"Okay, you continue." Byron let go of him and raised his hand in greeting.

"The evolutionary path I conceived, breaking the shackles of layers of genes, already has signs. I have collected the gene cells of many strong people and found common ground among them. If I transform myself now, it will be effortless. , You can evolve to the apex of human beings without sweating a single drop.

There is still a lack of key god-level genes, but your previous words reminded me that I saw cumbersome and different ancient genes in honey badgers and green furs, and they have the imprint of gods on them!With the help of computers, I traced back to ancient times, and I saw many things. "

Fenghuang fiercely said: "And it's not an ordinary god. To put it bluntly, a god is just another powerful creature. Give me a little more time and find the key point, and I can build myself into the body of a god. Maybe you didn't Thinking about it, my confidence comes from it.”

He opened his hand, and the two of them saw a broken lens lying quietly on Jierzhen's hand like a crystal.

"A fragment of the concentrating magic mirror? Can a fragment of an artifact help you become a god? Is the law in it broken and obliterated?" Christina asked puzzled.

"No, this is not a fragment of the magic mirror, but the previous civilization, which should be left by the fourth civilization closest to us. The information energy contained in it is enough to make me a god!" Lun was so surprised that he became frightened.

According to the legend, the spotlight mirror is indeed made of a piece of magical crystal, but I didn't expect it to contain such a big mystery.

He just gave a little hint, how could he deduce so much information?

"But I always feel like there's something missing."

Fenghuang fiercely turned his head and looked at the dna image rotating on the screen, lost in thought.

"I captured historical pictures in the ancient genes before, and saw an incredible white-haired god, far superior to ordinary gods, and Gaia couldn't restrain it. In the end, it was still destroyed. I don't think I can solve the final difficulty. Becoming a god is also a false god.”

Fascinated by the authorities, Fenghuang Jizhen instinctively sensed something was missing.

Lightning flashed through Byron's mind after he had seen a real fairy god, and he blurted out: "Soul! Not only a god-level body, but also a soul that needs to evolve into a god-soul when the body has reached it. That's the real God."

"That's it!" Fenghuang Jizhen slapped his thigh, and stood up excitedly. After a sudden enlightenment, he finally knew what the problem was.

Not afraid of the difficulty of the problem, but afraid of not being able to find it, knowing the problem, Fenghuang Jizhen immediately devoted himself to the research of the soul. He really wanted to create a god, and he had already succeeded halfway.

Byron also obtained the consciousness instillation technology that he was most interested in, as he wished, "Is it possible to create an infusion device in reality?"

Byron thought in his mind, but his experiment must not be done in the desert base, and everything can only be done after he leaves the official laboratory, but in that case, can he raise enough funds?You must know that some key materials cannot be bought with money.

In the most cutting-edge research base in the United States, Byron and Fenghuang Jizhen joined forces to explore the avenue of science and technology.

In the outside world, the Pacific Treaty Organization formed by Mengyao and Fenglongshen, for short, has also summoned a lot of scientific research talents to do something big.

"The laying of Hill's magic net gave me a lot of inspiration before, and Ning Tianjiao became a god because of it. It has made great contributions to World Tree and people. As long as they are in the magic net, everyone can cast spells quickly, eliminating the need for singing. The magician Meditation is also several times faster, can we build a skynet that belongs to Gaia?

Wrapping the planet like a Dyson sphere, but this time it is a virtual net.The successful establishment of Skynet will benefit everyone. People don't have to practice hard like before, but they can get all the information by sinking their minds into it.This alone can excavate countless talents and enter the golden age of talent explosion. "

Mengyao became more and more royal, and her proposal surprised Fenglongshen.

"Skynet project? I went to the forum to ask for the plan from the netizens who crowdfunded the magic net project at that time. This is very promising! Maybe because of our success, Gaia will progress, and we can use this to get a big reward from the system " Fenglongshen said excitedly, and went off the assembly line non-stop.

"The magic net plan, who has the magic net plan? We want to replicate the myth in Gaia." After going offline, Fenglongshen shouted in the forum. Many people participated in the magic net plan at that time. Within 2 minutes, The heavy plan was sent to him.

However, netizens were puzzled: "This is what we created for Hill's magical world. Everything is based on the world tree, and it is not suitable for Gaia. It can only be used as a reference."

"Different routes lead to the same goal. What we are going to build this time is the Skynet, which is different from the magic net. Instead, it is closer to the Internet of the earth, wrapping the entire planet." Fenglongshen explained.

