After a long time, at the last moment when the value of longevity on the golden scale was equalized, Park Guanghe broke into a cold sweat and said tremblingly: "The Supreme Lord of Truth, is there any other way? I can control the lifeline of a country, it will definitely be useful to you , as long as you can save me!"


The golden scales and the longevity tray fell straight to the bottom of the valley, and the phantom of the statue slowly dissipated.

"Life is priceless."

"Do not!!!"

Seeing that his last hope was about to fall away, Park Guanghe knelt and cried, the sacrifice failed, but he would be killed.In the face of death, how can Park Guanghe still have the wisdom and martial arts in front of the public?

"Anything is fine, as long as it keeps me alive! By the way, I still have the March Group, and I can sacrifice it!"


The sound stopped abruptly, and Park Guanghe fell down as if his soul had been extracted.

Chapter 492 New Incident


F35 fighter jets are soaring in the sky, faster than it is thousands of the most advanced Global Hawk drones, each costing [-] US dollars, this is an experimental product, at this moment in order to perform special tasks and collect precious information, Global Hawk drones fly to a blocked island one after another.

This is a forbidden zone for humans, but it is a paradise for animals and plants.

Weeds grow wildly in the abandoned city, breaking through the confinement of concrete and steel bars, and the fragile body smashes the industrial pride of human beings to pieces.

The concrete road was disturbed by wildly growing weeds. Cars abandoned here because they were busy escaping at that time were covered with rust under the wind and rain. From time to time, mutated deer with three eyes jumped around in the weeds, and occasionally jumped on the quilt. The zenith of the submerged abandoned cars looked in all directions.

On the outskirts of the quiet and deserted city, there are layers of black garbage bags piled up like a wall, not to mention the barbed wire fence that is strictly blocked. It is such a scene of the doomsday wasteland, which makes people mistakenly think that they have entered the doomsday world. .

The painting style here is completely different from the prosperity of human beings in the outside world. This is the island of disaster. There used to be the largest nuclear power plant in service in the world, but everything changed because of a sudden earthquake.

A car submerged in weeds, and two crows flying down to the abandoned supermarket from time to time for food. The nuclear radiation here exceeds the standard, and people have already fled, leaving only the animals, plants and livestock that remain here.

The traditional art of Neon Country is bowing and apologizing. Their leader bowed sincerely at the press conference several times due to the nuclear leak, but this still didn't change their heart of causing trouble.

The reactors that have not been shut down keep sinking, and the Lord's punishment will eventually come. The catastrophe that originally broke out ten years later was triggered in advance, and nuclear radiation is gathering one after another, and something is secretly brewing.

Mutated animals are the most sensitive to changes in the environment, and mutation is not necessarily bad or good.Survival of the fittest, those unfavorable to the environment have long since perished. Now the mutated animals living on the disaster island are panicked, jumping on the roof of the abandoned car, and instinctively rushing to the distance.


They began to attack the blocked wire netting, trying to escape as far as possible.

"Don't let them rush out, they may carry some deadly germs, kill them!"

The commander-in-chief of the Japanese and American Army who took over the place in person decisively ordered the shooting. From the mouth of Yuya Kudo, who had come back from the dead, they learned that something big would happen here, and decisively blocked the place.

The original residents of the disaster island in the outskirts have been forcibly driven away by them, and the rioting animals now confirm the conjecture.

Inside the restricted area of ​​Fushima, something really happened.

With the sound of intense gunshots, the animals that hit the iron net bleed and lay down one after another, but what surprised the soldiers was that even though they were killed by bullets, the group of mutated animals did not escape, as if they were crazy, their pupils were full Bloodshot, like the spirit of being polluted is constantly impacting, and I don't know what to be afraid of at all. .

After "The Realm of Mind" was launched, strange things emerged one after another. Although the soldiers thought it was weird, they still sent the animals to the west with bullets.

