"There are five defensive circles in total, and Wangcheng is the last hope." The chief said.Beside him, there are flat-headed brothers scurrying around.

"How strong is our national artifact? Can it withstand it?" the chief asked Fu Jin, who is now in charge.

After Fujin retreated from the guards, he said solemnly: "The artifacts of the western land have been destroyed. Our concentrating magic mirror can be gathered or scattered, but it is no match for the artifacts of the North Continent. They have extracted the West Land veins and have evolved again. .”

Humans have not yet evolved to the level of gods, but under the tempering of time, weapons have evolved first.In this special time period, artifacts are very important.

The chief had also heard that Nanlu's artifact was a mirror, which seemed to be crystal clear and mysterious, as if it was made of a single piece of crystal.

After listening, the chief looked into the distance, where the great war was going on, and the most intense Patriotic War began.

"As a descendant of Ivan's civilization and a former great prophet, can I do something?"

In his position, think about his duties.Since I chose to protect it, I naturally have to do my best.It's a pity that tens of millions of years have passed, and the legacy of Ivan has disappeared, and even the traces of civilization can't be found.

"What happened to the fourth civilization, so many ruins were all destroyed and disappeared, and Gaia started all over again."

No matter how hard the chief thought, on the first defensive circle, gunpowder smoke filled the air, Nanzhao soldiers roared and charged, the Tianwu Fortress was broken, the emperor fell, and the entire army of millions of soldiers was wiped out. This is a blood feud!This is defending the country!

"For the homeland, for Nanzhao!"

The poorly equipped Nanzhao people began the cruelest and desperate charge. The machine guns they urgently developed were too late to match the entire army. There were too many technical hurdles, and there were also problems with materials.

The sound of booming artillery fire was endless, huge gold and iron monsters rampaging, a human mech either blasted out artillery, or activated psionic energy, all energy cannons were blasted out one by one, and the earth was bombed.

The firepower of the two armies is not at the same level at all. The people of Nanzhao are brave, but what is the use?Aren't they all flesh and blood?The sky and the ground were pushed horizontally by the polar bear, leaving only the messy flesh and blood on the ground.

The first defensive circle was not defended for a day, 20 people were killed and 30 were captured.

The heavy blow made the white-haired chief feel heavy. The mourning army must win, and the premise must be on the same level. This is the gap of the times. It is like holding a cold weapon and fighting the enemy's pistol.

The other party would just pull out the gun and kill him instantly, blowing the smoke from the muzzle of the gun, and say, "My lord, I'm eating shit!"

The polar bears were still marching day and night, so Zhang Yuan simply went offline to calm down.

The icy cold water droplets washed over his body, and Zhang Yuan covered his head in pain in his room.

He laughed at himself: "I didn't expect that just playing a game, the pressure would be so great that I would be bald. I'm not the person in charge. What if I were a king? Control the lives of tens of thousands of people."

After washing his body, Zhang Yuan calmed down.Now that you have chosen, go all out.

"Come on, chief, I will support you!"

"Defending the country, there is nothing to talk about. Chief, we are still waiting for you to lead Brother Pingtou to rise again. Victory or defeat is a common matter in military affairs, so let's retreat for the time being. Retreat to the forest and slowly consume the polar bear in the way of guerrillas vitality."

When the Gaia war came, many people on the forum cheered for Chief White Hair. As the first Gaia player, he still has a lot of popularity.

After relaxing for a while, reading the encouragement on the Internet, he laughed without feeling it.The situation is bad and the war is dangerous, but we still have to move on.

"No matter how hard it is, one day you will say it with a smile."

Zhang Yuan re-entered Gaia, and this time he wanted to mobilize the white-haired troops directly under him and put them into the battlefield.

During the Great War in the Southern Land, in the Western Land in the occupied area, in order to cope with the consumption of the war, the colonists became more and more strict, and they collected supplies and food.Forced civilians to enter the sweatshops, working all day as 007, they were exhausted and were directly carried out and thrown away.

Such hard work, but the final reward is barely enough to make ends meet, not even able to support a family.

The workers couldn’t express their hardships, and Mengyao felt that they could take advantage of such a severe situation. Late one night, in the warehouse of a factory producing crawlers, tired workers gathered. They sat on the ground around a bonfire. Listen quietly to the speech of the center girl.

"I am the surviving descendant of the Great Danxi Dynasty, Princess Mengyao. My homeland has fallen. Both I and you have been oppressed by foreigners. Do you want to go on like this and be forced to death? This is worse than slaves!

it's time!We are lurking at the bottom for the time being, developing and expanding the team, the name of the team is "Danxi Liberation Front", for the people, for freedom!For future generations! "

Although Mengyao's words were passionate and frustrating, the atmosphere below was very demoralized. They were overwhelmed by the cruel reality and had no hope.

