"Count me in!"


The powerhouses were filled with righteous indignation, especially the group of strong men who had just escaped from the virtual world. They condensed the essence of the virtual world, and they were burdened with blood and blood. They couldn't help but fight the evil god and the mother god.Who would have thought that the highly respected mother goddess would be such an evil god, not only harvesting the soul, but also the flesh!

"Then let's start, the final jihad." Adam closed his eyes, "The leaders of the various ministries returned to their respective refuges and gathered with the Ark. This time, if you fail, you will be benevolent! Not just our generation of civilization, but the entire universe will fall into eternal night.”


Pang Long, Lilith and the others replied decisively. Everyone felt a big stone in their hearts, and instinctively felt a sense of depression that was about to come.

Some people even noticed that as countless breeding humans were killed, countless mysterious and mysterious blood luck came from all over the world, constantly amplifying Hongwen, the last son of destiny of mankind.

Hongwen's momentum became stronger and stronger, even surpassing Adam, but his face was calm and terrifying.

Ying Xiong asked worriedly, "Brother, are you alright?"

Hongwen replied hoarsely: "I'm fine, I'm fine, I've never been better, I heard countless people's cries for help, not only from the virtual world, but also from the fifth era."


A blazing stream of light piercing the sky appeared, and it hit the target in an instant. A super mechanical city with a population of 5 million was brewing 10 super evil gods. It was directly destroyed by this blow and wiped off the ground. .

"The verdict of light, since the sky has no way, then we will rise up, cut down the sky, and establish the truth again!"

The kingdom of light took the lead in attacking. In the dark universe, an unimaginably huge pyramid of light that surpassed the energy level of planets and stars appeared from the void interlayer. But also bright.

There are hundreds of huge stars burning as energy sources below, and they are undergoing nuclear fusion all the time. The King of Light in the Kingdom of Light is wearing crystal armor.

He held up the sun mirror, "The whole army is attacking! Burn all the stored energy, and the kingdom of light is overloaded. This is the battle of justice, this is the battle of survival, and this is the ultimate holy war!"


The huge kingdom of light measured in light-years has a terrifying speed, and it disappeared in an instant. It directly broke into the Gaia domain of the solar system, and it no longer chooses to escape.Dividing the solar system like a giant ship dividing the sea, the kingdom of light hits the sun, and the source of all things must be destroyed first!


The sun, which was born more than 40 billion years ago, was forcibly smashed away by the Kingdom of Light, and exploded into countless pieces that shot in all directions, and the entire universe seemed to be burning.

The eyes of the King of Light are as cold as ice. This is the sun that once gave birth to them, but it is also the source of Gaia's backup.

Whoosh whoosh.

The kingdom of light stagnant in the stellar fragments shoots out tens of thousands of light spots, one after another the fearless warriors of light turn into meteors and enter the Gaia star, fighting against the army of evil gods of various shapes on the earth.

The kingdom of light devours the power of the surrounding stars, and the clan artifact sun concave-convex mirror extracts energy and shoots out a series of judgments of light, destroying the mechanical city base that gave birth to the evil god.

The Judgment of Light was inspired by the Atlanteans' study of the ancient taboo "The Rod of Creation God". If the light of the Ganges River is integrated into the line, then this is the sharpest artifact in the world, capable of destroying everything.

Even something as weak as clear water can become a water jet if shot at a high-speed frequency, not to mention the already sharp light?

The strength of Gaia star is far beyond everyone's imagination. The [-] nuclear explosions of the year did not destroy it. At this moment, the universe shoots out rays of judgment light, which evaporates the evil human farms on the surface.


The evil god roared proudly, and tens of thousands of tentacles rose from the ground like pillars supporting the sky, forcibly blocking the rays of judgment.When the mechanical emperor got up from the ground and looked at the dazzling sky, even he was stunned.

The eternal sun was destroyed alive, the sun that nourished all things was shattered, and the flash of destruction light was extremely bright. At the center of the fragments was a tower of the god of light, and the holy light of the Dao Dao Judgment was shot from the tower.

"Fuck, the King of Light is too ruthless. As soon as he decided to start a full-scale war, he directly drove the Kingdom of Light and crashed the sun." The heavenly stems who had just stepped out of the ark were stunned. Blind his dog eyes.

Star Gaia has never been so bright. This is a "firework" at the cost of the entire star self-explosion. This is the only time in this life.

He thought that he was the fourth natural disaster, not a person from this world, and acted boldly regardless of the consequences, but when he really saw a ruthless person, he felt ashamed.

"Whether she wins or loses this time, Gaia can't wait any longer. She is ruthless, and the King of Light is also ruthless."

This is the ultimate battle that surpasses nuclear explosions. The sky meteor orbital gun keeps shooting, and it seems that a group of meteors came from the universe, and they continue to fall into the earth. What exploded was the roar of evil gods, and the bodies piled up by thousands of corpses were bombarded. torn apart.

