"This is a new god that is very different from other gods. It is speculated that it was conceived by our human nuclear power plant experiments."

The experts are urgently analyzing, and the human-shaped data map formed by the collection of data appears on the big screen. They analyze the source, intention, and next action of the radiation angel.

"Which way is he going?"

The Angel of Radiation stepped forward and was leaving the island of disaster. Everyone's heart was twitched. He itself represented disaster and radiation. Just standing there would turn the place into a purgatory. If we let him break into the city, what would happen?

Not only the national government has noticed the abnormality of the radiation angel, but the Internet has exploded at this moment!

"It's terrible, the new god came to the world ahead of schedule under the intervention of the Mi Army. It seems to be condensed by radiation, a destructive god!" Local residents of Fudao asked for help on the Internet.

"He has already started to walk in the world, bringing God's punishment!"

In the blurry photos, a 50-meter-tall humanoid monster is walking slowly, death is with him, the radiation halo on his head radiates, and infinite light descends, destroying many human buildings. He has broken away from the shackles of the nuclear power plant and is approaching the human city !

"It's over, my house is not far from the island of disaster, will he come to my side? Is it too late to drive away now?"

"┭┮﹏┭┮ Woohoo, I'm in Tokyo, I just got off the plane. There are the most people here, could it be that he was attracted by the number of people? Should I turn around and flee back to the airport now?"

The Internet was completely panicked. Before facing the games of the heavens, the netizens had no fear. Anyway, nothing would affect them, but now it is an extraordinary monster that really affects them!

"The more than 1 soldiers who besieged the Mi army were wiped out. This is God's punishment for us, just because we humans have lost our admiration for everything!"

Some people recalled the warnings of the players from the heavens. Human beings today are too arrogant, wantonly challenging the rules of nature, slandering the strong in other worlds, and casually saying hello, but now, the punishment for being late is coming.

In the fuzzy picture, the soldiers whose flesh and blood were evaporated terrified the people who had not fought. This was the battle with the largest death toll of the Mi Army after World War II.And the action failed, and the radiation angel is slowly walking out of the restricted area!

"Don't hesitate anymore, the Commander has ordered the Antietam guided missile cruiser to launch tactical missiles!"

The fleet that blocked the waters near the island of disaster has already started preparations, and the captains have already received the information.

"Operation failed, launch missile!"

The order also specifically noted that no matter whether the missile is successful or not, the fleet must stay away as soon as possible.

The captain and first mates on the Antietam looked at each other, their hearts sank, they already had guesses about the next order.


With the pass of the military key, tactical missiles carried megaton TNT bombs and bombarded the radiation angels who had walked out of the restricted area.

At this moment, in space, hundreds of high-definition satellites are watching the movement of Radiation Angel at the same time, and everyone is waiting for the result of this blow.

Suddenly, under the surveillance of the satellite camera, the radiation angel standing on the horizon seems to have noticed something.He turned his head sharply to look in the direction of the missile.

In the sea of ​​clouds, a white spot is descending at supersonic speed.


The radiant halo is filled with radioactive substances, which are colorful and have a strange beauty.A brilliant laser shot from the unknown face of the Radiant Angel.


The tactical missile was intercepted by him in mid-air before it hit the target, and a thousand-meter-long glowing white cross appeared in the sky of the island nation.

The radiant angels that set off even more were like gods and holy, and everyone who witnessed this scene fell silent.

"Mom, what is it?"

In the distance, on Tokyo Street, the power and wealth center of the island nation, a little girl pulled her mother's palm and pointed to the dazzling cross in the sky in confusion. The cross was like a second sun shining in the neon sky.

The people who looked back were stunned, and the sound of backpacks falling could be heard endlessly.

"This is the coming of God, the gospel brought by the angels."

As a pedestrian knelt down, gradually, in the streets and alleys, everyone who saw the cross knelt down one by one, throwing their bodies to the ground.

Many people were exaggerated by the surrounding atmosphere, their eyes were filled with tears, and they kowtowed heavily regardless of their injuries.

This cross is so destructive that many believers really think it is the gospel of the Lord.

"Hurry up, act, act!"

On the other side, in the cities around the island of disaster, the local police and the United Self-Defense Forces have begun to organize people to flee.

When the local residents turned their heads, they could see the huge "angel" who was getting closer and closer to him against the sunset.

"Failed, the Mi Army's attack was intercepted again! It is not clear whether the newly born Radiation Angel has independent intelligence. But the only thing that is certain is that He does have hatred for human beings!"

The Internet exploded, no one thought that the accident would come so suddenly, so soon there would be a god who descended to the earth in real body, and at first glance, he looked like a radiation god who was not easy to mess with!

