"I know how the last epoch was destroyed! It is this name that rewards his discoveries.

"The Trisolaran civilization of the previous generation has been destroyed, will there be new civilizations born in the universe? Will they attack us again?"

The consuls of Atlantis were worried and felt a sense of crisis. The more they researched, the more they became archaeologists.The more they felt the urgency, so both the Kingdom of Light on the earth and the Atlantic Federation in the sea vigorously developed technology and strengthened themselves.

They are inherently blessed. They only need sunlight to survive. It is convenient for both cultivation and research of foreign objects. They combine the advantages of the previous three generations of civilization, and they can also integrate with each other.

Because the soil material that is absolutely not found on Silk Gaia is found on the earth, the three-body alien civilization is definitely confirmed.Astronomy has been vigorously developed, and the Atlanteans themselves are sensitive to time. As soon as they developed, they reached the astronomical bottleneck of the Trisolarans.

"Why do the more I study this starry sky, the more I feel the vastness and emptiness. I always feel that many starlights are false and do not carry any information. Do they represent catastrophe? It should be a catastrophe caused by two moons and one sky, because Gaia has all There is a warning in the depths of the biological genes, the two moons share the sky, and the earth is stained with blood. The catastrophe of destruction and no survivors.

If the civilization is calculated according to the catastrophe of the beginning, 6000 million years ago, we should be the fourth era, the fourth solar era. 】

Botura was awarded the Holy Badge posthumously by the Kingdom of Light anyway, but Fox's previous one was not taken back.

The King of the Kingdom of Light said: "Whether it is Patula or Fox, they are all mistakes made by our Atlantis on the road of pursuing the truth. They are not right or wrong. We only need to remember the lesson, Don't make the same mistakes."

Generations of archaeological experts have been digging, and they have discovered that there are two sacred objects throughout the history of Gaia, one is a sacred tablet of knowledge engraved with truth, and the other is a white jade statue of the Creator.Era changes, time changes.What remains constant is the existence of these two sacred objects.

The people of light looked at the murals of divine inspiration unearthed from a thousand meters deep, and fell into deep doubts. They believed in nature and science, but why did prehistoric civilizations firmly believe that there is indeed a great and almighty creator of light in the world? Where is the god of the world?We must know that the development of prehistoric civilization is no worse than them.

"Maybe they are just looking for a spiritual sustenance." The man with light guessed.

"No, if it is really just looking for spiritual sustenance, everyone should not firmly believe in the existence of God, and they should also split into different beliefs. The fact is that no matter whether it is the second or third era, they only believe in one true god, they should Having seen real miracles, I am sure there is such a great Creator.”

"Could it be that they study science and anthropomorphize "God's First Drive"?"

"There are so many speculations, you just need to find the holy objects. According to the ruins, they are blessed by Gaia. No matter what disasters destroy the world, they can't be destroyed, they can only be covered up. Maybe they are quietly somewhere in Gaia now. Where is the buried, waiting for us to dig."

So the vigorous search for the holy relic began. The Kingdom of Light and the Atlantic Federation all invested a lot of money in excavation, because although they belonged to the same race, they continued to compete with each other and did not agree with each other's ideas. In recent years, the contradictions have become more and more serious. Now everyone wants to be the first to obtain the Gaia relic, and then admit that they are the most orthodox civilization heirs.

The Atlantic Federation invented the light film technology, which can isolate sea water. With this, the sea city is isolated from the world like a dragon palace. It can also develop technology, but can enter and exit at any time.

Because the Atlantic Federation occupies more territory in Gaia, the excavation of the Kingdom of Light is even more frantic. They follow countless clues and continue to unravel cocoons in the maze of history, trying to find traces of holy objects.

The cataclysm of annihilation destroyed too many traces. When the people of the Atlantic Federation borrowed equipment from a trench to fish out an ancient temple from the first era, they were excited and excited, because the name of this temple is: Saint Tarot is said to be the place where sacred objects are preserved.

