In the video, a high-tech robot beats its steel body with a mechanical arm, making a cold joke to everyone, and the netizens who are watching almost frighten their mouths.No matter how big their brains are, they never imagined that today's players are in such a life form.

"Abandon the body of carbohydrates, but choose to upload consciousness and turn it into a replaceable steel body? Wonderful, there is a similar idea on the earth. I didn't expect Byron on the other end to realize it in advance. It is convenient to reveal what he used Principle?"

"Is this robot Byron, or his clone? My brain is too small to understand his current life form. It exists in the CPU of the computer, or is it a data ghost."

"There is nothing incomprehensible. Knowing that God and the Emperor of Heaven are not, they are scattered like stars and gathered like a ball of fire. He can be a robot, or he can move to a computer far away from the ocean. How fast his thinking is, his speed is How fast."

There is a fierce debate on Byron's current form on the Internet. Whether it is in Gaia or the earth, this is a new life form, pointing out a way for the earth people who are stuck in the confusion of longevity.

"The human body is a "machine" made of carbohydrates. It grows by absorbing nutrients from the mother's body, and then grows and ages in the outside world. The body organs age step by step. There will always be problems with various organs.

And what if our bodies were replaced with replaceable robots?Don’t be disgusted and objected instinctively. You know that in the field of sports, due to years of overload training, many outstanding athletes have ankle and knee problems. They have replaced them with alloy bones, and they will replace them step by step, discarding the original parts. And organs, isn't this a robot? "

A master in biological longevity took the opportunity to gain insights on the Internet and give a speech for his theory.

"From the feet to the neck, strip and replace step by step, and replace all the old and diseased organs, it sounds good, but what about the most important head? Our soul consciousness is the most important thing. Just like the computer cpu and software.

Without solving this problem, mechanical immortality will always be empty talk. "An opponent replied.

"Simulate the structure of the human brain to create the original mechanical brain? But human organs are the same. In fact, there are no two identical leaves in the world. This technology content is too high. Through the three major online games, we know that the human body is indeed There is soul consciousness.

In the extraordinary world, powerful people fly into the sky and escape from the earth, their souls wander into the void, their souls leave their bodies, and absorb the energy of the world to continuously grow themselves.When we decipher the mystery of the soul, we can truly control life and death.Who said that only the body has a lifespan, but the soul has no lifespan? "

The Byrons are in Gaia, but there are legends about him on the earth. The topic of immortality can always stir up the deepest string in everyone's heart.Life is alive, birth, old age, sickness and death cannot escape.

After seeing the online video, the people in Mifang searched his belongings more carefully.Byron did record a bit of information in his books, either in symbols that only he could understand, or by accidental scribbling of a sentence or two in his notebook.

But these were enough to make scientists ecstatic. Soon, Byron's relics were classified as top secret, copied and distributed to major research laboratories, and the originals were sealed and kept in the highest-level research base.

They need to go through Keto's life experience from childhood to adulthood to decipher what his random symbols represent.

But soon, the top scientists of the American Empire discovered something embarrassingly. Although a few of them were indeed experimental conjectures that Gaia was conducting, most of them were just his inadvertent scribbles and had no real meaning.

Byron's deeds not only caused a sensation on Earth, but also shocked the world on Gaia.At present, the robot Byron is being reported by reporters, showing his new life form to all Gaians.He = said that breaking away from the shackles of the world is more beneficial to our development of space.

There are no problems such as birth, old age, sickness and death, or organ aging.

It is said that some high-level people are indeed thinking about the interstellar voyage is too long, it can take hundreds of years at every turn, the supplies carried by the fleet are limited, and it will be consumed if it is frozen for a long time. What if we just entrust the network to the computer and use robots to explore?

During such a long interstellar voyage, not only will they consume less energy, but they can also entertain themselves in the computer and research new projects, which is not a waste of life.

"Hehe, Byron is very bold, or did it happen by accident?"

Feng Jizhen, who returned to his research room from the North Pole, also turned on the computer, and was surprised to see the status of his old friend.

Christina on the side handed over a cup of coffee. She looked at the robot on the screen and asked, "Is it really okay for him to do this? It feels like he has lost his humanity. He doesn't have the five senses of a creature, and he can't enjoy the fun of eating, drinking and having fun."

