Is this a spiritual confrontation? A battle of souls, but also the transmission of information? As early as 600 years ago, people created memory infusion technology, which allows people to learn a lot of knowledge without memorizing a lot of information.

At this moment, Hongwen is passing the truth of the world? The huge message of the wasteland of reality to Valkyrie.

After receiving the interference from the outside world, Valkyrie really stopped his martial arts practice. He turned his head and looked at the two young men, "Are you from a terrorist organization? Your cultivation is so powerful? How can you confuse my soul? When will the terrorist organization appear again?" Such a strong man."

"No, I'm a member of the Salvation Organization. The terrorist organization you mentioned has been destroyed since the moment the Mother God recovered." Hong Wen said, "If I read correctly just now? You were in the recent accident, I noticed a little strangeness in the world. Whether it is technology or soul warning? I didn’t find any signs of the attack of destroying the world, which is not in line with common sense.”

Hong Wen stared into the eyes of God of War? "What you trust most in your life is the sixth sense deep in your heart. Is this the power beyond dimensions? It has helped you escape countless dangers of life and death? You instinctively realized that there is Something is wrong."


The Valkyrie suddenly attacked? "Stinky boy, after talking so much, give me a punch first to see if I am qualified to teach."

There was an unexpected smile on Hongwen's face. A beggar and the emperor said the same thing, but the attitude of the other side was completely different.

He stepped back slightly, raised his hand to intercept the fist, and parried perfectly. After that, he spun around to vent his strength, and the Valkyrie's eyes were shocked. He didn't expect a person with such a young soul to have such rich fighting experience, and soon the Valkyrie increased his strength a little. Recruiting handed down martial arts, self-created martial arts were quickly played.

With punches, palms, sword fingers, and even the attack of the soul, Ying Xiong at the side is so confident in his elder brother that he has even killed the evil gods in this world, let alone the martial gods who have not yet seen the real law here?

The elder brother said that, in the world, except for Master Adam, he is already the second best among human beings, and no one can suppress himself, especially his characteristics, when he is strong, he is strong.

Hongwen regards defense as offense and does not take the initiative to attack. Instead, he absorbs the knowledge and experience of the Martial God like a sponge. At his level, fighting is not just a simple move or the use of the body, but a deeper level of life experience, the soul. Will, own way.

Ten minutes later, Valkyrie stopped his hand, his breath was disordered, and the energy in his body was agitated. He looked at the young man who was able to do everything in disbelief. After a long time, Valkyrie's lips moved slightly, "You are the strongest man I have seen in my life, I will go with you , not to believe or not to believe the truth of the world you said, but to see where a monster like you can be created."

"Big Brother is Big Brother." Ying Xiong sighed, convincing people with virtue, after all, he was powerful and conquered the God of War.If it is a weak chicken at this time, Valkyrie will choose to capture it and search for its soul.

The first goal was achieved. Valkyrie planned to take his own airship to go, but Hongwen thought it was too slow. Instead, he took the two of them to teleport and re-entered the virtual world to observe the codes that make up everything. He learned a lot , the cultivation level has been raised to a higher level.

Surrounded by the data that makes up the world, the laws are all materialized, which helps him a lot.

The team of three people who left gradually grew. As Hongwen said, the recent change had greatly increased the belief in the folk goddess, but it also made a group of top powerhouses aware of a slight abnormality, and he expanded this slight abnormality, Believe it or not, after seeing his vision of a world that was more real than this place, many people decided that even if they died, they would have to witness it with their own eyes.

Of course, on the way, there were some people who were as stubborn as bulls and wanted to report them as pedestrians. Faced with such a situation, Hongwen punched him expressionlessly, letting his opponent scream and resist, and directly blasted the opponent into slag.

"There are ignorant people in any world, good words are hard to persuade, damn it." Hongwen turned around and looked at the stunned crowd, "You may still have doubts in your heart, but I can tell you that I am not forcing you, but Save you. The Mother Goddess has awakened, just like 600 years ago, and is about to harvest this world.

The weak you live in this world are the meat pigs she raised. This place is a human testing ground and a breeding ground for evil gods. "

"Brother, is what you said true? This place is going to be destroyed?" Ying Xiong asked everyone's doubts.

"Hmm." Hongwen nodded with a heavy heart, "Maybe because I gathered the last luck of human beings, I heard the mournful sound from the assembly of human beings unconsciously gathered, it was very painful, like a song for the death of the world. Before the catastrophe of annihilation comes, save as much as you can."

