A simple mental reaction may be just sleepwalking to her, but it is a bolt from the blue to the Gaias, and the two are not of the same magnitude at all.Her sneeze is the disaster of all living things.The stronger and more creatures that grow on her body, the stronger and stronger she is.

"o( ̄ヘ ̄o#) Humph, Ni, who are you?"

This is God's translation to the reply of Gaia girl just now.

Everyone present trembled, almost unable to control themselves. If it wasn't for the fear of disturbing Fenghuang Jizhen, the screams at this moment would have toppled the ceiling of the base.

"Calm down, calm down. It took so much computing power to accept this message just now, and communicating with her again may burn down a thousand signal towers in the United States." Phoenix is ​​really calm, and asks God to save the data first, and then close it remaining computer.


The 3D projection in the center disappeared, and the psychedelic sea of ​​stars and the cute girl were no longer visible. Only then did everyone let out deafening screams.

"We succeeded! The first communication with Mother Earth! It turns out that she really has her own consciousness."

"In ancient times, we are now talking to God, no, we are talking to the Mother Goddess. All creatures throughout the ages have created her, turning the invisible god into a tangible person. Personalizing the god."

After consuming so much manpower and material resources, there was finally a huge harvest. Everyone was celebrating and embracing, talking to the true God who had been worshiped since the ignorance period. Everyone’s hearts were trembling. When they heard that voice just now, they only felt a burst of vastness. boundless.

There is no doubt that this is the out-and-out true god, the heavenly way of Gaia star.

"True, we succeeded." Christina said excitedly with tears in her eyes.


Fenghuang Jizhen's voice trembled a little, "Thousands of tall buildings rise from the ground, and if there is one, there will be two. Next, our goal is very clear, to upgrade the hardware, if it is not enough, we will win by quantity, build a server center, and constantly Talk to Gaia, impart our knowledge to her, and make her three views fit us humans."

"Do you think she is like our toddler at this time? Although she is very smart, she has not formed a cognition of the world, and the three views have not yet been formed." Associate Dean Professor Yuan asked.

"That's right, wisdom and IQ are two different things. Although she is born knowing it, I believe she can know everything through contact with the imprints of living beings around her, but with our guidance and teachings, she will become a real god. We Gaia people, this piece of land Mother Goddess on the earth." Fenghuang said slowly.

Soon, news of the "blackout" accident that occurred in the United States spread. This accident caused the consciousness of many Gaians boarding on the robots to dissipate, which also triggered protests from mechanical Gaians. Each robot has a back hidden energy to prevent it from maintaining consciousness in case of an accident.

As for the cause of the power outage, the first conversation with Gaia’s mother caused a global sensation. It is said that when they heard the news, many people knelt down on the ground with tears in their eyes, and gently touched the land.

That is the "heaven" that has been worshiped by countless creatures since ancient times. I didn't expect that with the development of science and technology, they could really talk to the mother of all things.

However, including Ji Zhen, everyone underestimated the influence of this incident, and an opposing force set off a banner and grew rapidly.

"Gaia is supreme! He is the mother of all things, the eternal ruler of all creatures, we should not disturb her peace, how can we be so bold, contact the mother god, and even use our poor knowledge to teach her? Ridiculous, ridiculous Extreme!"

"Let's put down the movements of our hands and close the door of contact with Xinghai. What we have to do is not to talk to the mother goddess, but to keep it at a respectful distance. We can't use our humble knowledge to challenge the dignity of God. Do we want to shape her into something that meets our beliefs? What kind of ignorance and arrogance is this, unforgivable!"

The flag is a round and blue beautiful planet, which is Gaia. Unknowingly, this new force named "Gaia Cult" is constantly absorbing followers, setting off a blue storm on the earth.

"The world is really complicated, and people's hearts are even more unpredictable." Seeing this, Mengyao, who was still in an important position, shook her head with a headache.

"Do you think Jizhen's choice is too hasty?" Feng Shi asked beside him.

"The future is unknowable, I only know how to grasp the present. Now that we have discovered her existence, we naturally have to contact her. We just need to be in awe." Mengyao replied, and then she went out of the palace to give a speech to suppress Danxi Domestic turmoil.As always, Feng Shi behind her followed.

Chapter 423

The blue and white flags were swaying, and a group of pedestrians in the streets and alleys of the four continents held high the blue and white flags with Gaia star printed on them. Among them were students, teachers, professors, and robots.

"Same world, same mother. We should not disturb the peace of the mother god. Contacting without authorization is just a disaster for ourselves. Those who blaspheme will eventually be submerged in the catastrophe." The leader is a living The 200-year-old Mechanical Gaia was one of the first batch of reincarnations.

