Chapter 407 The End of the Legend of the Knight King

The sea of ​​blood that engulfed the atrium was evaporated by light, and tens of millions of blood shadow zombies wailed and disappeared into ashes. The blond Charlotte watched her undead army being purified in disbelief.

"This power."

He sensed a vast and boundless holy light shining into the depths of his soul, his palm was split inch by inch, his whole body was annihilated in flying ashes, and the corners of Charlotte's mouth suddenly turned up while dissipating, and a ray of smile appeared on his cheek , "This ending is not bad"

Frostmourne is also disintegrating. This legendary prince has closed his eyes forever. He has been disturbed by the consciousness of the ancestor since he was born. He has won all the reputations in the world and has been cast aside by thousands of people, but who really understands him? ?

The blood tide in the sky was purified by the rays of light, and everyone present watched all this in disbelief.

Delia was stunned, and Bede was also stunned. They looked at Angel who closed her eyes and gently waved the glorious holy sword with her eyes, and her waist-length blond hair was fluttering. At this time, the King of Knights was extremely beautiful and resplendent. .

In God's Domain, the Goddess of Magic, who was worried, suddenly saw the blood-colored tulle wrapping the atrium fading away like a tide, and the bright light instantly purified the world, and she immediately understood.

"This is the last seal he set. If Charlotte hadn't released herself and caused a crisis of annihilation, then the 13th seal of the Holy Sword would not have been released. The cause and effect of the world is really amazing."

At the bottom of the world, on the ever-gloomy tree of fate, Vivienne woke up leaning against the trunk of the tree, her golden eyelashes fluttering, and she saw that the bifurcation of fate in the originally blackened atrium was broken inch by inch, and everything was back on track.

"The established fate can be changed, and it is forced to be upright. This daughter is really amazing." She said with a slightly sour face.

At the back of the atrium, the people who had closed their eyes and waited for death did not wait for the verdict of the undead. The holy light came, and everything was wiped out, leaving only remnants of the ground, which reached hundreds of millions of people who were killed.

"Master, listen to my explanation. I was only bewitched by Frostmourne for a while, and confused my mind. You have always loved me the most, and you will definitely bypass me this time."

The rebellious knight Delia put down her magic sword and knelt down in front of the King of Knights to beg for mercy. Angel stepped closer to her trusted apprentice, and all the failures were caused by her.If he had been guarded by an invincible scabbard, he would not have fallen into such an unstoppable end.

"I can forgive you." Delia, who was kneeling on her knees, was overjoyed by the words of the Knight King above, but her last fantasy was interrupted by the following words, "But the dead million Londoners, the princess will not forgive you. "


You Dai Yu Hui's lightsaber slashed at his apprentice, "I knew you would kill me!"

Delia, who was kneeling, violently jumped up, spinning and rolling over, holding the rebellious magic sword with both hands and stabbing, the King of Knights was at the end of his battle, and her dominance had just begun, so how could she die in the hands of the King of Knights.

However, the King of Knights also seemed to have expected that she would attack with a backhand. With a turn of the lightsaber, he swept away the rebellious sword, and the next moment the lightsaber slashed at Delia.


Delia, who dropped the magic sword and fell to the ground, looked at the blue sky, her soul wandered, and her mind returned to the past

"King, leave Lance to me."

Bede stood in front of Angel with his sword in his hand. He saw the figure of the King of Knights staggering and almost couldn't stand up.And now there is still the last unsolved enemy, the strongest Knight of the Round Table who was as famous as the King of Knights back then.

Angel turned to look at Lance whose face was hidden deep in the armor, "I don't see any fighting spirit from you, whether you still maintain self-awareness after the fall, I don't believe that you will be influenced by Charlotte with your quality." bewitched."

"Originally, I was entrusted by you to go back to the royal city to eradicate the traitor Delia and move in reinforcements. But when I arrived, the royal city had already fallen, and the princess had committed suicide. If I just fight with Charlotte blindly, it will be nothing more than hitting a stone with an egg.

I accepted Charlotte's invitation. I wanted to turn against you at the most critical moment. It seems that everyone underestimated the power of the holy sword in your hand. "

Lance took off the helmet on his head, with a sad expression on his gray face.Bede on the opposite side still didn't put down the sword in his hand.

Lance looked back at a certain church in Lonely King City behind him for the last time, and suddenly pulled out the Fallen Fairy Sword and wiped it hard.


The blood-stained black crystal holy sword was stabbed obliquely on the ground, and the legendary number one knight, Lance, committed suicide, and was buried before his martial arts fully blossomed.

"Bed, please bury the two of them here, with the tombstone facing the city of London."

