Gaia is the mother of all human beings, who is the father she speaks of?

God's data eyes flashed countless messages, and there are countless legends about Gaia, which are unclear.The shaman in ancient times, the sacrificial method in the ancient martial arts era, and the theory of heaven and man in modern times.Myths and legends, and modern theories, regard her as the most supreme nature worship.

No one is bold enough to add a father to the "Earth Mother Goddess" and ride on her head, which challenges the taboos in people's hearts.Being heard by religious people, it is estimated that you will blow your dog's head off.

Hearing the word "father" from Gaia at this time, Fenghuang Jizhen knew that he might know part of the truth of the universe.

The girl frowned in the sea water, as if this word was also unfamiliar to her, and it was painful to recall things about him.

"Light, I see light. It's not the shining child, but the warm light that expels the darkness of the universe. He is the seeder of the universe, who traveled through this world and sowed the seeds of life. My awakening time is too short , have not seen him in person, only know that he has come here."

What Gaia revealed made Ji Zhen tremble, and the hands pressing on the guard bar unconsciously exerted force, bending the solid metal pipe. The other scientists who were working intensively had long been absent-minded, eavesdropping on the dean of Phoenix and Gaia. talk.

Everyone present knew that they were one step closer to the truth of the universe.

"The seeder of the universe? Is he the creator god of this world? Do you know when our universe was born? Is it man-made? How big is the universe? Why did he appear and come? Can we take the initiative to see him?"

Fenghuang Jizhen asked many questions that were pressing in his heart in one breath, and each of these questions was the ultimate question that had troubled him for many years, representing the truth of this universe.

At this moment, the people who were already paddling were not fiddling with the computer, but turned their heads to look at the central Gaia, where the dean of the Phoenix had a terribly solemn expression, staring at the girl in the depths of the star sea with crazy eyes.

Even God, who was sitting cross-legged in the void, looked over, and everyone was waiting for her answer.


I don't know, I'm just a ball after all. "

Everyone's expressions froze, and after a long time, Fenghuang Jizhen let out a foul breath, "That's right."

The more I communicate with Gaia, the more Jizhen feels her profoundness and complexity.She has two sides, one side is divinity, and she knows it from birth, and the fate of the audience is as clear as a palm.

One side is human nature, like a newborn girl, full of curiosity about the emotions and other things in the world.

"It's not only human beings who have double-faced nature, but also gods." Fenghuang said viciously and pointedly.

The information exchanged this time was named the top secret by the Federation. In fact, every conversation with Gaia has been controlled at various levels, and even the fierce Phoenix cannot do whatever it wants.

According to the judgment of psychologists, if a person is in constant contact with Gaia, he has the opportunity to shape her three views, and as long as he borrows a little bit of Gaia's power, he can change the world.

Especially in the current situation where the Gaia religion movement is intensifying, the dialogue between man and God must not be leaked, so as not to irritate the people again.

As for Gaia's father, the suspected existence of the Creator God of Light is classified as the ultimate secret, and is kept in the highest-level database by God. Drive god to delete their key memory and fill in fictional memory to supplement it.

Only a few people have the authority to reserve, including Fenghuang Jizhen, but even his assistant has been deleted and filled with memory, one can imagine the seriousness of this incident.

No one doubts Gaia's words, and a group of people who have evolved into gods know that there is such a supreme being in the universe.

"The seeder of the universe, the creator god of light, is he the culprit of the destruction of the fourth era? What happened back then? Where is he? Outside the universe? What is the most basic world view?"

The more you know, the more confused you become. Having gained so much information in a short period of time, Fenghuang Jizhen is not in a hurry to continue communicating with Gaia.

There are also factors of external movement, because the Federation has not expressed its position for a long time, the demonstrations of the Gaia congregation are becoming more and more intense, and the mechanical Gaias are also making troubles on Skynet, and begin to seek the authority of the two major systems. They also know that the Emperor of Heaven and God are The most important thing.

The constitution of the Gaia Federation stipulates that any legal citizen has the right to use Skynet, because their spiritual power has also been contributed. In theory, everyone can drive the Emperor of Heaven.The members of the Gaia religion, who are in different social strata, use various means to divide their own regional network from the virtual rule of the government.Part of the computing power of the Emperor of Heaven was taken away, and a new small data god was assigned to become the patron saint of the rebel army.

"Compatriots, we have stopped communicating with Gaia. As far as we know, in the days of losing us, Gaia, who was growing, felt much lonely and even sent out "what about you" mental fluctuations.

Our communication is not a disaster, but a big step for man and nature.Regardless of whether we do it or not, the consciousness of the mother planet is sleeping in the sea of ​​stars, but because of our teaching, she grows faster. ’ The radios in the street broadcast the official attitude.

