According to the netizen's deduction, if the Southland is destroyed, he can also retreat to the east with his own troops, contain the remaining forces, and wait for an opportunity to resist. Why is he leaving now?

Byron, who was buried in the research, was also shocked. He didn't expect the oldest predecessor to fall on the battlefield. Didn't he kindly remind him before?

"Chief White-haired, why didn't you choose to run away? I believe that if you wanted to leave, you would be able to leave early." Byron asked.

The chief went online: "It's nothing, I just feel that everyone else is fighting bloody battles. If I'm the only deserter, it's too rascal."

His attitude surprised the netizens. He has never actually entered the different world, and he will never understand this kind of feeling. Naturally, outsiders will not let go of the secret, and it is impossible to live and die with the native npc.

"┭┮﹏┭┮ woohoo, old man, let's go, I have inherited your will. Don't worry, I will avenge you, why is the polar bear so strong. It is not at the same level as the other three continents." Wind Dragon God Tears appeared, feeling that he was the only one left and panicked a little bit.

As for Mengyao who was hiding in the west, he instinctively ignored him. Can a weak woman change the situation?

The chief's exit was unexpected by everyone. On Gaia, the Nanzhao Dynasty was destroyed, and even the king's city was destroyed by the divine axe. Stop the polar bear army, but for how long?

There are four parts in the world, three parts in the north, how could he let go of the rest in the east?

The green-haired Fenglongshen calmed down and reported to Emperor Yun Zhou who had just returned to Yujing in time.

"Your Majesty, you can't just look at the place where we connect with the south, the other end is vast ocean, and the North Continent can point directly to our west coast. If he makes a move here and is attacked by the enemy, I'm afraid we will lose worse than Nanzhao .”

As soon as Fenglong God's words were spoken, unexpectedly the prime minister beside him said unhappily: "Young man, what do you know? The Pacific Ocean on the west coast is the largest ocean in Gaia. It is boundless, and there are storms, sea eyes, and hidden reefs in it. Back then The old dynasty in the north also sent troops to invade, and millions of troops were buried at the bottom of the sea.

Since then, they have never dared to send troops to invade again.Even if you give the polar bear ten courages, he would not dare to march from the Pacific Ocean. You want us to divide our troops into two and weaken the national strength? "

Listening to the prime minister's questioning, Fenglongshen sneered: "My lord, the times have changed. The old ideas and tactics will be eliminated, which is why you lost to the north. What I said is by no means false, because there is a great alliance It failed miserably in this trick!"

What Fenglongshen mentioned was the tactic in which the Federation where the player Xilin was located in the previous "World Tree" was finally attacked by Gilga Raiders.Past experience guide for the future.

Another general made a displeased voice, thinking that this mysterious man was here to disturb the morale of the army.

Emperor Yun Zhou raised his hand to stop the generals who were talking about it. He turned his head to look at Fenglong God and said, "What you said is by no means impossible. But at present, in order to resist the threat from the south, millions of troops have been dispatched to the frontier. I can only send another [-] troops to guard the west coast at most."

Said Yun Zhoudi looked at him with his eyes, "This time I want you to go into battle and personally lead the troops to guard the western coast of the empire and protect my rear. How dare you?"

"Why don't you dare."

Fenglongshen cupped his fists and took the battle flag with confidence.After all, he also led a generation of plant civilization, and fought against the three-body civilization in the starry sky. Although he has been suppressed, his vision and tactics are not weak, and he can even be said to be the most eager among the four players.

When Fenglong God led an army of [-] to the west coast, the North Continent was singing and dancing, and both the upper-class nobles and the middle- and lower-class civilians were drinking and celebrating, because they won again, the Nanzhao Dynasty was destroyed, and there was a steady stream of treasures Pulling from the south, everyone enjoyed the war dividend.

They have endless food and wine, and as long as they need it, they have everything they need from precious spirit crystals.There are plenty of materials, countless spiritual crystals, mineral gold piled up into the sea, and the resources of the entire Gaia to support a country are naturally happy.

"Conquer the East and unify Gaia! We will receive gifts from our mother star, and we will evolve into gods!"

Everyone was cheering up and celebrating. Although they encountered a small setback in Nanlu before, didn't they easily break through Nanzhao's resistance when their artifacts of the country were revealed?

