
All of a sudden, the steel tank blocking the front was torn apart, and with the sound of an explosion, the officers were shocked to find that for the powerful mutant beast, steel was like paper.

"Request air support!"

After all, there is a huge innate advantage in dealing with ground targets in the air. With the support of fighter jets rushing in, the defeated front was barely maintained.

One by one, the weird monsters were forcibly bombed into wreckage. The bigger the body, the bigger the target.Their counterattack before they died also caused heavy losses to the Mi army, so that heavy weapons from the rear continued to be pulled in.

The rumbling explosions and rattling gunshots made the neon people not far away think that the war had come again, and many people were scared and hid at home with their heads in their hands.

There are also very few daring people who have begun to borrow binoculars to spy on the military operations of the Mi Army. The monsters as high as hills seem to have been mutated by nuclear radiation, and their bodies are strong enough to surpass Fantie. Laser, if it weren't for the continuous support of fighter jets in the air.

The Mi army that blocked the ground has long retreated and retreated, unable to block it.

"The first head-to-head confrontation between humans and inexplicable gods! "

The video of Kushima uploaded by a neon netizen on youtube ignited the Internet. Since the day "Mind Realm" was uploaded, people have known that a mysterious world is approaching the earth, but now Chiguoguo and the earth army The battle still shook their long-standing three views.

"The neon high school student who came back from the dead before mentioned that there was a major event in the northeast of Tokyo. It seems that this is here, the land of nuclear radiation, the disaster island. You carefully watch the monsters that hit the army. It is not so much a monster as it is a nuclear disaster. Irradiated, re-enhanced animals."

Netizens carefully looked at the monsters that appeared in the video. Some of them have three heads and three brains, and some have bodies covered in poisonous swamps. Basically, they can find their origins from the previous earth creatures, and they are not created out of nothing.

""The Realm of Mind" may not exist in the same space dimension as our earth. Every time a god comes into the world, it feels like a projection and cannot touch the material world in person. Even if we are punished, we are not doing it ourselves, but with the help of a medium.

The birth of the inexplicable new god this time also indirectly protected the body of this group of mutant beasts.If Mi Jun is successful, we can figure out the birth principle of the God of Soul.Even if it fails, the New God will not be able to contact us directly, at most it will only resort to counterattacks such as lightning and earthquakes. "

Many locals also uploaded small videos of the battle on Twitter one after another, and everyone was anxiously waiting for the results of the battle.

Citigroup is known as the most powerful country on earth and the only superpower. The overall strength of the Mi Army is also the best in Blue Star, and it is known as the "World Police".

If even they are defeated by the inexplicable existence that has not yet been fully born, it also symbolizes that the strongest strength of human beings cannot resist.

According to the information leaked on the Internet, it can be found that the offensive of the Mi army is getting stronger and stronger. The long-sealed military warehouse has been opened, and a steady stream of weapons and shells have been transported from the rear. Fighters are patrolling, and even the aircraft carrier fleet is Coming from afar.

Tongues of fire spurted for a long time, and the beast's roar in the mist was drowned out.But the fog has not yet dissipated. Even if it is cleared by shells for a while, it will fill up from the surroundings in a blink of an eye, and the interior of the island of disaster becomes more and more mysterious.

"Flame thrower, quick!"

The next step began. The most obvious mutant beast was eliminated. Flame-spraying armored vehicles drove up from behind one after another. Soldiers wearing radiation protection devices and holding flamethrowers began to follow the armored vehicles.

"Attention, there are also suspected non-material creatures, which may be spirit bodies such as ghosts. Bullets have no effect on them."

The soldiers listened to the instructions from the rear on their earphones, and this immaterial monster caused them the most headaches.If mutant beasts are really strong, spirit monsters such as ghosts are weird, and physical bullets have no effect at all. According to tentative research, only flames, freezing bombs, electromagnetic forces and other forces that simulate nature can have a slight impact on them.

