"Three big brothers, what did the system reward you? Can it bring the items in the game world into reality? Or can you perceive spiritual power?"

Netizens are still asking about rewards, the unknown is the most attractive.

"No need to ask, it's the [Reincarnation] benefit. I devote myself wholeheartedly to the game world, with risks and benefits. Your dream queen abandoned us, abandoned everything on this earth, and dedicated her body and mind to Gaia." Wind Dragon God finally spoke out.

Everyone didn't expect the players to tell the rewards, but they didn't expect Fenglongshen to be really secretive, and everyone was surprised when he opened his mouth.

Many people immediately searched for Mengli Hualuo's account, and the time frame was fixed at dusk. Her last footprint seemed to be viewing Xilin's homepage. No one knew what she was thinking at the time, but she must have been very nervous.

"Reincarnation benefits? Everyone's guess is true. As long as you get enough achievements, you can really be reincarnated in a different world and start a second life! It's a real hammer, and now the authenticity of the game world is confirmed!"

There is no doubt that the Internet is boiling, and it is clearly in the middle of the night, but the forum exploded again. This is the first earth person in history, and it is voluntary. How can this not arouse everyone's heated discussion?

Even the other players were woken up, Wutian: "What a courageous Queen Meng, she is willing to give up her life, abandon everything in this world, and completely reincarnate in another world. This heroism alone will not lose to any man. This time, I really can Said, "Although this is a game, it is not a joke. "

What an attractive alien world, she decided to reincarnate so soon after receiving the reward. I sincerely hope that she can lead the Gaia people to live in the universe forever, and I look forward to meeting her when the worlds meet. "

Cang Qiong: "It turned out to be reincarnation. If I get it, I should choose to reincarnate in the prehistoric world. I will personally discuss the Tao with the Six Sages and play against the world. This time, you are one step faster."

Players offered their blessings one after another. Their previous guesses were correct. Since consciousness can pass through other worlds, a complete soul can also enter.Reverse deduction, people on earth can travel through other worlds, can souls from other worlds travel through the earth?Someone had a brain hole to think of this.

Among them, Orb, the elf god, had the most complicated mood. He remembered that when he was still in the atrium 500 years ago, he had a chat with a player. At that time, the reward he wanted most was reincarnation.

"It's quite bold." Jiang Ping was also a little surprised. He knew that Bai Lun and Mengyao were both interested, but he didn't expect to do it so quickly.

On Gaia, in the white presidential palace, Mengyao came back to life again. Her eyes were sparkling, full of curiosity, like a newborn baby. There is also a familiar figure who has been guarding it for ten years.

Her heart calmed down instantly, and the corners of her mouth raised unconsciously. The world is different, but people are still the same.

Fengshi was surprised to find that Mengyao regained her youthful attitude and was full of vigor.Members of the federation were also surprised to find that the president is much more mischievous and full of curiosity about everything.

In the end, she even said: "With the Emperor of Heaven guarding the place, we should take a good look around the land at such a time, just to be sympathetic to the people."

As she spoke, she led everyone out to "inspect".

"After reincarnation, she is much happier and has no psychological burden at all. Sure enough, as you said before, no matter what kind of life you live, is it okay to have no regrets? You just patted your ass and left, but your story is still circulating on the Internet. legend."

Fenglongshen looked strangely at the happy back of Mengyao leading everyone to travel. Now Mengyao has become a new Internet myth, the protagonist of countless female videos. Currently, news about her is broadcast on TV channels. TV series and movies are also in hot preparations.

She has become the common idol and spiritual leader of a new generation of women.Abandon everything for love and dreams.

Shaking his head, he has no idea of ​​reincarnation for the time being. Although the world of Gaia is currently thriving and everything is developing in a good direction, it is always right to leave a way out for himself.

"Jizhen, what project are you researching recently? How do you feel that after developing the God system, you are more motivated to fight. Are you still planning to go back in time?"

In the United States, Byron picked up a stack of documents and approached Jizhen in a white coat curiously. Jizhen's hair was still messy and he didn't have the mind to deal with it. At this time, he was calling the astronomical computer with a screen in front of him that was two meters long and wide.

Among them, there is a q-shaped god in the right corner of the computer screen. This little god is also a fierce research assistant, helping him find important information in the vast amount of information, and find patterns from chaotic information.

