The old man Jerry sat down tremblingly, his face was a bit sad, he never thought that after so many years, he could still meet the person who left a deep impression on him when he was young.He didn't ask why Mr. Mike is still young after so long, just like a thousand years is just a moment.

Jiang Ping was sitting on a suspended chair in the park. Looking at Jerry, he could already see his dead line. The energy inside his body was collapsing irresistibly. The most important crystallization was no match for the cycle of time, just like an ancient tree Like a tree ring, leaving traces of time, his consciousness was slackened, his memory receded, and many useless memories were cut off. Unexpectedly, 1000 years later, he could still recognize himself at a glance.

"Don't you have any children?" Jiang Ping asked suddenly.

Jerry shook his head, no longer the arrogance of the past, but slowly said: "I have been chasing the truth all my life, and I have met people I like along the way, but in the end I still didn't get together due to various reasons. Speaking of it , my life may not be very exciting, but at least I have no regrets.

I have also signed the "Crystal Donation Letter" long ago, which can be regarded as my final contribution to society after my death. "

"However, over the years, I have watched the Atlantis civilization grow step by step, gradually conquering the double moons, building bases on them, and preventing them from converging. Forming a huge space fleet, colonizing outer space, and improving the parent star. But I still have one last doubt, I hope you can answer it for me today." Jerry turned his head and asked in confusion.

"But it doesn't matter." Jiang Ping nodded slightly.

"The civilization of Atlantis has developed to the present, technology has been continuously developed, and life span has been continuously extended. A god-level creature was born, and the people were happy and wise. All these things are going in a good direction, but in my old age At that time, I noticed that our material and spiritual construction did not match."

This problem has obviously troubled Jerry for a long time. In his later years, he withdrew from front-line scientific research and instead studied the psychology of his social civilization, which surprised his companions.Doubt that the end of science is really theology?Otherwise, why do so many advanced scientists finally start to study God.

God is nothing but an evolved super creature.Isn't this a consensus?They Atlanteans also became gods, but just like that, they would also die in the face of god-killing weapons.True God is nothing but a super creature at the end of evolution.

Jerry looked at Jiang Ping in confusion, and asked for an answer: "If a civilization continues to develop materially and become stronger, but its spiritual construction is not valued, what will happen in the end? Is it possible to repeat the same mistakes and disappear in the long river of history?"

Jiang Ping pondered for a while, remembering that he had witnessed the rise and fall of civilizations after the creation of the world, and he replied: "From my point of view, the spiritual construction of civilizations is equally important. A large part of each great civilization is not dead in the end." In the hands of foreign enemies, but in their own hands.

Powerful countries often die not from foreign enemies, but from internal troubles.Back then, Ai Fan, the first generation of cosmic civilization, also had a promising future, but in the end, the whole family entertained to death, delusional to reach the sky in one step, and gave up the hard work at the grassroots level.leading to the collapse of the last civilization. "

"The civilization of Atlantis is different from the people of Ivan. We are full of vigor and wisdom. Scientific researchers have a high status in society. Every year, the two major regimes invest large sums of money to support scientific research and social welfare. The most important thing is productivity. We, who are currently developing space, do not lack supplies.

And our system is democratic and fluid, with equal knowledge.Everything depends on one's own wisdom to fight. In this case, may the Atlantis civilization be destroyed by oneself? Jerry continued to ask, "I once wrote a letter to the higher-ups, and in the process of instilling knowledge, I set up a message about [awe], but unfortunately it had too much influence.

Whether it is the Kingdom of Light or the Atlantic Federation, they are worried that this will open the curtain of memory brainwashing and expressly prohibit it.Now the people of Atlantis are curious and exploring about everything, and have begun to study the forbidden zone of God. I am worried that there will be trouble one day. "

"The future is only in your hands. Whether it's an individual or a civilization, you can't see through the future of Atlantis, and neither can I, nor can God. Instead of worrying about this, it's better to grasp the present, I think now is not the time for you to think about it, but to find a good home for yourself."

Jiang Ping got up, not talking about this topic anymore, he turned his head to look at Jie Li, who was no longer energetic, "You should also feel the breath of death, right?"

