Fenghuang staggered to his feet, and Christina at the side quickly and carefully supported him.

The computer transformed rapidly, and Byron reappeared as a robot, jingling, and screws kept falling off his body. Before he had time to check the real injury, his electronic eyes kept catching the blackened Gaia and the newly born The virtual god of light.

"Is this a new data god fused with the samples of the Creator God of Light?" Byron said to himself.If we say that the most incredible existence in this universe is, of course, this statue is a myth within a myth, a legend within a legend.

Although the Creator God of Light has left legends in the myths of all races and epochs, the gods and dragons always see their heads and tails. In the Fifth Epoch, even the only sacred object that proved it disappeared.At this time, the Gaia civilization crystallized, and the new god united by the Emperor of Heaven and God approached the strongest life form instinctively.

The three of them stared blankly at the front, where the dark Gaia was spinning, and it had already turned into a prototype black shadow. There was a lot of darkness, and grimaces stood out from it, and even the soul-eating ghosts kept coming from the shadow like undead. Stretch out and struggle.

On the other side, the virtual god of light has infinite brilliance, and his whole body is like the core of the sun, emitting infinite light.

Mother Goddess Gaia no longer has the sacred breath before, and has been completely pulled into the bottomless abyss by the negative energy of the wraith.

"Some people once said that creatures are inherently evil, and now Gaia has also turned into the most primitive bloody form." Byron said complicatedly.

The two supreme gods confronting each other, before the dark Gaia attacked, the virtual gods had already rushed towards them. This pounce was like a long rainbow piercing the sun, meteors piercing the sky, and the entire body of infinite brilliance exploded, turning into the Milky Way and washing away.


Gaia, who is no longer human-like and god-like, screamed, all living beings, her face is no longer holy, and there are horrible grimaces emerging from the shadows every moment, there are Ivan people, there are people from the bottom of the sea, There are people from Atlantis, and there are people from Gaia.

The Milky Way rushes in, this blow is not weaker than the real galaxy attack, but because the realm of the two gods is too high, they are not in this space dimension.

The three of Byron could see that there are thousands of troops emerging in the galaxy, they are like numbers, like charms.They rushed towards the black shadow like a black hole in front of them one after another.

On the other side, purgatory reappeared, and ghosts and zombies with the expressions of the last moment before death emerged from the shadows. They were fearless and collided with the thousands of troops transformed into virtual gods.

The struggle between the two inconceivable beings is too fierce, completely beyond the imagination of ordinary people.

One moment it was a battle of thousands of troops and horses against the evil spirits accumulated over hundreds of millions of years, and the next moment the Milky Way has turned into a hundred-story steel tower. The hundred-story space is vast, and each has sacred visions. This is exactly what Aincrad .

The steel tower stands in the center of the galaxy, and the stars revolve around it.There are lands, oceans, forests, deserts, and hundreds of millions of people live in them.

"This is to intercept a moment in history and use all the power of the Fifth Epoch to jointly suppress Gaia." Jizhen barely stood up with Christina's support.

Aincrad, wrapped in world-shaking power, suddenly descended from the sky to suppress, sealing the shadow with an era.

Faced with this overwhelming blow, the infinite black shadow turned back into Gaia's real body. The difference is that the robe of the world on her body has been polluted and turned into a mysterious magic cannon like the night. The silk has been blackened.

"Hehe, I didn't expect that there are so many good things hidden in the deepest part of my heart. I can hear the children's complaints."

Diablo Gaia is insane, walking around at will is like moving light years, and the steel tower that suddenly suppressed can't catch her figure at all.

Blackening Gaia glanced disdainfully at the divine tower that is no less than an ancient planet of life, "I gave birth to all the creatures of the Fifth Epoch, how could they suppress me? Your defeat was doomed from the very beginning Or obediently be eaten by me.

I can smell the fragrance from your bodies. You have been exposed to human nature, half human and half god. If you give you billions of years to accumulate, maybe you can really evolve into me. "

The tower of God chases the stars and the moon, but is frequently flashed by Gaia.

Fenghuang Jizhen, who was still at the base, no longer watched the battle. He looked around exhaustedly, struggled to push Christina away, and then looked at Byron, "Take Christina quickly, the farther you go The better, physically disconnect from the Internet, and must not be connected to the Internet. The solar system is not safe, and there is a spaceship developed by myself in the basement of my house, and I will take it right away!"

"It's fierce." Christina didn't let go.

Byron, who was watching the stalemate between the virtual god and Gaia, turned his head in doubt, not knowing the evil intentions.

"Hurry up." Fenghuang Jizhen urged helplessly, but he couldn't even push away the assistant who rushed over.At this time, he is no different from a walking dead, and the breath of life has disappeared.

