He wields the highest power, but also bears the greatest responsibility.

"Boss, be careful when going to the Kingdom of Light this time."

A female voice came from behind, it was Lilith who was in charge of the Garden of Eden.

"It's been a long time since you called me that. It's been 50 years since you left the ark and built your own refuge in the Garden of Eden." A voice came from behind Adam.

"The trip to the Kingdom of Light is not dangerous. I am more worried about that child Hongwen. I have thought about how to attract talents from the virtual world before, but it is too dangerous. This child is brave and resourceful, but sometimes he is very stubborn. , I’m afraid that if Gaia finds out, I won’t activate the token.”

"Auspicious people have their own celestial features. The last luck of our human beings is gathered on him, and he will not die. What's more, according to your guess, Gaia deliberately indulged the birth of the savior, and even helped him gather and resist luck, also for breeding The biggest fruit, then she will not let the last protagonist of the universe who has not grown to the peak die, otherwise it will lose its meaning?"

"There has been a change in the virtual world. This time is the only chance. It's a pity that after searching for so many years, I only found the savior, but not the light." Adam turned around with regret on his face.

Li Lisi's heart moved, "Boss, who is the light you want to find after forcibly breaking into the virtual world several times, confronting the Mechanic Emperor, and killing several evil gods? We didn't even tell us, just said it was a person, who is it? Can it change our situation and defeat Gaia?"

"That's what I learned from my father's words. Gaia is the only one who can defeat Gaia." What Adam said made Lilith puzzled.

Talking about Adam's father, the eternal prophet of mankind, the two were silent. Lilith wanted to ask about the whereabouts of the prophet, but she was afraid of disturbing Adam, so she hesitated to speak. Seeing this, Adam told her to step down. It was getting late. , he also wants to go to Kingdom of Light.

After Lilith left, Adam's eyes were deep in the empty room, and he said to himself, "Father, where did you go? Are you still in this land? Or are you looking for light in the virtual world? You must also be looking for energy." The thing that defeated Gaia, avenged for friends, for the last epoch.

The final battle is coming, hope to see you again. "

Adam had a hunch that no matter what the outcome of the final battle was, he would fall. He was not surprised by this result, neither sad nor happy.When the savior appeared, he had fulfilled his historical mission, and he had completed his historical mission by passing on what he had learned all his life.

"Let me, the post-civilization No.1, completely bury this sad era, as long as a new prosperous civilization can be opened up."

Chapter 463 The Last Crossing

A little bit of starlight shone from the dim planet, and many curious people came out of Asgard, Ark and other shelters. They looked up at the sky and felt that the starry sky tonight was extraordinarily gorgeous, and the dust after the nuclear explosion was much thinner.The heavy snow that has been falling for 600 years has also weakened, and there are signs of stopping.

"Does this mean that the snow is about to stop and the good days are coming?" A trembling old man came up. He is 98 years old this year and is troubled by nuclear radiation. He has never seen such a beautiful starlight tonight since he was born.

"Not long ago, a beam of light came from outside the universe, possibly gamma rays, which broke through the dust in the atmosphere, making the 600-year-long snow finally show signs of stopping." A robotic electronic eye was analyzing the starry sky and observing the atmosphere How much dust has dispersed.

Some people take their children out to breathe, as long as they don't go too far from the shelter, they don't need to wear purification equipment, "Mom, what is it?"

A child stretched out his finger and pointed to a certain point on the ground. There, there was a metal mythical beast crouching quietly, surrounded by small black dots patrolling.

"That's a human farm."

Mom said complicatedly.After seeing the mechanical city, everyone's joy was extinguished a bit. As long as the home planet is not purified for a day, then they will not have a good day.


At the same time, a stream of light flashed away under the vast starry sky. The child blinked, thinking it was his own illusion, rubbed his eyes again, but he did not see it again.

Adam's speed was extremely fast, so close to the horizon, he had escaped from the shackles of his mother star in an instant, and standing outside the starry sky, he turned his head to look back at his mother star inexplicably, and then flew to the kingdom of light outside the solar system.

In order to prevent being attacked by Gaia, the coordinates of the Kingdom of Light are changing at any time. Adam passed by the sun that has been nourishing them, and he sensed a ray of mother star breath from it. Adam felt heavy in his heart. Is the entire solar system controlled by Gaia? Including This one occupies 98 masses of the solar system's sun.

Space does not count time? After half a day, Adam has arrived at the kingdom of light in subspace according to the guidance of a person named Aiwen.

The Kingdom of Light is transparent as a whole? The appearance appears as a pyramid of light standing under the night sky, bright, warm, sacred, and solemn? This is Adam's first feeling after seeing the Kingdom of Light.

