Summoning the disaster of destroying the world, if you think about it this way, I am really a qualified mad scientist, pulling the world into the doomsday. "

As they talked, both of them laughed. In the burning fire, in the collapsed base, the two hugging and laughing quietly watched Gaia grow stronger in front of them.

"It turns out that you are my blue bird." At this time, Ruoyouwujian, who was fierce in her arms, heard these words, before she could be confused.

A burning floor slammed down from above, and the place was completely reduced to ruins, burying all the honor and disgrace. In the burning research room, there were only two laughter that did not dissipate for a long time

West Continent, the capital of the Danxi Federation, the retreating crowd screamed in horror. There are cold light missiles coming from the sky in the distance. The capital's automatic early warning air defense system is dead. There is a pilot driving the armor. There are some successes in launching intercepting missiles from quasi-incoming missiles, but there are too many incoming missiles, and it is like the iron curtain of missiles arriving in an instant.


At this time, the missile that was deflected by the intercepting missile exploded in the suburbs not far away, and a wave of destructive air rolled in immediately. For nothing.

"It's a nuclear bomb!"

People in the capital yelled in horror, there were at least a hundred heavy nuclear bombs above their heads!

Desperation appeared in everyone's eyes, and Mengyao in the crowd looked up with a pale face. No matter on Earth or Gaia, a large-yield nuclear bomb is a well-deserved killer.

At this moment, there were hundreds of bombs hanging above their heads. The shock wave of the nuclear bomb in the suburbs hit at a speed visible to the naked eye. People around ran away screaming, praying on their knees, and it became a mess.

Mengyao felt that someone was pulling her from behind. She looked back and saw that it was just like the former Vice President Feng Shi. He was the first person from another world she met. For decades, the two walked side by side. Step by step to expand the Western Continent.

"Follow me!" Feng Shi said solemnly and anxiously.

Mengyao, who was in the crowd, looked at the shock wave that had already struck, as well as the devilish orange-red mushroom cloud rising not far away, and asked softly, "Where are you going?"

"The ends of the earth! The universe is so big, there is always a place for us!"

Feng Shi wanted to take Mengyao to escape the nuclear bomb and sweep the floor, he anxiously urged.The shock wave of the nuclear bomb in the outskirts was second, and the hundreds of high-yield nuclear explosions above were enough to destroy the main god.

Mengyao stretched out her finger and pointed at the rockets that were constantly firing in the distance. The rockets carrying the fire of civilization were stopped before they broke through the atmosphere.

"The universe is huge, but we only have one planet. It seems that Gaia doesn't want us to go."

Feng Shi's lips turned white as he watched space rockets explode in the air, and the hand that was tightly gripping Mengyao's shoulder loosened in vain.

Before the arm fell, a soft and warm touch came from the palm, Feng Shi looked up in surprise, this time it was Mengyao who took the initiative to hold his hand, the two had never been so intimate in the long years.

On the one hand, it was because of the special identities of the two, in order to avoid suspicion.On the one hand, Fengshi knew that Mengyao had lofty aspirations, so he didn't take the love of his children to heart, and put all his energy on his career.Therefore, he also buried his thoughts deeply in his heart, but he did not expect that girls are the most sensitive.

In the eyes of outsiders, his little thoughts have already been exposed.Only those who are in charge of themselves think that they are hiding well.He originally thought that he would be content to quietly watch and protect from the back for the rest of his life, but who would have expected to encounter such a catastrophe.

Among the chaotic crowd, Mengyao's clear and beautiful eyes were like a pool of water, gazing quietly at Fengshi, Fengshi instinctively tilted his head, not daring to look directly at him, but Mengyao stopped him from escaping.

"Do you remember the hometown story I once told you?"

"Which one? You've told me a lot over the years."

Mengyao smiled slightly, "There was a person in my hometown who died because he fell in love with the nppc in the game, and finally chose to die in reality. When I first heard it, I thought he was stupid, but now I can completely understand him. People are really strange creatures."

"Yeah, it's silly, but it's not funny. It's just an idiot."

In the noisy crowd, Feng Shi quietly looked at the person he had followed and assisted all his life.

When they first met, Feng Shi was full of fighting spirit and boastful, thinking of her embarrassment of being crushed by a tiger twice, Feng Shi laughed.

"I'm also an idiot."

The brilliance of nuclear bombs from the outskirts came, and the radiant air waves passed by, destroying mechs, armored vehicles, and pedestrians.

The brilliance shone down, reflecting the silhouette of Mengyao standing on tiptoe and gently raising her head to kiss the astonished Fengshi.

"It's a pleasure to have you with me all the way."

Feng Shi, who was kissed suddenly, was stunned, and then he closed his eyes, stretched out his hands and gently hugged her in his arms.

