"What are the reasons for these destructive fluctuations? If our Atlantean civilization encounters them, how can we predict and defend against them?"

Jerome, the King of Light and others felt deep sorrow, only felt that the universe had too many mysteries and dangers.The entire universe is chaotic and disorderly, and dangers cannot be predicted and defended against.

But at this time, as time travels, the optical brain has been overloaded to the point of buzzing, and strands of lightning flashes appear on the bright glass mountain. Scientist Jamie, who also rushed over, shouted: "No, the calculation is too much!" , the optical brain is about to burn out!"

"Leave him alone, this is our only chance to detect the truth of the universe! Keep running!" Jerome yelled.

But this is a creation of hundreds of billions of dollars, and there was a change in the maintenance personnel, but the King of Light and the federal consul raised their hands to stop it at the same time.

"According to the great scholars, the optical brain is destroyed and can be recreated, but when it returns to the singularity of the universe, it cannot be copied."

So in the crackling sound of the light brain, accompanied by the smell of burning, the light brain tried its best to analyze the light beam, and kept flying to the past. The silent starry sky was followed by ancient stars one by one.

"Hurry up, hurry up."

As the surrounding burnt smell became more and more intense, everyone became nervous.


Suddenly, endless strands of blazing holy light flashed on the huge screen of the light brain, and the Atlanteans with flying consciousness saw the end of time, the origin of the universe, and the center of the universe, dotted with stars, black holes, galaxies, and galaxies. An inconceivable God of Creation of Light is sitting cross-legged in the starry sky!

His immeasurable light is so radiant, illuminating the eternal night, there is no more radiant star in the universe than him.

At this moment, all the Atlanteans at the base were stunned, this was a supreme existence beyond their understanding.And as if noticing someone prying, the God of Creation in history suddenly raised his head, his eyes traveled through time and space, and saw them in the future flowing down the river of time!

"Tick tock." From the outside world, there was a sudden reminder from Genesis, Jiang Ping, who was taking a nap, thought that the small universe had returned.

What happened, unexpectedly, after a closer look, it was discovered that the Atlanteans found themselves following the light beam.

"What is this? Do you think the light is a telephone line?" Jiang Ping looked strange.

ps: A patch was added when the small universe was created, which is the following passage, and the chapters cannot be modified.At that time, the outline marked the foreshadowing, but I forgot it when I wrote it, which was even more painful.Look for the editor to ask for a modification permission, and then modify it.

[Chapter 317, the Creator God of Light who sits in the center of the nascent universe seems to have noticed something at this time, and suddenly raised his head, the eyes of creation traveled through time and saw a picture of a corner of the future, as if a group of light people walked along a time keep coming back?


The screen froze and then disappeared.Jiang Ping himself also found a vision, and he said to himself: "What was the picture just now? Why did I see the future generations in the universe. It seems that the intelligent civilization born in the small universe this time is very outstanding."

He shook his head, and didn't care about this little episode. Anyway, if someone from later generations really came to him, they would naturally meet when the time came. 】

Chapter 353 Dialogue with God: The Ultimate Question of the Universe

The galaxy rotates like a silver disk, and the ancient stars are dotted in the starry sky like diamonds. This is the rising universe, lonely and lonely. This is also the end and origin of time. But what do the Atlanteans who are looking back at the time now see?

It turned out to be an immeasurable God of Light who was light-years tall and light-years wide. His body was so vast that the entire universe couldn't hold it. If he got up, he would transcend the universe and go away.

To him, the universe is just a small pond, which cannot accommodate his body.

"Is this the real body of the God of Creation of Light? He really exists, and our universe was created by him!" Scientist Jamie was shocked, and the others were also shocked beyond words.

This is a great discovery that changed the entire civilization. The universe was created by God, and there was an immortal existence overlooking the ages that created all of this.This subverts the cognition of the people of Atlantis!

"Hey, look, has He found us? Look at us!" Suddenly, the federal consul shouted without grace.

Others looked anxiously, and found that the infinite light god seemed to have really turned his head, and the eyes of the stars, which were brighter and vaster than supergiant stars, looked at them.

