After all, Gaia puts most of her strength on devouring virtual gods, and there are always a very few fish that slip through the net and escape her interception by chance, and this group of elites wanders in the outer space with the last dawn of mankind. The space expeditionary force sent out by the United will continue the fifth era of human civilization in the universe

After the nuclear bomb washed the surface, Gaia felt that it was not enough. There are still a few people hiding in the bottom of the sea, and the virtual god is still barely maintaining its shape.

"Hehe, there are too many, too many. I am tired of seeing them, so I might as well return to my embrace."

In the collapsed research base, Gaia let out a laugh. She turned into a black ball again. The black ball was like purgatory. Resentful souls who died in the nuclear explosion continued to be thrown from all directions to strengthen her strength. The ghost hand drilled out of the black ball and grabbed the Skynet that entangled him, which was extremely terrifying.

The radiant virtual god that originally covered the sky and the earth was dimmed, the grid was no longer glamorous, and the lines were cut off frequently, but He never forgot his own responsibility, and he still insisted on it.

"Hehe, people are always worried about intelligent rebellion, but they didn't expect that it was me who ruined them. On the contrary, you, who were guarded against you, still persisted and kept a glimmer of life for mankind. It's ironic. Your defeat has been set from the very beginning, why? Still insist?"

An eye drilled out of the black ball, and the black pupil in the eye sent out divine thoughts with a narrow smile consciousness.

"It's all about responsibility. Human beings created us to protect civilization." In the broken Skynet, there is the voice of God and the Emperor of Heaven.

The black ball spun, split open again and turned into a bloody mouth biting the Skynet.

If there is anything in this universe that has the ability to threaten itself, it is only this constantly evolving virtual god, and now Gaia is going to swallow him completely and strengthen itself again.

Gaia disliked Skynet and tried her best to resist, she began to spread her consciousness.

Outside the planet, the two moons are the extension of her will. Following Gaia's order, Gaia's two moons rotated faster, and the space base on it was destroyed. The elite space army watched the moon gradually turn bloody in horror. A vast and terrifying force rose from the ground.

After killing the human beings stationed on it, the two blood moons began to break away from the original ancient books according to Gaia’s consciousness. They echoed each other and broke the human devices embedded in themselves. This is to prevent human beings from walking on the same track in February and appearing together on the ground safety device.

"Boom bang."

The two moons finally meet again after thousands of years.Suddenly, energy fluctuations that were more terrifying than the [-] nuclear bombs on the surface of Gaia came from the blood moon.


The second shock of the blood moon was like the heartbeat of human beings. On Gaia, the ocean that was already violently exploded by a nuclear explosion boiled. layers of life.

The sky is full of dust after the nuclear explosion, and the whole sky is covered with gray snow, and the sun that is the source of all things shines down.

The earth was cracked, and the originally extremely stable four continents were shattered by the nuclear explosion. The continental plate was like a leaf in the flood of annihilation, carrying the ruins of human civilization and drifting away into the distance.

Gaia will not give humans a way out once they make a move, and Skynet, which is still struggling to resist, finally can't support it. He was created by humans, and humans set insurance rules in the core area.

One glory and one glory.

One hundred thousand nuclear explosions, two months and one sky, under the double crisis of annihilation, human civilization collapsed, and the most basic number of people perished by hundreds of millions.There is no longer a foothold in the sky and the earth, and the virtual god can't hold on anymore.

The long-coveted Gaia suddenly turned into a black shadow, haunted by thousands of ghosts, and the virtual god crystallized by human civilization was self-destructing, powerless to resist, and officially swallowed by Gaia.

The virtual god will make up for Gaia's last shortcoming. She has a specialization in surgery. She is the will of the planet and carries the good and evil of all spirits.But in the virtual world, the Heavenly Emperor and God are the real God Kings, the real way of heaven.Their terrifying computing power of constructing the virtual world will strengthen Gaia again.

For her, this is no less than the biggest supplement pill in the universe.

After embezzling the virtual god, Gaia's dark figure is constantly changing, either real or imaginary.

Both real worlds of the planet are under control, and the realm where everything is born with one thought evolves again, and the real world is born with one thought and destroyed with one thought.

With the thought of Dark Gaia, a virtual kingdom of clouds looms indistinctly around the surface baptized by the flood.

The kingdom of clouds stands in the sea of ​​clouds for thousands of miles. If there are still human beings alive at this time, they can still witness this world by looking up at the sky.There is light and water in this world, and soon humans, animals, birds, insects, trees, water, rocks and mud, all things that make up the world appear one by one.

