"Gaia's Skynet is better than our Internet. Everyone sinks into it, just like mining, but the rich now want to take a shortcut on Skynet and can only buy virtual coins in the hands of ordinary people. Virtual feedback In reality, the circulation of social wealth and materials has accelerated.”

"I'm more interested in the God system and the Heavenly Dao system developed by Byron and Queen Meng. How powerful is the supercomputer based on the spiritual sea? It's really like the heavenly way, controlling the fate of the people.

As an outsider, I have to remind you, be careful of the system killing the master.The more powerful things are, the more dangerous they are. Superintelligence manages your group.For the living economy, and even military defense, machine intelligence will definitely be in charge of your strongest dirty bomb or nuclear bomb in the near future.

All tentacles of the Gaia civilization have their assistance. What if, as in science fiction, the intelligence has a different heart and has its own ideas? "A well-known scholar pointedly pointed out the disadvantages.

"We have naturally considered this aspect. The disadvantage of dictatorship is that there is no check and balance. After the intelligent system is successfully manufactured, we will set the authority. Only when more than 70 people in our federation vote for the intelligence can we carry out military operations. Otherwise, we can only defend. What's more, this is not a system, the Emperor of Heaven, God, and the two super intelligent checks and balances also have this consideration."

Mengyao explained to everyone that no one is a fool, and they also considered that if mechanical intelligence controls Skynet, what will happen to the one in billions who has a different heart?Can the Gaians be killed by weapons?

"Separation of powers, the god of the God system, the emperor of the Tiandao system, and us who have the final right to determine. This guarantee can limit their power." Byron also reassured everyone, even if there is a one in a billion chance of a change. Change, they can control it.

Just when everyone was discussing the development of artificial intelligence, the white-haired chief who unexpectedly exited Gaia said: "Speaking of which, Gaia's civilization has also reached a critical point. Using Gaia's greatest wealth so far, build a world Do you still remember the reasons for the destruction of the Ivan civilization in the first century?

If my guess is correct, there should be a rudimentary form of virtual games, and if policy control is not promulgated at this time, it will be too late.Virtual drugs are more terrible than real drugs, and can destroy the spirit of a civilization! "

The words of the chief made the three surviving players excited. This is no small matter. The Ivan civilization that was extremely powerful back then was destroyed in his own hands.

Overnight, Mengyao, on behalf of about a hundred member states, had an urgent negotiation with the Speaker of the United States. The outside world did not know what the two Gaia alliances were talking about. The reporters speculated that it might be related to the artificial intelligence systems developed by the two countries, and they were dividing up Skynet. Benefit.

The reporters are all guys who are afraid of chaos, and if they don't do their business, they are just fanning the flames.Not only the two major national organizations exist on Gaia, but also the neutral third world countries. When their leaders heard this, they immediately became unhappy.

"Skynet is based on what the great Mother Gaia left behind. It is a collection of spiritual unconsciousness after the death of generations of creatures. It belongs to all mankind. How dare you swallow it?" The people of the third world were also angry. Can the Big Super League still be unable to deal with Skynet?

Immediately, someone said: "If the polar bear and the general dare to divide the Skynet domain without authorization and regulate the virtual currency, then we will demolish the Skynet by any means, and at worst, everyone will return to the ancient martial arts era."

Facing the public opinion filled with righteous indignation, Fenglongshen made an urgent announcement: "My fellow countrymen, we are not talking with the United States to monopolize Skynet, but to formulate policies on the development of virtual games and immersion in game time. Physical evolution is very important , Spiritual construction is equally important.”

Wind Dragon God's timely speech finally appeased the public, but as expected, the two super organizations jointly promulgated the Gaia Constitution to regulate virtual games and immersive games.

In fact, there are already signs of it now, because of the construction of Skynet, people around the world can easily communicate, and when material life is enriched, people naturally want to find other fun, after all, food and clothing are not just talk.

And the capitalists who have been squeezed out of their wealth by the new era also have bad intentions, wanting to play the game of Le, empty-handed.

"¥, the policy is issued at this time, this is a decision for us!"

In the United States of America, in Beiyue City, several capitalists who are not weak in cultivation are cursing. They originally invited spiritual masters to develop a game engine with their own computers. Set up games in the local area network to attract civilians and use virtual sensory stimulation to collect virtual coins in their hands.

Twelve hours of work and meditation, and one hour of game time squeezed out their virtual currency for a day.But now, the dream is shattered.

