Because of the increasing number of virtual consciousnesses, Skynet, which is still simple in function, has been constructed in a variety of ways, richer and more diverse than reality, and extremely prosperous.After all, in reality, you still need to abide by the laws of physics. In your dream, you can build a miraculous steel city with a big head and a small tail, and you can do whatever you want.

The colorful butterflies fly and fly, and they don't stay in reality for long, but like the consciousness of mechanical Gaias, they plunge into the plugboard and enter the virtual Skynet network through the network interface. The real dream butterfly can enter the network without an interface, this time it is just a process of enjoying the shuttle in the optical cable.

There are countless wires and optical cables buried underground in Gaia, among which there are densely entangled wire ends, starting from the major computer ports and converging in the spiritual sea.

Jiang Ping, who is transformed into a butterfly, is like a piece of data, walking at the speed of light on the wire, and finally reappears in the virtual network to form a human figure, which looks exactly the same as in the real world.

This is the first time that Jiang Ping has personally entered the Gaia's skynet. He is now standing on the colorful earth. If you catch your eyeballs and look carefully, you can also find that there are many people living densely on it.

There are two types of them, one is the mechanical Gaians who have completely settled here, and the other is the native Gaians who stop here for a short time but will eventually come here.


Suddenly, there was a burst of laughter in his ears. Jiang Ping looked back and saw that the street behind him seemed to be folded in half.

Seeing this, Jiang Ping smiled slightly, and walked up, and an incredible scene appeared. When he stepped on the street at a 90-degree angle, his own gravity and direction also changed, and he stopped steadily on it, without moving. drop down.

This was a scene completely out of physics. Jiang Ping looked into the distance and saw all kinds of incredible phenomena, such as a glass diamond-shaped building, and a super steel tower with a height of [-] meters - Aincrad.

The consciousness of hundreds of millions of people exists in it, that is to say, there are hundreds of millions of people living on Aincrad. This tower is not only a simple living area, but also a place for Gaia souls to cultivate. , all need to challenge the monsters and layer-defending bosses between layers.

And the Ruby Palace on the 100th floor is waiting for the main god-level boss!It is said that no one has been able to challenge successfully so far, because the final boss is equivalent to the emperor and god!They are the existences of heaven that control the entire virtual world. Thousands of tactics are integrated into one body.Who dares to fight?

Many challengers have already practiced it, and the topmost layer of Aincrad is deliberately set by the intelligent system, which is designed to prevent them from succeeding in the challenge, which symbolizes the evolutionary end that the Gaians will always follow.

As for why so much mental energy was spent to build this miraculous city of steel and help hundreds of millions of Gaias practice, it is because after the body dies of old age, the soul is digitized, living in the network, and has a lifespan.

Individual consciousness will be corroded by network data, and gradually lose themselves in it. In addition, due to the aging of the soul, as time goes by, the mechanical Gaia will gradually lose its humanity and become a program with no emotion and self-awareness at all. code.

"Death is not the end of our lives. In the virtual skynet, we can still pursue our dreams and struggle. And no matter which world we are in, we need to evolve. If we are stagnant on the Internet, we don't choose to evolve, but we will gradually sink Just for the data, lost in the spiritual sea.

We still have a long way to go. "This is the first mechanical Gaian, what Byron said to all the new Gaians after reincarnation.

Past experience guide for the future.

The mental state of a civilization is equally important. Players all know that the first era died at their own hands. Gaias who have just been reincarnated have a tendency to entertain themselves until they die. They think that if their consciousness is transformed into data, they can live forever. .That's why Byron delivered a speech urgently, so that people can't forget the struggle.

"Why do you still have to work after death, can't you enjoy life?" A mechanical Gaia muttered.

In order to cope with the new era, the federations of the major countries have joined forces and intend to cast a currency that adapts to virtual and reality, so that the dead Gaians can regain the meaning of life, and the right to use the Internet also needs to consume currency.

"Isn't this similar to the calculation currency of Atlantis?" Jiang Ping said to himself, different routes lead to the same goal, and the development of civilization has many things in common.