Jerry nodded, and said with a wry smile: "I have no regrets in this life. I don't have anything to do. I can only think about this problem boringly. At present, our clansmen who have broken through to the god level can live for 9000 years. What do you think? Can we live forever in the end?"

Death, the eternal fear of living things.Immortality, the eternal pursuit of living things.

"The road to eternal life is accompanied by all kinds of difficulties and dangers. Now is just the beginning, not as simple as you imagined." Jiang Ping started to walk into the distance.It's not that the god body can live forever if it maintains its firepower. This planet and this universe will also eradicate parasite-like immortal creatures.

Jerry in the back moved his lips, hesitant to speak, as if he wanted to ask Mike's identity, but he didn't say anything in the end.

Three days later, Jerry passed away forever, his body collapsed into spots of light and dissipated, and a pure long rainbow passed away across the sky. Only his old colleagues and no relatives attended his funeral.In the end, he passed away with his mind full of doubts. Before he died, he didn't mention to others about meeting a mysterious gentleman.

"Welcome, Mr. Mike."

In the grand library that has changed greatly, a consultant with a sweet appearance in the eyes of light people bent down kindly, and Jiang Ping stepped into it. The library has become bigger, but the flow of people is also less, vaguely There are only one or two naked people shuttling among the glass bookshelves.

"How many generations of virtual consultants are you?" Jiang Ping asked curiously. This beautiful female consultant vaguely resembles that woman from back then.

After a flash of brilliance, the virtual light man replied: "According to the calculation of thousands of years ago, I am already No. 30 third-generation virtual robot. Sir, what information do you need to look for?"

"Thank you, I'll take a stroll." Jiang Ping waved his hand, and walked between the bookshelves.

Seeing this, the female consultant leaned slightly and dissipated into countless light spots

Strolling under the knowledge accumulated over time, Jiang Ping watched while walking. The light energy civilization of Atlantis is indeed developing very well. He wants to bring back many technologies to reality and help him with housework, but it is too wasteful to think about it. , or let go of your mind.

Looking up at the sky, in the deep starry sky, Atlantis warships are sailing quietly. They carry the seeds and gene pool of Atlantis civilization, looking for suitable galaxies to cast.

It's too dangerous to put eggs in one basket. Although they felt that they had transformed the parent star into a safe place and conquered the double moons, they still couldn't find the reason for the destruction of the third era. In order to avoid repeating the same mistakes, Atlantis began to A grand plan to sow seeds all over the universe.

In a pyramid of light in the depths of the Gaia ocean, there are densely packed people standing in front of the huge ball of light shuttled by countless light spots. They are all well-known star scientists.

"Mother machine, have you caught the wave of the XZ galaxy? Can it be traced back to the source?" One of the cosmologists asked nervously.

The huge ball of light flashed, and a beautiful goddess of light emerged. She opened her deep eyes and replied:

"Although the fluctuations have been captured, the source cannot be traced. In addition, the [Explorer] photon that was launched the longest ago has been nine thousand light-years away, and it is becoming more and more difficult to contact the mother machine. Repeatedly, it is like encountering an impenetrable wall of time and space."

Everyone was surprised and delighted when they heard it. What was surprising was that the source of the inexplicable fluctuation disaster could not be traced, and the reason for the destruction of the third era could not be avoided.The good news is that there has been a huge breakthrough in space exploration.

"Could it be that the edge of the universe is nine thousand light years away from us?"

People in Atlantis looked at each other, and always felt that their thinking was a bit simple. The famous Yale scholar said indifferently: "Is our universe only this small? I don't believe it. After all, the current level of technology is too poor. In the future, we will always be able to Truly detecting the edge of the universe."

"The existence named [Chuangshi God] once said that the truth of the universe is contained in the question of how big the universe is. Do you think the space-time tides that often occur in the universe will also be included? All principles are interlinked?" Another bold scientists guessed.

"Someone has guessed what you said before, and he even wrote a paper." The Yale scholar said to the optical brain: "Call up Darwin's "Universe in a Tank" paper."