"Isn't the situation stalemate now? The virtual god is holding Gaia back. As long as she is sealed back to the Star Sea, all problems can be solved."

While they were speaking, the situation on the court had undergone earth-shaking changes.

The Tower of Steel keeps chasing Gaia, and the two go along the long river of time, breaking through the limitation of dimensions, so close to each other.

Gaia was annoyed, stopped briefly, stretched out her jade fingers, and lightly tapped the iron tower that hit her.

At her fingertips, the four basic forces of the universe rotate, the ancient stars appear, the three talents of heaven, earth and man, the four phenomena of the sun, the moon and the stars, the five elements of gold, wood, water, fire, earth, and everything in the world are in one finger.

Gaia itself is the way of heaven, and now after merging with the human way, coupled with the infection of infinite negative energy, it is even more unpredictable.Every move is the track of the Dao, the constant of the universe.

Even if the two are fused, the virtual god that has undergone extreme changes is not as good as it is, and now it is just doing its best to resist.

Seeing Gaia's killing move, the virtual god dared not be careless.

Aincrad immediately transformed into a prototype again. This time, it was not the outer surface of the galaxy, but a Skynet that communicated all things and connected the past and the future.

Skynet wraps the universe, grasps all the stars in the sky, covers everything, and connects everything.If there is no gap, the entire universe will be raised, and the silk network will be connected to all time and space dimensions, and no creature can escape its sanctions.

"Heaven and earth net. Mother God, you were sleeping in the depths of the sea of ​​stars. It was only because of hundreds of millions of years of people's sacrifices and prayers that you emerged from nothing and gave birth to spirituality. And because of the great feeling of the Gaias of the fifth era, they invaded the sea of ​​stars and awakened you. Help you digest all living beings Destiny, grow up ahead of time.

I didn't expect that Xinghai also has a dark side. Your body is full of destruction, and all living beings' greed, hatred, ignorance, and other negatives have infected you.Ashes to dust, dust to dust.The only way to return to sleep is your best destination, otherwise it will only hinder the development of creatures and the progress of civilization. "

Skynet, restored to its original and strongest form, cut off all Gaia's escape routes.

Gaia's dark eyes are terrifying, she watched the ubiquitous network continue to shrink, not to mention the air, even the law of cause and effect is cut off, in the sky network there are thoughts of all beings connected in series, the power of the mind, this is the sky. The hardest substance underneath.

An incredible power with infinite potential than the planet itself.

Dark Gaia re-formed into a black planet. The planet rotated rapidly, and streamers of laws were constantly being thrown out. The streamers were all Gaia's ideas. As long as she was escaped, she would make a comeback.

Skynet began to close the net, and the empty space was filled with equations, which are changing all the time, higher than the sky, deeper than the sea, and the mysteries in it are no worse than the highest law.

At this time, if there is another inconceivable existence watching from the sidelines, you will find that the densely packed skynet is like a saha world, in which tens of thousands of creatures live, and the numbers composed of infinite creatures will then converge into a seal.

Creatures born in Skynet would not think that their whole life is a character in the network, and their world is a network.

"I have heard for a long time that the Great Desolate Immortal Dao has the law and the profound state of the Primordial Spirit. At this time, the means of Gaia's battle with the virtual gods have gone beyond common sense. They are not only fighting for evolutionary strength, but also their own ways. In the Primordial Plane, this should be Demonizing the way of heaven and fiercely fighting the river of fate, the methods are so mysterious and treacherous that no one can guess."

Byron, who has turned into a machine and is slowly losing his humanity, is amazed that just observing this super-dimensional battle will give him no regrets in his life. The highest road of the universe is so nakedly displayed in front of his eyes.

"Ha ha."

Contemptuous laughter kept coming out of the Vientiane Skynet package, and one day the Dao Baolun appeared from it, full of jewels and jewels, turning the gods and leading the group of demons.

As the heavenly treasure wheel rotates, a sacred vision of lingering purple air appears, and a purgatory composed of thousands of ghost hands appears, the front is holy, and the back is demon.

With a whirling turn of the treasure wheel, it crushes all living beings and sprinkles the Three Thousand Ways. This is the highest manifestation of the will of the planet, merging with the endless Ways, human beings, gods, ghosts, monsters and beasts all surrender.

The sound of tearing came from the ever-shrinking skynet, and the skynet began to melt, and the tens of millions of creatures that were born in just one breath converged into the most original numbers of 0 and 1, and the entire universe seemed to be melting.

"Hehe, you are originally illusory creatures. Now in order to send me back, you don't even plan to keep your own data imprints. Why bother? You might as well be swallowed by me obediently."

