People in later generations will never know the cruelty of the battle by the river, the blood flowed into a river beyond description, the undead natural disaster like the black tide attempted to land, and climbed ashore without fear of life and death.The heroic Allied Forces of the Three Kingdoms sniped on the shore, artillery and swords contended, the contest between the living and the dead, the light of the holy sword destroyed mountains and rivers, and evolved thousands of undead.

The Knights of the Round Table followed the King of Knights to charge again and again, stepping on the Yangtze River, slashing the whip to cut off the flow. Every time they charged, someone fell, and after falling, they fell into the natural disaster of the undead. What awaited them was an endless siege.The knight king's helmet was smashed, a shawl of blond hair was scattered, and black and red poisonous blood appeared on her body from the wounds.

The pain of the scars did not make her retreat, her green eyes were still so determined, and soon the red dragons were all killed in battle, bitten by zombie tigers, and fell from the sky.

In anger, she slashed vigorously, slaughtered the god herself, and beheaded the knight on the red horse.

The space on the other side collapsed, and the zero mage blew himself up, engulfing the plague knight and thousands of undead, and died by the riverside. The magicians and priests in the rear raised their scepters and began close combat.

Three days later, the broad Sage River was filled with corpses, and all that could be seen were wreckage and severed limbs. The unpleasant stench made people vomit, and rotten eagles and vultures flew down from the sky one after another, amidst the countless corpses. Large pieces of flowers on the corpse, this is a human tragedy, their feast.

At this time, the setting sun was weeping blood, and the afterglow of the red light pierced through the haze and shone on the battlefield. There were countless corpses on both sides of the strait, broken swords and broken spears, and soldiers and undead generals died together. In the end, the reinforcements still hadn't arrived. A knight did not return, which officially announced the end of the entire coalition army's annihilation.

St. Adam's army finished fighting, and the gunpowder exploded.The magicians revealed that the purification was a moment of brilliance, and the eternally famous Knights of the Round Table collapsed. Blood and blood mud covered the king's real body. Her body was dripping with blood, and countless wounds appeared. Unclear about the scene ahead, an obsession in her heart still supports her to stand upright.

Ever since she received the blessing of the Ancient Tree of Life and wore a scabbard, she had never been so seriously injured. The crumbling King of Knights seemed to be about to fall. At this time, a right hand in broken armor emerged from the pile of corpses at her feet. A figure staggered to its feet.

"King, are you still alive? We won, the Four Horsemen of the Doomsday were killed, and the Scourge of the Undead was buried."

The seriously injured loyal knight Bede staggered into the King of Knights, with severed limbs and wreckage under his feet, with blood marks at every step.

An Qi opened her eyes tiredly, and she could vaguely see the bloody Bede figure in front of her. She said hoarsely, "How many of us are left?"

"There should be only the two of us left." Bede's nose sore, the great Knights of the Round Table were destroyed, and the elite of the Three Kingdoms were buried.

"Really, they are worthy of the name of knights. You help me mount the horse, Bede, and the war is still unresolved. The city of Dunlon is still controlled by the rebellious knight Delia. Dana is still waiting for me, and I am also very worried about Lance. Xia Lotte should be in the city too."

An Qi, who was covered in blood, pulled out the holy sword that supported her. The bright sword was covered by blood, but the heart of the sword remained unchanged.

Bede hurried forward to support the slightly staggering Knight King, and he said worriedly: "With your current injuries, even if you return to the king's city, you may not be able to eradicate the traitor. For the current plan, the only way is to bring you back Go to the forest of elves, recuperate your body, and you will be able to make a comeback in the future."

"No, the ancient world of life is the last piece of pure land in the world. I can't bring back the war and disaster. This retreat will declare my defeat. Immortals can't step back to the atrium. Back to the city, we must bring the victory song back to Shengya Dan, bring back the Magic Empire, bring back the Lion Kingdom."

An Qi walked among the mountains of corpses and the sea of ​​blood. Seeing that her persuasion was useless, she finally trusted the King of Knights. Bede blew his whistle and called for his beloved horse living in the distant forest.

Putting the King of Knights on the white horse, Bede hurriedly rode the horse and ran towards the west. Behind them was a sea of ​​blood and remnants of swords. Hundreds of millions of soldiers were buried here, and countless corpses were piled up into mountains. In the direction of Germany, the afterglow of the setting sun shone on the faces of the two remaining Knights of the Round Table, and an era came to an end.

