In just 5 years after the war, the Danxi Federation turned out to be a force that cannot be ignored on the mainland, and even ranked alongside the Yunzhou Empire in the Eastern Continent, becoming a powerful country in the new era.

In the east, the ancient Yun Zhou Empire complied with the will of God, and Emperor Yun Zhou was also far-sighted and not greedy for power.He listened carefully to the "Constitutional Monarchy" submitted by Fenglongshen, and pondered for three days.Finally, a group of ministers was called for a meeting.

At the meeting, some royalist generals, prime ministers, and princes changed their expressions drastically, directly overturned chairs, cursed at the meeting, pointed at Fenglongshen's nose, and said that he was ambitious and wanted to usurp power and become the new king.

But other young officials who have received new ideas rolled their eyes and felt that the system of the three powers is very good.This is the reformist faction, and it also accounted for a lot of people in the meeting.

Facing the scolding from the royalists, and they even summoned the guards to plan to attack, Fenglongshen said frankly: "My lord, I'm eating shit. The trend of democracy is coming. Only by liberating the productive forces can our country become strong again. , then it can only be eliminated by the times.

In the recent battle, we Yunzhou people had to die ten people to kill one soldier of the polar bear. Isn't this bloody lesson not profound?This is the last train. If it is too late, new kingdoms will be established one by one, and the ancient Yunzhou Kingdom will be split and will lose its glory. "

The parliament was noisy and noisy, like a market.

It's all for his own benefit. Fenglongshen has a big hand, and in order to show his determination to benefit the world and not be greedy for power, he directly contributed his Leaning Tower of Pisa.The prerequisite is the passage of a constitutional monarchy.

"If you can reform without bloodshed, what is a mere magic weapon?"

Fenglongshen thought to himself, he is not short-sighted by NPCs, the current artifact is indeed invincible, just like the beginning of Hill World, but with the development of the times, the artifact will also improve.The Leaning Tower of Pisa in the old days and the Ax of Falling Cherry Blossoms will always be eliminated.

"Okay, according to what Fenglong God said, the world is not static. Only when all people are happy can we create another prosperous world." In the end, Emperor Yunzhou made the final decision.

"The ministers are about to fight to the death, why did His Majesty surrender first?" The royalist minister was stunned.Even the king chooses to abdicate, what else can they do?

In the end, a bloodless reform was carried out in Yunzhou Kingdom. People cheered on the streets. A new era has come. Administrative talents can be selected from the bottom. Those who win the hearts of the people and votes win the world.

The country is no longer a matter for one person to decide. This is the progress from the family to the government and the people.

There is no doubt that in the new Yunzhou Kingdom, Fenglongshen was elected as the new Prime Minister with an overwhelming number of votes.

"Congratulations, both players have become the rulers of the two great powers in the new era. On the contrary, the formerly powerful Nanzhao Dynasty was completely destroyed, and hundreds of countries were born in the Southern Continent. This time, the Southern Continent will fall behind." Netizens congratulated Fenglong God and Mengyao.

Heroes emerge in troubled times, and war is the fastest way to advance.This is also the reason why there are times when the lower level overcomes the upper level, and the lower level is engulfed by the upper level and must fight.

Someone thought of Byron who was silent after showing his strength before, "Where have you been? Polar bears are still the only superpower. In the situation where Gaia has one superpower and two strong and weak ones, your advantage should be obvious. Why didn't I see you?" Show your edge."

"I don't care about power, scientific evolution is the last word." Byron took the time to reply, rather than being a ruler in charge of the world, he would rather be a scientist at the forefront of scientific research, exploring the mysteries of the human body and longevity genes.

Everyone felt a little strange, but they didn't expect that this player was different from the others before, just like a science student.

In the United States, a top scientific research base deep in the desert, where many elite experts gathered.

"According to the chat messages collected before, it is certain that among the four Gaia players, the other three are likely to be from the Huaxia Kingdom. I always feel that the producer is too partial to the Eastern Kingdom, and many of the players selected are from that country. Country. Hope this is just my illusion."

The person in charge of the base reported to the vice president, "As for the last player named "Byron" is either in Europe or in our territory, it's a pity that he was very cautious in his words and deeds, and did not disclose the real information."

After listening, the vice president muttered that the general's declaration was invalid, which made them pay more attention to the action thoughts of each player and establish files, especially the players who may be in the United States, which are the key observation objects.