The orange-red mushroom cloud rising in the distance, the chaotic and broken world around, and the two hugging and kissing tightly.

As the shock wave hit, the air defense force that was trying to resist was blown up, and a hundred super nuclear bombs finally fell from the sky, and a loud noise that surpassed a thunderbolt from the blue appeared in the capital of the Western Continent.

Infinite light and heat purified the earth, and the explosions flew around. The two people who kissed each other were in the nuclear explosion, and they were instantly shattered and wiped out.

As long as the places where human beings gather are all heavily bombed, all the people who have not had time to board the rockets will all die, and the major shelters will be dug open by the earth-penetrating nuclear bombs, and the people hiding in them will die in panic.

Mushroom clouds rose from Gaia, and rockets soared in mid-air. The parent star was already in chaos, and they could only pin their hopes on outer space.

"hurry up."

Fenglongshen, who rode on the latest rocket, looked anxiously at the changing scenery outside the window. He manually controlled the rocket with both hands, and the rocket broke through the speed of sound in an extremely fast time.

However, on the way through the high altitude, he saw missiles one after another, Fenglongshen's face was heavy, "I never thought that the dignified Fifth Epoch would be destroyed in my own hands, I really can't die if I don't die."

He laughed at himself, had no time to care about others, and controlled the rocket to rise in a straight line, his strong body was not afraid of the discomfort of taking off.


Blasts of lightning struck down suddenly, and this place in the sky was completely reduced to a thunder prison.Fortunately, Fenglongshen reacted in time, turned off all the electromagnetism that attracted lightning, adjusted the direction, drew a trajectory, and dodged the lightning in a hurry.

"It seems that Gaia does not want us to escape her control. The mother star cannot stay, and the solar system is not safe. The only hope is the legendary kingdom of light in the fourth era. We must find foreign aid. Gaia said before , she is the only living star in the entire universe, destined to become the master of the universe.

Now that he has undergone an unknown mutation and has been blackened, if the descendants of Atlantis do not take action, then when Gaia digests the civilization crystallization of the Fifth Epoch in the future, who in the universe can stop it?Allantis in its heyday is also useless! "

Fenglongshen anxiously drove the rocket to avoid the interception of the sea of ​​thunder and lightning clouds. There was already a blast of nuclear explosions below, and mushroom clouds rose from all over the world.There was the sound of other fleeing rockets exploding all around.


Fenglongshen is worthy of being a god-level master, inheriting the talent of the third era, capable of breaking through the net of thunder and lightning, escaping the gravitational bondage of the parent star, and breaking through the atmosphere.

This rushing to the sea and the sky, the ancient stars slowly rotated, and the Fenglong God finally breathed a sigh of relief in the rocket cabin.

The next moment his sight was blocked by a huge blood moon in front of him. On the blood moon, the originally solid space base was shone brightly, and the corpses of [-] space troops were floating on the moon.

What's more, the satellite meteorites on the orbit hit, the space orbital gun on the blood moon shot at the speed of light, ambushing on all sides, the pupils of the wind dragon god in the cabin spread, and watched himself being pinched by the orbital gun, the blood moon, and the satellite, and his life At the last moment he uttered the same words as he exited last time.

"Grass mud horse."


The extraterrestrial rocket exploded, and the blood moon after killing the wind dragon god continued to rotate. Its orbit changed, and it seemed to be connecting with another blood moon.

Genesis turned, and the handwriting on the fifth page slowly appeared:

[Gai Alexa: Fifth Epoch, 5222 years of the human calendar.The mad scientist Fenghuang Jizhen discovered the consciousness of the mother star, which accelerated Gaia's evolution of devouring the star sea.

Evolution failed, and the negative energy of creatures accumulated over the endless years backlashed back. Among them were creatures that failed to evolve, some that were killed, and some that were starved to death. The resentment of death sank into the sea of ​​stars with the soul.Endless negative energy pollutes the mother star consciousness.Gaia blackened and became brutal.

God and the emperor merged into a virtual god of light to face the dark Gaia.The virtual deification of Skynet wants to seal Gaia forever.unsuccessful.Gaia has invaded various fields and launched hundreds of thousands of nuclear bombs, and 200 billion human beings do not have [-] million people.The crystallization of the civilization of the Gaia people, the virtual god of light self-destructed and was swallowed by the dark Gaia.

Players Mengyao (reincarnated) and Fenglongshen exit.Nuclear explosions all over the world, double moons and sky, catastrophe, the end of the Fifth Epoch. 】

Chapter 431 Quantum Mechanics of Indecision


After reading the history of the Fifth Epoch, Jiang Ping closed Genesis, and approached the fish tank with an inexplicable expression. I don’t know if it’s because of Gaia’s blackening or nuclear explosion. Little Jin Xiaobai's joy.

