Being able to keep getting bigger is not strong, but being able to gather and compress energy, preferably into photons, is the real problem.As time went by, Atlantis' footprints spread all over the starry sky, and they discovered that although the universe is big, loneliness will always follow.

The real development of civilization depends on the parent star Gaia, whether it is energy or other aspects, Gaia is the most fertile land in the universe.

The ever-growing Atlantis civilization is now able to devour stars. Jiang Ping's eyes can discover that they can use the technology of doves to occupy magpie's nests to occupy stars one by one for themselves, devour the energy of the universe, and evolve themselves. This can be regarded as an evolutionary shortcut unique to the Atlantis civilization.

The great discovery of swallowing stars made the Atlanteans become gods even more. The Veyron mother machine also evolved along with the civilization, and finally created a dark universe, which surpassed the "Virtual Gaia" of Ivan civilization. Directly rely on data to build a galaxy-level virtual world.

"We have reached the end of the evolutionary path."

It has developed to this point, and every point of progress will consume a hundred times the previous energy. For ten thousand years, the civilization of Atlantis has stagnated, but more and more people have become gods, swallowing more and more people. The more stars there are, the strength is still getting stronger, but the essence is still not evolved.

Standing at the pinnacle of the universe, Atlantis has always been accompanied by a sense of crisis. There is no way, who knows if the disaster of the third era will come?However, in recent years, for some reason, there have been incidents that have driven scientists crazy and caused the mother computer to calculate an explosion.

——The inexplicable fluctuations in the universe disappeared without a trace, as if they never appeared!

Zizi, after another 1000 years of stellar energy wasted and as many hardware as the sea burned, the mother machine finally judged: "The biggest possibility is that cosmic fluctuations have periods of stagnation and periods of activity."

Everyone is silent, this is the most likely, the matter has come to this point, since it is best that there are no inexplicable fluctuations, the most fearful thing is to keep accumulating, and the last time will be more ruthless.

As a result, the Atlanteans, whose sense of crisis was overwhelming again, became more diligent in exploring the universe. The photons they emitted traveled through time and space, and lost contact after reaching the edge of the universe.

In order to answer the ultimate question of "how big is the universe", they plan to form a god-level formation and go to the edge of the universe to explore in person.


Watching the Atlanteans give up on the fluctuations in despair, Jiang Ping felt a little helpless, because their 10 years was just a moment for Xiaojin Xiaobai, and they naturally didn't make any troubles at this moment.

Unexpectedly, just such a small point has become a problem that has plagued the civilization of Atlantis for thousands of years, and generations of outstanding scientists have died of worry.Even the mother machine crashed a few times because of this.

Although it has stumbled all the way, Atlantis is still moving towards the end of the evolution of civilization. At least the mother machine is already equivalent to the main god of machinery. Thousands of people devour the stars and share their power. By taking this shortcut to evolve, they also ascended to the realm of gods. .

Coupled with the manufacture of super artifacts, and even time-space, causal, and rule-based weapons, the Atlantis civilization stands at the apex of the universe.

For 10 years, he ruled the universe. Jiang Ping was convinced that he alone could fight Hill with his civilization of light. The universe-level powerhouses of Heaven and Dao can also use special combat methods to combine them, and then borrow the supreme artifact from foreign objects to cooperate. , by no means weaker than World Tree and Heavenly Dao Hongjun.

"It's ok. If you don't go astray, every civilization has infinite potential. It's a pity that the first three generations have all been thrown into the street." Jiang Ping said with emotion, but looking back, maybe there is no lesson from the previous three generations. Atlantis civilization would not have such a sense of crisis.

They will not avoid virtual traps, avoid the danger of civil war, and finally devote their energy and wealth to scientific research and evolution to find the secrets of the universe.

"However, the development has been stagnant for thousands of years, and they are also stuck. The current Atlantis civilization should be quite anxious. After all, they have been making great strides before, even if they encountered technological bottlenecks for a short time, it didn't take that long. Time does not progress."

With a bang, Jiang Ping disappeared from the fish tank, and when he reappeared, he was already on the familiar street back then.

Looking back, Jiang Ping looks forward to a complete change, Gaia, which has become a diamond planet. The earth is covered in silver and surrounded by a layer of crystals of light. The brilliant crystals are integrated with the surrounding buildings, and they are more connected to the dark universe. An ocean of star subconsciousness full of accumulated four lifetimes.

Gaia's land, ocean, and subconscious spiritual sea are all fused under the control of the Mechanic God.

Diamond Gaia was built to be impenetrable by the Atlantis civilization, and has become an invincible planetary fortress and a super artifact. With this planet alone, the Atlanteans can avoid many catastrophes.

