At the conference on the future of mankind led by the Five Permanent Representatives, the representative of Citigroup said this sentence with a heavy heart.

The audience was in an uproar, and the representatives of the big and small countries changed their colors one after another. With the combined efforts of all human beings, it is still impossible to destroy the angels that have not evolved into gods?

Then if the strongest god of truth and sacrifice descends, wouldn't human beings be slaughtered by him like domestic animals?

"What now? Surrender?"

Citigroup's younger brother, the representative of the most unlucky island country, said in despair. The domestic situation and the global situation all made him despair.The domestic capitulation faction led by the Radiation Cult has grown rapidly in just three days.

Anyway, they are all being treated as dogs, and Citigroup is the master. Why can't the Radiant God, who is about to evolve into a god, be their master?

I have to say that Neon is extremely realistic. When you are weaker than him, he will show a cruel side and show the evil colors of human beings.When facing an enemy far stronger than him, he is a standard dog, abandoning all dignity and dormant, just to bite back in the future.

"Yeah, now that the radiation angel has returned to Chernobyl, I am afraid that he will become a real god. This is the first god to descend on the earth. Maybe we surrendered earlier, but it is for the good of mankind."

"Who knows if Radiation Angel still has humanity and will hold grudges? If he chooses to kill after we surrender, then everyone here is an accomplice! We can't pin our hopes on the enemy's kindness."

"There's no help, just wait to die."

The United Nations Parliament was bustling with people, and everyone no longer had the usual demeanor. They smashed tables and scolded mothers one after another. Some people even bent over and took off their shoes and threw them angrily, which reminded the old clerk beside him of the Corn Emperor.Human nature is indeed the same.

"Actually, there is still hope."

Suddenly, the red-nosed general of Damao Kingdom tapped his fingers on the table. In an instant, the audience fell silent, and more than 100 people looked at him at the same time.

A burly general of the Huaxia Kingdom asked, "Chekov, if you have anything to do, just say it, and you are still hiding it at this time."

Everyone else nodded, and Chekov looked at the representative of Ermao not far away, his thick beard fluttering, "The radiation angel is now in the Chernobyl nuclear power plant in Pripyat. Isn't this the best target? At present, our country's nuclear bomb reserves are extremely sufficient, plus your assistance."

Chekhov looked at the representative of Citigroup and the general of Huaxia Kingdom, "The three of us joined together and accounted for 90% of the world's nuclear bombs. Under such a terrible explosion, and in the center, I think even the real god will be blown into dust .When the strength reaches a certain level, no matter what kind of existence he is, he will die!"

It should be said that he was born in a fighting nation, and the moment he opened his mouth, the expression was rough. Immediately, the representative of the Ermao Kingdom turned pale. He stood up with a bang, his beard stood up angrily,

"Ninety percent of the world's nuclear bombs detonated in the city of Pripyat. I am afraid that our country will cease to exist. You must know that the city of Pripyat is only 90 kilometers away from the capital of our country! I think General Chekov wants to take the opportunity to Let our country be destroyed!"

"How many nuclear bombs are there in the world? The three of you may add up to more than [-]. I don't think human beings will be destroyed by the radiation angels, and they will be destroyed by you first!"

"I really can't accept General Chekov's proposal. This is a suicide attack. No one knows whether the radiation angel hiding in the city of Pripyat will be transferred. Have you thought about the people who died because of it? Calculated in units of billions."

There were heated discussions in the parliament. Chekov’s proposal was too radical. Many representatives of small countries were frightened. If the radiation angel fell on their land, wouldn’t it mean that their country would also be wiped out by the big powers?

Whether it is for Ermao or for themselves, they will reject this proposal.

Chekov ignored the voice of the small countries uniting, but looked at the representatives of Citigroup and Huaxia, who were the real people in charge.

"I deny this proposal."

After a long time, under the attention of all the people, the representative of Citigroup gave a response, and I don't know how many people in the field breathed a sigh of relief.

The representative of the island country and the representative of Ermao sat down on their seats with wet clothes at the same time. They were only one step away, and their land would be wiped out from the earth.

Even, at this moment, the representatives of the island countries are still rejoicing that the radiation angels are walking fast. What if they are trapped in their country and the big hairy country proposes this plan, what should they do?I'm afraid that the entire island country will be silent at that time, just like a movie island country was silent in those days, and a word becomes a prophecy.