His big move woke up Byron who was submerged in consciousness indoctrination and trying to mechanically immortalize himself.

"Skynet project? Treat the souls of each person as the original calculation, decipher the mysteries of heaven and earth together, and practice together? How does it feel similar to crowdfunding and mining in this world." Byron fell into deep thought as he watched the news leaked by Fenglongshen .

This is not a simple project, but a great plan that integrates the wisdom of the two worlds. If it is really successful, it will be of great merit and glory forever. Maybe the two of them will really get a huge reward.

Thinking of this, Byron couldn't sit still. He was sitting on Gaia's latest technology and surrounded by the most intelligent people in the world. How could he be overtaken by the curve?

Byron hastily kicked open the steel door of the fierce laboratory. "Fierce, don't become a god first, something big will happen!"

However, when Byron saw the situation in the fierce laboratory, he was completely stunned.

Chapter 389 The Man Who Ended an Era

In the quiet research room, the mysteries of the universe are being deduced on the huge LCD screen, and an image that seems to be a sea of ​​stars appears on it, but when Byron looks carefully, he also finds that the ebb and flow of the sea of ​​stars is not the real starry sky.

Meanwhile, Fenghuang Jizhen was staring at the screen without blinking, his mind was completely attracted.Even Byron's arrival didn't notice.

"What's wrong?" Byron asked the assistant.

"On the way to study the soul, Jizhen seems to have discovered some spiritual sea. He has not eaten or drank for three days and nights, and has been staring at the screen." Christina looked worriedly at Jizhen, whose face was full of stubble.

"Spiritual sea?" Byron's heart moved. He thought of the subconscious spiritual sea mentioned by Fenglong God at that time. It seemed to be the soul crystallization of Gaia civilization in the past, covering the entire planet. The origin should come from Ivan, the white-haired chief. civilization.To put it a little farther away, it even comes from the beginning of the hell planet where Gaia created the world.

The collapse of Aifan civilization is also related to it. In the third era, the Jianmu sacred tree that gathered the essence of the whole family was to penetrate the two worlds and connect the spiritual world and the material world.Now that Fenghuang Jizhen is only relying on his own strength, has he reached this point in his investigation?

Byron approached fiercely, grabbed his shoulders forcibly, and shook him vigorously, making him break his eyes out of the vast sea of ​​stars, "Don't look, your soul will be absorbed if you look at it again, the collective subconscious spiritual sea , These are the remnants of the four major civilizations, and they are by no means what you can study now!"

Byron's words awakened Jizhen, and Jizhen's messy-haired eyes flashed with excitement, "You say this is the gathering of collective subconscious? No wonder it is so magical and beautiful. Gaia has four major civilizations above us. are stronger than us.

The catastrophe has come, civilization has been destroyed several times, and all the great relics have disappeared in a long time, but the spiritual sea they left behind is the greatest treasure!Whoever can master the subconscious mind of civilization can become the master of Gaia.During my study of life genes and exploration of evolution, I found that the most difficult thing to understand is transition evolution, which is completely unreasonable.

Leap evolution is also related to spiritual consciousness. The subconscious sea covering the entire Gaia is the greatest wealth. If we make good use of it, we can even realize the immortality of the whole family! "

Phoenix is ​​fierce and energetic, and feels that he may have found a shortcut to the end of evolution. The collective spiritual sea of ​​the four immortal civilizations, coupled with the death of powerful Gaia creatures from generation to generation, the consciousness soul is also integrated into it, how incredible it is A force that shakes the heavens is no problem.

Hearing the ferocious rhetoric, Byron shuddered instinctively, and hurriedly reminded, "The subconscious spiritual sea of ​​civilization is indeed mysterious and magical. , but the more powerful something is, the more dangerous it is. Don't disturb the spiritual sea easily, maybe the civilization that perished in ancient times is related to it."

"I came to you this time because I received news that the leaders over there have gathered elites to do something big, create Skynet, and benefit the society."

Next, Byron briefly described the principle of Skynet, which is an epoch-making project.Everyone can enter Skynet to study, contribute their own mental power to calculation, and at the same time gather spiritual coins.

Even the most intelligent Jizhen of this era would be amazed. No matter how talented he is, individuals have limitations. However, the integration of another world, and even success similar to the magic net, the Skynet project is naturally amazing.

