Just use this blow to commemorate the fate and karma between you and me.

【The Judgment of the Lord】. "

Phantoms of elf gods and goddesses of magic suddenly appeared behind the King of Knights. They raised their hands and snapped their fingers, as if the gods punished the world and washed the earth. The goddess glared and the gods made trouble. The majestic momentum crushes the evil enemy!

The pros and cons have always been opposite and integrated, and Angel realized this in the battle with the Four Horsemen of Doom.

"It's too early to kill me! If the Lord God wants to kill me, he will use his own life in exchange for it!"

Infinite black and red airflow erupted from Charlotte's body, and terrifying blood-red ghost eyes appeared all over his body, appearing in the black and red tentacles extending from him, and one of the main arms like a pillar of heaven was even more He held up Frostmourne, and slashed at the King of Knights with a god-killing posture without fear.


In vain, the leaves fluttered, and an ancient ancestor tree that was born in the beginning of the world appeared. Its appearance immediately made the menacing Devil King Charlotte stagnate, and the infinite breath of life extinguished his scarlet ghost eyes. , Burning his ghost tentacles.

This is the power of life that most restrains his energy.

Charlotte's white hair was fluttering, her lower body was like a dragon's beard, and the devil's tentacles struggled with all her strength, blood and tears dripped from her eyes, even the ancient tree of life couldn't make him surrender!

Frostmourne, which was resisted by the tree of life, was still pressing down foot by foot. At this time, Angel's face was already pale, without a trace of blood. She had tried her best, and death had come irresistibly.


The branch of life was cut off, and just as Frostmourne hit Angel's head, the last figure appeared behind her. This was an ordinary god. His eyes were extremely dull, as if he had sensed something. , looked back and saw this place.

In an instant, the mysterious god raised his arm, curled his fingers, and flicked lightly.

——An irresistible shock wave came from behind Angel, and the approaching Frostmourne and demon tentacles seemed to have been hit by the glory of the Supreme God. The black and red tentacles suddenly disappeared, and the magic sword was blown away. The bloody eyes closed in pain, Charlotte, who was so arrogant that she couldn't believe it, watched her demon body shatter in an instant.

This is the real and well-deserved [Judgment of the Lord].

Chapter 406 Saw the Light

Outside the lonely city of London, the loyal knights are fighting against the rebellious knights. The two happen to be incompatible. Loyalty and betrayal. This is the confrontation between the holy sword and the magic sword.

Swords and swords shine in the night, and the ancient city in the distance is like a fallen lion king. It was as glorious as it was then, but now it is as lonely as it is now. There are not one of the millions of people.


At this moment, the void in the outskirts shattered like a mirror. The two knights who were fighting fiercely stopped at the same time. Lance and the frost dragon also turned their heads at the same time.

"How, how is it possible."

Delia showed an unbelievable expression. She saw that the King of Knights who had been restored to his real body was incomparably beautiful, and his blood-stained armor was even more heroic. She was standing on the ground with a holy sword in her hand. Lotte is a hundred meters tall.

There are thousands of blood eyes on the devil's tentacles, and the mental impact from the terrifying blood eyes is enough to make the soul fall, but at this moment, the blood eyes are closed in pain, dripping blood and tears, and the black and red tentacles are dancing wildly and annihilated in ashes.

Charlotte, the majestic king of demons, was completely wiped out under their noses.The Frost Dragon let out a mournful cry, flapping its wings and rushing towards Charlotte's black wreckage.

Having dealt with the enemy, most of the obsessions in her heart dissipated, and Angel staggered, unable to stand still.

Delia's eyes, hidden under the armor, showed a crazy color. There is nothing better than this situation.The King of Knights desperately dealt with Charlotte, and he no longer had a demon king to suppress him. Both sides were hurt. Isn't the atrium his own?

Delia felt that maybe she was the chosen one, two tigers were fighting, and hyenas were fighting for food.However, when her eyes glanced at Lance, the Ghost Beast Knight next to her, she couldn't help but pause. The number one knight of the round table undoubtedly had the ability to suppress herself.

What's more, he was originally a prince, and he was not bad at all in terms of politics and military affairs.With him, he also has no future.

Delia was guessing about the funeral, while Lance stood quietly on the ground, his eyes still looking at the lifeless wreckage of the prince.

"Knight King, how are you?" Bede rushed forward to help Angel right up.

The restored King of Knights surprised him, but his loyalty remained the same.


