Falling into the official fate, Kito couldn't believe it. The more he understood human beings, the more he knew how cruel they were to his own people. The next moment, Kito, who was being detained by George, was violent. He seemed to be the strongest martial artist at the moment. He jumped up with his hands and feet, and a punch hit George's chin.

With one kick, he kicked the pistol away from his hand, and kicked the pistol far away.

George didn't expect the frail Kitto to have such good skills, and immediately let out a scream, and Kito turned and fled, not in love with the fight, and he didn't care about his luggage.

"Rooters! Run, everyone!"

While running, Kito yelled, and sure enough, his words worked. A passerby had already seen the pistol that was kicked away, and some people ran away screaming immediately. Because of the order of the president, criminal activities have soared, and the people have been killed. It was a frightened bird, and the scene suddenly became chaotic.

And Kito naturally took advantage of the chaos to escape, "Damn it!" George, whose wrist was kicked and dislocated, flashed a ruthless look, watching the big fat sheep run away?


He bent down decisively and pulled out the spare gun from under his feet, loaded it and opened the safety, and aimed a shot at Kito who was running further and further away.The next moment, Kito, who was running away, felt a sharp pain, and fell into a pool of blood with a snap

"Am I going to die? I still have a great job to do, I want to live forever, Gaia, polar bear, phoenix, fierce, heavenly game, Mengyao reincarnated"

The confused Byron couldn't hear the screams from the outside world, and all kinds of different worlds flashed through his mind like a marquee. Suddenly, the last chance of salvation flashed in his mind, and his eyes gradually looked at his wrist with dull eyes. On the smart watch, his bloody fingers trembled, and he tapped the watch a few times lightly.

The hidden Gaia icon re-manifested, and he clicked in with the last of his strength.

"Please confirm whether you want to be reincarnated in another world? Special warning, this reincarnation is irreversible. If you want to return to Earth, you must continue to evolve until the end."

Chapter 411 Special Reincarnation

Keto, who was lying in a pool of blood, had not yet had time to finally click OK, and his blood-stained arm was no longer able to hang down. When he was dying, he heard the noise around him. It seemed that someone was constantly surrounding him. He vaguely heard someone shouting " Ambulance", "Help someone!", "Be careful with that madman, he still has bullets."

I didn't expect my life to end like this. Keto, Gaia's Byron, whose consciousness was chaotic, still couldn't forget the word "sure".

The next moment he was in a coma forever, "Hey, the reincarnation has been confirmed. Given the special status of the player, this time is a special reincarnation."

"Drip~ woo~, rip~ woo~"

On the street, police cars were dispatched in an emergency, just because Vegas is a well-known gambling city, and the security measures are very good.As soon as someone called the police, the police were dispatched within 3 minutes, and George, who shot the gun, ignored the others, hurriedly grabbed Kito who had fallen to the ground, and pinched his main artery. This thick man in military uniform was heartbroken.

Originally, he just wanted to hurt him, but in a fit of anger, he wanted to teach him a lesson, who would have expected such bad luck.

Seeing the approaching police car and the surrounding people pulling out their guns for defense, this big man who has been in the army for a long time fell into confusion. At this time, he confessed that the person he killed was Gaia player Byron , or don't confess, just treat it as an ordinary murder case?

"!" When he received the report from his subordinates and finally found the player Byron, before the commander was happy, his blood pressure shot up rapidly in the next moment, and he couldn't help but swear in public.

The commander swept away the documents on the table angrily, and cursed: "How do those people who get paid do things? I let them find the player and let him cooperate with our work, not let them kill the player How can there be such a fool in the world!"

The vice president said with an embarrassing face: "Byron is in our military. He was discovered because he borrowed the base computer for experiments in Gaia in the early days. This time, he had already retired and left the base. Because he was Discovery, the discoverer George wanted to claim credit for himself, so wounded him.

Unexpectedly, the luck was so bad in the end, and it was impossible to rescue after being sent to the hospital. "

The commander cursed and asked the vice president to call the idiot chief, and at the same time ordered the best troops to search Byron's residence and relics. He put his last hope on the player to record important things in reality .