There is only the last step to unify the world, and everyone, from the chairman of the committee to the poor, firmly believes that they are the children of the times and will complete the great cause of unification.

Even Byron, who is in the strictest scientific research institute, felt the exciting atmosphere. The researchers also smiled when they were conducting boring experiments. They study here, and even have artifact fragments.

Suddenly there was a strange noise outside, and the researchers became agitated. It turned out that the chairman of the committee personally inspected it.

Afterwards, the chairman and Byron had a secret discussion.

"What? The United States is going to launch a coastal attack? Let our long-distance army travel thousands of miles, cross half of Gaia, and invade the west coast of the Yun Zhou Empire?"

After listening to the chairman's words, Byron frowned and said: "Chairman, even though the Nanzhao Dynasty has just been defeated, there is no need to conquer the Eastern Continent so quickly. We have not yet digested the harvest of the Nanzhao Dynasty. In the next year, stronger and higher equipment was developed, and then the Yunzhou Empire was conquered.

Are you in a hurry now?In the past, the southern land also encountered the problem of too long battle lines, limited troops, and difficult logistical supplies. "

"In one go, these are minor problems. As long as we are fast enough to destroy their political center and the hope in their hearts, the east will be the same as the south and west in the end. What's more, this time Raids are two fronts.

Before they land on the west coast, our army in the south will come out.The Yunzhou Empire is in a difficult situation, and it is doomed.If time drags on, although our military strength will be strengthened, the gap with the Yunzhou Empire will be narrowed instead. We can't give him a chance to win! "

The chairman has decided to eliminate the Yunzhou Empire as quickly as possible and unify the whole of Gaia.

It was not merely his will alone, or even the will of Congress, but the will of all the hearts of the people of the United States.Byron had already seen that the chariot of the United States was advancing, and the driver was affected by the frenzied atmosphere, and he had already ridden the car like never before.

"This is a fantasy world, and we can't get through it with common sense. Maybe there really is a destiny to rule the world, and then the United States is the protagonist of this generation." Byron thought so, and then went into the research.After all, he was only a member of the rear, not personally on the front line.

Chapter 386 The Girl Is Just a Sloppy Word

Gaia, west coast.

Fenglongshen led an army of [-] troops, said to be [-] elite soldiers, and Fenglongshen estimated that they were the second and third-line troops. The truly powerful ones were stationed in the Tiancha battlefield connecting the east and south, where there were already tens of millions of troops. Garrison.

Since ancient times, the Eastern Continent has been strong and prosperous, and this time it is the alternation of the old and new generations of overlords.

Polar bears occupying one-third of the world are sharpening their knives. The people of Yunzhou have seen tens of millions of coalition forces, mechs shuttle across the sky, and railways are laid like spider webs, which carry personnel and materials, and are continuously transported to the front line.

The atmosphere of war became more and more intense, and the Yunzhou Empire issued the highest mobilization order, no one wanted to become a subjugated slave.

Compared with the tense front line, the west coast here is obviously much looser.When Fenglongshen took over as the commander here, every soldier was still yawning, their morale was slackened, and no one cared whether there were enemy troops on the coastline.

Fortunately, the [-] troops under his leadership are enough to correct the unhealthy tendencies of the old troops. While obtaining the latest news on the forum, Fenglongshen is ordering them to train strictly, build watchtowers, and arrange his special "plant radar and sea mines" on the coastline. ".

In fact, to put it bluntly, it is marine vegetation such as seaweed and kelp, because of the natural talent of Fenglong God, he has a natural affinity with plants.That's why he was able to communicate with the seaweed that spread thousands of miles under the sea. He even felt that if the enemy had a submarine, they would be wiped out if they were caught off guard.

Although the preparations were adequate, even Fenglongshen himself thought it was a waste of hard work. No one had traveled this route for 1000 years. When the frontline battle became more and more tense, how could the polar bear army come all the way to attack?

What he didn't expect was that the mighty and powerful navy of the United States was already on the way. They braved the wind and waves all the way, with the help of the latest psionic radar developed by the empire and the suppression of artifacts, they were constantly approaching with attrition. This time there were ten ships The 500-meter-long legendary flagship leads the team, and a thousand newest warships are quietly sailing.There are mechs lined up on the deck.

I don't know what method they used, there is always a cloud covering the sky above, making Yun Zhouguo's surveillance tools invalid.