The sky double moon was also conquered, a planetary engine was built, and a thin layer of crystalline heavenly clothes was worn on double moon.

The warning engraved on the genes of all Gaia creatures: [Two moons share the sky, blood stains the earth.The catastrophe of destruction of the world, no one survived. ] Conquered by the Atlanteans.They can manipulate the trajectory of the two moons, change the tide of the sea, and make the two moons never meet.

Jiang Ping nodded in satisfaction. He walked towards the thousand-meter-high crystal library. As soon as he entered, a layer of virtual fluctuations passed by, and the beautiful light spots in the crystal library converged, forming a familiar beautiful consultant in an instant. , her eyes glowed with agility, and she greeted Jiang Ping with a smile.

"Welcome to visit again after 10 years, Mr. Mike, consultant No. 125698 Yalan No. 288 is very happy to serve you."


Jiang Ping, who had just walked in, looked surprised, and his footsteps stopped suddenly. The next moment, with a bang, the crystal gate was closed, and the entire Gaia crystal of light seemed to melt, and the dark universe descended.

Chapter 362 At that moment, they turned into light

The Brilliant Library where Jiang Ping was located disappeared, and he seemed to be transferred into the dark starry sky in an instant, and the stars moved, only the ancient stars were slowly flowing.

Jiang Ping was a little surprised. He didn't expect any accidents to happen. However, he didn't pay special attention to hiding his identity during his two previous visits. He came and moved at will. It seems that he was caught by the light-brain master machine that supervises Gaia. up.

Jiang Ping scanned the virtual starry sky with his eyes, and he could feel that there are at least hundreds of millions of Atlanteans watching him through the chip at this moment. He suddenly asked with a smile on the corner of his mouth:

"Should I call you now? Yalan No. 288 virtual counselor? Or should I call you the God of Light Brain?"

The Goddess of Light in the virtual starry sky couldn't see the mechanical stiffness at all. She opened her red lips like a beautiful woman and replied: "The name is just a title. I can be a virtual person that exists in any building in Gaia, or I can In an instant, I become the main god's light brain, and I am one, and I am also ten thousand.

I am the breeze blowing across the ocean and the earth.I am also the morning light, which shoots from the singularity, travels through the starry sky, and reaches the end of time. "

Jiang Ping's eyes looked through this virtual void, and saw that this space was stripped away from Gaia at this time. The crystallized Gaia seemed to be melting, and the mother power of the earth was blessed and pulled in. A god-level Atlantean Wake up, on Gaia, shining giants stand in the twin moons.

"Broadcast the highest command of Atlantis, the target person has been captured, and everyone is ready."

The external optical brain is urgently issuing orders, not only the Atlanteans in the solar system, but all Atlantis in other star fields and seas have received this highest signal.


In the silent starry sky, beams of light piercing the sky rose up. At this moment, the entire small universe lit up, as if lit by billions of small light bulbs.

In the virtual universe, the God of Light Brain asked: "Should I call you Mike, or a high-dimensional creature in another world, or the sword of dimension and time and space, which we forged by chance and coincidence?" Cheng, whether or not you are the God of Creation of Light today will not affect the overall situation, because you will see the miraculous light of our Atlantis civilization."

The black hole of the galaxy is the body, the two rounds of super giant stars are the eyes, the chip on the forehead stretches out billions of lines to connect everything, and the dark universe merges. This civilization light god has evolved again, light and darkness are integrated, virtual and real fusion .

At this moment, there are countless trillions of Atlanteans in the universe traveling through time and space and merging.They are born with a strong sense of crisis. The inexplicable fluctuations of the universe and the collapse of civilization seem to have the shadow of a mastermind behind the scenes. Now that civilization has developed to its peak, it will go backwards if it continues like this. They choose to take risks and challenge high-dimensional creatures.

Unsuccessful, they become benevolent.

"Is this sword your confidence?"

Now that he has gone through so many epic chapters of creation and destruction, and his real body is constantly evolving, he is no longer the immature self who faced the challenge of the ant king back then.

"Huh? It's a bit famous."

With a thin body, Jiang Ping, who was being washed away by the vast cosmic storm, suddenly looked at the lightsaber and commented that this is not a conventional sword, but a coincidence, made by heaven, and cannot be copied.

He moved, light and darkness integrated, and the hundreds of millions of data transmitted by the light brain converged in the mind of the light god of Atlantis. His current actions can no longer be expressed simply by fighting skills.

He is the truth of the universe, and everything he does is a rule. It is obviously just the most simple and unpretentious stab, but Jiang Ping feels the dark universe around him collapse and die, and everything returns to its original point.