Paper can't contain the fire, when such a big event happened in the United States, some insiders already broke the news on the Internet: "Shocking Secret!The mysterious player Byron turned out to be a member of the Mi Fang community and had been shot! "

This super big news, like a tsarist nuclear bomb falling into the Pacific Ocean, set off a turbulent sea in an instant.The topic of the killing of Gaia player Byron quickly spread across the major communication communities, sweeping the global charts in less than 10 minutes.

"Fuck!!! ∑(?Д?ノ)ノ, who can tell me if this is true or not? Are Americans crazy? Good players are going to be killed? Don't they know that every different player is Is it precious? Every death of a person is a loss for all human beings, and when all the players in the world they live in die, then our earth will also lose the news of that plane.”

"Now we only know the result of Byron's killing. There should be countless intrigues in it. How he was discovered and why he was killed is still unknown. The first thing to be sure is that Byron on Gaia Is it really out of touch."

"Fenglongshen, boss, contact Byron quickly, you always have to take care of your health, if one is not good, we will lose the coordinates of the most important technological world." Immediately someone summoned Fenglongshen, asking him to quickly confirm the matter true or false.On so many domestic and foreign platforms, the topic of Byron's murder dominated the headlines, and many people already had a bad feeling in their hearts.

If it is not 100% sure, it will be so hot that there is no wind without waves.

Long Shao: "No way, why did the good guy kill people? Just because he didn't cooperate with your work? Or did you want to forcibly control him and accidentally killed him by mistake? No matter what the process is, the result is that Byron died. I just want to ask People on the other side of the ocean.

If you act like this, will there still be players who will trust the official in the future?Will you still believe me?Even if they find something amazing, for their own safety, they will not risk revealing it.What a bad start you have made! "

Many existing players were also shocked by this news. They sat in front of the computer with heavy expressions, and the rabbits died and the foxes were sad. This time, the United States found the players and killed them. What about next time?What if they are found?At this moment, someone thought about the dream of Hualuo after reincarnation, maybe leaving this world completely and choosing to fight in another world is not a bad plan.

There is no place to stay here.

"Deeply shocked and condolences, I never thought that the Americans would treat us players so irrationally. It seems that your hegemony is not only over other countries, but also over your own people. The previous search campaign has caused a sharp increase in the number of deaths in the country, and now it has finally led to The consequences." Hill's Ning Tianjiao also left a message online.

Many American netizens saw it and quickly defended it: "Please don't misunderstand netizens and players from all over the world. It's not that we Americans can't tolerate different ideas and talents, but the prejudice of a very small number of people!"

Because of this incident, the support rate of the commander-in-chief plummeted, and he was so anxious that he immediately handed over the culprit, George. At 19 o'clock in the evening, in the prime time, on abc TV, George, who shot Byron, was openly interviewed by everyone.

At that time, the male host asked directly: "You found out his identity, why didn't you talk to him first, but instinctively regarded him as a hostile party, and finally even drew his gun to shoot. Loss. How will players actively expose themselves in the future?

If you think about it seriously, even if you obtain knowledge that can change the entire human race in another world, you won't contribute it.Because this is nothing more than increasing risks and troubles for yourself.

George who was sitting on the side raised his eyebrows and said: "Because I feel that my life is threatened, his movements are very agile, not at all like a researcher who has been working in front of the computer all year round, but a master of martial arts. I believe this is his I learned it on Gaia, and in order to protect myself, I instinctively fought back."

Obviously, during the interview, George didn't feel disturbed because he shot and killed the player. Facing accusations and scolding by thousands of people, he also expressed his apology on the show, repented in public, and even knelt down, begging for forgiveness.

"Go eat shit! He regrets it, he regrets it! He just regrets not catching Byron!" Someone yelled directly.

"Wang Bo started the game, but in the end he ended up with two losses. The fundamental reason is that he is hostile to the players in his heart. He only regards Byron as a tool to climb up, and never thinks how important his existence is to all human beings." .”