After the inspection, the deputy commander left secretly by special plane.At this time, in this desert base, a person in a scientific research white robe greeted a colleague who had been in a trance recently.

"Kituo, why have you been in a trance recently? The team leader has an opinion."

Keto, with brown hair, yawned and said with a smile, "Maybe the "Simulation Myth" just launched on Steam is so attractive."

"There are incredible games in the sky, why are you still addicted to other low-quality games, is there anything more interesting than a 100% immersive game?"

The companion said nonchalantly that the imitation of mythology is also an imitation of the game of the heavens, in which the dungeons and characters are taken from Honghuang and Hill.

"I feel that the research has become more and more inadequate recently. I plan to apply for transfer from the base and return to New York."

This Keto said seemingly unintentionally, which puzzled his companions.Although the conditions here are tough and lonely, the wages and benefits are top-notch in the industry.

After the others left, Kito picked up the pen on the table by himself, and scratched a few numbers randomly on the notepad. It was a symbol symbolizing the latest research of the United States of Polar Bears. He needed to use the base's computer to calculate and solve it. It is also the reason why the scientific research team led by him can quickly break through numerous problems.

"Although the records are formatted every time, it is still too dangerous. There are cameras everywhere in the base, and there are many people. To be safe, I retreated early."

Kito, who wears high-level glasses, has deep eyes. No one expected, nor did he himself, that he would become one of the legendary players of the heavens.The most dangerous place is the safest place, and Byron is the one whom a bunch of network experts in the United States are looking for!

Suddenly Kito looked around and saw that no one was coming in. He squatted down and stretched out his hand to open a hidden compartment from the bottom of the cabinet, and took out an ordinary mobile phone.

After entering the complex password, he clicked on an inconspicuous small file in the layers of folders, which was the login icon of Zhutian Games.

He was initially taken aback by the automatic installation of Gaia on his laptop, only to be relieved to find that it could be transferred to other devices.In daily work, I choose to hang up Byron on Gaia. Although it is impossible to make a big breakthrough, it is still no problem to deal with daily affairs and follow his established plan.

Not far away, the speech of the Grand Commander is being broadcast on TV. He promotes superheroism in the new era, and individual heroes should be respected by the whole people. He calls on players in the United States to take the initiative to accept national protection, make generous promises, and never imprison players.

However, he never dreamed that the Gaia player he most wanted was right under his nose.


"Today, I will live broadcast the alliance of the two continents."

On the forum, Fenglongshen announced in high spirits that he and Mengyao are both players, and they can contact each other on the forum. The two discussed a lot of information about the friendship between the two countries in the private chat space "Avengers Alliance". Now Gaia In the current situation, one is superior to the other and the second is strong. Who can guarantee whether the latecomers of the polar bear will have aggression again? An alliance is natural, and it can also promote the trade between the two countries.

clap clap.

On Gaia, the common people of Yunzhou and Danxi are all applauding, witnessing the moment of history. On the signing platform with two flags flying, Fenglongshen and Mengyao, who met for the first time, shook hands tightly, officially announcing the successful alliance between the two countries .

"I plan to form a loose organization similar to Ou Meng to restrain the superpower polar bears. What do you think?"

Secretly, Mengyao brought her confidants to spy on Fenglongshen. Fenglongshen was not surprised by her suggestion. Polar bears are powerful in all aspects, including military affairs, scientific research, energy utilization, and materials.One step first, step by step, in order to counter it, it is natural to join forces.

"The Western Continent where you are is not bad. The other small countries around you follow your lead, but the most chaotic Southern Continent has no leader. There are more than 100 countries, many of which are supported by the United States." Fenglong God frowned.

"It doesn't matter, we just need to attract the other three largest countries into the alliance, which will also have a check and balance effect." Mengyao said domineeringly.

After the conversation between the two, Feng Longshen glanced at Feng Shi behind Mengyao, and secretly asked, "The vice president next to you looks majestic to me, but there is something wrong with your eyes, full of tenderness. This kind of little The milk dog type is the most popular with girls, you have to be careful not to be confused by other men's sex.

After all, no matter how you say it, we are separated from them by two worlds.To us it's a game, to them it's the world.The moment we look back may be their whole life.Whether it's for your own good or for his own.I advise you not to be moved sincerely. "

"Hmph." Mengyao raised her nose unhappily, and replied, "I'm a single queen, and I'm destined to devote myself to a great cause, to lead the people of the west to evolve and develop, and not to be involved in the personal affairs of my sons and daughters."