It is a pity that Harold, the spiritual master who is comparable to the epic master and the previous town-level powerhouse, has already made a breakthrough in his spiritual research. game.

I still can’t see the significance of this constitution. In the near future, some scientists will use computers to deduce that if there is no promulgation of this constitution, let each of the top powerhouses create different virtual games to attract Gaias. Indulging in games, maybe human civilization will go to another world line, and the whole people will sink into the virtual world line

In the United States, deep in the fringe mountains, researchers in white coats are holding notepads or wearing special psionic eyes doing experiments. 0” track.

The cumbersome routes like tens of millions of small rivers are coiled in the mountains, and finally all the rivers converge into the sea and condense in the middle of the hinterland.

There, hundreds of millions of data glowing with blue light kept beating, vaguely forming a human figure, but as the experiment continued, the data human figure finally collapsed and turned into stars.

"It still failed, but it's a lot better than before, and it can barely maintain a millisecond." A researcher stared at the data man and said.

He is an intelligent life composed of countless data, program codes, and spiritual power, and the hub of the God system—god.

"You said the god we developed, maybe the emperor over there is considered a living thing?" Another red-haired female scientist looked at the blue sea of ​​data curiously.

"It shouldn't be counted. In essence, they are just a row of codes, illusory. Just like the rows of numbers on our notepad."

Following the discussion between the two, this topic became a hot topic in this research base that gathered top talents from all over the world, and even Byron and others got involved.

"It's fierce, what do you think?"

Christina, who has a head of chestnut hair, stared at another screen curiously, absent-mindedly, Phoenix is ​​not in the main business of developing intelligent systems.

Hearing what his assistant said, he broke away from the computer that simulated the astronomical system in front of him. After deliberating for a while, looking at the expectant eyes of his colleagues, he said: "It's life, data life. Although The forms are different, but there is no doubt that they are beings that live with us on Gaia.

It's just that we live on the earth, and they live in mechanical hardware. "

"Boss, you made a mistake. They are just a row of numbers without self-awareness."

"I think, to discuss this issue, we must first define the word life."

The research base was suddenly bustling with people. Although the prestige of Phoenix is ​​very high, the people sitting here are all the top experts in the country, and they have their own opinions. Naturally, it is not so easy to admit your point of view.

"What is the essence of life? This is an ultimate question."

Fenghuang Jizhen was very happy to see that in the base, one expert after another put down their work and joined in the academic discussion. How many geniuses' ideas were inspired by the debate between different geniuses.

"We human beings are essentially nothing but a collection of carbohydrates, and the most important soul consciousness is nothing but self-awareness generated by the activity of neurons in the brain.

The biggest reason why you deny artificial intelligence is because they are only operating strictly according to the programs we set, and have no self-awareness, so they cannot carry out self-evolution.Stagnant obscurity is more terrifying than degeneration. "

Fenghuang Jizhen turned his seat and joined in this discussion of life.

A newborn calf is not afraid of tigers. A young researcher refused to accept it: "Director, according to what you say, our tens of millions of species on Gaia are just simple water and carbon. But according to the definition of ancient philosophers, the reason why life is life, It’s because you have your own soul and your own thinking.”

Phoenix spread his hands fiercely: "Everyone, you may know recently that I am researching astronomical projects and observing the universe. You say that the universe is so big, will there be silicon-based life that is completely different from our carbon-based life?"

This time, everyone will no longer completely deny it. According to existing research, silicon-based life that lives on steel is very likely to have been born on other planets in the universe.

"Since silicon-based life may exist, digital life can also be produced by us. Although they are a line of code and act according to our prescribed procedures, who knows that after tens of thousands of years and hundreds of millions of calculations, there will be loopholes. One of them has an inexplicable mutation, and has self-awareness sprouted?"

Fenghuang Jizhen took out a lens from his white coat. The lens was shining brightly under the bright daylight. Everyone's eyes were attracted by the lens, and some people even took out fragments of the same material from their bodies.

These lenses all come from the concentrating magic mirror of the gods of the Nanzhao state and town. It is said that it inspired the fierceness of the phoenix and conquered the biggest hurdle for human beings to reach the god level.All of you sitting here also have fragments that have made great contributions and were presented by the state.

Fenghuang fiercely held up the lens and showed it to everyone, "You may not have thought that this seemingly simple lens is actually a remnant of the previous generation of Gaia civilization. According to my recent research, it is found that the previous generation civilization should be the energy life we ​​guessed. They Far stronger than we are."