Because of accidental mental damage, he became a vegetative person. After getting old, he simply became a robot, and slowly borrowed virtual information to fill in. The more he understands the virtual, the more he feels awe of the God Gaia that shrouds everything. He firmly believes that there is indeed something that determines the fate of all beings in the dark, and that is the Gaia consciousness sleeping in the sea of ​​stars.

Now the upper-class people intend to contact Gaia, and even try to use their words and deeds to influence Gaia, and use their own three views to shape and change the will of the mother goddess.This is absolutely unacceptable to him!

The newly established Gaia religion has developed and grown in a very short period of time. All levels of society, from students to teachers, have primitive worship of nature from ancient times to the present.Even in ancient times, the witches and scorpions who mastered sacrifices were a higher ruling class than the lords who mastered military affairs.

Naturally, some people hold high the blue and white flag, raise their arms and shout, and there will be a crowd of heroes responding. The most ancient shamans have also been handed down by descendants, not only one line, but primitive worship of primitive religions on the earth is always indispensable. They are the backbone of the emerging Gaia religion personnel.

Do this job, they are familiar with it.It’s all about returning to employment. Originally entering the technological age, they thought that their skills were buried, but they never thought that one day they would shine brightly.Just because "Heaven" woke up.

"Everyone, please calm down and express your appeal with reasonable means. We have the same mother, and I love her equally. Are we going to hurt our own mother?"

On the Luoshang Ancient City Square of the Danxi Federation in the Western Continent, Meng Yao, wearing a black women's suit, said to the demonstrators below.

President Meng has been in power for decades, and he led the liberation of the people in the world war, so he has great prestige.The noisy crowd gradually subsided, and a leader in blue and white clothes walked out of the crowd. He held up the small flag with Gaia printed on it, raised his head and asked loudly:

"President, we did not choose to parade for our own interests. Behind me are ordinary students, as well as mechanical Gaias who have long lost their physical bodies and only survive on the Internet, and even other intelligent creatures. We only have one appeal , that is, please respect our mothers.

Believed by countless creatures for hundreds of millions of years, the great mother Gaia gave birth to simple spiritual consciousness.We don't want to tarnish the most beautiful Blu-ray for our own selfish desires.The desire of human beings is already big enough, are there still few creatures that become extinct because of our activities?

Is the boundless world above our heads not enough for us to toss about?Why use your own prejudices to transform the great mother of all things.Man cannot, or at least should not, profane the Mother Goddess. "

"For the great Gaia! For all human beings!" The leader's words caused a commotion in the densely packed parade crowd behind. They wore blue and white environmental protection suits, held high the Gaia flag, and moved forward fearlessly.

Rows of mechanical and human mixed guards are holding machine guns, or wearing exoskeleton mechas, and full-coverage mechas are trying to stop them. Because of human rights, they can't fight back without authorization, and can only use their bodies as shields to stop them.

"Everyone, please calm down. I understand your demands. I am worried about tarnishing the brilliance of the great mother planet because of my own selfish desires. It may even become a profit-making tool for a few people. Gaia is not personal, and she does not even belong to us Gaias. She belongs to All Gaia creatures, we are not foolish enough to offend the Earth Mother.

Please give us some time, we will properly handle the relationship between man and the planet.Work together to build a beautiful home. "

Mengyao tried her best to maintain order on the podium, but the frontline fanatics had already pushed aside the blocking guards and got in angrily.

"Stop all star sea experiments and return to nature! Gaia doesn't need us to teach, we can't tarnish the great one and only master with our own cognition!"

"Stop the experiment!"

The fanatical crowd became more and more angry, and everyone underestimated the weight of Gaia in people's hearts.From ancient times to the present, she has always been the highest god in people's hearts. Even in today's enlightened era, more than 80 people will believe in her.

People chanted slogans, pushed past the guards, and rushed to the podium.There are even daring people who want to attack President Meng.

Mengyao frowned, Feng Shi who was on the side had already come up, he slapped the thugs back directly.

Feng Shi turned around and said, "President, step down first."


Mengyao nodded with a heavy heart, and then left the fallen square with the help of the guards.

"How many other cases of such a large-scale parade are there in the country?"

Ten minutes later, Meng Yao sat on a flying saucer and asked Vice President Feng Shi opposite.

"165 cases, the rise of the Gaia religion is very rapid, and people from all walks of life have been recruited, including our administrative officials.

Although the mother star has a lofty status in people's hearts, in just one month, it has caused such a rebellion around the world that even the space fleet has guards rebelling.I think there should be a dark force channeling people's anger. "Fengshi swiped his hands on the virtual panel, and with a flick of his finger, directly sent 1GB of data to Mengyao.

Mengyao swiped her fingers quickly, and with her huge mental strength, she read everything in just one breath.

"The root of people's anger is actually fear." After a long time, Mengyao said meaningfully.