The radiance of the holy sword in her hand dimmed, everything was over, Angel fell to the ground, her radiant eyes were already diffused, this was the appearance of death.

Soon, two new graves appeared in the suburbs. "Tomb of Delia, Knight of the Round Table", "Tomb of First Knight Lance".

"My lord, I have heard the cheers of the people in the distance. They are celebrating a great victory. Some people have come and want to see you." The last knight of the round table knelt down and bowed to the knight king sitting on the rock. Report.

Angel opened her heavy eyelids, looked at Bede with dead gray eyes tiredly, and said softly: "Bede, I'm very tired. Can you send me back to the forest of elves?"

"my pleasure."

Soon the two got on the horse, as fast as when they came, Bei De only felt that the body of the Knight King behind him was getting colder and colder, and behind them was a blood mark

When the belated people and troops arrived, there was no one to be seen. Only the remnants of the battle proved that a great battle had taken place here.In the corner, two solitary new graves are staring at the front, which is the ancient city they have been dreaming about.

I don't know how long it took, Bede didn't eat, drink, or rest all the way, and kept running. The mounts he stepped on changed several batches, and the back became more and more inaccessible. When he reached the border, the ancient world of life was automatically opened and closed. Open the door to welcome the return of the King of Glory.

"King, we've arrived at the Elf Lake." Bede woke up the Knight King who had only breathed his last.

Angel opened her eyes with difficulty, and in front of her was the scene she was most familiar with, lingering in her dreams in the long dark night of the atrium.


She pulled out the re-sealed Victory Sword with her last strength, and then threw it violently with her hand. The holy sword fell into the middle of the clear lake. At this time, an arm drilled out of the water, took the holy sword and sank to the bottom of the lake.This is her promise with the elves, even if she dies, she will return the sword.

The crystal-clear waters of the emerald lake were rippling, and Bede saw that there was a lake fairy in the distance paddling a boat and slowly driving towards her. Seeing this, the angel in his arms showed a sweet smile. Smile and close your eyes with peace of mind

The natural disaster of the undead has passed, and the fallen prince Charlotte led the army of undead to cause great harm to all living beings in the courtyard. At least half of the people in the courtyard were killed by the undead and infected with corpse poison.Especially the ancient Violet Kingdom, where none survived, and the ancient kingdom was officially destroyed.

His lifelong enemy, the King of Knights, swung the holy sword, slaying demons and demons, and successfully saved the world.The legend of this is constantly being circulated among the bards.

Time flows slowly through the fingers, and all ancient heroes have become legends.

"Grandpa, where did the King of Knights go after defeating the undead in the end? Has the atrium been reunified?"

In an unremarkable small western village, there are children in twos and threes wearing simple sackcloth surrounding the old man in the village, pestering him to tell stories.

"The King of Knights has returned to his original hometown, which is full of peace and tranquility. People believe that he is still living on an island in the Elf Lake. As for the Unified Atrium, the world has not been obtained by Charlotte, nor by Angel. Not even Delia.

It was Johnson, who was born a commoner and was always known in his hometown as a rogue swordsman.He is the current Emperor John I of the Jinlan Empire. "

The children pestered the old man to let him tell the story of Johnson who won the world in the end. Among them, there was a man doting on his daughter and listening to the lecture.

As the old man narrated, under the hopeful eyes of the children, the historical picture slowly unfolded. After the natural disaster of the undead, the strength of the atrium was greatly damaged.

It turned out that the four ancient forces, Violet and Lion King City were destroyed, and they fought for power and profit internally.

Saint Adam and the Magic Empire are not much better. At this time of chaos in the world, when the kings are fighting for hegemony, a young man who is idle in his hometown draws his sword and revolts. No one thought that he won the world in the end and defeated the ancient nobles and knights. , the atrium entered the Jinlan era.

For 200 years, the legend of the knights of the round table has been mythological. In the major adventure books, knights of the round table are recreated as the protagonists. They live in people's hearts.The Battle of the Frontier was even put on the big screen.

In the Jinlan era, the gap between the rich and the poor is still very large. After all, the world is so big, there are always advanced and backward places.At the advanced level, there are mechanical cars crossing, and magic iron dragons running through the surrounding area.In remote places, people's living standards are still stuck in the farming era thousands of years ago.

Work at sunrise, rest at sunset, self-sufficient.

The Hill's Box, which was the source of all disasters back then, is also known as the Holy Grail that can fulfill all wishes. Some people say that the Holy Grail is hidden in the tomb of the King of Knights because she once touched the Holy Grail.Some people also say that the King of Knights is a woman. This point of view has angered many women who are envious of the love between King of Knights and Princess Dana.

But now, a group of 3 people, 2 men and 1 woman, are looking for the tomb of the king according to ancient records.

