Phoenix fiercely put his hands in his pockets, and looked away from the space, "I have communicated with the descendants of the fourth civilization, they exist in a corner of the universe, waiting for us to explore and discover, they should be an advanced civilization whose members are all gods .”

Such an important discovery, Jizhen didn't tell anyone, Christina immediately asked for details, but unfortunately, Jizhen said helplessly: "I don't know much, I just met one of them by chance to explore the stars. Staff simply communicated.

I also don't know why such a powerful god-level civilization disappeared completely on Gaia, leaving only simple descendants.He just passed through the solar system and warned me not to go back in time, which touched God's forbidden zone.According to my guess, they should be destroyed after touching the penalty area.

The destroyed fourth civilization did not return to Gaia, and their descendants are now stationed in a hidden corner of the universe, which is the [Kingdom of Light].And after finding the Kingdom of Light, Gaia's lost history can be completed. "

"No wonder you are so concerned about space development recently. It seems that you want to find the location of the Kingdom of Light. I heard from you that the descendants of the fourth civilization are highly evolved. After we find him, will there be no war?" Christina asked worriedly.

"Compared to destroying us, they are more interested in finding the truth of the universe and deciphering the ultimate problems." Phoenix laughed at himself fiercely, not worried about a war with the Kingdom of Light.

Christina was curious, "What is the ultimate problem? Our universe is the intersection of impermanence and impermanence. Even God and the Emperor of Heaven can't calculate the laws of some starlight and tidal wonders in the universe. The current mainstream view is from At the beginning of the big bang, this universe was disordered and chaotic, and its entropy continued to increase, destined to reach the end of destruction. Just like the millennium bug."

"As entropy increases, is the universe doomed to destruction? Everyone, including you, thinks this is the truth, but science is the process of exploring the truth and breaking the truth. I don't think so. Nothing is eternal." Phoenix fierce Zhen turned and walked towards the tent.

Christina was still chasing after her, "You haven't told me what the truth is, what is the ultimate problem."

"It's a very simple and very complicated question. How big is the world? Even if you don't have a simple world view, how can you talk about conquering the universe." Sulky assistant.


"It's strange. I didn't see the black shadows and mysterious people I met at the end of the fourth era. Are they really not from the fifth era?"

Jiang Ping, who was teasing the goldfish in the fish tank, said curiously that no one, including the descendants of the Kingdom of Light, would have thought that the civilization of Atlantis was not destroyed by himself, but died in the aftermath of other people's battles.Of course, the reason is that they challenged themselves, causing space-time chaos.

That may be the most powerful person in the small universe that Jiang Ping has created so far, so he is naturally curious.Focusing on the Gaia civilization that had walked out of the parent planet, he focused on the two virtual gods.

The ubiquitous Skynet is like Gaia's thin garment.After careful observation, Jiang Ping felt that God and Heavenly Emperor were not like those two.

Jiang Ping rested his chin on his right hand, "The two of them don't look alike. Could it be that there will be an omnic crisis and an intelligent rebellion in the future?"

Shaking his head, Jiang Ping still felt that it would be wonderful to just wait and see what happened. Everything that should be there will be there. At least now it seems that the civilization of the Gaias is developing quite well. The descendants of the Kingdom of Light have also noticed the new birth Civilized races, they choose to observe silently and do not intervene.

The sea of ​​stars is too vast. This era is just like the era of the first great geographical discovery. Nothingness, emptiness, and infinity are filled with emptiness. The shining stars seem to be close, but the real distance is astronomical.Looking at the stars and running to the dead, the Gaians can only slowly build spaceships and find shortcuts.

"It is impossible to travel in such a way of death, and it is certainly impossible to conquer the boundless universe. Just like the ancients directly relied on flying to surpass and run, we need epoch-making technological products."

Farsighted scientists have proposed to unite all forces of Skynet to explore the mysteries of the void.There are also quite a few Gaias who have rare space and even time talents. As long as the base is large enough, there are all kinds of weird talents.