He turned to look at the subconscious spiritual sea manifested on the screen, and suddenly said: "Skynet, an unbelievable super project, if successful, we Gaias will enter a new era.

The subconscious spiritual sea is the greatest treasure, it gathers the obsession consciousness of all dead creatures throughout the ages.The energy contained in it is immeasurable, if Skynet uses the spiritual sea, what will happen? "

Jizhen's eyes were piercing, flashing a crazy light, which made Byron shudder.Compared with himself, Fenghuang Jizhen is a real scientist who dares to think, do and fight.

He had a big idea, and it would be a pity not to take such a treasure. Byron thought about it carefully for a while, and contacted Fenglongshen immediately after going offline.

"Let's join hands. I have the most cutting-edge computing technology here, and I have a genius scientist, Fenghuang Jizhen. He can bring the Gaia civilization into the next generation by himself. Can you believe it? He discovered the subconscious mind through his own research. ocean.

After hearing about your Skynet plan, he was very interested and suggested that he could use the spiritual sea to build Skynet.I remember that the Aifan people seemed to use it in the same way. "

Fenglongshen and Mengyao, who were offline, were summoned. The two were stunned for a moment. They didn't expect Byron to be so interested. They wanted to get involved. Naturally, it would be better for the two parties to join forces, but the biggest problem is the dominance.

"This is easy to solve. After all, the Skynet is the prototype and the foundation. After the Skynet is built, we can create our own system to govern our own sphere of influence. The two parties will never interfere with each other."

Byron persuaded the two men, Gaia, and Phoenix Jizhen to submit a plan to the United States Congress.Jizhen has a high reputation and is known as the "proud genius of the century".In terms of popularity, he is more well-known than generations of chairmen. Naturally, the parliament dare not take his opinions lightly.

After reading the proposal "On the Construction of Skynet and Mining the Sea of ​​Spirits", each of the congressmen knew that such a grand project had already started on the other side of the ocean.

"Our United States is the most powerful country in Gaia. How can we be one step behind? Skynet needs to be laid out, and the system that controls Skynet needs to be built simultaneously!"

More than 80 people in the parliament voted for it, and a large sum of money was invested in the project of the Skynet system.The contemporary chairman of the committee traveled thousands of miles to discuss with some leaders Mengyao, Fenglongshen and others the matter of attacking and building Skynet and dividing the sphere of influence.

Jiang Ping feeds the two major ocean overlords on a daily basis, and sees the Gaias busy on the land and in the ocean. The whole civilization is full of vitality and hope. Although there are disputes, they are resolved on the negotiating table. Or, conduct 1-on-1, 5-on-5 challenges to narrow the scope of the battle.Try to avoid killing innocent people.

"It's a very good and healthy development, and we have reached the critical point of civilization. I hope you don't make the same mistakes and fall into the virtual trap."

Jiang Ping is more worried about this. At that time, the first generation of Aifan civilization fell here. The road of evolution is not only the body, but also the spiritual construction. In any case, this time there are players from the earth, the situation is a bit different, and it is also borrowed This is a warning to Earthlings.

Skynet is different from Hill’s magic net. After all, it is on the technology side. In their conception, every legal citizen on Gaia can access the virtual Skynet through an access device similar to a virtual game. Practice, comprehend knowledge, and at the same time their cultivation is also fed back into the network.

And the government can monitor the criminal intentions of civilians with the help of Skynet's intelligent system. Its appearance will greatly reduce the crime rate of the Gaians.Maybe even before you have done anything, just a little unruly idea has been detected by the ubiquitous Skynet system.

In the history of Gaia, in the 5150th year of the human history, the largest super project in the history of Gaia was officially completed, and the Skynet formed by devouring spiritual crystals and absorbing underground spiritual veins was officially born!

It is not an entity, but virtual, but it exists in every corner of Gaia, rooted in the subconscious spiritual sea outside Gaia, and rooted in everyone's heart.

Skynet has no center, just like the earth's decentralized blockchain, everyone is a battery, their consciousness sinks into the network, they can learn knowledge, exercise their soul, and simulate martial arts.

The Gaians were surprised to find that their minds sank into the Skynet, and they had to solve all kinds of math problems to accumulate point cards ≈ currency. On the day Skynet was completed, the currency of the old era had been eliminated, and now Gaia is universal It is the virtual currency generated by answering questions with your mind.

