Chapter 351 "Traveling to the End of Time"

Lasers dance with plasma, particle cannons cross with railguns.The sun mirror competes with the Creator's staff.The civil war in Atlantis has reached a fever pitch, and a piece of experimental weapons has been carried out. It doesn't care about the modulation at all, as long as it is useful.

The roar of artillery fire broke the tranquility of Gaia.The smoke filled the air, covering the light of the sun.


On the land, there are cries echoing in the ocean, it is the cries of civilians.There are hundreds of millions of naked people who died in the war roaring with resentment, the upper echelons give orders, but the vast majority of those who died were the lower echelons.No matter which side wins, the civilians of the two countries will definitely not make money.

"If this continues, is our Atlantis civilization going to repeat the same mistakes and be destroyed by our own hands?" During the war, people of insight began to wake up, and they felt that they had to do something.

"The only lesson that intelligent races have learned in history is that they can learn nothing from history." The philosopher of light sighed, feeling desperate for the future of Atlantis. Instead of facing the cruel reality, he chose Hua Hong commits suicide and returns to Gaia ahead of schedule.

In the fierce battle, the two holy relics were divided up respectively, and the Kingdom of Light won the statue of the Creator God in an attempt to study the mysteries of one billionth of the body of the Almighty and Omniscient God.The Atlantic Federation desperately recaptured the monument of knowledge when the royal city was destroyed. The two parties declared in their constitutions that they were the only orthodox civilization in Gaia, blessed by the true God, and their rights were bestowed by God.

And as the war became more and more fierce, cities were blown away, and the third-party forces separated from the two camps became stronger and stronger. After a long period of peace, one would want war, and after a long war, one would miss peace. This is nature.

"Soldiers of the Kingdom of Light, die!" A [-]-meter light man jumped out of the ocean, raised the laser cannon on his shoulders, and swept it directly at the army of soldiers in front of him like sweeping the floor. Tens of thousands of soldiers evaporated in screams.


High in the sky, the sky city that was urgently repaired shot out a divine punishment, immediately destroying this giant of light gathered by thousands of people. Suddenly, the sky city made a sharp turn, narrowly avoiding the incoming sun's light.

In order to retaliate, the sky city was flooded with endless light sources, and began to bombard the sea surface indiscriminately.And in this fierce battle, there was a broadcast sound that spread throughout Gaia suddenly:

"My compatriots of Atlantis, I am an ordinary archaeologist in the Federation, and my companions are from the Federation and the Kingdom of Light. They have all walks of life, including the most senior genius scientists. Jerome, as well as the federal commander, as well as the most ordinary soldiers and civilians, we gather today and announce to the whole of Gaia, just because we have the same lofty goal in our hearts."

The sound of the broadcast was as ethereal and grand as the voice of Gaia, causing the two sides in the war to stop unconsciously, and the scarlet eyes covered by hatred woke up for a short time. There are so many big shots in the third-party camp, what do they want to do?Another peace alliance?

"Today, the entire clan is notified, not for anything else, but to stop our Kingdom of Light and the Atlantic Federation from engaging in a world war. We are originally of the same origin, but our ancestors took different paths ten thousand years ago, but Our origin, our ancestors, are ultimately the same.

In the wars in recent years, more than 20 billion soldiers and civilians were killed, and ancient cities with thousands of years of civilization were all destroyed.A large sum of money has been invested in wars and in the production of bloody weapons to kill fellow countrymen.We don't think about production, causing a large number of ordinary civilians to die early due to the lack of energy they can obtain.

The impact of the war is all-round. The great Gaia has suffered a lot. Now, due to the confusion of the war, the atmosphere is polluted. In the long run, the source of our Atlantis civilization, the light of the sun, is hard to see .And by translating the stele of knowledge among the sacred relics, we can know that the Second Era was destroyed in the Great War.

If the war continues to expand, then today's Atlantis civilization is yesterday's ocean civilization.For the sake of civilization inheritance, for our future, and for our newborn children, please stop! "

This voice of promoting peace spread to every corner of the seabed. In the base deep in the earth, the thoughts of the civilians were beating, and the eyes of the ruler said with a slightly complicated look: "What a group of idealists. The war has reached the present, how can it be because of your actions?" Just stop talking?! Keep calling me!"

The upper echelons of the Kingdom of Light and the Atlantic Federation still ordered a fierce battle. Perhaps there were a few rational factions in the upper echelons who wanted to stop, but they were quickly deprived of their rights and kicked out.There are only individuals who betray their interests, not classes who betray their interests.