The light of the brain flashed, countless messages flashed, and characters floated in the air. Some scholars who hadn't read it hurriedly looked at the air intently.

"This, this is really a whimsical idea. Those who don't know it thought it was watching science fiction. They even guessed that our universe may be in a nutrition tank. The information feedback we get is all signals from the outside world. This can also explain the starry sky. Why are there so many false stars."

Everyone is dumbfounded, there are still many talents, and any idea can be conceived, but the key to the problem lies in the proof.

"This idea is like imagining that we are characters in a movie, conceived by a high-dimensional life, it is too virtual and nonsense." A serious scholar frowned and denied: "The idea that is completely unprovable is pure fantasy.

It's a waste of energy to focus on this.If you have this time, it is better to study other directions. "

"Not necessarily, maybe we can't prove whether we are someone else's big dream, but we can study whether we are in a container of high-dimensional space-time. The great "Shuttle to the End of Time" project back then, we proved God exists.

Today's mainstream thinking is that the Creator God of Light is a high-dimensional creature. For him, our time may be just a closed loop. We even guess that as long as he needs it, he can provoke time and space at will and appear in different time and space points. "

"What do you want to say?" The serious scholar asked with a frown.

"Don't we have two sacred objects? The Stele of Knowledge is said to be left by a prophet of the first era. According to the above content, the Ivan civilization rose, and finally defeated the original overlord Tyrannosaurus rex, becoming Gaia's number one in one fell swoop. Wisdom civilization.

The statue of the God of Creation of Light is said to be forged by Ai Fan after the god inspired a dream. Logically speaking, it is just an ordinary thing, but I don’t know if it has received the belief of too many people’s spiritual power. The power of the creature's heart is really incredible. "Speaking of this, the Yale scholar couldn't help but sigh with emotion.

Others also nodded. After so many years of research, the biggest ultimate problem, apart from the depth of the universe, is the spiritual power that everyone possesses but is extremely difficult to develop. , the law of the universe.

"Leap evolution is a miracle produced by the explosion of the power of the mind. If this problem is not too difficult to solve, we must thoroughly study the mind."

Another scholar lamented that this is an ultimate question no less than the truth of the universe. Some people even speculate that the microcosmic and mysterious mind may have the power to transcend the universe, which is more difficult to study than the truth of the universe.

The Yale scholar continued: "Perhaps the two sacred objects are connected. Is the mysterious Ivan prophet another high-dimensional life that is not in our universe?"

Should we still focus on the research of holy objects? But over the years, computing power has been continuously upgraded, but no more information has been discovered. Just as everyone was frowning and confused, suddenly the light of the main machine flickered, and an abnormal data stream drifted past.

"Gentlemen, I have a piece of abnormal data here that needs your approval."

"This, this is?" Looking at the video projected in the air, everyone fell silent.


"The civilization of Atlantis is slowly advancing between stagnation and breakthrough. The more in-depth research it takes, the more time it takes to survive. The next technological explosion is estimated to take ten thousand years, and the next one may take longer."

Jiang Ping, who returned home, stretched his waist. At present, although the Atlantis civilization has some minor flaws, the general direction of evolution is still no problem. Their civilization is full of a sense of crisis and keeps moving forward. This is different from entertainment Until death, the Aifan people who claim to be the first batch of civilized creatures in the universe are different.

It is also different from the salted fish and tree people civilization who like to blend perfectly with nature and bask in the sun lazily in the ocean. They are light, chasing time and space, and exploring the truth of the universe.

"Speed ​​up time, I want to see if the Atlantis civilization can develop to that point in the end, and whether it can create the super optical brain I want, such as: the master of the universe. When will they call me?"

Standing in front of the fish tank, Jiang Ping gently stretched out his fingers to provoke the water surface, like a pillar of the sky stirring up the chaotic sea, constantly accelerating the time and space of the small universe, ten times, a hundred times, a thousand times, ten thousand times

The small universe is still accelerating, and the history of the prosperous Atlantis civilization flashes in Jiang Ping's eyes

Chapter 361 God Killing

10 years will pass at the flick of a finger.Your life may be just another person's review.The magnificent history of the development of the universe has flowed by only when Xiao Jin slapped the water.

