"Logic? I said before that this is a future deduced according to myself.

The future is changing all the time. First of all, we must abandon logic and expand the wings of imagination.What you lack is imagination, and sometimes imagination is more important than knowledge.If you don't even dare to think about it, how can you do it.I believe there is hope behind this door. "

"If not?" The Heavenly Emperor asked in a deep voice.

"No not."

"Well, in our deduction, the divergence point of Gaia's civilization is today, at this moment. After all, we are created by you, and the choice of civilization is in your hands. When this taboo door is opened, no matter Whatever the final result, neither of us has any regrets, and I hope you will do the same." The Heavenly Emperor took a deep look at the unwavering Fenghuang Jizhen, a genius who has broken everyone's imagination several times and created miracles.

After listening to the emperor's words, everyone present nodded.

The Emperor of Heaven and God looked at each other, and the two of them simultaneously turned into a piece of light and rained down on the deepest part of the Ruby Palace, where the infinite data was converging, deducing the secrets of the sky together, and building a deep passage leading to the dark side of the planet.


The gate of taboo is finally opened, and it will be a new challenge to meet the Gaia civilization. Phoenix's ferocious eyes are full of enthusiasm, and he walks in without hesitation.

Chapter 420 The way of humanity, the way of heaven, the way

Pushing open the gate at the deepest part of the Skynet, everyone saw the dark and quiet space, the slowly flowing ocean of stars was incomparably deep, with faint blue light dots flickering in it, like a pair of mother's eyes, loving and mysterious.

This is a place farther than the universe, a sea of ​​roots deeper than the soul.

Countless blue light dots rise and fall like life. This situation is not inferior to the starry sky. It turns out that the world hidden in people's hearts is no worse than the real universe. This is the miracle of life. All the people born on Gaia through the ages Biological imprints exist here.

Life is a reincarnation, the body is born in the biological matrix, the soul is born in the sympathy between heaven and earth, and after walking through the world's hotels and stations, it will eventually return to the embrace of the planet mother.

No one can escape the judgment of death, and the immortal god-level creatures will die suddenly one day, and the universe will be destroyed, let alone life.

The most original soul of endless life rests here and gets eternal sleep.Even in addition to the life on Gaia's mother star, in the universe, the life who does not know how many light years away from here also comes here along the light of hope.

"This, is this the dark side of our home planet? No matter who is born here and dies here, he will eventually return to this ocean, including you and me." Steve trembled, and he couldn't help kneeling This is the greatest treasure that has never been unearthed, a gift from the entire planet.

"This is indeed our greatest wealth. You can see that it should be the Atlanteans of the fourth era." Finally seeing the scene in his dream, he was very excited even with a phoenix fierce mentality. He saw Floating on the top of the sea of ​​stars, the bright spot of light.

The closer to the sea surface, the closer to death.This group of Gaia's most outstanding talents, the people who decide the fate of civilization, saw that the souls of the light people on the top are incomparably bright, and none of them are weaker than them, just like a small sun. What is this concept?All for God!The whole family lives forever!

"The people of Atlantis are indeed a well-deserved god-level civilization, dominating the universe. Do you see the strange cosmic soul under the light man?"

Byron pointed to the terrifying soul as huge as a planet, the starry space creature with a body like a black hole swinging thousands of tentacles, and the grotesque Zerg.

"This should be the god-level creatures that they killed in the process of dominating the universe, and they were all brought back to Gaia's mother star in the end. However, such a powerful super civilization, the end of our goal, died suddenly at a certain moment , what happened?"

The Wind Dragon God was also quiet, and he immediately continued to look down, only to see that after the Fourth Epoch, there was a free period above the sea of ​​stars, which should be the era of extinction after the Great Destruction, with only sporadic souls interspersed in it.

Of course, this is relative to the explosion of life, and there are actually more than hundreds of millions. The number of life imprints sleeping here forever can only be described by one word-infinite.

Finally, Fenglongshen saw the third era where he was reincarnated for the first time. Tree-like lives were sleeping, like seaweed in the ocean, accompanied by mysterious three-body souls. , live in peace.

