"It's better to do it than not to do it well. It's fierce. Do you think we are releasing a demon? There is already a suspicion that the tail is too big to lose. Their evolution is too fast, and our Gaia civilization can't catch up." Byron was a little heavy. Said.

"Little god is not a devil, and you guys want to feed me bad things.

Huh, o(╥﹏╥)o human beings are necrotic, I worked so hard to help you, and you even gave me poison. "

A little god jumped out of the screen in front of Fenghuang Jizheng. The little guy, who was only 10 tall, lay down in front of the computer desk, beating the ground with heartbroken hands, and crystal tears ran across his cheeks.It was so shiny that it seemed to flood the table into the sea.

Byron and Christina looked at each other, and Byron asked cautiously, "Fearful, when did your little guy become so human? If I hadn't watched it jump out of the computer, I would have suspected it was a goblin."

"He shouldn't have been lively before, but now he looks like a human child." Suddenly, Christina said with a pale face.

Instantly, Byron felt his body shudder, and his cells trembled slightly. Are they already late?Unknowingly, god has been secretly upgraded, and a self-awareness to protect oneself has been produced?Can the self-destruct program be successfully implanted?

Is the Gaia civilization going to enter the dark age of mechanical rule?The world line shifted?

"Oh, you said him, I was doing experiments before, and I became curious, so I helped him draw up the toddler module, so it looks more humane." Seeing the pale faces of the two, Fenghuang Jizhen spoke out the reason.

"No matter how similar it looks, it's just imitating children's data, and the internal policy has not changed. In other words, I am more like looking at what happens when machines generate human intelligence."

False alarm, Byron broke into a cold sweat for himself, "Fearful, you are really a mad scientist, a standard scientific madman. Compared with you, I am too kind and my situation is too small."

In the end, no matter what a few people think, the Emperor of Heaven and God have embedded a self-destruction program, which also marked a point, "If the number of Gaia is less than [-] million, then no matter what the situation is, the program will automatically start."

This paragraph can be regarded as rather helpless, in any case, we must ensure the existence of civilization.


On this day, there was a violent shock on the ground, and the orange mushroom cloud familiar to all people on Earth slowly rose from the horizon, and the nuclear bomb finally appeared.

In fact, the weapon more powerful than it - the annihilation bomb is also completed quickly, but the production cost of the annihilation bomb is much more expensive than that of the nuclear bomb, so countries prefer nuclear bombs, and it is easy to manufacture thousands of them, if not Disgusting that the sequelae are too great, all countries plan to use small nuclear bombs as a daily tool for land reclamation.

At this time, in the southern continent, in Gaia’s largest Hara Desert, a 10-meter-long annihilation bomb is being secretly transported, and the person who presides over the test explosion is the leader of the approximate group, President Meng, a well-equipped guard of [-] people Driving the monster mecha slowly came to guard.

In the Hara base, dozens of huge and cumbersome computers are monitoring the movement of the annihilation bomb at any time. The inside of the shell is unstable and in a state of chaotic collapse. As long as the fuse is ignited, the aura will explode and the surrounding area will be destroyed.

The scientific researchers stared at the computer screen tightly, not daring to be careless.


Suddenly a wisp of snowflakes flashed on the complicated data in a computer room. The expert on the opposite side was stunned for a moment, thinking that he was dazzled, so he quickly rubbed his eyes and opened them again. Sure enough, there was nothing abnormal.

"What's going on? Has the computer been hacked?"

Colleagues' horrified shouts came from nearby, and top scholars realized that the computer in front of them had rebelled!Wisps of snowflakes flashed on the screen that originally displayed the data of the annihilation bomb, as if invaded by outsiders, the entire screen was blurred, the blue data was swallowed, and monsters like reptiles appeared on the screen in an instant.

The reptiles formed a terrifying grimace, and the grimace was staring at them.In the next moment, they will get out of the computer and devour them alive!


The annihilation bomb on the silo automatically adjusted its direction without any command, and prepared the base

"Ding Dong! Master, it's time to get up and come here. Special reminder, Skynet has been invaded, authority has been corrupted, and a third force has appeared, swallowing the outer space, and is currently planning to encroach on the domain of me and the Emperor."