"The king waits beneath the old rose grove.

The blade and the chalice stand guard at her door.

She lies among the exquisite masterpieces of the elves.

Resting at last under a starry sky. "

A young man wearing an exploration hat took out his ancestral treasure map, and began to lead his companions through most of the atrium, to the border, and to the kingdom of elves.

After the calamity faded away, passages from all walks of life were opened except for the God Realm. However, these three people were stowaways. They sneaked into the Ancient Realm of Life and searched for the tomb of the legendary king according to ancient records.

"Do you say that the Holy Grail and the Holy Sword are still in the tomb of the King of Knights?" Another young companion named Hank cheered up. The reason why they worked so tirelessly on the expedition was to hunt for treasure?

"The Holy Grail, that is, the Hill's Magic Box. This box is coveted by the gods. Every time it is born, it will cause a bloodbath. The King of Knights should really have seen it. Otherwise, it would not appear in the legend. But I think his tomb There is not necessarily a Holy Grail.

As for the holy sword of victory, he must be buried with him. After the elves buried the queen of knights, they would definitely put this holy sword that accompanied him in his lifetime of battle by his side.It's just that in the legend of the King of Knights, the strongest artifact is the scabbard, and the wearer is immortal.

After the scabbard was stolen, it disappeared mysteriously. I don't know if it was found and placed in the king's tomb.This artifact can be called the king of artifacts, and its value is ten times that of the holy sword. It is said that it was personally made by the trunk of the ancient tree of life. "

The eyes of the captain holding the treasure map glowed, and the desire for the artifact flashed through his eyes.

The last girl named Weier murmured: "It is said that the King of Knights is a woman. I want to find out by myself."

In this way, the three of them searched for each other in the mysterious ancient world, and they walked with cute little fairies along the way. Piss on Hank.

The vice-captain was so angry that he drew his dagger and slashed. They were also bitten by insects and mosquitoes in the rainforest. The three of them had bruised noses and swollen faces, and one-fifth of their blood was sucked out.

They also saw the extinct green-blue anaconda in the atrium. The body of the snake was as big as ten people hugging it, and it stood up like a tall building. The three of them ran away in fright.

They arrived in the virgin forest where no one had gone deep. They walked for an unknown amount of time, maybe 6 months, maybe a year. Both the captain and Hank had a lot of wounds on their bodies. Being in the virgin forest, they were physically and mentally exhausted. If it weren't for the ambition in their hearts still supporting them, maybe the three of them would have given up long ago.

"I look at the sky."

In the dark night, there are many stars, this place is closer to the apex of the world than the atrium, and the natural stars are even more brilliant.

The captain took out the treasure map and compared it to the stars in the sky. The more he looked at him, the heavier his breathing became. "We're getting close! We're getting close to the stars, and the tomb of the King of Knights is not far away. The Holy Grail is calling us!"

After hearing this, the tired Hank and Will got up immediately, and looked up excitedly at the starry sky, where the stars were shining, and the starlight shone somewhere, as if it was the light of the king.

The next day.

As soon as the sky turned pale, and the red sun that occupied most of the field of vision emerged from the horizon, the three of them excitedly set off with their equipment on their backs, overcoming thorns and thorns along the way, scaring off one by one entrenched monsters, and avoiding the powerful ancient relics.

They felt that the air was getting more and more humid, and there were more and more birds and beasts. The fog was dense, and the swamps were all over the place. Pushing away the bushes, a legendary lake was revealed in front of the three of them.

"This is right here. This lake is the legendary Lake of Elves, and the King of Knights is buried on the central island of the lake!" The captain excitedly pointed to the center of the clear lake. After untold hardships, he finally found the legendary lake. place.

Under the urging of her, the three of them felled the trees and collected the vines, and a brand new canoe appeared by the lake.

The captain, Hank, and the girl Weir carefully boarded the canoe. Hank paddled the paddle lightly, and the ripples rippled on the clear lake. The three of them traveled through the fog and kept approaching the legend. During the process, they saw There are [-]-meter strange fish walking with them.

There were ghosts screaming in the thick fog. Seeing this, the captain uttered a voice to break the panic of his companions, "Do you think we will meet the tomb guards when we arrive at the tomb of the King of Knights? Elves guard his tomb.

But I remember that the last knight of the round table, Bede, was the last to send the king home. Will he turn into a ghost and guard the island? "

Hank, who was paddling, stopped his movements. He hesitated and said, "Probably not. At the end of the story of the King of Knights, his body was sent back to the forest of elves for burial. The loyal knight Bede also returned to the atrium to live in seclusion. No allegiance to anyone."