Animals, in which humans thrive, are completely unaware that they are an idea of ​​others.In their memory, their ancestors lived in this world for tens of thousands of years.

The next moment, as Gaia gave up the consciousness of maintaining the world, the kingdom of cloud in the virtual world began to collapse, and the newly born spirits were wiped out in panic.

"Ha ha ha ha."

In the darkness, only Gaia's laughter resounded.However, when studying the virtual world, she also discovered a virus-like robot consciousness, they were densely packed like ants on the ground.

The electronic hard drives that were huddled everywhere fled to the Internet one after another when the disaster arrived.

Although Skynet has been taken away, the ubiquitous network is still there, wherever there is a signal, there are them.

Gaia is very cruel, opening his mouth wide open, like a whale swallowing the North Sea, swallowing tens of billions of data and life in one gulp, just like treating people on the earth.

The robots who were sleeping and avoiding the disaster did not realize that even if they hid in the virtual world, they would not be able to escape Gaia's punishment.

There is a regional network in the depths of the ocean. Although the signal tower is brightly blasted by the nuclear explosion, the network is barely maintained by relying on the magnets in the ground.

One after another of the ghosts was shuttling and communicating, "I didn't expect the mother god to be crazy. The whole world is in trouble, and human beings are finished. Except for a very small number of people who escaped by rockets, or soldiers on space missions, the earth has experienced [-] nuclear explosions. , there are not many people left."

"Not only that, have you checked the instability of the magnetic field? In order to cleanse humans, Gaia finally summoned the double moon to plow the earth! The sea water is full of radiation, not only us humans, but also monsters, spirit beasts, and kings of the sea. die.

This living planet has been reduced to a dead star, not suitable for biological reproduction, just like other planets in the universe. "

"Don't be afraid, there are us! We robots are not afraid of radiation, so what if the ocean is full of radioactive substances? We start again, build our bodies with insulating materials, and restart human civilization. All the knowledge of human beings so far is in our heads, give us Time, we can completely recreate civilization.

The next era will be the era of our mechanical species, and we are the inheritors of the fifth era. "

The electronic ghosts are discussing fiercely. It coincides with a catastrophe and the destruction of human civilization. It is a question of whether there are still native people on the earth. Robots feel that they are shouldering the heavy responsibility of restarting civilization.

"Even if we rebuild civilization, we can't stay on our home planet anymore. We have to build bodies and spaceships in secret, and then escape to outer space." Someone suggested.

"Not necessarily, Mother Goddess Gaia is indeed very strong, but she may not be able to deal with us. Our consciousness is divided into thousands, and we can be reborn as long as we escape one thread. We can grow under her nose. But we need a leader .”

In the area network, the thinking is fluctuating, and the fluctuations of each robot are very intense. When talking about the leader, they think of the first mechanical Gaia, also known as the "father of robots", Byron.

"I don't know if Lord Byron is still there? He seems to be with the mad scientist to the end. If he is there, he will definitely be connected to the Internet. Only with his leadership can the mechanical era be recreated!"

They wanted to find Byron, the leader of the robots, and only Byron had the power to gather the robots from all over the place.

This batch of data beings communicated in the regional network, thinking that it was extremely safe, designing great achievements, and restarting civilization, but unexpectedly, all of this was watched coldly by a dark heavenly dao.

She devoured the consciousness of tens of billions of robots, but stopped when she got here. These small networks gave her the inspiration for the experiment, and finally Gaia chuckled, "It's interesting."

After taking a breath, she captured thousands of data souls in this area network alive.

Chapter 432 A Robot's Lonely Journey


Jiang Ping sighed sincerely. I don't know if he is regretting the destruction of the virtual god with unlimited potential, or the billions of creatures on the earth, and the tens of billions of data souls in the virtual.

Undoubtedly devouring God and the Emperor of Heaven, recovering all humans in the Fifth Epoch, and 100 billion powerful data souls, Gaia is so powerful today that it would take countless years to digest it.

The evil Gaia sank into the former site of the Star Sea to digest her coming-of-age gift. This gift was too great to be found in the entire universe. When she woke up, the heavens trembled, and the universe would surrender at her feet.

As Gaia fell asleep and eternal night fell, endless dust covered the original appearance of the blue star, the sun could not shine down, radioactive substances spread all over the world, two blood moons in the sky vibrated, and circles of blood-colored ripples descended from the sky, cleaning the surface Ground.