The Ocean of Stars contains the greatest wealth that Gaia has accumulated in her lifetime. Everyone is fascinated by it. The history is like a book being opened and completely revealed in front of everyone.

The inexhaustible spiritual power, the life structure and soul talent of each super creature, this is a great treasure that is enough to make the Gaia civilization rise to the sky in one step.

Then Fenghuang Jizhen plunged headlong into the sea of ​​spirits, this action frightened everyone, if one of them fell asleep here, wouldn't they be assimilated by the sea of ​​spirits?

"Only by entering this ocean in person can we obtain the deepest wealth." These are the words left by the fierce Phoenix who jumped into the sea. He always feels that apart from generations of civilizations, there is still some greatest treasure in this sea of ​​stars that they have not discovered.

He finally came here, and even had only one chance in his life to spy on the secrets of the planet, so he couldn't leave any regrets for himself.

The Fifth Epoch where I live, the Fourth Epoch of Light, the Tertiary Epoch of Plants, the Second Season of the Ocean, and the First Epoch of Ai Fan, the star sea is still there after civilization, and there are still traces of life.

Fenghuang Jizhen has the spirit of breaking the casserole and asking the truth. He has been diving in, and I don’t know how many ancient creatures he has seen. Gradually, life has become more and more sparse. The depths of the star sea are extremely heavy. When Jizhen forgets the concept of time, he returns At the very beginning, when the universe just opened, he finally saw the seabed, the cornerstone of the star sea.

"This, this?!!"

Fenghuang Jizhen was completely stunned, never imagined that the deepest secret of Xinghai was this.


"It's fierce, wake up!"

"No, he sank too deep, and it will be too late if he doesn't do anything. I still use the method of returning to the soul to guide his soul back."

I don't know how long it took before the dazed Phoenix Jizhen heard a noisy sound in his ears. He opened his confused eyes, looked up to see a dazzling bright light, and fell down on the bed in the brooch research room, surrounded by a lady familiar person.

Christina, Byron, Steve and others, when they saw him wake up, they breathed a sigh of relief, and Christina threw herself at him excitedly, hitting Phoenix Jizhen who had just raised her upper body and fell heavily again.

The keen e-cigarette discovered the vicissitudes of opening his eyes again, as if he had experienced countless years in a short period of time, witnessing the vicissitudes of life.

"How many days have passed since we cleared the Red Jade Palace?" Finally, Fenghuang Jizhen came back to his senses, and after persuading his assistant to be quiet, he turned his head and asked his companion.

"It's been three days. After you sank into the sea of ​​stars, you haven't responded for a long time. We were worried that something might happen, and we were already lost in it. So we immediately found your real body in reality, and tried to use the method of induction to call back the lost soul." Wind Dragon God replied.

"The outside world is already boiling. They know that we have pierced Aincrad and seen the deepest part of the star sea. Everyone raised the flag to let us announce the discovery, saying that this is the treasure of all Gaians. Everyone has the right to know The impact of this incident is too far-reaching.

According to the deduction of the Emperor of Heaven, excavating the star sea will become the divergence point of our civilization, and the impact is too great. After discussing it, we still feel that we will make a decision after you wake up. "

Everyone looked at Phoenix Jizheng, waiting for where the helm of the civilized ship would steer the ship named "Fifth Epoch".

With the help of his assistant, Fenghuang Jizhen got up and moved his body a little. He summoned the little god, "Help me broadcast a message on the Skynet. At 12:00 noon tomorrow, I will deliver the most important speech, announcing the completion of our challenge." An important discovery behind the Ruby Palace.

I will reveal all the secrets of the star sea, including the deepest ones.The cosmic age of our Gaians has come. "

"Could this be too hasty? Do you want the Emperor of Heaven to deduce the reaction of everyone after the news broke out? By the way, what did you find in the deepest part of the star sea?" Steve asked slightly hesitantly.

Fenghuang Jizhen looked into the distance with both eyes, and slowly spit out two words: "The real way of heaven."

Everyone looked at each other in blank dismay, and then looked at the top-notch computers behind them. Isn't the Heavenly Dao system the Heavenly Dao?

