The fuzzy light man gave him a final word of advice, the light spots on his body dissipated and had begun to fade.

"Wait, I still have a lot of questions to ask, where exactly do you live? Are you in the same starry universe? Can I go to your place to study in person?" A mysterious visitor.

"The Kingdom of Light, the deepest part of the universe, at the node of time and space. If you can find it, then I will tell you the answer you want. If you are really curious, then solve the ultimate problem of this universe."

The dissipated light spots floated around like a rainbow, "How big is this universe? I personally searched the universe and still haven't found the answer. I hope you can crack it."

At this point, the light spot completely dissipated, leaving only the Phoenix Jizhen standing in the sea of ​​stars. He muttered to himself: "How big is the universe? Why does this unknown strong man say that this problem is the ultimate problem of the universe? Is there any deep meaning? "

Just when he couldn't figure it out, he suddenly felt the world turned upside down, his consciousness was tumbling, and then he opened his eyes, he was already in the familiar scientific research base, and he was lying on the table, as if he just fell asleep for a while.

Ji Zhen hurriedly checked the time and found that he had only been talking to the mysterious man for a minute, but he had been standing in the starry sky for at least 1 minutes just now.Nanke a dream, I don't know if it's true or not.

"It seems that this astronomical project is about to be abandoned. It contains the culprit of the destruction of the fourth civilization? So that in order not to repeat the same mistakes, he specifically reminded me? Is this God's forbidden zone?"

Then he looked fiercely and puzzled at his colleague who was gradually waking up, "The world is so big that even you can't find it? The Kingdom of Light, one day I will set foot in person."

After thinking carefully for a while, reviewing the conversation just now in his mind, Fenghuang Jizhen suddenly laughed at himself: "Are you just now considered the third kind of contact, the first human being to communicate with aliens? Fortunately, the other party saw Sounds like a pacifist, no malice. Otherwise a single creature could destroy our civilization when he passes Gaia."

But thinking that the mysterious light man was also born in Gaia, he is a descendant of the previous generation of civilization, and he is not considered an alien.Fenghuang turned around fiercely and bored, completely shut down the astronomical computer, and devoted himself to the development of the God system. After all, even He warned himself that naturally the research in this area must stop.

Knowing that it is a fire pit, but still plunge into it, this is not a scientist, but a fool.But one day, when he was sure, after finding the Kingdom of Light, Fenghuang Jizhen felt that he might restart the project.Such an interesting thing naturally needs to be studied carefully.

Curiosity kills people, Phoenix Fierce loves the unknown the most, and enjoys the process of solving difficult problems.

Phoenix Jizhen devoted himself wholeheartedly to the development of intelligence. Soon, ten days later, the epoch-making God system was born. After all, it was faster than the approximate Heavenly Dao system, and it also fulfilled its promise to the investors of the United States.

Chapter 393


Fenglongshen said excitedly in the base, everyone was looking at him, after he tapped the Enter key with his finger, the billions of trillions of data in front of him came alive, swish swish, billions of brilliance In turn, there is a heavenly emperor condensing on the noble virtual throne, his eyes are ruthless and invisible, as ethereal and vast as the way of heaven.

At the same time, at this moment, the Gaians who were sinking their minds into the Skynet were automatically kicked out, just like the upgrade of the Skynet.

"Has another intelligent system been born?"

A young man in the Eastern Continent said dejectedly that this scene was also happening in half a month. Someone with a sensitive mind saw it. The last time an incredible god-man rose from the north, this time it emerged from the east A heavenly emperor sitting on a throne.

The virtual spiritual sea is boiling, the spirit is agitated, and the imprints of hundreds of millions of lives are looming. The imprints of all creatures since the birth of Gaia have remained here, like black water, and they are all welcoming the birth of the two great gods at this time.

The Emperor of Heaven came out of the east and ascended to God in the north. Two incredible data beings were confronting each other. Using Skynet as a battlefield, they used their own methods. The competition was computing power.