"Who said that? If he wants to taste delicious food, he only needs to input the corresponding electronic signal. All kinds of emotions and desires are more convenient than ours." Fenghuang was really surprised.

"But these are all fake. If it were me, I would definitely not change into a mechanical body. I always feel twisted, and there are still so many delicacies in the world that I haven't tasted." Christina said with her hands open.

"What is virtuality? What is reality? For Byron, the electronic signal fed back is his reality, and life forms are no longer the same. Summer insects are indescribable, how can we use our own inherent thoughts to comment on different creatures senses.

Perhaps for him, eating, drinking and drinking are all cumbersome, getting rid of the ruts of the body, devoting himself to research and exploring the universe is his greatest enjoyment. "Feng Jizhen looked at the robot Byron without blinking, his face fascinated.

Christina suddenly felt a little scared, "You will not choose to become a robot like Byron in order to improve your work efficiency and get rid of the troubles of the world."

"No." Fenghuang Jizhen replied with certainty, before the assistant could feel relieved, "I want to transform the life form, and it must be transformed into a higher energy or nebula form."


Angrily, Christina snatched back the unfinished coffee in his hand, turned around and left angrily.It made Ji Zhen sit there with a dazed expression on his face.

"A woman's heart is harder to guess than a black hole."

At this moment, a cute q-version villain emerged from the computer screen. The little god was jumping and jumping in white sweater clothes. He jumped to Jizhen's shoulder, and it suddenly snuggled into Jizhen's ear.

"Hee hee, do you want the little god to tell you a big secret? It's about Byron who just transformed himself into a data life."

Fenghuang fiercely looked sideways, and the assistant was still sulking and had no time to talk to him. He whispered: "The current state of Byron is similar to yours. You are from bottom to top, by collecting people's behavior templates , gradually approaching normal creatures and gaining humanity.

And he is from top to bottom, gradually dehumanizing, and as time goes by, he will one day turn into a real mechanical intelligence.

Naughty little guy, what are you trying to tell me. "

"Hee hee. b( ̄▽ ̄)d"

The little god leaned forward, leaned close to Jizheng's ear, and said softly, "Didn't it be strange to you that Byron sometimes pops up with strange ideas from time to time, which is completely different from our world, and there is a sense of estrangement. This time he transformed into a digital life At that time, although I was very careful and didn’t reveal anything, when my companion Fenglongshen looked for him, he mentioned a name and a planet when communicating with President Meng of the Danxi Federation.”

"Ah? What's the name?" The Fenghuang Jizhen, who has experienced a lot of waves, gave a rare heartbeat. This name may be the hometown of the mysterious three people, Byron, Mengyao, and Fenglongshen.

"Earth." The little god turned somersaults on Fenghuang Jizhen's shoulder, and it showed Jizhen the message that Fenglongshen sent to Mengyao through Skynet in a hurry:

[If you are not on the earth, you don’t know that Byron’s true identity was discovered. He was a researcher at the Rice Base, so his early research was very fast. It was rumored that he had been shot dead!I'm going to see it for myself now. ]

ps: This chapter can be regarded as a private product. I am deeply touched by the death of my elder and the author of the same article not long ago.Immortality has troubled many heroes, emperors and generals since ancient times.The theoretical life span of the human body can live to 120 to 175 years old. , but the problem is that in old age, the body undoubtedly goes downhill, various problems emerge, and various organs rebel.

The mechanical immortality in this article is too far away, and the human body is the most exquisite and suitable body. Unless one day we can figure out the essence of the soul and consciousness, then we can "take away".Otherwise, let's be honest and repair the body that I was born with now.

Many foreigners are sick and choose to freeze themselves, pinning their hopes on the thawing of future technological progress.The editor of Three-Body in our country is the first Chinese frozen person, but I personally think that this method has too many variables, and today's technology is far from being able to completely protect the brain.

Still the same sentence, life is alive, life and death are impermanent.Living every day well is the most important thing.As I mentioned many times in the book, the past is irreversible and the future cannot be pondered. Only grasping the present is the most important thing.The body comes first, and if you can enjoy a year of blessings, you will enjoy a year of blessings.It's a pity that we were not born in the distant future, otherwise, not to mention immortality, a long life is still out of the question.

But then again, if you were born in ancient times, if you don't have enough to eat, you might belch at the age of 40.Sure enough, human beings are not satisfied creatures.