Three days later, on the Tianzhu battlefield in the south, tens of thousands of troops officially declared war. Gaia's final battle came. The emperor and generals of the empire came in person, but what Emperor Yun Zhou didn't know was that it was just a feint.The real battleground is on the west coast.

At this time, half of the thousand battleship fleet was lost in the vast ocean, and even a flagship was swallowed by the sea eye. In terms of energy, it should have reached the god level, which is the superiority of the race.

Such a loss, but it was all worth it.They have accomplished an unprecedented feat.Successfully saw the west coast of the Eastern Continent.

"This is destined to be a battle recorded in the annals of history." The raid commander said.

It was night, and this surprise attack fleet launched a general attack. However, when they sneaked close to the pier and planned to blast it upside down, unexpectedly, a loud rumbling sound exploded from the bottom of the water. Also overturned a battleship.

The power of the mine is too great!

Fenglongshen was awakened, and he was stunned. He didn't expect that there would be a surprise attack from a polar bear.Raise soldiers for a thousand days and use them for a while.The [-] troops held their breath, the Wind Dragon God displayed the dharma body of the ancient Mulia tree, and communicated with the seaweed to launch a counterattack!

The rumbling artillery fire shocked the residents of the coastal cities. The buildings on the coastline were much stronger than those on the sea. Coupled with the fatigue of the boat and the seaweed that came alive under the water, the fleet that consumed a lot of manpower of the United States was defeated.It's not as overwhelming as imagined.

"West coast, why are there so many defense troops?"

The commander of the surprise attack was shocked, the plan could not keep up with the changes, and he did not have such a strong resistance before, and finally he showed the bottom of the box.

The flagship mast shoots out lightning, and the emissive lightning turns the sea into a sea of ​​thunder, but this is not an attack, but an energy supply. In the sea of ​​thunder, a monster tower with a strange shape rises into the sky and suppresses it.

Leaning Tower of Pisa!This surprise attack force even brought over the magic soldiers from Xilu!

The defenders were horrified. At the critical moment, the ancient tree behind Fenglongshen unfolded its magic. Thousands of branches entangled the evil tower at all costs. He didn't want to fight recklessly, but a stalemate. He bet that the other party would not be able to support the activation of the artifact for a long time.The more powerful the magic weapon, the higher the price,

On the sea of ​​thunder and lightning, there are warships roaring, demon towers turning, and ancient trees winding around. The west coast has never been so lively.In the end, Fenglongshen made the right bet.During the long voyage, the artifact escort was activated several times, forcing back the giant beasts of the deep sea. The fleet's energy reserves were numerous, and they were entangled by the wind dragon god who vomited blood.

The surprise attack army had no way out, and there was a vast ocean behind them. However, when the Leaning Tower of Pisa was unable to fall to the ground, the surprise attack was officially declared a fiasco!A total of fifty dilapidated warships surrendered, and all nine flagships sank to the bottom of the sea.Even the Leaning Tower of Pisa, an artifact of the town, was mastered and refined by Fenglong God.

When Emperor Yun Zhou in the rear received the news, he was stunned.

Fenglongshen became the strongest commander of the Yunzhou Kingdom and was called a national hero. He snatched the artifact from the enemy, but no one believed him when he said it.The courage and courage exposed in this battle are awe-inspiring, and he has become an important figure that cannot be ignored on the mainland.

The upper echelons of the United States were furious that the army built with so much national power was lost by unknown pawns.Even the artifacts are lost, they are the things of the town, and the birth of each piece consumes countless manpower and material resources, and it takes a long time to cast.

The furious United States immediately ordered the tens of millions of troops in Nantianzhu to attack, and the shame must be washed away!

"The final battle has begun. I didn't expect Fenglong God to make such a great contribution. However, if the Yun Zhou Kingdom perishes, it will be of no use in the end." Netizens who followed this matter expressed emotion on the forum.

"The producer chose us because he also wanted people on Earth to see the history of this sister star. Taking history as a mirror, this time I simply broadcast the battle live."

Fenglongshen started the live broadcast, and by chance, he refined the artifact, and now he is also a top figure in Gaia, full of vigor!

Tens of millions of troops gathered in the southern moat, and mechs and aircraft covered the sky. The Gaians had never had such a big confrontation before.People all over the continent are watching World War I.

"This battle is the last chance. Tomorrow, August 8, we will rise up, liberate our hometown, and seize power with arms!"