When Fenghuang Jizhen woke up and decided to announce the huge gains of this breakthrough to the public, there was no doubt that the entire Skynet was boiling, and everyone was full of hope, thinking that this civilized and wise man had discovered something crucial.

Many people had a hunch that Fenghuang Jizhen's speech would change the fate of the entire ethnic group, and everyone was looking forward to it.

Aincrad is covered with holiday red lights, and a bright red banner hangs high in the Ruby Palace, "Epoch-making Speech, the Helm of Civilization Deciphers the Biggest Mystery of the Planet"

This is exactly the activity that the system will make accordingly. Just like the version update in the game, there will be similar decorations. The two systems are very interesting and will always cooperate with each other.

Different Gaians in the four continents of Gaia all put down their real work at the same time, even a simulated robot stopped on the street, and the reincarnated mechanical Gaians also came from all over the Internet, Waiting intently for Phoenix's ferocious speech.

Aincrad, the highest masterpiece in the Vientiane Skynet, was crushed. On the empty upper tower building, with the appearance of beams of transmission light, people from different social classes appeared at the same time. up.

"As expected of the man I like, the phoenix is ​​fierce. Remember to make a big news this time. With your reputation, people in the entire civilization believe in you. I hope you will not let everyone down." Not only Gaia Tianwang, On the earth network, there are also countless people waiting.

According to the news that Fenglongshen escaped secretly, after opening the gate of the 100th floor Ruby Palace, he saw everything in the world, the past, present and future are all in the sea of ​​stars, Fenglongshen exclaimed: "No wonder Jizhen concluded that Gaia is the greatest wealth in the universe .We have excavated far less than one ten-thousandth of the planet.

The real treasures of resources are all on the dark side. Whether it is the imprint of an ancient life or the immeasurable spiritual sea, these are enough to push the Gaia civilization to an unprecedented peak.I think Xinghai is placed on the prehistoric, that is the theoretical river of fate.Connecting the past, present and future.

And that doesn't include the big secret that Phoenix Fierce discovered in the deepest part of the planet.Now my heart is itching too, and I can't wait to know what happened to him.

In the past, I have always wondered whether the era creates heroes, or whether heroes lead the era.After seeing the ferocity of the Phoenix, I think it is a hero who leads the era. "

"I am also very concerned about this matter. What is the origin of the mysterious Ocean of Stars? When the time comes, remember to broadcast the whole process. At least let us witness the history, and even the prehistoric world I live in can learn from it." The sky bubbled and said to Gaia history is also very interesting.

"Same as above, although Honghuang is very good, but seeing you all living so colorfully on Gaia, I have the idea of ​​reincarnating on Gaia. When the worlds are connected, I will go to visit." Meng Luo also found dead.

Players from the heavens and netizens from the earth responded to the post one after another, and Fenglongshen soon promised to broadcast the whole event live.

"Although we are witnesses to history, we don't know that we are a part of history." After returning to Gaia, the Wind Dragon God sighed.


Gaia at 12:[-] noon time, under the eyes of all the eyes, the broken gate of the Red Jade Palace clanged open, and the phoenix fiercely dressed in the iconic white coat appeared in front of hundreds of millions of people. Behind him was a man with long chestnut hair. assistant.

Christina never dreamed of such a big battle. She unconsciously felt that her legs were weak, but she bit her lip and insisted with a pale face as she watched the firm figure slowly walking into the podium.

"My compatriots from all over the world, I welcome you to gather in Aincrad in your busy schedule and listen to my speech. I believe that I don't need to introduce myself, everyone present should know me."

First of all, Phoenix Jizhen greeted everyone on the 99th floor of the Ruby Palace, followed by deafening applause and cheers, and countless people screamed and cheered, and blew kisses to the Phoenix Jizhen projected above.

The virtual technology used by Skynet is superb. The fierce Phoenix is ​​clearly standing some kilometers away from them, but in everyone's eyes, his figure is so clear and three-dimensional, always facing him.