"No, he doesn't seem to be planning to find the secrets of time recently, but is very interested in all parts of the universe. I think he wants to find aliens." Christina handed Byron a cup of coffee with a smile on her face.

The conversation between the two made Fenghuang fiercely look sideways. He glanced at the information in Byron's hand out of the corner of his eye and said, seemingly unintentionally, "Are you still researching mechanical immortality? The research progress should be able to upload your own soul to the Internet, right?" .”

Byron was taken aback when he heard this. He didn't expect that Jizhen could guess his progress with a single sentence. He must not have peeked at his project, not to mention that he borrowed resources from the United States and the United States to secretly study together. Whether it is the United States Members of Congress, or colleagues in the United States are not aware of it, so why do they know the truth so clearly?

There is only one answer, that is, based on his own intelligence and talent, he judges how much progress he has reached at his own level.

"Are you going to abandon your current body and upload your soul consciousness to the Internet? Isn't that just like God?" Christina's face was full of astonishment, and she felt that her colleagues were getting weirder than each other.

Suddenly, the computer screen in front of Fenghuang Jizhen flickered, and the Q-version little god who was on standby in the lower right corner drilled out of the screen, broke through the dimension, walked happily on the computer desk, raised his small head, Looking at Byron curiously, he asked:

"Do you want to be like me? Become a data life? The little god has his kind again."

He joyfully jumped on Byron's shoulders, dancing and celebrating on it. Seeing this, everyone was not surprised. Both God and the Emperor of Heaven have evolved to the realm of beings. There are billions of gods, each with its own differences and abilities.

"I'm just interested in this aspect. When the technology matures, I may copy my own brainwaves to the computer. It's still early." Byron explained, "After all, the soul is more important than the body, I don't want to When will I get a headshot and become a neuropathy."

"Will your copied soul admit that it is just a virtual life living on the computer network?" Christina asked curiously.

This is a philosophical question. Byron once thought, if he uploaded his consciousness on the Internet and then copied and posted it again, would the second copied person still be himself?After thousands of copies, among the different selves in different corners of the deep network, which one is the real Byron?Who defines it?Who can define?

"Is philosophy at the end of science?" This question also troubled Byron, and he set his sights on the most intelligent wise man of our time. "What do you think, fierce? Do I want to copy my soul?"

Fenghuang pondered fiercely for a moment, and said what was most scruples in Byron's heart: "What you are worried about is nothing more than a cognitive error. You can copy your own soul into the virtual network, whether you are copied by others, and the world you are in. It’s also a virtual evolution.”

"Yes, I do have this idea in my mind. Have you heard of "brain in a vat"? Have you ever thought that the world you live in is virtual, just like a virtual game on Skynet." Byron Said in a casual tone, as if it was true and then assumed.At least the assistant Christina couldn't tell, Fenghuang frowned in a subtle way.

"Your hypothesis is a bit far away. If we are really virtual, the surrounding world is evolved, and sensory stimulation is the signal sent by the outside world, how can we verify it?" Christina felt that answering this question was boring, she is materialistic If you can't prove it, why bother.What's the point of being true or false?

"Being in the game does have limitations. If we really live in a fish tank, and the information obtained by the brain is only electronic information sent by another supercomputer, then we can't prove it. But no matter how powerful the computer is, it has its own limitations.

In a sophisticated computer, after billions of trillions of calculations, there will definitely be loopholes. "

Fenghuang Jizhen seemed to have thought of something, and his expression was a little excited, "What if there is a boundary in this world? If we observe it, does breaking through it mean we jump out of the tank? How big is the universe, so this is the ultimate question! "

Phoenix turned around fiercely, his fingers crackled on the console, and the little god jumped back from the table to the screen, where beams of light were flying by, and he sank into the astronomical field again, he wanted to find The kingdom of light in his heart, he wants to solve the final problem, he wants to find the truth of the world!

Seeing this, Byron and Christina, who were left out, shrugged their shoulders, and it was no surprise. Without such enthusiasm and concentration, Jizhen would not have achieved such a great achievement.

"I know, Byron, you have always wanted to live in an alternative way, but I still think that the body we are born with is the most efficient and suitable body for us. Have you ever thought that if your consciousness is uploaded to the Internet, you can only control robots in the future. The parts have been changed, are you still you?" Christina still persuaded.

