One is the door of truth engraved with magic symbols and technological numbers, and the other is a golden scale, which is constantly swinging.

It can be seen with the naked eye, but cannot be recorded by photography.They want to open their eyes to see the knowledge of the door of truth, but they can only see chaos.

At this moment, a magnificent and ruthless voice was transmitted here.

"Name what you exchanged."

The old pastor gritted his teeth and said bravely, "Please give us the key of knowledge, the extraordinary seed."


Following the old priest's request, the golden scales in the hands of the Lord of Truth and Sacrifice began to shake up and down, as if they were weighing the value between the two.

At this time, everyone is anxiously waiting, no one knows what God asks, and they can only understand it through repeated temptations.


Suddenly, the golden scale stopped. The old priests and officers widened their eyes and saw a mysterious book on the bottom of the scale, and a hundred cows, three hundred sheep, and a thousand chickens on the other side, and the sacrifices were on the top. , the values ​​are not equal!

Too bad, everyone's heart is cold.

"The value is not equal. The sacrifice is inferior."

Following the announcement of the Lord of Sacrifice's judgment, the sky changed, and thunderous punishments crashed down one after another.The old pastor who was offering sacrifices and the five hundred soldiers who were guarding were all blasted into atoms!

"It turns out that the value of the sacrifice is considered by the priest to be the most important thing for the priest. That's why Matilda's white rabbit candy can save her mother, because for her, her own candy is in her heart." It is the most important treasure.

Temporarily judge the lord of truth and sacrifice, attribute: neutral, act according to the rules. "

In the distance, a blond woman with a curvy figure who witnessed the tragedy put down her binoculars and wrote the file with a blank face, the cover of the file 001.

Chapter 491: Life Is Priceless

"Failed, the Lord of Sacrifice destroyed the person who performed the sacrifice."

In the rear, the yellow-haired boss received the news immediately after receiving the news. It seems that knowledge is not so easy to obtain. The most important thing is that they understand the rules of His existence better from this sacrifice.

"Sacrifice only needs what is most important to us." The other person looked at the data on the screen and already had a general understanding in his mind.

He opened his mouth to explain to others, "If I am a king, then the sacrifice to the Lord of Truth is definitely not the treasure or human sacrifice that is insignificant to me, but the country itself that is most important to me!"

The listener's heart sank. This is really not a good answer. He thought that he could get the most important treasure by paying his insignificant things, but he didn't expect the rules of the gods to be so harsh.

"How do I feel that they don't pay too much attention to the sacrifice itself, but how much we love the sacrifice? Why does He need the sacrifice?"

This is a key question, but human beings are too different from inexplicable beings to understand their existence.Even judging from the existing information, He doesn't have the emotions that a creature should have, it's more like a fixed program.

"In addition, the boy who came back from the dead in the Neon Kingdom seems to have come into contact with this sacrificial god." Ling, a young and promising officer in military uniform, reported with the information.

"List his information as the highest." The vice president said slowly, and everyone else nodded. Judging from the existing information, the importance of the Lord of Truth to human beings is the most important.

The mysterious beings born from the heavens and worlds: the realm of the mind have different attitudes towards human beings. For the time being, people divide the camps of these beings into nine squares.

From lawful good to neutral good and absolutely neutral to chaotic evil.

The Lord of Truth and Sacrifice is the first existence to determine the name and taboo, the attribute is absolutely neutral, and strictly abides by the rules of conduct.On the contrary, people prefer this kind of orderly existence, and what they fear most is the disordered devil.

"Send someone to contact the high school students in the neon country. In addition, what he said before is very interesting. After he came back from the dead, he saw something that we can't see. It seems to be northeast of Tokyo, where there are many gatherings" People"? Is there any accident, such as: maybe a new god was born?"

The vice president tapped his fingers on the square table and gave an order, "Send the troops stationed in Japan to take a look, and proceed carefully. I want to know the principle of their birth. Nothing is born out of nothing."

When the Mi Army was conducting sacrificial trials, different institutions around the world also began to contact the gods born overnight. People have longed for extraordinary power for too long!

Looking at ancient and modern times, even if you are sitting on thousands of miles of land and three thousand beauties, as time goes by, you will grow old day by day and gradually approach death.At this time, a new world came, and the existence called God was born overnight.I do not know whether they have always existed, or just born.

People only know that they, too, may live forever.After all, even resurrection from the dead can be easily achieved, let alone immortality?

There are not a few people who take the initiative to contact weird and strange stories, and risks and benefits coexist.There has never been a shortage of people in the world who are eager to get rich overnight.

The Lord of Truth and Sacrifice, the Lord of Blessings in Yellow, the Hatred in Red, and the God of Flame and Rebirth from the desert shaman.

It is said that the image of the god of rebirth is a savage phoenix, which has a ray of god image from the totem worshiped in the desert tribe era, but it is not the same.

"How were they born? Or have they always existed, but they have not been observed before, and now they are only recognized because of the birth of the spiritual world?"

