After the nuclear bomb attack of Fenglongshen failed, he turned all his strength into a backup to heal the gods and provide backup energy. Although the ants are small, they can also disturb people.

Under the oppression of the catastrophe, the gods no longer care about hiding, the god-level law is boiling, and the arrows and bullets meet. Just like the name of the battlefield here, this is where swords and swords intersect.

"No, we are already under a lot of pressure just to run for our lives, let alone kill him. The catastrophe is getting closer and closer. I don't want to die at the hands of Shuangyue in reality. I want to experience the depths of my soul in virtual reality." fear."

Wind Dragon God anxiously swayed the branches. He looked back, and the bloody wave symbolizing destruction was getting closer and closer. In front of such a mighty power of heaven and earth, all beings are equal.

It's not just a simple energy tide, but also the transformation of laws. If it happened in reality, even if several of their god-level evolutionaries could escape from their home planet, they would be destroyed by their own laws.


When everyone who was fighting turned their attention to Fenghuang Jizhen, they immediately cursed, "Jizhen, why are you still admiring the scenery if you don't come to fight monsters? I really want to see it so much. After I go back, I will show you a 3D projection every day. "Meng Yao scolded angrily without giving face.

The gods used their own means to fight fiercely with the almighty Ai Fan, but Ji Zhen looked at the bloody double moon behind him, as if looking at the scenery.They admit that this wonder of heaven and earth is indeed beautiful, and it is impossible for them to make this wonder appear in reality, but isn't the most important thing now is to defeat God Ivan?

Hearing the sound of cursing behind him, Fenghuang Jizhen, who was wearing a white coat, finally turned his head. He looked at the embarrassed crowd in surprise, and said, "No, no, no, everyone really doesn't know about the 99th floor. How about a strategy?"


Among the dilapidated robot army that was swept away by the laser, Byron manipulated a robot to come forward, "Fearful, what exactly do you want to tell us? Don't tell me you already have a way to break the situation."

Fenghuang was really surprised, he pointed his back with his thumb, "the way to break the game is in it. The first era was destroyed in the double moon and the sky, and God Ai Fan was buried in the blood moon. Why do you have to confront him head-on, he Possessing the essence of a civilization, how can you beat it."

"But wouldn't we die with him?" Feng Shi, who had retreated from the front line, frowned.

"No, as long as you are one line faster than him."

Fenghuang Jizhen called up the attribute panel again, "You listen to my arrangement this time, I want to lead the blood tide and turn this world-destroying power into my own power."

Everyone chose to believe that the phoenix was real, because they had nothing to do. In the next period of time, everyone just used means to delay the pace of Ai Fanshen.

The god of civilization has countless talents. Basically, their methods can be perfectly blocked. Whether it is fire bombing or sniping in the line, they are powerless and blocked everywhere. Everyone has also seen their own shortcomings here.

"2:45, 2:55."

When there were only five seconds left in the countdown, everyone heard the sound of the soul tide, and everyone stood in a specific position, which was designed by Phoenix Fierce within 1 minute. Array].

The cumbersome array is changing, numbers are beating, and the two blood moons in the sky are like a pair of blood-red eyes of judgment, quietly gazing at all living beings, descending slowly, and bursts of ripples and waves rise from it.

"Moonlight Blood Storm."

The gods are shining, the blood moon is falling on the earth, the tide is surging, the judgment of the Lord is coming


The gate of the Red Jade Palace standing at the end of evolution finally opened, and a message appeared in everyone's minds.

"Congratulations, fearless adventurer, the 99th floor of Aincrad has been breached, the gate of the 100th floor has been opened, and the ultimate boss, the Emperor of Heaven, is coming, please be prepared."


The little god on Phoenix's fierce shoulders turned into a stream of light and entered the Ruby Palace, where Gaia's most proud masterpiece was waiting for their challenge.