Cang Qiong: "To be honest, I felt chills after reading the interview of the player who shot and killed the player. Players who travel through different worlds often share their skills and techniques, but in the end you rewarded us with the same. I sincerely advise every colleague, and later Readers, pay attention to your words and deeds, and don’t expose yourself on the Internet or in reality. People’s hearts are unpredictable.”

The cute loli also came out: "Hey, there is a sense of sadness in my heart. Fortunately, I am not arrogant enough to expose my real address. If I can't deal with us on the Internet, I will be physically destroyed in reality. It's a pity for Byron that I didn't die in Gai In the struggle for hegemony in Asia, he died at the hands of villains in the end."

Players expressed shock and regret one after another, which made netizens even more angry and excited. There was another parade on Ami. Pedestrians wore masks and held up the sign of "Protecting the Wealth of the Whole Earth", occupying city squares and streets. superior.

Some people even went to rush to buy 0 yuan. Gradually, the activity changed a bit. The dead player Byron was not a simple individual, but a social phenomenon expressed.

Faced with such an increasingly violent situation, the commander-in-chief resolutely put George in prison, and soon he was charged with "crime against humanity", "intentional homicide", "unlawful injury" and other crimes, and was punished for several crimes. He was imprisoned for 999 years.

On Gaia, Fenglongshen, who received the news, was anxious and hurriedly sent a message to Byron through Skynet, "Is Byron there? There are rumors that something happened to you. If you are here, you must call back."

The information sank like a rock, and Fenglong Shen's heart sank like a meteorite.

"You guys deal with things first, I'm going to visit the polar bear."

Immediately, Fenglong Shen bid farewell to the staff of the approximate organization, and hurriedly boarded the flying saucer, intending to go to the United States of Polar Bears to see if Byron's player body is still there.

In Fenglongshen, I got on the flying saucer and drove on autopilot. Just after leaving the mainland, I received a message from Mengyao: "What happened? Why are you going to the United States of Polar Bears all of a sudden?"

"You don't know that you are not on the earth. Byron's true identity was discovered. He was a researcher at the Rice Base, so his early research was very fast. It was rumored that he had been shot! I will go to see it in person. look."

On the other side of Gaia, Mengyao, who was dealing with affairs in the presidential palace, was taken aback for a moment. She didn't expect that Byron's identity had been leaked and he was dead. This news also shocked her.Mengyao, who is in a complicated mood, feels that her choice is not wrong.

Fenglongshen's speed is very fast. Now that the technology is advanced, the flying saucer is supersonic, and the material is isolated from the air. As soon as he arrived in the United States of Polar Bears, he broke into the glass building of the Byron Group.

"Where's your boss, Byron?" Fenglongshen is a celebrity. He used to be a national hero in the Eastern Continent. He was the first president.

The staff also knew that the boss had a close relationship with him, so they didn't dare to be negligent, so they hurriedly contacted their colleagues, and after careful inquiry, Fenglongshen received the worst news, "The boss fainted in the studio last night, and he hasn't regained consciousness yet. He is currently being rescued at the hospital.”

No one knows what will happen to the player's body after the death of the controller in reality, will it be controlled by the original automatic consciousness, or will it die completely in a coma and become a vegetative state?

Fenglongshen might know this time, seeing is believing, so he resolutely took the flying saucer to Byron's studio to have a look at him in person.

When he saw Byron's real body after coma, Fenglongshen only felt dizzy for a while, and he didn't see him for a short time, why is there a separation between heaven and man?The world is unpredictable, if there is no accident in the game, it will be bad luck in reality.

"My condolences." Others comforted Fenglongshen, thinking that he was sad because of the loss of a friend.

"According to our latest scanning equipment, we can't find that something is wrong with Byron's body. It's still fine, but there seems to be a big problem with his soul. It's more like someone's soul has disappeared, leaving only a vegetative body." There is a senior The doctor said strangely that Byron's condition was also an unsolved mystery in their view.


Fenglongshen, who was looking at Byron's body, suddenly received a message. He walked to a corner, swiped his finger, and brought up his own Skynet personal interface. The next moment, he was taken aback by this text message:

"Hello, Fenglongshen, you acted very quickly. Could it be that the news of my death has already spread over there? I am not dead. Strictly speaking, the other side of me is already dead. I chose to reincarnate at the last moment. Just like Mengyao, I am Gaia through and through.