However, the dust of history has faded away, and people in the deep sea feel that they have nothing and nothing.


A one-meter-long slender sea fish wandered among the ruins of the temple, adding to the desolation in the hearts of the federal experts.

"Haha, the big idiot of the Federation, the holy relics have long been migrated to the ancient refuge after disaster after disaster." People from the Kingdom of Light laughed, and they found traces of the ancient refuge.

The people of the Kingdom of Light drove thousands of light giants to dig the earth, and then piled the excavated soil into the offshore area, reclaimed the sea and built land, and continued to dig deep into the earth. When the rusty and dilapidated shelter was excavated when coming out.

The light people were excited, but soon, they were like the federal people, their light bodies were dim and sluggish, and some people's minds were so turbulent that they couldn't maintain their bodies, and they were about to die in a rainbow after a burst of brilliance.

"Hey, give up, there are too many mysteries in history, too many traces have been destroyed by disasters one after another, we still focus on astronomy or weapons."

Both the empire and the federation gave up. After investing so much, all they got was ruins and blows.

However, just when everyone gave up, a ray of sunlight bloomed in a deep mountain and old forest. The people living nearby were curious and searched along the dawn. Someone found a statue buried in the ground, and the dawn was the sun shining on the head of the statue. Reflected!

The warriors from the Kingdom of Light rushed over. When they dug it out, everyone was shocked and tears filled their eyes. What appeared in front of them was a ten-meter white jade statue that was exactly the same as in the ancient ruins, and a statue engraved with characters from different eras. But it is a monument of knowledge that all psychics can recognize.


Before the soldiers of the Kingdom of Light were excited enough, there were energy cannons and laser cannons bombarding them in the distance. Anyway, the sacred objects were not destroyed. The soldiers of the country obviously did not expect such a terrible sneak attack. They thought it was just an ordinary excavation of the ruins, but unexpectedly two sacred objects were born.

The Kingdom of Light's troops were completely annihilated, and the two sacred objects were taken away by the secret forces of the Atlantic Ocean.

After the news came, the Kingdom of Light was shocked, and the contemporary king declared directly to the angry people: "This is war! Take back the sacred objects that belong to us! Defeat these stubborn and shameless Atlantic scum!"


The whole Gaia is on fire, and the two factions that have been feuding for a long time, the Ocean, the Land, the Kingdom of Light and the Atlantic Federation officially started a super war.

Thousands of glorious giants condensed and galloped across the battlefield, huge laser cannons were lifted out, and there were even super artifacts similar to concave-convex mirrors, directly destroying and evaporating big cities.

Pyramids of light have risen in the ocean, and there are immortal pearls shining on the top of the pyramids. The power of them is not inferior to that of nuclear bombs, and they are also pollution-free.

Jiang Ping, who was watching the play, raised a black line and said with emotion: "War is always indispensable for the development of civilization. The war may be late, but it will never be absent."

As long as there are class distinctions, factions, and ideological disputes, as long as there is oppression, then there will be resistance, and then there will be wars!

Chapter 350 The Staff of Creation God

Gaia, which had just recovered a little vitality, ushered in a vigorous war again. The spiritual grass plants planted by the Atlanteans on the ground were destroyed in the aftermath of the war, and the clean air was polluted.


Blazing laser beams traverse the world like lightsabers, cutting and melting mountains and high walls as they pass along the way. You can see the great cities of the kingdom of light being cut, and the light people in them are screaming and being melted. Leave behind a crystal of light.

A group of pyramids as high as [-] meters in the distance is patrolling the air. This is the most terrifying fortress of war. It can be seen that the whole body of the pyramid of light is made of crystal, which is stable and beautiful. It can not only absorb solar energy, but also reflect and devour incoming rays Radiant energy, and can also gather energy on the pearl on the spire to counterattack.

