts of hundreds of millions of people, including players from the heavens.

"I hope that when the disaster comes, the producer will be lenient and let us travel to another world." Meng Luo worriedly mentioned in the private chat group. No one thought that the influence of the spiritual world would be so far-reaching. What exactly does he want? do what?

"It's bad luck for Neon, and it was planted with mushroom clouds by Mi Jun. I don't know what happened to Yaoyao and whether it was affected."

Neon, these three days are really difficult, the criminals who took the opportunity to cause chaos, the people who worshiped radiation in turn, the upper class who tried their best to escape, the good island country, the economy collapsed, and the politics collapsed.

The most important thing now is to deal with the resettlement of the victims after the nuclear explosion. As we all know, the greatest power of a nuclear explosion is often not the blast wave, but the nuclear radiation that spreads afterwards, which is a nightmare that haunts them all their lives.It is also the most difficult funeral for governments.

After more than half a century, radiation came to the island country again.

In the island, there is a girl who upholds Liuli Jianxin and kills evil spirits with a sword in the dark night.Haruka Haruka discovered that with the birth of the spiritual world, many evil spirits in folk tales and urban legends also appeared.

These evil spirits act according to fixed rules, and it is far away that the more negative energy gathers in the corner of the city, the more vicious people are, and the more evil spirits will gather.The evil spirits gnaw at the heart and lungs, and often reproduce in him the punishment that the sinner inflicted on the victim.

When she rushed to the scene of the incident, she could often only see the bloodstained scene on the ground. The evil spirits are not gods, but appendages created by gods. The sword is therefore more transparent.

"If this continues, I'm afraid this land will be full of evil spirits."

After the sword slashed the demon again, Haruka Rixia had complicated thoughts, and the world changed very quickly.She really wants to remind the officials in time, so that they can restrain the morality of the world, the people have their own laws, and the laws are to be followed.If you do something wrong, you will be punished, and if you kill someone, you will be punished with your life.Let the deceased's grievances not be excreted and not gathered.

But looking back, the world was devastated, the sound of crying and the wailing of the undead filled the land, and Ri Xiayao chose to remain silent.In such a critical period, if you tell the people that this land may breed a hundred ghosts, it will further encourage the evil spirit of the religion.

"You have to survive first before you can think about the future." Haruka Kusaka planned to wait for the matter of the radiation angel to come to an end before reporting to the upper management.The earth is really troubled, especially her country.

The radiation field was shrunk. On the icy and vast snowfield, a humanoid monster rushed past. Occasionally, it was bombed by pursuing missiles, but it was too late. Facing the pursuit of humans, he had adjusted his form and learned to behave.

Abandon the bloated body and transform into a speed type.

For three days, we crossed the frozen land, and when we set foot in Ermao, another country, the terrorist attacks that were chasing after us gradually subsided, and Da Mao could no longer randomly drop bombs on the territory of his former brother next door, because it might be misleading. I want to destroy other countries.

The radiation angel knew that he had won, and he went to Chernobyl. The military strength of the small country and the big country is completely incomparable.Radiation Angel was not blocked here, and as he gradually approached the death zone, his injuries had gradually recovered.

A dead silent city stands in front of him, strands of special radiation mixed with resentment are slowly absorbed by him, and the radiation angel begins the most important transformation

"We failed."

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