Afterwards, the civilization rose and fell several times, and the most precious civilization crystallization left over from the transformation is this boundless spiritual sea, which is the diamond of the universe and the beauty beyond the world. "

The scholars on the opposite side were dumbfounded, completely unaware that the spiritual sea they had already used had such great potential.

"Just go ahead and develop it. The crystallization of all civilizations at the beginning of the birth of the planet, the biological consciousness, and the collective subconscious spiritual sea are much stronger than you imagined. The consciousness of all living beings is imprinted, and the fate of cause and effect is in it!" Jiang Ping said with certainty. .

Chapter 416

"Maybe we have never really understood this piece of collective subconscious spiritual sea that is not inferior to the starry sky. All Gaians, including me, only care about looking up at the sky, but forget to look down." The scholar suddenly realized that he knew What I have overlooked, the way to break the situation, lies in it.

"Don't be happy, everything has two sides. This sea of ​​stars has accumulated the imprint of the soul at the beginning of the universe, and it also carries countless darkness. It is like a super nuclear bomb. I gave the launch key to How you use it depends on what you think."

Jiang Ping got up after leaving the last sentence. In the lively tree root tavern, there was a stream of people coming and going. The scholar sat on the spot and chewed his last sentence carefully. When he came to his senses, he could only watch To the faint back of that person just now.

"Sir, where are you going? I still have many things I want to ask you." The scholar immediately got up and wanted to chase.

Jiang Ping, who was getting further and further away, waved behind him and said goodbye to him, "Go to the Hongyu Palace to see, the fate between you and me is over, there is nothing more to tell."

The chaotic crowd crowded in, and the scholar lost his trace. He fell down on the tree seat, echoing the conversation with the mysterious man just now, and then Guanghua turned around, and a stream of blue data flowed from him, tearing off the camouflage , the scholar showed the original appearance, and the electronic elf on the shoulder changed its appearance after a naughty flip.

"Yes, it's the fierce Phoenix!"

"Master Jizheng, you must sign me, you are my idol."

The tavern, which was already noisy, was even more excited because of the scholars showing their true faces, and even the tavern owner was shocked. This is the most prestigious person in the world, the strongest person and the most intelligent person with the planet's highest honor, the Order of Gaia.

On his shoulders is the famous and exclusive q version of God. Because he solved the crisis of the millennium bug, he has the maximum authority of the two intelligent systems. Skynet has built a virtual area network for him, and allocated a part of the computing power to assist him. He studies.

All Gaians firmly believe that the Phoenix is ​​the treasure of the Gaia civilization and will lead them to conquer the stars and the sea.

Seeing the commotion of the crowd, the ferocious figure of Fenghuang who was sitting on the spot was blurred, and thousands of data streams passed by, he went offline directly.

"I was on vacation as I wished, but would I encounter such a thing, Spirit Sea? I underestimated it too much."

After offline, Fenghuang Jizhen woke up in his newly built brooch studio. He was lying on a comfortable computer chair, with his hands crossed behind his head, and he began to look up at the ceiling again.

Of course, this time with the movement of thoughts, the ceiling became transparent, and stars shone down from the sky.

"I don't like to be blocked by something, just like a projection simulation, which is unreal after all, so let's remove it."

Following the fierce order, the transparent cover on the head began to retreat slowly, and the brooch research room became an open-air research room, directly connected to the starry sky, and the breeze blows in.

"What's the matter, I want to see space again, do you want to bring your astronomical telescope?" Christina came up to the side and teased, "Didn't you just go to Skynet to relax, and you came back so soon."

Still looking up at the starry sky, the phoenix with stars and seas in his eyes really doesn't know what he is thinking, "I went to the Tree Roots Tavern on the 21st floor for a drink, and chatted with an interesting person. He reminded me not to just care about Looking up at the stars, sometimes you need to look down at the ground.

do you know?The earth under our feet is equally thick, not inferior to the starry sky. "

Fenghuang Jizhen turned his head and said to his assistant with a smile, it can be seen that he seems to have found his target, and he is in a good mood.

"Huh?" Christina was rather puzzled. "The vast universe is in front of us. What else can compare to it? The ground under our feet is just an insignificant speck of dust in the ocean of stars."

"Ocean of Stars." Fenghuang pointed out something viciously. He returned to the peak period full of thirst for knowledge, full of motivation, "It seems that I am busy again, and I need goals in life."