"Who can tell me that the god of nuclear radiation will be born in that myth."

"Who told you that the gods are only ancient? Can't you follow up in real time and use modern products as the carrier to condense new gods?"

Under the monitoring of the satellite, it can be found that this radiation angel keeps walking, spreading the field, destroying many human buildings, but he is very kind to animals.

In the field of radiation, many wild animals and domestic pets have begun to mutate, becoming stronger at a speed visible to the naked eye. They carry the will of angels and run towards human cities in all directions.

His eyes were blood red, as if he was about to take revenge.

Kindness to all things, but destruction to human beings alone.This unexpected discovery shocked everyone.Is this really a punishing angel?

"He may be formed by the will of many creatures who died tragically under the nuclear explosion." Someone speculated.

"No matter what the cause is, we can only stop his actions now!"

If this goes on like this, if the radiation angels walk all over the island country, then this country will cease to exist.

The commander-in-chief in the White House of Citigroup stared at the invincible radiation angel on the screen, lost in thought.

"Your Majesty, there is only one weapon left."

The brown-haired middle-aged staff reminded in time that all the strongest conventional weapons were intercepted just now, and they had only one plan left.

The commander-in-chief was silent for a while, tapped his fingers on the table, and a rattling sound resounded in the solemn White House. Is he really going to become a wartime president?

Soon, Fallout destroys a city again, and he seems to be specifically looking for the location of the nuclear power plant.As time goes by, the radiation angel's body is getting bigger and bigger, and the radiation halo above his head is like a blazing full moon. He is transforming and becoming stronger.

"It seems that he hasn't grown and matured yet. In this way, our previous actions are still effective, at least preventing him from growing stronger." Another expert analyzed, and he turned his head to look at the commander, and persuaded him.

"Your Majesty, make a decision as soon as possible, otherwise our losses will increase as time goes by. We only have this choice, otherwise, after the fall of the island country, it will evolve again, and it may threaten our homeland."

Hearing that his own country was also in danger, the commander-in-chief stopped beating, and he closed his eyes heavily, "Get me through the special line for the new prime minister of the island country."

"What? We're going to launch another nuclear bomb in our country, and it's not a low-yield one?" When the Prime Minister of the Neon Kingdom heard the announcement from the commander, he stood up in shock.

"My lord, it is impossible for our country to be the only country in the world that has suffered two nuclear explosions. Think about it again, whether there are other ways to stop the monster. Hasn't he caused mass casualties yet?"

The prime minister stood up, clutching the phone line with his left hand, and tried to persuade. The secretaries and cabinet ministers around him all stopped their work and looked at the pleading prime minister.

Everyone had a bad feeling in their hearts. Conventional weapons could not stop the monsters, so the only option left for human beings was nuclear bombs.

Are they going to be another nuclear bombed country?The female secretary with a weak mentality was already weeping. It was the permanent scar of their country, but at this time, she wanted to add salt to the wound that had never healed?To kill is to punish the heart!

"This is an order. Whether you agree or not, my order has been issued. The fleet has begun to evacuate, and the nuclear submarine has surfaced."

As the deep words of the commander-in-chief came out on the other end of the phone, needles could be heard in the Cabinet of Ministers.

The Prime Minister slumped on the ground with a snap, his eyes widened, as if all his energy had been sucked out.He never expected that not long after he took office, he would become the prime minister who suffered a nuclear explosion in his own country.


The plane flew across the sky of the island country, projecting posters with three-leaf-shaped radiation warning signs imprinted on it, and the TV screen was interrupted urgently. On the screen, the prime minister in a black suit announced the imminent nuclear explosion with a serious face.

"how is this possible?!"

Residents of the island country never dreamed that such a change would occur in their own country in just two or three days, and now they would have to endure a nuclear explosion in their own country!

This touched the fearful memories of the older generation, and the deduction of the consequences of the post-nuclear explosion has made many people cry in fright.

The roads near Fudao were so congested that even a fly could not fly in. Thousands of people didn't bother to drive and moved their feet desperately, only missing a leg for their parents.

The neon police and self-defense forces who were originally maintaining order have abandoned their responsibilities and joined the fleeing army.

The metropolis of Tokyo, which is still far away, was also in turmoil, especially the airport, which was rushed away by mobs.They are waving banknotes and want to take a plane to escape to other countries for asylum, but can the flight be opened at this time?

In the chaotic era, all living beings are interpreted. In the face of death, no matter whether you are a homeless man with no fixed place or a big boss in charge of tens of thousands of people, you are one of the refugees.At this time, there is no sense of propriety, righteousness and shame, I only hate myself for not escaping as fast as others.