"There are more than 50 billion people here? Are we the only ones who can escape? How many people are we? Tens of thousands? Compared with the masses, it is not as good as a drop in the ocean!"

Hearing Hongwen's words, a top scholar immediately said that he wanted to save other people as much as possible.

"We can only do so much, and we can do what we can." Hongwen said with a blank expression on his face.

It was the first time Ying Xiong had heard his elder brother say such discouraged words. In his memory, he had made great strides all the way. Even in the most down-and-out childhood, he was besieged by ten older children, and he was beaten black and swollen for standing up for himself. I have admitted defeat, and now I am an adult, but instead say that I am powerless.

This is a heavy topic. This group of people are the top talents in the imaginary world, and some of them specialize in the spiritual field. His face is pale. No wonder he feels panicked in his heart. He instinctively drives him to follow this mysterious young man. This is self-help from the heart!

Hongwen's words made everyone quicken their pace, but at this moment the person who spoke out just now proposed to withdraw, because he wanted to do his best to announce the truth as much as possible.

"If you say it, people will just treat you as a lunatic, and you are also clear about people's worship of the mother god. Don't waste your efforts, foolish people cannot be saved." Someone persuaded.

"No matter what the situation is, people have the right to know, even if they die, they must die to understand!"

In the end, Hongwen gave him a meaningful look and nodded.Seeing this, Ying Xiong secretly persuaded: "Brother, let him leave, what if he is going to inform you?"

"The mind doesn't lie. No matter when, there is always this kind of noble person. Knowing that you can't do it, do it."

Hongwen led everyone to walk faster and faster, as if something was chasing after him, he led the top experts in the virtual world to reason with each "newcomer", and the team grew bigger and bigger.

On the other side, the person who left the team, his name is George, is a top expert in the field of man and nature. He immediately called a group of students and disciples through his own channel, and held an emergency meeting of "Planet Will, Parallel World" At the meeting, he raised the issue of the world being false and about to be destroyed, and presented relevant evidence, which caused an uproar among everyone present.

Some people even called him a terrorist party hiding in the crowd. The secret service unit who heard the news rushed to arrest him as soon as possible. On the way back from the arrest, George was still waving waste soil materials, calling for everyone to flee.

"What a lunatic."

"Another brainwashed person. The Earth Mother Goddess has awakened. She is the mother of all things. How can she harm us?"

Amidst the sighs of the crowd, George was arrested, and a cub of the evil god whispered: "Who led him to fall? The virtual world has been closed, and the mother goddess has awakened. Who dares to sneak in so boldly?"

"It may be that the previously hidden information was discovered by him, or he was originally a member of Ark. No need to guess, or let me devour his soul directly, and the memory will be extracted naturally."

An evil god with a round body and eyes, like a head, said, and then George, who should have been imprisoned, was sent to his mouth.

"You are an evil god!"

At the last moment of his life, recalling Hongwen's warning, George's eyes widened, and he saw the truth of this great man when he was dying.


An academic master is like a watermelon being swallowed alive by this evil god. The evil god swallowed his brains, and his mouth was covered with white flowers. The evil god began to look through his memory.

At this time, in the other corner of the virtual world, Hongwen, who had already led thousands of people, suddenly changed his expression, and angrily said: "How dare you spy on me!"


Hongwen suddenly made a move, and punched the opponent like a thunderbolt. When everyone was wondering about his actions, Hongwen's fist disappeared into the void. The evil god who was looking through George's memory found the key point. He was captured by two mysterious people. Come to the door, not long ago!

"It's Adam? I caught a big fish this time." When the head evil god was excited, he suddenly saw the mysterious person in the memory corridor raised his head, his eyes glowed like stars, and he realized himself through a breakthrough dimension.

At the same time, the evil god also saw his appearance clearly, "Isn't it Adam? It's no good that he found me. When did human beings become so strong!"

The head evil god resolutely withdrew from reviewing the memory, but it was already too late, a fist blasted out from the memory, locked the air machine, and smashed him into pieces with a bang, even obliterating the spirit entangled in the cells.

The companion next to him screamed, but his shards still fell on him.

"Enemy attack!"

Hong Wen frowned after retracting his punches. Seeing this, Ying Xiong asked worriedly, "What's wrong, big brother?"