There is a rainbow passing through the wheel of Heavenly Dao, and the ever-melting Skynet turned into obscure symbols and engraved on it one after another. There are hundreds of millions of ghost shadows screaming on the wheel, and Gaia has transformed from the wheel of Heavenly Way into formless, seemingly real and false. of shadows.

The black shadow is invisible and travels thousands of miles, but it cannot escape the seal of the virtual god's burning self.

Immediately, Byron and Christina breathed a sigh of relief, only Fenghuang Jizhen still frowned.

"The ending that has been doomed for a long time is still struggling." Blackening Gaia gave a strange smile, "Now is indeed my weakest moment, and only at this time can you seal me. It's a pity that your struggle is too late. It is doomed to fail.

The highest masterpiece of mankind, the original law engraved in your core is destined to end.hehe. "

"Go! It's too late!"

Fenghuang Jizhen, who had been lucky, changed his expression drastically when he heard it, and staggered to chase his assistant and Byron to escape.Fires were burning all around, top computers were exploding, and buildings were collapsing.

"Didn't Skynet seal Gaia?" Christina said hesitantly.

"Could it be it?" A flash of lightning struck Byron's mind, and he suddenly turned his head to look at the melted Skynet.

There are many shadows there, and blackened Gaia's laughter keeps coming out: "Hehe, the highest constraint, whether it is you or him, will be destroyed by its own creator."

Gaia's face appeared on the black shadow, and her eyes flicked across the data, and Byron's electronic eye caught the slightest bit, which was the highest authority in the military field of various countries.

"Let me set off the biggest firework ever, today is the day I come of age, of course I have to celebrate, you messed up my body, let me take a bath too."

She opened her mouth softly and called out: "biu."

At the next moment, the computer that was shut down after being extracted from the intelligent system by Skynet automatically lights up, and a series of military procedures are activated. Hundreds of thousands of nuclear warheads on the ground, on the seabed bases, and on the planes in the sky. Lights up from the silo.

"Admit, pass, fire all nukes."

With this line of numbers across the screen of the missile base, the brightest fireworks ceremony since the birth of Gaia star began

"The number of people is less than 1 million. No matter what the situation is, the Emperor of Heaven and God will self-destruct." Byron turned his head stiffly to look at the dying Phoenix Jizhen, "You knew from the very beginning that we were doomed."

Chapter 430 A Kiss Under the Nuclear Explosion [End of the Fifth Epoch]

Constantly running, the people fleeing in the shelter stopped.

"What's the matter? Why don't you go quickly?" A soldier urged anxiously. He saw a person looking up at the sky. He instinctively sensed something and looked up.

The thousands of tail marks piercing the sky are like splitting the sky into countless pieces. This is the ultimate weapon launched from all corners in all directions, covering every corner of the earth, covering all but more.The bigger the city, the more people are targeted, and the terrorist missiles hit at supersonic speed.

"Clap clap."

The soldiers put down their weapons one after another, their hands weak.The pilot who was driving the mecha also came out of the cockpit, looking in disbelief at the nuclear bomb hitting the sky at a speed visible to the naked eye.


The next moment, a nuclear bomb with a thousand-ton equivalent fell from the sky and exploded when it landed in midair. Everyone who looked up at the sky was blinded instantly when they saw the second sun. The explosion wave spreads from the center to the surroundings.


The city below fell apart in an instant. The foundation of the city seemed to be hammered by a giant's hammer, the ground cracked open, and tall buildings were easily knocked down like sand towers in the wind.

At this time, countless people on the street were screaming. They were terrified and tried to escape, but before they could take a step, a bright explosion wave mixed with radiation rushed over, and millions of people in the core area of ​​the explosion were wiped out in an instant.

The strong men in a little distance resisted with their whole life's strength, covering themselves with energy shields, but unexpectedly the shock wave came, their strength was like a small boat in a storm, vulnerable to a single blow.

Terrible high temperature mixed with metaphysical radiation destroys their energy operation. People are melted in pain. Human beings are made of fat and water. At this moment, the people in the outer area turn into torches and burn. They scream in terror and their flesh and blood are burned. Exhausted, leaving the essence of bones, the aftermath blows, and the bones are wiped out

This is just a corner of the earth. Hundreds of thousands of nuclear bombs were fired at the same time, circling the Gaia star, like beautiful satellite belts.

The continental plate began to crack and shake. Diablo Gaia was right. This is indeed the most brilliant fireworks festival in history. Even in the nuclear bombing of the ocean civilization in the second era, there was no such high-intensity launch in a short period of time.

What's more, the fifth human era is stronger than the third ocean era, and the nuclear warheads stockpiled by various countries are ten times more than the ocean civilization.

Originating from the fission of dust atoms but triggering an ultimate explosion, this is the power of the sun.The entire planet was blown to stop its rotation, and infinite light and heat lit up on the surface, setting off Gaia Star like a second sun.