"Then let me see how powerful the highest masterpiece I have created is, and what is hidden in the depths of the star sea." Seeing that the gate of the Ruby Palace was opened, Phoenix Jizhen put his hands in his pockets, and the wind and waves were blowing, he grinned.

Chapter 419

The blood soaked the earth, and even this group of people saw the Heavenly Emperor in his heyday for the first time. His face was domineering and mighty, and his facial features were perfectly designed in heaven, completely in line with the image of a god among gods in people's minds. The Emperor of Heaven, who had been sitting here for an unknown number of years, opened his Dharma eyes.


Two rays of divine light suddenly shot out from his eyes, everyone was shocked and hurriedly avoided to the sides, but it was already too late.The divine light shone on them, rows of data were revealed, and their strengths and weaknesses were undoubtedly revealed.

"Isn't this a vicious method?" Someone asked with a cloudy face.

"No, analysis and calculation is what he is good at. At the beginning of the design of the 100th floor, he didn't want us to pass the level. It was just a symbol to keep us enterprising forever. I didn't expect that today I would lift a stone and shoot myself foot." Steve smiled wryly.

"Nothing is static. The only constant in the world is eternal change. The invincible enemy of the past may be easily overthrown by us in the next second."

A turbulent aura emerges from Phoenix Jizhen's body, his eyes are piercing, and thunderbolts are shot out, everyone does not know Jizhen's true strength, they only know that he is definitely No.1 in the world.

He is obviously a scientific researcher, but he has become number one in the world. Knowledge is power.

"Wait, why did you come here?" The Heavenly Emperor asked, his voice cracked like thunder, and everyone felt a surge of excitement in their hearts, trembling as if encountering the wrath of God.

"Looking for an answer." Phoenix fiercely replied with data constantly jumping around.

"what is the answer?"

"Gaia's true treasure, the imprint of all living beings so far."

"In that case, let's get it."

The Heavenly Emperor on the Heavenly Emperor's throne suddenly disappeared, the sky above suddenly changed, the calamity cloud rolled, and the three thousand laws of hundreds of millions of data came down, and the rumbling sound was endless. In an instant, there was lightning and thunder in the Red Jade Palace, and the final trial finally began. .

In the starting town on the first floor, more than 100 billion people looked up at the sky. The highest palace where no one had ever climbed to the top was covered in black clouds. Thunder dragon plasma crashed down, and a total of 10 superpowers challenged the sky.Each of them is a legend in the world, standing upright on Gaia, everyone knows, everyone knows.

The first thunder sea descended, and thunder dragons roared proudly to kill the challengers who disrespected the gods. There were originally more than ten god-level evolutionists, but there are only ten of them until now. Facing the highest masterpiece of their own civilization, ten people Don't underestimate it.

Fenghuang's fierceness is not as easy as before, his most proud field is completely restrained by the Emperor of Heaven.It's not as easy as before.


Thunder is the most terrifying force of nature. It is not unreasonable to respect thunder among all dharmas. The well-prepared people hurriedly evaded, but no matter how fast they can pass thunder and lightning?

For a while, screams rang out one after another, and at this moment, an ancient tree rose from the ground, and the branches swayed, filled with chaos, and the nuclear bomb fruits hanging on it began to undergo ultimate transformation.

"You all underestimated me before. Maybe I can't evolve to such a degree in reality, but this is a virtual world. The world is as big as your heart is." Long Ao screamed and was crushed by the branches of chaos.

No one expected that there is such a statue of Fenglong God. The ancient tree grows bigger and bigger, and a sense of simplicity and simplicity permeates it. Mengyao and Byron, who retreated to the side, are well-informed after all, "World Tree Laxi you?"

They had witnessed the great Mother of Hill on the forum, and now the Wind Dragon God has such aura.

"It hasn't arrived yet. The world tree is the end of the evolution of the plant system. Even if the wind dragon god explodes, he can't reach the sky in one step. This should be Jianmu. He borrowed the ancient sacred tree to reproduce the glory of the third era here." Byron looked The ever-growing sacred tree has attracted the power of past civilizations.