"Just now that George was devoured by the evil god, and he touched us according to his memory. Although I killed him, I was also discovered by the world itself. Quickly, let's go now, and I can't take anyone else with me!"

Hongwen's face changed, and he quickly ordered everyone to act.

"But how did we leave? According to the two of you, our real bodies are still in the Mechanic City. When you first left, you died and were thrown into the sewer, and then recovered by the people in the shelter. This time the scale is so large, so it should be like this." Time travel?" Martial God Wuji asked.

"Abandon the weak real body directly. As long as the soul escapes, it will be easy to reshape the real body with everyone's strength. What's more, we have the assistance of the Kingdom of Light, and they definitely have no shortage of supplies!"

Hongwen acted resolutely, and immediately asked Ying Xiong to start the return procedure, and soon a black hole appeared in the void, behind which countless data merged into rivers and interweaved into a complete world.

The others didn't dare to delay, and hurriedly plunged in. Now, even if they knew that the front was completely dark, they could only bite the bullet and continue walking.

The crowd was extremely fast and kept throwing themselves into the black hole, but Ying Xiong found that his eldest brother was very nervous, and even saw him tightly holding the token of the master, ready to crush it at any time. Seeing this, he also kept his heart and prepared to Immediately start the external self-destruct program.

The moment the head evil god was killed, the evil gods who were connected with each other had already reacted. They prayed to the mother goddess one after another. Gaia, who was embracing the void world and swallowing the power of faith and negative energy, opened his eyes.

"The little bug slipped in, what do you want to do?"

Her eyes are like the wheels of heaven, monitoring all living beings, constantly scanning all over the world, and a group of top souls gathered in the virtual world are naturally as eye-catching as lights in the dark night, and she has discovered it in an instant.

"Found you, cute little bug."

Hongwen's face on the ground changed drastically, and he crushed the token with a bang. Seeing the big brother's movement, Ying Xiong had no time to care about the thousand or so people who hadn't escaped yet, and shouted:


Chapter 465 The Final Jihad at the End of the Century: Cutting the Heavens


In the Ark shelter, two helmets exploded suddenly, and Pang Long, who was guarding the way, suddenly opened his eyes. Powerful souls escaped through the data lines, but the two most important souls were trapped.

Pang Long stepped out suddenly, and was about to enter the imaginary world along the data line.

"Be sure to come back, you promised me." Gu Meng held Hongwen's hand tightly, her brows and eyes full of worry.

In the imaginary world, where Yingxiong and Hongwen were located, thousands of evil gods killed them, and Hongwen felt an immeasurable existence watching this place.

"Brother, let's go!"

Ying Xiong anxiously pointed to the black hole created by the self-destruct and said.

"You guys go first, I'll finish it off."

Hongwen moved his left hand, and a force of devouring tigers gushed out from his palm. Hongwen sucked the souls of all the remaining strong men, and then threw them all into the self-destructive black hole.

"Big brother!"

Before leaving, Ying Xiong yelled anxiously, but the eldest brother didn't look at him, and turned his vacant right hand into a fist to hit the evil god.

"Jie Jie."

"Quack, you bastard, I smell an intoxicating fragrance from this young soul, as long as I swallow him, I will definitely be able to advance."

The evil gods from all over the world drilled out of the black hole, and after sending everyone away, Hongwen didn't dare to stay any longer. The energy all over his body exploded, and he pushed his hands arbitrarily for a hundred thousand miles, and a surge of energy surged towards the evil god.

He jumped quickly and jumped in at the last moment when the black hole closed.


At the most critical moment, a white tentacle of data rushed towards Hongwen's ankle, trying to keep him here forever.

"Machine Emperor?"

The Mechanical Emperor is the god of monitoring the Internet in this world, and he made an impressive move at this moment.

Seeing that Hongwen was about to be left behind by the ancestor of the evil god, a bright stone step extended from a distance at an extremely fast speed, cutting off the white tentacles. Hongwen guides the lost.


Hongwen finally escaped at the last moment, but he still had doubts in his heart, Gaia should have found him, why didn't he stay?Isn't he her nemesis?In terms of numerology, she is born to restrain her.

As Hong Wen receded, Adam's magic lamp burst open with a crisp sound, and a wall of fire burned to the sky, causing the chasing evil gods to retreat.

"Supreme Lord? Why don't you take action to suppress the two? Adam and the Child of Destiny? As long as they are eliminated, no one can stop your hegemony."

A huge group of evil gods on the Internet squirmed and asked.