The Atlantic Federation occupies the deep sea area, and there are a lot of treasures, so there are more pyramids, energy cannons, and concave-convex artifacts, but the Kingdom of Light is not easy to mess with. When the pyramids are killing all directions, some Federation soldiers look up in horror. , found that the sky darkened, and the incoming solar energy was cut off.

The sky was dark, and a black sky descended, "No, this is not the sky falling, but a giant war city!" The federal soldiers shouted in horror, holding light energy guns. They wanted to drop their weapons and run away. But it was too late.

The black sky reveals a shiny lens, and infinite light energy gathers in the center of the lens from all directions. People on the ground seem to see countless suns. The next moment, a vast sea of ​​light descends from the city of the sky, directly washing the surface of the earth. If it is burned by the sun, all resistance forces will disappear.


Pyramids are destroyed by the sky city high in the sky, which is like a dimensionality reduction attack. The pyramid can only rise to an altitude of a thousand meters, while the sky city directly rises to an altitude of 5 meters to intercept their energy source. A condescending blow.

"What's going on?! How did the people from the Kingdom of Light create such a terrifying sky city? How did they make it levitate?!" The commander-in-chief of the Federation was furious and asked the researchers.

A scientific research light man pushed the condenser on the glasses and guessed: "The kingdom of light should have developed centrifugal force, which can directly break away from the shackles of gravity, and they should not have risen to the limit.

This is the crushing of technology, the top priority, we can only retreat to the base camp first, otherwise we will be wiped out if we expose our whereabouts on the ground. "

"Can it still rise?! Why don't they fly to the sky and stand shoulder to shoulder with the great sun?"

After listening, the commanders yelled at each other, how can we fight?No matter how many pyramids you have, you can't attack other people's bases, but directly cut off the energy source.

"It's hard to occupy a lot of bases on the earth. I'm afraid it will be difficult to retreat now. It's just a city in the sky. Can we launch satellites in Haicheng to control the heights and let high-orbit satellites carry super artifacts?" .

Even just one blow is enough, as long as enough sunlight and energy are gathered, if the sniper attack on Sky City is successful, then everything will be worth it! "The commander-in-chief said unwillingly.

The scientists did not expect such a whimsical idea. They discussed urgently for a while, and finally said: "The Kingdom of Light is superior to us in astronomy. Even if we launch a thousand satellites to break through the encirclement, when we gather enough energy, we will be surrounded by them." They snipe."


The commanders sighed and had no choice but to order the withdrawal of troops and return to the sea area.The strength of the light in the sea has been weakened to the peak, and the federation has been operating for many years. If the city of sky really dares to break into it, there will be no return.

The great city in the sky is stationed with the most elite troops of the Kingdom of Light, equipped with the most advanced technological products of the empire. In the city is a 100-story building that does not reach the top. Although it looks like steel, it is actually made of steel. It is a special fiber material that is not only light but also strong.


In the center of Sky City, a huge group of light is sinking and floating, surrounded by dense mechanical creations.Sky City Lord has received the news of the Federation's withdrawal, which can be seen from high in the sky, densely packed underground, retreating to the sea like ants, surrounded by scattered pyramid escorts.

"This time we have the upper hand. If we don't destroy the Federation in one fell swoop, I'm afraid that the next time they create a super weapon in the depths of the sea, we will be the ones who will die next time." The combatants in the Sky City were discussing , the city lord thought the same, and he resolutely reported to King Guang.

The king of light on the ground listened and discussed with his ministers. In fact, the system of the kingdom of light is a constitutional monarchy. For a long time, the king has been a mascot. However, the people need a belief in the recent war. The contemporary light king Rudolf has only grasped part of the power, but even so he has to discuss with the ministers.

"Although the generals have good ideas, the sea is the stronghold of the Atlantic Federation. There must be countless explosives buried in it. Let alone a city in the sky, even if the whole country manufactures it, ten of them will be useless!"