The figures of the two gods collapsed in vain, turning one into ten thousand, as long as there is a network, they exist there.

"Does this count as a different kind of immortality?" Byron looked at the robot in front of him excitedly.

The eyes of the robot shot divine light, and a voice without emotion came out: "I am not immortal, as long as all Gaia people shut down the Internet, cut off Skynet, or destroy Gaia, I will also disappear."

This robot is God. He is one and ten thousand. He is in the network and in every robot. Even after the robot is disconnected from the network, the remaining god consciousness can operate by itself, just like ordinary people.

After the Tiandao system and the God system were successfully developed, the three players received a message at the same time, "Congratulations, Fenglongshen/Mengyao/Byron, because of your outstanding performance in the game Gaia, you are now rewarded with special benefits—— reincarnate.

Special reminder, after reincarnation, reality and reality are reversed, and there is no time to return to the earth, so be sure to use it with caution. "

The three people who saw this notice were stunned at the same time. They knew that there would be system rewards for doing special deeds in the game. So far, Wutian, the only known extraordinary person on earth, was created in this way.This is also the motivation for generations of players to struggle in the game.

It is said that the secret organization "Earth's Earliest Cultivators" formed by several elite players, each of them is almost extraordinary.They also thought about getting rewards for creating super intelligence this time, but what is [Reincarnation]?

Realizing the seriousness of the problem, the three of them decisively communicated on the Internet. After all, this is not a trivial matter. They did not dare to make a fuss, but the three of them contacted first.

"You also received [Reincarnation] benefits? We don't think it's a benefit, but an experiment by the producer. Although we know that the Tiantian game is not virtual, but the real world. But the system told us so clearly that we can put The reincarnation of the soul into a different world still shocks my heart, we will be the first people on earth to set foot in a different world!"

Even after three lifetimes, Fenglongshen still couldn't hide his excitement. Thinking about it, he was able to be reincarnated in just playing a game.How much is this, the treatment of the protagonists in dramas and movies?

People are in another world, drifting to the point of losing contact.

"Be cautious. Although it is very tempting, if you really become a person from another world and live for thousands of years, it is a special reminder that the reincarnation process is irreversible. That is to say, if we activate the reward, we will completely abandon the earth, and it is very likely that we will die in our lifetime." Can no longer return to the home planet."

Byron advised everyone to calm down and not to be dazzled by the momentary reward, although this reward made his heart pound. Imagine another world with extraordinary power and technology that is about to equal or surpass the earth. Traveling through time, you can run freely on the beautiful Gaia Plain, and you can fly into the sky and escape from the ground, how attractive it is!

Byron can be sure that if this reward is obtained by Honghuang and Hill players, nine out of ten will press the OK button without hesitation, abandon everything on the earth, and devote themselves to the alien world. The game is like this attractive.

Byron's heart is still pounding until now. When he first received the reward, he had an impulse to abandon his body in the US research laboratory and completely devote himself to Gaia.

Talk all night with the strongest and smartest people of the time, and constantly adjust your genes to evolve yourself.If you don't enter in person, there will always be barriers, and you will always feel that you are an outsider. Byron feels that only by entering thoroughly can you reach the top.

"Mengyao. Why don't you speak?" Fenglongshen poked her in the private chat group.

"I was just wondering when I would reincarnate in." Mengyao replied meaningfully.

The other two were taken aback, they were still imagining, she actually planned to take action?

"Don't be impulsive, impulsiveness is the devil. You are like impulsive consumption now. The first time you see something you like, you want to buy it. But after you calm down, you find that you don't need it at all. Reincarnation is indeed very tempting, but having two Wouldn’t it be better to just look down on Gaia silently from different dimensions?” Feng Longshen hurriedly dissuaded him.

On the other side of the screen, he smiled wryly. Are women more emotional than men?It's easier to jump in with a head, but after working with her all these years, Fenglongshen also knows that she really loves Gaia and the Danxi Federation. She has realized her life value on Gaia, far more than on Earth. Had a much better time.