The crystal door under the Pyramid of Light opens, and the warm holy light shoots out? Angels of Light come to welcome you? Accompanied by Tianyin and flowers all the way.Adam nodded to the angel and stepped into the kingdom of light.

He is not very unfamiliar with the Atlanteans, after all, he had fought side by side with the young warriors from the Kingdom of Light before.

Entering the Kingdom of Light, Adam also saw a group of human beings who looked exactly like himself? His heart moved? He knew that this was the group of human beings who fled to space during the cataclysm. Humans living on Gaia are even more orthodox.

Are they the authentic successors of the Fifth Epoch human civilization, and their mother planes preserve the peak technology of mankind? The inheritance has not been cut off, and they have been freed from the shackles of the mother planet? The evolutionary system has not changed.

From the crowd, Adam saw a god-level evolutionary exuding an ancient and decaying aura. From the soul of this human leader, he perceived an age as old as his father? "It turned out to be a god-level powerhouse from the last era."

Adam was surprised. He didn't expect that apart from his father, there was also a strong former human being who escaped from birth.He silently nodded to the ancient leader.

The space captain nodded in return? Why is it better to sigh? "We are floating in space, inheriting the heritage of the original civilization, and are not suppressed by the mother star. We do not lack evolutionary resources, but we are not as good as the people living in the mother star who live in poor supplies. Why? ?”

The captain began to compare the two branches of humanity. His own side had better conditions, but stagnated instead. On the contrary, the condition of the branch that re-emerged on the mother star was poor but evolved stronger. This is thought-provoking.

Along the way, Adam passed through towering light men like gods on both sides. They silently watched the strongest human being, and perceived a powerful force from him that was by no means weaker than that of the Atlanteans.

Compared with them, the King of Humans is extremely small in size, but the energy level contained in it is extremely high, which cannot be ignored. Many Atlanteans re-examined humans.

"Welcome to you, King of Humans."

The King of Light on the Throne of Light asked in a deep voice. For the first time, Adam stopped in his tracks. He is indeed the strongest civilization brewed by Gaia. Even after it was destroyed, it still has such a terrifying background. terror energy.

"Can the ninth level of human evolution include the King of Light?"

Adam guessed in his mind that the evolutionary system is the level of life evolution speculated by human calculations. Normally, the ninth level of this universe is already the pinnacle. It fits the Dao, which itself represents a part of the truth of the universe and can tamper with the cosmological constant. In their field, Say "water burns", then water really burns.

"King of Atlantis, you just returned to your home planet, but you gave us a big gift, which almost wiped out all of us humans." Although I know that the King of Light is very powerful, it is very likely that this universe is the strongest besides Gaia. creatures, but Adam still insisted on asking for justice.

Some ministers were slightly angry and seemed to want to reprimand, but the King of Light said first, "I'm sorry for the previous temptation, but at that time I had calculated a 999 chance that Fallen Gaia would block it. It is to test Gaia's strength and the time it takes for her to wake up.

It seems that now it's time for your group of captive humans to harvest again. If I'm not wrong, she has accelerated the production of evil gods and officially started to take over this universe. "

Adam confronted the majestic King of Light, one was like dust and the other was like a star, but many Atlanteans present had the illusion that the two were equally tall and there was no distinction between superiority and inferiority.

"Friends, don't be angry at our previous recklessness. We have been in charge of this universe, and we have gone farther than everyone else in the evolution. It is precisely because we know more that we are afraid of the fallen Gaia. If we can choose , I would rather control the Kingdom of Light by myself and perish with Gaia."

King Light's divine voice was mighty and mighty, echoing in the Land of Light, other fighters were stunned, wondering why the always invincible King Light made such a statement.

"What did you gain from the temptation?" Adam asked with a bad feeling.

The King of Light closed his eyes like stars, and sighed leisurely: "Harvesting the Fifth Epoch, devouring the most outstanding virtual creation of mankind, she has completed the step that we Atlanteans have not taken. The realm of evolution can no longer include She's gone, even if our clan returns at its peak, we won't be able to resist it. This is a catastrophe for the entire universe."

The whole audience was in an uproar, all warriors of light who were ready to destroy the evil god and purify the mother planet with high morale changed their faces, and even the ministers were shocked. What did the King of Light learn from that blow, and he was so pessimistic? Dominating the universe and reaching the heyday of a god-level civilization is the pride of all of them.

I think that there is no one before and no one after.