The fiery red and dark sky, the trembling earth, and the crashing sun, even the 3-year-old children in the shelter know what is going on today. This is the ultimate battle beyond the previous era, affecting the fate of the entire universe!

"It's terrible. After Hongwen brought in a group of strong men from the virtual world, Gaia couldn't bear it any longer and took back the soul of the virtual world again. She has a showdown and stopped playing!"

On the Internet, Tiangan couldn't help bursting into the live broadcast: "Let's put a few photos for you to enjoy yourself. This time it's the right time. Just being able to witness this scene is worthy of this life. I can guarantee that this is the ultimate The great battle, whether it is the battle of the Three Realms of Hill, or the prehistoric dragons and gods, can't compare to Gaia's current battle!"

"It's coming so soon? Dark Gaia is too cruel. She dare not be a fan anymore. She breeds billions of human beings and kills them as soon as she wants. If I remember correctly, this is the second time she has destroyed civilization. ? A sick and delicate girl, I can’t get fans. As a human being, I can’t accept it physiologically.”

"Perhaps for Gaia, there is no concept of "good and evil". Have we considered its feelings when raising and killing pigs?"

In less than 10 minutes, the topic raised by Tiangan detonated the audience. Everyone stopped their work and entered the Tiantian Forum one after another to watch the biggest war of the century. Soon, the number of people on the forum broke the record.

These include players from the prehistoric and hill worlds, who want to get inspired from it and witness the full strength of Dark Gaia, who is now ranked number one in all worlds!

"Come on, let's start. This time, the final jihad will be won by Dark Gaia with his subordinate evil gods. In the future, the universe will be raised in captivity. The game will be updated to "Heaven and World: Dark Universe". Victory? I'll be the banker, and everyone starts betting."

Whenever someone sets up a gamble, the network is divided into two factions, and there are 56 people who support Gaia. The main reason is that her strength is too terrifying, her birth is extraordinary, and she surpasses all living beings. They couldn't think of how to defeat the biological imprints so far, as well as the essence of the two civilization eras.

There are 44 who support the human camp, "You have to believe in human beings, evil can never prevail, don't we still have a savior Hongwen, the heavenly stems have said, with the help of bloody luck, his strength has been rising, and it seems that he has surpassed his master Adam .

There are two other players in this faction (albeit not very useful), and the ending of the story tends to be that the weak overcome the strong, so that there is drama, and I have confidence in them. "

While everyone was discussing, Tiangan and Aiwen joined forces to take beautiful photos from two different angles of the earth and the starry sky.

The land of light crashes the sun map, the sun flashes the ground map, the machine city sinks and the birth of thousands of evil gods, the meteor shower snipe the newborn evil gods, the ancestor of the evil gods

The soul-stirring photos of the century stupefied everyone. There was only two words in their hearts: "Shock". It is precisely because Gaia star is extremely similar to the earth, and even the world view is similar, so their sense of substitution is so strong. I can feel the shock even more.

The glorious Kingdom of Light is clearly 10 kilometers away from the surface, but everyone on Gaia can see it clearly. The gray sky is pierced by the blazing meteor shower, and the incredible mechanical city is hit with precision. wiped from the face of the earth.

The evil god cubs exploded in pain, and the human corpses that had not yet fully fused exploded, piled up in a sea of ​​blood, and many people who saw them immediately vomited with pale faces.

"Then, what are those dead bodies? The natives of Machinery City?" Someone asked tremblingly typing.

Tiangan replied with a heavy heart: "After devouring billions of souls, Gaia took the billions of human corpses in the mechanical city as the material for forming evil gods."

"¥, not only will the soul be harvested, the dead body will not rest in peace, but you will also be made into a killing weapon. Wori is a dog. She is really the most evil oss I have ever seen. I can't imagine what the universe will be like if it falls into her hands. How?" Immediately, some netizens yelled loudly, they couldn't bear it anymore, they have never seen such a bad game boss!

Originally, many fans who were fans of her because of her terrifying strength gathered together, tore up the dark Gaia photos pasted on the wall, and broke Gaia's figurines. Sorry, I can't accept it as a human being.

"Thieves also have the way. As demon cultivators, we are not so ruthless. We are devoured from body to soul. We are kept in the dark from birth to death. All spirits are trapped in dreams. Dark Gaia's heart is It’s really dark, I’m not as good as myself.” Lian Wutian sighed, feeling that the dark Gaia was acting viciously.

Look at the endless river of blood and stumps on the ground, these are all my compatriots!

"The final battle has begun, and the drama has come to an end. This universe will eventually come to an end."

Jiang Ping had already seen a cloud of turbidity in the fish tank, and the sensitive little Jin Xiaobai instinctively wandered restlessly. Seeing this, he simply took out the fish food and started feeding.

