"There is no right or wrong, you and I are tools after all, even if they do not agree to open the door, they will definitely use all means to avoid our seal and see the sea of ​​stars." Heavenly Emperor thought, Whether they do it or not, the door is there and they will always push it open.

This time, Fenghuang’s ferocious speech was far-reaching. He told everyone about the discovery he had sunk into the sea of ​​stars. People can look around history, and all the wealth in ancient times seemed to be reserved for the Gaias.

Groups that were originally conservative and invested resources in the space field have also focused on developing the star sea, countless biological souls, how many treasures have been accumulated in them, especially a light man who is a god.

The most eye-catching field of longevity took the lead in breaking through. Another science professor, Professor Mao, analyzed the crystals of the light man and another long-lived species, the dream jellyfish. They fully pushed the average life span of Gaia people forward by 1000 years. .

This is like a lead, and then all aspects of the Gaians began. Thanks to the gifts of the plant civilization of the Tertiary Period, the biotechnology developed linearly, and the Gaians began to transform the green plants on the surface, and a huge project began. .

The Gaians chose to add a green dress to Mother Earth, planting specially cultivated vegetation on land and sea, some of which are for gathering energy, some for enlightening evolution, and even polluting building materials are replaced by pure natural vegetation.

Scientists have cultivated a special seed house. Just plant a seed lightly and pour a pot of water, it will skyrocket overnight, and grow into a beautiful villa or a high-rise building according to the programmed genetic program.

Many extreme creatures were born in ancient times. They evolved along the dark trajectory and strengthened their hardness extremely. Although they were extinct in ancient times due to various reasons.They have long disappeared in reality, but their consciousness after sleeping still remains in the sea of ​​stars.

By analyzing the structure of this animal named golden-finned beast, the material science of the Gaians has been greatly enhanced.Many people are surprised to find that there is still this way in the world, which allows people to live in harmony with creatures and use different creatures to construct everything.

What Fenghuang fiercely said is correct. Gaia does contain the greatest treasure in the world. The people of Gaia are inexhaustible, and new discoveries are made every day. Skynet is developing rapidly, even more exaggerated than reality.

In reality, there are still constraints of physical rules, but on the Internet, as long as you have a big brain, you can do any kind of experiment.Naturally, the construction of the virtual world is stronger than reality.

The Emperor of Heaven and God evolved again, and the two worked together to calculate, and through the light of the universe, they analyzed that there were alien creatures 10 light-years away from them.It was a pale yellow planet, and there was a strange reptile with a length of 30. It lived on soil, and its skin naturally absorbed cosmic radiation.

That's how the first alien species was discovered, sometimes it's that simple.And the resource planets discovered along the way can also be directly sent to the fleet to receive them, attach planetary engines, and send them back to the parent planet. This efficiency is much higher than the efficiency of finding resources in a haystack.

Digging deep into the sea of ​​stars, the Gaians have gained a lot, which is inexhaustible and inexhaustible.However, these are all secondary. Fenghuang Jizhen personally studies the consciousness of Gaia, that is, the baby girl sleeping in the deepest part of the star sea.

He wants to awaken Mother Gaia, and he wants to help the mother star grow and awaken.

"The consciousness of the mother planet is too vast. Compared to us, she represents inestimable. According to the proportion, we can't even count her as a hair. Is it too dangerous to touch and wake up easily?"

A colleague carefully asked, no one knows whether Gaia is good or evil after waking up.

Everyone looked at each other, thinking of the pollution and breaking the rules of nature that they and others had done on Gaia, they all lowered their heads shyly, like a child who made mistakes and was discovered by his mother.

"Yes, what if she gets angry and turns over when she is upset, and directly reverses the planet and throws us out of outer space?" Christina is also worried about this.

"I don't know if you have heard of a saying. God is unknowable, and you can't figure it out." Byron also said, "Sometimes nothing happens if you don't provoke it. It really awakens Gaia's consciousness. What's your attitude, do you treat us like children?"

Many people are worried about Gaia's attitude. Does she wish she has a group of ants on her body? If one of them is bad, Gaia sneezes and slaps her, and it will be a disaster for Gaia people.

"If we don't take this step, then our previous work will be in vain. What's more, Gaia's nascent consciousness is like a blank sheet of paper." Fenghuang fiercely explained everyone with confidence, but everyone was still a little worried.