They are also very embarrassed if they are not professional!


Before the soldiers arrived, Yunbo went ahead, shooting out one after another Yunbo bombs from the sky, and the fiery flames bombarded down like sunset.

The Cloud Explosion Bomb, which was supposed to kill life, was suppressed. The mist was like a monster with a big mouth, swallowing shells one after another. The flame was suppressed and burned for a short period of time. Only the tip of the iceberg was exposed in the core area of ​​the island of disaster.


Leading the way with the modified flame armored vehicle, the soldiers began to move forward cautiously in the mist. Mutant beasts were hurriedly transported away, and some were even alive but seriously injured.

"Maybe they are the key for us humans to break through the code of life."

At this moment, both the frontline officers and the commanding colonel in the rear all nodded in the same way.Although a lot of people were sacrificed before, and a lot of money was spent under the bombardment, the group of mutant beasts harvested alone is worth everything, they are all priceless treasures!

"what happened?"

Suddenly, the soldiers carrying the corpse of the mutant beast on the front line realized that something was wrong. A commander immediately stepped onto the heavy truck and saw that he had escaped from the radiation area of ​​the disaster island. The size of a tiger or leopard, it seems that the mysterious power has dissipated.

The mutated beast, which was still seriously injured and survived, let out a cry of grief, and as the mysterious power was pulled away, it wept blood and died.

The commanders who saw all this through the camera looked livid, "It seems that if they leave the radiation belt, their mysterious power will be drawn."

"Anyway, bring the corpses back, maybe we can dig out the remnants of the gods from their bodies."

In the command hall, everyone was discussing fiercely, but one of the veterans wearing many medals retorted: "Everything has two sides. The monsters who have escaped from the radiation zone have returned to their original forms. Does this mean that this unborn The ability of "New God" is trapped here, and the power can no longer be extended?"

"Speed ​​up and let the soldiers advance the nuclear power plant as quickly as possible, there must be all the secrets!"

The soldiers who were slowly advancing suddenly heard the sound of great rewards coming from the earphones. Whoever can break into the nuclear power plant first and take a picture of the new god who is still being conceived will receive the Presidential Medal and a generous reward of [-] million U.S. dollars award!

With a heavy reward, there must be a brave man. The soldiers and flame armored vehicles that were advancing cautiously accelerated significantly.

"Damn it, what a monster!"

Suddenly, a scream came from the mist, and a team of five was strangled by the tentacles hidden in the mist, leading the flamethrower to illuminate the attacking monster before dying.

It turned out to be an unknown octopus-like monster, with tentacles full of eyes dancing, piercing through elite soldiers in an instant.


Tongues of fire as thick as giant pillars burned from all directions, but the flames were suppressed in the mist. The monster was not killed by the flames, but was enraged. It waved the tentacles of the burning flames like a hell lord, overturning a monster. Only armored vehicles.

The soldiers didn't care about the reward any more, and started running for their lives one after another. The speed of the flame tentacles was faster than them, and dozens of people were wrapped around them lightly.


At the critical moment, the fighter jets in the air caught a glimpse of a flaw and fired a cloud bomb in time to deal with the monster.

Next, the soldiers acted more cautiously. Even so, people continued to die in battle.

For them, the biggest threat is not the huge monster before, but the ghost-like monster that appears and disappears from time to time.Although they only kill a few people at a time, their counterattack capabilities are insufficient, and the pressure on the soldiers is even greater.

After being washed away by the shells, the pitted ruins of the disaster island were not easy to walk, and the soldiers walked for a long time for the originally not long distance.

For the first time, they felt that the time passed so long that the road under their feet was endless.Finally, the ruins of a nuclear power plant shrouded in fog were exposed.

It is like a steeple standing on the ruins of a volcano, and like a villa in a storm, with a mysterious atmosphere.

At this moment, everyone in the command base stood up excitedly, everyone knew that the unborn new god was inside!