After a long time, someone asked a key question: "How can we trust you? Who knows if you are the real princess or a spy of the polar bear, trying to catch us all?"

Sure enough, there is no basis for empty talk. Just when Mengyao was about to talk nonsense, Feng Shi suddenly got up beside him. He took out a gold medal from his pocket. Facing everyone, he solemnly said, "I am Danxi." The 168th generation Prince Fengshi, the Danxi gold medal in his hand symbolizes the kingdom’s last storage. It can open the treasure of salvation that has been sealed for thousands of years. Don’t you believe it?”

"The legend is true. The Great Danxi Kingdom has indeed sealed up a batch of treasures after the fall of the dynasty to prepare for its resurgence."

"It's really the Danxi royal family." Everyone below was shocked. They took the gold medal and observed it carefully. This is an ancient legend spread in the Western Continent. They didn't expect to see the real body today.

Mengyao was also taken aback by her little friend's actions, she didn't expect that the herbivore young man beside her was the real prince, and she was a Xibei.

"Okay, I didn't expect you to hide it so deeply. Didn't he see through all the bullshit I boasted before? Isn't he going to accept me as a younger brother in the future?" Mengyao was shocked, and her face unconsciously became tense .

As if aware of her embarrassment, Feng Shi suddenly continued: "Ms. Mengyao is naturally a member of my royal family. She leads us in the Danxi Liberation Front. Our goal is to liberate the Western Continent and resist the invasion!"

"it is good!"

In the warehouse, the oppressed workers stood up and raised their hands in excitement. They had hope.

Feng Shi turned his head and winked mischievously at Mengyao.


Earth, Mengyao suddenly woke up on the bed, she rushed to the toilet angrily and washed her face with cold water, trying to calm herself down.

Looking at herself in a mess in the mirror, she gritted her teeth and said, "Well, you Feng Shi, I thought you were a loyal herbivore, but I didn't expect you to hide it so well."

Feeling restless, she wanted to discuss it with her best friend Su Jie, but she stopped short as soon as she picked up the phone.I became a player of the heavens, and I didn't tell anyone about traveling through different worlds. How can this be explained?

After thinking about her words for a while, she dialed her mobile phone, and the best friend on the other side quickly connected.

Su Jie: "My good grandma, you don't go to bed at 3 o'clock in the middle of the night. You call me to harass me. I think you need a boyfriend."

Mengyao: "There is something important. The thing is like this. A friend of mine met a scumbag. Now I want to ask you what you think."

Su Jie: "(¬_¬). There is no one else here, so the friend you mentioned is you."

"No, no, it's really my friend's business." Mengyao on the other end hastily explained.

So in the middle of the night, the two women couldn't sleep at night, talking freely about gender topics

Chapter 385 Falling Cherry Ax

In the middle of the night, Su Jie put down her hot cell phone with a headache, walked to the window in pink pajamas, opened the window and looked at the starry sky outside, doubts arose in her heart, and muttered: "I didn't see her hooking up with any herbivorous man, she Didn't you say you're not going to fall in love, and you want to be a single queen?"

With her head full of doubts, she went to sleep for a sleep.Su Jie never dreamed that her best friend would be drawn and travel to another world.Isn't this the treatment of a heroine?


"Kill! Gold, secret treasures, and women are right in front of us, and everything is ours!"

In the south of the war, the land was scorched black, and there were bomb craters everywhere. With the full support of the resources of the two continents, the polar bear army was in full swing, launching a blitzkrieg, and implementing the three-light policy along the way.

Burn it all, kill it all, steal it all.

Under the cover of firepower, the triple defensive circle was broken, and the Nanzhao soldiers knew the viciousness of the enemy when they really fought against it.They are well-trained, their fighting qualities and martial arts are far superior to fighters of the same level, and with the blessing of equipment, they can fight ten against one.

Tens of millions of families were destroyed, and after the march of the United States, only trails of gunpowder smoke were left behind. They pointed their finger at Zhaori King City, which was not only the political center, but also the spiritual center of the south.

When encountering the last two defensive circles, the polar bear army finally suffered. The butterfly-shaped landmines laid underground by the chief's advice wounded tens of thousands of people.

Its lethality is not very strong, but it can blow off soldiers' legs and cause disabilities, and each wounded soldier needs three soldiers to take care of it.This invention effectively restricted their marching speed and bought precious time for Fujin.