Chapter 413 Mechanical Gaians

"Earth, the United States? Military base, being shot?" Seeing this intercepted message, Phoenix's fierce eyes lit up, and he keenly caught a few key words.

"Earth? Is it a planet in the universe? The name should be a geological planet. Could it be that the aliens they are looking for from the Federation and the United States are right under their eyes and have become our leaders?"

Phoenix has been guessing fiercely, and has known for a long time that the mysterious three people have strange origins. It is said that they are the demon stars who came into the world back then. measure.

Since the establishment of Skynet, they have been very careful in their words and deeds, and it was only this time that they were accidentally noticed by the little god because of an unexpected situation.

Even with the phoenix's fierce head, now I can only imagine that the three of them are from the mysterious star at the other end of the starry sky, rather than visitors from outside the universe.

"I am more and more interested in the truth of this world. Why is the size of the world the ultimate question? Where is the earth? It seems that I have to search for it in this starry sky." On the soft computer chair, hold your head with your hands and look up, where is the ceiling and the starry sky.

Among them, not only the kingdom of light of the fourth civilization is waiting for him, but also the mysterious earth.

Time is passing, on Gaia, because Byron was reincarnated as a data life, and a new race - mechanical Gaia was born.They are mainly transformed from a group of people who have no talent in cultivation and scientific research. Since they have no achievements in life, they can only watch the time of death approaching. It is better to transform them into data and pursue reality and value in the virtual.

Not to mention, because of the birth of the mechanical Gaians, the Gaians who were originally resource-strapped are all Yisong, and there are many more mechanical Gaians in various dangerous industries and space exploration.They are not afraid of hardships or tiredness, 007 every day, moved the capital predators who have been educated in the iron fist of democracy to tears, and shouted "Savior!"

They paid money and technology to transform the sick Gaians into mechanical Gaians, and then according to the contract signed in advance, or set up a secret door, let the mechanical Gaians work for them day and night, it only takes a short time For a small fee, you can reap the rewards that you don’t need to eat, don’t need a place to live, you only need to provide a cheap body (robot), and it can do things for you forever and produce value for you.

They are very high-quality labor force, much smarter than the robots controlled by ordinary intelligent systems, not so rigid, no different from ordinary people, and have whimsical ideas.

Who doesn't like such a capital savior?

A keen scholar has discovered this social phenomenon, and he feels a familiar sense of sight inexplicably. At the last slap on his thigh, he suddenly realizes that this is not a replica of the previous dark slavery era?

"Nowadays, major groups forcibly hire machine Gaias to work, and even set up programs to modify their self-will to seek their own interests and escape the supervision of God's system. Isn't this phenomenon the restoration of ancient slavery?"

The scholar's speech made everyone pay more attention to the rights and interests of the robot Gaias. The original robots controlled by the two major intelligent systems did not have the diversity of artificial intelligence after all. Only human beings know people best.

"Now my machine Gaia has become an existence that cannot be ignored on Gaia. It is growing stronger and stronger. It is time to fight for my rights."

Byron, the leader of the robot Gaians, also noticed the disadvantages of getting along with the native Gaians. He began to act, lobbying politicians with his influence, and contacting Fenglongshen, Mengyao, Jizhen and others. In order to establish a constitution to protect the rights and interests of machine Gaians, they also need human rights.

"Indeed, our society needs diversity. The civilization of the Gaians is not divided by regions, blood genes, etc., but the same civilization inheritance. The Gaias are also our companions."

Finally, under the activities of Byron, Gaia's highest federation passed the "Machine Gaia Protection Law", this law confirms that the machine Gaia enjoys civil rights, and no organization or individual is allowed to forcibly interfere with his consciousness, otherwise it will cause harm , Coercing ordinary people is no different.

The determination of this method has increased the number of Gaia machines. Many people are surprised to find that when they reach their age, they will die of illness and old age. Why don't I use a machine to scan my brain consciousness and directly transfer my soul to Skynet to start a second life?

In just ten years, in the streets of Gaia, there are bionic Gaia robots who are the same as the surrounding humans talking and walking. Their appearance is the same as that of ordinary humans, and their outer skin is a special bionic skin. Daily activities only need energy. , no need to eat and drink, much simpler than humans.

In the dangerous space, many robots that operated by programs were not capable of delicate and dangerous tasks, but everything is different after the Gaias are transformed from humans. Differently, even in a more difficult and dangerous environment, he can work meticulously without realizing the pain at all.