Seeing that communication with Gaia was temporarily suspended, all researchers were temporarily sent home.The Gaia congregation, who originally planned to make a big fuss, also temporarily calmed down.

In addition, at this time, the Federation has used its trump card to directly broadcast an annoying sound wave that Gaia dislikes the prayers of the congregation, which is a dimensionality reduction blow.

"I'm bored."

The voice of Gaia simulated by the voice of the machine actually has a divine vision, which makes Baicao confide and thousands of trees make a pilgrimage.

"Although we use the best technology to synthesize and simulate Gaia's words, it is still not enough to simulate one ten-thousandth of her kindness and holiness. We play this audio just to tell everyone. What you think is not what God wants.

The Lord does not care what the world does to Him.He is even lonely in the star sea because there is no one to communicate with. At this time, we, the current well-deserved overlords on Gaia Planet, naturally have the right to communicate with her.We are not wrong, and we dare not change her three views with our own will.

Can man change the will of heaven? "

This dimensionality reduction blow made the menacing parade seem like a plate of cold water was poured on it. Listening to the annoying voice of the supreme god in my heart, it was obviously like a little girl who was woken up in her sleep, but it was like a nuclear bomb falling straight into the people heart.

On the street where the broadcast was broadcast, hundreds of people with Gaia stickers on their faces knelt down and cried loudly. What you think is not what she wants.

Most of the bewitched people have calmed down. The vast majority of people are not that extreme, but only a few backbones are teasing. Calm down, the communication between man and nature, and man and the planet is indeed not so bad. Sometimes you can’t think about things like this Oops.

This makes the core members of the Gaia Cultists anxious. They are familiar with the process of rebellion, and history has already proved that once they are vigorous, they will decline again, and they will be exhausted three times.Once they are divided, what awaits them is a catastrophe.

"What should I do? Is it necessary to start the power-seizure operation in advance?"

In a small country in the most chaotic Southern Continent, someone was whispering.What the outside world doesn't know is that the high-level executives of the small country named Nolia here are all members of the Gaia religion, and this place can almost be said to be their base camp.

"There is no other way, it will be too late if we don't do anything, let's revolt, we can't just sit and wait for death. Who knows what will happen after those people come into contact with Goddess Gaia, keep bewitching them, and take them out of context." A bishop in charge of the military make a prompt decision.

In the dark council, mysterious powerhouses nodded their heads one after another. Among them were primitive warriors with bronze bodies and hideous totems engraved on their skin, and frontier bishops in red clothes. Departments and neutral departments are all gathered for a common goal and united to form the ruling class of Gaia Cult.

"Since we plan to completely tear ourselves apart from the Federation, then No. 001 can do it too. What do you think?" At this time, one of the natural bishops wearing glasses suggested.

"Number 001, so sudden, is he too impulsive, after all, he is the only person we have hope to contact the mother god." Some people hesitated, it is a pity to let the most special believers do it like this.

Others are also thinking deeply, the channel of contact with the Mother God is the most important, but it is kept secret by the Federation, and they can't even find the research base, let alone snatch it, that is, there is hope for No. 001 to contact the Supreme Master.Pass the voice of Gaia to the Mother Goddess.

"During this period, the Federation just closed the base, and a large number of scientific researchers were repatriated. This is our best last chance, and No. 001 has also been excluded. I don't know if someone has discovered the clues. If it goes on for a long time, he will be kicked out of the front line , then we will not be able to contact the Mother God.”

"Since this is the case, then ten days later, on August 8th, the Gaia Sacrifice Festival will be armed and seized power, and No. 8 will also do it on that day. We must reveal the truth of the matter to the ignorant sentient beings. The Lord must not be deceived, and the Lord must not be offended. !"

In the end, the leaders of Gaia decided on the major event of the uprising, and decided to attack the Federation at the grand sacrificial festival.Following the transmission of the highest order, the core backbone personnel silently wiped the machine guns and armor, and then closed their eyes and prayed to the sky.

Gaia in the depths of the star sea suddenly frowned. In the dark base, the central projection was rippling with brilliance. Gaia seemed to have heard countless prayers again. She turned over unhappily and continued to sleep beautifully.When she was sleeping, the surrounding warm light spots surrounded her like fireflies, and gently merged into her body as they flew.

Undercurrents are surging on the earth, and politicians from various countries instinctively feel that something is wrong.

"Why did the Gaia Cult who made a fuss a few days ago suddenly become obedient? Could it be that the words of Mother Goddess Gaia are so offensive? It made them self-defeating." An official in charge of the matter said teasingly.

"Something is wrong. Soon it will be the annual grand Gaia festival to sacrifice to the earth. This year is no different than before. Everyone must take strict precautions. Be wary of someone taking advantage of it."