In Fenghuang Jizhen's research room, the astronomical computer started automatically, a row of white lights flashed, and the anxious little god rushed out from the screen, and quickly ran to Fenghuang Jizhen who was lying on the sofa covered in a white coat, and was taking a nap for a while.

"It's terrible, it's not good! The computer has rebelled, you have to take a look, there is a change in Skynet, and tens of millions of people have lost consciousness due to mental shock!"

There was a bustling noise outside the laboratory, Byron and the others kicked open the door, at this time Fenghuang fiercely squinted his eyes, he was slightly confused, and hadn't realized what happened, "What's wrong? "

Jizhen turned his head to look at the activated astronomical calculator. At this time, billions of numbers and codes were jumping on the huge screen, symbolizing that the white light in the God realm was being swallowed by tiny black reptiles.

In an instant, Fenghuang Jizhen, who had just woken up, was no longer sleepy. He suddenly stood up, ignoring the white coat that fell to the ground, but sat down in front of the mutated computer, tapping with two fingers at lightning speed.

"What the hell is going on? How come there is a third force? Skynet has fallen. The most important thing is that today is the day when the approximate organization conducts an annihilation bomb military test. This force's attack is definitely intentional!" The people who came over asked anxiously.

From the moment they noticed the computer anomaly, until now, they didn't know who the enemy was or where it came from.How to deal with this?

Crackling keyboard sounds kept ringing in the research room. Fenghuang's fierce expression was extremely serious. He moved his lips, staring at the increasingly thick crawler on the screen and said: "This is a monster hidden in the computer, and it was also born in countless The virus after the second operation.

As I said before, no matter how smart a computer is, there will always be bugs after countless calculations. This is inevitable, and the accumulation of trivial bugs will eventually become it!Temporarily named this is the most dangerous computer monster we Gaians have encountered so far. "

Chapter 396 Tetris Battle Snake Eating

At the test site of the annihilation bomb, the control supercomputer was completely invaded.This military operation is top-secret. In order to prevent the Heavenly Emperor from intervening, the computer uses a manual mode that is separated from Skynet.

Unexpectedly, because of this small loophole, they were invaded by the virus, and the faces of military experts changed drastically. They pressed the console desperately with both hands, but there was no effect, only the grimaces on the screen were provocative.

"Who the hell?!"

The experts present were shocked and horrified, until now they have not figured out who the enemy is and whether it is man-made.

"Could it be God's invasion?"

Someone thought of another virtual god on the other side of the ocean.But soon someone denied this guess. Even if God invaded, the United States would stop it. Otherwise, after devouring the Emperor of Heaven, the next one to perish would be them as the controllers.

At this moment, Mengyao, who was standing on the viewing platform, also noticed something strange. Why was the silo not far away aligned with the direction of their launch base?

"The situation is not right. Is there a change in the launch procedure of the annihilation bomb? Why is it aimed at us?"

Mengyao gritted her teeth lightly. It was the first time she felt the difference between her mentality and the mentality of the game. If she had still logged in here with the game at this time, she would not be so nervous at all. At this time, Mengyao's heart was beating after reincarnation, and she felt Great motivation.

When the revolution broke out back then, I was not without danger, but this was the first time I felt this way.If there is an accident in the experiment, or if a heretic takes the opportunity to eradicate himself, then this time it will be a real death.

At this time, Feng Shi, who had been staying behind Mengyao, stepped forward and blocked the danger in front of her just like in the past.

"Don't worry, there is me."

The familiar words came out from the back blocking Mengyao's front, and Mengyao was stunned. For the first time, she felt that the ordinary daily movements were so touching, and her heart beat twice abnormally.

The heads of the military experts in the Hara Desert were about to explode. No matter how they waved their fingers and frantically tapped on the console, the virus would continue to occupy their authority.The ferocious grimace on the screen is a mockery of their Chi Guoguo.

They even chose the ultimate method - cut off the network and power, but it still didn't work!

Every supercomputer has hidden energy behind it to prevent the loss of precious data due to accidental network and power outages. This was originally a means of insurance, but now it has become the last straw that crushes them.

"Ding dong!"

A strange phone call came from this military base, and an anxious military expert quickly answered the phone, "The intrusion on your military computer is not an ordinary creature, but a combination of countless data viruses and bugs. The unknown creature is the millennium bug.