This is no different than the others. If one of them is bad and makes the mother planet unhappy, then they can only pack up their belongings and flee to the sky.

In the end, under the persuasion of everyone, Fenghuang Jizhen chose to adopt a conservative plan, contact carefully, and communicate with Gaia consciousness first.

"We and the consciousness of the parent star are like creatures in different time flow rates and space dimensions. The moment she wakes up and blinks is a glimpse of ten thousand years to us. If we want to communicate, we must first upgrade and reduce the dimension. " Fenghuang Jizhen explained to everyone in the busy Gaia Research Base of the Federation.

The most elite people in Gaia are gathered here, and there are even bionic robots studying and listening to lectures here. There are supercomputers on the side-by-side screens, and streams of data are flashing on the screens. this.

"How do we get us to stand on the same level?" Byron, whose appearance was no different from ordinary people, asked.

"Then we need their help."

Fenghuang fiercely looked at the computer behind everyone, "Borrowing their supercomputing power and continuous analysis, we can communicate with that cute baby. I believe she must be very curious about this world and really wants to open her eyes to see the universe. .”

Another super project has started, this is destined to be a long project, despite the help of the emperor and god, the gap between the planet and the individual is really too big, although Ji really can't wait to talk to God, but can only be patient Upgrade the system first, let the emperor and god evolve step by step.

Excavating the sea of ​​stars, obtaining hundreds of millions of genomes, and the god-level sequences of tens of thousands of different gods, the civilization of the Gaians is developing rapidly. They combine the genetic modules and talents of different civilizations to continuously transform themselves and design major surgeries to improve their genes.

Under the movement of hundreds of millions of nano-robots and under the control of computers, the dna in the deepest part of life is gradually decoded. The Gaias integrate all major civilizations and slowly open up a path of their own, which is the evolutionary system. They no longer know what it is, but gradually begin to understand the principle of life. They open the door of mystery and run towards the unknown direction.

The evolutionary system is divided into nine levels according to the energy level and physical quality, and the inner score of the ninth level is the most important, and the fifth level and above are the gods who initially get rid of birth, old age, sickness and death.

According to the division of Gaia's evolutionary system, most of the newly born and those who barely break through are the fifth-level gods. After that, the best ones are the sixth-level gods. The rules of the origin clearly understand the truth of one side.

According to their judgment, among the Gaians, only Phoenix has reached this stage. As for the eighth-level god, he is already the god of gods in charge of the rules of the heaven, and the virtual emperor and god have reached this point. This is because they are rooted in the spiritual sea. premise.


After seeing the prototype of the evolutionary system, Fenghuang Jizhen, who is presiding over the frontier, marveled at the number of talents in the world. He is not the only one leading the trend of the times. With the support of huge resources and the deduction of supercomputers, a brand-new system is gradually developing. Complete.

People can follow this path, with different talents and methods, and there are traces to follow.

Christina asked curiously: "According to the latest division, what level is this little guy?"

She pointed to the 3D projection in the middle of the research room, where countless lights converged into a sea of ​​stars, and a peaceful baby girl was slowly sleeping in it under the wrapping of sea water of all beings. The cute baby's chubby face had a sweet smile on it.

With continuous research and exploration in recent years, the mental activity of this baby girl has been increasing.

After analyzing and deciphering the layers of the two systems, they will be able to communicate with Gaia at some point.

Fenghuang Jizhen cast his eyes on the central 3D projection, and he looked at Little Gaia who was sleeping sweetly without blinking, "According to the latest classification, her words should be born at the peak of the eighth order, and she is a great life in itself. A sense of self born of the planet.

If this little guy is not happy, he can set off a catastrophe on the earth, thousands of volcanoes erupt, and the energy tide surges. "

"Hehe, from this point of view, my Jianmu sacred tree in the third era at that time should be regarded as the peak of the seventh level, and barely had a little function of the prototype of the eighth level, but I don't know if Jianmu discovered it at that time, hidden in the sea of ​​​​all beings. This "big guy"."

Fenglongshen on the side also came in a white coat with a good appearance. For such a century-old project, he naturally had to intervene. Not to mention other things, his understanding of the third era alone surpassed everyone.