"The air force will follow up and fly higher, ready to drop cluster bombs at any time."

The fighter jets began to rise frequently regardless of the danger. At this time, they didn't care about the birds, and the most important thing was to explore the mystery of the gods!

"Father God, humanity has begun to act."

In Huaxia, in a small farmhouse in an unknown village, a silly girl who looks like a Hill goblin flies around.

In front of her is the image of the Mi Army groping carefully in Fushima, and now the Mi Army is slowly advancing into the abandoned nuclear power plant.

The nuclear radiation explosion here, when the disaster was launched, the employees did not shut down the nuclear reactor in time, causing the reactor inside to keep going, and there was not enough running water to cool it down, and the reactor continued to sink.

"After all, it's greed. If they hadn't been in such a hurry, maybe this brand new god wouldn't have matured so quickly."

Jiang Ping stretched out two fingers to zoom in on the screen, and the screen was aimed at the bottom of the nuclear power plant, where a blood-stained net full of disaster islands had already appeared.

From the animals that died before, to the deaths of the soldiers of the 300-meter army at the front, the mutant beasts and soldiers who died in the battle, strands of blood followed the underground blood-stained net to the center of the nuclear power plant.

"They are too arrogant, and they really want to control extraordinary power for the first time. Or they have longed for this power that is out of the world for too long." Sha Niu commented, the big guy born this time is different from the past, very It may be the first new god who actually descended into the material world.

"Let me see your limits." Jiang Ping glanced at the disaster island scene.Death seems to be the instinct of all human beings?


At this moment, the soldiers who were carefully exploring the abandoned nuclear power plant suddenly heard the sound of a heartbeat, like the sound of a giant slowly waking up.

"It's the sound of a heartbeat!"

A leader of the team said without hesitation, he waved his hand and began to direct his companions to follow.

Now that armored vehicles cannot drive in, they can only explore by themselves, and they must be more careful.


All of a sudden, the faint blue electric light emitted by a disconnected wire not far away frightened the first team that came in, and they all pointed their guns at the source of the sound.

"Don't be nervous, move forward carefully, the people behind will follow soon."

Huge rewards encouraged them, whether it was from practical considerations, or the opportunity to personally contact extraordinary, and possibly obtain extraordinary power.All this has prompted them to keep getting closer to the nuclear reactor.

Strangely, as the soldiers gradually approached the core, there were no monsters to stop them.Just when they thought they were going to pick up a bargain.

Unexpectedly, a companion beside him suddenly let out a cry of bitter cry.

"It hurts, it's hot, it's hot!"


The thick anti-radiation suit was smashed from the inside, and the ordinary person before had mutated into a humanoid monster covered with muscle tumors, 4 meters tall, like a Hulk in an instant.

"Max, calm down! Don't be bewitched by the evil god!"

The companions were still persuading the suddenly mutated companion to stay rational, but Max had already rushed towards him with blood-red eyes, swung his fists like giant hammers, and slammed at his former companion.

"It must have been caused by the previous injury. The mysterious radiation here is too strong, which made him mutate!"

The captain gritted his teeth, and decisively fired the machine gun, and the others also started attacking around their former companions.

The sound of da da da was endless, and the mutated human beings lost their minds and were not afraid of pain. Under the sudden surprise attack, this elite team was almost wiped out.

Finally, the captain cursed and pulled out the grenade, and with a violent explosion, the first exploration team was wiped out.

Wisps of blood seeped into the ground again, the scorching red energy cluster in the nuclear reactor was like a huge fire egg, and a strange god was only one step away from awakening

What happened to the frontline troops made latecomers vigilant. Even the signal in the core area was affected, and the rear command base could not grasp first-hand information.

The soldiers could only hear anxious shouts occasionally, but at this time they had no time to report to the officer.

As he went deep into the nuclear power plant, evil thoughts came out from the bottom of his heart, and crazy ravings kept ringing out.