And this is just to limit his own actions, and to restrain him at the price of a universe, so that he has to fight this god-killing lightsaber head-on. Jiang Ping saw that the eternal light pierced by it has a rolling cosmic torrent Coming, one after another aurora is constantly washing away. This is the torrent of information accumulated since the creation of the universe, just like the backlog of resentment and revenge in the universe!

The maliciousness of the entire universe is coming, and the infinite energy gathered from the big bang is rushing like a surging galaxy, flowing endlessly. It comes from the past, kills to the present, and then rushes to the future.

The speed is too fast, surpassing the speed of light, moving time and space, at this moment, the dark universe collapsed to bind Jiang Ping, the torrent of the universe is rolling in, and the power of the entire universe from ancient times to the present is killing it, it is too fierce!

The people of Atlantis gathered in the God of Light can see that the time is reversed in chaos, and the 10-year history of the development of the universe is constantly flashing in the torrent, and then gathers in Gaia, originating in Gaia and ending in Gaia ya.

In the third era, the branches of the ancient tree civilization swayed, and the sun, moon and stars shook on the sacred tree of Jianmu, and the three-body warship in the orbit was fighting furiously. .

In the second era, nuclear war and nuclear explosion.In the first era, God Ai Fan suddenly opened his third eye, as if he had glimpsed a ray of future information and captured the torrent of the universe.


After all, a huge explosion came, and at this moment, the god-killing lightsaber that turned into a cosmic torrent stabbed Jiang Ping with the malice of the entire universe.This is an unavoidable blow, because the God of Light of Atlantis first determined the effect of "must hit the enemy", and then the "cause" of the sword.

Jiang Ping, who was trapped in the collapse of the dark universe, suddenly felt the pressure of the dimension, and the God of Light wanted to drive him into the mortal world, like a two-way foil, pulling him to the same dimension alive.

The two-dimensional paper man in the portrait can never hurt a three-dimensional person. At this time, the light god of Atlantis seems to be holding his pen tip, trying to drag the painter into the paper, turning against the guest and killing himself The Creator wants to become a high-dimensional existence.


If there is no gap, the God of Light of Atlantis, who burns the flames of the Milky Way, illuminates the eternal night, and illuminates the past and future with glory, heard these words.


A crisp sound appeared in the rioting universe, and the God of Light, which was so huge that the universe could not bear it, saw it. The torrent of the universe was blocked, and the God-killing lightsaber was lightly held between the fingers of this high-dimensional creature.

Jiang Ping looked at the lightsaber at his fingertips calmly with his eyes, and commented: "You have not disappointed me, civilization has indeed developed to its peak, unknowingly, even this kind of artifact has been secretly manufactured.

But you got a thousand things right and 1 decisions right.But it made a mistake at the most important node.And there is a price to pay for making mistakes. "

Jiang Ping's voice was flat, but it echoed in the mind of the God of Light like thunder. They had imagined what kind of combat power a high-dimensional life would be, and whether they could accomplish the miracle of the Creator God back then.

After rigorous design, the optical brain determined that if the Atlantis civilization goes all out, it can receive future information from past videos and make changes at the same time.

When God is no longer God and the veil of mystery is slowly removed, then they no longer have awe of God, because the universe is under their feet.

"The trial of the emergency escape plan is not the end, but a brand new beginning. In the contact just now, I have received a lot of information, and the information has been kept in my mind. It is up to me to involve this high-dimensional true god."

The moment the God-killing lightsaber was pinched by two fingers, the Atlantean light god dropped the lightsaber, and the light brain chip on his forehead flew out, a light composed of infinite data information The goddess stood in front of Jiang Ping.

The energy of the light god's body in the rear is violent, like the ultimate explosion after the exhaustion of a star, and it will send all the clansmen to the ends of the world.It's not that they haven't thought about the consequences of failure, but things have come to this point, and the development and conquest along the way has given them boundless confidence. The former gods have been overthrown, and they have no sense of awe.

This is the easiest shortcut they can think of to peek into another dimension, with great risks and even greater benefits.

Jiang Ping, who clamped the lightsaber with two fingers, shook his head. He put down his fingertips, and instead of looking at the God of Light Brain, who turned into a torrent of light point data, he slightly curled his fingers, pressing his middle finger on his index finger, as if he wanted to put his finger The probing was on the body of the God-killing lightsaber.

It was obviously just the lightest movement, but she was horrified to see it. She suspected that the destructive waves of the universe popped out from between his fingers.

The light point data burned up and turned into countless fireflies rushing forward, but Jiang Ping's movements remained unchanged, and the flicked fingertips were about to collide with the lightsaber in an instant.


The next moment, a sudden change occurred, and the cosmic torrent transformed by the God-killing lightsaber suddenly became violent, and fragments of time in the past were shot out. exploded!

"Death!" An extremely domineering male voice suddenly appeared.