He is teaming up with God and even the Emperor of Heaven to strangle the virus in Skynet together. You must hold on and try to delay the opportunity for the Y100K to launch an annihilation bomb.Phoenix is ​​really worried that the real purpose of the millennium bug is to launch an annihilation bomb, activate the dead hand system, and make more than [-] countries in Gaia launch tens of thousands of nuclear bombs at the same time, destroying all living things on the surface of Gaia! "

The dead hand system, also known as the nuclear retaliation system.Because Gaia is a confrontation between two poles, third-party small countries that feel that there is no sense of existence have set up a binding system. Maybe they cannot deal with the powerful countries on the other side of the ocean, but it is still no problem for neighboring countries that are close at hand to aim and shoot.

With layers upon layers of implications, in the end all human nations were dragged into the quagmire of destruction. This is the restraint method used by various countries. It is obvious that the Y[-]K attack was deliberate.

Not to mention the fact that military experts in the Hara Desert came up with their own methods to deal with the virus. The most important thing is the Jizhen Private Research Laboratory. A number of bigwigs from both military and political circles came here, and they all realized the seriousness of the problem.

Skynet has evolved into a ubiquitous web of laws, which wraps the entire Gaia star, invisible to the naked eye, and can only be seen through with the eye of spiritual knowledge.At this time, tens of billions of souls meditate in it, becoming "batteries" to provide computing power.

Ripples appeared in the skynet, like an ocean in a storm, and the originally orderly spiritual sea became violent, as if someone was fighting in the ocean.

In the research room, under the attention of everyone, Fenghuang Jizhen showed a serious expression that no one had ever seen before. The arithmetic unit of the astronomical computer had been used to the limit. It was hitting the console at a speed invisible to the naked eye.

Everyone saw wisps of blue smoke coming out of it. On the screen, the millennium bug, which was originally powerful, was constantly being swallowed by white light. The q-version god in the corner was becoming bigger and more powerful, as if this was its true form.

"Fearful, does this millennium bug have human intelligence? Why is the timing of the attack so coincidental?"

Byron, who was watching the battle from the sidelines, couldn't help but write aloud. Following the clues of the millennium bug just now, everyone also saw how it grew all the way.

At the beginning, it was just that the programmer couldn’t help but make a mistake when setting up the code for calculating the date. When it was reset to zero once every 1000 years, the computer calculation automatically produced a contradiction, which caused a bug, and the original seamlessness was flawed.

The mention of a thousand miles is defeated by ants.It is this insignificant little bit that slowly devours the unconscious negative energy of human beings and grows in the dark net area that the emperor and god tentacles do not touch.

Where there is light there is darkness.No matter how majestic and sacred the emperor and god are, more than tens of billions of souls sink into the sky net every day, and the malice they emit unconsciously is enough to pollute the gods.The millennium bug feeds on negative energy, and grows continuously under the eyes of the two virtual gods. Today, at this critical moment, it finally launched an attack.

"No, I don't think it has evolved intelligence yet, because if it is born with self-awareness, it means that the millennium bug has completely surpassed the emperor and god, and it will not be such a stalemate. Although it looks so smart and full of humanity now, Simply because it acts according to the optimal solution deduced.

Its rule is to keep growing, infecting different kinds, and making itself evolve continuously. "

When Fenghuang Jizhen assisted God in the battle against the millennium bug, he still had the time to explain.Everyone at the scene thought that the millennium bug had become a super-god, evolved from a data life to a super life with self-awareness, but they didn't want to be like the emperor of heaven, acting according to a fixed program.

On the astronomical computer, hundreds of millions of light spots flashed. These light spots spread all over Gaia, which is the foundation of Skynet. Each star-like light spot represents the soul of a Gaia, but at this time, any The network battle is getting more and more intense.

A snake-like monster aimed at the souls of Gaians. In an instant, Phoenix's fierce expression changed, "Hurry up and turn off the Skynet access device, the millennium bug wants to invade the Skynet at this time." soul!"

Everyone present was shocked and hurriedly called to force everyone to go offline.

As a result, Skynet kicked out the consciousness of a billion people in a second, and people who were addicted to Skynet suddenly woke up, looking around in a daze, not knowing what happened.