The ministers spread their hands, no one wanted a fatal blow, but the opponent was not a fool.If the opponent is a fool, what are they who have been stalemate with them for so long?Idiot?

The King of Light pondered for a moment, then suddenly asked the chief researcher Jerome on the right, "Jerome, Sky City is an artifact that you took the lead in developing. Now that you are in such a predicament, do you have a solution?"

This great scientist is said to be rare in a thousand years, and he led the research team to break through many scientific research problems, and the city of the sky is his proud work.

Jerome is a typical scientist. He said directly: "What you are worried about is the many ambushes in the sea. You are worried that if we attack, we will not be able to get out. But why do we go in ourselves?"

The ministers looked at each other, "Do you mean to use nuclear bombs? But this is strictly prohibited. Once it is manufactured and released, it is like opening the cap of a volcano. Our people will oppose us, and our opponents will also create nuclear bombs to retaliate against us."

"No, the nuclear bomb is too low-level, and it is easy to be intercepted halfway. I recently conceived an orbital space-based weapon. In fact, it was originally matched with the city of the sky. In my imagination, the city of the sky rises above the orbit On top of that, carrying a space-based artifact and patrolling Gaia is like a god king riding a mount and patrolling his own country."

"Space-based artifact?" King Guang was curious, "Can it blast through the water surface of [-] meters? Will it be intercepted and detonated by the Federation's particle cannon in advance?"

"No, my lord, please believe me, this new type of artifact is quite different from others. In my vision, it is a purely physical attack, but it needs to burn a lot of light patterns on the surface. Its power will shock the Atlantic Ocean , and after the launch, it can reach the bottom of the sea in an instant, and the Federation cannot react or intercept it." Jerome said confidently.

The ministers feel that scientists are a bit scary, and they have conceived such a terrible artifact without knowing it, and everyone hurriedly asked the real name of this artifact.

Jerome replied: "【Creator Rod】"

Everyone was dumbfounded.


"Hateful kingdom of light! We also want to develop our own super artifact!"

In the [-]-meter-deep Poseidon Sea King City, the federal consul roared angrily. At this time, all the opportunities that had been won with great difficulty were all zombies, and the city in the sky was suspended above the head of the Atlantic Federation like a lightsaber. Officials have trouble sleeping and eating.

"How's the research on the two sacred objects? Is there any mystery beyond the era?" The consuls put their hopes on the sacred objects again, but the answers of the researchers disappointed them.

"Except for the historical information recorded above to fill in our confusion about the First Era, other knowledge is at most just for reference and has no practical use."

When the Atlantic consuls were meeting in Poseidon City, what they didn't know at this time was that the Sky City was slowly rising in an orbit 1000 kilometers above them.

Among them, elite soldiers in the city were nervously looking at the big screen, checking the parameters with the personnel on the ground.

"Target: King City of Poseidon, the proofreading is complete, and the inspection is complete." As this line of words flashed across the screen, the city lord waved his hand violently: "Throw down the [Creator's Staff]!"


Immediately, a super warhead was dropped from the city of the sky. The tip of the bullet was black and white. It was made of the latest researched alloy material fused with the crystal of light. The warhead contained a propulsion guidance system. winter!

"Ding ding ding!!!!"

In the royal city, the early warning system had automatically issued an early warning when the space-based artifact arrived in the near sky. The unprecedented rapid sound caused the city's light people to flee in a hurry, and at the same time, missiles and lasers automatically intercepted it.

"What? The Kingdom of Light is crazy? How dare you attack our Poseidon capital? Where did the attack come from?!"

The faces of the consuls changed drastically and they walked out of the meeting room. Suddenly they raised their heads as if they felt something. In an instant, the eyes of the consuls soared, and they said the last sentence in disbelief:

"Great Gaia, I'm returning to your arms."


The next moment, the sea roared, like a prehistoric super volcano erupting in the capital, and the destructive bomb that fell from the sky forcibly carved out a momentary air orbit in the sea. With it as the center, there seemed to be a super large vortex in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean. , Vigorously, devouring everything, destroying everything!

