Jiang Ping knows that she is connected to the mainframe database, as long as you have sufficient authority, you can basically dig out the bottom of Atlantis civilization.

"I want to look for the history book of Gaia." Jiang Ping said to the phantom of the library guide.

"Okay, please follow me." The beautiful light man floated on the ground and led Jiang Ping to find the historical area.

As she walked, she also reminded, "Sir, if you have any doubts, you can ask me directly. I have connected the entire database, and basically can satisfy all your doubts."

After listening, Jiang Ping, who was following, smiled, and asked with a broken smile, "Do you really know everything?"

"Hmm." The female consultant answered sweetly.It doesn't look like a mechanized compatibility at all, but a truly beautiful Atlantean.

There are two types of artificial intelligence, one is strong artificial intelligence, which is referred to as the level of this female consultant, which is no different from ordinary people.

One is weak artificial intelligence, referred to as the mechanical response intelligence currently existing on the earth.

"Then how big is the universe we live in?" Jiang Ping asked casually.


Immediately, the phantom of the female avatar became unstable for a while, as if the calculated data was too large. A second later, the virtual consultant looked at Jiang Ping unhappily.

"Sir, it seems that you are joking with me. You are such a boring person. Instead of finding a sex robot at home to amuse yourself, you choose to harass public measures. According to Article 233 of the latest Robot Protection Law, I have the right to Sue you." The female avatar said with an unhappy face.

If it wasn't for Jiang Ping's eyes to see the beating numbers in her body and the optical symbols formed, he almost thought it was a real person.Sure enough, there is a difference between a strong mind and a mentally handicapped one. A mentally handicapped stupid b can make you spit blood out of anger.

"Don't be angry, little girl, what's your name?"

Jiang Ping walked in front of the materials of the Department of History. The books of the Atlantis civilization are chips like lenses, and each of them is engraved with a huge amount of knowledge. It only needs to use the unique light of Atlantis. .

"I'm Yalan No. 288 counselor. I'm happy to continue to serve you next time, but don't ask such boring questions next time." The voice of the female avatar gradually dissipated, and the phantom disappeared like a bubble.

"I hope to see you again when I come to the library next time." Jiang Ping waved, picked up a CD and started.

The library is quiet and peaceful, and there are only a very small number of Atlanteans here, because they only need to stay at home and borrow chips to obtain the corresponding knowledge without any extra effort.

But as I said before, the commemorative significance of the library is greater than the actual significance, no matter what era, it is needed.

Jiang Ping has a strong mental power, so he read it quickly. Since Jerome's death, according to the theoretical basis left by him, the optical brains have been miniaturized, and finally assembled to connect everyone's optical brains into a host computer. , according to the different contributions of each person, the calculation amount obtained is also different.

The currency of Atlantis civilization today is not physical, but virtual.And it is this kind of virtual currency that symbolizes computing power!

Currencies are generally linked to certain things that are extremely valuable, such as gold and oil, so that they have credibility.

Now the people of Atlantis use computing currency. Although it is inevitable that there is suspicion of inflation, the country will also introduce policy regulation. Every generation of host upgrades will double the personal computing currency according to a fixed degree.This ensures social stability.

The calculation currency of Atlantis is very useful. In theory, if you have enough calculation currency, you can let the host revolve around you every day, and serve as a machine maid yourself.

The more Jiang Ping looked at it, the more interesting he found it. Atlantis civilization has developed to the present, and the path taken by the first three generations has long been green and better than blue. The existence of two different systems also makes this civilization have different voices, and it is always vigilant to move forward.

"It seems that the Atlantis civilization has a strong sense of crisis, which is different from the previous three Gaia civilizations. Is it because they have watched too much about the destruction of their predecessors, so they are worried, when will there be another catastrophe?" Jiang Ping guessed.

In addition, my own appearance is also one of the reasons, letting them know that there are people beyond people, and there is a sky beyond the sky.