But the senior officials of the two sides did not expect that their orders were invalid. The soldiers of the army put down their weapons one after another, and even rushed to their own camps. The logistics troops also began to rebel, and directly took up the newly produced weapons to resist.

"No war! We want peace!"

"Same ocean, same origin, same home, we are one family!"

"Stop it, friends, isn't the lesson of the second era not profound enough? We want to become fossils thousands of years from now, and let future generations laugh at us?"

Both sides on the battlefield dropped their weapons and chose to embrace their compatriots. This was a bottom-up rebellion. The ministers of the Kingdom of Light and the politicians of the Atlantic Federation were in a hurry.

When they opened the window, they could see ordinary naked civilians in the city starting to parade in the streets, and some generals in the army led the legion to rebel. This is necessary!

Threatening themselves, the upper-level personnel are finally no longer confident. They were able to give orders so easily before, just because they moved their lips, and let millions of people fight to the death to seek their own interests. They themselves did not suffer from danger.

But now the spearhead is directed at himself. If he doesn't handle it well, he will be pulled out of the palace by angry civilians.Light up sky lanterns tied to missiles.

"Stop it, the battle has left nothing but ruins." Light King Rudolph and the consuls of the Federation said at the same time.

The political leaders of the two countries have reached a consensus. Although it is under the persecution of external forces, the will of the people is the will of God and the general trend.When King Guang signed a peace agreement with the Supreme Consul of the Federation and shook hands tightly, there was deafening applause in the field.

One by one civilians wept with joy and told each other that they praised the sun and the true God. The lessons of history are cruel, which stopped the crazy war in Atlantis.

At the end of the war, the funds originally invested in the military were fed back to the people's livelihood. Every high-tech product was not limited to military use, but was transformed into civilian use.

"Let's study the sacred objects together."

The most intelligent man of this era, the famous scholar Jerome suggested.The two holy relics are the fuse of the war. The holy relics themselves are right. Even if there is no war now, with the accumulation of conflicts, a bigger war will break out one day.

Under his leadership, top researchers from the two countries gathered together to study sacred objects.

"No matter how you look at it, the sacred monument of knowledge is only a revelation and warning, but the divine revelation incident recorded on it is very interesting. The statue of the God of Creation of Light also has unimaginable abilities. Survived." The researcher said curiously.

"Scholar Jerome, do you think there is such a creator god in the universe? And he, as the first driving force, created the world?" Someone asked Jerome curiously.

Jerome pondered for a moment, then looked up at the starry sky, and said:

"I think there should be, but unlike the omniscient and omnipotent we believe in, he may just be another super life form, just like we have been evolving to the god level, and the god level is evolving to a higher realm. At the end of the final evolution, ordinary creatures In his eyes, he is the Almighty God of Creation."

"Super life? That's right, our life science research has developed rapidly in the previous wars, and the prototypes of god-level creatures have already appeared. Thousands of warriors of light have condensed and formed giants of light. It has great power, but it is too rough now, after another 100 years of development, our civilization will have the birth of god-level creatures."

"In a short period of time, the power of technological foreign objects is still far superior to our own strength. What's more, the stronger the strength, the stronger the use of weapons. God also needs equipment."

The research on the sacred object got stuck, and the project did not progress. This well-known scientist began to chat freely.

A Jamie scientist looked up at the sky, and suddenly said: "We are a collection of light sources, and we are naturally sensitive to light, and strands of light carry a lot of information. We always make assumptions and guesses, but why not try it out for yourself? , along the rays of light, to prove whether the great creator god really exists?"

Upon hearing this, the other researchers who were chatting immediately stopped talking, and Jerome immediately stood up and asked excitedly, "You mean chasing time?"

The scientist who proposed said with a smile: "That's right, we can change the angle. It doesn't have to be limited to the two holy objects. Science should make bold assumptions that are unconstrained and unconstrained, and then carefully verify them."

"Good! It's a very good idea, and it suddenly dawned on me. Why didn't I think of the astronomical time before, and I was only limited to these two items. Now I will go to the Kingdom of Light and the Atlantic Federation and tell them that I want Let them give their full support to this project."

The excited Jerome didn't care to talk to everyone again, and walked out of the door impatiently. The others looked at each other in blank dismay. It really is Jerome's style. If he is not crazy, he can't survive. He is so focused and crazy when he researches. There are many achievements.