With the knowledge of the two worlds, decades of experience in governing, Mengyao, who has a good understanding of personnel affairs, can now see clearly.

"What are you afraid of?" Feng Shi asked from the opposite side.

"Fear of Gaia, fear of the unknown, and fear of the Mother Goddess becoming a ruling tool for the few."

Mengyao called up the transparent mode, and the metal surface of the unmanned flying saucer fluctuated like water, and it was blurred in an instant. The two of them seemed to be sitting on the clouds, and the mountains, rivers, and ancient city roads below were vividly visible.

"The power of the Gaia religion is expanding rapidly, and it is not in one place. Gaia has its followers from all walks of life. If this matter is not handled well, it may become the biggest civil strife among Gaia people." Meng Yao Said with a little worry.

"When they find that the demands of the demonstrations have no effect, it will eventually evolve to the step of seizing power by force. In the end, no matter what the result is, it is the people at the bottom who suffer."

History is a spiral, she is no stranger to it.

"It's terrible. The Gaia religion activities outside are becoming more and more intense. Even the atmosphere in our base has been affected. Some people have already begun to waver."

One day, Christina held the information in her hand and said fiercely to Fenghuang. His eyes were still looking at the projection in the center without blinking. Connected to the rear processor mountain.

After scientific research, everyone found that Gaia's mental fluctuations were affected by the outside world, that is, the last time she greeted her, and she had already shown signs of awakening. After she woke up, no one could tell how much impact she would have on the world. Maybe she If one is not happy, a thunderbolt will suddenly come down from the blue sky, razing this place to the ground.

This is not alarmist talk, who is this little guy?This is the true will of the planet, the way of heaven worshiped by all spirits.What she represents is the highest will on Gaia.Strictly speaking, all Gaia people, all Gaia creatures are just dust living on the surface of her body.

One is angry, really angry, until the global volcano erupts, and the other is upset, that is, the magnetic field is reversed, and all things ascend to heaven.When she sneezes, it is no less than a catastrophe to the billions of creatures living on her.

"We are human beings, Gaias, intelligent creatures that have lived on your body for more than [-] years." This is the answer Feng Jizhen gave her after building the processor mountain and upgrading the hardware.

Unsurprisingly, based on this, the spirit of Gaia in the void fluctuated again, causing the screen in the base to flash. Fortunately, there was no oolong this time. After the upgrade, it is really different to use the whole mountain as a backup. God translates Gaia's reply:

"Human? Is it the little bug that lives on my body? It's quite capable, and it disturbs my sleep."

According to Gaia's few sentences, God has established a character model about her. After communication, people judge that Gaia's consciousness is born with knowledge, and she swims freely in the consciousness of all beings. As she grows slowly, she will gradually integrate with all beings brand.

At that time, the past and the future will be nothing more than palm lines for her, and all biological mysteries will not be worth mentioning to her.The virtual god that humans are proud of is nothing more than a slightly larger data creature to her.

She herself is formed by the intersection of countless laws, the immature consciousness that was born after the accumulation of countless years after the instinctive worship of hundreds of millions of creatures. The final evolution of god and emperor is her.

"Dean Fenghuang, it seems that we don't need to do anything extra. She is supreme, tolerant of all things, and in charge of time and space. All living beings originate from her and will eventually return to her. She is the god of all of us and will eventually merge with the stars. Your previous humanity Is the plan considered to be shelved?"

Another professor, Dana Zhang, who has done considerable research in theology and consciousness, stepped forward to persuade him.

"No, because of this, we should intervene even more. Even the most stupid parents know that the education of children's growth period is the most important. If she is allowed to do this process of integrating the marks of all beings by herself, I don't know how many years it will take, and if there is We are here, so this time can be infinitely condensed.

With God and Heavenly Emperor, they will help Gaia digest. "

"You, don't you know a word called let nature take its course, don't you know what haste makes waste?" Professor Zhang stretched out his hand and pointed at him in pain.

Fenghuang Xiongzhen didn't mean to respect the elders at all. He smiled disdainfully: "Really let nature take its course, we humans have long since disappeared in the long history of evolution. Our improved genes today are an invasion of the realm of gods. If you don't Agree with my plan, then you can leave immediately!"

Professor Zhang was so angry that he was trembling all over. If he didn't feel that he couldn't beat him, he would have rolled up his sleeves and launched a life-and-death battle against Fenghuang Xiongzhen. In the end, he was so angry that he rushed out of the door.Others in the base were secretly baring their teeth, Dean Fenghuang was indeed No.1 in the world.

Whether it is in intelligence or force, but because he is too talented, he is proud of his talent. No one can change what he believes.And those who come here are all the top masters in various fields, who will convince whom?Because of this, he is often pissed off by him.