The teleportation in the space talent was noticed by the troubled scientists. With the help of Skynet, they discovered that the teleportation is to use mental power to sense the fluctuations in the surrounding space, and then take advantage of the situation to shuttle, like passing through a wormhole.

"Curvature flight? Space is not a complete plane, but has ups and downs, and we can naturally use this to take shortcuts. Otherwise, relying on purely frozen navigation, when will we get out of the solar system?"

It has to be said that there are talents with space talents for research, and there are two super artificial intelligences to help with calculations, and even more epoch-making geniuses have also joined in. The creation of space engines is not as difficult as imagined.

According to news from nowhere, the mysterious Gaia civilization of the previous generation exists in a corner of the universe, and they are waiting for the Gaias to visit.Phoenix Jizhen, who has always been proud, also joined the big project of developing the space engine.

The scientific and technological projects on Gaia naturally also attract the envy of people on earth. The two planets are extremely similar. Apart from the metaphysical superpowers, most of the physical constants are similar, and the principles of science are always correct.Naturally, some people shouted on the Internet, "Boss, other players are cultivating immortals in the wilderness, because the reality is that in the end of the Dharma Era, you can't fly to the sky and escape from the earth.

The same is true for Hill, but the foreign object technology on Gaia has not been resisted. The trajectory of civilization development is very similar to reality. In addition, the time flow rate of the two worlds is different. Gaia technology, which was originally lower than the earth, has now surpassed it.Now it is even more necessary to develop a space engine that spans the century.

Their purpose is to conquer space.To tell the truth, we earthlings are currently trapped in our home planet, and trying our best is nothing more than planting a flag on the moon, and we can't even build a base.Even our neighbor Mars can't reach it. It's still the same reason, the universe is too big and big.

Seriously speaking, every planetary civilization will encounter such a dilemma.And if we find a way out before exhausting the resources of our mother star, we may end up starving to death on a barren planet.

Boss, do you think you want to feed back the mother star and share the technology?Anyway, there is no loss for you. "

Many people on the Internet liked this answer, and many people flattered below. There are only four players in Gaia. Except for the white-haired chief who left the game early, among the three existing players, Mengyao has been reincarnated, and only Fenglong is left God and Byron, it's a pity that the two were careful and did not reveal their real whereabouts.Naturally, they can only plead with soft means.

Regarding the sharing of Gaia technology and making the earth achieve great scientific progress, Byron discussed with Fenglongshen. He suggested, "I don't understand the real thoughts of the producers, let alone take shortcuts and be careful. They don't know the importance of struggle and underestimate technology. Instead It’s the culprit. It’s better to be safe, so let’s not disclose it lightly.”

So no matter how greedy the netizens were, the two players remained silent, anxiously secretly scratching their heads one by one from different official research labs. It was obviously the biggest opportunity for the technological revolution on Earth, so why couldn't they just leak it out?

"It's not good to be soft, but to be hard."

Someone was secretly looking for clues of the two Gaia players again, stripping away clues from their previous online messages, and constantly narrowing down the scope.It's a pity that if it was really so easy to find out, they would have been controlled long ago. Now in reality, only one Long Shao knows their true identity, and they are still protected by the state.

They can only judge Fenglongshen and Byron, one is the ancient country in the east, and the other is the Citi country in the west, which happen to represent the two major powers on earth today.

It is said that when the people below reported that the two players did not cooperate and did not share scientific and technological information, the general who had just recovered from a serious illness and collapsed was furious, "We are in the greatest country on earth, but we are reluctant to share it. They He is truly the biggest sinner on earth! He will be engraved on the pillar of shame in history!"

His wife, who was also sick with the disease, said worriedly: "After experiencing this torture, we know the importance of good health. No amount of money and wealth can buy a good body. Darling, there are means of prolonging life in the three games, Among them, Gaia's potion is the most likely to be realized.