Byron saw that Jizhen had distorted the style of martial arts training. Originally, people needed to practice hard martial arts, supplemented by spiritual objects, and moreover, they needed to use their minds to comprehend the nature of the world.And Jizhen has set up rules and procedures in Skynet to turn one after another of the mysteries of the world into mathematical problems. As long as you have strong mental power and strong computing power, you can continue to solve and become stronger.

"What nonsense, it subverts martial arts!"

Some great masters who had lived for a hundred years were distraught, and their township skills that had been passed down for thousands of years were eliminated.Today's cultivation method is composed of numbers and symbols. The numbers are like elves dancing around people, and then they are combined into formulas to solve the mysteries of heaven and earth, communicate with each dimension, and absorb spiritual energy.

In fact, when solving mathematical problems, symbolic formulas are beating, and people's spirits are also active, until they reach a special frequency, so that they can absorb the spiritual energy of heaven and earth without being exploded.


On this day, on the third day after the construction of Skynet, the first god of mankind was born. It was none other than the world-renowned great scientist Fenghuang Jizhen!He fulfilled his promise, created gods with technology, regulated genes, cleverly broke the shackles of life, and turned into a new god.

The ferocity of the phoenix horrified everyone, including the three players.He completely subverted the common sense of practice.

"He, isn't he a literati? Either he was weak since he was a child, or because he failed in martial arts, he turned to the literary way? Why did he become a god? Then our ancestors, thousands of years of painstaking cultivation, what is it to understand the mysteries?"

A well-known oriental master was not convinced, and his Dao heart collapsed. He flew across the ocean overnight and went to Keling City to challenge Fenghuang Jizhen, thinking that he was a false god.

The assistant anxiously asked him to retreat and run away, fearing that he would be beaten to death in the ring.Unexpectedly, Fenghuang Jizhen said with his usual wild smile: "I am a god now. The times have changed, and the efficiency of blindly practicing penance is actually lower. The world needs the lessons of blood to understand.

The Great Master of the East broke into Keling City. Logically speaking, this is an international dispute, and it may even provoke a war.The parliament will definitely send troops to stop it, but this time they chose to let it go. Obviously they also want to weigh the ability of this "God of Literature".


After entering the city, I saw the ferocious phoenix, the great master roared, a hundred years of hard work turned into a punch, the fist conquered the mountains and rivers, and the feet stepped on the seven stars. Behind the back was a mighty portrait of a martial artist, a steel honed in bloody battles of life and death. Combat techniques and instinctive reactions all turned into punches.

The onlookers, scientific researchers, and the people of Keling City saw that this grand master started from the humble beginnings, followed his master to practice hard in the mountains since childhood, and tempered his real body under the waterfall. with.

On the battlefield, he fought bloody and brave, this is his life, this is the soul of martial arts!

However, in the face of the grand master's frenzied attack, the Phoenix Jizhen, who was wearing a white robe, looked calm and breezy. His eyes became deeper and deeper, covering the stars and the sea. His ferocious movements made the experienced grand master unable to figure it out. , the next moment he only felt a darkness before his eyes, and he lost consciousness.

The onlookers suddenly lost their voices. In their eyes, Fenghuang Jizhen suppressed the ever-changing grand master with just a light slap of his palm. Didn't he never fight horses before?How can there be such combat experience?Everyone is puzzled.

"I don't believe that you can reach the sky in one step by simply relying on external objects to transmit information to your brain. Then what are the pursuits of us and our ancestors? I would like to learn from my own experience! Let's have a life and death battle with the chief scholar of the United States, Fenghuang Jizhen war!

The two parties signed a life and death certificate, and neither country should cause any war because of the results of the battle. "

In the end, after living in seclusion for ten years, he has been exploring martial arts. Emperor Yun Zhou, who claimed to be only one step away from becoming the god of martial arts, was invited out of the mountain. Thousands of ancient warriors knelt down in front of his secluded hut. The strong man, eight feet tall, with six muscles in the abdomen, but cries like a child, they feel that they are a fool, all the hard work before is useless, they don't want to believe it, they want to give it a last fight!

Emperor Yun Zhou practiced martial arts all his life, and he was unwilling to be drowned by the times, so he launched a life-and-death battle against Fenghuang Jizhen.

"It's really strange. Is there really a genius in the world? Didn't Phoenix have practiced martial arts before, and he didn't have the talent for martial arts. How did he become the first god of Gaia? Knowledge is power?"