Jiang Ping bent down to release the water, intending to change the water for the two goldfishes. "In the future, the biggest black hand in the universe will not be you, but Black Gaia. I didn't expect that the black shadow I saw at the end of the Fourth Epoch turned out to be her, polluted by the resentment of all beings."

Jiang Ping pondered while turning on the water, "For some reason, I went to the world of mortals and went to the Aincrad Tavern to drink. It happened that the Phoenix was murderous, which inspired him to dig the sea of ​​stars. As a result, the strongest black hand in history was born and covered the entire universe. of demons.

If I hadn't been very still, hadn't practiced the way of proving the Tao in my dreams, and wandered into the sky, wouldn't people have discovered that there was a planetary consciousness sleeping in the depths of the subconscious spiritual sea, and the negative energy in the deeper depths wouldn't be detonated?Dark Gaia won't show up either? "

Thinking about it carefully, Jiang Ping felt something was wrong again, because it was the "effect" that he saw the mysterious black shadow at the end of the Fourth Epoch first, and the "cause" that inspired Phoenix to be fierce.

"Fate is really wonderful, am I also a part of it?" Jiang Ping's eyes were deep and he had an epiphany. The cycle of cause and effect is destined to be the most profound law of fate.

At this time, the law of energy fed back after the destruction of the Fifth Epoch had already arrived. A vast stream of data flew out of the fish tank, and was purified and fed back to Jiang Ping's real body through Genesis. Just the right epiphany, the supply of extraordinary energy, everything came naturally.

Unknowingly, Jiang Ping's cultivation level improved again, thousands of data flashed in his eyes, the human civilization of the Fifth Epoch is very suitable for the civilization of the earth.In other words, he himself built the Gaia star based on the current earth.

The evolution of civilization on the Gaia star, unknowingly, may also be due to Jiang Ping's subconscious. After five evolutions, human civilization finally evolved.

Therefore, the energy fed back this time is particularly pure. Different from the power of the gods and gods of Hill, Gaia's energy law is like a number, where the points are 0 and the combination is 1.The simplest numbers represent the most essential truths in the world.

Have you ever thought that the fusion of atoms, which is not as good as dust, is the source of the sun's power that nourishes all things and nourishes the planets?All principles are connected, and true knowledge can be seen from the microcosm.Maybe the truth of the universe is only in the palm of your hand.

The world is like a problem. After solving it, you will find its essence is so simple. Before you solve it, you will worry about why the problem is so profound and obscure.

Jiang Ping's eyes look at the surrounding world again differently. If it is said that due to the evolution of the body, the various organs are extremely strengthened, the body is comparable to alloys, and the eyes can capture the colorful surroundings, not limited to the three primary colors of red, green and blue.

The ears can listen to the movement of tiny ants and insects at the foot of the bed, and the skin can sense the temperature difference of the surrounding light.

In his eyes, the current colorful world is an environment composed of data and particles.

Jiang Ping stretched out his right hand and gently inserted it into the water surface of the fish tank. His palm passed through the water in the tank, but there was no shadow in the water.


Seeing that the excrement shovel officer who had been standing stupidly stretched out his hand to provoke, Xiao Jin, the master of the river, flapped his fins displeased.

"Ding~, World Destroyer Xiaojin used an iron head to strike."

The next moment a wonderful thing happened, Jiang Ping stretched out his hand again, his palm passed through Xiao Jin's body, and half of his palm appeared on its back.

Xiao Jin turned around and looked at the palms on both sides of him strangely. They were obviously one body, but they were separated from him.

Seeing Xiaojin turning around in confusion in the fish tank, and her little friend Xiaobai wandering over strangely, she opened the fish's mouth curiously, tentatively biting a finger, but unexpectedly the finger passed through her head, and a fingertip appeared. On her goldfish head cover.

I don't know if the two goldfish were affected by Jiang Pingping's spiritual energy subconsciously during the daytime practice.

As the saying goes, if you are close to vermilion, you will be red, if you are close to ink, you will be black, and if you are close to the moon, you will be crooked.

According to myths and legends, there is an ancient immortal who keeps pets and mounts. Because he often listens to the voice of the Tao and bathes in the shadow of the Buddha, over time, there is a burst of spiritual light, and he naturally communicates with the spirit and cultivates the Tao.

Therefore, these two goldfish are far smarter than the same kind. The two fish swim around the palm that shuttles through their bodies, chasing them constantly, having a great time.

"Have you finally made it this far?"

The corner of Jiang Ping's mouth twitched, and this should be the method of the quantum system, as the so-called indecision, quantum mechanics.