The frost dragon on the opposite side was licking the black ash on the ground. A gust of wind blew the black ash flying all over the sky. Charlotte was indeed dead enough to die again. Angel's heart was relieved. She felt that her eyelids were heavy and she was exhausted physically and mentally , I really want to go back to the familiar elf forest and sleep forever

"Knight King, do you think you have won?"

Suddenly, a familiar voice came to Angel's side, her tired eyes suddenly brightened, she looked at the black ash fluttering in the wind in disbelief, Charlotte is still alive? !How is this possible, even the soul is so broken that it cannot be broken any more, how can it reappear?

"The attack just now was indeed terrifying, and it undoubtedly took my life."

The black ash is flying, and the black air is flowing in the air. A demon king slowly walks out of the dark city of Dunlon. At this time, the helmet is taken off, and the white hair is fluttering. The white-haired prince waved, and Frostmourne flew from a distance. , he held the sword in one hand, and the sword stood upright in front of his eyes.

"You are very good. You are worthy of my lifelong enemy. You can kill me when you are dying, but that's all. Didn't you ask where the millions of people in London went? They are all in my body, and how many lives do I have?

800w? 900 million? 1000 million?I can't even count them myself.I bear the evil of this world in my body, and all the sins are on my body. I am one and I am ten thousand.The lower realm of the Lord God will also be heaped to death by me. Who can destroy me except the Supreme God?

And the supreme god is the existence of maintaining order, no matter good or evil, I represent the dark side of the world, and I am also a part of the world tree. "

A huge black meat mountain emerged from Charlotte's body, the meat mountain was like ooze, and grimaces appeared prominently in the twisting, these are the souls of the people he devoured.The devil's tentacles reappeared, waving their teeth and claws towards the sky, and scarlet eyes appeared on various parts of Roshan and the tentacles.

At this moment, he is the embodiment of fear, indescribable.The instinctive mental attack caused Delia to stay away in pain. No one thought that Charlotte's life would be so hard.How many people are eaten, how many lives are there.

Angel tried her best and used all her comprehension in her life, but in the end she just ruined his life, and he still has millions of lives.

Faced with such a desperate situation, Angel pushed Bede away and held the holy sword tightly in her hand. Her eyes did not show despair or giving up, but she was still as firm as ever. She was not afraid of death, and she was not afraid of Charlotte's comeback.

She barely stood up straight, holding the holy sword tightly in both hands, and staring at the huge demon opposite, "It seems that whether it is me or the great sage, everyone underestimated you. Your strongest is not strength, but your strength." Immortality. How many lives are devoured, how many lives are there.

I just want to ask, is your heart at peace when you bear the lives and souls of so many people?Is the soul pure? "

Tentacles dancing towards the sky, scarlet and bloody eyes, and indescribable avatars like mud and flesh, they are a mixture of millions of souls, flesh and blood, and different screams and wailing sounds come from them.Charlotte does not simply devour their lives and souls, but uses herself to carry all the evils. He exists in everyone's heart, but does not exist in anyone.

Standing on the muddy meat, the white-haired prince replied: "If you want to become a hegemony, you will naturally have to bear all kinds of sins and pains. In the future, all the living beings in the courtyard will be me, and I will be the courtyard. Everything will reappear in a new posture. There will never be betrayal, all beings are equal, and I will also be the true king of the courtyard, the eternal king."

The tentacles behind him trembled even faster, and the scalps of the blood-eyed people were numb.Looking at the immortal figure standing in front of him, the prince smiled and said: "My favorite enemy in life, let me send you off with the strongest posture, so that you will die without regret. This is also the last time I send you gift."


Charlotte's body suddenly exploded, creating a cloud of blood. No one present knew what his plan was. Soon, the blood flowed, and the whole earth shook. A layer of blood-colored tulle.

"An Qier, this trick is my strongest way to instantly release thousands of souls and souls. I transform all living beings into one. Let your favorite warrior kingdom come and see you off in person!"

In the vibrating earth, plasma surged, blood-colored waves surged, and a bloody sea of ​​​​blood that covered the sky and the sun descended. Terrifying ghosts and resentful skeletons struggled and crawled out of the surging sea of ​​blood. Ever since they were swallowed by Charlotte, , They finally came out to breathe.

"Woooo, I'm in so much pain, my son, why did you kill me?"

The stinky blood mist rose from the approaching blood sea, and the heat wave was billowing. The original Violet King seemed to have been skinned, and the blood-stained Oscar III crawled out of the thick blood river.

"Charlotte, I'm sorry for you, but you wouldn't treat me like this. I'm in so much pain, I'm imprisoned in hell, life is worse than death. Let me die, let me be free." Bloody and bloody, no longer resurrected The formerly beautiful pink skeleton Princess Elizabeth also crawled out of the blood river with her skinny upper body exposed.