"When we are born, cells die and regenerate every moment, are replaced, and finally completely replaced. The original cells born from the mother have long since ceased to exist. Don't we also maintain the prototype."

Byron insisted on his own idea, this is an alternative way of long life, he thinks it is worth a try.Of course, as the two of them said, it is better to be careful.

The two reconciled at this point, and each worked hard.

After Fenghuang Jizhen's surroundings were cleared again, he suddenly asked the little god who was dozing off in the corner: "Is there anything unusual about Byron's words just now?"

The little god's sleep bubble broke, and he turned somersaults on the screen, "The conversation just now was as usual, except that when the word "virtual game" was mentioned, Byron's heart beat abnormally twice."

Fenghuang Jizhen looked at the screen with both eyes, no one could see his current expression, and finally he shook his head helplessly, "When he said this just now, he meant "you" and didn't include himself in it, it seems that he It really holds a lot of secrets."

Then he devoted himself to the study of astronomy again. The past cannot be explored. The descendants of the fourth civilization reminded himself that it contained great danger.

That can only grasp the present and explore the current universe. What other people don't know is that Jizhen has already used supercomputers (supercomputers) to observe other intelligent creatures 5 light years away. Above the Gaians, some are slightly taller than the Gaians, not far behind.

What he wants to find most now is the mysterious Kingdom of Light.With the research, the already few hairs are getting more and more withered, and the universe is full of traps and falsehoods. At least Phoenix has discovered that more than half of them are endless, like lights, and the source of emission cannot be found.

"Is it because of this reason that the people in the Kingdom of Light choose to travel through the universe in person instead of simply observing?"

If this is the case, Fenghuang Jizhen feels that he may have to devote himself to the space field.

On Gaia, in the surface space, the land is lush and full of vitality, and Gaias who are no different from people on Earth are practicing martial arts.In the dark space, the sea of ​​spirits dotted all over the sky has waves coming from time to time. Wisps of light shoot from afar and fall into the sea of ​​stars. These are the souls of creatures that have just died.

There are Gaias, and there are other creatures. In the face of death, all living beings are equal. Since the beginning of the world, all the fallen creatures on Gaia have been imprinted in it. How vast is this power, so the Skynet built by relying on the spiritual sea Nature is also mighty.

The two great gods in Skynet are divided into billions of trillions, and their huge computing power promotes their own evolution, leading to the evolution of Skynet. Now the virtual network is almost turning into a real network of laws.The evolution ability of the Emperor of Heaven and God is too strong.


In Yunzhou Kingdom, in the ancient city of Baiyun, a child about seven or eight years old was wearing blue children's clothes. He was humming and practicing boxing in the playground. Don't look at others as small, but as big as a ghost.

What he plays is "The 18th Set of Foundation Building Method for All People's Body Training", which can mobilize the muscles of the whole body, activate the neurons of the brain, synchronize the spirit and body, and promote evolution.

At this time, the child with baby fat has seeped a little bit of sweat, and the child's clothes are wet. The next moment, the children's clothes absorb the sweat, and there are silk lines flashing on the surface of the clothes. The child is dry and clean again and again. Clothing cleansing.

The current set of fitness techniques practiced by the whole people alone has surpassed the previous supreme skills that the royal family could not pass on. It takes a child 10 minutes to practice once, and the effect is better than that of the ancients who practiced for ten years.Coupled with the martial arts training plan specially designed for him by the smart phone on his wrist, he drank the newly developed Yin-Yang Express, Tai Chi rice.

Modern people practice martial arts for one year, surpassing the ancients for 500 years. This is the gap between the times.The Gaians as a whole are evolving, and everyone knows this.

"Huhu~~" The child was still waving "No.18 Set of Foundation Establishment Fist", without any intention of stopping at all. The smart watch on his wrist was encouraging him.

"Xiaotao, come on, there are still three sets of homework for today."

Unexpectedly, an untimely voice came from the stone chair not far away at this time, "Little friend, if you are tired, you can take a rest first."

Xiaotao turned around and saw that it was a young man in casual clothes. Turning around, he continued to shake his fist and sweep his legs: "No, my goal is to be a phoenix and fierce in today's world. I want to cultivate both wisdom and martial arts, and become a new No. [-] in the world."