At the same time, inconspicuous white-haired beasts scurried deep underground, dug into the rear, and formed guerrillas behind the enemy according to the chief's will, frequently rioting the United States army along the way day and night.

The guerrillas are like mosquitoes that can go away with one blow. They know that they can't fight the regular army, but the guerrillas gather into a ball of fire and scatter into stars.Interfering day and night, the polar bear army is like eating dead flies, which is very demoralizing.

Even if one or two guerrillas were captured, not only would they have strong bones, they would forcibly search their souls and brainwash them, and they would get very little information, because they only knew the information of a few compatriots around them, and only a few people knew the confidential information.

"The battle line has been stretched, and our biggest quick attack has been delayed. If this continues, the morale of the army will be slackened, and we are afraid of being counterattacked. We hereby ask the parliament to use the magic weapon of suppressing the country in one fell swoop, and extinguish all hopes of the Nanzhao Dynasty." Mark, the commander of the expeditionary force The Generalissimo personally wrote the letter and sent it back to the rear.

In Keling City, the lights were brightly lit, and the battle on the front line was at a stalemate. The councilors were holding an emergency meeting. The final meeting decided not only to send out the soldiers of the country, but also to send out all three thousand elite mech soldiers. Nanzhao must be wiped out as quickly as possible!

"The United States is really capable, and its background far exceeds that of the three continents. You'd better be careful." Byron kindly reminded on the forum.Anyway, he was in the scientific research unit at the rear, and he didn't go to the front line.

"Each is his own master and each performs his duties. Soldiers come to block, water comes to cover up. There is nothing to say." The chief's attitude is firm, and other netizens are also paying attention to this battle.

In the sky, huge aircraft carried densely packed weapons of war as reinforcements, and some legendary soldiers came from the north, piercing the sky directly.

Everyone knows that the big show is coming.


In Zhaori City, a sky-reaching magic mirror rose into the sky, and the mirror light like a clear lake shot out billions of rays of light, like rail cannons killing artifacts in the north.

The white-haired chief suddenly raised his head, and finally saw the strongest power of Gaia, which surpassed conventional weapons and was like a nuclear bomb-like subduing soldier, tempered by countless people's painstaking efforts for thousands of years.


The divine weapon shot out from afar finally showed its true face. It turned out to be a burly ax like a mountain. The body of the ax was shining with mysterious patterns like cherry blossom trees. Chop in half.

"Is that the divine weapon of the United States [Luoying Divine Axe]?" The chief said solemnly, this divine ax was wrapped in god-level laws, and the violent power filled the surroundings. meteorological.

It is said that this magical weapon was forged by the founder of the United States, and it evolved step by step through the tempering of successive rulers.The gods of the country are connected to the country and the continent. Now that the North Continent dominates Gaia and swallows the world, the Luoying God Ax is naturally unstoppable.

The Dazzling Mirror Immortal Sword and the Divine Ax were in a stalemate. Under the eyes of everyone, there was only a "click", and a crack appeared from the center of the spotlight mirror, and the audience was shocked!

"Blood Sacrifice Magic Mirror!" Nanzhao Emperor Fujin gritted his teeth, and a large formation lit up in the royal city, wrapping not others but himself and other royal children around him.

"Respect as a king and enjoy the admiration of the people, so naturally you have to bear its responsibility." Fu Jin, who was wrapped in blood, explained to his blood relatives.

Including the chief, every Nanzhao warrior stared blankly at the clash of artifacts in the sky.

"The destruction of the city and the destruction of the country are just around the corner, follow me to kill!"

Outside the fourth defensive circle, the whole expeditionary force attacked, and a high-tech mecha rich in spiritual energy was lifted into the air. In the trenches, Nanzhao soldiers raised their guns angrily to fight back.

However, the overall gap in technology and system is by no means something that can be surpassed by "sorry soldiers must win". The fourth defensive circle was quickly broken, blood flowed like a river, and hundreds of thousands of troops died in the battle castle.

In the sky above the royal city, strands of blood merged into the concentrating magic mirror, and the suppressed magic mirror shook in vain, and the falling cherry ax that was struck was knocked back.

At this time, the chief keenly discovered that there were figures appearing in the magic mirror at this time, lifelike, and they got out of the mirror one after another.

"That was Yingxi, the 34th Nanzhao King, who claimed to be invincible all over the world, and fell after hitting the gods!"

"That's Wu Zeyu, the founding emperor, who has been fighting all his life until he dies!"

Beside the chief, Nanzhao generals spoke excitedly, and his heart moved: "It seems that after the fall of each of the ancestors, they all integrated themselves into the magic mirror to increase their background."