When the news of World War I on the Violet Border came out, the three great powers shook and celebrated. Everyone was frightened by the war damage, and also by the power of the undead natural disaster. To pay such a price, tens of thousands of elite lions, the holy land that has been passed down for thousands of years The Light Magic Corps, the Knights of the Round Table, and Adam's Ace Troops were wiped out.

Some people boldly approached the bloody battlefield, and they vomited endlessly from a distance of ten miles. The strong smell of corpses gathered into poisonous gas, countless corpses and carrion piled up into hills, black blood gathered into winding rivers, and the ground was full of broken swords. Broken Arrow, the situation of the battle was more tragic than everyone imagined, it made one's scalp tingle.

"The Knight King is still alive! He is going to suppress the rebellion, and the fallen prince is also in the city of Dunlon. This battle will determine the fate of the atrium. If Charlotte does not die, the undead disaster will come back in the blink of an eye."

People chanted the name of the King of Knights and pinned all their hopes on him. They believed that Charlotte was afraid of King Angie's strength, that's why she escaped from the Scourge of the Undead and attacked the rear of the Knights. , no one believes that if Charlotte is here, the coalition forces will lose.

The people of the St. Yadan Federation and the people of the Magic Empire saw the loyal knight galloping all the way. His speed was so fast, even faster than flying monsters.

It has been 4 days since the Royal City of Dunlon fell. During these 4 days, the communication with the outside world has been completely cut off. It is like a monster with its mouth wide open, waiting for the outsiders to fall. There are epic masters watching from a distance, and the entire Royal City has been destroyed. The black cloud covered it and turned it into a city of devils.

Bede, who was on the road day and night, felt that the body of the Knight King behind him was getting colder and colder, and his breath was getting lighter and lighter. Bede, who didn't dare to think too much, could only keep his head on the road. Two days later, he finally saw the familiar yet unfamiliar Empire.

"Knight King, we have arrived."

Bede helped Angie off the horse, and the white horse that had completed the mission also fell down vomiting blood.

An Qi, who returned to her hometown, had an abnormal blush on her face, as if returning to the light, and the dense wounds on her body no longer kept blood, because there was no blood to stay.The blood scars on the damaged armor were cracked, and although her hair was filthy, An Qi, whose eyes had regained her youthful beauty, was still in good spirits.

"Charlotte, it's been a long time."

Following the words of the King of Knights, the black cloud surrounding the huge royal city rolled violently, and a ray of blue light shot out from it, and the Frost Dragon appeared, "Wait a while, King of Knights, your subordinates are really interesting. You, but you have your own ghosts in your heart.

Your apprentice covets power, I just promised her that after victory, the kingdom of lions will be her own, and she will steal your most precious artifact.Your trusted first knight, Lance, is indeed a mighty warrior, but definitely not a knight.

There is a hidden desire for your concubine in his heart, and this shadow makes me lead him to fall into the evil way.King of Knights, you and I are very similar. We are both expected to become people we don't want to be.Now people still put their hopes on you, trying to restore the overall situation.But if you fail, you will be driven into the abyss by everyone and become an eternal sinner.

Poor King of Knights, I have already seen a strong death in your body. The undead gave you corpse poison, and the Apocalypse Knight gave you disaster. Now standing in front of me is nothing but a walking corpse.Let it go, fall into the Asura Way with me, the atrium needs another form, who said that the undead is wrong?

Ruthless and sexless but no betrayal, this is the true equality of all beings. "

The Frost Dragon fluttered to the ground. Charlotte in her prime waved to the King of Knights with Frostmourne in her hand. Beside him were two black and red knights. Bede saw them. One was the rebellious knight Delia, and the other was Ghost Beast Knight Lance.

The knights of the round table were crowned by force, Lance, the strong near god, also fell, and Bede's heart was heavy. No pure and loyal knight could resist the temptation of the devil.He turned and looked back at the King of Knights.

Everyone was looking at An Qi, waiting for her answer.

To Charlotte's surprise, after hearing what he said, the expression in An Qi's eyes did not change, they were still so pure, as before, without any haze.She just looked sideways at the dunlun king city where the authenticity was faintly revealed, and asked softly, "where's daina? where are the millions of people in the king city."

"Unfortunately, I'm also very surprised. The princess is far more noble than I thought. I thought she couldn't bear you, and only followed you, the false king, out of obligation. , She committed suicide in the church. As for the millions of people in the city of London, they all belong to me." Charlotte said indifferently.