On Earth, she may be just an insignificant student at school, but on Gaia, she is a world-renowned political strongman. Tens of millions of people regard her as a spiritual leader, and her dream is on Gaia.

"Although I also had an impulse to reincarnate on Gaia, but from a practical point of view, although the Gaia civilization is thriving and everything is developing in a good direction, you have personally experienced world wars, and you know that the oldest among us The white-haired chief was the first to exit.

Every world is full of dangers.What if you were impulsive, reincarnated into Gaia, and fell by accident, what should you do?That is not the death exit of the game, but the real fall!You have to think about it all! "Byron also persuaded.

Although he, Mengyao and Fenglongshen are in different camps, they are masters of each other, and he doesn't want to watch each other fall headfirst into a pit.

"We have always participated in Gaia with a game attitude, and I have always felt that it is very unfair. Only by setting foot in person can we understand the charm of the other world and devote ourselves to the cause.

I love Gaia, and I love the Dancy Federation. With my current strength and status, even if something happens, I will not be in danger unless the Dancy Federation is destroyed.Of course, what you two said is also correct, you can’t just reincarnate into Gaia as soon as your head gets hot.It's better to wait and see for a while, after all, the funeral affairs on earth have to be dealt with. "

Mengyao was temporarily dissuaded by the two of them, but Fenglongshen frowned. He knew the other party well, so he rushed in when he knew the direction.

When the three players did great things, someone on the forum asked curiously: "Wind Dragon God, back then Ning Tianjiao won the gift of the World Tree by creating the magic net in Hill and revived the magician. Now you have built the Skynet , but also to create the way of heaven and God, which has a great influence on the Gaia people, have you received system rewards?"

"Fenglongshen, come out and spray water, don't hide it, anyway, we have done our part."

Players have achieved such achievements, naturally some people guessed that they are likely to get special rewards, and one after another shouted that the players blew themselves up.

Fenglongshen smiled wryly, the reward this time is too special, it is better not to disclose it now, "Thank you for your attention, there is indeed a reward this time, but it is not a super power, it is very special, it is not convenient to disclose it now, there is always One day you will know."

What he said made everyone feel even more itchy. It's good not to say it, but the more he said it, the more curious he was. Even the players from Honghuang and Hill came over to ask.However, the three were tight-lipped and still did not reveal what it was.

"I remember that a long time ago, there was a player who wanted to be reincarnated in another world, but unfortunately failed in the end. This time I will give you a chance, and I hope you can achieve great results again."

At home, Jiang Ping used 3 points to luxuriously concoct a pot of fine wine, poured himself a small cup, and took a sip.I swelled up, and I no longer liked Kuo Le back then, only this fairy wine brewed from beautiful jade barely entered my throat.

Entering the world in person is completely different from the mentality of the game, and the former is more capable of breaking out miracles.These are two different concepts, and benefits and risks coexist.

The special rewards that players get are just a small episode. For the Gaias, the emergence of the Heavenly Dao system and the God system has a profound impact. The common people finally know what it means to have a god. The Mechanic Gods that exist overlook and oversee them.

The crime rate, which had been reduced for a while, reached a new low. Before the violent warriors could use their unique skills to slaughter the surrounding fields, they were stopped by the one-in-a-billionth clone of the Heavenly Emperor. Interfere with your consciousness, make you faint instantly, and lose the ability to resist.

This is the impact on the folk, and the upper layer has a greater influence. The Emperor of Heaven and God can monitor the entire planet of Gaia. Disasters such as celestial phenomena and earthquakes are naturally not a problem. There are also more complicated and important spiritual power tides. Every energy tide will make a large number People suffer and fall, and a few people benefit from the disaster.

With these two gods, the complex psychic movement that has plagued the Gaians for thousands of years has been broken. The ubiquitous psychic molecules are so complicated, and they are affected by Gaia’s pulse and sunlight. Its influence on the Gaians , Just like the wind and rain in advance in advance in ancient times.