"You, you still have this temper. If you can be a little more humble, you won't be criticized so much by the outside world. You can even be a real ball captain."

Christina had a headache and covered her forehead with her hands, unable to bear the fierce and consistent bad temper.

"It is mediocre not to be envied by others, and modesty is only suitable for ordinary people." Fenghuang Jizhen didn't care about another master leaving, but turned his head and continued to communicate with Gaia girl.

"Dear Gaia, when did you become self-aware? Do you still have any impression of the first four civilizations living above you?"

In the sea of ​​stars, the huge little girl swayed slightly, and strands of insignificant biological light spots around her kindly revolved around her, "I don't know when, but I always feel that there are countless sacrifices and cheers in my ears. As time goes by, I Awakened from the deepest sleep.

Nuo, there are still noisy noises now, and they seem to be getting louder and louder.I can't sleep because of the noise.I listen carefully, they call me "Mother", "Mother God", "Supreme Lord", "Beginning of All", "Gaia", and many more. When did I have so many names?Don't yell at me.

My only name is Gaia, they are so loud.


"Puff." Seeing Gaia's reply, someone in the base couldn't help laughing.

The joys and sorrows of human beings are not connected, I just think they are noisy.This is the truest thought in Gaia's heart. If hundreds of millions of Gaia's followers know their god's disgusting attitude towards their prayers, it is estimated that there will be countless heartbroken suicides.

"Could it be that with the recent rise of the Gaia religion, hundreds of millions of people have also transmitted their voices to her ears during the sacrifices?" Fenghuang Jizhen guessed in the base through the reality.

The power of faith, or the power of the mind is really incredible, it can create all kinds of miracles and break the shackles.

"As for the four major civilizations before your group of civilized races, I do have some impressions. In your words, they are all my children?" The little girl in Xinghai shook her head, looking very mischievous.

But none of the college students who watched secretly dared to underestimate it, they were all in awe from the bottom of their hearts.

"In the beginning, it was a child with white hair, but in the end it seemed to be destroyed because of my two little brothers in the sky. The descendants of the child with white hair are still living in the forests of the southern continent.

After that, it seemed that the two children crawled out of the water. They had a bad temper, and they died together after beating each other.Finally, there are green hairs. It seems that there are people sent from other sister planets in space during that time.I don't remember clearly, I was still in a daze back then.

Anyway, he died in the end.In front of you, the fourth child with a flash of light is the most powerful, shining on me and making me feel warm.I also developed the fastest during that time.It seems because they feed back the best quality.It's just that I don't know what happened later, so I won't give me nutrition.

Could it be that he abandoned his mother and went to another planet?

What a bad boy. (▼ヘ▼)”

Hearing this, everyone knows that Gaia is talking about Atlantis, which is mysterious, dominates the entire universe, and is known as a god-level civilization!That is, the strongest civilization that is speculated to be the energy body of light!

Because of the upgrade of God and the Emperor of Heaven, the two teamed up to capture space information, and also found traces of Atlantis from the void and alien planets.The more you understand, the more palpitations you get. In addition, when you go deep into the sea of ​​stars, you can see the soul of the light man floating on the uppermost layer. This may be just a drop in the bucket of Atlantis civilization. After all, they have colonized the entire universe back then. Super Light Men are stationed on alien galaxies.

But such a powerful super civilization finally became extinct overnight, and the super light gods all over the universe were wiped out.So much so that the descendants of the Kingdom of Light are hiding in a remote corner of the universe and dare not show their faces.

Fenghuang's fierce breathing really became heavy, and he immediately asked: "Do you still remember how the Jingjingjing's children became extinct? It should only be for a moment, please think about it carefully."

The girl in the sea of ​​stars frowned, as if thinking of something disturbing, the surrounding sea was stirred up, and on a real ocean thousands of miles away from here, the waves were rough and a big storm was set off.

"I don't remember, that period of memory is very blurred and confused, it seems that there are still a few powers, no worse than me. The whole universe is very chaotic."

Everyone in the base is missing, is the biggest mystery in history still unanswered in the end?What happened that year?Only by finding the Kingdom of Light can all the mysteries be revealed?

"The power is too strong, will it affect the order of time and space?" Fenghuang guessed fiercely.

"Oh, I finally remembered something. It seems that my father is here."

Gaia's words stunned everyone, including Phoenix Jizhen and God.Everyone froze in place, unable to react to what Gaia said for a while.


A flash of light appeared on God, which is composed of countless data, and he began to call the Skynet database, trying his best to calculate the deep meaning of Gaia's words just now.

"Father?!" Fenghuang Jizhen couldn't hide it anymore, he pressed his excited hands on the guardrail, and looked at the Xinghai girl who seemed to be right in front of him without blinking.

Chapter 424 The Cosmic Seeder

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