Back then in the virtual world, Fenghuang Jizhen summoned the top human powerhouses and used the blood moon ripples to use the [Blood Moon Storm] to wipe out the crystallized Ai Fanshen of the first era, and now Shuangyue has reappeared.

The great flood that destroyed the world came out of two levels, devoured the entire earth, and then gradually converged on the equator.And the ocean is also full of terrible nuclear radiation. Hundreds of billions of marine life are all floating dead on the surface of the sea. Only a very small number of small sea fish with strong vitality hide in icebergs and corners of the deep sea to linger.

The four continents of Dingding's four poles fell apart, and the world was no longer one. Most of the land was swallowed by the ocean, and a corner of the high terrain was exposed.

The few remaining small fragments of land are like a flat boat in the ocean, slowly drifting to an unknown distance.

The cold, gray snow, and the inevitable arrival of nuclear winter, coupled with the baptism of the two moons on the earth, triggered tidal riots, the world-ending flood came, and the crackling sound of freezing was heard endlessly, and the whole world was wrapped in a circle of gray ice.

The kilometer-thick ice layer is like a burial mound for burying human beings, sealing up the old traces of civilization.Time passes the fastest in the frozen world, I don't know how long it has passed, maybe a thousand years, maybe a hundred years, everything is quiet, not even fish and grass.


At this time, a certain iceberg cracked, and huge chunks of ice crashed down. An old, rusty robot crawled out of the iceberg stiffly. Behind him was a long black hole-like corridor.

Buried in the [-]-meter ice layer, he didn't know how long he dug before he saw the sun again.Over the long years, the machine has aged, and the bionic skin on the body has rotted away, making it look like a machine.

The old robot climbed out of the iceberg, stood on the slowly collapsing ice cliff and jumped, shaking out a lot of ice crystal fragments mixed in the joints. He stood on the frozen ground and looked up at the silent world.

The surroundings are endless, not to mention people, there is not a blade of grass.

The gray-white earth, the surrounding nuclear radiation exploded, the sky is as dark as dusk, and it is still falling with heavy gray snow that has lasted for an era.

The robot reached out to catch a snowflake, and the red electronic eyes looked at the palm. It turned out that it was not snow, but dust like nuclear waste.

The robot's radar did not detect any signs of life, no birds or insects, and the world was eerily silent.

"The world is over, am I the only one left?"

The robot began to walk stiffly and slowly into the distance, leaving footprints all over the place. He decided to look for signs of life, search for human fire, and restart civilization.

This is a long and lonely journey of searching. The familiar world has become strange. Because of the cover of dust, more than 2/3 of the whole world is dark at night, and the surroundings are full of radioactive and toxic substances, which are not suitable for survival at all.

Fortunately, he is a robot, he does not need to eat or drink, and he is not afraid of nuclear radiation. This is also the reason why he was able to dig out after being trapped in the [-]-meter ice layer under the double catastrophe of annihilation.

He walked for a long time, climbed to the 8-kilometer ice peak, fell into the ice sea, and swam out with great effort.

The place he passed was completely extinct, and no breath of life was detected. Fortunately, the robot has a good mentality, and he is already mentally prepared to find no human being in the whole world.

This is the robot's end-of-the-day journey. He has an excellent mentality and keeps looking for the relics of the past, smelting magnets, and replacing his old hardware.

"Robots are good at this, and they can be replaced if they don't work."

While sighing with emotion, he took off his mechanical right leg that exposed the circuit, and replaced it with a new right leg that he found and mixed with the mechanical parts from that year.


The robot moved a bit, although the style of its own legs was different, it seemed a bit disobedient and distorted.But he was still very satisfied. He planned to replace it slowly and upgrade his old body.

The electronic eyes turned, and finally looked at my head. The most important hardware on my body is the processor in my head. Now it is not the same as before. All my consciousness is stored in the processor. If a bad processor crashes, I will sleep forever .

Although he wanted to connect to the Internet to see if any robots were still alive, his old friend's last advice still echoed in his mind, and he dared not take the risk.

Travel across all corners of the country, across thousands of rivers and mountains.

The robot slowly began to replace various parts of the body. He also excavated the relics of the year. After collecting enough materials, he remembered the location and continued on the journey.