Dozens of Nanzhao emperors appeared, and they all swung their fists angrily towards the divine axe in the air.

Behind it, hundreds of councilors provided energy with the help of the spiritual device. The ground veins vibrated, and the spiritual energy was swallowed by the axe. It pressed heavily on Zhaori City. Under the pressure of the ground, many people vomited blood at the same time.

"This can't be stopped? Is it true that the supernatural powers are no match for Tianshu? Tianshu is in the north? It is destined to unify Gaia?" The chief gritted his teeth, the white-haired beast on his shoulder had already exploded, and he grasped it with small black claws uneasily. placket.

"Lead your people to flee to the depths of Hailu Forest, and don't come out without my order!" Immediately, the chief gave an order to the white-haired leader on his shoulders.


The defensive array of Zhaori King City lit up, but it was shattered like a mirror, and it was about to be split in half. At this juncture, a divine sword aura suddenly came from the east!

"I know that you are restless and want to save people. After suppressing Nanlu, you are the next target!"

The chairman's voice came from the Luoying Divine Axe, and the next moment a leaning tower with a strange shape descended from the sky, suppressing the support of the Divine Sword, and fought against it in the East China Sea.

"It turned out to be Xilu's magical soldier of the country, the Pisa Demon Tower! Didn't it mean that it has been destroyed by the Luoying Divine Axe, and it is still there!" Emperor Yun Zhou was shocked. The tower was tightly entangled, unable to make a move at all.

"Is this my destiny?"

Standing on the wall of the king's city, Zhang Yuan, like other generals, looked up at the battle of artifacts in a daze, where the snowflake-like fragments of the magic mirror withered and shone abnormally, one after another emperor was destroyed by the ultimate artifact, roaring, Regardless of the Wangquan, there was nothing left, and was destroyed with a single strike.


The concentrating magic mirror was finally split in two by the falling cherry axe. The hope of the people of Nanzhao, visiting the national symbols in every ordinary people's home, blood sacrifice to the royal family and Nanzhao emperor, was powerless to resist the sky after all.

At this moment, Zhang Yuan thought of the country he was in. Facing the invasion of the unstoppable evil thieves, the ancestors resisted with extremely backward equipment.

"Wind Dragon God, I'll take a step first."

The chief closed his eyes calmly, the next moment the sky fell apart, the entire Zhaori King City was split in half by force, the palace, tower, Valkyrie Palace and other thousand-year-old buildings were scattered, and millions of civilians were destroyed in one blow

[Gai Alexa: In the fifth era, in 5133 of the human calendar, the United States of the North Continent improved its system, invented martial arts mechs, and its national power grew rapidly. The Western Continent was conquered, and the Southern Continent was conquered, leaving only the Eastern Yunzhou Empire.The closed beta player, Fenglongshen, has fallen. He used to be the prophet of Aifan, but he has left the field before showing his edge and digging out Aifan's civilization.

Current number of players remaining: 3. 】

Jiang Ping was a little surprised when he turned the century.

"The prophet of the first generation of civilization didn't even dig out the remains of the Ivan civilization underground, so he left in the middle of the road. Maybe this is life, accidents are everywhere. But why didn't he escape?"

With this question in mind, Jiang Ping turned on the computer and browsed the forum.

"Uh, why is it a little different from what I imagined? Shouldn't it be that Nanzhao is standing firm, the mourning army will win, and justice will win. Did the expeditionary army of the United States have to retreat after being harassed by the guerrillas and unable to resist?

He lost so badly, and even the capital was destroyed.It is even worse than the Danxi royal family.At least their old capital is still there. "Dream God Ji, who is bubbling on the forum every day, spoke out what everyone was thinking.

"The development of the script is a bit wrong, but this is the reality. It cannot be changed by people's hearts and manpower. In fact, the overall gap in national power has already doomed Nanzhao's demise. The fourth player, Byron, also said that the background of the polar bear is far beyond they imagine.

Originally thought that the previous space strategy and guerrilla harassment could keep bloodletting, but the polar bear really went all out, and Nanzhao Kingdom still couldn't resist it. "Others are also regretful. Most people instinctively sympathize with the weak and hate the intrusion of the strong.

But the cruel reality often depends on one's own ability.There is no distinction between good and evil, only strong and weak.

"The legendary prophet, the chieftain who left behind a monument of knowledge that has influenced several epochs, why did you fall like this? Your legs are growing under your feet, won't you run away?" What puzzled everyone the most was how well Gaia player No.1 was the first to exit.

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