In a virtual world that is wider than the real Gaia, Jiang Ping climbed to the top step by step, stepping into this legendary tower that symbolizes miracles and the spirit of Gaia.

He has waded in the poisonous fog swamp, and he has also run in the wild mountains stretching for hundreds of thousands of miles. He has also fought with the opposite sex inside the star warship full of science and technology, and he has also fought in battle armor on the ancient battlefield of warriors. The endless death skeleton generals fought fiercely.

Aincrad has one hundred floors, each layer is different, and the styles are very different, making it dizzying.There is no doubt that this great building is the culmination of the Gaian civilization and symbolizes the diverse fantasy of the fifth era.

When he reached the 49th floor, Jiang Ping chose to cheat. He transformed data into a soul, and turned into a butterfly in his dream. He turned into a piece of data and merged with his surroundings. This method has never been imagined before. You can transform yourself from matter to energy. Is it a string of codes?

There is no data life in the prehistoric world, and naturally the gods and demons in the sky did not create such exercises. Similarly, Hill, Gaia in the sci-fi world, frequently builds signal bridges and creates virtual worlds.

Between the intersection of data and the entanglement of consciousness, a virtual world was born.Although the essence of the virtual world is a string of data codes, who says it is not the case in reality?

In the eyes of Jiang Ping, who has evolved several times, the world is not ordinary in the eyes of ordinary people, but is formed by the confluence of countless different lights and particles, just like cats and dogs can't distinguish blue and red colors, human beings can only observe part of the world's truth, ultraviolet rays Even if they can't be observed, who can conclude that the world Jiang Ping sees now is real?

Maybe when his real body evolves to the end, when he looks back, he will be surprised to find that the entire universe is also composed of data.

Jiang Ping, who cheated all the way, was obviously much faster. The 50th floor, 60th floor, and 70th floor

He finally reached the pinnacle that the Gaias can reach as mentioned by Phoenix Fierceness - the 89th floor of the Galaxy Turntable.

This is made by an intelligent system simulating the spiral galaxy where the Gaia star is located. In the slowly rotating big turntable, there are gorgeous palaces built one after another by the stars. There are very few evolutionaries who can reach here, and they are all famous in the Gaia civilization. exist.

President Rumeng, Fenglongshen, Phoenix Jizhen, Steve and others, Jiang Ping, who was walking under the turntable of the galaxy, saw that Byron, who had completely reincarnated into a data life, also built his own palace on one of the planets , for him, maybe this is the real "home". In reality, Gaia is just a simple station, and it only stays for a while, not for a long time.

The small planet where Byron is located has a diameter of 3 kilometers, and it is full of dense high-tech buildings. The whole star seems to be wrapped in steel. Strange steel and crystal buildings stand tall. Robots come out to work and clean the streets from time to time.

And these are all composed of data codes. In this world, as long as you have enough authority, computing power, and imagination, you can build any world you imagine.

Jiang Ping looked through the layers of firewalls set up by Byron, and saw Byron who had returned to the original appearance of the earth. He seemed to have returned to the earth. The interior of the building where he was located was all earth-style buildings. The base looks like.

"I have turned into a data life, so I should have an advantage over others. At least my life is not so fragile. Where there is a network, there is me. I am immortal. It is a pity that I cannot return to the earth network. If I did not Instead of dying, boldly reincarnate as a data life in the game.

Can the game reflect reality by then?After all, I heard that the sky, which borrowed the Chaos Clock as its body, seems to have acquired special abilities in reality, and they exchanged many secrets in the alliance of "Earth's Earliest Cultivators". "

Byron has been studying how to return to the earth. He wants to use the power of his body. Even if he can't return to the surface of the earth, he can first invade the earth's network. If he successfully invades, he can plant seeds on the earth's network and prepare himself for immortality. body.

After losing an important port, he couldn't communicate with other players from the heavens, and his eyes went dark.

"Are the two players after reincarnation still considered players?"

Jiang Ping, who conducted the experiment himself, was also considering whether to give Byron and Mengyao a chance to return to the forum.

Unlike Byron who has been seeking to return to the earth network, on another Danxi star on the 89th floor, in the exquisitely carved jade palace, Mengyao realized her original queen's dream here, and it seems that she and Feng beside her Shi Wan is so happy that he doesn't think about Shu, and has no intention of returning to Earth at all.