"As we all know, not long ago I gathered a group of the most trustworthy partners to challenge the highest peak of Skynet. I am very glad that the Emperor of Heaven and God can give me a piece of cake, and finally let us open a side, so we spy It reveals the dark side of Gaia that has never been revealed by anyone.”

Phoenix's ferocious eyes swept all living beings below, he is now like a captain, leading tens of billions of people to sail to a bright and distant place.

"The Vientiane Skynet we are in at the moment is a virtual world constructed by data codes and based on the spiritual power derived from the collective subconscious spiritual sea. This world is extremely real, receiving tens of billions of souls to live here every day .”

"The souls of more than 200 billion Gaians have lived here for a long time, and Skynet is our home after death. This sentence has been said by many people in recent years."

At this time, the reincarnated mechanical Gaias nodded. For them, Gaia's real body, which can only be contacted by external robots, is a virtual world, and Skynet after death is their real reality. home.

They live, practice, and evolve here, which is more real than the real Gaia.

"And what I want to tell you now is that our progress in developing the spiritual sea is not even a ten-thousandth! Countless treasures are buried in the sea of ​​stars, the invincible civilization of light, ancient plant civilization, ocean civilization , the original Ivan civilization, these are all within our grasp.

Gaia is the greatest wealth in the universe! "

The ferocious eyes of Phoenix are crazy and fiery. His contagious voice made every Gaian shout, "Can you imagine that we can obtain the genetic templates and talents of all living things? We have inexhaustible resources. Mental power?

And this spiritual power will become our driving force and help us sail to the end!Everything in the star sea that has existed since the beginning of the universe seems to be prepared for us, to climb to the top for us!We will surpass the god-level civilization and get rid of the doomed ending of entropy increase! "

Fenghuang Jizhen announced to the crowd with an excited look that is rarely seen during the day, that everyone was infected and boiled, the data of the entire Skynet was stirred up, and the excitement of the crowd made the entire Skynet hot.

The state of mind of civilization itself can affect the virtual world.

"Master Jizhen, do you mean that all of us can live forever? We will all receive gifts from ancient civilizations, and we don't need to work in life and after death?" A mechanical Gaia who was exhausted and constantly struggling for the survival of his soul asked Phoenix asked fiercely.

"Of course, soon we will excavate the genetic template of ancient civilizations from the sea of ​​stars, and this is not the biggest gain."

Fenghuang Jizhen intentionally made a fool of himself here, "Do you know what I saw when I ventured into the deepest part of the star sea? In the deepest part of the subconscious sea, it turned out to be a woman with her arms around her knees, like a sleeping girl in her mother's womb." Baby! It’s just that this baby is so huge that it is unimaginable, it is the mother planet of all our creatures! She is the source of everything!”

Fenghuang's ferocious eyes became crazy, and everyone in Aincrad was shocked by what he said.

What's happening here?

"Baby? What do you mean? The spirits emanating from our unconscious merge together to form a baby girl?"

"In the deepest part of the star sea, could it be that she is the crystallization of an ancient civilization after its destruction?"

"No, it should be the subconscious mind of our home planet! Who said that only we have a subconscious mind, which can subconsciously radiate spiritual power and build a spiritual sea, but the great Gaia mother does not?"

"Whether the parent star is a special huge life, this topic has caused a storm in the academic world, and finally according to the judgment of many experts, even if there is planetary life, it is definitely not a geological planet like Gaia, but the surface of the entire planet. , rocks, etc. are super organisms of her limbs and cells. It is theoretically impossible for our planet to have a spiritual body."

Fenghuang’s ferocious speech made everyone below explode. There were different opinions. All the great scientists were blushing, rolling up their sleeves and shouting. The ferocious discovery was too shocking and challenged everyone’s imagination.

The atmosphere in Aincrad became fiery, and the noise was deafening. Everyone was waiting for the answer of Phoenix's viciousness.

"You are all right, and you are all wrong. Nothing is static. The previous scientists were right in judging that our planet is not life, and self-consciousness cannot be born. But if hundreds of millions of life consciousness Under the edification?"