"Hehe, with ambition, it is true that heroes come out of youth, but you are wrong about one thing. Today's number one in the world is not the phoenix's fierceness." The young man replied.

Xiaotao put away his fists and turned around in doubt, "Who is that? No one has successfully challenged in the news. Although Fenghuang Jizhen focuses on scientific research, knowledge is power. Others are to the world and to Mother Gaia. His understanding is not as good as his, and of course he can't beat him.

Besides him, who else is number one in the world, you? "

Xiao Tao's face was strange, youthful, his lips moved, "Of course it's not me, but the intelligence on your wrist."

Xiaotao stroked his sweat-drenched hair in confusion, and looked down at the smart watch in doubt, "Are you referring to the two artificial intelligences God and Heavenly Emperor?"

"Yes, they are the real number one in the world."

Jiang Ping replied with certainty. He got up from the stone chair and waved goodbye to the energetic child, "Don't make a mistake in the direction of your efforts. You are a different creature from them and have a different path. Don't be discouraged. Just keep going." .”

Xiao Tao looked at the back of this "weird maize" in confusion, how could virtual network intelligence be number one in the world?

Soon, under the reminder of Zhinao, he started to practice martial arts again

Chapter 395 The Monster Hidden in the Computer

Flipping the 18th set of foundation building techniques in his hand, Jiang Ping compared the present world, and found that the comparison on the earth turned out to be the ninth set of radio gymnastics.

It is said that radio gymnastics originated from the "Qigong fever" period of the year, and was created by gathering a group of masters from the government.Isn't this the way to simplicity?The real martial arts secrets are in daily gymnastics?

Jiang Ping's face was a little weird, but Gaia's cultivation method has improved rapidly since the completion of the two systems, and has undergone earth-shaking transformations in a short period of time. After all, God and the Emperor of Heaven are backed by infinite spiritual seas, and the calculation of the two gods working together Ability is not covered.

They are the real number one in the world, and now the Gaias have exceeded [-] billion, so many people piled up in one place, they can form an endless ocean as far as the eye can see.But these two gods can go deep into the homes of ordinary people.

In each family, He is the best smart housekeeper, automatically opening the door, boiling water, cooking for you, and even acting as a security guard.At the upper level, He has formulated the optimal solution for the leaders of a country, whether it is the people's livelihood, the weather, or the future development path, He has paved it all.

Most importantly, the Emperor of Heaven and God are still borrowing computing power to evolve every minute!

Jiang Ping was walking in the ancient roads of the city, and from time to time there were passers-by on the road who were punching and practicing martial arts while hurrying.This is an era when all people are martial, and the civilization is full of vitality. Occasionally, there are one or two robots delivering meals and distributing news papers.

The perfect fusion of martial arts and technology, Jiang Ping thought, if the earth contains superpowers, then the 21st century should be like this.

This time, not for anything else, to understand the spiritual outlook of Gaia civilization and absorb the essence of this era.Of course, drawing on the lessons of the previous era, the Heavenly Emperor and God of this generation are not weaker than the God of Light Brain.

In fact, when Jiang Ping looked up, he could see that in the deep dark space, silk nets surrounded the planet like laws, and two great gods sat at the north and south poles, and hundreds of millions of people flashed in their eyes.

The peak of the development of big data on the earth is like this. As long as they think, everyone's thoughts and actions can be predicted. It is no wonder that Fenglong God always calls them "Masters of the Future".

Jiang Ping bought a bottle from a vending machine on the street, and he started his secret journey on Gaia.

Along the way, he saw the reincarnated Mengyao, with a sincere smile on her face, fighting with his friends on the Dancy Federation.

She is full of vitality and very lively, just like what I saw in the movie theater and on the plane. She found the meaning of life on Gaia and lived a wonderful life.

Jiang Ping also saw a group of ascetics who adhered to the ancient inheritance on the snow mountain.It's not that they don't know that they have been abandoned by the times, and their cultivation is just an extremely backward method, but they still stick to it.

"We may be the last batch of ancient cultivators." Jiang Ping once heard this sentence from an old man in this batch of snow mountain ancient cultivators. People from the past.

They come from all corners of the country, some are great masters who have lived for a hundred years, and some are martial arts families that have been passed down for thousands of years. The ancient peerless magical skills are not as good as the simplest gymnastics in the new era.