At present, the top group of Gaians are trapped in this layer. Not only are they evolving, but the skynet is also being enhanced with each passing day. Layers of calculations are constantly changing. Today, God and God have long been invisible to the Gaians.

The boss who broke through from the 89th floor to the 90th floor is a cosmic black brain entrenched in the center of the galaxy turntable. It looks a bit like an octopus, but it has so many tentacles and a weird head.

This tentacle of cosmic darkness can penetrate into people's brains, depriving them of their knowledge and consciousness, and it has stumped many god-level figures.As long as it is not defeated instantly, it will continue to absorb the knowledge and power of the god-level elites and continue to evolve.

Jiang Ping didn't bother with the big octopus, but chose to teleport up, and the next step was the last ten floors that no Gaia had ever set foot on.

Jiang Ping, who had just entered, could only feel the rolling clouds and mist around him. It seemed that many places had not been figured out, and the whole world was like the beginning of heaven and earth.Chaos, indistinct.

"It seems that the two of them put most of their energy on other projects. Anyway, no one has conquered this place yet. If we really get here, we can calculate and build it in an instant." Jiang Ping saw through the plans of the two intelligent beings.

Jiang Ping was a little disappointed that most of the domains hadn't been calculated in the last ten floors, so his speed was faster and he pointed to the last 100th floor of the Red Jade Palace. This palace made of blood has a very high status in the hearts of all Gaia people High, symbolizing the end of evolution.

Because they are often looked up to and worshiped by people, the Emperor of Heaven and God did not cut corners here, and the construction was perfect.

Glory is cast in blood, and victory symbolizes glory.This is the end point of evolution, the hub of heaven where laws meet, the highest point where the emperor of heaven and god stand side by side, and the destination that everyone pursues forever.

"In the prehistoric world, this is the deepest part of the way of heaven, where the jade plate of good fortune is located. In Xierli, this is the deepest part of the World Tree, where Lahir and Gaia, the mother goddess of the earth, sleep." In the center of the Jade Palace is the mighty Emperor of Heaven sitting cross-legged on the supreme throne.

This is the first time he saw this domineering emperor with his own eyes, sitting cross-legged in the center of the Red Jade Palace, with the slowly rotating Milky Way galaxy under his feet, and an endless black hole in the universe behind him, the heavens surrendered to his feet, his body was so vast that the universe could not bear it , all gods surrender.At this time, the Emperor of Heaven closed his eyes and did not notice anyone approaching.

Most of his energy is put on other aspects, deifying hundreds of millions, although it is very important here, it is not all, the symbolic meaning is great, in fact, it is useless if no one comes.

"Hehe, in normal games, there should be hidden easter eggs after the strategy reaches this point. If my guess is correct, the second transformation of the boss is that the god will also show up and kill the enemies together."

In the empty palace of the universe, with the starry sky as the background, there is only one emperor sitting alone, quietly waiting for visitors.This is obviously not the task Jiang Ping wants to complete. He took one last look at the eternal Emperor of Heaven and disappeared into the vast virtual world again as a piece of data.

Traveling through time, there was a "plop", and in an ordinary glass fish tank on the earth, there were bubbles splashing, and two goldfish danced in the water, looking for the butterfly that disappeared.

Sure enough, the two fish made a circle and saw the beautiful butterfly again. Before the goldfish was ecstatic, the butterfly was unrestrained, spread its wings and broke through the water and returned to its real body lying on the bed.

Wandering too far away, Jiang Ping, who traveled between the two worlds, opened his eyes again, "How long has it been?"

This was the first sentence he said after waking up. Jiang Ping looked up at the clock. It was 16:52, "I didn't expect it to be even one minute."

This is a dream trip. Jiang Ping obviously felt that he spent a lot of days just traveling the earth, not to mention talking and tasting wine with Phoenix Jizhen in Gaia.

"Time is just a concept that describes changes in things."

Jiang Ping has a new understanding of time. Perhaps in the eyes of higher-dimensional beings, time is a circular circle that goes back and forth continuously. As long as they like, they can travel to any time period at will.


At this time, a ray of light shot out from between Jiang Ping's eyebrows, and a black book automatically flew out of his mind. Jiang Ping was a little surprised. He didn't know why Genesis was activated automatically. It usually only appeared when something happened in the small world.