The heart was beating violently, and the weak-willed soldiers began to go crazy, frequently attacking their companions.At this moment, the nuclear power plant has become a meat grinder, constantly harvesting soldiers who come in a steady stream

"It hurts, it hurts, don't come in, everyone is crazy!"

A blood-stained soldier with ragged clothes and crazy eyes escaped from the gate of the nuclear power plant. Only at this time did the people behind know what happened to them. This is obviously a devil's lair, and no matter how many people come here, they will die!

"Damn it, don't worry about it. If you delay it any longer, we will definitely suffer."

The commanders were furious, thinking that the previous probing was a waste of human life.

The unanimous vote passed, and they decisively ordered the launch of missiles of mass destruction, destroying the nuclear power plant regardless of everything!


After receiving the order, the soldiers in the radiation area of ​​the disaster island quickly drove away in armored vehicles, regardless of whether they would be attacked on the return journey. In 10 minutes, this place will become a purgatory on earth!

In the distant sky, a large bomber is coming, and the Tomahawk missile on the base further away has also been aimed at.


As the countdown reset to zero, high-explosive bombs were dropped from the sky, dropping 1 tons of bombs within one minute.

After the bomber flew away quickly, a Tomahawk missile also flew towards it.


The violent explosion seemed to make Fushima overturn the earth's crust. In an instant, the violent shock wave caused the soldiers of the rice army who had not fully escaped to be blown up like kites.

Amidst the intense sound of bombs, a 50-meter-tall humanoid angel with a halo of radiating angels hung on its head slowly stood up from the smoke and dust of the explosion.

Thousands of rays of radiant light shoot out from the angel halo above his head, and he himself is like the sun, and also like a nuclear fusion reactor all the time.

Under the radiant light, the smoke and dust dissipated, and the remaining weeds withered instantly.The soldiers of the rice army who turned their heads to watch immediately screamed and covered their eyes, and drops of blood flowed out of the burning pupils.

no:059, the Radiant Angel of Crime and Punishment was born.

The radiation angel, who looked like a tall building, looked up at the fleeing fighter jet.Immediately following the laser beams from the angel's eyes, the fighter jet exploded like fireworks.

He swept across the ground troops of the Mi Army not far away, and suddenly it was like the fire of the sun descending, hiding in the armored vehicle, the soldiers exposed to the air were screaming and burned to blood mud by high-intensity radiation, and then burned to ashes

The besiegers of Fudao were wiped out, and as the Lord of Radiation raised his head and swept away, the surveillance satellites overhead were bombed, and the screens in the rear command base went white, and all the commanders fell silent.

Chapter 494 The Mushroom Cloud Blooming Again on the Island Country


The high-intensity radiation laser swept across, and any obstructed armored vehicles and tanks were pierced.

The face of the human-shaped angel is unknown, with a radiant halo hanging from his head, walking in the world like a bright sun in the sky, spreading radiation.

The halo was bright and brilliant, and many radioactive substances bloomed. He began to walk slowly. With the steps of the radiation angel, death lingered around. When the radiation angel passed by, life faded and death came.

This new god dealt a heavy blow to mankind as soon as he came into the world. Unlike the past, he could not directly come to his colleagues in this world, but could only influence him from the side. He really appeared!While this also allows humans to come into contact with his entity, the destructive power it causes also increases.

The annihilation of the 15000 troops stationed in Japan and the United States surrounding Fukushima is shocking. Netizens who were waiting for an opportunity to take pictures from a distance were dumbfounded. Before the camera exploded, they saw a light like a nuclear explosion. After that, tens of thousands of soldiers were scattered. In the face of such mighty power, the strength of human beings is really too insignificant.

The realm of death is spreading, and the radiation angels seem to have some purpose and start to move actively.

Urgently controlling the satellites, the top officials of the Mi Army, who were carefully monitoring at a more distant altitude, fell silent.

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