On the earth network, netizens were also subverted by the fierceness of the Phoenix. Looking at the three worlds, which strong man is not born with extremely high talent, how can he become the number one in the world as a thin and elegant man?

"I also find it strange that he has mastered the technology of instilling consciousness and regulating genes, borrowing foreign objects to transform himself, and somehow his soul has also turned into a divine soul. Maybe Byron knows better." Mengyao summoned Byron.

"I only know one thing. I only know that Phoenix's ferocious god-level avatar is the "God-level Template" created by himself. He transformed his genes and entered the forbidden zone of God. The soul should be related to Skynet, or the spirit. It is related to the sea. It turns out that the strongest in this era is not a warrior, but a scientist." Byron was full of emotions, maybe this is a genius, knowing everything.

"Whether it's real gold or not will be determined in the life-and-death battle. This time Emperor Yunzhou and Fenghuang Jizhen will have a decisive battle at the Wusheng Peak in the West Land. Don't miss it." Feng Longshen is more practical and feels that facts speak louder than words .

His old club, Emperor Yun Zhou, also knows very well that the ancient and modern double cultivation is not an old antique. He has absorbed the knowledge of the new era and borrowed the technology of the industrial society to hone his real body. He has already touched the barrier of God. No one can say no to this battle. clear.

"Come on, come on, the invincible Emperor Wu wins, or the weak scholar wins, let's make a bet."

In the forum, some people set up the arena as dealers. Whenever there is an important confrontation in the game, some people use this to set up the stage. In fact, in reality, there are also big companies setting up gambling games.

The prosperity of the world is for profit, and the world is for profit.It's just asking for the word "money".


Xilu, Shanji Country, is a small country with a population of less than 80 million. Now there are [-] billion human beings living in Gaia, which is naturally insignificant.But today, people in Shanji are full of voices, and big figures from all over the world come to gather at the foot of Wusheng Peak.

Wusheng Peak originated from Zhuo Deng, a generation of Wusheng thousands of years ago. It is said that in ancient times, he was the first to teach civilians to practice martial arts, to strengthen their bodies and resist beasts.He had great merit to the common people, and after he died in this battle, he was revered as a warrior saint.Hence the name of this peak.

At this time, in the towering Wusheng Peak, Yun Zhoudi, who had black hair, a burly face, and no wrinkle, was sitting in meditation on the rock at the top of the peak, waiting in peace.

This battle will be broadcast live globally, and everyone on Skynet can witness this battle of the times.

As time passed, there was noise from the foot of the peak, but as always, Phoenix Jizhen in a white coat, accompanied by his assistant Christina, climbed up the steps step by step.

Seeing the unsteady movement of his lower body, everyone felt that this was not some kind of martial arts god, No. 1 evolution, but a teacher who was full of frail temperament.

"Then let's get started. Today, we are going to decide whether to compete or not." Emperor Yun Zhou's eyes shot out a fighting spirit, and he was full of heroism, returning to the peak of his prime.

He swept his eyes domineeringly around. There was his lifelong enemy, Steve, the former chairman of the polar bear, as well as his sons, daughters, grandsons, and great-grandchildren. Farther away, there was a series of shooting equipment to record this battle.

"No matter who fell on the peak today, neither party should be held accountable." Emperor Yun Zhou nodded to Mengyao, the president of Danxi, and asked her to be a witness, which also stopped the post-war impulse of both parties.

"I didn't expect that the biggest opponent in my life is not Steve. It's you." Emperor Yun Zhou looked at the scholar in front of him complicatedly.

"Maybe it's not me, not your opponent, but this era that defeated you." Fenghuang said viciously.

"No matter what, it's all about the fist!"

Kaka, Emperor Yunzhou moved, and his figure disappeared from the top of the peak in an instant. The entire Wusheng Peak shook in vain.

Only Steve, Feng Shi, Feng Longshen, and a few other people turned their eyes quickly, watching Emperor Yun Zhou stepping on the seven stars without blinking, and looking for the loophole of Phoenix's fierceness with his evolved footwork.


In vain, Emperor Yunzhou moved, punched out, and the world was cleared. With Wusheng Peak as the center, a wave of terrifying air spread out, and the sea of ​​clouds was empty.

Besieged by the phantom of Emperor Wanqianyun Zhou, the fierce Phoenix was really quiet, gently stretched out his thin right hand, and stopped his real body with a casual lift.

"Intercept my martial arts true meaning? Where did you get your kung fu?"

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