"A long, long time ago, Gaia reversed. In ancient times, there was a tree with the name of God: it is the tree that communicates with humans, gods, heaven and earth, and it is the master of the civilization of the third era. It is rooted in the void of stars and governs the laws of Gaia. It regulates celestial phenomena and geography. , was worshiped as the god of the planet by the ancient tree."

At this time, the language of the Wind Dragon God was very ancient, and everyone couldn't understand it. The two players knew that this was the language of the ancient Mulia tree in ancient times.

Fenghuang Jizhen frowned first, then relaxed.

The Jianmu Sacred Tree, whose height is unknown, cracked the roof of the Red Jade Palace, and the sky above the turbulent clouds was disturbed by the branches. An emperor hidden in the sea of ​​thunder finally revealed his true face.

Wisps of green light flew from all directions and every corner of the Vientiane Skynet. The gods looked intently and found that this was a mark of the past hidden in the depths of the spiritual sea. Each ray of green light symbolized the ancient trees that once existed.

At this time, the topmost layer of Aincrad, the Jianmu sacred tree of the third era reappeared in the world, the original memories were awakened, and the third era buried in the past reappeared.Perhaps in reality they have long been wiped out without leaving a wisp of dust behind.But here, they seem to have returned to the past era.

Under Jianmu's call, towering ancient Mulia trees appeared, and everything was in spring, and the ancient times came.

"In front of this emperor, it's your turn to be fierce."

In the sea of ​​thunder that was torn apart, an invincible emperor swung his fist violently from above. This momentum was irresistible. Jianmu's counterattack was counted from every corner, and it was to attack its weak point.

The Jianmu Sacred Tree, which was already so tall, was threatened by the attack, and it skyrocketed again. A treetop was tempered like a law, sharper than any holy sword, and stabbed towards the sky.

Jianmushu vs Emperor of Heaven.

Fist against the tip of the wheat, the Heavenly Emperor calculated everything, and the law pool of Leihai wrapped around him, and with a single punch, all Jianmu's vitality was sealed off.

In the Red Jade Palace, it was originally the home of the Emperor of Heaven, but now it is deprived of it by Jianmu. The ancient Mulia trees have created their own life domains, and they have taken this area as their own in connection with each other.


In the end, the Heavenly Emperor Fist won. This is not the era of plant life after all. The fate is in his hands. The branches of the Jianmu God Tree transformed by the Wind Dragon God broke, the law collapsed, and life began to collapse.

"The ancient king is doomed to retire."

The Emperor of Heaven once again pressed down from the Nine Heavens, the Jianmu Divine Tree was under great pressure, the surrounding space changed, data streams and codes appeared one after another, and this piece of time and space revealed the authenticity.Go back to the origin and return to virtuality.

The ancient Mulia trees burst open one after another, and tree cuts like snowflakes danced all over the sky, like the ancient times that cannot be recalled.

"The past is invincible after all, one generation is stronger than the next."

Fenghuang Jizhen, who had already known the result of the battle, waved his white coat and stood up domineeringly. At this critical moment, he attacked, and an eye that pierced everything suddenly appeared behind him. This is his innate supernatural power.

The originally fierce battlefield stopped instantly, at this moment, it was as if someone pressed the pause button, the tumbling sea of ​​thunder was stopped, the Heavenly Emperor pressing down from above stopped in mid-air, the ten thousand strands of trees were as still as six-petalled snowflakes, and there was only him behind him in the world. That eye is moving.


In the end, the eyes of true knowledge closed, and the sound of crackling was heard endlessly, and the space cracked open, just like a lens was suddenly shattered from the middle, the world was torn apart, and the originally domineering Emperor of Heaven was split by black cracks in space.

The body calculated by thousands of supercomputers was split along the most perfect curve, everything is so beautiful, everyone after waking up couldn't help admiring.