"At present, the reasons for the destruction of Gaia civilization in the first era and the second era have been found, but the third biological civilization closest to us, they were destroyed together with the Trisolaran civilization in the cosmic tide.

But we have studied for thousands of years, the kingdom of light and the federation mobilize countless funds, and every year the mainframe consumes hundreds of billions of photons to calculate, capture the information in the universe, the mysteries in the void, and the light energy in the air, but why there is still no Find the reason for cosmic tides? "

Not far from Jiang Ping, there are two young female naked people talking. Judging by the brilliance on their bodies, they should be in their youth, similar to the jk girls on the earth?

However, because the Atlantean civilization has mastered the memory transmission technology, every Atlantean can acquire a huge amount of knowledge from birth, just need to see whether his mental strength is strong enough to bear the impact of knowledge, Just don't lose yourself.

Just now Jiang Ping looked through the history and saw that when the memory transmission technology was first invented, many light people were washed into fools by the massive amount of knowledge, or lost themselves and became mentally ill. In recent years, with the advancement of technology, this technology It has become a national policy, and every Atlantean can choose to study in the direction of his own interest and talent.

"Compared with the existence of God, I think the real reason for the destruction of the third civilization is more concerning." Another companion said, the chip between her eyebrows flickered, as if her thoughts were throbbing violently.

"God left us a question back then, how big the universe was, which was listed as the highest pursuit of our Atlantean civilization. Could this be the reason for the destruction of the third civilization? After all, He once said that the universe The truth is in the problem."

"Over the years, we have used the mainframe to analyze a lot of light, but we still haven't figured out the boundary of the universe. It's not because it's too difficult to analyze, but because there are too many chaotic and false lights."

The two young light men were talking, and Jiang Ping, who was listening attentively, suddenly realized something at this moment. It seemed that with the development of science and technology, the understanding of the starry universe and the deciphering of the extraordinary light energy in the air, Atlantis Civilization began to break away from religion and belief in gods?

Chapter 359 Looking at each other across a thousand years

In a day of quiet browsing in the public library, Jiang Ping basically scanned the essence of the civilization of Atlantis over the past ten thousand years. The people of Atlantis who have developed to the present day are changing with each passing day.


The glass door opened automatically, and the female consultant at Yalan No. 288 bent over and said, "Goodbye, Mr. Mike, welcome to come back next time."

Jiang Ping stepped out of the door. Pedestrians on the street were in a hurry and had their own business. The whole civilization was positive, not stagnant like Ai Fan's civilization, where everyone entertained to death.

When talking with the light people who observed before, Jiang Ping found that the group of people who admired him back then did not regard the [Creator of Light] as the Lord in awe, but the tone of an evolutionary ancestor.

The second stop of Jiang Ping is the church. The birth of civilization has always had the shadow of religion.

In the beginning, primitive civilizations were in awe of the lightning, heavy rain, and the sun of nature, and they personified natural phenomena, imagining that there was an unknown "god" behind all these, so people used their own fantasies to fill the image of gods.

Among them, priests and shamans had a high status in ancient times. Generally, they claimed to be able to communicate with gods. By the way, priests were also the first batch of doctors who mastered knowledge.However, with the evolution of civilization, ignorance has faded, the truth of the world has been peeled off layer by layer, and the power of religion has been continuously weakened.

Jiang Ping wants to see that in today's era, Atlantis is colonizing the universe, mining materials to feed back to the mother planet, ordinary people can innately acquire a huge amount of knowledge, and they have actually seen the queen of the supreme god. What is the attitude of the Atlanteans towards "God".

The body is not moving, but the surroundings are moving.

The small balls under his feet led Jiang Ping into the church. He looked up at the low church, and after a while, he saw Atlanteans walking by the door with a smile. Walking around, there is no sacred and solemn atmosphere of pilgrimage, but more like a museum.

"It seems that the times are advancing, and people's hearts have also changed. The existence that was once supreme is now just a super creature that cannot be analyzed for the time being." Jiang Ping's expression remained the same as before, and he nodded slightly, guessing that the current Asian Atlantean thinking.