Gaia’s politics is based on alliances and countries. There are hundreds of countries, large and small. Among them, nuclear bombs with high cost performance are especially popular among countries. During the five years of growth, Gaia has already successfully connected to the Internet. , her calculation ability is far superior to the emperor of heaven and god.

When the two fused together and turned into a seal, she could easily hack into the network through the optical cable with a sliver of her mind, and control the launch of missiles.

If the two virtual gods stay behind on the Internet, they will be no match for Gaia.Humans have been losers since the beginning.

At the bottom of the major cities, tens of millions of people have been hiding in the shelters. In the darkness, everyone heard a loud noise from the sky above. They looked up blankly, and the light appeared, the cities were cracking, and the shelters were opened. The radiance of the nuclear bomb shines on everyone's face, all beings are equal

Gaia's nuclear bombs are inherently special, and they are especially powerful. Most of the shelters are not strong enough to fight nuclear bombs head-on.

The glorious human civilization was cut in half on this day, and a large part of the number symbolizing the number of civilizations disappeared in an instant.

200 billion, 190 billion, 150 billion, 100 billion

This is the catastrophe of civilization. The sound of violent explosions can be heard endlessly. World-ending fireworks are blooming in every corner of the world. The nuclear explosion took away endless dust. They are all covered by the dust all over the sky, and the whole planet is at dusk.

When Gaia made up his mind to launch, Phoenix made the two companions escape fiercely and anxiously.

Christina smiled and said, "I can't listen to you this time."

Fenghuang glanced at the assistant fiercely, and then pressed his finger on the center of Byron's forehead. He said to Byron who was puzzled, "I have already cut off your internet connection function, go quickly, remember, you must not connect in the future. Network, not even a separate local area network.

After devouring the Emperor of Heaven and God, Gaia will evolve again, and I think she will be able to control the two worlds of reality and reality. "

Phoenix fiercely turned his head and saw that on the fierce dimensional battlefield, as the Gaias continued to die, the virtual god of light that had already melted and turned into an immortal seal was already sizzling, and his body began to become unstable. This is the most important thing The self-destruct sequence is activated.

The sealed black shadow has begun to counter-corrode, engulfing the body of the virtual god.

"Can't even tens of billions of mechanical Gaias survive?"

Byron, who felt that his body was completely disconnected from the Internet, raised his head and asked. He thought that civilization would be catastrophe, and the chances of survival for robots with digitized souls would be greatly increased, but who would have expected Gaia to be so powerful.

Fenghuang fiercely shook his head, "Consciousness is completely divorced from reality and placed on the Internet, but it will be wiped out by Gaia. Tens of billions of robots can't survive, even if they are lucky enough to be let go, they will be transformed by Gaia and reduced to Her helper. Now all your consciousness resides in the processor of this robot to survive.

Gaia is your greatest natural enemy, and you cannot separate a trace of consciousness to network in the future.Let's go, I can already hear the sound of the nuclear explosion, and I have seen the resentful souls in the explosion of hundreds of millions of tragic deaths. They were all drawn and swallowed by Gaia for recycling. "


Byron turned around abruptly, took a final deep look at the two friends with his blue-light electronic eyes, and said solemnly: "There will be a time later!"


The next moment, the atomic furnace on his body was activated at full power, and Byron turned into a streamer, directly crashing out of the collapsed base. Flames blazed along the way, explosions continued to appear, smoke filled the air, and floors collapsed.

He knew this parting was forever.

In the rear, Fenghuang Jizhen and his assistants watched Byron rush out of the gradually collapsing base. A terrifying black hole was dug out of his forehead, bleeding continuously.

Jizhen lowered his head, looked at the assistant who was holding her tightly, worried that he would abandon her assistant, and said apologetically, "I'm sorry for delaying your whole life. Let you accompany me, this ignorant dead man."

The long chestnut hair still carried the fragrance of the past. Christina looked up at him and smiled, "This is my own choice."

For the first and last time, Fenghuang Jizhen took the initiative to reach out and hug her. He looked at the virtual god who started the self-destruct program, and the dark Gaia who broke free from the seal and devoured Skynet in reverse. He asked softly: "Tina, do you think I did something wrong?"

"No, you are not wrong. If it weren't for you, our human civilization would have been destroyed in the last millennium bug crisis. You are a mad scientist and the idol of children. I don't think you did anything wrong." Christina She blinked mischievously.

Fenghuang was really stunned, and then he couldn't help laughing, "Haha, I didn't expect you to remember my nickname. Those who escaped from the outside world, or the descendants of those who survived this catastrophe, they should scold me, it's me. Opened up the source of all evil.

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