Mechanical Gaians have been integrated into every corner of society, and have become an important part of Gaia civilization.

Netizens on earth were very disappointed about this, "What about class antagonism and racial hostility? I thought that after Boss Byron transformed into a robot, he would lead the ever-growing robots to overthrow the genuine Gaias and let the world enter The world line of the mechanical age.

Unexpectedly, the two races live in such harmony. Byron's ambitions are too small. Obviously, he can become the helm of a civilization. "

Those who have good things wanted to watch a good show, but who expected the conflict between the two races to be resolved so easily. After generation after generation of propaganda, the Gaias after death are transformed into machines, and their consciousness is uploaded to the Internet. They can live another life without consuming much resources. , benefit the whole society, and solve the problem of aging.

"No one is a fool, let alone the Gaia elite who have lived for hundreds of years. They all have the same goal of developing space, so how could they fight?"

"It's a pity that Mr. Byron didn't share such an important technology on Earth, otherwise we would have enjoyed immortality in advance." Someone expressed regret.

"Without the five senses and without human desires, is such a long life really meaningful? Life is better than death. Anyway, if I am transformed into this life form, I would not even be willing to die."

There are two kinds of voices on the Internet: support and opposition. Generally speaking, everyone is more willing to transform into a robot.

"You are a dead duck now, and you will not know what great fear is until you really touch death. At that time, the instinct to survive will overwhelm everything, not to mention the real transformation into a robot, you will have no such troubles, no emotions and desires desire."

Jiang Ping naturally noticed such an important matter long ago. In fact, he has also touched on this aspect, "Soul digitalization, Byron completed it with the help of external objects. In fact, he can also use himself to complete this step, because the material Interconnected, energy conservation."

Jiang Ping has now gone through several times of world calamity, recovered points, and his cultivation has reached the peak of legend. He is also a big man in today's atrium. Stronger than peers.

Even the Creator God of Light, which represents the good side, was cut out, so one can imagine how powerful his spirit is.

Jiang Ping closed his eyes and sank into his mind, only to see that his own sea of ​​consciousness was vast, and sitting cross-legged in the center was a Creator God of Light emitting infinite light. His height was unknown, and the world around him was like a dream bubble. Born, die with thought.

This time carefully observing Byron's reincarnation into a data life gave him a lot of feelings. This kind of retrograde transformation from a normal creature to a virtual creature is also the first time for Jiang Ping. Buddhist and Taoist scriptures that explain the spirit, soul, and thoughts emerge like a stream, flowing in the heart.

"Exploring Dharma, there is no form and no supremacy. The harmony of yin and yang, and the rotation of the world"

This scripture is exactly the method of proving Taoism in a dream created by Amitabha Buddha. The Taoist guide back then also created this method, but it was not perfect. Laojun tied.

But later, he was delayed because he founded Buddhism and betrayed Taoism. Even so, he was allowed to deduce the Three Thousand Buddhas, the Pure Land of Ultimate Bliss.

Different paths lead to the same goal, many places have something in common, countless fantastic ideas arise in his mind, Jiang Ping gradually changed this side door to the way of enlightenment, and changed it into an appearance that Amitabha Buddha did not even recognize

The cause of today will surely bear fruit in the future.

Chapter 414

Jiang Ping, who has watched the spectacle for a long time and witnessed the birth and death of the world for countless times, will be enlightened by the player's reincarnation data life.Jiang Ping, who was originally practicing meditation, fell into a deep sleep unconsciously, his body maintained the most relaxed posture, and his mind sank deepest.

Sleep can be divided into light sleep and deep sleep, and mind wandering is also divided into deep and shallow. During sleep, body functions fall into the lowest consumption, such as the hibernation of an old tortoise. At this time, Jiang Ping, who is on the earth, has already lost his mind.

In the dream, the scriptures of Dao Dafa kept beating in my mind, and unconsciously, another scripture of various schools of thought also emerged from my heart.

Jiang Ping's consciousness gradually turned into a colorful butterfly. The colorful butterfly was like a dream or an illusion, or real or fake, fluttering the butterfly wings and dancing. At this time, I don't know whether Jiang Ping changed into a colorful butterfly, or the colorful butterfly dreamed about Jiang Ping.