"It's not good, did you see a terrible greedy snake coming from a distance before you went offline, constantly devouring souls?"

"You are right, this is not an illusion, but a computer monster named [Millennium Bug], it is currently fighting with the Emperor of Heaven and God, competing for the authority of Skynet, and in order to defeat the two virtual gods, it will attack us Already!"

In addition to Skynet, Gaians also have other means of communication. At this point in technology, there is not only one way, but Skynet is the most convenient and efficient.When the insider uttered the message about the millennium bug, everyone's heart skipped a beat.

Skynet is the virtual Gaia, the second world of human beings, and there are two great gods sitting and guarding it in person. How could there be a virus monster born, and even devour their consciousness?

Everyone was asking, and this insider came one by one, without any concealment, and she told the public without hesitation: "This is the biggest crisis that we Gaias have ever encountered, because this person who was born in the dark universe The monster is evolving and fighting every moment, now the Heavenly Emperor and God can suppress it, but what about 1 minute later?"

All Gaians are aware of the seriousness of the problem, "How can a data virus be so powerful that it will devour our soul consciousness, and if it continues like this, it will completely seize the authority of Skynet and access the endless subconscious spiritual sea. Then Is there any way for us Gaians to survive?

What monsters have we created?Could it be that our civilization is going to be destroyed in our own hands?Take advantage of the fact that the authority of Skynet has not been seized.Shall we turn off all the Skynet signal towers and tear down Skynet completely, so that it has no place to live and can only starve to death? "

Someone thought of a way to hurt one thousand enemies and destroy eight hundred.The big deal is to shut down Skynet, but someone smiled bitterly: "It's too late, and now we can't shut it down if we want. Whether Skynet exists or not, the spiritual sea of ​​the core will always exist."

The consciousness of all Gaians sank, and they felt the pressure of a dark cloud overwhelming the city, "We can only rely on the most wise man of mankind, the phoenix, to be fierce!"

At this moment, the mad scientist became the savior of the whole people, bearing the hope of tens of billions of Gaias.

"Urgent notice! Urgent notice! Skynet has been polluted, unauthorized login is not allowed, a virus monster has invaded it, 1000 million souls have been swallowed by the virus, and now the world's most wise man, Phoenix, is doing his best to prevent the virus from invading.

Our Gaia civilization has encountered the most dangerous moment, but I believe that the fierce Phoenix will eliminate the virus, and we Gaia will never be destroyed like this!The Skynet we created will never be buried by Skynet. "

On the TV station, the hostess broadcast the news with a solemn face, and strictly ordered everyone not to enter the Internet. The Internet is already a mess, and three great gods are fighting in it. Ordinary people who go in will only be brainstormed and turned into slag!

On Earth, Byron, who has been paying attention to this matter, is also live broadcasting, "Big accident! Skynet, which the Gaians are proud of, has become the best ovary of the virus evil god, unknowingly giving birth to such a terrible millennium bug, It is a fusion of countless bugs.

The stronger the Skynet, the stronger the Heavenly Emperor, the stronger it is.It has continued to evolve until now, and has devoured the souls of 1000 million people. If this continues, the Heavenly Emperor and God will not be able to suppress it.If the Phoenix really fails, it is a pity that the history of Gaia has come to an end. This is not alarmist talk.

The next era will be the era of Internet viruses. There will be no one in Gaia, only barren signal transmitters, and intelligent virus bugs will survive on the virtual network. They will replace Gaia as the new planet overlord. "

What Byron said stunned everyone present.Can a wrong calculation and a confluence of bugs become a terrifying virus that destroys the world?Will it be the same on their earth?

"!!!∑(?Д?ノ)ノ, our sister star has encountered a virus crisis, so will the earth network have multiplied a lot of viruses? After all, everyone on the network is full of fragrance and venting malice. There is much more negative energy on the Internet than in reality.

Rather, the pressure of reality is excreted on the Internet, and the Internet is the spiritual trash can of reality. Gaias have encountered an Internet crisis this time. Is it because of this that we are reminded to use the Internet carefully? "

Such a big event shocked people at home and abroad.The official staff paid close attention to it immediately, and everyone remembered the words left by the producer when selecting the four major players, "Take Gaia as a mirror and take a good look at yourself."