The vicinity of the iron net was covered with bloodstains, and corpses were lying down one after another. What no one noticed was that strands of still warm blood came out of the wounds, seeped into the ground along the dark trajectory, and gathered to deeper and deeper nuclear reactors


The drone quickly flies in, 365 degrees without dead angle observation, especially the nuclear power plant in the most dangerous core area!

In space, there are high-definition satellites staring at this place.At high altitude, there are the most advanced fighter jets constantly patrolling 24 hours a day.

An officer waved his hand and asked a group of well-dressed elite teams to open the iron gate and grope in carefully.

There are three hundred elites, fully armed, wearing earphones and monitors, and slowly groping behind the drone.

If possible, the soldiers don't want to enter. The recent tragedies have proved that the strength of human beings is not worth mentioning to the inexplicable existence.

For example, in the blood sacrifice after several failed sacrifices, people always have greed, trying to ask the gods for treasures with things they don't need.In this regard, the great Lord of Truth and Sacrifice directly struck down with a thunderbolt.

Even if you are the prince of the desert, even if you hide in a nuclear explosion-proof underground base thousands of meters away, you still cannot withstand God's punishment.

Of course, the first born God of Truth is more powerful. According to the previous temptations, not every god is so powerful, and there seems to be a gap between the gods.Plus it's a bit weird.

If the gods are two dimensions away from human beings, they cannot come directly to this place, and they all influence them from the side.

Such as manipulating the celestial phenomena, crushing the heartbeat of human beings.People have seen no real evidence of the existence of gods.Even like a ball of projection, refracted to the space of the earth, the real body has not come.

This time the birth of the new God, the people above have the purpose of being able to "capture", or the principle of witnessing His birth.

Although drones are convenient, they need people to go deep into the core areas, especially nuclear power plants and basements, and tools are ultimately assistants.

The elite squad is the famous delta troop, each of them is called the king of soldiers, but they are advancing carefully at the moment, they are divided into groups of three, and advance slowly in the shape of characters.From time to time, he paused for a while to accept the feedback from the drone in front and the guidance from the rear.

Not fast, but stability.

Who knows what weird things will happen to the birth of the new gods. So far, human beings have not discovered their survival principle.I only know that everything is caused by "The Realm of the Mind".


Suddenly, the first batch of unmanned aerial vehicles that went deep into the hinterland seemed to be disturbed by inexplicable radio waves, and the picture of the rear base was suddenly white. Before the base issued a warning, more than 100 unmanned aerial vehicles fell heavily from the sky with a bang , can't start again.

"Be careful, within a kilometer range of the nuclear power plant, there seems to be a special force field, and it is getting stronger and stronger. The force field will expand, and the drones that go deep into the field cannot be remotely controlled!"

As soon as the commanders issued a warning, there were angry shouts from ahead.

"Damn it, what is this? Where does such a big wolf come from!"

Ford is an elite soldier who has won the presidential charter, went deep into the hinterland to rescue the kidnapped rich man, and repeatedly destroyed the evil plots of terrorist organizations.But at this time, he felt like a supporting role in a movie, and it was a horror disaster movie!

In front of it is a white snow wolf with a shoulder height of 3 meters and a body length of 6 meters. It looks like a small mountain slowly stepping forward. Its white fur is especially eye-catching in the dark environment. No one knows how it was born.

Snow Wolf's eyes were bloodshot, leaving a puddle of saliva in his mouth.

Before it could attack, Ford led his two companions to shoot wildly.

"Bang bang bang!"

For a while, the sound of bullets sounded in the silent radiation zone, and Ford was shocked to find that not only his own place was making the sound of fighting, but there was even the violent sound of grenade explosion not far away.

It seemed that they were suddenly attacked by mutant monsters sent by an inexplicable existence.

As the gunshots gradually calmed down and the smoke cleared, Ford was horrified to see the huge snow wolf approaching slowly in front of him. The violent shooting before only slightly messed up its beautiful snow fur.