After hearing his words, Bede was furious and was about to draw his sword, but An Qi stopped her calmly, as if she had predicted their end, she looked sadly at the fallen companions on both sides of Charlotte, "Unfortunately, I thought they could stick to their hearts, but it seems that it is not enough. Charlotte, you persuade me to degenerate, is it not sad and desolate. Everyone betrayed you, so you choose revenge and create your own era.

But I am different. From the beginning to the end, I am me. Although I have distorted my heart due to the expectations of others, my initial thought was just to make everyone's life better. "

An Qi swept towards the magic city in the dark clouds in a lonely way. It was the city she had devoted her whole life to protect, but now there was no one there, and they were all buried.

"At this point, what can you do with your incomplete body? Whether you want it or not, you will eventually fall into the devil's way and walk with me. From another perspective, our old enemies can become the souls of the dead. The king is also a good story." Charlotte put her hands on Frostmourne, and faced this old enemy face to face, "Do you want to get back the scabbard and turn around again?

I have reminded you before that the most important weapon of the country cannot be changed hands. You are so relieved of such an important artifact. This defeat was determined as early as that year on Zurfa Island.I don't know where the scabbard is now, nor can the king of the gods guess it.

This time you lost, Angel. "

"No, I didn't lose. The Cavaliers only lost once."

Angie's aura is getting stronger and stronger, as if the previous injury has completely recovered, "Charlotte, your fate is different from the battle on Zulfa Island back then. You failed in that battle, which led to all the tragedies that followed. .

I also went the wrong way after that battle.If I had chosen to let go at that time, not to be bound by the prayers of everyone, but to go away and be my true self, I think that today the Lion Kingdom would not have so many casualties, and the royal city would have been destroyed.

Whether it is you or me, fate has changed since the war.So today, are you willing to accept my last challenge, so as to commemorate the past of you and me. "

As she said that, An Qi had already taken off her blood-stained gloves and threw them at the white-haired prince opposite, whoosh~~, the cold wind was howling, black clouds blocked the sun, and in the dark suburbs, Charlotte was stunned by the blood-colored gloves. on, and soon he stooped lightly to pick up the glove.

"Why not."

The fateful enemies born on the same day finally started their final battle.

Chapter 405 [The Judgment of the Lord] (addition 2 for the leader of Ziyanyan)

Outside the deserted city of London, the cold wind howls, which is particularly chilling, and the black clouds above the head make people feel even more heavy. The loyal knights of the year have been blackened, guarding Charlotte on both sides like a frost dragon.

The breeze blew An Qi's slightly reddish blond hair. After two days of driving day and night, the blood on her head had already condensed into a fast.Charlotte holding Frostmourne on the other side is as white as snow, with petals and petals of hexagonal snowflakes lingering on both sides of him, looking so beautiful and sad.

Charlotte was born in a royal family that is difficult for ordinary people to reach. The legend of his first half of his life is still circulating in the atrium. It is more fantasy than the protagonist in the story. It needs logic, but reality does not.However, after the first battle on Zurfa Island, everything changed. His father, brother, fiancee, and everything betrayed him.

No matter how high it was held at the beginning, how badly it fell.

Now the two old enemies once again began to single out, and the knights' decisive battle was held. The fate of the knight king has been exhausted. On the contrary, Charlotte has devoured millions of people in the city of London. Charlotte is so strong that it is unimaginable. kill.

Charlotte waved Frostmourne casually, without any special force, a black and red soul-eating sword slashed at An Qi vividly, and the move was psychic. At this level, at least a top true god.

An Qi's blue eyes narrowed, she clenched the Unchanging Holy Sword tightly in her hand, and blocked the sword energy with a downward chop, but then he staggered immediately, and the black-red demonic sword energy emitted a devouring force, which was not much at all. The blood and essence are constantly being swallowed.

Only when she really contended with this magic sword did An Qi realize how strong Charlotte's suppression of ordinary creatures is. This magic sword can devour people's hearts and souls, and it is very powerful to compete with it. It would be nice to have a little bit of strength.

Charlotte's movements were light, and he slashed out a series of black and red sword energy. The sword energy turned into ghosts and resentful souls, and rushed towards An Qi with a roar. Phantoms of ancient trees and even goddesses of magic appear.

Angelu was assisted by a god, and she was protected by the glory of victory beside her. The resentful soul couldn't kill her for a while, but instead she strode forward, swung the holy sword and slashed at Charlotte heavily.

"Before I fought with you, I wondered about your holy sword. It seems that it was sealed by someone before it was revealed. Now it is the last step of life, and the seal is released. I want to see who your holy sword is Forged by the seal of the hand."