This netizen on the Internet asked everyone a confusing topic. People were talking about the reasons for their existence and whether they could benefit from it.

"According to the existing information, such as the Thunder and the God of Punishment, we can find that their existence seems to be related to our human thoughts. Do they exist based on our imagination?" Netizen guessed.

"Do you take us humans too seriously?" More people sneered at his statement.

"Our earth is a world of materialism, not a world of idealism. If it is really useful to think wildly, then the network world we are in now is the most complicated place. How do you call the network? The birthplace of the gods?"

Netizens are laughing, but they don't know that the silly girl wandering in the information flow is speechless. If she hadn't taken the initiative to wipe out an existence born on the Internet, this place could really become Mount Olympus, the birthplace of the strongest group of gods. land.

Even with her obstruction, there are still a group of reality-based existences who spread their gospel through online channels and collect spiritual power.

In a certain corner of the earth, a man who just got out of prison is hiding at home. From time to time, there are shouts of yelling from downstairs, and some violent youths even throw glass bottles trying to smash them up.

What is the reason for all this?

Because he had killed a child before, but the law did not condemn him to death. Instead, he was sentenced to only 13 years because he was drunk and lost his ability to think. He is still young.

"Ingrid, don't you still have family members, ha ha."

Recalling the crying victim's family members in court, this man was grinning. He planned to "visit" Ingrid's family by himself after the policeman who was staring at him relaxed a little bit, and he wouldn't die anyway!

On the contrary, he still eats and drinks in prison, and can play games when he is bored, and his life is more nourishing than the outside world.

The man stuck out his tongue and licked it. He was already eager to try it. In order to move after he was released from prison, he insisted on exercising every day in prison.

"I saw his heart, it was so dark and fragrant."

Suddenly, a sneaky voice came from the corner next to him, and the man was startled. After reacting, he instinctively touched the fruit knife in front of the table, stared at the dark corner, and shouted: "Who is it, give it to me!" get out!"

"Hee hee, ask me to come out."

A black shadow appeared from the corner. The man thought it was someone seeking revenge, but saw the most unlikely person, Ingrid, whose head was smashed by himself with a stone!

"I'm not even afraid of you when I'm alive, but I'm still afraid of you after death!"

The man was extremely fierce, he killed not only one person, but Ingrid was discovered, and he also committed three unsolved murder cases!

Faced with something he couldn't understand, the man stabbed decisively with a knife, his face was ferocious, his eyes were bloodshot, and he had no sense of awe from ordinary people at all.

"Hee hee. I can't wait."

The black shadow was stabbed by the man with a fruit knife. The man's eyes shrank, but he didn't feel any real feeling. Before he was shocked and frightened, he felt a pain in his chest.

The pupils of fear continued to expand, and he saw a bloody heart being dug out by Ingrid, still beating and dripping blood.

"This, this is mine"

This heinous murderer did not rest in peace, and even the last thought in his mind was whether he could turn into a ghost and fight back after death.


The bloody heart was swallowed by the black shadow, and his face changed instantly. Ingrid girl's expression changed from terrifying to serene, and in a blink of an eye, he turned into another victim, his body drifting in the wind, from Flying away from the window, who is he looking for this time?

After three days of fermentation, the inexplicable existence finally had an impact on social turmoil, especially the group of "death squads" who committed suicide to find traces of the mysterious existence.

The number of mysterious deaths gradually increased, causing headaches for local governments and stepping up efforts to maintain law and order.

Grain and commodity prices began to soar. Two super bosses, Polly the King of Wheat and Frederick the Emperor of Rice, joined forces to raise the price of food.

They monopolize just-needed food, intending to take advantage of the troubled times to squeeze out a share of wealth.Let yourself have the resources to completely override the country.

As for whether the soaring food supply will cause a large number of poor people to starve to death, is that their concern?As long as you don't die under your feet and hinder yourself from walking, it's fine.

"Haha, get rich this time, the two of us will be the kings of the earth."

When the two big bosses were celebrating in the strictly guarded luxury villa, the maid serving the wine suddenly dropped the tray.

She pointed at the back of her master's neck in amazement, and said tremblingly: "The curse of the master in yellow and yellow."


The two expensive crystal glass goblets faded, and Polly and Frederick hurriedly looked at the numbers on the back of their necks, where there were three seemingly natural black numbers 007.

Soon, the two most life-threatening food predators threw away food, and even took the initiative to do charity to send food to poor countries, but this still could not change their ending.

When 007 appeared, Polly and Frederick could no longer stop working, and their spirits were non-stop, like donkeys being whipped by their masters. The most important thing is from 0:23 to 59:1 every day: [-]. They don't have a minute to rest!

Four days later, in the midst of crying and wailing, the two big crocodiles who manipulated international food prices several times and harmed hundreds of millions of people died suddenly at home with bloodshot eyes.

The horrible scene before his death shocked the bosses who knew the inside story.They are afraid that they will be like this at any time, and they will die with peace!