Three nuclear submarines floated out of the vast blue Pacific Ocean, and the gates opened with a bang. Thousands of soldiers inside the submarine stood at attention and saluted with solemn faces.

I stretched out my fingers and made the sign of the cross, praying silently in my heart.

"Target: Fallout Angel, President's order accepted, Congress agrees."

"3, 2, 1"

As the countdown ended, three nuclear bombs of 350 million tons, 700 million tons, and 400 million tons were launched. One step faster than them was the missile covering the sky, which was a feint launched by the surface fleet.

In a blink of an eye, the sky was full of missiles. The radiation angel who was close to the Pacific Ocean suddenly raised his head, and he stretched out his hand.


Like a laser beam splitting the world, the incoming missiles were intercepted before they arrived and exploded in mid-air.

Occasionally, a fish that slipped through the net passed through, and when it got close to the real body of the radiation angel, it was also destroyed by the laser radiation from the angel halo on his head.


A missile with a particularly large yield was detonated 5 kilometers away from Radiation Angel. The violent explosion made him look sideways.


Under the satellite camera, the head of the White House, the prime minister of the island country, and a number of high-ranking people stared nervously at the screen.


Suddenly, the radiation angel who was intercepting the missile looked up suspiciously, and saw the angel halo above his head vibrating, and instinctively let out a cry. Before the radiation angel noticed, a terrifying nuclear missile arrived at him in an instant.


At this moment, the island country was turned upside down, like a super volcanic eruption, and the terrifying shock dispersed the dark clouds. Not far away, the residents of the island country who had not yet escaped were vaporized by the infinite light and heat amidst the wailing of fear.

The air waves visible to the naked eye are still spreading, and the high-rise buildings that human beings are proud of are like castles in the sand, and they have been blown down by a gust of "wind".The surface of the distant Pacific Ocean boiled for a while, and tens of millions of sea fish floated out of the sea with their belly up.

Boom! !

Two more violent explosions sounded, these are two belated nuclear bombs, and three orange-red mushroom clouds slowly rose in the long and narrow island

People are praying, afraid to look directly at the light of the nuclear bomb.There are heated discussions and heated discussions on the Internet.

And the president and prime minister kept their eyes on the center of the battlefield. They wanted to see if this unfinished evil god was safe and sound under the siege of three nuclear bombs!

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After the mushroom cloud dissipated, a humanoid monster that had grown to 70 meters was mutilated by the blast, half of the angel halo on its head disappeared, and it stood mutilated in the center of the nuclear explosion.It seemed lifeless.

"Be careful, his body is still absorbing the surrounding nuclear radiation to heal his wounds!"

Suddenly, sharp-eyed people have discovered that the damaged Radiation Angel is being quickly repaired.

"Launch again, this time launching a 5000-ton strategic super nuclear bomb!"

The commander-in-chief gritted his teeth, and took out the artifact of the country. The tsarist nuclear bomb in human history has an explosive power of 6000 million tons.He thought that he would use this special super nuclear bomb in his life, but he didn't expect to use it today!

Chapter 495 Global Nuclear Explosion

The orange-red mushroom cloud blooms again on the island country, facing this cloud that human beings are proud of.The people of the island country were "moved" to tears, and they knelt down and trembled one after another.

The impact of this ultimate explosion was so far-reaching, equivalent to the power of 688 little boy atomic bombs back then, that the entire island country moved a little bit, and the earth was shaken by it.The terrifying storm swept all around, a full 100 kilometers away.

Houses and buildings within a range of 10 kilometers were wiped out. People within the range of the nuclear explosion were evaporated into ashes and evaporated. They watched themselves melt like melting candles. Thousands of black smoke of death rose from the land. Absorbed by the spiritual world.


Suddenly, Jiang Ping was surprised that he felt that the Genesis points and energy in his hand were constantly beating, "It turns out that the soul here is also useful."

This is an unexpected gain, and it is also because the realm of the mind is special.

This time there was too much turmoil, and the radiation angel had special attributes, and it attracted attention as soon as it was born.

The super nuclear bomb dropped to attack him made the people of the island nation cry in silence.

"Why, why is our country being bombed again?"

The people cried bitterly. It was the first country in the world to be bombed by a nuclear bomb, and the first country to explode itself.They can't take it anymore!

The terrifying storm caused by the super nuclear explosion caused waves in the Pacific Ocean.

Next door, the people of Universe Country, who are also the younger brothers of Citigroup, felt a sense of sadness welling up in their hearts when they were frightened.

It's useless to look so beautiful on weekdays, but it's only when you're in danger that you realize how weak you are.

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