The building in front is more like a museum than a church.Jiang Ping followed the flow of people into the largest museum in the city. On both sides were ancient relics dug out from the depths of the earth and the deep sea.

"Everyone, please look at the front left of you. That is the tentacles fossils left by the jellyfish family in the second era tens of millions of years ago. According to research, the tentacles of jellyfish have hundreds of millions of perception points, which are more advanced than our most advanced nanomachines. The claws are also sensitive and convenient."

There is also a virtual introducer in the museum. Jiang Ping is watching quietly like an ordinary pedestrian. On both sides are the relics of the Ivan civilization and the precious relics of the Three-body civilization, such as a legendary white-haired man excavated from the lava. , it was this fossil of Xilu's body that allowed scientists to determine through the final gene that the honey badger was indeed a descendant of the first era.

The alien Trisolaran civilization that spanned 4 light years and took 200 years to come, because they were destroyed by the cosmic tide, and because they are not native civilizations, the relics are the rarest. In recent years, outer space has been developed, and space fleets have been formed. The huge warship wreckage of the Trisolaran civilization was collected in orbit, and only then did the Trisolaran relics increase.

"It's a pity that no matter how great a civilization is, it is finally destroyed in the torrent of time. Thousands of years later, it can only be displayed quietly in a glass cabinet, telling their ancient history." Beside Jiang Ping, a The Atlantean inlaid with red crystals sighed.

He seems to have a high status, owns a lot of wealth, and the level of crystals is different from others.At this time, he looked up at the relics of civilization on both sides, and his eyes were full of these cultural relics, traveling through the ages with time.

He saw ten thousand Trisolaran warships stagnant in the starry sky, and the lush ancient Mulia tree stationed on the ground.And the marine civilization that was born from the ocean and landed carefully, and the white-haired man with a white tentacles

"Now we are watching the cultural relics of the previous three generations of civilization here, but we don't know whether the intelligent creatures of later generations will also quietly look at the relics of our Atlantean civilization in this place after tens of millions of years." The learned Atlantean sighed.

"Dr. Jerry, how can you say such unlucky words? Our Atlantis civilization is different from the previous three generations of Gaia civilization. We are unique and are the darlings of the heavens. Now the Kingdom of Light and the Federation are joining forces to march into space together.

It's not that we necessarily need supplies from outer space, but to change the warnings engraved deep in our genes, we must conquer Double Moons!

And with the development of science and technology, we will definitely be able to colonize alien planets in large numbers in the future. All this is for the continuation of our civilization. We Atlantis will eventually become the overlord of the universe, spreading the seeds of life all over the universe, and finally discovering the universe by ourselves. the boundaries! "

Hearing his words, Jerry's companion retorted unhappily. His companion's words honored the other Atlanteans around him. It's true that their civilization is immortal and will last until the end of time, unlike other civilizations. Same.

The Jerry University scholar shook his head: "Nothing is eternal, the entire universe is increasing entropy, the sun is undergoing nuclear fusion every moment, releasing energy, and is weakening. Gaia under our feet is also aging, on the irreversible path to death.

If time is a closed loop, standing outside the cause and effect of time and space, then some people will see that we are on the same land and looking up at the same sky as the Ivan civilization and even the civilization of later generations.Since we can appreciate the relics of the previous civilization here today, it is very likely that the next civilization will be admiring our cultural relics in the same space and with the same disciples. "

"Jerry, I think the more you learn, the more crazy you become!"

"Sir, I don't agree with what you said. We are constantly breaking through the destruction and disaster of the first three generations of civilization. Our Atlantis civilization is different! We have talked to God in person, and we can even see him again! "

Other people around refuted Jerry's words one after another. They were full of energy and seemed restless, and they were all proud of their civilization.