"Bang bang bang!"

Suddenly there was the sound of thousands of troops and horses. It was the original Imperial Guard of the Violet Palace. Tens of thousands of blood-colored knights galloped out of the blood river. They held high their black and red spears and held up the red-dyed Violet banner. , charging towards the surrounded Knight King and Bede one after another.

Horrible corpses rise and fall from the sea of ​​blood, the hell revives, the world is like a prison, and a hundred ghosts walk in the night.

Charlotte vomited out all the soul and flesh that had been devoured since his fall in one breath. This was his strongest state and also his weakest state.

Besieged in the bloody sea of ​​resentful souls, Bede guarded the King of Knights with his sword. He couldn't help swallowing. He saw the people of Violet, the garrison in Dunlon, and millions of people in the endless river of blood.This is really terrible, just looking at it makes the scalp tingle, how can a person's body hold so much blood and soul.

Even if you have this ability, won't your spiritual consciousness be confused?Thousands of souls are roaring and howling in your head, won't you be crazy?


Crazy laughter came from the sea of ​​blood, and the entire city that never sleeps was submerged. Bloody corpses crawled out of it, and returned to live in the familiar city of Dunlon. Everything seemed to be the same, except that their life forms changed. change.

In the middle of the sea of ​​blood, surrounded by endless resentful souls, Charlotte reappeared in his golden-haired real body, with a crazy smile on his face, and if you look carefully, you will find that he is crying and smiling again.

After returning to his real body, the world is peaceful, and there are no thousands of souls bursting in his head, but he is still so empty and lonely, only the Frostmourne in his hand can give him warmth.

"Not enough, not enough. I want to swallow the world, the whole courtyard is mine, I want to be the king of the courtyard, and I want to stand shoulder to shoulder with the Supreme God!"

Among them, Emperor Terry's obsession played a role. His greatest ambition was to be on an equal footing with the Supreme God, and even overwhelm him. The crazy Charlotte unleashed her endless blood and malice.

Countless blood-colored undead troops, including those from his own country, Saint Adam's million-dollar coalition army, and the guards in the city of Dunlon, they all killed in all directions under the order of the devil, and the sea of ​​black and red blood was like The lava spread and swallowed the whole world

Angel saw that other ancient cities in the Lion Kingdom were captured by the undead army, and countless people were wailed and killed.Where the sea of ​​blood spreads, there is no life, birds and beasts are devoured, and all spiritual things in the world belong to Charlotte.

Dead but not stiff undead climbed out of the lava-like blood river, killing all over the place like a ghost train, and the entire atrium was dyed black and red. Charlotte changed the attributes of the world with her own power.

At this time, if you look at the atrium from other great worlds, you will find that the originally colorful atrium is gradually dyed blood red, which is extremely frightening. Every second, tens of millions of creatures are swallowed by the sea of ​​blood and turned into Charlotte's body. The undead finally crawled out from the sea of ​​blood, turned into a natural disaster and continued to kill their original companions.

In the beautiful elf forest, mischievous goblins are flying around, and the elf god Obi also looked down at this time, his face was a little weird, "This is the next copy of the game? Bloody natural disaster? All life Transformed into undead, I don't know if there will be players reincarnated into undead.

Did little Angie lose?Who would have thought that Hill's Box would reappear in the world.Only the most desperate and eager people can see it and touch it. This is despair and hope. "

Thinking of the naughty little girl back then, she was not afraid of the sky and the earth, running around, even daring to climb the ancient tree of life.All of a sudden, Obi's heart was complicated, this is the impermanence of the world, how many years have he spent in the world of Hill?After sending away several generations of the protagonist of the world, he felt that he was a Hill creature, and the life on the earth became more and more strange.

The changes in the atrium were naturally noticed by other great worlds.The gods were shocked and looked at each other, but the Supreme God closed the gate of the God Realm and prevented them from intervening.The soft-hearted goddess of magic, Lacus, repeatedly wanted to rescue Angel, but was blocked by the laws of the gods, so she could only secretly worry.

In the underworld, Queen Alice turned her head curiously, as if she was very interested in the changes in the atrium.


The bloody army charging endlessly, as well as the familiar faces of Londoners, Bede and Angel, who supported and protected each other, were like pebbles in the surf. The King of Knights, who was at the end of his strength, finally fell down.

The last drop of blood was gone, her lips were pale, and her favorite sword of victory slipped from her hand. Angel looked up at the sky blankly, where the blood mist billowed, and the atrium changed the world.