"But I always feel that there is something wrong with him." Jiang Ping said to himself while feeding, although the current Hongwen Collection has collected the luck of the whole universe, and the bloody luck of human destruction is changing every moment, but He still felt that something was wrong, but he couldn't tell exactly.

Chapter 466 Doomsday Ark, Crossing the Catastrophe

The evil god made from the human body is as tall as a mountain, and an evil god with a huge evil eye violently attacks the sky. The evil eye, like a turbid lake, gathers black and red rays of light, shrinks into a beam at a high speed, and blasts towards the sky, trying to resist the judgment of light.

The mechanical emperor fully recovered, and thousands of tentacles rose from the ground, turning into pillars supporting the sky and attacking the beam of light.One after another, powerful and young Atlanteans descended and snatched back the continent controlled by the evil god.

"Purify the Mother Goddess, save the universe!"

"I am light, I am electricity. The mother goddess has fallen, and it is time for us to kill our relatives."

The 50-meter-high and 100-meter-high giants of light descended one after another to face the army of newly born evil gods. The mechanical cities everywhere collapsed, and hundreds of millions of human flesh and blood built the bodies of evil gods.

Blood River, Blood Sea, Flesh Forest, Flesh Mountain, these are the forms of evil gods.

The evil gods of different shapes are annoyed that they were attacked by the holy light from the sky when they were just born. At this moment, the light man comes to the point of the gun. Both of them have huge bodies.One was born with thousands of living flesh and blood as materials, based on negative energy, and adhering to malice.

Needle point versus sharp point, in this final battle, the warriors of the Kingdom of Light have encountered a real formidable enemy. The evil gods have different talents and are extremely difficult to deal with.

Lasers and mucus shot at each other, and the aftermath of the battle of tens of thousands of giant gods caused the continental plates that had finally condensed to collapse again.The sky was divided by beams of light, and the bursting sun looked extraordinarily dazzling.The dusty atmosphere after the nuclear explosion was annihilated by the beam, but people were not happy, and the entire solar system was in chaos.

One after another in the human sanctuary came out and rushed to the old place of the mechanical city, even if they could only save one, there were even those with explosive personalities who attacked the evil god in anger.

"Is this the final battle of this universe, or the beginning of a new era?"

In the face of such a big show, Jiang Ping held up the goblet with a sense of ritual, shook the dark red liquid in the glass, and observed the charming luster refracted in it.

"I do not know either."

After all, he drank it all in one gulp. When he came to the Fourth Epoch to witness the heyday of Atlantis civilization, he happened to meet two mysterious powerhouses fighting fiercely in the future? He was also the strongest powerhouse in the small world he had created so far.

One is Dark Gaia? One should be the savior Hongwen. I only saw the process of the war? I didn’t see the result.There are few more boring stories than knowing the ending.

Just like when Aincrad met the fierce Phoenix in the Fifth Era? The small universe of this film has two fate lines, one is the victory of human beings? The universe is prosperous, and the Gaias will enter the interstellar age? ?The god-level civilization shuttled by laser cannons is enough to compete with Hill's Shinto.

The other is naturally that Dark Gaia wins, there is nothing to say, the small universe enters the eternal night.Is she more ruthless than herself? Breeding batch after batch of civilized races? Revealing the cruel truth at the moment everyone admires the most, appreciating the miserable moment of all beings before death, it has to be said that it is very funny.

"No matter which result, there is not much difference for me. The biggest thing is that humans win, and I am promoted to an epic master? It involves deeper laws. Will Gaia win, huh? There will be a little delay."

Jiang Ping poured himself another glass of red wine, "Did she go my old way? Take all the energy back into herself? As a result, I don't have so many here. Gaia breeds all living beings and uses the entire universe as a pasture? But she doesn't know She is a bigger fat sheep in my eyes?"

There is not much to say about Dark Gaia? She chose to harvest the people who were raised, and Jiang Ping didn't mind harvesting her. If it were the World Tree Lahiel, he would not.As for Gaia, she doesn't have any psychological burden.

Earth netizens on the Internet are anxious to see Gaia's ultimate battle, especially the two former Gaia players.

"Gaia Star, buried some of my years."

Fenglong Shen replied complicatedly: "Under the tide of the times, even if we carry the essence of a civilization, we are just a humble stone. I come from the plant civilization of the Tertiary Epoch, and died in the battle with the alien three-body civilization ( Damn it, it was destroyed by some cosmic tide somewhere).

Calculated according to Gaia's time, millions of years later, the heyday of the Fifth Era came. I also traveled through different worlds with my companions, the white-haired chief (African chief), Mengyao, and Byron, and vowed to do something. big business.Unexpectedly, the world is unpredictable, and after going through several crises of extinction, he died in his own hands in the end.