Turning the pages of the book, the first page of the earth calendar records the major events of Jiang Ping's creation and destruction of the world, which has not been updated for a long time.The last time was when the earth was manifested and the small universe in the fish tank was created.

The second page of the original calendar is directly over.Genesis has turned to the third page of the prehistoric calendar, and the chapter "Hundred Schools of Philosophy" has just been updated here. On the fourth page of the Hill calendar, the legend of the Knight King has just come to a successful conclusion.

And now in the fifth calendar: "The Small Universe in the Fish Bowl", there are new handwritings emerging: "Sleepwalking in two worlds, a piece of alien data that no one has noticed appeared in the virtual skynet, He and the 21st floor forest tavern and vacationing Talking about the fierceness of the phoenix, the contemporary wise man Fenghuang is really enlightened.

The fate of Gaia’s civilization has changed. Instead of following the steps of the previous generation of Atlantis civilization, exploring and conquering the universe step by step, they choose to start digging themselves and the subconscious spiritual sea on the dark side of the planet. Unknown world line. "

After seeing it, Jiang Ping was surprised, how could he have such a far-reaching impact with just a casual sentence.

"It's just a simple inspiration to Jizhen, which can actually affect the fate of a civilization." The world is unpredictable, who would have thought that the inspiration he got from the player's reincarnation, wandering in Skynet unintentionally, changed the Phoenix Jizhen idea.

Chapter 417 Where the Blades Intersect

On Gaia, no one expected that Phoenix Jizhen, who has always been regarded as the guide of civilization, would submit a proposal to the Supreme Federation of "Excavating ourselves, our planet itself is the greatest wealth".

In this 500-page thick proposal, it abandoned the millennium plan of civilization that Jizhen had always advocated to vigorously develop outer space, but returned the focus to its own home planet, and reinvested the resources originally used to conquer outer space own parent star.

"Can you tell me the reason why you suggest we put the focus back on Gaia? With our technology, we have already thoroughly studied the parent star, the sky, the underground and the seabed. Although the parent star was once brilliant, there are previous generations in outer space. Little remnants of Lantis civilization.

But unfortunately, there are no ancient civilization relics on the home planet, and we cannot take shortcuts by excavating the relics.The starry sky is boundless, and the resources are unlimited. Trapped on the mother star is just a cocoon.Only the starry sky is our final battlefield. "

The Vientiane Skynet, the 89th floor of the Aincrad Tower, the Galaxy Turntable, and the decision makers of the Gaia civilization are in a meeting.

It was President Hua Long of the polar bear who spoke just now, and another god-level expert also spoke: "You also agreed to march into space before and find the Kingdom of Light, the surviving planet of ancient civilization. To explore what happened in ancient times, this time Why did Shi’s mentality become so fast and so conservative, don’t you like challenges and pursue the truth the most?”

Everyone was puzzled by the change of Fenghuang's ferocious mentality, and why he had a sudden whim to change the development process of civilization.

"By chance, I got inspired. I mean returning to the stars, not literally, but the dark side of Gaia where we are now, the ocean of stars that has been accumulating since the beginning of the universe."

Fenghuang fiercely stood in the middle of the galaxy, and explained to everyone confidently, "We all know that the land under our feet has existed forever, and more than one mass destruction has occurred.

And Gaia is also the first batch of planets in the universe where civilizations appeared.Possibly even the first one.As for the collective sea of ​​sentient beings' consciousness on the dark side of the planet, we haven't used it at all.The Vientiane Skynet that we are developing now relying on the spiritual sea is just the roughest and most primitive usage.

Even one percent of its ability has not been brought into play. It is estimated that tens of millions of years ago, the first batch of Gaia civilizations had the same purpose as ours. We must pay attention to the subconscious spiritual sea, which is the greatest treasure in the universe. "

Phoenix's fierce eyes were like flames of ambition. He turned around and spread his hands to everyone, "Why do we have to search for resources and codes of evolution in outer space? The greatest treasure has always been with us. Believe me, the potential of the collective subconscious mind is boundless, Not just the current role, not just the two virtual gods."

"Just?" The gods were puzzled, they turned their heads and looked at the bright red palace standing at the end point, only the Emperor of Heaven and God let them look into the distance, and they couldn't step on it, Ji Zhen actually felt that the two virtual gods were just mere.