Yes, they have inherited the advantages of the previous three generations of civilization. They have traveled through time and space. Now the system is perfect, everyone can become a talent, and their own evolution is increasing. God-level people have already been born. They are constantly developing space and preparing to immigrate to the moon. Everything is going well. They don't believe that they will be destroyed like their predecessors.

"In a long time, nothing is impossible."

Unable to bear the accusations of the fanatical crowd, the Jerry scholar walked deep into the museum.

At this moment, Jiang Ping was standing in front of the statues. There were not only the statues of the God of Creation of Light, but also the copied monument of knowledge. Dolph, Jerome Scholar, et al.

And these statues are juxtaposed, there is no distinction between high and low.

"The rapid development of civilization, the smooth sailing of science and technology, and the overcoming of many difficulties have caused the entire Atlantean family to fall into blind self-confidence, from top to bottom." Mr. Jerry also looked up at the situation. The ancestors, their heroic deeds are written under the statues.

Even as long as you are willing to consume a calculation coin, the statue will project a video of the great sage back then, explaining his great achievements.

"We have lost our sense of awe. At least we haven't found the reason for the destruction of the third civilization. I hope this trend will be suppressed soon."

Complacency naturally swells when a person achieves a lot and surpasses everyone around him.In fact, the achievements of Atlantis civilization can indeed make all of them proud, because they have surpassed their predecessors, and they are the pinnacle of cosmic civilization.

Suddenly, Jerry noticed that the eyes of the friend who was quietly watching the statue beside him were unusually calm, as if a bottomless pool of water, and he asked aloud:

"My friend, what do you think of my point of view? The civilizations in front of us all think that they can last forever, but in the long time, accidents always happen suddenly."

Jiang Ping withdrew his eyes, looked at this unique Mr. Jerry and said:

"The future is unknown, all we can do is grasp the present. At least the civilization of Atlantis is developing very well now. I think there have been great breakthroughs in [consciousness instillation] technology recently. It seems that in the near future, we will be able to transform ourselves The core consciousness input into the machine, is this not a kind of mechanical immortality? At that time, the anti-risk ability of the Atlantean civilization will also be greatly increased. "

After listening, Jerry shook his head: "This technology has not matured so quickly, let alone I believe that even if it succeeds, it will be accompanied by many problems. Our soul consciousness is a special kind of energy, which can be transformed into data storage In a robot, perhaps outliving our current energy bodies, or the carbohydrate bodies of other creatures in Gaia, but by no means immortality.

I believe that our Atlantis civilization will not take the path of mechanical immortality in the end, because our own body is the foundation of everything.I am not the only smart person in the world, others have also seen the disadvantages of this technology. "

"Then what do you think of this god?" Jiang Ping suddenly pointed to the God of Creation of Light in the statue.

"I remember that a long time ago, everyone still believed in the true God sincerely. Now, with the development of technology and the deciphering step by step, everyone seems to believe in the god named "self"."

Jerry looked up at the mighty statue with complicated eyes, "When God can communicate, when he can talk to God, then He is no longer a God."

"Only those who can't speak and don't know the image are the true gods. Because then we can fill in the most perfect image in our imagination. As we gradually understand the space-time universe, it is now inevitable. The two people who caused the world war back then A sacred object was also taken out of the pyramid in the sea, and began to be researched in the scientific research center with the help of the mother machine.

With the deciphering step by step, I believe that one day we will know the truth of the world and know the secret about 【Him】. "

Maybe this is a real scientific researcher, who is skeptical about everything, but will do his best to explore everything, full of curiosity.

"I really look forward to what we can create in the future. My greatest hope is to decipher the reason for the destruction of the third era. It's a pity that although our technology has made great progress, it is still difficult to solve the lifespan that plagues us." Jerry said with emotion.

"I'm looking forward to it too." Jiang Ping smiled lightly.

"My friend, we Atlanteans don't believe in the true god now, do you think the god will blame us for this?" Jerry asked.