This once again verified a truth: If you don’t die, you won’t die. After 600 years, it’s the turn of the descendants of humans and Atlantis to fight back. I don’t know what the result will be. All I can do is wait. "

The white-haired chief replied: "Although I left the field very early in the Fifth Epoch and fell in the process of unifying the world, don't forget that I was also a prophet of civilization and led the white-haired beast to fight the world. The seed called civilization was planted. In the cruelest wasteland era, traces of my white-haired beast can still be seen faintly. This is extremely rare. What have I left in the world?

It's just a pity that the other two reincarnated players are no longer visible. Mengyao, the female president of the Danxi Federation, died with the people. Byron, whose consciousness was uploaded to the Internet, disappeared without a trace.This time, no one thought that playing games would kill people, they were too involved in the game. "

"If you are not crazy, you will not survive. The two reincarnated players put their wealth and life into it. Byron is the longest-lasting Gaia player so far. His life is wonderful and bright. Humanity in Asia Star is united, prosperous, and destroyed.

500 years after the nuclear explosion, he became a prophet of the times, starting from scratch, and forging a new civilization.I really admire him, and I only want to see the Prophet Byron in this battle. "This netizen expressed everyone's aspirations.

"It will, everyone is waiting for him!" Tian Qian said with great certainty.

Bang bang.

The fully armed Tiangan is following the strong human beings to attack, looking up at the sky, the beam of light splits the sky, tentacles dance towards the sky, and giants of light cut out light blades and blast light cannons to face the evil gods.


Adam took the lead in attacking, and his goal was directed at the mechanical emperor, the ancestor of the evil god.

"Pass the torch from generation to generation, human beings will never die!"

This is the Tao of the most powerful human being, the soul and body are united, a cluster of civilization flames is suspended above the head, the flames are gorgeous, and passed on to other people, from the master to the disciple.


The tentacles were not facing the sky, but turned one after another, pointing their swords at Adam. For this formidable enemy, the Mechanic Emperor has been envious for a long time.

"King of Humanity, you can't escape this time."

The earth roared, and a strongest demon god far surpassing other evil gods stood up from the depths of the earth. Under the horrifying eyes of the light people, one could see that the ancestor of this evil god was half dark and half bright, and the dancing tentacles were black and white. One evil.

"Unfortunately, if the mother god gives me some more time, I can complete the transformation."

I don’t know how strong the current mechanical emperor is. Gaia himself built him. In addition, he transformed into Tao in the virtual world in the later stage, personally experienced the operation of network rules, and came into contact with the highest rules, which made him extraordinary and refined.It has surpassed the realm of the Emperor of Heaven and God in the last era.


The Mechanic Emperor commanded thousands of evil gods to counterattack, and the disgusting and strange evil gods screamed and killed the light people and the strong human beings.

"Retired wildly."

Human flames burn from a distance, and the prosperity of the fifth era appears in the flames. People at that time were singing and advancing, practicing martial arts and Taoism, technological space, virtual star seas, a hundred schools of thought contending, and nations contending. The brilliant human civilization condensed into flames and burned the void along the way. , Standing in the way of the evil god Kill Unforgiven!


The metal tentacles of the Mechanic King rushed towards the flames of civilization like thunderbolts, and his real body was even more luminous. Terrible energy was brewing. He suddenly exhaled a huge beam of light and went upstream, smashing the flames of civilization. Destroy the Ark.

"I've never been fully awake before, this time I'll let you see what a ninth-order life is."

When Tiangan heard it, he was extremely horrified. Isn't Gaia's ninth level the prehistoric heavenly lord, Hill's god king, and World Tree?


At this moment, all the evil gods heard the sound of their heartbeats, and the mechanical emperor's tentacles rose from the ground, and his real body collapsed at a rapid speed. In a new form, the humanoid evil gods danced their tentacles behind him, controlling a large world.

At this moment, the Mechanic Emperor has his feet on the Nine Nethers and the starry sky above his head, showing the invincible aura of a generation of civilized overlords. At this step, he is enough to recreate the universe and evolve civilization.


A beam of light suddenly shot out from space and blasted towards the Mechanic Emperor, and it was the King of Light who shot it himself!

As soon as the mechanical emperor turned around, his speed was extremely fast, beyond common sense, he seemed to be a prophet, he opened his mouth wide, and sprayed out black and white energy cannons to counteract the judgment of light.

Two very different energies are confronting head-on, and there are loud noises from all over the world. Not only are the evil gods fighting the light man, but also the Asgard rising from the trench, Zion emerging from the Wanli Mountains, and the Garden of Eden flying from the void. .

One after another, human refuges took the initiative to appear and converged with the ark, the most primitive civilization base. Adam did not fight the mechanical emperor, and at this time he was fully in control of the ark.

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