Feng Longshen nodded, "That's the best, I can't see that you, as a woman, are more ambitious than me."

With the signing of the trade agreement between the Yunzhou Kingdom and the Danxi Federation, the transaction volume between the two countries has soared, and the talents complement each other.Polar bears also noticed that the "Great Pacific Treaty Organization" led by the two countries attracted hundreds of countries to join, and for a while, the edge of the United States was suppressed.

Polar bears who sensed the threat also began to recruit younger brothers. Although everyone is developing technology and looking for a better path of evolution, defense against the enemy is still necessary, so Gaia was divided between the two camps, and there are many first-timers. A small neutral country in the Three Worlds.

Although polar bears are the strongest, they are no longer overwhelming.Countries invest their military funds in education and people's livelihood.This is a golden period of development for Gaia.

"We need our own supercomputer, that's the foundation of everything."

In Kolding City, the capital of the United States, Byron applied to the parliament for funds. He planned to gather elites to create computer simulation experiments. Every time he secretly used computers to crack difficult data from the outside world, he was terrified.Facing the technological pursuit of the Pacific Alliance, the parliament finally agreed to his request.

Gaia, ten years later, Byron has become the No. [-] figure in the U.S. National Academy of Sciences. As for the No. [-] Chief Scientist, he is a genius scientist from the private sector——Feng Jizhen.

Byron prefers to call him a mad scientist, because Fenghuang has a bold and aggressive style of acting, and often uses whimsical methods to lead the group to overcome scientific research problems.

Byron guessed that this kind of person has a keen intuition, just like a fairy seedling with spiritual roots in Xianxia.Born to break the mystery of the truth.

"Perhaps he is the protagonist of this golden development period." Byron guessed.

The two joined forces, communicated between the two worlds, and solved many Gaia's mysteries.Byron was 100% sure and said fiercely to Fenghuang:

"We Gaians are by no means the only civilization that exists on Gaia. Before us, there were at least four other civilizations! Each of them was brilliant to the limit, and finally destroyed for various reasons."

Thin figure, wearing a white robe, disheveled hair, two huge dark circles like doughnuts, but still energetic, Fenghuang Jizhen's eyes are very sharp, as if he can see the essence of everything, in fact his talent is also In the observation department, Fenghuang Jizhen kept his eyes on this old opponent.

"You are not using interrogative sentences, but affirmative sentences. You must know something, just like you know a lot of "wrong knowledge" that does not exist in Gaia. The universe is really wonderful. If ancient civilizations really exist, then why? No trace left?"

After pondering for a while, Byron raised his head and looked straight at Gaia, who was probably the most talented Gaian of this era, without fear, and said, "I don't know more, but I know about the descendants of ancient civilizations, and there is one who was once a Leader of civilization."

"who is it?!"

Immediately, Phoenix fiercely rushed forward and grabbed Byron's arms excitedly, with great strength, making Byron frown.

"The honey badgers in the remote forests of the Southern Continent are commonly known as "Brother Flathead, White Stupid Beast". They have a long history and are descendants of the first generation of Gaia civilization, and they have completely degenerated."

"Southern Continent? Honey badger?"

Phoenix backed away ferociously, let go of Byron's arms, turned around and immediately shouted to the assistant: "Christina, quickly take the plane to the Southern Continent, and catch the ten strongest flat-headed brothers back. The key to our deciphering the gene lies in them." !"

"I always have a big brain, just like a child. And every time I was asked to run around, I just talked about it." Assistant Christina muttered and took off her white robe, saying no, but her body was very honest. go outside.

"Is there another one? Where is the leader of civilization? Is he still alive? Or is he frozen in the north and south poles? Can he be awakened?"

The excited Phoenix turned around and grabbed Byron again. Byron struggled to come out, always feeling that being with him was in danger, "You also know the leader of the ancient civilization, the wind dragon god of the retired president of Yunzhou Kingdom."

As soon as the words fell, Fenghuang Jizhen waved his white robe and walked out of the scientific research institute vigorously. It’s hard to say, but in scientific research, being weak is the original sin.

Byron in the rear knew that Fenglongshen was in trouble.

Sure enough, a small speaker soon reminded me, "Byron, what did you say to this famous mad scientist in Gaia? Now he is holding my green head and planning to dismantle me and plant it in the forest In the middle!" On the forum, Fenglongshen, who had retreated to the second line and lived in seclusion in the forest of Silla, said angrily.