What the people of the United States don't know is that when they focused on the southern war, the backyard of the conquered west was already secretly on fire. The fiasco of Chief Baimao did not discourage Mengyao. Pull out your own team and team.

Danxi people including Fengshi were impressed by Mengyao's beliefs and tactics. This woman is not bragging, but really capable, and she is willing to work hard. She doesn't think of herself as a weak woman at all.

Although Mengyao's dream is to be an empress, times have changed.Mengyao is not a die-hard person, she must let history go backwards, if there is no choice, she can be the female president.

Soon the war broke out, the polar bear went berserk, and the unification of Gaia was just around the corner. Who can calm down?Both the top and the bottom want to be heroes and leave their names in history. The dividends of the war have fed them, and the previous victories have also covered up many problems in the United States, making them lost.

This time, in the most important battle, all the people of Yunzhou Kingdom were soldiers, and built the Great Wall with flesh and blood. There was also the Yunzhou Excalibur, and the Pisa Demon Tower jointly attacked. , abruptly blocked by two divine weapons.

"The heaven and the earth have the same power, the hearts of the people are in me, I am the lord of nature, and I am in charge of creation!"

Gathering good fortune, the people's will, the wind dragon god with green light all over his body is like a rainbow, and he has undergone the most unimaginable leap evolution in the war, stimulating the potential of civilization contained in his body, resonating with nature, and everything is in spring, and everything is in harmony. In the east, Fenglong God turned into the Lord of Nature in one fell swoop, and became a demigod powerhouse alongside Emperor Yunzhou, Chairman, and Emperor Nanzhao!

"Damn, Fenglongshen just showed us this live broadcast? Is he the protagonist of Gaia?" The people who were watching the live broadcast were stunned, thinking that Fenglongshen's journey was too smooth.

"It should be that he was in charge of the reincarnation benefits of the third civilization before. The white-haired chief also had similar hidden benefits. It's just that he fell before he activated it." A great god analyzed.

The chief is also watching. He feels that he does have hidden benefits. At least the monument of knowledge of Ivan's civilization is still there, which is left behind by himself!

In the forum, there was intense exchange, the great battle in the South Heavenly Moat continued, the Great Wall made of flesh and blood was pushed horizontally by mechs, and after witnessing the tragic situation after the conquest of the Western and Southern Continents, the people of Yunzhou Kingdom became even more crazy, and died on the first day 20 people.The mountain of corpses and the sea of ​​blood cannot describe the tragedy of the battlefield at all.

In the video recorded by Fenglongshen, the pictures that are not suitable for children are automatically coded, but everyone also vaguely saw the cruelty of the battlefield, this is a real person.Everyone was silent, there was no winner, only the unwilling eyes of the dead.

As night fell, before the upper echelons of the United States adjusted their phalanx, an armed uprising took place in the western continent. The workers and peasants led by Princess Mengyao of the Danxi royal family fired the first shot, robbed the arsenal, and recaptured the city!

In Nanlu, a group of guerrillas gathered without end, boldly cut off the back-up of the expeditionary army, besieged on all sides, and the drawbacks of the stretched battle line were finally exposed. Organization involves strength.Need to use several times the number of troops to maintain the rule.

The people of the United States were horrified to find that the situation had changed drastically within three days, and the general trend of unifying the world had been cut off by the people's hearts. Led by Byron, the latest astronomical computer researched by the Academy of Sciences could spy a ray of heavenly secrets. They discovered that at this time it turned out to be The pinnacle of their polar bear luck!

This defeat is like a river going downhill, the momentum has plummeted, and there is no longer a tendency to dominate the world.

Not reconciled, the chairman refused to listen to Byron's advice, and forcibly ordered the army to attack. At all costs, he burned his spiritual veins and provided them to the Luoying God Axe to suppress the two magic weapons.

"Unfortunately, if this trend is gone, there will be no more chances. You have lost the hearts of the people. You may be fine at the peak, but now if you lose your temper and attack from all sides, the polar bears will fall sharply." Jiang Ping, an outsider, looked at it. understand more.

Sure enough, a month later, the moat cut by Emperor Yun Zhou's sword was filled with flesh and blood corpses, and all four continents of Gaia were on fire. Although the polar bear was strong, its forehead and tail were set on fire.