"Wrong, illusion! This is just a historical picture, tens of billions of years ago. We are like watching a tape or portrait hundreds of millions of years ago. How could the people in the tape find us? ?" King Guang took a deep breath, feeling that he and others were shaken by seeing too many shocking pictures.

"No, He really found us!"

Suddenly, the scholar of Jerome University solemnly said, "This is a supreme existence beyond our understanding. Who can guess how many incredible divine powers He has? If it is really omnipotent and omniscient? Naturally, it was predicted hundreds of millions of years ago. Our arrival."

It is the most stupid thing to use one's own common sense to judge the existence beyond one's understanding.The next moment, the lips of the Creator of Light moved slightly, completely confirming Jerome's guess.

"Little guys from later generations, why are you here?"

Hearing the inquiry from the Chuangshi God, many people with poor psychological quality fainted to the ground immediately in the base. This is the supreme existence that created the time and space of the universe, and he actually communicated with them at this time!

Jerome's conscious body was like a breeze, and he felt uneasy for a while. He forcibly rotated the crystals in his body and stabilized his mind before he said tremblingly: "I, we are Atlantis of the fourth era of Gaia in the solar system. Sri Lankan, we originate from the light, traced back to the original light and saw you.

It turns out that this universe was really created by you. I dare to ask, if we ordinary creatures continue to evolve, can they be as strong as you? "

The words are amazing, Jerome is really a mad scientist, he dared to ask such disrespectful and blasphemy words, other people changed their expressions, if one is not good, and angered the Creator God, the lesson of the first era is still vivid eye!This Supreme True God sometimes doesn't mind raising his foot to kill an ant.

But without such courage, Jerome would not have created such a feat, proving the existence of God and communicating with the Creator God.

The eyes of the God of Creation of Light are vast and ancient, and everyone doubts whether he is human, or whether he is a ruthless god who follows a fixed procedure.

Facing Jerome's ultimate question, the God of Creation said indifferently: "As long as you can study the ultimate problem of the universe and understand the truth of the world, then you will be able to transcend this piece of time and space and reach a higher dimension."

The Chuangshi God actually affirmed that as long as he continues to evolve, he will be able to transcend the universe and become a high-dimensional life!

The shortness of breath of all light people is the truth spoken by the true God. This will surely make all Atlanteans in the future generations rush forward to the road of evolution without regret until death.

"What is the ultimate question of the universe? What is the truth of the world?" Jerome asked nervously.

"The question is very simple, but it is also difficult to solve. How big is this universe?" At this time, everyone felt a little illusion, as if the God of Creation was smiling when he said this sentence.

"How big is the universe? Is this the ultimate question?"

Jerome murmured unconfidently, and before he wanted to continue asking, Chuangshi Shen swept his eyes, and finally said:

"Time and space are reversed, and cause and effect are reversed. Being able to come here, the end of time, and the origin of the universe, is also an incredible miracle created by you. Little guys, in order to reward you, when you find the answer to this question, you can borrow God statues Pray and let me know that I will come.

Remember you only get one chance, don't make a mistake. "

After finishing speaking, the eyes of creation swept across like the bright sun and the moon, and the people of Atlantis only felt that the long river of time was flowing rapidly. Their consciousness surpassed the speed of light and returned to the time and space where they should exist. Stars hit like meteors, and countless rays of light shot from the center of the universe to all directions.

And their consciousness returned to their familiar home planet along with one of them.


Suddenly, the people of Atlantis sensed the familiar base, and they heard crackling noises around them, the great glass mountain light brain, each of the fine nano parts has been burnt into coke, and wisps of blue smoke drifted from the light mountain out.

This optical brain, which consumed countless manpower and material resources and was horribly expensive, completed its mission and was officially scrapped.Faced with a super loss of hundreds of billions, no one cared about it. Their consciousness was chaotic and their eyes were broken. In a short period of time, their small brains and small crystals could not handle such a huge and huge historical information.

More because of the chaos of time and space, and the reversal of cause and effect, there is a sense of soul discomfort similar to car sickness and seasickness.Immediately, many people vomited with their body energy collapsing, and at this time, there were still many people on the ground who fainted due to fright.