Fenghuang's fierce words immediately stunned every university student. Even Byron, who was just watching quietly in the corner, got up in surprise. The civilization of the previous generation?In the mysterious Fourth Epoch, when did Fenghuang Jizhen discover so much more than the player himself, no wonder he has been absent-minded recently and put all his energy on the astronomical computer.

"Director Fenghuang, you are going to change Gaiali! It turns out that Gaia people are only in the fifth era in the legend, which is true." Everyone was delighted, thinking that another moment in history was born.

"Before, the Eastern Fenglong God broke the news that he had received gifts from ancient civilizations. He knew that the first era was the Ivan civilization, the second era was the marine civilization, and the third era was the plant civilization. Now you have discovered the mysterious fourth era. Is it? They are energy forms, what happened in the end? Why are there no traces of them on the ground?

How exactly is energy civilization destroyed?Even took away all the relics of the previous civilization. "

Everyone asked again and again, Fenghuang turned his head viciously, and looked at the astronomical computer with curiosity in his eyes, "I have changed history a long time ago. Looking back at time, I don't know much. I always feel that there is a force in the dark that is stopping me. explore.

I am very curious about what happened to our previous civilization, and what catastrophe destroyed everything in the end. "

The most intelligent contemporary, who was appraised by Epoch Weekly as "an epoch-making genius" and "the most visionary and wisest person in the history of Gaia", he got up from his chair and walked outside the base. An increasingly excited discussion.

Byron caught up with Jizhen. At this time, he had already walked past the perimeter of the base guarded by fully armed guards, and stood on the top of the mountain, riding the breeze, staring up at the bright starry sky without blinking.

From the depths of the universe, the ancient starlight that traveled hundreds of millions of years shone on Jizhen's face. At this time, Byron almost thought he saw a sage who was always full of thirst for knowledge and tried to solve all problems on the road of science.

"When did you discover that the fourth civilization is in the form of energy? Do they have any descendants?"

Jizhen's eyes did not turn away from the stars, but asked back: "Do you know, with the tree rings, we can understand the traces of the wheel of fortune left by time on it, so we know the fate of this tree? How long have you lived.

Gaia is currently the oldest pinecone tree found on the planet and has lived for 1 years.And with the help of layers of landforms, we know how many vicissitudes have been experienced on this land.I discovered bits and pieces of information about the Quaternary Epoch based on the remnants on the lens. "

Ji Zhen raised his hand, as if he wanted to catch the vast starlight falling from the sky, the white coat illuminated by the moonlight and starlight became brighter and brighter, like a white angel's robe.

"Light has been wandering in the universe, and they also carry massive amounts of information. If I reach 5 light-years away and look back at Gaia, I may still see the scene where I evolved into a god. Reaching 1 light-years away , I can see that our ancestors just got rid of the blood-drinking barbarism and began to imitate the beasts to practice martial arts.

Millions of light years away, we can witness with our own eyes how the mysterious Fourth Era rises and how it is destroyed.Theoretically speaking, when we reach the edge of the universe, the end of the world, we can see the first light in the universe with our own eyes, and along it, we can witness the ultimate explosion of the universe with our own eyes. "

Jizhen closed his eyes, and his mind seemed to have followed the ancient light to the end of time, where the answers to all questions and the ultimate mystery of the universe were contained.

Byron was dazzled by what he heard. He didn't expect Phoenix to have such a big heart. He smiled wryly. It really is you, a crazy mad scientist. He thought that after becoming a god, he would settle down a lot. He is no longer a middle school student. After a few words, I realized that the man was a teenager until his death.

"So, do you really want to travel to the end of time? Do you want to see the first driving force of the universe?" Byron asked, "But now the development of intelligent systems has reached the most critical moment, and we cannot live without you.

What's more, based on what you said just now, you can know that this is a huge super project, and you alone cannot solve it in an era. "

Fenghuang opened his eyes fiercely, turned around and walked towards the gate, "Don't worry, I know what's in my mind. The most important thing now is to develop the god system, but it's still a long time. I become a god, both in terms of spirit and lifespan. At least according to In terms of cell activity, it is no problem to live for 5 years, and one day, I will stand at the end of the world, the end of time."