"When did I go the wrong way?" Before the sea of ​​blood flooded in and the weapons of the terrifying undead army stabbed her, at the time of dying, Angel's life experience flashed through her mind like a marquee.

From the initial ignorant birth, when she opened her eyes, the first person she knew was her father, followed by Aunt Lacus, Sister Elf, etc. The most carefree and free days in her life were in the forest of elves.

It's a pity that I didn't know what happiness was back then, but I always wanted to grow up quickly, travel around the courtyard, and get back my life experience.

When I was 12 years old, I went out of the world, and after I came to the world, betrayal, fighting, and conspiracy, these shadows will always be with me. If I was 16 years old, after the battle on Zurfa Island, I refused the plea of ​​the Knights of the Round Table, but Choose to let go.

Be true to yourself, return to the forest of elves, then at this time will the atrium still turn into a world of undead?Will Dana, Lance and others still die and fall?

"I killed them."

At this time, a black box covered with mysterious patterns appeared in the eyes of the remorseful Angel. It was opening a gap slightly, as if inviting herself.

She saw despair and hope from the box, and saw the power to save everything, so she could use this to go back to Zulfa Island back then, let the time go back, and re-elect the king!

Angel laughed at herself: "Is this the Hill's Box that everyone longs for? I didn't expect it to invite me."

She instinctively stretched out her hand to touch the black box, but at the last moment she touched it, only a finger away, Angel suddenly stopped, saving all the power, restoring peace to the world, and returning to that moment by herself. Is it really your own heart?Do you want to deny everything you have struggled for in your life?

"King of Knights, you cannot fall."

At this time, she heard the last familiar voice in her ears, it was the loyal knight Bede who was always loyal to herself, and he seemed to be trying to protect herself.

At the last moment of her life, Angel suddenly thought of the last sentence her father gave her: "If you don't forget your original intention, you will never forget it."

Suddenly, the hand that was longing for strength to save everything clenched its fist, "Whether it is failure or betrayal, this is my life, and I have no regrets in life. Re-choice is just deceiving myself. The companions and enemies I met along the way Isn't it also the most beautiful scenery in my life?

No matter how sad it is, one day I will say it with a smile. "

Outside, the surging sea of ​​blood stopped suddenly, and the endless blood mist in the sky was no longer tumbling. The blood-colored army holding up their spears and swords seemed to be stopped. Charlotte in the middle of the blood sea looked sadly at the fallen man. Surrounded by Angel, who will be pierced by thousands of swords in the next moment.

"What a pity. I thought you could accept the power of the magic box and walk with me in the fall. But you refused. Is such a sad life worth protecting? After you refuse, what awaits you will be Eternal Night."

The blond Charlotte waved Frostmourne, "Kill."

In an instant, the undead army approached, and the sea of ​​blood spread to the entire atrium again. The loyal knight Bede was knocked out of the holy sword. What no one saw was that Angel had grasped the sword of victory again.

The holy sword, which was originally covered by blood stains, was shining brightly, and the golden seals were being broken. Angel chanted softly:

"This is a just fight."

"This is a battle for survival."

"This is a battle where the weak defeat the strong."

"This is a battle of protection."

"This is a one-on-one duel."

Following Angel's final chanting, the seals on the holy sword were broken one after another, the runes were flying out, the power was unsealed, the pieces of the sword body were peeling off, and bright rays of light shot out from it, and the undead surrounded by the holy light were wiped out. The sea of ​​blood evaporated.

"No, your holy sword can still be unsealed."

Charlotte, whose complexion changed drastically, threw out the magic sword in his hand, and with a whoosh, a goat-headed demon emerged from Frostmourne, and swooped down to kill Angel, who was wrapped in bright light.


A total of twelve seals were released, and the last golden mad dragon wrapped around the sword came to life. The mad dragon had eyes and was lifelike. The whole body was cast like immortal gold, and every dragon scale could be seen clearly.

At this time Angel also said the last sentence, "This is a battle to save the world!"


The mysterious holy sword finally showed its true form to the world, the golden dragon roared away, a total of thirteen strongest seals were lifted, phantoms of powerful beings emerged, and the elf god nodded, "Acknowledge."

Goddess of Magic: "Admit."

Finally, there was a mysterious god who also nodded: "Admit."

"Dad, I still want to see you again in the end."

After seeing the last phantom, Angel smiled and closed her eyes. She held the lightsaber with thousands of radiance in both hands and gathered the lights of hope for all the living beings in the atrium. She waved lightly at the sea of ​​undead blood.

The next moment, everyone who survived in the atrium saw the light.

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