Not just for us, but for all of humanity. "

There is one thing she hasn’t said yet. Actually, it’s for the elite class, because even if Gaia’s life-extending potion formula is obtained, it will cost a lot of money to synthesize materials from other worlds that are not available at all with earth molecules. It is impossible for ordinary people to afford injections. Very few people at the top of the social pyramid can afford it.

Rather than letting Gaia players contribute their knowledge to benefit the society, it is better to say that they are a group of big capitalists who have gathered 80% of the wealth in the United States to prolong their lives.

This time, the personal illness had a profound impact on the commander. Before, he thought he had a team of doctors for conditioning, and his physique was excellent, but it was only when he came into contact with death that he felt fear and awe, and fell on the hospital bed with weakness and pain.

Now that he has finally recovered, he naturally thinks of prolonging his life, preferably immortality.Throughout the ages, this idea has been the dream of many people.

There was no chance in the past, but now the mystery of longevity is hidden in the magical game, in which the health-preserving potion ingredients can be obtained on Gaia, but the exchange window between the earth and Gaia only has two players.

"Order to strictly investigate Byron's whereabouts. Fenglongshen is an Easterner, and we are not easy to find for the time being. But Byron is sure to be in North America, and investigate who has been hiding at home recently. If there are any abnormalities, beheaded first, and then killed. Make no mistake!

For those who find Byron, in addition to the major rewards from the state, I personally reward 1 million US dollars! "

The commander-in-chief issued a presidential order to find the mysterious Byron at all costs.

The desire for longevity and health made him irrational. The interest groups behind him, financial predators and other big capitalists raised their hands in support of the president's actions. Rich as a country, but also old, taking 500 million pills a day is useless to prolong life.

There was no chance in the past, but now there is a chance of longevity, which naturally attracts everyone's greed.And before the discovery of the blue enchantress in the sacred mountain of Huaxia Kingdom, the effect of the elixir developed was also verified, which made them even more ecstatic.

For a time, an undercurrent surged in North America, and the euphemistically called "sweeping homeless people, census numbers, and maintaining law and order" was vigorously carried out. An unemployed homeless person who was sleeping on an overpass or on the street was rudely kicked out by violent agencies.

An otaku who was playing games at home looked at the gate in horror. There was an uninvited person there, who kicked the gate rudely, and pointed a gun at his big man policeman.The promised territorial freedom is now gone.

"I can't breathe, Mom."

One of the black men, who was playing PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds at home, was crushed by two big white men on his neck and body, and was pressed to the ground crying bitterly. Even though he was crying, the white policemen still did not relax.

"Check what game he is playing, whether there is a "Gaia" icon on the desktop, and whether he has made any reactionary remarks on the Internet." The white police officer who was leading the black man's neck said coldly to his companion.

When the third companion slowly checked his computer, everything was cold.

"Bang bang bang!"

The sound of gunshots echoed in the streets, and the actions of the police officers naturally provoked many criminals who committed disasters. In order not to be checked and not sent to prison, they started a gun battle. This caused frequent riots in Citigroup, and the number of casualties continued to rise.

The predators behind the scenes don't care about all this. They don't live in the community, but have their own heavily guarded luxury villas. They are protected by ten bodyguards with live ammunition when they travel on weekdays, and they don't harm themselves. ?

At this time, in a desert base in North America, the tired Keto had completed all the resignation procedures and was packing his personal belongings to leave forever.

"Goodbye. I'll retire from the military. Let's have a drink together." Kito bid farewell to his colleagues holding his cardboard box. In the tight base, there are soldiers with live ammunition guarding them. They are meticulous and guard the safety of the research room.


Passing through the inspection gate, Kito let them search. He had no hidden secrets on him, and the mobile phone with the "Gaia" icon had already been moved away. He would not make such a low-level mistake.

"Pass, congratulations."

The officer in camouflage uniform saluted him, and Kito returned the salute with a smile, picked up his cardboard box, and walked onto the desert off-road vehicle specially used for him.