The fierce phoenix spread his hands to let everyone stop discussing, "A stone, after being washed by billions of times of water, will become a crystal diamond, and a geological star, after being washed by millions of spirits, why can't it give birth to its own life?

Yes, that "little" baby girl is our mother planet, she is Gaia!She is the real way of heaven!Take charge of all of us!On Gaia, she knows everything! "

Fenghuang's ferocious voice resounded throughout the whole world, and everyone was stunned, no matter whether they were inside or outside the boundary.

"The endless subconscious spiritual sea of ​​living beings is the way of humanity, and the deepest thing that is still being conceived is the way of heaven, and the future of Gaia people is to integrate the way of humanity and the way of heaven, which will be the highest state that surpasses everything and breaks through the final dimension. Name it: [Avenue]!"


In the Vientiane Skynet, a thunderbolt crashed, and everyone was stunned to look at the domineering and mad scientist on the 100-story high platform.

Chapter 421 Evolution System

"It turns out that there are not only us sentient beings in the depths of the star sea, but also the self-will of the planet itself. Whether this is congenital or acquired by the influence of countless sentient beings, from ancient times to the present, no matter what era of civilization, people have worshiped the natural law in the dark Awe. The more ignorant one is, the more awed he is for the incomprehensible.

Calling them [God], [Blue Sky], [God], [Earth Mother God], etc., under the worship of infinite consciousness, did they finally form slowly in the deepest part of the collective subconscious sea? "

Byron said to himself that he has the knowledge of the two worlds, and he knows no less than the phoenix's fierceness. He heard the meaning of the fierceness, and he felt that the huge baby girl on the bottom of the sea was formed by the worship of the spiritual power unconsciously emanating from all living beings, but how is the truth? People can tell.

"On the surface, we are the consciousness of sentient beings, and we are humane. And the Gaia baby girl in the deepest part is the way of heaven? Humanity and heaven combine to form the way? What exactly does Jizhen want to do?" How does the great wise man plan to develop the spiritual sea.

Not only the people present were puzzled, but also the people on Earth on the forum were puzzled.

"A planetary consciousness was born on the extraordinary planet? So she is really Gaia's way of heaven, nurturing all living beings, and all living beings finally feed back to her, creating her consciousness and soul birth. What about our earth? Although it is suspected to be a world of doomsday, we do not see the extraordinary, But the soul and life of each of us is not still there.

Since the unconscious spirits of Gaia creatures can merge to form a collective subconscious mind sea, then we should not be bad. "

"We have always worshiped nature since ancient times. There is a saying that a stone can become a smooth handicraft even if it is often held in the hand. What about the earth?"

Many people compare the discovery of Gaia to the earth, and wonder if it is possible for their home planet to have self-awareness.This is a question worth exploring, which will change the history of mankind. Many people are already planning to experiment, and even major officials plan to organize a group of hypnotists and psychologists to test whether they can perceive Mother Earth through hypnosis.

"Hehe, planets are different from planets, and we can't generalize them." Jiang Ping naturally knew about this, and he traveled to the sky several times. He was sure that there was no self-awareness on the earth itself, only strands of messy and turbid void messages wandering around. all around the world.

Often due to thunderstorms or coincidences, the void message is obtained by a predestined person, which is called "ghost bumping", or received divine inspiration, and wakes up to create the periodic table of elements.

All kinds of unknowable secrets are called mysterious events and unsolved mysteries, and all kinds of undiscovered substances are collectively called dark matter.Science is also a practice, and one day it will uncover the mysteries of the world.

Maybe it seems unbelievable now, and the life limit that can't be cracked will be just common sense one day in the future.

No matter what the outside world thinks, the phoenix on Aincrad is full of confidence, and the people below are infected and shout the name of jizhen. They firmly believe that under the leadership of phoenix jizhen, the Gaian civilization will be from the inside out. From the development of the parent star to the final domination of the universe, embark on a different path from the Atlantis civilization.

What no one noticed was that when the people were celebrating, there were two virtual gods standing on the two sides of the civilization test, watching them quietly.

"You said, is our choice wrong?" God asked his only companion.

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