Chapter 388 Consciousness Upload, Mechanical Immortality

Of course, the matter is not as exaggerated as Fenglongshen said. Fenghuang Jizhen, who published papers in various academic journals of Gaia, did not hug him and gnaw on him, but boldly pulled out his green hairs, and almost missed him. Bald, said that he would take it back to study and study, and even put it in his mouth to taste.

"Byron, you are bringing disaster to the east. Knowing that this mad scientist is difficult to deal with, you pushed him to me. What do you want to do?" Fenglongshen asked in the forum.

"Just bear with it, and consider it as a contribution to all Gaians. Although the astronomical computer has been produced, it is still very difficult to analyze the genetic life, because their ancestors did not have much success. Now that we have reached a deadlock, we naturally have to find Other things that break the game." Only then did Byron express his purpose.

The conversation between the two is not in the private chat space-he is not in "The Avengers".Naturally, other people have also noticed it. After all, it is a sister planet of the earth, and its development has almost caught up with the level of the earth.The Gaia game gets more attention than the other two.

Can their technological development and the evolution of life be used as a reference for the people on earth?Be bold, can Gaia's evolution method be practiced on the earth?

"What path are you taking? According to the analysis of existing data, the potential of the Gaia universe is no worse than that of Hill and Honghuang where I am, but it has been destroyed several times and started again." Ning Tianjiao, the master craftsman, appeared.

"This generation of Gaians call the aura of heaven and earth as spiritual energy. Before that, they simply tempered their bodies and devoured the spiritual things of heaven and earth. But with the industrial revolution of the United States of Polar Bears, they broke free from the state of knowing what it is and not knowing why it is. .

Nowadays, the genetic technology of the major powers has broken through very quickly, and new martial arts have been born out, which perfectly conform to ergonomics and meridians, and the advanced exercises can even be in harmony with the heaven and the earth, arousing resonance.In fact, there are signs of the exercises of various royal families before.

However, although a strong man instinctively and coincidentally explored the skills, he did not understand the principles of the law.Only one or two of them have been researched in recent years. With the progress of the times, god-level creatures should be born soon.It's a pity that the cultivation method of the ancient Mulia tree that I used back then is not in line with the new era. "The Wind Dragon God sighed.

"This is the era of psionic genes. We need to break through our own shackles and continue to evolve! Different paths lead to the same goal. In the end, I believe that we will not be worse than immortals."

It turns out that this is the case, everyone knows it, and they also became enthusiastic, wanting Fenglongshen and Byron to develop a clever genetic method and upload it for sharing, but the two said that without key energy, a smart woman can hardly cook without rice.It's just the same as the previous Primordial Immortal Method and Hill Entraining Qi Method.

On Gaia, as the most powerful scientist of the time, Phoenix Jizhen, deciphered the genes of ancient intelligent creatures, the biological barriers that are difficult to overcome are indeed on the horizon. It is very simple, because the civilizations of these two generations have been supernatural, and naturally there are similar reasons Gene molecules remain.

"God is just a super creature. We Gaians can also evolve to this point. With the progress of the times, we can even adjust everyone's genes and make everyone a god. I will lead all Gaians to surpass everything!" In Kolding City, Fenghuang opened his arms fiercely, and the corners of his pure white robe were raised.

Behind him, the assistant Christina covered her forehead, unable to accept his usual statement about secondary school.The researchers in front of Jizhen either looked at him with contempt or shock.

"I will rewrite history, not only ancient history, but also our history of Gaia. Do you believe it? It's not a little warrior or a great master, but me. I will become the first human god."

Fenghuang fiercely raised his index finger to the sky, and said confidently to all his colleagues.


Everyone couldn't bear it any longer, they all laughed, only Byron who had his arms folded on his chest and the assistant behind Jizhen didn't laugh.

"Haha, I'm not talking about you. You are indeed a genius in scientific research, an academic master, and have broken through several historical problems. But you are not a martial artist, you are just a literati. I still believe what you said before, but I want to evolve into a God, breaking the shackles of man and god, this is simply laughable.