Quantum is the most basic tiny particle that makes up all things. Theoretically speaking, if you hack the computer desk infinitely, there must be one time, and it will pass through the desk without damage by coincidence.

Because the quantum of your arm is just diverged from the quantum of the table, and there is a gap between the quantum, the reason for the non-destructive passing is because the quantum of your arm passes through the gap of the quantum of the table, and the two do not interfere with each other.Of course, this is only in theory, and in practice it is impossible to cut off the hand.

At this time, Jiang Ping, who had absorbed the Fifth Era of Human Era, made it this far.

"If the ancient wall-penetrating technique is not a blinding method, it can also be done through quantum mechanics."

Everything is connected, and many temporarily unsolved problems will always be solved in the future.

But thinking about it, Jiang Ping thinks that the wall piercing technique is a whimsical magical power created by the ancients who wanted to steal money.

He took his right hand out of the fish tank, his arm was as smooth as jade, and there were no water droplets entangled, because he hadn't been in contact with water molecules just now.

Afterwards, Jiang Ping tried his new quantum supernatural power again, passing his hands through the wall from time to time, not as a cover-up, but really blending into the cement.

"Cultivating evolution is a process of understanding the real world. At the beginning, my body continued to evolve, and I felt that the world was colorful, but now the world seems to me to be composed of infinite particles, which are constantly entangled and combined according to the four fundamental forces to form this world together. Colorful world."

Jiang Ping finally knew why everyone in the Xian family called cultivation as a practice of "refining fakes to make them real" and called themselves real people.

Jiang Ping, who is constantly experimenting with new supernatural powers, frowned. He felt his own energy surging, and he had a new understanding of the world. Logically speaking, he could break through the legendary realm that has troubled him for a long time. Attacking the big border checkpoint, but still a little bit short.

"Something's wrong."

Jiang Ping instinctively noticed something strange. Logically speaking, the prosperous Fifth Era was destroyed and so many creatures died. At this time, he should be able to break through to the epic realm, that is, the stage of immortality and transformation.But there is still a trace of incompleteness.

He summoned Genesis and began to turn it over, looking back at history in detail, "What's wrong with Genesis?"

Genesis flipped, and finally fixed the historical picture at the frame where the energy was taken away from Gaia, "The abnormality is here, it should be that after Gaia psychic, he grabbed more epoch essence to strengthen himself. After all, the largest epoch in an epoch Harvest is the time of destruction."

It turned out to be the case, Jiang Ping suddenly understood.Every time the heavens and the earth measure calamities and recover energy points, some of the essence of sentient beings will be returned to the world itself, just like a farmer planting crops. After picking the fruits, the branches of the crops themselves are burned in the ridge of the field, and the fertilizer re-moisturizes the field to make the next generation stronger. growing up.

It's just that this time Gaia has captured a lot of energy.

"What a greedy guy, the blackening is ten times stronger, and I think yours has also increased ten times."

Jiang Ping shook his head helplessly. It seemed that he would not be able to break through the barrier this time, and he needed a breath of energy to be promoted to Epic, a big chance.He set his sights on the planet surrounded by thousands of mushroom clouds.

Mushroom clouds symbolizing death rose into the sky mixed with dust, and hundreds of millions of people were wiped out and all gasified.

A little luckier, with a higher degree of evolution, is in the peripheral area of ​​the nuclear explosion. Of course, this is relatively speaking. It is a gathering place for human beings, and everyone is greeted emphatically.

The people in the outer area screamed and watched as their evolutionary body collapsed, the nuclear radiation hit, the perfectly adjusted genes were disrupted, their flesh and blood were burned by high temperature, and they themselves turned into torches, burning in pain. of meat puree.

The shelter that was originally hoped by everyone was highlighted, and nuclear bombs that penetrated the earth fell from the sky, often taking away millions of humans.

The space rocket, which symbolizes the fire of civilization, has not yet escaped from the shackles of its parent star, but has been hit by interceptor missiles one after another, bursting out fireworks in the air.

There is even thunder blocking the way. Originally, I thought I could escape the 95 rockets. In the end, only a handful of lucky people escaped the final checkpoint of missile interception, thunder blocking the road, and satellite blood moon, and escaped to heaven.

There was an undead god-level human powerhouse who drove a broken rocket out of the parent star with blood streaming down his face. He looked back at the parent star for the last time, and the flashing Gaia star was brighter than the distant sun. A mushroom cloud is celebrating the fall of a great civilization.

"Goodbye Gaia, human beings will never die."

Withdrawing his extremely complicated eyes, he drove the broken rocket into the endless void. The solar system is not safe, so he can only escape from the galaxy.

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