But there is one difference, this time my reincarnation is very special, it may have something to do with my situation at that time.I can only communicate with you through messages at the moment.You come to 112855, my secret base now, and you will know everything by then. "

Wind Dragon God was a little stunned after receiving Byron's news. He didn't die, but chose to reincarnate at the last moment, but it seems that his current situation is very special?

Fenglongshen slid off the personal interface and walked into Byron who was still in a coma. He had a weird face, "Forget it, I will know what's going on when I see him later."

After bidding farewell to the doctor and others, Fenglongshen walked out of the door, boarded the flying saucer, and went to the secret base mentioned by Byron just now without stopping.

This is a remote, undeveloped primitive area surrounded by mountains and gullies, roaring wild animals. The Gaias have the ability to occupy this place, but they enacted policies to protect it in order to protect the ecological diversity, but they did not expect the famous Stream of consciousness scientist Byron actually built a secret base here.

"I've already arrived, and I can't see where your base is."

Fenglongshen stood on the mountain and looked around, his consciousness penetrated into the mountain, and he couldn't find where the base was at all.


Suddenly, not far away, a rock that is the same as its surroundings opened its mouth wide, and the bright sunlight shot in, reflecting the light of metal. The hole was unfathomably deep and hidden secrets.

Seeing this, Fenglongshen stepped into the rock door, and the lights in front automatically turned on, and the rock door in the back automatically closed.

Fenglongshen walked through an icy corridor and arrived at the center of the secret base. He saw a series of high-end computers surrounding it. At this moment, blue lights flashed on the computers, and a line of words appeared, as if welcoming him:

"Welcome to my world. "

"Coming? Very fast."

A familiar voice came from a corner of the computer hall, Fenglongshen turned his head, and then froze.The opponent's state at this moment was completely unexpected to him.

I saw a 2-meter-high steel robot coming out of the corner. His whole body was cast with the latest nano-materials. He was bald and exuded the unique luster of metal. He did not have bionic skin. His head and facial features vaguely resembled Byron’s. Obviously built on him.

Gaia's robot technology is also developing very well, whether it is hardware materials or software automatic control, it is better than the earth.

At this time, the robot's eyes were emitting a blue light, and it was looking at Fenglongshen, and then the robot stretched out its right hand slightly stiffly: "Are you surprised?"

The Wind Dragon God froze for a moment, then reached out his hand and shook the new form of Byron. The cold and hard touch on the palm reminded him that the companions from the earth were indeed entrusted to the robot.

"Can you tell me, what happened to you? How did you become this form? There was a problem with reincarnation, and you can only live on a robot?"

"No," the robot Byron denied Fenglongshen's words in surprise, "I'm not a robot, I exist on every computer in this base."


A bolt of lightning struck Fenglongshen's brain, and Fenglongshen, who had just been sitting on the computer chair, stood up in shock. He looked at the robot in disbelief, and looked directly at his blue electronic eyes, "You, you upload your consciousness Are you on the Internet?"

Chapter 412 Earth

"That's right," the robot nodded, "You know that I'm a stream-of-consciousness master, and my research direction is to upload the soul to the Internet and get rid of the fragile mortal body. Now standing in front of you is Byron's personality, and I am here There is also a backup consciousness in the secret base.

After the accidental destruction of this robot, my consciousness stored on other computers will reawaken, inherit the personality cube, and become the new me.This point is similar to the cultivation method of distracting the mind and splitting the soul. In fact, I also refer to this cultivation method. "

The robot Byron swung his mechanical arm, and explained to his companion stiffly: "It's a pity that Phoenix is ​​not interested in this aspect. Even so, he gave me a few pointers, which benefited me a lot. You may not know this epoch-making The importance of genius.

I can say this, if Phoenix really puts its interest in space exploration in the direction of uploading consciousness and sharing the network, then our Gaian civilization may abandon everything in the world, upload consciousness for all members, and turn it into pieces of data to survive in the world. in the network.