The off-road vehicle shoveled sand, kicked up a pile of yellow sand and started to drive away from the base. Its goal was the city closest to this desert, Vegas, and Kitto also booked a ticket in advance, and he will take a plane away from Vegas tonight. After arriving in New York, what no one knew was that after arriving in New York, his next plan was to fly away from Citi Country and reach the Maple Leaf Country in the north, where the land was vast and sparsely populated, and he lived in seclusion where no one could find him.

Keto, who was sitting in the off-road vehicle with a cardboard box in his arms, thought about flying to the other side of the dimension, to Gaia at the other end, but for some reason, something bad arose in his heart.

"Kito, you're walking really fast."

In the rear base, an officer in charge of Keto lamented the departure of another companion. He instinctively turned on the surveillance video and began to trace the records. Seeing that something was wrong, the officer immediately sat up straight.

Chapter 410 The First Player Killed

In the surveillance video, Kito’s figure disappears from time to time, which is normal in normal times, but now that he has resigned, it is intriguing.Beware of doubts in your heart, how strange your ordinary and ordinary behavior may look like.

"Could he be a spy?"

The officer first guessed that Kito was sent by other countries in order to investigate military intelligence. These alone are not enough to make a judgment, but combined with Kito's recent state of affairs, the more the officer thinks, the more he feels a little strange.

So he began to replay the video continuously, and began to look for Kito's strange behavior. The daily work continued. computer, intending to check it out in person.

Googling the history of computers himself, the officer found that Keto seemed to have used computers for a number of other experiments.

"Huh? Didn't you check the database?"

The more and more confused chief realized the seriousness of the problem, and the spy he thought was overthrown. At this time, he didn't dare to think that Kito was the big Byron player who was offered a sky-high reward by the commander.

"Sir, why did you come here? Could it be that you still can't bear Keto."

The other researchers were surprised by the officer's actions and greeted him.Regarding this, the chief seemed to ask unintentionally: "Kituo is doing a good job here, why did he suddenly think of resigning, did he talk to you on weekdays?"

My colleague recalled a little bit, and felt that Keto was as usual, "He just felt that he was too tired to study at the base, and wanted to go out to find his own dream. Everyone has their own choices, which is also understandable. Recently, it seems that he is indeed mentally out of order. Concentration has dropped, I'm too tired."

The chief nodded, and continued to search the computer. His eyes suddenly shrank and saw the key incomplete data. In the computer simulation of Gaia's experiment, even if the data history is deleted, there will always be clues.And this trace of key historical data will be overwritten in two days. I didn't expect the officer to really notice his strangeness, and found that he deleted too much data.

"This data is not right. It seems to be calculating something else, not an experiment on the earth, and the parameters are different." The officer's heart suddenly thumped, and an incredible idea appeared in his mind, "Could it be that the commander is offering a reward, and the data available on the Internet is not the same." The sought-after Gaia player Byron is right under my nose?!"

This idea is not without boldness. It was only recently that the Grand Commander offered a reward and searched for mysterious players across the country.

Thinking of the president's huge dollar reward and the country's glory, the officer was so excited that he could not control himself, and the opportunity to reach the sky in one step was in front of him.

The next moment, he tapped the keyboard with two fingers and deleted the remaining data on the last computer. He turned and walked quickly to the door, picked up his gun and car keys, and walked to the gate of the base.

"Application to go out."

The officer took out his own license, his authority was obviously higher than others, and he drove out of the base in a jeep soon.

Speeding fast, according to the car mark of Kei Tuo's departure along the way, the officer stepped on the accelerator to the bottom, and the car raced all the way, rolling up dust and sand and rushing into the distance.

That's right, he intends to take this great achievement all by himself!One step to the sky, the opportunity to get rich overnight is in front of you. Every time you share it with others, you will lose a reward. On a larger scale, it is a different concept for one person to catch the third player and a group of people to catch it.

"Get rich and I'll be an all-American hero!"