"I also object. Human beings cannot harm themselves like this. Even if the plan succeeds, we will lose the hearts of the people." General Huaxia also denied it.

Chekhov sighed. He had no selfishness, but thought completely rationally. This is the most likely plan to succeed. Short-term pain is worse than long-term pain. No one knows whether the evolved Radiant God will take revenge on humans.At that time, it will be the real end of mankind.

"Right now, Radiant God is evolving all the time, can't we do something about it?"

Anxious, billions of human beings wait for their decision, but at this time the UN Parliament is still wrangling with each other.

Surrender faction, radical faction, blockade faction, and even the space faction who fled to space for refuge, it is really too difficult to unite the will of so many people.


When everyone was discussing fiercely, an untimely reminder sounded, which was like a clear stream, which made everyone calm down a little.

When everyone looked up, they saw a message from a world-renowned netizen on the screen, Cang Qiong, "Everyone, I have a good proposal to deal with the radiation god. There is an old saying in China that uses barbarians to control barbarians."

Sky's proposal suddenly appeared on the Internet, and was noticed by the person in charge of the Tiantian players, and then reported it to the United Nations Parliament immediately.

One day later, under the worsening situation, an accident occurred in the Chernobyl nuclear power plant, which was closely watched by global satellites. A pool of dark shadows spread from the center to the surroundings, and the angel seemed to have evolved and even blackened!

The most frightening thing is that a huge black inverted cross slowly hangs above the shadow. Whether you are in a nearby city or a country on the other side of the ocean, you can see this huge inverted cross as long as you look up.

"The Lord's judgment has come, hell is empty, and the devil is in the world. Radiation will come eventually."

At the moment when the inverted cross appeared in the sky above the earth, countless people around the world were kneeling, some were afraid, some were excited.

The intense intertwining of thoughts caused the power of the mind to be continuously absorbed by the realm of the mind. The Radiant God, who was already rapidly transforming, was feared and worshiped by thousands of people, and became more perfect!

Everyone knows that an incredible existence is about to be born.And human beings can only watch helplessly, and cannot stop it in the slightest.

"What exactly does the producer want to do? Is it really to destroy us humans?" Many people were puzzled.

More people are crying on the Internet, "What work do you have to do? What do you still want to learn? Sit and wait for death, the wrath of the gods is about to come, this is the scourge caused by our human arrogance. Lose respect for the earth, to Unknown existences wantonly ridicule, and now the judgment is coming!"

Back then, there was a keyboard man who was so talkative, and the dog fans were instantly persuaded.

The Internet, relying on virtuality, tears away the disguise of reality, and many people show their evil side.Fire everywhere, provoking feelings wantonly.

Many people insulted the players who traveled through different worlds, even slandered the gods of the games in the heavens, and even boldly slandered the producers.They are grandstanding, attracting public attention with vulgar remarks, in order to gain attention that they cannot get in reality.

After all, if you are a winner in life in reality, how can you start a war everywhere on the Internet?In reality, I am obedient, but on the Internet, I fight hard.

By the way, the reading app I'm using recently, \app\ has a lot of book sources, all books, and updates quickly!

Now facing the real blow of dimensionality reduction, they were instantly terrified, and turned into the most loyal fans of Radiation God, kneeling faster than anyone else.The speed of the transformation is astounding.

The real person in charge looked worriedly at the inverted cross hanging in the sky, and he could only put his only hope in the plan mentioned by the player Cang Qiong.

This is the longest day on earth. The inverted cross in the sky is getting bigger and darker, and the black shadow on the ground gradually condenses into a human-shaped shadow.

Before the tentative drone flew close, it was detonated by the isolation signal.The evolution of Radiation Angel seems very strange. According to the emergency analysis of experts, it may be "reverse evolution". After being attacked by humans and absorbing too much resentment, it successfully "blackened". No one knows what the newborn Radiation Angel will become God, I only know that it must be a hundred times stronger than before.

The entire earth is shrouded in monstrous shadows, and the inverted cross is like a tombstone inserted on the equator, as if preparing to bury the entire era.

"Oh o╥﹏╥o, the future of Gaia's five eras of destruction is waiting for us, no matter what creature has the talent to die. Haven't you discovered that the birth of gods is all because of us humans?