Just because of this point, the Gaia people were born with a lot more geniuses.It is also much more convenient for upper-level political personnel to manage the country. Robots are in power in more and more positions.

For a while, the people were extremely satisfied with the new system, and every person who had stayed in the post of a vegetarian corpse was kicked out, and the more serious ones were collected by Tiandao and sent directly to prison.

Officials from various countries were surprised to find themselves unemployed one day, and even the upper-level people were muttering that with the help of these two intelligences, their policies were indeed implemented very well, and many things had the best solution without their consultation. All you need to do is sign it, and it will be fine as a decoration.

"It seems that I can retire."

In the Western city of Seattle, the capital of the Danxi Federation, Mengyao stretched mischievously in the presidential palace, without any dignified temperament in public.Feng Shi on the side knew that this was her truest character, just like back then.

"You still need to supervise, and the people can't lose you. Many people have expressed their opinions, saying that the Emperor of Heaven and God have too far-reaching influence on our civilization.

And you also know that after they were manufactured, they were calculating and slowly evolving every day. Now, after only one month, they have undergone a complete change, and even the scientists who originally made them don't know each other.

For the last heavy insurance, we can never give up the right of final determination. "

Fengshi recently discovered that her mind has changed, and she seems to have the intention to quit?She no longer does everything by herself, but chooses to let go, and her mentality is much younger. She no longer has the sophistication that she has tempered for so many years, but returned to the mischievousness when she first met her.

Mengyao's long eyelashes were fluttering, and she caught Feng Shi peeking at her from the corner of her eye. She turned around and looked back, blinking mischievously, "A Shi, I plan to go out of the palace to travel around the great rivers and mountains recently, can you accompany me?" Shall I go with you?"

Surprise flashed in Fengshi's eyes, and then he pressed his heart with one hand, bowed his body and gave a big gift, "Of course, it's an honor."

With the stabilization of Gaia's two major systems, Mengyao has already made up her mind.She feels that she belongs to Gaia more than the earth, and her career and close friends are all on this beautiful planet.

"Perhaps that's what Hill's predecessor Xilin thought back then. His profile picture is still gray."

On Earth, in Ping An Town, in her own home, after logging out of the game, Mengyao woke up as if she was lost, her eyes looked around blankly, and she felt more and more out of place with her surroundings.

Every time after entering Gaia, I will show my skills in it, swear at Fang Qiu, and be full of vigor.But when she went offline and returned to the real earth, she felt an endless emptiness. This kind of chaotic feeling often made her palpitate.

And it happened to be dusk at this time, and the dim sunset light came in through the window, adding to the loneliness in Mengyao's heart, she did not belong to this world.

So after successfully developing intelligence this time, she was the most excited to receive a special reward from the system.

Disordered, she instinctively turned on the computer. The last time she browsed the forum, the Internet was bustling with people, and there were still countless netizens replying mischievously. She glanced out of the window again.There are wisps of cool wind blowing from the gap in the window, stirring up her restless blue hair.

The mouse in her right hand swiped automatically, and she unconsciously clicked on Xilin, a legend of the generation who once appeared on the Internet. He used to be the No.1 player in Hill. The dazzling ones, who are similar to themselves, have formed forces.

He once conquered most of the middle-earth, and when he was only one step away from ruling the world, he encountered Gilga, the protagonist of the era at that time, and on the Aegean Sea, he encountered the biggest defeat in his life, and never recovered.

Until the end when Gilga unified the world and came to Boulder City, he and his lover were in the city lord's mansion, and the gray avatar was also fixed on August 2020, 8, the day in the game, and never went online again.

Under the gray portrait, many people came to pay their respects.

"Boss Xilin, have you quit the arena yet? At least make a show, we are really worried about you."

"Haha, coward, it's just a failure in the game. Look at other players who still regard traveling to another world as a great qualification after losing, and reach the pinnacle of life in reality. If I were you, even if the game challenge failed, I would definitely Don’t be discouraged, you have to be the best in reality.”