"Even so, we surviving human beings have to show our swords, avenge our compatriots, and fight for survival. What's more, it is not hopeless. Everything in the world has a nemesis. An ant can defeat a dragon and an elephant. Gaia is indeed very powerful, but gather us The last son of all human destiny will surely defeat her.

what about you?The strongest civilization in this universe in history, the most outstanding child of Gaia?To flee or to fight? "

"After the mother star fell, it is so powerful and invincible. Let's return to a remote place."

"No, it's not safe there. Just drill into the nebula layer at the edge of the universe, and just check the boundaries of the universe. If you're lucky, there may be a large universe where we can continue to write the civilization of Atlantis. Chapter."

Hearing that Gaia is so powerful, many Atlanteans are ready to retreat. They talk a lot, some flee, some fight, and even a group of surrender factions. There are many discussions in the holy land of light. Adam watched coldly and waited. Light King's answer.

The King of Light raised his hand to stop the conversation of the tribe, "Stop, this is not an answer we can choose. Even human civilizations weaker than us have decided to fight hard, let alone us? We were born on Gaia, There is an inseparable karma with her.

Evasion is nothing more than missing the last chance to demonize Gaia's character. Everything in the universe belongs to her. Her ambition is huge and she is destined to swallow the entire universe.Even if we flee to the ends of the earth, we can't escape her sanctions, so we are all ready for battle!

If there are any renegotiations or surrenders, kill them. "


The ministers tightened their minds one after another, and the battle roar echoed in the Kingdom of Light. Seeing this, Adam smiled.

When Adam rushed to the Kingdom of Light to confirm the cooperation between the two races, Hongwen and Yingxiong on the other side had already started to infiltrate for the last time.

Gu Meng looked at the two brothers worriedly, his eyes were full of sadness, "Hongwen, have you thought about it? The virtual world has closed the loop, and an unknown great change has occurred, which should be related to the probing blow of the kingdom of light." , The world must have been under martial law, one bad thing is being besieged by many evil gods, and even being watched by Gaia."

"Don't worry, I know what's in my heart, not to mention that this is the last time. The fully recovered Gaia is about to harvest billions of compatriots in the Mechanic City. How many can be saved. They are not simple data codes, but living creatures. I really can't bear to have them killed in a dream." Hong Wen, who was sitting on the bed, said comfortingly.

"I'm here to protect the Dharma for you. When Gaia watched you, I crushed the token of Adam. I will build a temporary soul channel here." Pang Long, the Lord of Yujing, came to protect the Dharma in person.

"All right."

On the other side, Ying Xiong wiped the sweat from his brow, put down the tool knife in his hand, and looked at the two connector helmets he had just made with satisfaction. Moreover, he deliberately added measures of forced departure.

When the souls of the two were destroyed, the helmets exploded immediately, and they would rather have their brains damaged than bring them back to consciousness.

Hongwen took the helmet he handed over, and nodded towards Gumeng confidently. He gently put on the helmet, his lips moved slightly, just about to say: "Activate".

Unexpectedly, a burst of warmth rushed to my face in an instant, and an extremely pleasant and familiar fragrance came.

This time it was Hongwen's turn to be stunned, holding the helmet a little at a loss, he could only watch Gu Meng holding his head with both hands and kissing gently.She got a fair little face that was shy from the kiss, her eyes were closed tightly, and her long eyelashes were fluttering nervously.

After kissing Tianhuang, the other two present ate cold dog food again.

"Ahem, young people nowadays." Pang Long coughed twice, reminding them that there are still minors here.

Gu Meng immediately let go of Hongwen, she avoided her eyes, she didn't dare to look directly at him, she just whispered: "You must come back, I'll wait for you."


Hong Wen smiled and nodded. He put on the helmet, looked at Ying Xiong, and shouted at the same time: "Activate."


The brilliance flowed, and the souls of the two turned into trillions of data and shuttled through the data lines.

It was the first time to travel back to their hometown in this form, and the two seemed very novel. If there was no connection, they saw a prototype planet composed of data that was indistinguishable from reality.

That is the human civilization that has not entered the wasteland world line. People live and work in peace and contentment. Although there are class conflicts in the society, the overall living standard is still good. Compared with the cruel wasteland reality, the virtual world is no different from paradise.

But when the two looked closely, they found a huge black shadow covering all of the data planet, and the planet was held in the palm of her hand.

Tens of thousands of negative energies have been extracted, and horrible and weird cubs of evil gods are being nursed, and occasionally they break out of their shells, and walk from the imaginary world to the present world.


The moment they crossed into the imaginary world, the souls and bodies of the two were swept away by the laws of the world. The two were wrapped in a local atmosphere, accepted by the world, and silently returned to Yecheng, the place where they were born.