Because the negative energy cannot be excreted, it keeps accumulating, resulting in the current unmanageable situation.They are not gods, but the embodiment of disaster.The Lord of Truth and Sacrifice is the embodiment of certain desires in people's hearts, and the God of Rebirth is the idea of ​​people's longing for death and resurrection.The God of Radiation is people who abused nuclear energy, but after the accident, they did not choose to deal with it, and kept using the procrastination formula, which led to his birth.

It turns out that all the evil is with ourselves. "

"For being human, I'm sorry."

On the Internet and in reality, many people have indeed reflected on this. Basically, every god discovered is related to some aspect of human spiritual obsession, and the spiritual world may be born on the basis of them.

"The clown is actually me?"

Many people suddenly realize that they don't know that the source of all evil is themselves until the last moment of death.But what is done is done, what can we do now?As one of the ordinary people in 99, they could only kneel down and pray that the newborn radiation god would not kill them all.


With Chernobyl as the center, monstrous black air is billowing, enveloping the atmosphere of the entire earth. A dark shadow is entrenched under the starry sky, with ruthless and indifferent eyes, overlooking all living beings.

The brilliant radiating angel halo on His head was gone, and only the inverted cross was left hanging on his chest.

"NO:059 Radiation Angel blackened into a terror king, singing the song of doom."

This is the sixth page of Genesis, the latest record in the realm of the mind. Jiang Ping closed the book, looked up at the dark starry sky, and said to himself:

"How did things get so big?"

Chapter 497 The King of Terror Arrives

The terrifying king who radiates black air and lingers in the entire atmosphere overlooks the whole world, with a huge inverted cross hanging on his chest.All the people who witnessed this scene were trembling in their hearts.

At this moment, the brilliance of the bright sun was not as majestic and vast as the darkness of the Terror King. The sun was blocked, and half of the dark and half of the bright earth fell into eternal night.

It was dark in an instant, and the screams of humans on the earth resounded through the sky, and it seemed that they could be heard in outer space.The astronomical ability to change the world, this is the power of the true god in the myth.

Ever since the Tiantian game appeared on the earth, many people have guessed, what if the gods in the game appear on the earth?Can you still retain the divine ability to call the wind and call the rain?Or are they just super creatures?

Now the appearance of the king of terror has made the previous conjecture come true. It turns out that the god in the game enters the earth, and he is still so invincible.

In the face of sudden darkness, this kind of celestial phenomenon that violates the laws of nature, tigers, leopards, jackals, lions and many other animals instinctively panic, birds startle snakes, and tens of thousands of lights are lit all over the dark world. It can be clearly seen that the lights Sparse and divided, the area close to Africa is dark and dark, while the northern part of the American continent is brightly lit, and the first-tier cities are no darker than daytime.

Different land, same posture.Whether poor or rich.At this moment, many people knelt down and looked up at the starry sky.

It is human nature for the public to turn from fear to worship in the face of what they cannot understand.

"The King of Terror descends to purify the world. All beings are equal and all things coexist."

Many extremely superstitious people chant the mantra and constantly call His real name.This slogan was like a fuse that exploded the entire square, and soon deafening chants sounded from the ground.

"Mom and Dad, I'm so scared."

Faced with sudden changes, more people choose to hide at home and shiver.Seeing the sudden darkness, the children cried bitterly.

Not to mention children, even adults couldn't support the situation. Many people collapsed, cowering in the corner and crying bitterly.

When all the people are in despair, the only hope for mankind is taking a look at the North American continent. It is a nuclear explosion-proof shelter hidden underground. There are many such shelters in the world, most of which are products of the Cold War, and a few of them are top-notch in the country. Built by the rich.

The sanctuary is 20 acres in size and fully furnished.It didn't come in handy back then, but now it plays an unexpected role.

There is a dense army on the ground, and in the basement is a prime minister and president of a country who can determine the fate of the earth. Not only Citigroup, but also the five permanent members and other powerful countries have sent enough big shots.

There are more than [-] world-renowned politicians in the refuge, why are so many people gathered here?

"Respected Lord of Truth and Sacrifice, you are the original god, adhering to the supreme law of neutrality and equivalent substitution.

Everything is the same in your eyes, we hereby represent all mankind to pay homage to you with the highest sacrifice, longing for your coming! "

As the leader of the Citigroup read out a sacrifice with the joint signatures of all the countries on the earth, the lights in the refuge sizzled and flickered. This was the invasion of extraordinary power. The elite soldiers also instinctively gripped their automatic rifles.