Before leading the death, Ford saw a cluster of bewitching ice-blue flames descending. The blue flames seemed to be able to burn anything. In an instant, the three human soldiers were burned to ashes, blown by a gust of wind.

The snow wolf turned around and walked to other places, killing other invading humans.


In the rear command base, the commander was smashing the table, and the sudden attack completely annihilated the 300 forward troops.

With the recording of the camera on the soldier's helmet, it can be found that there are mutated beasts coming out of various corners, including blood wolves and zombie dogs, and there are also small dinosaurs that are 5 meters long, like small dinosaurs mutated from roosters.

They didn't know where they were dormant before, and they started to fight back with the invasion of humans.

"There were absolutely no such mutated beasts before. Otherwise, people outside would not have missed it, and there would not have been so many ordinary animals that hit the iron net at first." The analysis officer in black stared at the teleportation, and the increasingly blurred picture had guessed.

It seems that with the gradual appearance of a new god, this restricted area began to reject humans, and it became more and more weird.

The female analyst also saw a pool of black shadows jumping out of the darkness. The black shadows were like ghosts, and they rushed towards the three-person special agent team. The impact of bullets and grenades did not affect it at all.As the black shadow rushed, the three soldiers seemed to be devoured by ghosts, leaving only three human skins spread out on the abandoned road. This is the photo sent by the satellite.

boom -

Suddenly a violent explosion sounded in the air, and the soldiers surrounding Fudao watched in shock. The hovering F35 fighter jets were attacked and blasted by a mutant bird with feathers like black gold and a wingspan of three meters.

The attack from the air caused several other fighter jets to flee away in fright, and they no longer dared to hover over the hinterland.

"Request for support!" Immediately, a frontline commander hurriedly asked for help through the walkie-talkie, "This is not something our flesh and blood can deal with, requesting armored vehicles, tanks, howitzers and other heavy lethal weapons!

The powerful mutant beasts must be related to the new gods to be born, and their corpses are especially important for our human research.Perhaps it is the first step in understanding the gods.I suspect that as time goes by, there will be more and more mutant beasts. After the new god is born, I'm afraid something bigger will happen! "

In Tokyo, the top officials of the Mi Army stationed here are discussing the countermeasures intensely and contacting their superiors.The sudden change in the disaster island wiped out the elite army of [-] soldiers, and the drone group was also distorted by an inexplicable force field.

Following the constant monitoring by the satellite, the military officers were horrified to discover that, with the nuclear power plant as the center, a mass of dense fog quickly dispersed, rushing straight towards the army that was surrounding the place.

As the mist dissipated, even the satellites couldn't capture the internal changes in the island of disaster.At this time, even a fool would know that as time goes by, the interior of Fushima becomes more and more dangerous!

And the sudden appearance of the powerful mutant beasts that attacked and killed the soldiers made many people jealous. There is no doubt that they are the best research objects.The gods are too far away to be analyzed by the current human beings.And this kind of mutant beast blessed by the radiation of the gods is the best test for human beings to become stronger.

"The currently known gods are roughly divided into two types."

In the base, a female officer wearing glasses and a blue navy uniform was manipulating the screen to introduce.

"One is the old god, and the other is the new god.

The old god is the god passed down in our ancient legends, the most representative here, and the most well-known to human beings, No. 001 who will not harm us-the Lord of Truth and Sacrifice. "

On the huge screen, an inexplicable existence holding the door of truth and golden scales in its hands appeared.

Anton, a female military officer, controlled the pen remotely, and the screen switched, and in a blink of an eye, another human-shaped black shadow that could change thousands of faces and different shapes appeared.

"This is No. 018, the soul of revenge and resentment. 19 of our current mysterious murders are caused by him. Unlike the old gods who acted according to the prescribed rules, this new god seems to appear because of the emergence of us humans. It is even more weird and unbelievable. Communication is extremely dangerous. At present, what is brewing on Disaster Island is a new god."

The collection of extraordinary deeds has allowed human beings to gradually understand the law of their appearance, which is relatively strong under the analysis of big data.