"I don't think so. God won't be honored and happy because everyone worships him, and he won't be sluggish and sad because everyone spurns him. I don't think the true God cares about the attitude of the people outside. Lord, don't care."

Jiang Ping's words made Jerry ponder, and stood in front of the statue, with the chip on his forehead flashing, thinking constantly.

Seeing this, Jiang Ping started to walk out of the museum.Jerry quickly recovered and asked, "Sir, what's your name?"


Jiang Ping's voice came, and his figure melted into the crowd in a blink of an eye.

Jerry sighed, and when he wanted to invite him for a drink, he disappeared in the blink of an eye.

"Adjust time, destination, 1000 years later."


Gaia is like a spinning top, and the stars in the sky appear and disappear in an instant, just like a light switch being constantly pressed by naughty children.

When time stopped, the people walking around at high speed gradually slowed down. Jiang Ping was standing on the same street, but everything around him changed. The city of glass evolved into a city of crystal, and the chip on the forehead of the Atlantean It's more advanced.

Colorful, not just a simple calculation ability, but also has its own talent function.

He looked up suddenly, and with Jiang Ping's eyes, he could see that Gaia's orbit was covered with dense orbital satellites. They formed a Gaia defense circle to protect the safety of the parent star.

The two moons that were still desolate back then have now been transformed into city bases. At least hundreds of millions of people live on the moon, which is very lively.

"The Federation and the Kingdom of Light have formed a super fleet. This time, their voyage will be in the Rose galaxy 10 light-years away. One of the crystalline planets is our goal! The fleet will land on the crystalline planet and install a planetary engine. It is estimated that 5 In ten years, this planet will reach Gaia."

In Guangjie Square not far away, there is a female light announcer broadcasting the latest news.

"In this era, the average lifespan of Atlanteans seems to have reached 1000 years. Is the space fleet, which just showed a little bit of trouble back then, mature? Let's see how much their technology has improved." Jiang Ping smiled and raised his foot. At this time, he is a time traveler, witnessing the development of Atlantis civilization.

Thousands of years later, the sports beads on the road disappeared, replaced by a road as smooth as a lake, which can take you to any direction in the city, using the latest [light-scattering technology] developed by the Atlantis civilization.

But this time Jiang Ping chose to walk on foot to witness the development of the Atlantis civilization. In space, the fleet has formed a long-distance voyage, and the home planet has been developed to every corner. Wanton killing and extermination of other ethnic groups has passed multiple protection laws to protect virgin forests and ecology.


When Jiang Ping passed by the museum he had just entered not long ago, he saw that there were commemorative inventions displayed in the museum at this time. The staff received them with a more flexible smile.

But that's not the point. The point is that among the watching crowd, Jiang Ping saw an old man whose body energy was dim, like a candle in the wind. In order not to burden his energy core, the old man's forehead core was removed. At this time, the old man happened to be looking out of the door, and his cloudy eyes noticed Jiang Ping passing by.

"It turned out to be him, hasn't he died of old age?" Jiang Ping paused, and looked at each other for thousands of years. Although it was a moment for him, it was a lifetime for Mr. Jerry.

"I guess he has forgotten me too. It's been so long, how many memories have to be deleted." Jiang Ping was about to continue walking, but was stopped by the old man who ran out of the museum panting:

"Is it Mr. Mike? Long time no see."

Chapter 360 We are all characters in novels

Jiang Ping stopped, and nodded towards the old man who was walking towards him, "Jerry, long time no see."

In front of a beautiful park, there are three or two children happily chasing and playing. Their heads are also inlaid with the latest chips. There are no adults around the children to take care of them, because Gaia is covered by the mother plane, and the crime rate is very low.

"Mr. Mike, it's been 1000 years, and you are still the same as before. Your body is full of energy and vitality. And even if I spend my whole life, I can't prevent my own failure. Now even the chip is removed, and the body can be replaced, but the soul consciousness cannot. Rekindling, my life is like a candle in the wind, and it is not surprising to die the next moment."

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