"Is this the true meaning of the Gaia star? Gaia can breed virus monsters, causing Gaia people to encounter an unprecedented crisis. Naturally, it is also possible on the earth." The earth netizens are reflecting on whether they are too dependent on computers and network.

"In any case, I sincerely hope that Phoenix can defeat the millennium bug and save Gaia civilization!"

At this moment, more than tens of billions of people inside and outside the world are praying sincerely. Gaia warriors who do not believe in God and disrespect the earth begin to pray with their palms together. This is a crisis for the Gaia people. The glorious Gaian civilization has officially come to an end, and a new era of viral networks has come.

"Tick, tick."

The hope of all Gaians, Phoenix is ​​really sweating profusely, and his expression has never been so tense. In his research room, there is a famous person who is famous on the planet. At this time, the rare person who is rarely seen in the ordinary day is silent. , looking nervously at Jizhen.

Christina picked up the towel distressedly, and wiped the hot sweat on Jizheng's head, "Quickly, connect to the port over there, and help me prepare another console. I want to strangle together with the Emperor of Heaven, otherwise I can't stop it anymore!" Stop it, its evolution rate is too fast! It has devoured the souls of 1000 million people, making all the outer areas of Skynet under its control.

One fifth of the territory has already fallen under the control of the millennium bug! "

Phoenix roared ferociously, and did not dare to stop his hands. Everyone saw that on the screen, a ferocious greedy snake was swallowing "fruits" one after another. The fruits are the souls of Gaia people. The body of the snake eater is getting bigger and bigger, which symbolizes the continuous encroachment of the Skynet domain, and what confronts it is a piece of Tetris composed of three squares, presenting the word "pin".

The square villain keeps jumping, angrily attacking the snake, often attacking the head and being attacked by the tail, and it is still dominant in the early stage. As the greedy snake grows bigger, it chooses to encircle the square villain, and traps the cube villain, which symbolizes god, in the snake body In the movie, God's range of activities is getting smaller and smaller, and the greedy snake reveals its hideous bloody mouth.


"Here we come, the access is successful!"

Phoenix is ​​like a dual-player game. His hands are moving at the speed of light on the two consoles. Others can't see his hand speed at all. They can only see that in the fierce Skynet battle, the constantly coiled greedy snake was cut off at the waist. coming.

Byron hurriedly looked at the screen, and saw a domineering pixel villain similar to Minecraft descending from the sky, cutting through the encircling circle of greedy snakes, and solving God's urgent need, he is naturally the Emperor of Heaven.

Surrounded by the winding body of a greedy snake, the character villain jumped out of the gap, joined hands with the pixel villain, and attacked the head and tail of the snake together. There was a sizzle, and black smoke curled up.

At this moment, the emperor, god, millennium bug, data life, and virus life are fighting in the network, and they are realized on the screen of the astronomical computer. The two-dimensional image presented is a greedy snake crawling around, Tetris is small Humans and pixel villains danced and fought against long, greedy snakes.

The battle was so fierce that Jizhen's arms were about to cramp!All the onlookers held their breath nervously, lest the sound of breathing would disturb Fenghuang Jizhen's battle, only Christina held a towel and kept sweating Jizhen.

ps: I received bad news this morning. An old man in my family died unexpectedly. The update will be unstable in the past few days, please understand.Life and death are impermanent, too unexpected, totally unexpected

Chapter 397 Entropy increase, the end of evolution

The gluttonous snake is agile, and its tail flicks a thousand miles.Pinzi square people are square and upright, following the principles of heaven and earth.The pixel people are mighty and domineering, punching Nanshan Nursing Home and kicking Beihai Kindergarten.

On the screen of the astronomical computer, with the vast skynet as the battlefield, god and the emperor joined forces for the first time to siege and kill the millennium bug.The millennium bug is weaker than the two great gods.However, its ability to evolve and learn is too strong, and it has devoured the souls of 1000 million Gaias.

"Two gods strike together!"

Under the spotlight of all the people, Fenghuang Jizhen uses the two-sword style, and controls different consoles with both hands. The speed of the hands is amazing, and the eyes of the onlookers can't move as fast as fingers.In fact, those who can barely see through the afterimage of the phoenix's fierceness are already the top powerhouses in the world, and most people just look dumbfounded.Those who didn't know thought he was playing a game.

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