The old gods are roughly the same as in the myths and legends, while the new gods are closer to weirdness and more unreasonable, but the new gods are still born because of human beings.

The frontline officer's request for help was decisively approved, and the upper class really wanted to capture a few mutant beasts alive. Mutant beasts that could withstand the impact of bullets and spray energy from their mouths were undoubtedly the future direction of human evolution.

Maybe their existence is the first step of a new era for human beings, and what human beings are best at is their own wisdom.

The military weapons of modern humans are often weakened by the popularity of zombie movies and monster movies.

It is especially a heavy weapon. When a shell goes down, it will overwhelm mountains and seas. Not to mention people, fully armed tanks will be overturned.

According to the last information before the annihilation of the frontier troops, the Mi Army command group judged that as long as they use howitzers and mortars to sweep the ground outside, then even if they cannot kill the most powerful batch of mutant beasts, the weak ones will definitely be able to intercept and kill them. If you are lucky, you can also harvest undead mutant beasts.

"Quick, quick! Capture monsters alive at all costs, don't be stingy with shells, remember, it's full coverage! I don't want to leave a good house after the fog clears!"

The officers are roaring, tanks are running, and heavy trucks carrying shells are pouring in continuously.

Time is money. As time goes by, the fog grows bigger and spreads faster, and the mutant beasts naturally hide deeper.

There were even wolves howling and birds weeping from the misty area. They seemed to be blessed, and phantoms as huge as three-meter buildings flashed from time to time in the mist.


In the distance, the hovering helicopter fired two air-to-ground missiles, officially kicking off the metal storm.

Boom! ! !

The continuous sound of shells sounded fiercely, as if it was the reappearance of World War II.

The background of the world's most powerful country has revealed the tip of the iceberg. In order to obtain extraordinary secrets, they are not stingy with bullets. The machine guns are like monsters that spew flames, firing shells one after another.

All of a sudden, the mysterious fog was blasted through, the abandoned cars and motorcycles were blown to pieces, and the wooden houses were even more vulnerable. Under the sweeping saturation attack, monsters hidden in the fog screamed. .


Suddenly, a huge snow wolf sprang out of the mist. At this moment, bloodstains appeared on the snow wolf's body, and a pair of eyes looked like blood pupils, looking at the bombardment with hatred.

With four legs moving, it turned into a streak of white light and rushed towards the periphery at an extremely fast speed, walking through the air.

"Quick, quick, intercept!"

Without the command of the officer, one anti-aircraft gun aimed at the snow wolf and bombarded frantically.

"Don't hold back, launch missiles!" Following the order of the rear commander, fighter jets hovering in the distance fired missiles one after another, all aimed at Snow Wolf!

Chapter 493 The Radiation Angel of Crime and Punishment

Under the bombardment of artillery fire, the mutated beasts that had just received the radiation of the New God were suppressed by the combined firepower of the sky and the ground after the sneak attack caused human losses.

The commanders would rather use tens of billions of dollars of shells to saturate the ground to scrub the ground, rather than repeat the same mistakes and let the elite soldiers be killed by strange traps.

Anyone with a discerning eye can see that the core area of ​​Fudao Island is becoming more and more dangerous, and they are now robbing time.

The rushing snow wolves were bleeding, and the most troublesome mutant bird was besieged by expensive missiles one after another, even though it suffered a lot of damage.

"Go on, don't stop!"

The mist was swept away by the line of fire, and a corner of the charred remnants was exposed. One by one, the behemoths with a height of 3 or 4 meters were truncated and evolved.

It wasn't that there was no counterattack inside the island of disaster, and evil eyes appeared suddenly, and they stared at the soldiers wearing anti-radiation equipment all over their bodies.

In an instant, even if they didn't look directly at it, the soldiers felt a burst of upset, nausea, vomiting, instinctive repulsion, and they couldn't even press the trigger of the machine gun steadily.

As soon as the bombing line of fire was stopped, monsters that were as fast as lightning came out.

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