A burly god circled his head in confusion, "Isn't it already very strong, able to support the operation of our entire civilization, entrusting tens of billions of soul consciousness to live and practice in it at the same time, and to develop it, can it cover the entire universe? ?”

"But now the development of outer space is also at a stalemate. The starry sky is too empty. There is nothing but void. It's better to listen to the advice of the fierce. Put human and material resources on digging the spiritual ocean."

In the end, the gods finalized it, but it doesn't matter if you believe it. The fierce Phoenix has never disappointed people before. They believe that he will not let civilization go astray.At worst, some time wasted, and space can be reconquered later.

In the vast starry sky, there is a huge death-like mothership sailing, and a cold light flashes in it from time to time, symbolizing that he is still alive.

On this day, before arriving at the destination, many robots woke up, "What? Abandon the exploration mission and return to the home planet. The Federation has decided to conduct experiments first and dig the sea of ​​stars."

Many voyage ships carrying Gaian elites have returned, and of course some of them are still completing their missions. The upper echelons have not done everything right, and Gaia also needs extraterrestrial resources.

"It's really strange that the normal development plan for outer space was temporarily stranded, and he came back to eat his own money." Currently, the only Wind Dragon God who can travel between the two worlds of Gaia's earth expressed emotion on the forum.

Many people are sitting and watching the development of Gaian civilization, intending to compare their history with their own.Originally developed well, the mother star can no longer be trapped, so it is natural to go out. This is a long process, but why come back at this time?

"There are treasures that you have overlooked on Gaia? Is there a relic of ancient civilization? Or have you discovered two sacred objects?" Someone asked curiously, this is different from the normal development of civilization.

"No, the previous generation of Atlantis civilization didn't know what to do, and they didn't leave a fart behind. They are currently hiding in the Kingdom of Light in the corner of the universe. The phoenix who was looking for it has also returned home. At present They are recruiting people to form a team to challenge Aincrad." Fenglongshen explained.

"What does this have to do with breaking through the difficulties in Skynet?"

"First of all, we must overcome everything that exists. Phoenix Jizhen has recently put his energy into researching the spiritual sea, and found that there will be special rewards for conquering the most difficult level of Skynet. Just like playing games, you will definitely explode your equipment. The stronger the boss, the greater the reward. big.

Now all the Gaia staff are playing online games, I have to go to a meeting later, and I also want to join the frontline attack team. "


Everyone was puzzled for a while. There are special rewards in the highest level of Skynet. Isn't this set by the Gaians themselves?Immediately, someone grabbed Fenglongshen who was about to go offline to play the game, and asked him to explain clearly.

"Who told you that Aincrad was built by us? It came into being after the construction of Skynet, and it was calculated by combining the highest computing power of the Heavenly Dao system and the God system. We have the highest authority of the network. More than 90 votes from the whole family can forcibly take over the highest authority of the Heavenly Dao and God system.

But if you don't rely on your own strength to conquer and explore step by step, it will lose its meaning and you can't find the answer behind the scenes.Fenghuang Jizhen believes that there is a secret of spirituality hidden behind the 100-story Red Jade Palace. "

Fenglongshen's avatar turned gray and went offline after saying this sentence. The next moment, in Vientiane Skynet and Aincrad's 89th floor, figures kept falling from the sky, and all of them were prominent figures.

"The first attack begins! Needless to say, the fierce leader leads the team, pointing at the red jade!"

As an npc soldier blew the attack horn, a super evolutionary with different auras and real equipment embodied on their bodies flew across the starry sky.

Nowadays, according to the calculation of the intelligent system, it constantly deciphers the rules of the world, evolves itself, and regulates genes. Generations of powerful people have appeared frequently. They have also been inspired by the third eye talent of the first era and opened their own talent.

The figure shuttled under the Milky Way is the famous sniper god. He holds a gun with a diameter of 10. It is a special gray super sniper rifle, and the bullets are also specially prepared.

In addition, Fengshen, Valkyrie and others are all powerful, and together they can make the starry sky tremble and the sea boil, and all these are under the control of the fierce phoenix, and they will kill the boss on the defensive floor.


It seems that they have found traces of their attack. This one is entrenched in the center of the galaxy, like a cosmic black brain devouring the sun, extending tentacles that are more terrifying than the star belt. The black brain shot out.

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