Following Angie's attack, Charlotte's figure fluttered like a ghost, easily dodging his attack.The body style and pace did not conform to the constant at all, and afterimages with white hair suddenly appeared around her. An Qi was born with psychics, but she couldn't find out whether the phantoms around her were real or not.

Frostmourne struck from behind from time to time, An Qi relied on her natural quick reflexes to avoid it several times, but she still got new injuries, and this was because the other party deliberately checked the strong man behind her.

Charlotte, who has an absolute disparity in strength, is like a cat playing with a mouse at this time. In a single thought, his figure transforms from reality to reality, and the King of Knights' slashing and slashing is all useless.

"Victory field."

In an instant, with the sword of victory as the center, the green light spread, the knight king's injuries were suppressed for a moment, the white-haired prince's figure fell into the domain in an instant, and phantoms burst one after another like bubbles.

Delia, Lance, and Bede couldn't see the two of them immediately. They knew that the real battle had just begun.

Bede pulled out his sword of loyalty, and looked at the two companions with complicated eyes.

"I advise you not to do it, otherwise you won't be able to win me." Lance, the fallen ghost animal knight, was wearing black and red armor, and all his face was wrapped in a helmet. His sword of the fairy in the lake had been demonized. The crystal-clear pure sword is wrapped like a devil's claws, and the whole is black.

"It's unimaginable that you, the number one knight of the round table, have also fallen. Is power and strength really so attractive that you are willing to give up all your glory and loyalty? Do you know that except for the four of us, all the knights of the round table were buried in the undead disaster among.

Each of them suffered countless wounds on their bodies.Each of them beheaded tens of thousands of undead.And now, you have become Charlotte's minion. "

Bader was shaking, but it was still hard to believe that Lance would fall.

"Since you don't want to do anything, then I'll do it. Anyway, I'm already known as the rebellious knight Delia. I don't care about the rumors outside. As long as I have the strength to protect the authority, I will kill many people who refuse to obey. History will be rewritten by me.

Who will remember my dark history in the future?People only remember Delia, the eternal king of armies. "

Delia pulled out the sword of rebellion and killed Bede. Although Bede brought the King of Knights all the way here, he was able to survive the cruel border battle, which is naturally outstanding.Running around all the way has thoroughly proved his way of loyalty, and the unity of knowledge and action.

The Holy Sword of Loyalty in his hand was extraordinarily dazzling today, and the blackened Delia couldn't hold it.The two immediately started a fight between dragon and tiger, and the strongest knight, Lance, just stood on his sword and watched the direction where the two kings disappeared. He knew that was the real highlight.

The grass is green under the feet, the ancient trees are towering, the surroundings are green, the fresh air is filled with the fragrance of flowers, there are singing birds from time to time, and there seems to be the singing of elves in the distance.

Among the lush grass, there are little goblins wearing clothes made of green leaves. They happily fly among the grass and branches, picking nectar, and brewing mellow wine.

"Is this the most beautiful scenery in your heart? Is this where your heart belongs?"

Standing on the grass, the white-haired prince who was full of vitality asked, "It is said that you were adopted by the elves and blessed by the ancient tree of life. It seems that this is not groundless. I sense the elf god, goddess of magic.

Your origins are deeper than anyone thinks, but that doesn't change anything. "

Back here, An Qi let go of all her vigilance against the outside world, turning back time, and she seemed to have returned to her naughty childhood. The dense and terrifying wounds on her body seemed to have disappeared, and the golden hair that was originally shawl gradually grew longer. Her hair was already waist-length, beautiful and radiant.

"Oh? You finally revealed your true body. No one in the world would have thought that the majestic head of the Knights of the Round Table would be a woman. It must be said that it is remarkable that a woman can become my lifelong enemy." Xia Xia Lott looked at the King of Knights who had never shown his true face to the world with a look of astonishment.

At this time, her cheeks were a little immature, her brows were more heroic, and her green eyes contained a kind of freshness after witnessing the world.

"Fate is really wonderful. I never thought that you and I would come to this point. Maybe it was doomed from the day I was born. If I die here, I can also rest in peace."

Holding the sword in her right hand, Angel was extremely relaxed, and there was even a smile on the corner of her mouth, as if she wasn't worried about the battle ahead.

"Since that's the case, I won't hold back."

Charlotte suddenly raised the magic sword high, and a pair of scarlet eyes shot out from the helmet, "[Frostmourne·Desperate Soul]"

In an instant, with him as the center, the original green field was infected, the grass and leaves were rolled up by the whistling wind, black and red ghosts came out of him painfully, and the projection world of the elf forest was blackened.