"Quick! Hurry up and record the last video data of the optical brain. This is the greatest wealth of our Atlantis! We can use this to become a god-level civilization!" Rudolph, the king of light who recovered from God, immediately waved his hand and asked the researchers to extract Optical brain information is transferred to other places for storage.


The researchers hurriedly manipulated the keyboard to extract information about the universe.

However, with the extraction of the blue data flow, everyone can find that other things are fine, even a catastrophe can be preserved, but as long as the inconceivable infinite light god is involved, then the data flow is like being cut off , and seemed to be invaded by a virus, frantically disappearing and jumping, reflected in the entity that cannot record videos or screenshots about him.

"God must not be blasphemed, must not be recorded?"

The King of Light and the consuls said to themselves, today is destined to be recorded in the annals of history. The super project of "Shuttle to the End of Time" was perfectly successful. The existence of the God of Creation of Light was confirmed. What's more, the Atlanteans communicated with the Creator God and found a way forward!They saw the dawn of the end of evolution!

"The truth of the world? Why is it included in the ultimate question of how big the universe is."

At the moment when others were excited, Jerome's eyes were dazed, his consciousness jumped out of Gaia, and along with time after time, he went to the edge of the universe at the speed of light, explored the scope of the universe, and found the ultimate answer left by the Creator God.

"Sigh, I didn't expect to solve one problem, but a bigger problem came up." Although Jerome sighed, his eyes were as hot as burning flames. He knew that he had pursuits for the rest of his life. This is civilized. Ultimate question.

The next day, when news of the research base spread, the entire Gaia was shocked!

All the media news, the 3D projections above the street, are broadcasting the project about "Shuttle to the End of Time", as well as the intercepted historical pictures, among which the archaeologists were excited and shouted:

"The historical mystery that has plagued me for a long time has been solved. The ecological society of the first era was originally like this, and it was finally destroyed in the virtual universe. We need to formulate the "Virtual Law"! And the honey badger is indeed a descendant of the overlord of the first era. We should Give them respect and enact the Honey Badger Protection Act!"

However, the upper elite paid attention to the segment of the conversation with the God of Creation, which was a video interviewed by the TV media with people at that time.

In the projection, the beautiful and bright female Atlantean asked: "Mr. Jamie, please explain to us again about the existence of God. Based on your judgment, is He ruthless, rational like a mechanical stone? Emotions, or does he have a biological humanity?"

Jamie on the opposite side pondered for a while and said: "God cannot be guessed, but science is the pursuit of truth. So I boldly guess that since the great Creator God said that we can transcend the universe as long as we find the answer to the ultimate question, Evolved into higher dimensional life forms.

So is it possible that He also evolved step by step from ordinary creatures?Although in this long evolutionary journey, humanity has been continuously deprived, but the most basic information of humanity should be preserved in the end. "

"It seems that in the future, we Atlanteans don't need to focus on civil wars, systems, etc. We just need to seek knowledge, seek the truth, and evolve ourselves." Some elites lamented that the guiding lights of the evolutionary road are important, Let the hearts of Atlanteans no longer be confused.

Dialogue with the God of Creation has far-reaching effects. At least everyone knows that God does exist, and is no longer a personification of natural phenomena, and the Supreme God himself said that all the way to evolution, then you can reach His the point.

Some people were also surprised to find that after the broadcast of the project "Shuttle to the End of Time", the religious power of Atlantis skyrocketed, and hundreds of millions of people poured into the church, believing in the true God, praying and worshiping.

"In order to reward us, the God of Creation once promised that we can use the idol to pray and summon Him once. This is the greatest adventure of our Atlantean civilization. It is the second and most likely the last dialogue with God! "

The King of Light and the Federation Council joined forces to build a brilliant Pyramid of Light in the center of Gaia, in which the most noble statues and holy monuments are preserved. The pyramid stands like a smooth iceberg in the ocean, and there is no soldier stationed in it. Instead, it is completely guarded by the guardian system, and the elite legion united by the Kingdom of Light and the Federation are stationed outside the Pyramid of Light.