In reality, only robots are active, so the shortage of resources and energy will be greatly alleviated. "

Byron, who has become the No.1 consciousness uploader, now really regards himself as a Gaian. He has always been interested in the direction of mechanical immortality. Now Fenglong God listens to him and wants to distort the entire civilization. Fenglong God The corner of his mouth twitched:

"Your brains are quite big when you upload the consciousness of all employees to the Internet and turn them into mechanical humans. Although this requires very little resources, civilization only needs one computer to build a network, but you don't think this will lose evolution. Diversity? Be careful that the ability to resist risks is too weak. If you encounter any cosmic virus, all members will rush to the street.

At that time, there is no way to escape. "

Talking about this topic, the robot didn't feel bored, "Don't think I'm joking, I deduced it on the computer after I was reincarnated. If our journey of space conquest encounters obstacles, it will be too late to break through the solar system and colonize alien planets .Then the resources of the mother star are constantly being consumed, and the Gaians are likely to follow the path I said.

At that time, everyone's consciousness will be transformed into a piece of data like mine, and live on the Internet.To put it bluntly, human soul consciousness is only formed by relying on the activities of brain cells and neurons.Replace the hardware human brain with a computer cpu, and the kernel software is still ours, so what is the difference? "

Wind Dragon God shook his head, thinking that the reincarnated Byron might have been stimulated, and his thinking was more extreme, "If the millennium bug appears again, if it can't resist, then the Gaians will be wiped out. Why don't you be a good person? Do, go be a robot.

In the future, I don't know what is ups and downs, and I look pitiful. "

Based on his understanding of Byron, although the other party is obsessed with mechanical immortality, he will not risk his soul to be lost in the experiment. He is not a phoenix.

"It's a long story, and it's not what I want." Then the robot and the wind dragon god talked about what happened on the earth not long ago, and they were reincarnated after dying on the earth, "That's it, and this The secret base is where I secretly built and tested the consciousness uploading technology for myself, but I didn’t expect it to be used one day.”

"What will you do next?"

"The earth can't go back. I will be a Gaia from now on, and I will only fight for this world. However, if I have the opportunity, I still want to return to the earth network. After all, I am already in the form of data, and it may be easier than you to return. There is still me there. something needed."

Obviously, this unexpected change on earth has dealt a heavy blow to Byron.It is difficult to draw a dragon and a tiger, knowing people and faces but not knowing the heart, who would have thought that he would die in the hands of an officer he was familiar with in the end.Now he is essentially just a string of data, a string of codes, which is different from other creatures, closer to God and the Emperor of Heaven.

Talking with Byron this time, Fenglong Shen was deeply touched. He had been here in the third era, and now he has spent more time in Gaia than Earth, and the boundary between virtuality and reality has blurred. Has been reincarnated, and he is the only one left.

Fenglongshen suddenly thought of what she said when interviewing Mengyao, "I firmly believe that one day, the barrier between dimensions will be broken, and the two realms will be connected."

I don't know what will happen to this day, Fenglong Shen shook his head and bid farewell to Byron, he needs to be quiet.

On the Earth Network, "It's confirmed, Byron was indeed killed on Earth." Wind Dragon God replied with certainty.

His real hammer made netizens and other players angry, and they all demanded that the person who killed Byron be severely punished, but George had already been sentenced to 999 years by "Crimes Against Humanity", and the judge had no choice but to add another 100 years.

"However, Byron on Earth is dead, but Byron on Gaia is still alive, and it is a new life form." Fenglong God's words made everyone puzzled.

"Boss, what do you mean by that? After he died on Earth, he was reincarnated in Gaia? Then, can Byron return to Earth?" A netizen asked. .

No one knows what will happen to players from the heavens after being killed, but it seems that Byron is the best experiment this time?

Fenglongshen smiled without saying a word, and simply uploaded a recorded video on the forum.

"Hello netizens from all over the world, I am the player Byron who has been rumored recently. Now I am living a very good life on Gaia, with no worries about food and clothing, delicious food, and good health."


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