This beautiful butterfly is flying in the streets and alleys of this county, wandering in the laughter of children, and even naughty children are playing with it, but this beautiful butterfly easily got rid of the children's grasping, Spread your wings and fly in the sky.

Soon, the colorful butterfly also appeared in Yongchang City, which is adjacent to the county seat. The colorful butterfly stood on the roof of the moving car without any fear of life amidst the heavy traffic.The dense cameras above obviously didn't notice this little guy.

After the car drove for a while, the butterfly spread its wings again. This time it arrived in a bigger city, and soon it was seen in the Forbidden City of the capital. It hid in the corner of the ancient eaves and looked down quietly. A curious tourist.

It flapped its wings lightly in the capital of China, and a storm had already set off on the other side thousands of miles away.When it flew again, this time across the ocean.

I don't know how long it has passed, maybe one year or ten years, the colorful butterflies traveling across the ocean came to the other end of the well-known building - the Statue of Liberty, it stopped on the torch of freedom, quietly looking at the sea of ​​mortals below.

It has forgotten time and space, and it has appeared in every corner of the earth, even in the restricted areas of life, there are colorful butterflies. It has seen penguins fishing in the icy Antarctic continent, and Eskimos in the arctic frigid zone. Walk on ice and snow.

In the humid Amazon rainforest of Brazil, it played with tree frogs, teased anacondas, and fought against poisonous insects, having a great time.

It also wanders in the depths of the ground along the underground tunnel, where there is no sunlight for many years, but there are ancient creatures. The ancient species that have been extinct for thousands of years on the surface live in the depths of the ground. They rely on the landforms to escape natural disasters. lingering in the great migration of life.

It is a wind that dances to the songs of children.It is a rain that falls from the sky and moistens everything.It is also a speck of dust, wandering in every corner of the earth, everywhere.

The butterfly that wandered around the world did not know when it returned to AS. The butterfly sneaked in through the crack of the door, looked at the young man lying on the bed, and suddenly felt a little confused. It instinctively stopped at the youth's on the shoulders.

"Who am I? Where do I come from? Where am I going?" Caidie was confused, and after thinking for a long time, it finally remembered that it seemed to be this young man.

"I am Jiang Ping, dreaming about the earth, I am the one who returns all things."

Searching for the parent star, it becomes itself again.But the butterfly did not return to her body, but set off again. This time, its journey was very short, and it flew gently to a glass fish tank not far away, where the water flowed slowly, and bubbles surfaced from time to time. Goldfish, little gold and little white are wandering.


As if seeing an uninvited guest, the arrogant Xiao Jin flicked his tail, jumped out of the fish tank, and teased the butterfly.The butterfly shook, and the two beautiful butterfly wings danced along with the crystal water drops. One by one, it plunged into the fish tank with a plop.

Just when Xiaojin and Xiaobai thought they would have an extra meal today, the colorful butterfly that jumped into the water disappeared, and two fish wandered around in the tank without finding any trace of it.

In the small universe of another dimension, a trace of space ripples appeared, very subtle. If it was in the fourth era and conquered the universe, the light-brain god at its peak might have discovered it, but now it is still slow in Gaia's God system But the Heavenly Dao System couldn't detect it.

On the contrary, it was Honghuang at the other end of the space, thousands of miles deep underground. The ancestor dragon who was transformed into the earth's veins instinctively moved his whiskers, and the eyelashes on the dragon's eyes fluttered, but he couldn't find anything after all, and he didn't open his eyes.

On Gaia, in the city of steel, there are large screens and network interfaces on the streets, and there are bionic robots reincarnated as mechanical Gaias working. Their appearance is no different from ordinary people.In recent years, the technology related to robots has advanced rapidly, and there will be progress if there is demand.

There are also native people practicing martial arts on the playground, and there are pure-bred robots walking with slightly stiff movements and metallic luster on the surface.

In the sky, dense satellite belts surround Gaia. Huge aircraft carriers and interstellar spaceships stand quietly in the space, carrying mechanical Gaias one by one. They will take on the most dangerous space exploration tasks.

Most of their consciousness is entrusted to each space robot, but there is a backup in the computer of the mothership, and there is also a back-up on the Skynet main hub of the mother star.

Now that the Gaias have reached the end of their physical lifespan, they have not evolved and have broken through the limit of life. The vast majority of people over 99% choose to use super-powered scanners to digitize their soul consciousness and start their second life on the Internet again.

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