"Can you fight against the ancient sky? Can you fight against heaven and humanity? Just like this, you still want to kill me?! Reincarnate a thousand times!"


The torrent of the universe that has been galloping towards the future is exploding one after another. There is an unrivaled powerhouse dancing wildly standing outside the dimension. In the interlayer of time and space, his face is invisible, only a pair of resolute and peerless eyes are clearly displayed. .

In front of him, beyond the God of Light of Atlantis, there is a monstrous shadow that gathers infinite black holes and black intentions, and he can't see his real body clearly.

"Another strange time node?"

The unrivaled man frowned. He didn't even have laws on his body, and his body showed the most common bronze color, but where he stood, all laws did not exist, and time and space were reversed.


The man swung his sword across the air, using his right arm as a finger to cut down the monstrous black shadow in front of him, "Wow!" The black shadow roared, whether it was a man or a woman, or what kind of creature it was, its tentacles of power extended to the universe and to the past.

In an instant, the monstrous black shadow dissipated, and even he didn't dare to go straight to the front, so he could only choose to retreat temporarily to avoid the man's sword finger.

It is this sword finger that cuts off the torrent of the universe, directly destroys the past, and causes and effects do not exist.


The sword fingers that transcended the dimension of time and space did not kill the black shadow, but reversed along the cosmic torrent, reversed from the future, and killed to the present.

The two ultimate evolutionists once again fought fiercely in the dimensional interlayer, only the aftermath of their swords continued to kill along the time line.


The data galaxy of the God of Light Brain was waded by the sword energy of the sword finger, containing the truth of the universe, and the message of the ultimate evolutionary mystery was evaporating violently. Before dying, the beautiful Goddess of Light Brain struggled to emerge, completely shocked by humanity Roared:

"How, how is it possible, how can there be such a strong person in the future, didn't I evolve to the end? How is it possible?!"

"Run away!"

The light god of Atlantis exploded, the Big Bang reappeared, thousands of laws converged, the cosmological constant jumped and changed, billions of billions of lights of Atlantis fled to the universe.

But it was already too late, the mighty sword finger and sword energy swept across all directions, broke through the boundaries of time and space, exploded dimensions, shattered the vacuum, and directly destroyed all the light in this space-time node.

No matter whether you can jump three thousand realms, stand in the past for a short time, or turn into a black hole, you cannot escape this shocking blow.

The brilliant Atlantis civilization was instantly extinct in the brilliance. It originated from light and was destroyed by light.

"This, this?"

At this time, Jiang Ping changed color for the first time, and the sword energy that broke through the dimension also came to him, murderous, smashing the space, and traveling against time.

The invincible defense built by Jiang Ping's extra-standard authority rippled, and a book of Genesis appeared on his head, and a halo of Genesis flashed, blessed by the glory of the heavens, and Jiang Ping also had a nine-color divine ring on his body. Flash, so that the inexplicable sword energy can be resisted and melted.

Chapter 363 History is a Reincarnation

"Are you just now a powerful person from later generations? How could there be such an evolutionary person? This is no longer simply standing at the end of evolution. And it's not just one, what happened in the future?"

Jiang Jing stood quietly in the chaotic starry sky, his eyes haven't looked back for a long time, what the goddess of light said before she died just now is correct, she has indeed reached the end of her evolution, in terms of realm and personality, she is the god king of Hill, the god of the prehistoric saint.

Unless it goes a step further and integrates the origin of the universe and the world.

And those two just surpassed everything and came back in time. The universe and starry sky couldn't bear the turmoil of their fierce battle. Just because the cosmic torrent here attracted their attention, the aftermath of the sword energy destroyed the peak and prospered. King of Atlantis civilization.

No matter whether you evolve from virtual reality, from ruthless to sentient, from mechanical to human, it is useless, and you still cannot resist a blow.This is a real gap, not false.

"Crushing the vacuum, I didn't expect anyone to be able to do it. I am looking forward to the future more and more." Jiang Ping said with a smile.

At this moment, around him, the originally lively and prosperous Allantis civilization disappeared, leaving only the remnants of the universe, and strands of original photons were annihilated. At this time, they rose up in the lonely universe like fireflies. The civilization fireworks left by the final destruction of the Atlantis civilization.


I don't know whether Jiang Ping is regretting the decision of Atlantis civilization, or regretting that time is too slow and he has not seen a brilliant future.

The civilization of Atlantis was destroyed in the hands of the strong in the future. It has a glorious civilization history of more than [-] years, and it was defeated by him.However, although the process was unexpected, the result has not changed.If it weren't for the torrent of the universe, rushing from the past to the future, bringing out the future strong.

In the end, Jiang Ping made a move, and the results of the Atlantis civilization did not change.After all, everything has a price.

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