"The third era? Five million years ago, the methods at that time were too rough. They only relied on the innate body itself to take root on the surface of the star sea. No matter how winding the root tentacles of Jianmu, they could not reach the deepest point. More What's more, this little guy wasn't born at that time, it was just a "fertilized egg"." Fenghuang said teasingly, ever since he discovered this Gaia consciousness, he has been in a good mood.

There is no better game than doing something he is interested in. He found an opportunity to surpass the civilization of light.

The Atlantis civilization of the Fourth Epoch is the pinnacle of conventional civilization, and it has already symbolized the end of civilization. The Gaia people have been developing, marching into the universe, and growing step by step. .

And now he found that all the dawns had broken through, and she was hiding in the deepest part of Gaia!

What Fenghuang Jizhen didn't know was that the Atlantis civilization at that time continued to develop, and eventually even the universe was conquered, but they still didn't understand the problem of how big the world was, and they always felt that something was missing.

So they thought that the opportunity for a breakthrough lay in "Killing the Gods", so the whole family made the biggest gamble, and the result was a disastrous failure.

But they didn't think that the answer they had been looking for was hidden in the land under their feet. They walked too far, and they forgot to look back.

"What do you mean by saying that the way of humanity and the way of heaven are in harmony, and in the end is the great way? I don't read much, so I don't quite understand it." Fenglongshen asked puzzled.

Fenghuang Jizhen still looked at the charming baby, and he said slowly: "The infinite consciousness that makes up the star sea is the living beings accumulated over hundreds of millions of years. How they merge with this baby represents the star sea itself. I believe that extraordinary changes will definitely take place by then."

"Ninth level?" Professor Yuan, the deputy dean at the side, replied, "According to the deduction of the emperor of heaven, after the eighth level, it is the ninth level of the universe, which itself represents the highest truth of our universe. Perhaps only it knows the history. Where did the mysterious tides come from?"

What everyone didn't expect was that Fenghuang fiercely smiled, "Ninth level? Are you kidding me? You underestimate Xinghai and Gaia too much. You have bred so many brilliant god-level civilizations and accumulated countless imprints of biological destiny. .Their compatibility will exceed the limit that this universe can bear!"

He suddenly turned his head to look at the vice president, "Did they think beyond the ninth level?"

The vice president hesitated and said: "No, no, their imagination and knowledge are not enough to guess, and the ninth level is already the limit. The Heavenly Emperor and God joined hands, and they can't deduce it even if they occupy 70 of Skynet's mental power. If we are ants If we don’t, we can only crawl on the ground, as for the sky above our heads has surpassed our imagination, we don’t even have the concept.”

"Then you will soon see the birth of a tenth, even eleventh, and twelfth-level inconceivable." Phoenix said with a fierce smile.

Byron, Fenglongshen and others looked at each other, and Fenglongshen muttered: "Is it so exaggerated? Could it be too big a step--to the point. Xinghai is really so magical, is there a vastness in the wild?"

Unbelievers, he began to reveal Gaia's evolution system on the forum, and he also told the big things that Fenglongshen is going to do now. He also specially told other players to let the well-informed Wutian and Ning Tianjiao Wait for someone to ponder.

Chapter 422 The First Intimate Contact

Others naturally know about the recent major events on Gaia, especially when they sank into the mysterious sea of ​​stars and discovered the consciousness of Gaia star, which also inspired other players, but what do Gaia people think now?

After reading Fenglongshen's detailed explanation of the evolution system they have recently developed, Honghuang players and Hill players read it very seriously, and the majority of netizens who don't even understand Mao are also unblinking and analyze word by word. Change the essence of the civilization of the earth.

Although the laws of the two worlds are different, what if there are similarities? What if I am a genius?

"According to your division, we always feel that we Earthlings are at level zero, and our combat effectiveness is not even level five."

Some people couldn't help complaining, it hurt their self-esteem too much.In the past, they were better than Gaia in the technology tree, but with the different speed of time, they have already overtaken in a curve, and they have absorbed thousands of genes, and have evolved themselves. Now the earth has been surpassed by Gaia in all aspects.

It is really sad to watch the strength of the neighbors change with each passing day.

"Everything in the world leads to the same destination. Even if you are in a different world, the path you took at the beginning may be different, but the final destination is the same. According to your division, I guess I am only at the seventh level?"