"No hurry? The fruit is the most delicious only when it is ripe? It's too young to taste right now. Human beings have been raised for so long? It's time to harvest."

Gaia, the dark Gaia embracing the virtual world, looked down at all living beings with a smile. Countless strands of faith rose from these souls? Other negative energies and other strange spiritual powers were also extracted? Nourishing the evil gods lying on the world to devour .

The bodies of the evil gods have grown rapidly at a speed visible to the naked eye, and each of the evil gods that have grown up has broken away from the mother's body and reincarnated into the present world.

In this world, when Hongwen opened his eyes and saw Ying Xiong and Gu Meng nervously guarding on both sides of him? "After hearing Ying Xiong say you were broken? I was so worried." Gu Meng rushed over worried. Neng replied: "You see, am I okay? I know it well."

Between the two of them snuggling together, Adam also walked in after stopping.

He glanced at the two people who were embracing him. He was a little surprised, and then continued: "There are changes in the mechanical cities in various places? All the robots have gone crazy, and the outside patrols have returned to the city. If my guess is correct? Gaia has already planned to reclaim the virtual world, devouring billions of human souls? Just like reclaiming the fifth era 600 years ago."

As soon as this remark came out, everyone present was completely silent. A recovering Void Realm powerhouse asked emotionally, "Then what are you waiting for? Hurry up and save them, as much as you can save!"

Adam nodded heavily. He had prepared for the worst in his heart, and the Kingdom of Light had also noticed the vision. Before Gaia could make all the preparations, they would attack in advance.For Gaia, the Atlantis civilization of the fourth era is her best child, and she will definitely recycle it.

She is the enemy of the entire universe, and the kingdom of light is born to be at odds with the mother god.

"The Supreme Mother Goddess, save the world. Purify people's hearts, and unite heaven and man."

In the imaginary world, under the organization of the official federation, the large-scale congregation on the streets and squares held up the flag of the mother planet, recited the Bible, and praised the greatness of the mother god.

The evil gods crouched on them and sneered, and Dark Gaia also laughed.

"Hehe, my favorite child, come back to my arms again."


Suddenly, the sky in the imaginary world was shattered like a broken mirror, the veil of the world was slowly loosened, and the lost lambs stopped shouting, and as the first one noticed the sky vision and raised his head, others followed suit , look up.

"The sky, the sky is split."

The space is fake, even the double moons in the sky are star clusters made up of huge data, and the codes run across the cracks, which makes people feel palpitating.At the moment of the world's destruction, Gaia no longer hides it, or she is enjoying the misery after people know the truth.Because at this time, the power of despair in people's hearts is the most delicious.

"It turns out that what Ark and Dr. George said is correct, our world is fake."

When they realized this moment, it was too late, and the opportunity was given up by themselves.The truth is only in the hands of a few people, and the power of the masses is terrible and weak.

The souls of billions of people turned into light spots and flew into the sky. In reality, the nutrition cabins in the mechanical cities standing all over the earth exploded in batches, and the red light radiated everywhere. The human corpses in the nutrition cabin were extracted, transported together, and piled up into a mountain of corpses. Isn't their flesh and blood the best weapon to create evil gods?

"Killing people has to punish the heart. The fallen mother goddess is far more vicious than we imagined."

Human leaders trembled after receiving the news. They did not expect Gaia to do things so terribly. On the horizon, cities of miracles began to collapse. Hundreds of millions of robots were buried with them, replaced by dancing bodies built with tens of millions of human flesh and blood. The evil god of fear was born.

These are not one or two, but tens of thousands. The entire gray planet is like a demon world, with evil gods dancing wildly, ghosts crying and gods howling, bloody seas, even God is on the side of evil gods!

"If even the sky is dark, then who should we trust?" Lilith asked with a pale face. As a person whose fate is favored by human beings, she heard the mournful sound from the subconscious mind of human beings as a whole. An uncontrollable sadness surged from the depths of his soul.

"I only believe in the fist in my hand. It can open up tomorrow. Even if I fail, there will always be someone who will catch up." Adam clenched his fists tightly, his eyes sparkling.

"I believe in myself, I believe that I can create tomorrow." Hong Wen couldn't sit still, and had already walked outside the door.

"How much can be stopped, how much can be stopped, even if the soul is swallowed by Gaia, at least the body must be rested, instead of being reduced to the body of an evil god, working for a tiger."

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