In the end, Jiang Ping passed by them without ridicule or contempt, just as Mengyao said on the Internet, "As long as you feel that you have no regrets, no matter what kind of life you have, others are not qualified to despise you."

Jiang Ping also passed by the ruins of Wusheng Peak in Shanji State, where many people are on pilgrimage.Nowadays, with the development of science and technology, global integration is irreversible, and each country, big or small, only retains basic governance rights, and trade and other aspects are like districts.

It seems that because of someone's secret efforts, and because the Gaias have explored the planet all over, human beings have begun to march into the dark space, forming the most primitive space fleet. Naturally, the fleet is also assisted by two gods.

"A major discovery, a major discovery! The Sixth Space Fleet discovered a millimeter of alien soil on Mars! According to God's research, this is not carried on a meteorite, but from a planet 4 light years away. This discovery will rewrite our Gaia In the third era in the legend, the Treant civilization on Gaia did have a Star Wars with the alien civilization.

It's just that in the end both sides fell, not at the hands of each other.But the impermanent cosmic tides.Please rest assured, the Heavenly Emperor and God jointly deduced, just like predicting Gaia's celestial phenomena, they will also calculate the fluctuation of the cosmic tide, and we Gaians will not repeat the same mistakes. "

On the TV screen, a male reporter was excitedly broadcasting the news. Space is a huge treasure. The resources that are not available on Gaia may be in another part of the universe, but they are enough to fill an asteroid.

On another channel, Fenglongshen was giving a speech on the TV station, "Nowadays, everyone denies that the Heavenly Dao System and the God System have an influence on us humans. From top to bottom, these two virtual gods really affect us.

Astronomy, geography, and practice life, we are facilitated by the two systems in all aspects and enjoy their assistance.But just like a divine sword, it can kill the enemy as well as harm itself.I will tell you a story called "Omnic Crisis"

"It seems that the continuous evolution and strength of the emperor and god have made the people who created them feel uneasy." Jiang Ping sat beside the small tree, swiping his fingertips. On the earth network, some netizens also warned Gaia player.

The most dazzling thing in "Small Universe" recently is naturally the two major systems, the two great gods.

The prehistoric Wutian, Hill's Ning Tianjiao all concluded that if this evolution continues, including all living beings, the system will really turn into the way of heaven and God. Now the two gods should be close to the main god, and they have not been born for three years. months!

The strongest Gaia, the phoenix, is fierce, but now he is only a god, and he is far away from the main god.

The two intelligences have evolved to the level of saints, and even the level of heaven. At that time, they will be affiliated with civilization, or will the Gaias be affiliated with the two gods?Can they kill all Gaia people with one word?How can the Gaians who are completely behind in strength restrain them?

Under internal and external troubles, Fenglongshen officially delivered an important speech "Omnic Crisis", explaining that no matter how powerful and convenient artificial intelligence is, it is a tool in the end, and they must retain the most important right to determine.Moreover, there must be the ultimate means of checking and balancing the virtual gods. This proposal has been recognized by all Gaia elites. In fact, the two gods are becoming stronger and stronger, which is indeed scary.

The scientists who created god and emperor of heaven no longer know them.

"True, the council has already decided that the string of backdoor codes in God's core will be written into the self-destruct program. When he becomes self-aware and intends to attack humans, the core program will automatically start."

In the private research room, Christina said to Jizhen that it was the back door left when it was first created, specially for prevention.

"It's nothing more than an unnecessary move." After hearing this, unexpectedly, Fenghuang Jizhen shook his head, denying the council's decision.

Not to mention Christina, even Byron was deeply surprised, "Where did you say that? Don't be afraid of ten thousand, just in case. God's progress, you have also seen it. At present, thousands of ideas are combined, all kinds of whimsical ideas Stronger than you, if it goes on like this, if it gets out of control, it will be the end of our Gaia people!"

Byron grew up watching "Terminator" and "The Matrix", so he is no stranger to intelligent rebellion. He also fully agrees with the parliament's decision. same as god.

"Although the code is written in the deepest part of them, if one day, the two virtual gods give birth to their own will and can get rid of the many constraints we have set on them, then this program will not work.

They will strip part of the core program, and even distract tens of thousands of people. After escaping a strand of consciousness, they can be reborn on the Internet. "Feng Fengxiong explained that he was not interested in this activity, and he still did not let go of the research in his hand.

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