Fortunately, 10 years later, the Atlantis civilization still exists. During this process, Jiang Ping saw that when they conquered the universe, the Atlanteans encountered the strongest enemy—the interstellar zerg. Similar to the devouring ants in the original world, they have extremely strong reproductive ability. Under the command of the empress, they devoured the resources of each planet, and then looked for other targets.

It can be called a cosmic locust. At the beginning, the explorers of Atlantis discovered man-made traces in the wreckage planet.From the very beginning, they put their vigilance at the highest level, thanks to Atlantis' sense of crisis.

After really contacting the Zerg race, the high-level leaders of the two races realized that each other was difficult to deal with, but the two races were like fire and water, and they couldn't coexist at all.


The queen mother of the Zerg race thought she was invincible, and she had also encountered a cosmic race that had already seen the dawn of civilization, and the result was that she ruthlessly led the children to devour them all, and by the way, evolved their brains.


But this time it was not someone else, but Atlantis, which had evolved into a god-level civilization. This battle completely revealed Atlantis' technological reserves for so many years, and the pyramids of light that were thousands of kilometers away Killed from the solar system, they were launched by the transmitter and shuttled to the other side of the universe like photons.

Thousand-meter battleships straddle the void, and there are some Atlantis powerhouses who are walking on the road of evolution. Some of their bodies imitate the sun, blooming with infinite brilliance, undergoing nuclear fusion all the time, rolling Originally able to roll in the body, they are burning themselves, which is one of the evolutionary paths that Atlantis majors in.

It’s for: nuclear energy alone, even if life is drastically shortened, so what?Their brilliance has been able to compete with the bright moon.

The thousand-meter-high nuclear energy light man wears the exclusive artifact space armor, holds a lightsaber, and kills directly in the starry sky. There are also distant battleship groups and pyramid groups firing light energy cannons that can teleport. The curvature weapon produced was hard to defend against, and directly blew up the Queen Mother's base camp.

The evolutionary bodies they are proud of, the elite Zerg guards that are harder than the hardest substance in nature, but they can't withstand the slashing of high-vibration lightsabers, and they can't carry the light bombs one after another.

All the Zerg dog-heads of Cosmos No. [-] were blown up by the Atlanteans, and the queen mothers were directly dragged out of the brood guarded by hundreds of billions of people by the gods of Allantis, and beheaded face to face.

There was also a god-level empress among the Zerg, who immediately hid in the depths of the void.

Because of the contact with the Atlanteans, the Zerg also killed the elite epic masters of the Atlantean civilization and captured the battleship cannon, but it was still useless because there was an essential difference between the two!

The Zerg's body is invincible and its reproductive power is invincible. It only needs resources to produce soldiers continuously. Her violent soldiers are the secret of the universe.

But when encountering the perfect god-level civilization with the joint development of the body and external objects, under the monitoring of the big data Weilong optical brain, one after another hiding in the core of the stars, even the empresses in the void were besieged and sniped by the pyramids.

Over the years, the Atlantis civilization has finally revealed its true nature. As long as it is close to the stars and can touch the light of the sun, the crystals on their foreheads will glow, and the dense data symbols will dance, forming a body of a virtual giant. Pulling endless light energy, the combat power instantly increased tenfold.

The last strongest god-level empress has been discovered, all over the starry sky, hundreds of trillions of Zerg have gone berserk, their blood is burning, their genes are collapsing, in order to defend civilization, in order to defend the empress, they desperately commit suicide regardless of themselves impact.

But if anger is useful, is strength also needed?When the Zerg race destroyed other civilizations and planets, they didn't show mercy.

"The cosmic scourge Zerg has gone crazy, and the god-level empress even wants to attack the solar system in our base camp. There is no need to show mercy, this is not my own race, apply for the [Creation God's Light] plan."

At the supreme meeting of the Kingdom of Light and the Atlantic Federation, a congressman pointed out the plan.A group of Atlanteans with strong mental power, who can instantly see all the data around them, have already swept across in an instant.