However, this protection from the upper level ushered in the anger of the people who believed in the true God. They held up their flags and paraded in the city: "The sacred statue does not belong to anyone! He belongs to all Atlanteans! You can't despicably It is hidden, we need to meet the idol, we have to make a pilgrimage!"

There are more and more parades, and even the congressmen in one of the parties are dissatisfied. In the end, they can’t. In order to appease the vast majority of people who believe in the Church of God, the Pyramid of Light in the ocean regularly projects gods on holidays, because it is a 3D full projection. , The statue was magnified to be lifelike, and the people gave up.

During the festive season, thousands of Atlanteans kneel down on the coastline and bow to the statue of the true god above the ocean.This has become a unique landscape for Atlanteans.

"The truth of the world, how big is the universe?"

This ultimate question has been studied by countless Atlanteans. Jerome, the most intelligent man of this era, devoted himself to this great project with great enthusiasm. I really want to find out the truth of the matter.

"Jerome, please calm down first. As the saying goes, only a good mirror can reflect a more beautiful glow. This time, the optical brain was burned to communicate with God. We should first create a more advanced and developed new optical brain. In order to better detect the edge of the world." Light King Rudolph persuaded, and let Jerome lead the team to study the latest calculator.

When Jerome heard it, he felt that this was the reason.So the upper class fooled the college students for a lifetime, and was finally fooled into inventing the latest technology for the rest of his life.Because the upper class knows that this ultimate problem cannot be solved overnight, but needs to be passed down from generation to generation.

Instead of letting Jerome focus on the bottomless pit, it is better to use his warm-up to benefit the people.

200 years later, Jerome, who has reached the end of his life-extension methods, is lying on the bed in phantom. At this time, he has entered the end of his life. On his sickbed, he sighed:

"It stands to reason that I should live for 1000 years, but now I have only lived half of it, and my energy has collapsed and I can't maintain my body. I think this should be related to the reason why I use too much crystallized brain, which is overloaded all the year round and dragged down. Crystals in my body.

My most proud achievement in this life is to prove the existence of God and have a dialogue with God.The most regrettable thing is not being able to answer the ultimate answer.Rudolph, I fuck ap¥, I fooled you all my life, but I didn't expect to fall into your hands in the end, and I was fooled into working for you for the rest of my life! "

These are the last words left by Jerome, swear words, after he finished speaking, his body collapsed, turning into countless light spots and returning to Gaia, an unusually beautiful long rainbow pierced the sky, reaching the edge of the universe that he dreamed of in his heart.

According to his last words, Jerome's crystallization was used for research, because he had made many contributions before him, improving the performance of the optical brain step by step, step by step miniaturization, and has entered the homes of ordinary people.

Before he died, he pointed out the direction of the future: "Our future path must be related to the optical brain, because this universe requires computing power.

The third eye of the Ivan civilization in the first era gave me a lot of inspiration. After dissecting the body structure of honey badgers, we found that the pineal gland in the center of their brows is particularly powerful.

The final evolution direction of the optical brain is no longer a pure foreign object, but a chip embedded in our eyebrows, united with our crystallization, if this step is really achieved, then our Atlantis People have reached the real god-level civilization, no one dies of old age, and everyone lives forever. "

"Pocket optical brain? The optical brain processor between the eyebrows, Jerome is indeed a genius. In the history of the earth, there is no shortage of such talents who can fly the entire era by themselves, such as Newton and Einstein. Stan and others." Jiang Ping, who was looking at the glass tank, nodded and commented.

He stretched out his finger and knocked on the glass tank, causing Xiao Jin and Xiao Bai to jump out of the water unhappily. Seeing this, Jiang Ping smiled and said, "You two terrifying world-destroying beasts still want to turn the world upside down? This time, Art The Lantis people have great potential, I won’t let you do whatever you want, be careful they have found the answer to the ultimate question, jump out and fry you, the two biggest behind-the-scenes masters in the universe.”

Chapter 354

"Optical brain? It is more advanced than the quantum computer created by the Trisolaran civilization in the last era, and it has begun to be miniaturized and civilianized. This basically meets the companion intelligence I wanted when I first created the universe, and it is convenient enough." It is concealed enough, but the optical brain has not yet reached its peak, and it will take a while."