Today's Skynet has undoubtedly surpassed the first generation of "Virtual Gaia". It is colorful and full of vitality. It is constantly consciously investing in the network, and some people go out from the network to evacuate the pressure of Skynet and return to reality. Whether to return to the flesh and blood, or repose in the body of a robot, Skynet is much healthier than "Virtual Gaia", and has more potential to promote the continuous evolution of Gaia civilization.

Jiang Ping was also very interested in the miraculous steel tower standing at the end of the earth and the center of the universe in the distance. With a thought, his figure disappeared, and when he reappeared, it was under the Aincrad Tower.

This is not his exclusive teleportation ability, but every Gaian who enters Skynet will have it. After all, this is a virtual world, and the reality is as big as the brain.If you are on your way, you will be transferred to another area as soon as you move your mind.

Jiang Ping, who arrived at the foot of Aincrad, looked up and felt that this steel tower, which is impossible in reality, is majestic and majestic. The river counts people.


Brilliance flashed continuously around Jiang Ping, and young adventurers with weapons entered Aincrad laughingly. There was no teleportation in this tower, and they could only break through it by themselves.

Of course, if you are strong enough and the computing power of your consciousness can defeat the combination of the Heavenly Dao System and the God System, you can also teleport to the Red Jade Palace.

Jiang Ping has no interest in breaking the rules of Skynet. When he was a child, he also had a dream of going to the world with a sword, but unfortunately he forgot it when he went to school.

He looked up, and in the eyes of ordinary people, the blue sky was the same as the real sky, but in his eyes, there were countless beating digital codes, and there were hundreds of millions of consciousnesses circulating in it. No matter what things were gathered to a super amount, the quantitative change led to a qualitative change, which was incredible. changes occurred.

Numerous consciousnesses are entangled and causal loops, and the central gods and gods of the intelligent system are therefore constantly evolving. They are well-deserved heaven and gods in the virtual world, omnipotent, and supervise all living beings.

"Isn't it the way of heaven to entangle countless beings and control all beings?"

Jiang Ping commented, aren't these flowing consciousness data just the laws of reality?

Looking back, Jiang Ping turned and walked into the mysterious Aincrad. As he turned around, there was a brilliant brilliance on his body, and a black long sword condensed behind his back. Since he wanted to go in person, he also needed adventurers. equipment.

The first floor, the starting town, is very lively around. There are people hawking on both sides of the street. Cute newbies are laughing and chatting on the street, and some people are selling adventurer equipment. Seeing this, wearing strong clothes , Jiang Ping, who was no different from the others around him, suddenly smiled:

"Is this the Novice Village in the game?"

Xiaobai even invited him to form a team to challenge the bosses on the first and second floors.

Jiang Ping shook his head with a smile, and walked up the ladder. Everyone needs to be challenged to enter the upper level. There is no shortcut, so some people form a team to complement each other. Of course, correspondingly, the guarding boss will also be strengthened .

The gatekeeper on the first floor is the Kobold Lord, three meters tall, holding a ghost-headed knife, with a dog-headed human body, extremely fierce.But normally speaking, only silver level is needed to pass.

Jiang Ping pulled out the black sword behind his back, and turned the kobold lord into blue data with a flick of wind wound. At this time, a message appeared in front of him, "Congratulations on passing the first floor of Aincrad, The second door has been opened for you, I hope you will continue to work hard and bravely climb the peak."

The announcement announced that there was also a Q-like villain of the Emperor of Heaven who was clenching his fists to encourage him.

Jiang Ping shook his head with a smile, and walked up to the second floor. The surrounding scenery was changing, and the surrounding style was quite different from the starting town. It seemed to be a tall tower in the Western Gothic style, but it was not as lively as the first floor. .

"Sure enough, no matter which world, Xiaobai Mengxin is the most."

Those who win Xiaobai win the world!

Chapter 415 The Underestimated Subconscious Spiritual Sea

"We're recruiting. The ace strategy team urgently needs a defensive warrior. Immediately open up wasteland and charge into the tenth prison."

In the bright Milky Way platter formed by the rotation of stars, there is a towering steel miracle city that does not reach the top, in which Gaias are living and shouting, and the sound just now came from the bottom 9th floor.

Aincrad is not static. In fact, this planet-like stalwart slowly rotates along the star every moment, and the world on the [-]th floor is also changing all the time. This represents the world The changes in the world, the impermanent order, the real immutability is the stagnant water.