"By the way, our project is called "Travel to the End of Time", Jamie, your proposal may change the future of our Atlantis." Before leaving, Jerome said excitedly.

Scientist Jamie, who spoke just now, obviously didn't expect his words to have such power and influence. He was just bragging in a casual chat. How could a university student be excited to realize his idea?

"What? "Through Time and Space, Chasing Time", Jerome, are you crazy? Or do you want to make sci-fi movies instead of studying science?" Light King Rudolph put down the thick plan book under his hands, as if watching Eyes like an idiot looked at Jerome.

"Even if you put it in metaphysics, the law of time must be the most terrifying and mysterious. If you don't look for answers on sacred objects, how can you focus on the starry sky outside Gaia?" A famous invincible general said strangely. His level of life evolution is the highest among the Atlanteans, and because of this, he feels more in awe of the world.

"No, no, everyone, maybe the name I named scared you. In fact, reaching the end of time and traveling back to the singularity of the universe is actually not as difficult as you imagined."

Jerome spread his hands and began to convince everyone that a scientist who can't lie must not be a qualified scholar. How did the research and development funds come from?Draw a big picture first, and then follow the fate of whether it can be achieved. Anyway, there are always unexpected gains in the middle of the research and development, and that is enough to pay back the cost.

"We only need to run faster than time and faster than the speed of light, then we can go back to the past." Jerome explained the principle with an extremely relaxed attitude.

The federal consul couldn't help complaining: "Do you want to melt away into a rainbow? Indeed, according to research and observation, our speed after death is the speed of light, but this is nothing more than a pause in time. With this speed, we can travel in the universe Galloping, why are we nesting in our home planet like we are now?"

The general also said with a strange expression: "The speed of light? I'm afraid that the moment he reaches this speed, he will die."

Suddenly Jerome smiled and pointed to his glorious head, he said: "The body has limitations, but the mind and consciousness are not bound by the laws of physics. Why do we have to travel through the real body, the conscious body reaches the singularity, and witness the scene of the creation of the world Didn't you achieve your goal?"

Everyone was dumbfounded, as expected, they didn't know what the mad scientist was thinking, but the fact is that everyone was convinced by him, and hundreds of billions of money were invested in the super project of "Shuttle to the End of Time", even during the war, the building of pyramids and the research and development of the sky. The city is not so consumed.

The King of Light and the Federal Consul are frowning. 50 years of GDP have been invested in this project. Those who don't know think you are developing a world-destroying artifact.Even the people began to question it. Fortunately, Jerome's prestige was high enough, and he was also the one who stopped the war back then, so he suppressed the people's suspicions.

And Jerome led the team, using a large amount of funds, the first thing is to create a super photonic computer.

"Everything in this universe can be calculated with numbers. Theoretically speaking, if the computing power is unlimited, you can do whatever you want, analyze the history of time, and capture the dawn of the sky. Naturally, you need the assistance of supercomputers to analyze various elements."

Jerome confidently assured the politicians of the two countries that he would not let this large amount of funds go to waste.The personnel of the two countries are helpless. The funds consumed by this project are too terrifying, and neither side can take responsibility. Fortunately, it seems that Jerome's research has gained a lot. Even if it fails in the end, the supercomputer can be left behind.

Chapter 352 Starting from the Singularity, Finally Seeing the God of Creation

The people of Atlantis originated from light, and they are also good at using light.

The photonic computer they made uses cosmic light beams as a switch for calculations, which is obviously more sophisticated than electrons.And the optical brain that Jerome will manufacture this time is even more epoch-making.

The Kingdom of Light and the Atlantic Federation jointly provided a large amount of funds. With the support of such manpower and material resources, the manufacture of optical brains naturally went smoothly. Numerous lenses, prisms and other parts were manufactured from sophisticated state-owned processing plants and pulled to the location of the research laboratory for installation. .

As a result, a beautiful optical brain like a glass iceberg gradually appeared, and someone looked at it with emotion: "Such a huge project can only be completed by a university student. With him, we can capture the rays of light in the starry sky and calculate the amount of light carried in it." Cumbersome information."

Standing in front of the "glass mountain", Jerome said: "Our most advanced optical brain is so huge that it forms a mountain, but I believe that after a hundred years, it will be condensed into the size of a machine box, and it may be possible to walk into it." Thousands of households."