And this is just the aftermath. The moment the Poseidon capital, which was facing it directly, the energy of the mask was exhausted. When the staff of the Creator God touched the ground, the terrifying kinetic energy and potential energy completely exploded. In the depths, it was like a terrifying blow that opened up the world.


The capital of Poseidon, which has been passed down for thousands of years, was instantly torn apart, and the infinite fragments swept across every corner of the city. Tens of millions of light people were defeated by the invincible force before they could react, and even the essence crystals were crushed into ashes.

The entire Gaia felt as if it had been hammered, and its revolution and rotation stagnated. Such an earth-shattering change shocked every soldier and civilian in the Atlantic Federation. Soon they received the news of the destruction of the capital. At the same time, they patrolled violently. A shocking broadcast came from the city of the sky in the Atlantic Ocean:

"Warning to the Atlantic Federation, the attack just now was just a small test, if you don't surrender, the next attack will come, and it will be your hundred ancient cities that will be destroyed.

If you lay down your weapons, give up resistance, and walk out of the ocean with bare hands, then the Kingdom of Light will still be able to accept you.Let go of resistance, surrender! "

The sound of the radio spread to every depth of the sea along with the waves and ripples.But this time, the Kingdom of Light did not expect that the Atlantic Federation did not choose to surrender, but instead ignited their fighting spirit to resist.

The capital was destroyed, and tens of thousands of people died without a whole body, many of them were relatives and friends of the survivors of the Federation. The endless waves of the Atlantic Ocean could not wash away this hatred.

In the shortest period of time, ten days, the angry people in the Atlantic have developed their own ultimate artifact. He has a terrible name, and the Atlantic people compare it to the bright sky and the sun. This ultimate artifact is [ Sunglasses].

However, although the sunglasses are scary, it is not so easy to activate them. It needs to surface and aim directly at the target.

One angry Atlantic warrior volunteered, "I'll make up the head!"

"I'll make up the torso!"

"I come"

So a giant of light wearing a calculation helmet, with a height of a thousand meters, lifted the ultimate artifact and jumped out from the bottom of the sea. Teach the Atlantic Federation a lesson again.

"Die, you bastard of the Kingdom of Light!"

The light giant's helmet that jumped out of the sea flashed with light spots, which were all enemy troops. He raised the artifact on his shoulder and aimed directly at the sky city in the sky.


The next moment, a beam of eternal light suddenly shot out from the sea surface, and everything evaporated along the way. Half of the proud Sky City of the Kingdom of Light was destroyed, the suspension device was blasted to pieces, and the high towers in the city collapsed and fell to the ground. fall.

This is not over yet, when surrounded by the surrounding pyramids, this giant of light, condensed by thousands of dead soldiers, turned around directly regardless of the enemy's attack, and the destructive light of the sunglasses on his shoulders scanned the sea.


In an instant, the Atlantic Ocean was like fireworks, and hundreds of pyramids that had consumed countless manpower and material resources crashed.At the same time, being attacked by tens of thousands of laser beams fired by the pyramid before it died, the body of the Giant of Light collapsed and disappeared into countless light spots, and the sunglasses on his shoulders were caught by the Atlantic battleship that was guided below.

When the results of the battle came, the Kingdom of Light was shocked. This was an unprecedented loss. The Sky City and the Pyramids were built with national power for hundreds of years, but now they were destroyed!

"Hurry up! Create a new city in the sky at all costs! And make hundreds more [Creator Rods]! I want the Atlantic Federation to have no chance of fighting back!" King Guang was furious, and the ministers , The soldiers are also red-eyed.

On the other side of the sea, the Atlantic Federation is also making more sunglasses at high speed, and tens of thousands of pyramids rise from the sea and land on the shore, intending to encircle and suppress the Kingdom of Light.

The two camps of Atlantis finally fought to the point of red eyes!

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