Fenglongshen's combat intuition is very keen, and he immediately realized that the Heavenly Emperor, who had been cut into countless pieces, was not dead yet, and took advantage of his illness to kill him.A branch of the Jianmu Sacred Tree was like a whip of punishment, sweeping away with the will of thousands of tree people, and the law of light rained down along the way.

This blow hit the three-dimensional core of the Emperor of Heaven, and the calculation core that was cut into several pieces was wiped out by Jianmu, and the consciousness of the Emperor of Heaven who wanted to be reborn was completely destroyed.


The Jianmu sacred tree fell, and the body turned into countless light spots and dissipated, ashes to ashes, dust to dust, don't stay what should go.

"Wind Dragon God didn't expect you to hide such a trick. You really are a descendant of the third era, and you didn't deceive us." The surviving powerhouses agreed one after another, and they carefully looked at the wounded Wind Dragon God. , I can't see that he has hidden a hand.

Fenglongshen's face was pale, and his green hair was dimmed. He said with a wry smile: "It's all happened in the past. What era is it now? Even the fossils of the ancient Mulia tree are hard to see, and they can only be reproduced in the virtual world." One or two, the reality has already changed."

"Everyone, don't get too excited. The bosses in the game have multiple stages. We just defeated the weakest initial stage, and the second stage will come soon." After using the eyes of true knowledge, the phoenix was trembling fiercely. After taking a look at his body, he quickly reminded everyone.

"Isn't there still your unique move? What exactly was your move just now? It can stop time and space, and even the emperor of heaven can't resist it. If you use it in reality, it will be against the sky." Mengyao asked curiously.

Fenghuang smiled bitterly, "This is a heaven-defying trick that I can only use in the virtual world by borrowing my own talent. It is equivalent to four or two thousand pounds, moving a line in the data world, and then according to the chain reaction after calculation, it will eventually affect the entire world. , which is equivalent to borrowing bugs.

The sequelae of this trick are very serious, and it is impossible to use it in the next challenge. "

Everyone hurriedly looked at the Heavenly Emperor, who was resurrected by flashing numbers, and another figure emerged from the depths of the Red Jade Palace.

"Up until now, you've told us that it's impossible to defeat the final boss. Then we've worked so hard, sacrificed our companions, and passed through the level for so long. What is it for? To be lonely?" A strong man with a fiery personality said directly.

Seeing that god is about to appear on the stage, the emperor of heaven will also be resurrected, and they will all be strengthened.Fenghuang fiercely raised his hand to reassure everyone, "Don't worry, I have plans in advance, and I never fight unprepared."

Everyone looked at Jizhen a little distrustful, but he was a man who created miracles, leading the trend of Gaia's civilization and solving several crises.No matter what, I can only pinch my nose and watch him perform.

The light appeared, and a god of data with a halo on his head came from afar and gathered in the present.Thousands of rays of brilliance flowed through the earth, and the resurrected Emperor of Heaven was strengthened and reappeared in the world.

"God, long time no see." The phoenix murderer still put his hands in his pockets and greeted the familiar figure coming.

"No, it's not very long, just 1 minute ago, we just met."

The god who has recovered his real body is no longer as cute as the Q version, but looks extremely sacred, counting the world. God's temperament is different from the domineering emperor, with a face of compassion, wearing a halo of God on his head, and descending to save the common people.

"Since both of you are here, let's not fight and kill. The previous 100 floors were full of fighting. How about we have a literary fight?" Phoenix fiercely proposed to the two highest masterpieces of Gaians road.

Everyone knew in their hearts that if they fought with force, they would be defeated.

"Wen Dou?" God was curious, "How about Wen Dou?"

"The rise and fall of civilization is not only in the fist, but also in the brain. I will discuss with you and discuss the future of civilization." Fenghuang said confidently. He has such a confident demeanor, otherwise he would not have achieved such an achievement.