Jiang Ping, who turned into an ordinary adventurer, played all the way as he wanted, and appreciated the most outstanding building in this virtual world. This is the most essential part of the Skynet network, which symbolizes the wisdom of the Gaias and the terrifying calculations of the two major intelligent systems. force.

Aincrad, with a total of one hundred floors, is like a social pyramid. The bottom layer is huge, and as you go up the stairs, the upper layer space becomes smaller and more refined.

This is just a symbol of the world's class structure. The lowest base has the most civilians, followed by a level of powerhouses, and the top is the ruling class. They alone decide the fate of tens of millions of people. They are powerful and affect a country's policies. But if Without the support of the bottom layer, then they are also castles in the sky and worthless.

"It's really interesting. This tower is not as simple as it looks. It represents the concentration of society, and contains the cruelest and most real [reason] in the world." Jiang Ping, who was in the dream forest on the 21st floor, raised his head. The real top floor Not the ruling class, but the Tao and God who maintain the entire tower, the entire world, and the entire order.

Countless causes and effects are entangled, consciousness is entangled, and the heavenly emperor and god formed by the intersection of laws manifest from time to time in the Ruby Palace on the first floor. They are the strongest bosses in this world. No one has seen them so far, let alone successfully challenged them. , they represent the eternally invincible "heaven", the end of evolution that is always pursued.

The dream forest on the 21st floor is a well-known resort in the virtual world. It is colorful, with colorful mushrooms and towering trees wrapped with luminous vines. From time to time, one or two honey-picking elves flap two transparent thin wings, shuttle Among the lush leaves.

A group of golden evolutionists walked on the green path in groups. The people here are slightly less than the starting town, and the quality is better. The higher you go, the fewer the evolutionaries.

However, due to the particularity of the environment on the 21st floor of the Dream Forest, the intelligent system deliberately set up a resort here to soothe people's souls, so there are many people who come here from the bottom to the top, or from the upper floor.From time to time, high-level souls came to rest specially.

Walking out of the forest as beautiful as a fairy tale, the surroundings suddenly became clear, and the noise of the crowd became louder and louder. Jiang Ping saw a tavern built at the root of a towering tree. The original ecological real log tables are placed in the tavern and outside the tavern.

The rattan chairs made of entangled twigs are full of Gaias who are talking, dead people who consciously uploaded to the Internet, and living people who are still living in Gaia. At this time, they are in the root tavern. The conversation was very pleasant, and there was no barrier.

"Waiter, give me a gift of love." Jiang Ping also sat down here, and casually asked the pretty waitress for a drink.

"Okay, please wait a moment." The waiter wearing a green maid uniform smiled beautifully, and quickly handed over a glass of purple drink as deep as the starry sky.

Jiang Ping took a sip, and the sparkling starlight liquid flowed from his mouth through his throat, and flowed through his heart, moisturizing for a while. This taste is more real than the real thing. Although it is a virtual formula, even if it is not a sense of ritual, it can be done directly The corresponding tactile signal is transmitted to your brain, but Jiang Ping is still very satisfied with this cup of love gift.

On the surrounding tree tables, there are those who chat, and those who talk about the earth. They are in different worlds, and people of different classes are equal here.

On the log table to the left of Jiang Ping, there is also a scholar in a white coat drinking tea and working at this time. It is not clear whether he is a robot or a native person based on these alone.

A small ten-centimeter-tall auxiliary elf was beating on his shoulder. The scholar flicked his finger, called up his own panel, and was working mentally.

The electronic elf on his shoulder is very mischievous. He even slid along the scholar's arm and jumped to Jiang Ping's table, blinking Kazilan's big eyes and staring at him to drink. In the eyes of the electronic elf, every person, table, and the world are all It is composed of a series of data, and although the person in front of him is exactly the same as his surroundings, he still feels a little alienated instinctively.

Even though he was sitting here, it seemed as if he wanted to fly into the sky the next moment.It, the virtual elf, actually felt that the other party was not real.

Seeing that the elf climbed onto his table and stared at him to drink, Jiang Ping stretched out a finger to tease it, gently pushed him down, then turned it over with his fingers and pushed it over, "Little guy, do you want to drink too?"