"Emperor Tian, ​​have you noticed anything during your monitoring of the world?" A president asked Emperor Tian.

In the data exchange room, when the electrons flashed, the Majestic Emperor appeared in front of the consuls from the virtual reality. His eyes were as vast as the heavens, flashing through billions of communications in the virtual world.

"The login and logout of the Gaia religion is very frequent, and I can't find out what the specific exchanges are. They are very careful and rely on a small portion of gods deprived from me to build their own independent regional network. If I forcefully enter the fusion, it will be nothing but Startle the snake.

I only intercepted [Gai Gai Gai]'s operation code from them. "

"Calcium calcium calcium?" Everyone was confused, what kind of code word is this?After some discussion, everyone could only tell the security forces of the various armies to be careful.Maintaining the status quo

The moon sets and the sun rises, the tide comes and goes, time does not change according to anyone's will, like a river flowing westward.

Ten days later, the grand ceremony came. This is a grand festival that has been passed down for thousands of years.The ancients often, headed by the emperor, climbed mountains to offer sacrifices to the heaven and earth, and to thank the earth for its gifts.Under such special circumstances this year, after really contacting the mother goddess, no matter whether it is official or private, they dare not neglect.

Every household is covered with portraits of Gaia, and green willow branches symbolizing life are inserted, offering the highest offerings that can be obtained. The blue air mass floats on the street, and the projected Gaia anthropomorphism shakes back and forth, enjoying the joy.

There are adults holding children, holding blue and white flags and shaking their heads to celebrate the party. In the dark, there are heavily armed troops patrolling and supervising.

[Gai Gai Gai] lingering in everyone's mind makes people nervous, today is so important, something big must happen.

"The Federation is dead, so it should be established! Save the Mother Goddess, and the world will be blessed!"

During the grand celebration, a team holding high the Gaia flag appeared. They wore blue and white armor and primitive helmets, full of wild and natural atmosphere.

"What do you want to do?" Immediately a guard came over, and the answer was a gunshot.


This was a fuse. In the next 10 minutes, in the eyes of the Emperor of Heaven, the entire Gaia star suddenly ignited a raging fire. rebel!

The action code name of [Gai Gai Gai] was agreed to do it together at this time, the sound of guns and cannons appeared, and even the reckless mecha flew into the sky and escaped, broke into the administrative office in the city, trampled on the officials, and spattered blood everywhere .


A series of missiles appeared, sniping the rebel army.The other side has shown their swords and chose an armed uprising. Naturally, the federal army of all countries will not be soft, they are the general trend.If it wasn't for being restrained repeatedly and forcibly suppressed, the Gaia Cultists would not be their opponents at all.

But the worst thing is that the military has also been corrupted by many people, and the soldiers even attacked their own people.

The artillery fire from the outside world was booming, and countless people were screaming and fleeing to escape. The more distressed they were, the more people shouted Gaia's real name.

What was originally a prayer of a shallow believer turned into an extremely sincere prayer under the persecution of the real danger.

People are very realistic, only when they are in danger can they become more pious.The same prayers that were once sand become diamonds.

The Gaia girl in the sea of ​​stars frowned. She heard a lot of crying and felt annoyed instinctively.


The empty dark base lit up, each computer automatically turned on, and columns of data flashed across the screen.

A person wearing a research white robe walked through the deep corridor and walked towards the central projection under the illumination of mechanical blue light.

A trembling sound came out of his mouth: "Dear Goddess Gaia, can you hear my voice?"

"Tick tock. Sorry, your permissions are not enough to drive god to connect."

This line of words flashed across a host computer. The professor had been prepared to take out a USB flash drive from his pocket and plug it into the host computer. A column of red numbers flashed across the screen, and the blue patron saint separated from the Emperor of Heaven Appeared on the screen, the Gaia Cult actually transferred the most important patron saints to him!

Affected by the Patronus, God's phantom trembled like an unstable signal.

"Connect to Xinghai."

Swish, at this time the central 3D projection gradually appeared, and the admirable mother of all things appeared in front of his eyes.

The professor knelt on the ground with a snap, put his hands on the ground, dared not look directly at his head, and said tremblingly: "Mother of all things, your most devout believer begs you, don't be deceived by the outside world. You are one and ten thousand. Yes An instant is also eternity.

Supreme, breeds all things, recycles all things.It was the greatest blasphemy that we humans dared to educate you before, please forgive our mistakes. "

This passage caused thousands of computers to flash through the data stream, and after God's repeated translations, it was finally heard by the girl. The already irritable girl moved her lips slightly and her long eyelashes fluttered, as if she wanted to wake up and see the complicated world.

"Strange, you are also communicating with me. It's not the little guy from before, but another one. You humans are really strange, why are you here?"