"Everyone, I saw in the newspaper on August 8 that a young man who lived alone lit a fire. The way of death was exactly the same as that of Xilin in the game. Do you think it might be him?"

All kinds of beings, I haven't been online for so long, in fact, many people already have a bad feeling in their hearts, and some people pretend to be Xilin, but when the country connects, the lie will be exposed as soon as it is poked. So far, no one knows Xilin's true identity.

Mengyao also looked at the gray head portrait of this senior with a complicated expression, her mood was unstable, after all, she was abandoning everything in reality and completely throwing herself into a dream.

As the two Byrons said, living in two worlds and struggling in Gaia with a game mentality, isn't he good?

But after living in Gaia for so long, she has been in contact with real people and formed a deep bond. She feels more and more that there is a layer of separation between herself and them on the earth. This is one of the reasons why she made up her mind and planned to reincarnate. one.

"Since the heart has already made a choice, why hesitate?"

Mengyao picked up her mobile phone and began to edit the last text message. After setting it to be sent within 4 hours, she picked up the written suicide note from the computer drawer—"Parents, I'm sorry, my daughter is chasing her dream. "

After everything was arranged, she took a last look at the familiar world and the familiar room.Move the mouse with slightly trembling hands and click on "The Heavens and Worlds: Gaia".


"Special reminder, after reincarnation, you can no longer return to the earth, unless you evolve to the end of the biological, detached. Are you sure?"



In Ping'an City in Huaxia, the warm room was empty. Mengyao's place was empty at first. The computer chair turned slowly, only the mouse rolled down, and a letter lay quietly in front of the computer desk.


"Who, still send me a message at this time."

After washing up, Su Jie, who was lying on the bed and sleeping drowsily, was awakened by the ringtone of her mobile phone. She unlocked it and checked it. As expected, it was indeed sent by her friend Xiao Mengmeng. But after seeing the content of the text message, Su Jie His sleepy eyes were awakened by the shock, and he stood up suddenly.

"Farewell letter:

To my best friend Su Jie, I don’t have time to go shopping with you recently, you once joked and asked me if I fell in love with someone else.Let me tell you now, I have fallen in love with another world, and I love it with all my heart.

That world is Gaia.I am one of the four Gaia players circulating on the Internet.I developed the Heavenly Dao system together with Fenglongshen, and got a special reward. I will be reincarnated in Gaia, and I will never return after I go, but don’t forget about it.I only hope that next spring, I can enjoy the flowers again~~.

——The handsome little dream who is no longer in this world. "

Pata, after reading the text message, Su Jie, the smartphone in her hand slipped onto the bed, and she was stunned.

Chapter 394 The real number one in the world

I know that my best friend is a bit strange recently. She usually likes traveling in mountains and rivers, mountaineering and outings. She used to force herself to go out, but recently, when she took the initiative to ask her out, she always refused in every possible way.

I also joked "Did you find a man and forget your best friend", but I didn't expect the answer to be far more exaggerated than I thought.Thinking about it carefully, it seems that her recent anomalies only started on the day when the game "The Heavens and Worlds: Small Universe" was launched.

Su Jie's drowsiness disappeared in an instant, and she couldn't take care of sleep anymore. She quickly picked up the mobile phone on the bed, and hurriedly dialed the familiar number.

"tick tock"

The bell kept ringing in the room, but no one on the other side answered the phone for a long time. Su Jie put on her clothes and ran out of the house. She already had a bad feeling in her heart.

"What a silly girl, she is obsessed with playing games."


The two Byrons, who knew the news of Mengyao's reincarnation in advance, waited quietly on the Internet. When the time was up, they refreshed the Internet. .

The desolation of the rabbit's death and the fox's sorrow made Fenglongshen feel sad. Should it be said that it is her?Do what you decide to do immediately.He knew that the time of this gray head would be fixed on this day forever.

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