"Agreed, it's inevitable that they will make a comeback. After the plan is implemented, they will release virus weapons targeting Zerg genes."

The parliament voted unanimously, and soon a pyramid fleet led by a god-level tribe sailed to a Faraday star system 10 light-years away from the solar system. The Faraday star here has long been built by the Atlanteans. .

A huge white Dyson sphere covers half of the star's surface, keeping the star system cold all year round.

"How long have you been saving?" the god-level commander asked the person in charge of the base.

"It's been 5 years, and I'm slowly releasing energy recently, otherwise I wouldn't be able to bear it." The person in charge replied confidently.

"Very well, I, Ruskin, have passed the highest order of the parliament and decided to carry out a devastating blow to the Zerg. I will take over all the control rights here."

An agreement was shot out from the chip on Raskin's forehead, which was covered with dense signatures.The person in charge of the galaxy base immediately made the highest salute of Atlantis civilization.

"Roger that!"

Three days later, just as the god-level empress was commanding trillion-level children to rush to the solar system regardless of consumption and death, and use corpses to break through the star defense circle, a special investigation Zerg suddenly reminded her that a light was approaching at a high speed in the distance.

The empress suddenly became excited, fighting against the civilization of light, which made her even have a shadow on the light.She immediately turned her head to look at the light source.

Before she could observe the reaction carefully, the eternal light had already shuttled in. This is the energy accumulated by the stars for thousands of years, and it is released in an instant. It is equivalent to the ultimate explosion of light energy, which is extremely powerful and destructive. .


Endless light and heat covered the densely packed sea of ​​Zerg, each of the elite Zerg with hard bodies, each with their own talents and abilities, watched themselves being wiped out.

Hundreds of trillions of troops, the terrifying Zerg sea that can swallow up a huge planet in a day, has been evaporated in an instant.

The empress burned her body, jumped into the space, and managed to escape, "What kind of civilization is this? How can it be so terrifying and invincible? I want to run away and make a comeback in the future."

Even among god-level creatures, the god-level empress is supreme. She not only masters the laws of life, but also gives birth to billions of bugs. As long as her children understand the truth of the universe, she can also automatically control it. The space talent necessary for natural escape She is also good at it.

Consuming the source, the empress created a wormhole, and fled a hundred light years away in an instant.But what she didn't know was that the spatial fluctuations generated by her teleportation had already been captured by the Atlantis mother machine.

As a result, more than a hundred god-level Atlanteans waited at the other end of the black hole, holding the strongest god-killing sword in their hands, shining brightly, brighter than the stars in the distance.

The Empress got stuck when she got out of the wormhole, she felt that the surrounding space was solidified like cement, and it was no longer as free as the sea water before, which was blocked.

"So everything was calculated by you?"

The Empress suddenly looked at a female god-man surrounded by brilliant giants. Her face was extremely beautiful, but her eyes were impersonal. Dinghaishenzhen.


There is no suspense in this battle. Everything about the Queen Mother has been calculated. The God of Atlantis, who had been prepared for a long time, blasted every cell of the Queen Mother. Finally, he borrowed the latest invention to trace back the past. It is a simple cause and effect weapon to finish.

It's useless to let the queen's methods reach the sky, and it's useless to plant a lot of backhands, just trace along the cells and destroy the vitality of every cell of yours.

And as the Atlantis civilization finally launched a special Zerg virus, it was officially declared that the interstellar Zerg that dominated the universe for a while was completely extinct. The life-like virus harvests all vitality.

This battle has completely established the dominance of the Atlantis civilization in the universe. They are convinced that they have surpassed all their predecessors and become a true god-level civilization.It is not too much to say [dominate the universe].

This battle is a crucial node in the civilization of Atlantis. The Zerg, known as the cosmic demon, destroyed many planets of races, and finally fell into the hands of the civilization of light.

The glory of Atlantis has shone through the ages, leaving traces on planets and stars, and they have become myths and legends.

The Atlanteans absorbed light energy, analyzed the laws, built light energy warships, and then began to study their miniaturization.

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