Seeing Gaia's reply, the professor widened his eyes excitedly, feeling that this is the most glorious moment in his life.

"I, I want your cock"

"Papa." While the professor was praying heartily, a figure walked out of the blue corridor.

"It turned out to be you, Professor Zhang. I noticed that your thinking was extreme and you worshiped Gaia too much. I didn't expect you to be taught by Gaia. Which department do you teach? Natural department? Placement department? Or intermediate Tie?"

The fierce Phoenix in a white coat slowly walked out of the darkness, followed by the usual Christina.Christina looked at Professor Zhang kneeling in front of Gaia in disbelief. This is a master of science who has been famous for decades, but he was also bewitched by religion unexpectedly.

A flash of surprise flashed in Professor Zhang's eyes. He raised his head to look at the dean, not very surprised: "Sure enough, I can't escape your eyes. You are a formidable young man. Dean, you are really smart. It seems that you have learned from my few words before." Doubt my state of mind."

After a pause, Professor Zhang suddenly laughed: "One thing you guessed wrong, I am not the mainstream natural department, but the rarest pure lineage!"

He suddenly turned his head, looked at the Supreme Mother Goddess with a crazy look in his eyes, stretched out his hands, and shouted: "Supreme Lord! The evil lamb prays to you, come down to the world, and bring the world-destroying flood to the earth. Purify the dirt of the world!"

Gulu, when this thought came, the sea of ​​stars suddenly became cloudy, and the little girl named Gaia, who could not rest for a long time, her eyelashes fluttered, and finally opened her eyes of heaven and magic. In an instant, the whole planet stopped rotating

Chapter 425 Gaia is very angry, the consequences are serious

The Gaia religion established in a short period of time is intricate, and where there are people, there are disputes. Even if they have a common lofty goal, they have different attitudes towards contacting her.

Some adhere to the heart of nature and feel that they just go with the flow and don’t need to use their own insignificant knowledge to contact the Mother Goddess. The Mother Goddess embraces the fate of all people and knows everything naturally. The most important thing is to cut off the passage connecting the depths of the star sea.This is also the mainstream natural system.

And there are other neutral departments, who feel that there are not many opportunities to talk to God, so they should not be absolutely rejected.There are also compassion and advent systems, each with its own teachings, and some want to welcome the coming of God Gaia, rule them personally, and lead all mankind.

The most extreme is the pure lineage. This system believes that human beings are sinful, and many creatures are extinct because of their series of activities. Perhaps it would be better to remove humans from Gaia.They prayed to the heavens to send down the flood that symbolizes the end of the world and wash away the sins of the earth.Return everything to zero.

The pure lineage is feared even in the Gaia religion, because everyone does not want to die. According to expert analysis, people in this lineage tend to be world-weary and destroy.

Inside the base, which was deep and revealing a faint light, when he heard Professor Zhang's words, Ji Zhen was stunned for a moment. After listening, his face changed in vain, and his right hand hidden in the white coat abruptly shot out a business card. The business card Fei Biao drew a perfect arc in the air, pointing directly at the professor's neck.

"Purify the world!"

At this time, Professor Zhang had finished speaking, and in the next second, he stuck the business card that cut his throat in the air. Christina, who was standing behind Fenghuang Jizheng, widened her eyes and stopped breathing because she saw the central cover. Sub Phantom opened his eyes.

What will happen when the will of the planet itself opens its eyes?No one can know that the eyes of true knowledge that Phoenix is ​​so proud of, and the god-level body that has evolved to the pinnacle of human beings can't respond, and all cells are trembling instinctively, as if collapsing in the next moment.

Gaia's sight goes through infinite space and dimensions, and he sees this place from the sea of ​​stars.

This is the first time she has opened her eyes since she was born. She is curiously looking at this strange yet familiar world. This is her body, and these are her people. How many creatures have been born on her body? Extinction, she is used to, but Gaia still feels a little different when she opens her eyes to see the world.


The wind stopped, Yun knew.The grand celebration, the exploding fireworks and explosives, the violent collision of the mechs, the flying saucers piercing each other, the flashing flames, and the terrified pedestrians, everything came to a standstill.

As if someone pressed the time-pause button, the ancient Gaia star stopped the pace that has never stopped since its birth, and the blue moon in the sky also came to a standstill under the influence of gravity, and only a faint halo fell from the sky.

The fluctuations originating from the Gaia star continued to spread, directly affecting the entire solar system.

At this moment, the screen was sealed, and a very small number of god-level evolutionists realized something, and their pupils spread in horror.


At this moment, the only thing that can react on the entire planet is the two virtual gods. God, who was affected by the attack of the patron saint, expelled them and returned to the base.The Heavenly Emperor of the East came down from the throne, came from the void, took one step at a time, and merged with God in an instant.

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