Seeing this, the little elf who was being rolled angrily bit his finger, unable to shake it off.

At this time, the assistant who was working on the side looked over strangely. In his impression, this little guy would not be so naughty, and would actively tease others.

"Sir, have you just arrived on the 21st floor?"

Jiang Ping nodded, and he looked around, "Just arrived here, the scenery is very good, so I stayed here for a while. You don't seem to be a person who has lived here for a long time, and you came down from the upper floors for vacation?"

The scholar nodded, opened the virtual panel in front of him, and moved down from the tree table. The vigorous branches that made up the log table were entwined and connected to Jiang Ping's table. The green liqueur arrived opposite Jiang Ping.

"I'll buy you a drink."

The scholar opened his hand downwards, and the electronic elf, who was biting Jiang Ping's finger, glared at him angrily, turned around, climbed onto the master's hand, and sat on his shoulder again.

"Then have another glass of Blue Galaxy." Jiang Ping waved to the waiter, without refusing, he came and went as he wanted.

Soon a cup of blue liquid, the fine wine that evolved into the galaxy and the ocean was served.

Jiang Ping drank a glass with the scholar, closed his eyes and sipped the fine wine.In an instant, it was as if the big bang of the universe reappeared in the taste buds, the crazy black hole devouring desire bloomed in the throat, and the white hole of infinite matter erupted between the heart and lungs.

If you have a real body, your scalp may be numb to the point of blowing up. Even the soul body has an illusion that you are floating in the sky, not in this world, and soaring in the daytime.It is indeed the signature wine of this tree root tavern.

"Good, good, good."

Jiang Ping, who opened his eyes again, sighed three times, and looked at the opposite scholar again, "Give me a glass of wine, and I will naturally return the gift. Seeing that your spirit is unstable, the frequency is up and down, and you have troubles at work recently. Where? Tell me, it might help."

"Can you see my mental state?" The scholar was a little surprised, as if he was very proud of his own strength, "Do you know which floor I came down from?"

Jiang Ping put down his wine glass, naturally he didn't know which floor he came down from.

"I just came down from the galaxy turntable on the 89th floor, where several god-level evolutionists just held a strategy meeting, planning to break through the black brain of the universe on the 90th floor. Are you sure you can help me?" The scholar also raised his hand With his own green wine glass, he looked at the chaotic world around him with a slightly complicated and worried look.

"But what you are thinking about is not conquering Aincrad, nor evolving your own body and soul, but other things." Jiang Ping said flatly.

"Yes, I recently, no, I can't say recently, but since I was very young, I looked up at the starry sky, holding this doubt, is our world real? After growing up step by step, the more I understand, the more confused I am , especially after talking with a light man, he asked me to decipher the ultimate question of how big the universe is, which deepened my confusion.

Does the edge of the world contain the truth of the universe, the secret of the world?Whether our world is man-made or accidental, it seems that there is no man-made phenomenon at present, but considering that in the conversation with Guangren, he had a lot of scruples and mentioned the four words "God's Forbidden Zone", I have to think, maybe there is really a statue God of Creation of Light.

It's a pity that the two sacred relics from ancient times have not been found. I don't know if they are in the universe or on Gaia.If they exist, it might clear my doubts. "

Does every top scholar go from science to philosophy? After listening to the doubts of the scholars, Jiang Ping thought in his heart that the 89th floor is already the highest floor that Gaia can conquer, and it represents tens of billions of Gaia. The top handful of people, and from the perspective of history.

"Actually, I think you're putting the cart before the horse." Jiang Ping kindly reminded the other party.

The scholar was very puzzled by this answer. He asked: "Why did you say that? Isn't it what we are after to seek the truth? If I didn't have this thirst for knowledge and exploration, I wouldn't have come to where I am today. "

"I think that instead of focusing on studying the illusory reality and fiction, it is better to devote ourselves to the practice of evolution. Pursue the end point, and the answer may come from nowhere." Jiang Ping carefully looked at the contemporary strongest man, sincerely advice.

"You mean that the end point of evolution can answer my doubts?" The scholar pondered for a few words, then shook his head, "It's too far away, and now we Gaians have just left our parent star, produced controllable nuclear fusion, and barely realized Energy cycle, capable of interstellar travel.