With uneasy doubts in their hearts, the canoe slowly drove into the depths of the lake. Gradually, the mist faded, and the fragrance of flowers gradually permeated. The trio looked up and saw a small island in the middle of the lake. The island was dazzled by flowers and fragrant. Tangy.

The location of the island is wonderful, right in the middle of the world, where the meridians meet.

The excited and adventurous trio parked their canoes and couldn't wait to climb onto this flower-covered island.

"We may be the first batch of humans to come here." The captain said proudly as he collected the treasure map. There is no doubt that this is a great adventure.

There is no need for it here, Miss Weier smiled and did not answer, Hank's right hand instinctively tried to figure out the dagger at his waist.

After the three landed, they stepped on the flowers. Guided by the fragrance of the flowers, the shining stars approached the tomb of the mysterious king step by step.

Finally, they found an ancient temple on the island, in which the legend of the Knights of the Round Table was engraved. Looking up at the top of the temple, there was a huge round table carved with a sumptuous dinner and fine wine.

The knight Wang Anqi, the first knight Lance, Delia and others are toasting to celebrate and govern the country together. They have the same status and no distinction.Walking all the way, they experienced Angel's life.

"It turned out that he was really adopted by the elves. He was lawless since he was a child, and he returned to the atrium when he grew up." The captain's eyes swept over the ancient carvings, and he got close to him, stroking the exquisite murals with his fingers.

It was handcrafted by the ingenious elves. They also saw the legendary Baicao Niang, Baihua Niang, and the exquisite handicrafts carved by the elves. These alone are enough for them to live a rich life. Among them, Hank couldn't help but take out The sacks kept sweeping the sacrifices on both sides of the temple.

"Mine, mine, all mine."

Seeing this, the captain and the girl Weier frowned, "Calm down, these are just common things, the real treasures are the Holy Grail and the sword guarding the king's sides." The captain stopped Hank's movement, "When we come back It’s not too late to start.”

Hank put down the sack in his hand and nodded knowingly.

The three continued to walk on the mottled gray floor, along the way there were statues of the Knights of the Round Table, even Delia and Lance, who had betrayed and fallen.

Finally, they saw a thick gray stone gate, inlaid with elven diamonds representing the stars, and there were rune patterns carved by the ancient elf master himself. The most important thing is that there are holy grails and swords on both sides of the sealed gate. Crossed Blades Guard.

This is a black magic box called the Holy Grail. The magic box slowly rotates in the hollow on the left side of the stone gate, with strands of black lines shining. The mouth of the box was originally closed. Open a gap, which contains the power and hope to change the world!

And on the right side of the ancient stone gate, there is a knight's holy sword recorded in the adventure book quietly inlaid on the wall. Emerald green jade scabbard, the scabbard is cut like a tree trunk, exuding the breath of life.

"How is it possible? Both Hill's magic box and the scabbard are there to protect the king. Could it be that after she died, someone collected it again? What is the identity of the mysterious King of Knights?"

Faced with such a pleasant surprise, the captain's eyes widened. He never thought that the harvest would be so great. He couldn't help stretching out his hands and tremblingly touching the holy sword and scabbard on the right.


The next moment, the surprise turned into fright. The captain who thought he was the protagonist of Destiny only felt a pain in his back. He turned his head slowly. There, Hank was pulling out the red dagger.

"Boss, there are only two treasures, and one of them will always be lost. I don't want to be your subordinate forever, so I can only invite you to die."

Puff, puff.

Hank became ruthless, and stabbed the captain fiercely with a sword. The blood flowed out like a water column and splashed on Hank's face, making him even more hideous and terrifying.And the captain fell to the ground forever with regret, and his posture was still stretching out his hand to the stone gate.

In the end, Hank looked back at the trembling Weir, grinned and said, "You swear now, sign a contract with your soul, and be my wife forever, then I will give you [-]% of this huge treasure. Otherwise."

Hank approached Will with a dagger that was dripping blood, and Will was only 16 years old. She was so scared that she turned pale and stammered, "Okay, I"

Hank, approaching with a grinning grin, suddenly felt his abdomen was empty, and when he looked down, his lower body was gone. He fell to the ground with a thud, and then he let out a scream. He pointed his blood-stained finger at the strange girl in front of him. ,"you you."

"Really, why do teams always kill each other in every adventure story? Don't you guys have a sense of sharing? Don't you know what integrity is?"

Weier flicked her ponytail mischievously, and she flicked the short blade in her hand, looked at her companion who was still struggling to crawl towards Hill's box, and said, "You were not surprised before, why didn't the King of Knights have a gravekeeper? What about the loyal knight?

Regrettably, I am a descendant of the loyal knight, who will always guard the King's Tomb. "

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