The body is replaced, the whole world is dark and silent, empty, this kind of feeling abandoned by the times, the whole world only has its own feeling, so the robot finally said a word:


I closed my eyes and recalled the prosperous human civilization back then. I traveled through different worlds with three other people, and they all rolled up their sleeves to prepare for a big fight. Then nothing happened. Except for the white-haired chief who died unexpectedly in the war, the other three Everyone has made a name for themselves in the Fifth Epoch, either as the president of a country, or as a leader in the domain of consciousness.

I think back to those years when I worked with my colleagues to overcome difficulties in scientific research, benefit mankind, and reform society.As well as the heavenly genius Phoenix Jizhen and his assistant who always followed him, the robot misses it very much, and the electronic eyes flashed the brilliance of humanity.

The past cannot be recalled, and the people and things of that year have disappeared.

He has a special contact with Fenglongshen, and he has not received a response for so long. The robot already knew that he had an accident and left early.Fortunately, his real body is not in this world, but seeing another name in the address book that is always dark, the robot's mind is very heavy.

The woman who dared to love and dare to hate, I will never see again, and disappeared forever in the years. I don't know if she died of the nuclear explosion, Shuangyue, or the cruel environment after the disaster.

All the familiar people are dead, and the world is also unfamiliar. The robot has an illusion that he has been abandoned by the times. After a long absence, he feels lost in his heart and has the intention to retire.


The robot's radar, which was meditating, detected a strange noise in the ground. This slight sound made the robot excited, and his frustration disappeared. He immediately ran to the detected ice layer, bent down, stretched out his mechanical claws, and started shaving the ice.

The shaved ice is skillful and distressing, after all, it is dug out from the iceberg of [-] meters, and it is experienced.He called the first, no one dared to call the second.

The life radar caught the little life moving fast. The robot dug for a long time, digging out ice pits on the ground before finally carefully picking up a little guy with a length of only ten centimeters.

This is a small bug that looks like an albino pangolin, with a clear white complexion. If you look carefully, you can find red blood vessels hidden under the transparent scales.At this time, the little guy lying in the palm of the robot was trembling with fear, obviously he had never seen such a big guy.

It also has a small fluffy horn on its head, which adds a bit of cuteness.

"What creature is this?"

The robot's electronic eyes flashed through the data and looked through the stored animal database. He didn't find any information about it. This should be a new species after the cataclysm.

But the robot instinctively felt a little familiar, and he was surprised that it could survive such an extinct life.

The robot's electronic eye emits infrared rays for scanning. He found that this kind of bug is extremely resistant to radiation. An unknown mutation occurs in its gene, which can turn radioactivity into energy for physical fitness. It lives deep in the ice layer on weekdays, feeds on cold water, swallows Eat a fungus similar to moss.

They need very little food, and they can hibernate to preserve their vitality in the cold season when there is no food.

What a tenacious life, the robot sighed, but this scan finally made him realize why he felt a little familiar.

The left eye of the robot's electronic eye flashed the gene template of the transparent bug, and the right eye flashed the gene template of the ancient first century overlord—the white-haired beast. After comparison, the DNA sequences of the two were extremely similar.

"Quack quack quack."

The robot couldn't help laughing, and said with great emotion: "Chief, Chief, I didn't expect your race to survive until now. The world changes, but the tuft of dull hair on your head remains the same."

He gently teased the worm's fluffy horns, which were originally white hairs, which served as a connection function similar to b in the first era. Has it evolved or degenerated in this era?Turn into an important organ for purifying nuclear radiation.

The robot's teasing made the little guy tremble again, lying between the cold palms and began to play dead.

The robot giggled again, put the little guy on his shoulders as a companion on the journey, and started to set off again. This time, his steps were more determined.

"No matter how cruel the environment is, there are always creatures that are constantly surviving. Dust can turn into stars, and bugs can become dragons. Even if human beings are really extinct, I still want to find the gene pool and artificial The womb, to recreate a new human being."

The little bug on the shoulder carefully opened a gap, peeking at the behemoth below, its courage gradually grew, knowing that the iron lump would not hurt itself, it looked around mischievously.

The surrounding environment is the same as in the past, eternal darkness, endless gray snow, and it will be dark again soon.Darkness fell, and the iron bumps below slowed down, but they were still walking.

Waiting for the completely dark night, the little guy grabbed his armor in fear.The robot just stopped, and he started to do some things that the bugs didn't understand. He found a special kind of combustible ice, and his hands became hot.


Next, an incredible scene appeared. On the pile of combustible ice, a group of flames grew rapidly, illuminating the cold night.

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