It doesn't take tens of thousands of years just to explore the universe and conquer the universe, let alone the continuous evolution and transformation in the end.The difficulty is too high, the time span is longer, and there are so many variables that cannot be guessed.Even with my supernatural intelligence, I can't live so long. "

He paused and continued: "The most terrifying power in the world is time. In such a long evolutionary history, mine will also age. In the end, unless it is transformed into a special energy body similar to data, I will not be able to reach the last step, but this It’s not what I want, to get rid of and become data life, energy life, and even imaginary life, although it was very strong for a while, it lost its diversity. Losing humanity, to a certain extent, also cut off the possibility of its own evolution.”

"It seems that you want to take a shortcut." Jiang Ping commented.

The scholar frowned, as if he was in conflict with his evaluation. It is not a good word to take shortcuts on the road of science, because it often symbolizes the failure of rushing for success.

"I just want to realize my dream in my lifetime." The scholar said as he took his last sip of the green liquid.

He stretched out his finger and pointed at everything around him. This action threw off the electronic sprites on his shoulders, but the scholar said indifferently: "Look at them, look at everything around you. If you didn't know it a long time ago, this Skynet world The middle is constructed by data and mental power.

Can you imagine that the tree chairs we sit on, the wine we drink, and the space and air are all virtual?I just wonder if our world is just another game of fake. "

The more you know, the more you will be confused, and those who don't know will be fearless.

"Well, let me tell you a story, maybe you will understand my consciousness better."

"what story?"

""Blue Bird"

Since childhood, there was a wealthy and healthy little prince. He obviously had everything in the world.But I always feel that I am not happy, and I am depressed all day long.So the king and queen who loved him called a wizard to enlighten him.

The wizard said: "Happiness is a blue bird, you only need to lock it in a golden bird cage, and you can get what you want."

So excited, the little prince went out of the palace with a golden birdcage to look for birds, regardless of his parents' objections. He traveled through mountains and rivers, suffered a lot, and was deceived by others. After decades, he found nothing in the end.But when he returned home, he was surprised to find that the happy blue bird was in his home.

There is no place to find when you break through the iron shoes, and it takes no effort to get it.It's a pity that after such a long time away from home, his parents have passed away, and the blue bird that was still at home suddenly flew away, and the little prince couldn't catch it anymore. "

After Jiang Ping finished telling this not-so-long-not-short story, he looked at the scholar quietly.

The scholar pondered for a moment, recalling the meaning of this fable in his mind, "I have never heard of this fable, and it is not found in the legends of the major ethnic groups in Gaia, but there are similar stories, this is not something you just made up, right? ?” the scholar asked suspiciously.

Jiang Ping put his finger on the log table and tapped: "You don't know, it doesn't mean you don't have it."

Scholars are too proud, thinking that they have a lot of knowledge, and there is no story that they don't know.

"Instead of frantically looking for the answer, it's better to keep improving yourself, maybe you can find it by accident along the way." The scholar muttered, still reluctant in his tone.

Seeing this, Jiang Ping had no choice but to point out the way for him in the end, "There are many shortcuts you want to take. This planet contains the most precious and powerful treasures in the universe. As long as you make good use of it, you can find any answer." .”

"What treasure?" The scholar asked immediately, and the electronic elf who climbed up from the ground along his heels also looked curiously.

Jiang Ping stretched out his hand, "Look at everything around here, there are so many people and great strength, aren't these the strongest treasures of Gaia?"

The scholar is very smart, and immediately knew what Jiang Ping was referring to, "You mean the collective subconscious spiritual sea? But the problem is that we have used this sea to build a Skynet network that is not inferior to reality, and it has been brought to the extreme. The dead people live in it forever, and they continue to provide power for the development of reality. It slows down our family fortune."

"No, no, no." Jiang Ping shook his head, "What do you think Xinghai is? What you are using now is only one percent.

Do you know where this boundless sea of ​​subconscious minds was born?It was the beginning of the universe, and this planet was born when it was still a scene of hell. With the appearance of cells, and the birth and death of creatures, this sea of ​​stars continued to grow, and was gradually replaced by the first generation of Gaia civilization, which is also the first generation of cosmic civilization. Understand that hairy people use it.

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