Chapter 392 Contact of the Third Kind, God's Forbidden Zone

In the barren desert, birds do not cross, grass and trees do not grow, such an inaccessible place, but gathering talents from Yunzhou Kingdom, Danxi Federation and other small countries.

In today's world, everyone was woken up by the phoenix in a white coat, blindly cultivating behind closed doors has been eliminated, and Emperor Yun Zhou, who is the pinnacle of ancient martial arts, is the best end.In terms of social status, it is not some idols who are popular, but the most intelligent scientific research talents are the pillars of the country and the heroes of the whole people.

This is the Tiandao research base of the Pacific Treaty Organization. Mengyao is also in charge of the Danxi Federation, and now Fenglongshen is personally responsible for supervising the progress.

"How long until it's finished?"

In the base, the God of Wind Dragon saw streams of beautiful brilliance flowing like laws, and strands of air flow converged to form a noble throne of the emperor of heaven. The throne is in a high dimension, and the throne diffracts countless thin lines downward, symbolizing the control of all living beings.

The brilliance gathered on the throne, as gorgeous as a rainbow, and a god-man with a blurred face was gradually perfecting.

"Soon, the Emperor of Heaven is about to be born." The project leader promised Fenglongshen that if he had gathered so many human resources, if he hadn't done anything, he would be beaten tofu to death.

"I hope it can be completed before the United States." Fenglongshen urged.

When the two organizations are stepping up to manufacture the intelligent system, the outside Gaians are already adjusting the genes of the whole people.

Mengyao’s discovery of headaches has caused a wave of ups and downs. There are many controversies about gene adjustment on the earth. Thanks to the epoch-making genius Phoenix Jizheng, Gaia’s gene regulation technology implements cornering overtaking, and in order to improve the genetics of the whole people , so that the Gaia people's overall civilization progresses.

The United Nations of Gaia, which was jointly established by the United States and the United States of America, promulgated the policy "Evolution for All", and carried out genetic optimization for every Gaia for free.

Mengyao considered that the expenditure was too large, and she was careless.As the earth science fiction said, the outbreak of the conflict between the adjustment person and the original person will cause another world war.She deliberately slowed down.

As the saying goes, don’t worry about scarcity but worry about inequality, first carry out the simplest physical transformation, step by step, and it’s easy to get to the sky step by step.

"Governing a big country is like cooking a small dish, so don't worry." Mengyao said to her companion with satisfaction.

"But in this case, isn't the actual transformation effect very slow? If we concentrate our energy and wealth to transform the first batch of ancient warriors and capitalists, I am afraid that we humans will be able to produce many strong people. They will marry and have children, and they will give birth to stronger ones." A gifted child." Feng Shi was still puzzled.

According to the theory of governing the country that he learned since he was a child, it is natural to concentrate on a small group of people, and the effect is the most significant.

"And then? Will those people who were transformed first look down on those who have not been transformed? This is nothing more than creating class divisions. Just because they were landlords and capitalists in ancient times, they can be forced to evolve now? For the country, this group of people using Those who transform their wealth and privileges first will not bring any benefits to society, and will only exacerbate social conflicts."

Mengyao would rather be 100 years later than create a privileged class, because she was born ordinary, and she is also the most ordinary person on earth, so she naturally has some insights.Obviously, Gaia has already had the dawn of equality, and the bottom layer can also rely on Skynet to advance, and then create conflicts, which is not what she wants.

"Speaking of which, will the Heavenly Emperor and God you created become so powerful in the end? Like a prehistoric sage or even a heaven-level powerhouse, Hill's supreme god, World Tree? Although others have reminded them several times , but I still say don’t let the tail go too far.”

When Byron and Fenglongshen each uploaded the progress chart of the system and secretly competed, netizens were very curious about the strength of these two data beings.Although it is a coaching type, being so versatile already represents something.

"It's definitely not that strong at the beginning, and it's probably equivalent to the god level, but they, like humans, will continue to optimize and improve through self-calculation, and after time accumulates, they will become the true way of heaven and God." Byron confirmed.

In fact, the development of the God system is faster than the Tiandao system. This is the case that the leaders always focus on other fields.

In the middle of the night that day, the busy researchers collapsed exhaustedly in front of the operating table, taking this opportunity to squint for a while, the screen flickered with fluorescent dots, and the codes like stars jumped again.

Christina poured a cup of coffee-like refreshing drink for Jizhen, and she persuaded: "Even gods are mentally exhausted. When your consciousness is exhausted, you use two things at once, and you haven't rested for a long time."