During these days, the radiant angels were fierce and powerful, but the strongest god in people's hearts was the first born Lord of Truth and Sacrifice. According to analysis, the more the gods abide by the strict rules, the more powerful the gods will be.

In the sealed underground refuge, brilliance gathered rapidly, and a god with the door of truth in his left hand and a golden scale in his right hand appeared.

He looked indifferently at the human leadership group below, and from this group of people he saw the mighty power to lead the entire human civilization.A solemn voice like thunder and lightning echoed in the basement:

"What you ask for is your sacrifice."

After all, I have seen a big scene. Except for the initial loss of color, the people present quickly adjusted their mentality.

The Grand Commander asked: "Now the radiation angel has transformed into a terrifying king, blocking the sun and trying to execute the plan to destroy the world. We implore you to take action to resist this crisis. What sacrifices do you need?"

After saying these words, the atmosphere in the venue suddenly changed, and the hearts of many presidents of small countries who did not know the details were shaken, using gods to control gods?Are you sure this isn't lure wolves into the house?Who came up with the coquettish idea?

Killing a Radiant God and attracting a stronger Lord of Truth, is this a good move?

The president, prime minister, vice president and other human leaders were sweating coldly, waiting for the answer from the Lord of Truth and Sacrifice.

In hundreds of experiments, people have already found out that as long as the sacrifice fails, the chief priest and the priests will inevitably die. Either they will be smashed into dust by thunder, or they will die of cardiac arrest. In short, all kinds of human beings cannot stop Supernatural death, they are also taking great risks, and if they fail or succeed, they have the courage to summon the Lord of Sacrifice.

The golden scale suddenly began to fluctuate, and everyone knew that he began to weigh the value between the two.

Although the blackened Radiation God is terrifying, those present believe that as long as a sufficient price is paid, the Lord of Sacrifice will be able to repel him, and even suppress and devour him!

Now the focus is on what exactly is the sacrifice He wants, and can human beings afford it?

Suddenly, the sharp-eyed secretary in black saw that one corner of the golden scale had reached the bottom, and the sacrifices on the other side began to be superimposed. They widened their eyes and saw dense crowds of people on top of the superimposed sacrifices, a blue ocean, brown-yellow land block.

The Lord of Vague Truth and Sacrifice began to take up and put down continuously, this gesture was the first time.

Many people "grunt" and nervously swallowed a mouthful of phlegm.This is an exchange that determines the fate of mankind. If one is not good, maybe they will be killed on the spot and become the sinners of the people of the whole earth.


Suddenly, everyone saw a familiar blue planet, and the Lord of Truth and Sacrifice actually put the entire earth on the scale.

This accident made everyone's heart beat violently. How much would it take to destroy the Radiant God?Does the Lord of Sacrifice also want to become the God of Earth?

Fortunately, the moment the phantom of the small earth weighed on the scale, the tray was already in the bottom, and the Radiant God was far from worth the price.The Lord of Truth and Sacrifice began to take down the small earth and add new sacrifices.

This time the transaction is no small matter, human beings are the overlords of the earth, and the people present can represent the destiny of 99% of human beings.The Lord of Truth and Sacrifice has never made such a big deal. He is very careful and must pursue equality.

Although the presidents are nervous and anxious, they are still waiting patiently. They are ready to pay a terrible price.

During the period of their worship, the outside world has experienced major turmoil.

The horror king who plunged the whole world into darkness kept descending in space, and a terrifying huge face kept approaching the surface like a meteorite hitting the planet.

Worse than death is the moment of waiting that you cannot avoid while watching death approach.

People were terrified to see the terrifying face approaching constantly in the sky. At this moment, I don't know how many people screamed, and they were so frightened that they fainted.

When the king of terror came, more people peed and feces flowed, their eyes turned white, and they were paralyzed in place.

"Lord, the devil has come before you come. May the soul of the lamb follow your guidance and enter the kingdom of heaven." A bishop of the Vatican crossed his chest with his right hand and walked into the white Gothic church , Kneel down and pray in front of the image of the Holy Lord.

He was the first person to hear the voice of the Lord. He thought he could be the spokesperson of God walking in the world. Unexpectedly, the devil is rampant. Before the arrival of Allah, the devil will destroy mankind. No one knows the grimace of the king of terror. What happens when you reach the surface, but nothing good is sure.

Maybe it was like a meteorite in the Cretaceous Period, ruining human civilization.Maybe it's sending the earth into the wasteland age, no one can know.

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