The chief officer's eyes were bloodshot and his heart was beating excitedly. He never thought that such a huge treasure was right under his nose, and he didn't even notice it during the day.

"I'm such a fucking fool."

He scolded himself angrily, but he didn't notice it during the day, and finally found out.In a hurry, he stepped on the gas pedal and raced again.It's not far from Vegas. Once Kito got off the off-road vehicle and hid in the metropolis, how would he find it in the vast crowd by himself?

I can only report to the organization helplessly, will this huge contribution still be my own?Will the award recipient and national hero appearing on the big screen be himself?

"Hehe, it will definitely be cheaper than those old guys."

George, who secretly scolded his boss, was counting bullets while driving. He planned to capture Byron alive, and breaking his leg would be the safest way.

Kito, who was sitting on the off-road vehicle, obviously did not expect that just behind him, the original boss, George, was already chasing him down.

While chatting with the driver, his eyes drifted out of the window, his mind was no longer here, but in the distant Gaia.

Now he is also doing well in Gaia, and he can be called a scientific research predator. He not only formed his own scientific research team, but also founded a technology group.Gaia is different from the earth, the status of actors is not so high, scientific research is paramount, and great scientists are the idols of the whole people.

Byron was fortunate to be the first group of people to improve their genes, which also benefited from his friendship with Fenghuang Jiong, betting on the protagonist of the planet in advance, and befriending him.It is also related to the great contribution made by borrowing the base computer at the beginning.

"Thank you both."

Soon the off-road vehicle also arrived in Vegas, and Kito bid farewell to the two drivers with his luggage.No matter how hard Chief George pursued him, he still couldn't catch up with him.

Leaving the base, Kito strolled into the city in a relaxed suit, and behind him, the off-road vehicle quickly turned around and returned.

Unexpectedly, within 5 minutes of the return journey, the two drivers escorting Kito saw the green jeep coming towards them, and a familiar person got out of the jeep.

George stuck his head out of the car window, looked nervously at the off-road vehicle and asked, "Where's Keto? Where did he go?"

The driver who was returning also got out of the car window and replied in confusion, "He just got out of the car and left. Do you have anything to do with him?"

"No, he just leaked something at the base, and I'll return it to him." George didn't talk nonsense with them, and stepped on the gas pedal in a hurry.

The two drivers looked at each other and shrugged, not knowing why he was in such a hurry.

Kito walked unhurriedly on the outskirts of Vegas, and there was already a lot of traffic on the main road. Although this city is located in a remote place, it cannot bear to be a world-renowned casino city.


At this time, there was a sound of a whistle behind him, and he instinctively looked back, his eyes narrowed instantly, and he recognized the officer's car.What is he looking for at this time?

"Hey, dear Kitto, how did you go so fast that you forgot about it."

George smiled and opened the car door, and walked towards Kito with an iron box in his hand. Kito took a closer look and found that it was really his own, but it wasn't such a valuable item. When did the officer become so enthusiastic?

George walked into his side in three steps and two strides. Before Kito could think about it, a cold pistol was pointed at him from behind the box, "Don't move, I already know who you are, Unexpectedly, the famous and mysterious Byron was right under my nose.

Follow me honestly, I guarantee you are fine, if you dare to escape and resist, shoot and kill immediately!Don't think I'm joking with you again. "

Kito froze for a moment, "Sir, what are you kidding? I'm Byron. I haven't left since I was in the base. Have you been watching too much news lately?"

Chief George sneered, pointed a pistol at him, and took out the silver handcuffs from behind, "Don't tell me anything, the evidence later will prove everything."

Hmph, the super player who changed the earth, I just took care of it with one pistol. The triumphant George grabbed Keto's wrist roughly, and was about to buckle him.

"What's wrong?"

Keto's face is as usual, but his heart is already turbulent. His biggest flaw is that he used the base's computer calculations in order to take advantage of the first experiment in Gaia. Therefore, he was impressed by the leadership of the polar bear and laid a solid foundation. It may be the reason why he was discovered by the chief.

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