Scarlet eyes appeared on Charlotte's body. The bloody eyes opened, and the evils of this world were contained in the eyes, dripping down the sins of the world, and endless resentment entangled together. Charlotte turned into a black-red devil with Frostmourne in his hand. The dragon, with a move [Raptor Dragon Slash], killed Angel.

The golden hair fluttered, and Angel, who had returned to its full glory, slashed her arms fiercely. The golden victory sword in her hand echoed the surrounding fields. Everything was in spring, and the green grass and trees swayed, emitting wisps of light to reinforce her master.


The bloodthirsty dragon head and the sky-slashing sword energy, which is as green as the sky, collided with each other like fire oil burning the sea. The whole field was shaking, wisps of the law of the forest were shaken out, and the sound of cracking came from the surrounding space. Strands of cracks appeared.

Angel's figure turned around in vain, it was definitely not the right way to confront Charlotte head-on, and she was at a disadvantage.

Angel, who turned into a whirlpool, turned faster and faster, and the sword of victory slashed at the black dragon like a wind blade. Charlotte was trapped in the eye of the wind, and the surrounding space was pressed like sea water, and the movement was extremely difficult.

"[Extreme God Sword Art Storm 24 Styles]"

In an instant, the sound of clanging was endless, and a pair of golden swords blocked the black dragon at the eye of the wind. There were 24 swords in total, 12 were suspended in the surrounding space, and 12 were inserted on the ground. The 24 holy swords blocked all directions of the bloodthirsty black dragon. , making it impossible to escape.

Angel's phantom appeared everywhere in the storm. She picked up a golden holy sword at a very high speed, and killed the black dragon below like a thunderbolt.That is to say, you can arrange release in advance in your own field, otherwise, if you are in the outside world, you must at least reach the god level to awaken and release.


The bloodthirsty black dragon roared wildly, and the pair of red dragon eyes were particularly frightening. Charlotte held Frostmourne, extremely domineering, and turned into a ferocious black dragon head to fight with the phantom angels densely packed around her. Thousands of sword skills in the atrium were in her heart, Charlotte His swordsmanship is perfect and can break through all spells with one sword.

In the sky and on the ground, the King of Knights slashed with fierce killing moves, which could not be observed with the naked eye. Even the gods would be cut to death. The besieged black dragon rolled wantonly, and the sword shadows in the storm crackled and killed all around him. Trying to find a blind spot.

Frostmourne's sheep-headed sword awakens, and a sheep-headed demon slowly appears. He is a thousand meters tall, standing in the eye of the wind, like a needle that fixes the sea, and the surrounding space can no longer be restrained.

The sheep-headed demon raised his right hand and punched the ground domineeringly. The ground suddenly split like a spider web, and flaws appeared in the perfect storm.

Seeing that Charlotte was about to escape from the shackles, the phantoms of knight kings holding swords and swinging swords sped up again, and only heard one: "【Kill】!"

All of a sudden, the coherent storm began to turn sharply for the last time, whoosh!The surrounding domains began to collapse, the ancient trees were swallowed by the vortex, and turned into strands of original law in the air. Angel turned everything into a blow.

The transparent phantom of the sword-wielding knight king rapidly shrinks and closes, and the golden swords continue to fit together, until finally the 24th phantom is reunited, and the light of golden judgment is shot out from the whole body. The constantly vibrating holy sword is particularly terrifying and murderous. Purify the world.

Angel Haobai, who had regained her girlish form, pressed the vibrating holy sword with both hands, her green eyes flashed, and she swung her arms, slashing towards the underground dragon's head.

This blow combines domain and ultimate move, and the true god will be killed here. The proud fallen prince is restless and feels life-threatening. At this time, he reveals his peerless talent.

【Ghost Dragon Has Regrets】

The bloodthirsty black dragon suddenly looked back, and with one move back to the carbine, the original killing move of the knight king suddenly failed, like the golden sword of the sky-opening axe, cutting through the space with a click, and cracking the ground.The city of darkness outside is already vaguely visible.

"Knight King, you lost."

"No, I haven't lost yet."

Angel's aura has not faded. Even though the domain has collapsed, she still has the power to return to the light. Until now, Angel, who is covered in bruises, has a breath in her heart to support her.

This is an obsession that contains protection, hope, and victory.

"This trick is also thanks to your four horsemen of the apocalypse. They symbolize war, plague, chaos, death, and sound the horn of doom, but they contain truth. Even the most devout and superstitious believers recognize their legitimacy.

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