This incident shocked the group of big bosses who were cursed with 996. The existence of the Lord of Fortune in yellow was like the sword of Damocles standing above their heads, making them dare not oppress their subordinates.

The cycle of karma and retribution is not good. They can use their power and money to force workers to work overtime for free.Then the Lord of Blessings can also use their lives to retaliate.

Unknowingly, migrant workers from all over the country suddenly found that their bosses treated them much more kindly. They were paid overtime for overtime work, as well as food subsidies, and they no longer had to clock in to go to the toilet.

"From ancient times to the present, things and powers that we humans don't have can all be obtained from them."

At the cost of hundreds of lives, some people have gradually figured out how to contact the inexplicable existence.

The inexplicable existence has different attributes, but the overall behavior is still regular.As long as human beings do not take the initiative to contact and provoke, then no disaster will be caused.

The disasters that have occurred so far are all because of people's temptations.

Many people, especially a group of old people who have great wealth, want to get in touch with extraordinary power. Among the known gods, the easiest and safest one is the Lord of Truth and Sacrifice, probably because of the relationship of absolute neutrality. His existence is especially valued by people.

But for the sacrifices offered to him, it became a problem instead.

The Lord of Sacrifice can read people's hearts, he only wants what is most important to you.What to pay, what to get.Equivalent exchange, this is the highest rule of the Lord of Truth and Sacrifice.

At this moment, while other people are still hesitating, a certain universe country, the emperor of the March Group, Park Guanghe, is 78 this year, suffering from stomach cancer, lying in bed all day long.

Even if he can control the lifeline of a country, so what if he controls the lives of 5000 million people from birth to death?All are equal before death.

Park Gwangha had already accepted his fate and waited to die, but the appearance of the spiritual world rekindled his passion.

"I still have help!"

Other weird evil gods are not easy to find, and the most popular Lord of Truth and Sacrifice is his first choice.

"I don't even have my life, so what else can I not lose?"

Park Guanghe began to use his own resources to find the most secure channel to contact the Lord of Sacrifice.Soon, the sacrificial ceremony from Matilda was in his hands.

The ceremony is very simple, and the core is "sincerity, awe, seeking, and embracing."

One night, he sent everyone away, and began to arrange the simplest sacrificial ceremony in his exclusive ward, borrowing three apples, a bottle of grape water, and three syringes.

As for why he didn't prepare a better ceremony outside, it was because Park Guanghe didn't trust people, and he didn't trust the sons and daughters who were already in power.

During the ten years of being bedridden, the rights of the March Group have been handed over to his eldest son and second son.Under such circumstances, if he learned that he offered sacrifices to the gods and prayed for the continuation of his life, he worried that his sons would "kill their relatives righteously."

Knowing a son is like a father, his worry is completely reasonable. At this moment, his two sons are whispering to each other with their father collecting materials about gods.

If the old man stands up again, will the March Group still belong to him?The taste of power is intoxicating, especially the fate of controlling 5000 million people.

The ritual specification of the sacrifice is not the key point, the key point is one's sincerity and the desire to pray for one's wishes.

Park Gwangha knelt on the bedside, eyes closed, whispering in his mouth, "Almighty Lord of Truth, Merciful Lord of Sacrifice, please grant me the power to defeat cancer and make me immortal.

If your wish is fulfilled, then I will be your most loyal lamb in the world, and I will dedicate myself to you.Build a temple for you, and call on thousands of people to believe in you and love you. "

The desire to survive is terrifying. During a large number of sacrifices, the Lord of Truth and Sacrifice noticed this well-known human being who gathered the fate lines of many people.

A god who can't see its shape or appearance, but only knows its grandeur and majesty, appeared in front of Park Guanghe's eyes. He saw the gate of truth on the left hand of the god and the golden scale on the right hand.

The scales have sunk to the bottom!Park Guanghe's request is too great!

"What you want: longevity, a sacrifice?" Truth lowered her eyes.

Park Guanghe was trembling with fright, and he said tremblingly: "You can take whatever I have. I can build a golden body for you and build ten thousand temples."

The Lord of Truth and Sacrifice was not moved by Park Gwangha's promise, but instead was shaking on the golden scale, as if he was weighing the value of longevity and what equivalents the people in front of him could exchange.

"Longevity, you need to sacrifice your closest blood relatives. Park Guangha, do you want to sacrifice Park Shan, Park Cheol-su, Park Mi-sook and Park Chen-ga. The lives of 41 people."

Park Guanghe was stunned. The 41 names reported by the Lord of Truth just now were his son, illegitimate son, daughter, grandson, and granddaughter!

The price of living is so high, it needs the lives of 41 people closest to me!


The golden scales are slowly moving, and the tray that symbolizes longevity is slowly rising. It seems to reflect the changes and balances in people's hearts.

Park Guanghe's face was cloudy and uncertain. He really wanted to live. The days of being tortured by the disease were so painful that he couldn't move or walk a step.

But this is his son and daughter!A full 41 lives!

The faces of sons and daughters flashed in my mind one by one. This is a sacrifice, and only take your most important treasure.

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