In the wild, on a small island in the depths of the four seas, the voice of Hong Zhong Da Lu came out. The sky sat in the cave and closed his eyes to meditate. A phantom resembling a golden bell appeared beside him. He seemed to be cultivating, but in fact But the soul is wandering, paddling on the forum.

"The sky is humble. From my point of view, you have an eighth-level strength, which is enough to pk the Gaia Emperor. As for me, I should be a so-so level-[-]." Long Shao said.

"According to the evolutionary system, is my master ninth rank? Or tenth rank?" Such a big event, Wutian is naturally inevitable.He deduced from the end point, trying to find his own position in the new system.

"The current knowledge and cognition of the Gaians cannot allow them to deduce the ninth-order follow-up. I think the focus now is not to study the cultivation path of the Gaians, but the baby girl named Gaia and the sentient beings who wrapped her up." It has to be said that Fenghuang is really fierce and bold, and even wants to touch the consciousness of the world itself.

Don't be afraid, a sudden, a global earthquake and a volcanic eruption. "

"Hehe, what I admire more is that he not only wants to contact and communicate, but also wants to combine the consciousness of the mother planet and the infinite consciousness accumulated over hundreds of millions of years. What exactly does he want to do? This has surpassed the feat of Hongjun. He put this The two are divided into the human way and the heavenly way. Is the combination of the human way and the heavenly way really the Dao?"

Everyone is in awe of the phoenix's fierceness and boldness, and they are also waiting to see what happens when the baby girl wakes up and merges with all sentient beings and sea water. This is not a simple 1+1, and a mysterious chemical reaction will definitely occur.

"Fenglongshen, take care of your body, why don't you secretly tell us about the cultivation method of the evolutionary system, the most popular method of guiding the way should be very adaptable, even if the laws of the two realms are different, it should have some effect." Someone soon Seduce Fenglong God to confide in secrets.

So far, the Hill Entraining Qi method has gained the most from all worlds, and other top methods are ineffective, and it is difficult for a clever woman to cook without rice.

Fenglongshen replied in a very complicated mood: "The basis of the evolution system is to transform genes, choose the talent that best suits you, and then use special methods to temper your spirit, shake the frequency of your soul, achieve the unity of mind and spirit, break your own shackles, and decode life. The secret is to promote self-evolution.

I can say that although many key things are lacking on the earth, the most important method of tempering the spirit and vibrating the frequency of the soul is indeed effective, because I have personally cultivated on the earth, at least it has improved my mental state, and my facial features are particularly sensitive , I think this "Basic Law of Gaia Evolution" is a well-deserved method for cultivating immortality for people on earth. Maybe we only need to refer to the genetic template of earth creatures to find out the initial evolution.

In a short period of time, through the Gaia evolution method, the evolution of millions of years is condensed into one year. "

Fenglongshen unintentionally broke the news and stunned everyone. Before he knew it, he had tried Gaia's cultivation method, and the most important thing was that it worked!This is much more effective than Honghuang or the Three Emperors ruling the world.

"Boss, no need to say more, just accept my knee. Share it. Now our earth is in the era of sharing. After all, one person's power is limited. The wisdom of the people is inexhaustible and inexhaustible. Gaia's evolutionary system Nor was it deduced by one person.

There are so many people on our earth, and there are no fewer talents than Gaia. We share the evolution method, and we all walk towards longevity together! "

"Boss, beg!"

"852978174, the good landlord is safe in life."

"62, a safe life!"

The strange scene reappeared on the Internet. Everyone unanimously swiped the screen and begged Fenglong God to share. Everyone was nervously waiting for his answer. To this, he had only one sentence: "Maybe before Byron is killed, I will never die." Hesitant to share, as for now, I will share it when I think the time is right."


Immediately, the forum was full of wailing, some scolded Fenglongshen for being selfish, some continued to beg, and some scolded Mi Guo sb, but all kinds of things, Fenglongshen took a last glance and withdrew.

In the private chat space "Earth's Earliest Practitioners Alliance", Cang Qiong proposed to bring Fenglongshen in, and all members passed.Soon Fenglongshen came into contact with the top group of people on the earth, Cang Qiong, Wutian, and Sakura Haruka Haruka.