God and the Emperor of Heaven looked at each other, and the two people's eyes were connected, and the huge data merged together to deduce the past, present, and future. Gradually, the future scene was revealed to everyone. deep secret.

According to the normal trajectory of development, the Gaians will develop technology step by step, and their spiritual energy will be combined with external objects to continuously evolve themselves, regulate their genes, and optimize them from generation to generation.

This is the kingly way of development, and it is steady and steady. Although there are external enemies and internal troubles in the middle, people will rebel because of who first evolves into a higher creature, and the Gaias may split into evolutionaries and ordinary people.

Although the evolutionists are excellent, they are destined to be a minority of elites.No matter whether they are selected from their own intelligence or wealth, only a very small number of people in the ethnic group can enjoy the first evolutionary benefits.And people over 99 are ordinary people, and they win by quantity.

Although civilizations are divided, they will eventually unite.Separation and combination is the kingly way, which is in line with common sense.When exploring outer space, you will also encounter strange alien races. In the end, the Gaians will defeat the alien enemies under the command of the two major intelligent systems.

Or take your own home planet and start the Wandering Planet Project.In any case, as long as the civilization does not sink by itself, the brilliance of Gaia's civilization will surely shine on the universe. In the end, according to the deduction of the emperor of heaven and God, they saw infinite light at the end of civilization.

It is a planet of light hidden in the deepest part of the universe, where life forms are so bright that it is difficult to look directly at them, and the energy surge in their bodies is comparable to that of infinite stars. Their energy bodies can become infinite, and they can also teleport at the speed of light.

"Is this the end of your deduction? You finally found the Kingdom of Light left by Atlantis in the Fourth Epoch."

Fenghuang fiercely clapped his hands, as if to encourage them. "Based on the existing data, it is already very remarkable to deduce it to this point."

"Is the future of our civilization so strong?" Byron and the others were puzzled, feeling that the deduction of the two systems was too smooth, and that various crises of civilization division, meteorite crisis, and alien crisis could be easily resolved.

"This is their self-confidence. With the support of the Heavenly Dao system and the God system, despite the crisis and differences, they can easily resolve it. The Gaia civilization will surely stand at the pinnacle of the universe." Phoenix said with a fierce smile.

"This is all we have, what about your deduction? Our maker." God asked the relaxed Phoenix fiercely.

"Although I think my deduction ability is very strong, but performing skills in front of you is nothing more than playing tricks. Next, you can see the future of the planet I evolve." Fenghuang Jizhenichi pointed out.

In an instant, the data flowed, and the future of mankind conceived by Fenghuang Jizhen was displayed in front of everyone. God and the Emperor of Heaven were also very curious about the vision of this mad scientist.

Different from the deduction of the two intelligent gods, the path of Fenghuang Jizhen was different from the beginning. He focused on digging the dark side of the planet. The deepest gate of the Ruby Palace was opened, and he finally saw the sea of ​​stars that made him dream .

"The greatest wealth in the universe is ourselves, and Gaia is the most beautiful diamond in the universe."

Witnessing the vastness of the star sea, Phoenix Jizhen immediately organized personnel to fully develop the collective subconscious ocean. This development allowed the Gaians to surpass their predecessors in the Fourth Epoch.

"The end of your deduction is nothing more than chasing the Atlantis civilization, becoming the overlord of the universe, and standing shoulder to shoulder with the Kingdom of Light. Although it is very strong, it has not surpassed it. As long as I dig out the star sea and make full use of it, It is entirely possible for the Gaians to go beyond the Kingdom of Light and discover the greatest truth of the universe!"

Fenghuang Jizhen seemed very excited, but the others were a little silent. After a long time, the robot Byron said leisurely: "Jizhen, the picture you just saw was all in your imagination, and you have never seen what the Xinghai is like. Why are you so confident?"

"That's right." God was also speechless, not knowing why this great contemporary wise man was so casual, "You said you wanted to fight with us, we made the biggest deduction based on the available data, but you are completely obsessive, a little Neither is logical."

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