Fenghuang Jizhen picked up the teacup, drank it in one gulp, and replied with bright eyes: "There is nothing more interesting than exploring the unknown."

Interest is the best teacher and the best reward.The reason why Fenghuang Jizhen can achieve such achievements is because he is always full of curiosity and eager to solve the ultimate problems.

The assistant spoke a few more words of comfort, and then yawned and rested beside him for a while. Byron who was beside him also greeted him and began to go offline to rest.Free lights flicker in the base, and the data jumps. Phoenix Jizhen personally controls the most advanced astronomical calculator, controls the telescope at an altitude of [-] meters, and captures the stars of the universe.

Over the years, Gaia's reforms have been comprehensive, with their footprints in the ground, under the sea and even in space. Because of an ancient proverb that has been circulated for some time, they also deliberately landed on the double moon that they don't want to see each other.

About Shuangyue, since ancient times, literati and inkmen have been dreaming about it, and there have been strong men who ventured into the sky, but they were always blown down by the wind of space. With the development of modern times, people were launched to the moon by using scientific means. After careful study, the strong man discovered that there were still some traces left.

At this time, Phoenix's fierce eyes swept across the Shuangyue base, saw the villain like ant, and then adjusted the astronomical telescope, and began to look directly at the sun, and Jizhen, whose mind sank into the starry sky, didn't notice at all Changes around

Light, infinite light, Jizhen felt that his spirit flew out of Gaia, and with the light continued to fly out of the domain, dancing with time, Xiri, whose whole picture could not be seen at a glance, appeared.Fenghuang Jizhen was suddenly surprised to find that there seemed to be someone with an unknown face on Xi Rishang, whose body seemed to gather light and energy, but flashed like the sun, showing an unstable state.

"You came."

The blurred light man standing in front of Xi made a sound, and a circle of light spread around him to Jizhen, as if he came here specially to wait for Jizhen.

Jizhen turned around and saw the familiar blue Gaia standing in the starry sky wearing his favorite white coat.

"Who are you? You are waiting for me?"

"You are very smart, and your race is also very vigorous. I came here this time, but I just passed by accidentally, and I just stopped and found that you were going back in time, so I was waiting here to warn you."

The fuzzy light man seems to be patrolling the universe, and his strength is unimaginable. Fenghuang Jizhen didn't expect that there are such super creatures in the universe, which are far stronger than any god.

At least I was pulled out of Gaia unconsciously by Him, without any ability to resist.But he didn't seem to have any malicious intentions, on the contrary, he came here to help himself?

"What do you want to warn me? You still haven't answered who you are." Fenghuang Jizheng followed closely, not afraid at all, but a little excited, nothing is more exciting than the unknown.

"The experiment you are doing is very dangerous. You have touched the forbidden zone of God. This is not a taboo that mortals can touch. If you don't stop, disaster will come."

Fenghuang raised his eyebrows ferociously, and said, "Are you referring to the God-making system, or the astronomical project I'm researching privately?"

"I'm not interested in your development of an intelligent system. If you study astronomical starlight, you should have discovered that there are many seemingly illusory lights in the stars. I advise you to remain in awe of the universe and don't try to go deeper. If you enter again, you will be black hole devour.

It was only because of a special karma that I gave advice.Otherwise I won't show up. "The fuzzy light man's tone was flat, it seemed that he was no longer looking at the fierceness of Phoenix, but the beautiful Gaia behind him.

"You are a creature of Gaia's fourth civilization!"

In the starry sky, Fenghuang fiercely revealed his identity as a light man, and his tone became agitated in vain, "I knew that if a civilization is strong enough and everyone becomes a god, even if it encounters a devastating disaster, there must be someone who will revive the civilization. You are either a member of the Fourth Civilization, or a descendant of it!

What happened to you back then?Why can't you find any trace of you in the whole Gaia?Even the civilization history of the previous three eras has been destroyed. Is this also related to the ultimate question of the origin of the universe?Is our world artificially created? "

The excited Jizhen asked many questions in one breath, obviously these ultimate questions have been buried in his heart.Now that he had finally met an incredible descendant of an ancient civilization, he naturally wanted to ask for clarification.

"You have too many problems. The smarter the person, the more he thinks he can control everything and the stars of the universe. If you don't have awe and still explore taboo issues, one day you will get into big trouble. Gaiadi The five civilizations will also repeat the same mistakes and step into our back road."

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