History has proved that to break this key life lock, you need great courage and great wisdom to break through between life and death, and it is not just that you can be successful here by boasting, typing on the keyboard, writing and drawing.Otherwise, for tens of thousands of years, so many warriors have worked hard to break through, what are those? "

Everyone scoffed. Seeing this, the corners of Fenghuang's mouth turned up fiercely, and he smiled disdainfully: "That's because they are all mortals, and there must be outstanding ones among them, but their efforts are in the wrong direction. In the new era, technology can create gods and regulate genes." , When I become a god, the brilliance will shine on the earth, and then you wait to kneel down and apologize to me."

Everyone laughed. In other fields, this genius scientist might really succeed, but this is the evolution of life, and martial arts!It needs to be tempered with a punch, to feel the resonance of the body and the soul with the mind, and to be in harmony with the nature of the heaven and the earth.

One Wu, one Wen, the direction of the two is completely different.Everyone didn't believe that he could break the shackles and use foreign objects to help him become a god.

"Where do you plan to start?"

Byron walked out from the crowd of jeers and entered the exclusive research room of Fenghuang Jizheng. Hill did not lack gods, and there were immortals in the prehistoric world, both of which have something in common.


The high-spirited fierce is really using the astronomical calculator to scan and detect the ancient genes collected from the honey badger, as well as the green hair picked from the wind dragon god. Byron saw on the screen, the dna that is as complicated as stars is like a whirlpool , showing a double helix model, which is extremely beautiful, like a bright ladder of God.

"It's beautiful. A drop of our blood is full of hundreds of millions of inherited genes, and the double helix formed in it is like a road of evolution. This is an evolutionary journey of no return. Evolved from the humblest dust to the ancient stars. No wonder the ancient Warriors will call themselves the Way of Martial Arts.

The latest research from various countries has already planned to officially name the long process of evolution from the most common first-tier man, second-tier soldier, third-tier and ninth-tier god!And the measure of each person is to see how many life locks he has broken. "Feng Feng looked fiercely and obsessively at the rotating DNA helix on the screen.

"Then both of us can be regarded as fourth-level handsome, and we have piled up a lot of drugs alive, and we are still one hundred and eight thousand miles away from the god level. How can you complete the Haikou you boasted before?" The assistant hung down her beautiful long chestnut hair, Smiling and teasing.

"As long as you successfully adjust your genes, you will be able to reach the sky in one step. I can make up for the life-and-death trials that warriors are proud of. I can use knowledge and technology to make up for it. As long as I want, I can even send a large amount of experience information in my mind now, I can become a martial arts master in one fell swoop."

Fenghuang fiercely said casually, but when he said this, a needle could be heard in the research room, the female assistant and Byron were stunned, only the noise of the calculator was particularly eye-catching.

This time it was Byron's turn to rush forward, firmly grasping Phoenix's fierce arms, looking at him with excited eyes and saying, "You have conquered the information transmission technology?!"

This is a big problem that Byron has been solving. It is also known as the "diamond on the crown of eternal life". After ten years of research, he has only a few signs.The gap between people is sometimes greater than the gap between animals.

"It hurts, don't get excited, as a scientist, the first thing to do is to keep calm under any circumstances." Fenghuang twisted his body unhappily, "It's just a small breakthrough, I know what you want and what you want There is still a galaxy-long way to upload the conscious soul to the machine."

Whether on Earth or Gaia, Byron is pursuing mechanical immortality, uploading soul consciousness to the Internet, attaching to mechanical devices, and realizing another kind of eternal life.The consciousness instillation technology that Fenghuang Jizhen conquered just now is the pre-technology of mechanical immortality, no wonder he is so excited.

Since knowledge can be transmitted from the computer network to one's own brain, one's own consciousness may also be transmitted back to the network in the reverse direction. The flesh and blood body has a limit, and the cell will die after dividing 100 times.But machines are different. If they fall behind or are damaged, they can be replaced immediately. As long as their own consciousness exists, every robot is itself.

"We are good friends. I will help you overcome difficulties along the way."

Byron bent down, his old face was almost pressed against Jierzhen's face, his eyes stared at him with excitement, at this moment, as long as he touched him lightly behind him, the two would have a kiss of the century, and Jizhen was captured Chrysanthemum tightened.

Fortunately, the assistant on the side quickly pulled the excited Byron away, "As long as you help me overcome the next difficulty, I will give you the consciousness instillation technology for free, and you can report it without any problem."

At this time, Fenghuang Jizhen showed a tricky smile. ( ̄︶ ̄), it turns out that he deliberately said this matter also has calculations, and he is not a simple scientific research fool, but a master.

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