"Oh? Is science always developing in such a leap? Then what is everyone doing with such an astonishing optical brain?" After listening, the federal commander who was supervising on the side asked curiously.

"Entertainment, like playing games. After all, the needs of commoners are very simple." Jerome replied honestly.

"Then it seems that we must be careful not to repeat the mistakes of the first era." The commander said thoughtfully, planning to formulate a constitution to restrict virtual networks when he goes back.

The successful manufacture of the super optical brain has greatly improved the efficiency of the Atlanteans in studying light. The principles of the world are the same, and the truth can be seen in the microcosm, but the more you study the Atlanteans, the more confused you feel.

"We have to admit that the universe is full of useless and false star lights, and their greatest function may be lighting. Maybe this is a joke made by the creator." Jamie said helplessly.

"One day, I will tear up this false starry sky." Jerome whispered. One day, he will find out the truth of the matter, explore the ultimate secret of the universe, and find the source of countless false starlight.

The exploration of starlight has once again come to an impasse. Scientists have long expected this problem and are not discouraged.They simply regard those unnamed starlights of unknown origin as non-existent, and only capture the real lights that can discover the origin one by one.

And they are going to find the oldest light among the endless lights, because that can take them back to the singularity of the universe through time and space!That ray of light was produced by the Big Bang of the universe. If there is really a god in this world, and this universe is artificially created, then you should be able to see the true appearance of the creator god of light somewhere.

This is a long project. Along with the research, Glass Mountain is also changing the hardware and software. Every small update can make the computing power of the optical brain take a step forward. Jerome led the team to tackle the problem. Although he knew it was difficult at the beginning, I didn't expect it to be so stubborn.

There are too many unknown dangers in the universe, radiation, black holes, star exhaustion, etc., all of which can destroy the original light.

"Jerome, is our path wrong? The first light of the universe has long been annihilated in time, maybe our pursuit is just futile." More and more disappointed scientists began to waver, and gradually some people left this place. project.

50 years later, it is still the glass mountain of the year, but it is even more brilliant. Its computing power has increased by 10 times compared to the original one. Put it in the vast starry sky, but it is also a drop in the ocean, not worth mentioning.

The huge scientific research team has almost gone. The once bustling research base is now guarded by only a dozen old Atlantis with dim brilliance. people.

"Jerome, maybe we are going in the wrong direction. After all, I was just talking about it at the beginning. Who would have thought that your action is so strong and you have attracted so much money. But now, we find that this project is There is no bottomless pit, and it is impossible to detect the depth." Even Jamie, who started the project, gave up in the end.

The brilliance of his body is dim, not as bright as before, and Jerome, who has entered a period of energy failure, still has the fanaticism in his eyes. He said to this old man who has been with him for 50 years: "I have not found any other way to explore the truth. Chances are, at least if this project is successful, it will indeed witness what is at the end of time."

Over the years, the Kingdom of Light and the Atlantic Federation have also lost interest in this staggeringly expensive project. If it were not for the research and greatly improved computer technology, this project would have been stopped a long time ago. Even so, the current funding has long been the original one ten-thousandth of.

But Jerome still insisted, sitting in front of the optical computer and staring at the blue data on the screen day after day.

"This has become his long-cherished wish. It is estimated that the university student wants to die in his post."

The colleagues lamented that this celestial prodigy could have made greater contributions and invented more shocking inventions that changed the world, but he plunged headlong into the black hole in the starry sky and couldn't pull it out.

And sometimes miracles happen in every casual daily life of yours. When Jerome sat in front of the optical computer tiredly one night, the screen of the optical computer that had been working for 50 years suddenly flashed dense numbers. At the same time, a system sound spread throughout the research base:

"Tick tock, I observed a ray of light from 50 light-years away, which carries far more information than others, and the optical brain applies for full power permission."

In order to avoid consumption, in addition to the necessary functions, in most cases, the optical brain only uses one percent of the functions to meet the needs.

The drowsy crowd suddenly trembled, and Jerome shouted excitedly: "Pass!"


In an instant, the entire Glass Mountain was brightened up, the stars were dotted with incomparable brilliance, no less than the starry sky above, this was a man-made miracle, the dawn of civilization.

"This group of mad scientists has started again." The army soldiers stationed outside the base shook their heads, on average, once a year.

In the base, the optical brain is running at full capacity, and blue numbers are drawn across, forming a series of cosmic wonders. Even the scientific researchers who were in charge of other places ran over excitedly and looked at the big screen.