After talking for a while, he was surprised to know that even though Haruka Kusaka had quit the game, she had more time to practice. In addition, she practiced kendo since she was a child, and she has a clear mind.Not only did he cultivate the sense of qi on the earth, but he also cultivated Wei Wei Jianmang.

"I don't know, what is the producer's attitude towards the evolution of our earthlings, it's better to keep a low profile for now. Even if we really have any results, don't reveal it lightly." In the end, Fenglongshen warned that Byron's death was a big blow to him. has a great impact.

This time I was lucky, reincarnated in Gaia and became a mechanical species, what about next time?

Despite the begging of the outside world, the Fenglong God remained motionless, instead devoting himself to the great construction of Gaia.The reality is that there is not much hope, or there is more opportunity for virtual feedback.

On Gaia, with the evolution of the whole people, everyone has talent, and the space development plan that was originally stranded has also been restarted. The Emperor of Heaven and God are really too strong. Together, the two can not only assist the team led by Fenghuang Jizhen to build The sub-contact plan, spare time to analyze the space, can also point out the way for the Gaia people.

Treasure planets with rich resources have been discovered one after another. Maybe there are only 100 grams of rare elements on Gaia, and another planet has as many as the ocean.

Starships sailing into space set off one after another. Among them are biological warships, which are half-biological and half-mechanical aircraft carriers. There are even bold robots integrated into them to serve as independent captains.

Gaia's technology is changing with each passing day. Interstellar spaceships are as fast as light. The speed of one-twentieth of a light-year, one-tenth of a light-year, and space teleportation, which originally only existed in the imagination, have been broken by them one by one.

The development of science and technology is neither gradual nor leap forward, but a combination of the two. As long as you break through the barriers, you will advance by leaps and bounds.

And these are not the most important. In the highest research base of the Federation, the contact plan hosted by Jizhen has already made a lot of breakthroughs.

"Hello, mother of all of us." In the base, Fenghuang fiercely greeted the little baby girl projection in the center.

Thousands of data streams suddenly flashed on the densely packed computer screens around them. The two virtual gods tried their best to analyze and decipher this simple question mark. baby girl.

No, she can no longer be called a baby girl, because during this period of time, she may have been stimulated by the outside world, and her speed of absorbing amniotic fluid (the consciousness of sentient beings) has accelerated, and now she has grown into a 2 or 3-year-old girl with four limbs. Complete, serene and sacred face.

A simple sound wave was transformed into an optical signal through layers of transmission, and ripples appeared in the sea of ​​stars. This greeting escaped layers of obstacles, and finally reached the bottom under the nervous eyes of everyone.


Some people swallowed their saliva unconsciously. Thousands of scientists in the center of the base looked nervously at the girl projected in the center. This was a more important contact than aliens, a greeting with Mother Earth, and the first intimate contact.

Suddenly, the girl's slender eyelashes fluttered a few times, as if she had received the message. Her tiny movement caused a big storm in the sea of ​​stars. The tens of thousands of supercomputers in the base were all red in an instant, and the rustling sound of the hardware running at super speed was endless. .

For a while, the entire research base that condensed Gaia's highest technology turned out to be as noisy as a power plant.

"What's the matter?" The faces of the scientific researchers changed drastically as they operated the computer.

"It's Gaia who replied, the energy value keeps soaring, the mental power is too huge, and the computer is overloaded for a while." The vice president said nervously.

Fenghuang fiercely looked at the Gaia projection without blinking, not daring to relax at all.


Suddenly, explosions suddenly appeared, and the computers exploded, sparks flew everywhere, and the hardware could not bear such pressure.Fortunately, at this time, god has already discovered the abnormality here. The skynet spreads from the data exchange room, and god invokes the authority to directly invoke all the computers in the United States of Polar Bears.

For a moment, the brightly lit North Continent suddenly went dark, and robots who were walking and working were powered off and fell down in the streets and alleys. People were surprised to find that they also encountered a power outage in this era.

"Why did it suddenly get dark? Aliens came in?"

"No, it seems that God has urgently invoked the computing power of this area, and it must have encountered some serious incident." Someone guessed the truth.Such a large-scale power outage should be due to a problem with the central virtual god.

No matter how powerful the software is, it needs hardware support. God is running at full capacity, and finally translated Gaia's consciousness.

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