With an army of tens of millions, eating and drinking every day is a big problem.In addition, the logistics are constantly being disturbed by the guerrillas.Frontline fighters said they couldn't bear the tremendous mental pressure brought about by the fierce battle.

No way, the polar bears can only order the army to retreat. They know that this retreat is an era, and Gaia can no longer be unified.

"This era belongs to peace and development! If Gaia has a god, it never wants us to engage in stone-throwing battles, but to vigorously develop technology." Byron from the Academy of Sciences came out to advise.

He is by no means a war maniac, nor is he a scientist who aids in evil as Meng Yao said, he just wants to live a better life.

Byron's words were like a plate of cold water pouring over the congressmen's heads, calming them down.At this time, the United States is under the enemy's back and forth, and a steady stream of guerrillas and rebels are constantly tearing blood. Although there is no problem in a short period of time, there will be backlash in the long run.

In the mainland, soldiers died in battle, their families have already started to parade in the streets, anti-war thinking is rising, internal and external troubles, the chairman had to choose to compromise.

The trend of unifying the world has been blocked so far.

The army retreated, and the chairman personally drove the emperor-level armor to negotiate peace with Emperor Yunzhou. He even went to see the guerrilla leader in the south, who had liberated one third of the western continent, Princess Mengyao.

The four parties issued a joint declaration, "One home planet, one dream, and one starry sky. Our goal should not be an opponent, but the starry sky above. I announce that the United States army will withdraw from the southern and western lands!"

When the Chairman delivered a speech on behalf of the Supreme Council, Gaia was a sensation!

At this moment, everywhere on the land, no matter the enemy or us, are throwing guns and shouting!

No one wants to fight except a madman.In the fiercely scorched trenches, soldiers from the two armies came out of the tunnel at the same time. They put down their weapons, smiled, and held each other's hands tightly.This image appears everywhere, not just in one place.

Jiang Ping watched all this happen calmly. This choice was right. If the civil war had not been fully developed, the grave of the Second Civilization was still there.His main purpose of creating the third world was still to find a tool to assist him, or Byron was smart, or maybe because he had his own little thoughts, he plunged into the computing field.

In such a short period of time, a lot of achievements have been made. Although the latest astronomical calculator is huge, it has been able to capture a ray of law between the sky and the earth.

"Let's develop, this is the kingly way, I hope you can surpass your predecessors, surpass the Lord God of Light Brain."

Even though he thought so, Jiang Ping felt that there was little hope, because the Atlantis civilization was already a true god-level civilization. Remaining in the Kingdom of Light, those invincible warriors of light can reconquer the starry sky as long as they think about it.

This is already the pinnacle of civilization, but Jiang Ping still has high hopes for them, because he knows that with the development of the times, even if it is not the Fifth Epoch, there will be a day when the strongest in the heavens will be born, and not just one!

Peace and development have become the new themes of the times. The polar bears have retreated and returned the ruling power to the aborigines, but they still occupy a lot of resource-rich Lingdao Mountains.

The people of the two armies who have regained their freedom rejoice. The old order was overthrown by external forces. In this respect, it is a good thing. They want to form a new country and a new system.

Not to mention that hundreds of countries were born in one night in the South Continent. On the West Continent, because of Mengyao's outstanding performance in leading the uprising, the people elected her as the first female president of the New Danxi Federation.

Mengyao clenched her hands excitedly during the game, she was so excited that she couldn't help herself.She actually achieved her goal in life, implemented her previous brilliance, and instead of becoming a queen, she became a female president.

"I love you so much, Fengshi, I want you to be the vice president, help me well!"

Mengyao happily turned around and hugged her companion, which surprised Feng Shi in her arms. The quaint education she received since she was a child could not withstand the elation of a passionate girl in the 21st century.

The girl just said a few ordinary words, but he thought it was his entire youth.

Chapter 387 Golden Development Period

With the new situation in Gaia, Mengyao became the female president of the new Danxi Federation established on the site of the former Danxi Kingdom in the Western Continent. She formed her own political team.With the help of a lot of historical experience in reality, as well as mature systems, and she also has prestige, after all, she was built all the way by herself, and people recognize her, so things will be easy to handle.

Mengyao didn't just talk about it, she actually had a bit of real material. Her foresight made the originally divided federal state rule, retaining each other's customs, but without setting tariffs. In addition, in the old days, polar bears wanted to better A network of railroads built to transport supplies.

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