The light from the big screen reflected and projected directly into the room in 3D. Everyone seemed to have traveled through time and space at this moment. They stood in the starry sky and saw that time was going back and Gaia was reversing.

"This is an inexplicable disaster that destroyed the third era!" Suddenly, a scientist was agitated and couldn't help expressing his consciousness.

Because no words were written on the sacred stele of knowledge when the third era was destroyed, the Atlanteans could only guess what happened that year based on the remnants. With research, they found that the disaster a million years ago was not limited to Not Gaia, but the entire universe, otherwise the alien civilization would not have been wiped out.

The people of Atlantis named the third disaster: rushing to the research base in an emergency. Unexpectedly, there has been no progress for so many years, and everyone else is desperate. At this time, there is a huge breakthrough.

In the base, the starry sky descended, and the Atlanteans came here one after another to immerse themselves in the light of history. Time is still going back. They saw the prosperity, growth, and birth of the plant civilization in the third era. Afterwards, the 3D projected image was unstable for a while, and everyone knew that a key historical node had come again, the terrifying Second Era catastrophe.

Every catastrophe will cause the optical brain data to jump rapidly. Now that the research base equipment has been overloaded, I am afraid that this opportunity will be lost, and the original light will disappear without a trace.

"Sure enough, the second era was destroyed by myself. I didn't expect that the last person who recorded history turned out to be an immortal god."

Jerome saw the last jellyfish walking alone in the barren land, leaving words on the sacred tablet of knowledge and falling.

At this time, the door was bustling with people, the alloy door suddenly opened, and the optical brain issued an automatic welcome system sound:

"Welcome, Your Majesty Rudolph, King of Light. Welcome, Confederate Consul Ian."

The two who came hand in hand looked at the projected screen without bothering to say hello. At this time, as the two walked in, the mysterious First Era unfolded in front of their eyes. There are too many disasters, and the people of Atlantis are the least familiar with the Ivan civilization.

The basic information comes from the Stele of Knowledge. Before that, they didn't even know about the special abilities of the First Era.

Fragments of time are flying, and historical scenes are flying past everyone's eyes. Although they are not tall, the Ai Fans with third eyes each have superpowers, such as simple physical enhancement, attack, and various dazzling abilities. Attribute talent, and even a rule-based ability that is directly close to the law.

The splendor of Ivan's civilization dazzled the Atlanteans, which was much more complicated than their abilities.In particular, God Ai Fan, who was formed by gathering the whole clan, made King Guang and the consul feel deeply threatened.

"I didn't expect Prince Louis to cause the catastrophe in the end. No wonder he recorded himself as a sinner of Ivan's civilization on the sacred monument."

"Two moons sharing the same sky, it really is a crisis of destroying the world. No wonder the awe of the moon has been engraved deep in the genes of the Gaia people. Do you also think that Aifan people are a bit like a kind of mischievous animal now?" Some people think that Aifan people are inexplicable A little familiar, I think I have seen it somewhere in Gaia.

"Honey badger, could it be said that the honey badger is a descendant of the first era and has degenerated into what it is now?" Consul Ian said in surprise. In the future, he can consider treating the honey badger well and formulate the "First Era Descendants Protection Case".

"Just now the statue did come back to life. This is a great discovery! No wonder the statue has the meaning of immortality. It turned out that it was descended by the consciousness of the Creator God! It was he who attracted the double moon!" The scientist said excitedly, they I feel that it is not my own illusion, but that the statue has indeed changed.

"It's still not certain that we haven't seen His real body." Jerome upholds his usual serious attitude, and refuses to admit it when he doesn't see any definite evidence.

As Gaia's time faded, everyone's sights entered the sea of ​​stars, one by one ancient planets slowly rotated, stars were born and decayed and collapsed, turned into supergiant stars, and red giant stars exploded. Under the action of gravity, countless dust particles condense and new stars are born.

Week after week, week after week.

The consciousness of the people was constantly being brought in, and some elderly scientists couldn't stand the impact of so much information, so they hurriedly withdrew.However, people who obtained information from various channels outside kept coming. Everyone knew that a major event that would change the civilization of Atlantis might happen today.

Satellites, planets, stars, white holes, black holes, with the backtracking of this light, everyone's consciousness flew to the depths of the universe, and they discovered that there are often inexplicable ripples in the universe, and the ripples and tides that destroyed the third era were An unprecedented storm.

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