It has been two years since the two left, and the two worlds flow at the same speed, and the small county is not saddened by the death of the two fatherless and motherless teenagers.

Returning to their homeland, the two of them are different. Hongwen's spirit is like a scorching sun burning, which makes people awe-inspiring.Ying Xiong, who is slightly shorter beside him, is no longer the gloomy boy he used to be. With the encouragement of everyone, his outstanding talent has also been brought into play, and he has become a top mechanic in the ark and is highly respected.

"It's still the same here."

Hongwen and Yingxiong walk together on the street, the old daily life is gone forever, things are different, and in the eyes of the two, the familiar houses and landscapes around them are data codes.

"Brother, before I leave, I want to take a last look at my small warehouse." Ying Xiong said as if thinking of something.

"Is there anything missing?" Hongwen asked strangely. The small warehouse was the play base of the two, and they also died there.

Two special visitors passed through the streets and alleys. On the way, Ying Xiong also passed by a female classmate who had laughed at him. She stopped.

Ying Xiong glanced casually, and kept walking.

"Wow, did you see that handsome guy just now? He glanced at me, so handsome! He must be a young master from a big city, maybe he is the son of that group."

The female classmate and another girlfriend exaggerated, and the girlfriend stuck out her tongue, "Why do I feel a little familiar, I seem to have seen it somewhere before, the handsome guy next to him is really beautiful, he walks like a tiger, I dare not look directly at him , sneaking a glance, my legs became weak, if I didn't hold your hand, I wouldn't even be able to stand up."

The two girls were infatuated with nympho, and they didn't recover until the two handsome men disappeared.

In the corner of Yecheng, just like the small warehouse in the past, the rolling door is closed, and the dust is flying. This is the place where fate meets, and it is of great significance to the two people.

"I found it, it's here." Ying Xiong, who bent over and walked in, his eyes lit up, and he walked towards a corner of the warehouse.

Chapter 464

In a corner of the warehouse, a small robot leans quietly on the waste. The overall color is gray, with a layer of ash piled on it. The manufacturing process is simple, as if it was assembled by a child. In fact, it is the first robot made by Ying Xiong .

"Isn't this Xiao Nuo, the battery is out?" Hong Wen said in surprise.


Ying Xiong took Xiao Nuo, plugged in the battery skillfully, the robot's eyes lit up, and with a flick of his finger, he bound the robot's code to himself and got up to leave.

The two took one last look at this familiar yet unfamiliar town, and set foot into the distance without looking back.

In Lucheng, the place where Wuji, the Martial God of a generation, lived in seclusion, Hongwen and Hongwen walked on the street and found that they were discussing about the meteorite impact in the sky not long ago.

"Everyone has to believe in the Federation. The meteorite has been destroyed by the great Mother Goddess. According to the current data, the meteorite was thrown by an alien race. We have entered the interstellar era, and we have to fight the alien race, that is, the ancient extraterrestrial demons."

A well-known speaker's speech was projected on the screen above his head. Hongwen paused, looked up and found that his true face was a one-eyed evil god with teeth and claws.


The two looked at each other while watching the video played back on the screen, and already had a guess in their hearts, "That should be the probing blow of the King of Light. I didn't expect to attack Gaia, and almost destroyed the world."

Just at this time, a team carrying the flag of the blue planet came over. This rather large team was beating gongs and drums with great momentum. They shouted slogans in unison:

"Long live the Mother God, the Mother God is the only lord who conceives all things, praise the Mother God!"

Ying Xiong and Hong Wen retreated to the side, watching the long-dragon team passing by coldly, Ying Xiong frowned and asked, "Brother, this is the change in the imaginary world. It has inherent advantages, can we still instigate people like this?

Isn't this the enemy of the whole world? "

"So what if the whole world is an enemy? You should have discovered it after two years of living in this world."

Hongwen said confidently: "No matter which world you are in, there are a small group of people who doubt life and the world. You can think that they are boring and have persecution paranoia, but it is undeniable that when there are too many people, they have all kinds of ideas.

This accident did bring the reputation of the Mother God to the peak, but I believe that some people can use this to find something wrong.There is an unprovoked attack on the world. "

Hongwen used his heart to feel the powerful soul magnetic field around him, and found his former idol Valkyrie in a short while.When the two came to the door, the only strong man in history was practicing martial arts? One punch pierced the air? The tiger was full of power, and fell into a special state.

Hongwen prevented Ying Xiong from interrupting? His own eyes shot divine light at the Martial God who was practicing martial arts.

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