Jiang Ping bent down and carefully looked at the crystallization of the wisdom of the Atlanteans. Now the optical brain has been miniaturized to the size of a notebook, and the interior is as bright as an iceberg. If you look at it often, you may mistake the optical brain for a beautiful handicraft. , but after being magnified ten thousand times, it is like a human electronic hardware circuit.

The interior of the optical brain is densely packed, layered upon layer, covered with orderly nanoprisms, and strands of photons among them are like lively bear children, scurrying around, how fast is the speed of light?The computing power of the natural optical brain is far superior to others.

"The development of science is a unity of gradualness and leaps. Now Atlantis has encountered a problem and bottleneck again. I don't know how long it will be troubled. But this time they witnessed the miracle with their own eyes. There is a light of evolution ahead. They should I will not repeat the mistakes of the Ivans."

Seeing that the research on the Atlanteans had reached a stalemate again, Jiang Ping began to look away. He just needed to be careful not to let the two biggest black hands in prehistoric times mess up the situation, and then everything would go in a good direction.

Jiang Ping has high expectations for the Atlantis civilization, which gathers the essence of the previous three major civilizations this time, otherwise he would not ask the ultimate question and give them a chance to summon himself to confirm the answer.

"If they can observe from low-dimensional to high-dimensional, determine how big the universe they are in. That would be a big step for me to create the world."

"Tick tock."

Looking back at the forum after a long absence, Jiang Ping found that there was only one person on the forum urging the third game, and now another person has been added, that is Fenglongshen.

"Boss! How's Gaia? It won't explode, right? What happened to the disaster that year? No, this universe is destined to be dangerous and disorderly. Such a game world is too dangerous."

Fenglongshen and White-haired chief have already added friends, paddling on the forum day and night to show their presence, just because they are afraid that the nobles will forget things and the producers will forget.

"The plots of Honghuang and Hill are both very hot, what is the inside of this third game, still holding the pipa and half covering the face, which makes us itchy. It would be okay if we didn't know it at the beginning, but now we know a place that is at the same height as our earth. Similar universes and planets exist, all of us are more interested in him than the other two games, but the producer is not online.


The crowd was excited, and Jiang Ping was not a devil, he deliberately tantalized people. The problem was that every time the civilization had not reached its peak, there was an unexpected change, and finally catastrophe came, and the era ended.

But now that the civilization of Atlantis is developing well, seeing that the whole race is full of vigor for evolution, why should I look for a shit-stirring stick?If one is not good, they will lead the entire civilization in a wrong direction, wouldn't it be in vain to let them evolve in the wrong direction?

After thinking for a while, Jiang Ping still issued an announcement to let everyone stay calm.

"Thank you for your support to Chuangshi. The third game is currently under development. Regarding the recent feedback, the producer has also received it. Don't be impatient, everyone. Delicious food always needs careful production. Soon the game will be launched when it matures. , next time, next time for sure."


After reading the top announcement, there are only a few pigeons flying in everyone's mind.

"It's over. Looking at this announcement, I don't know when the legendary "Heaven and Myriad Worlds: Small Universe" will be launched again. Maybe when the game world enters the end of the year, it will still disappear. Throughout history, how many masterpieces have been aborted .”

"My white-haired people are still waiting for me to save, your African chief is back! I will lead Brother Pingtou to stand on the Gaia food chain again!" The white-haired chief still misses his own ethnic group.

"Hey, you're okay. After several catastrophes in the era, Brother Pingtou has been surviving in Gaia. I don't know what kind of inexplicable disaster I encountered, and somehow brought the Trisolaran civilization to annihilation. Not a single sapling is left, I guess I will Going online, I can only see that the distant relatives of the ancient Mulia tree are still alive in Gaia. It’s true that a phoenix that landed is not as good as a chicken.”

Fenglongshen said with emotion that the birth of civilization comes from accident, and the destruction also comes from accident. A civilization that can evolve all the way to the peak and avoid many dangers must be extremely rare and cannot be copied.

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